College-age Siestas, the Passion 2010 Live Link is tonight at 8:30 (EDT). Check it out at All you need is an internet connection and a computer or iPhone and you can link up with Louie Giglio and the Passion folks in Atlanta. Beth is going to be at Passion this January and we hope you will join us! I went to several Passion events when I was in college and they were life changing. Don’t let this pass you by.
Okay, back to Debra’s post!
Putting it on my calendar… NOW! So, so, so excited!
that so cool! Well, I'm a recent college graduate, but its definately something I'm now looking forward to.
I'm going… for the first time! Yay!
please pray for the bozo people of molly and Hannah (missionary to the bozo people) as she just lost her mom today.
My husband and I lead the college ministry at our church and love Passion!
Aww I missed this!!! I have been wanting to go to the Passion Conference for two years now…but I just haven't had the money to make it each time….this college girl is beyond broke. I think by the time I have the money I'll be too "old" to attend. Ha!
I did get the chance to meet Louie and Chris while I was interning with the Gospel Music Channel this year! God has done a huge work in me through both of their music and videos. What a blessing they have been to my walk with my Jesus! LOVE them!
i want to go!!! i really hope i can work it out!
The Live Link was awesome and I am anxious with anticipation for January! Love you guys! Thanks for posting the reminder!
Yes! I am so there! Passion 07 actually eternally changed my life. It was the year that Loui used the plant as an illustration of the purpose of the life and death or Christ…and as a daughter of a baptist minister, I met Jesus face to face for the first time that night as a 22 year old college student. My only regret is that I never attended an event sooner! Can't wait..see ya'll there!!
I have had my ticket since January! I can't wait!!!!
Shawn, Georgia
(I've been reading this blog for over a year but this my first time commenting and I am strangely nervous! lol)
I was invited to go to Passion just a few days before this post. I was mulling it over because it is a pretty long drive for me (I'm from the North…I've learned so much about Texas from this blog, "y'all." Haha.) But I just don't think it's any coincidence that this was posted a few days after the invite…Now, I am for sure going! I am so excited (and still a little nervous about commenting)!!!
God is so good!!!!
Bringing a group of young adults who have never been exposed to anything like Passion. Several are new Christians, several have been Christians so long they have lost their first love. I can hardly wait to see what God has in store.
I so wish we could have a University of Siesta-ville gathering in Atlanta. How fun would that be?
Ahhh…Passion memories! The one in 2000 I missed bc I was expecting any day so my hubs took a big college group without me! I was so sad.
Then, I went VERY pregnant with my husband to One Day 03 in Sherman Tx. It was a hot one!
It was also the very first time I heard Bethie in person…Wow! I still remember her talking about the lie in our right hand. SO powerful! Also, i remember the presence of the Lord falling so thick when Christy Nockels sang, "Knees to the Earth." Amazing!
My daughter went to a Passion event over 10 years ago. She and her friends came home to tell us that a woman named Beth Moore had prayed over them in their car. They later heard Beth as a speaker…What an impact Passion was on their lives – My prayer is for Passion to continue to impact the lives of college students
I attended Passion City Church last night in Atlanta–my first-ever Passion experience. Now I see what my boys are talking about. Louie brings it!!
I love the idea of a "University of Siesta-ville" gathering in Atlanta! :)Whats a possible way we could do that?
Im so excited- cant wait to hear Beth Moore…and quite excited about Hillsong United!! ๐
Anyone happen to know of a church or something in the area who might be able to house a few people? Melissa, didnt know if you would know. It would be easier on our pockets to sleep on a church floor than pay for hotel ha. ๐
Good Morning Amanda!
It's a privilege to lift your prayer requests up to our Heavenly Father! Love and blessings to you all!
Doswell, VA
Got your back Amanda will defintley be in prayer have been praying for your mom since yesterday for strength and stamina for her . I will also pray for Jackson and little seista and for you and Curtis for your time alone have a good trip and pray that your flights will arrive on time. Blessing s to you and your family this New Year we've missed you on the blog enjoy passion 2010.
Love seista CAROL
How exciting!! I'm so happy Beth is feeling well enough to attend and teach. God is so good!!!
Have a Blessed time in the LORD,
Dawn in MO
I am praying!
Well 8 degrees is too cold here, so I know you must be FREEZING!
Thank-you for letting us know how to specifically pray for you and the family.
I'm sure you will come away from Passion 2010 with renewed faith and resolve to keep Christ at the center of all you do and say.
Blessings to all of you!
Sheridan WY
I just offered up your prayer requests- love to all of you and appreciation for your ministry in Atlanta- have fun with you man. An Aunt Siesta in Austin
Amanda – I have some sweet young friends that will be at Passion. One is a precious young college student named Ashley, she is beautiful inside and out. When she and I met, I saw she was wearing a blue bracelet. I asked her if she was "Believing God?" Yes! She and some of the other cheerleaders from the squad at UGA were doing the study. (Ashley is the squad's Captain.) I was so blessed by her, and we had our own God S.T.O.P. moment when she told me they couldn't afford the DVD's, they were just listening to the CD's. The Holy Spirit prompted me to loan her the Believing God DVD's from my church library, and a friendship was formed that day.
She is coming to Passion for the first time and she is so excited about hearing your Mom.
Three young guys from my church are also coming – and they are so excited about hearing "Mrs. Beth." One of them is studying to be a Pastor. They are great young men.
My youngest son LOVED Passion the years he attended, and I know God used it greatly in His life.
I am praying today for your Mom to have extra energy to accomplish what God will use her to do. Bless her Lord.
Happy New Year to you – enjoy this time with your man. It is a priority and I am glad you have this break with him.
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Jan
lifting you all in prayer…..
God Bless ……
Happy New Year Amanda & Curtis! Have a safe and restful trip to Atlanta. I'm sure that everyone attending this conference will receive blessings based on their needs.
Jackson & Annabeth will have a great time with their grandparents! Don't worry about them-enjoy your time together!
You'll all be in my prayers!
Praying right now.
A college friend of mine is attending Passion 2010.
I told her one day last week that I didn't know if Beth Moore was going to be there since she'd just had surgery. She'll be surprised and happy that she did indeed make it.
I'll be praying for all of these specific requests.
Glad you and Curtis are getting away together.
Happy New Year! (see you all in a few weeks in Houston!)
Praying already!! Enjoy every minute!
YAY! I'll admit, after having been there in the grass at the "original" OneDay gathering in 2000, I do tear up every time I read Isaiah 26:8…I can't help but hear your mom's voice resonating in my my head and heart as she declares: "If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, who could stand? But with You, there is forgiveness….I wait for the Lord, my soul waits….more than watchmen wait for the morning…!" And remembering that pile of college-aged bodies that hurled themselves at the foot of that massive cross there on Shelby Farms–bodies that were connected to souls saying, "Yes, Lord–"
Of course, God has done many, many things in my life since that day, and I am so grateful….but that day–that huge "One"day was monumental in my heart and in my walk with Christ!
And, I can't help but be a tad jealous that you guys are up there helping fan the flame in Hotlanta ten years later! How exciting! Blessing on you guys…on Louie and team…on you and Curtis…on your darling mama and awesome dad…! Jesus, be magnified!
I'm praying!
Happy New Year Amanda! I am praying for your requests. Have a blessed time, Siesta.
Phil 4:8
So good to hear from you Amanda!
I pray that the Lord would move over this weekend and hearts would be open to what He has to say. I also pray that the Lord would provide Beth stregnth, peace, endurance and focus as she teaches.
Can't wait to hear how it goes. Have a great weekend!
Nashville, TN
Praying for all you requests…and more!
Blessings to you all,
Praying travel mercies all around and stamina for Mama Beth. Enjoy your alone time alone Amanda and Curtis! I know all attending will be blessed.
Blessed 2010 to you too!
Springfield MO is home to me….
Will offer up prayers for you all during this time of travel and getting back into the 'swing of things' (so to speak) after all you all have been through. Enjoy Passion! Enjoy your time together!
When you get back to Springfield, eat at Ziggy's for me ๐
Happy to pray for you all! Shelly wrote me about passion 10' and she is excited!! I am excited for everyone attending!
May God's favor be with you so your flights will be on time and may God fill your mom with His power as she speaks and give her the energy and protection in her body!!
Have a wonderful time with your man this week and I am sure Jackson and Annabeth will have a blast with their grandparents. :))
Happy 2010 Amanda!!
Standing in agreement with you all in prayer. Most especially for God's supernatural grace and stength to uphold your precious Mom. This is quite an undertaking so near her recovery from surgery, but leave it to our Siesta Momma to believe and cleave and trust in Supernatural power from above. May this conference exceed all your expectations and may all attending "catch the vision" of living for God's glory and renown to be known to this present generation. Have an awesome "alone time" with your man. What terrific Grandparents, and you know they are lovin' every minute of being with their little treasures for the next few days.
Lovingly in Him,
Pam H.
Buena Park, CA
My husband is on his way to Atlanta with a load of college students from our church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. So wish I could have gone! I will be praying for your family as I pray for my husband, our college kids and the event itself. Going to be life changing I know!
I am joining the forces in praying for you all!
May God be glorified!
Memphis, TN
Good to hear from you! God bless your trip. Praying for all today.
Mary H. in Ardmore, AL
Can't wait to hear how it goes. Be blessed.
My husband is at Passion2010 with 10 of the college students he works with as campus minister at Lock Haven University in PA. So glad to hear that you all will be there! May God be glorified and lives be changed!!
Hi Amanda,
I was just wondering if you guys were going to be doing the memory verse scripture team again. I would really like to join.
YAY! our older son and daughter and the precious ones they're in courtship with are attending PASSION – our son will be the one with the camera backstage interviewing the music guests for his weekly youtube cast LAME. (as if you'll know him – haha). Praying for an in your face, knee-buckling, can't hardly breathe,never the same, love encounter with the Almighty!
fleming island, fl
My husband is on the way to Atalnta right now with a group from our church! I have been and will remain in prayer for the event. I wish I could come so badly, but I am a public school teacher and classes begin on Monday. I'm glad Beth feels well enough to be there – I've been praying specifically for her health. I BELIEVE that God will work in the hearts of every person there.
Oh how I wish I was 18-25! : )
I have had this conference on my heart for sometime!
Will be praying! Soak it all in!
Can't wait to hear!
I would love more information on this conference. Is there a website?
Enjoy your grown-up time together and I will cover you all in prayer. There is a bunch of lucky people in Alanta to have the Moores in town teaching about God's love.
I am praying for Beth to have supernatural physical strength from above. I know that God will speak His words through her. I am praying that God will use Curtis to minister to the spiritual needs of his students. God's richest blessings on you and your entire family.
I live in Lake Charles, LA and I love reading your blog.
Hey Amanda,
The first time I ever heard your mom speak was at a Breakout Session at Passion 2006 when I was 18 years old.
She spoke for an hour and a half, and I have never been more stunned in my life. It felt like 5 seconds.
She was the first person in my life to speak about all the major issues that I was dealing with–it was like someone opened the door and just let freedom flow into my life. I learned that day what it meant for a Christian speaker to speak the TRUTH.
Four years later, she continues to be the greatest spiritual mentor I have.
I went to Passion twice as a college student and I wish all the time that my current schedule would permit me to return.
I will pray for your trip and that Beth will open the door to another unsuspecting girl like me. ๐