
I was in college when the Living Proof Live events began. I was kind of in a bubble during those years and didn’t quite grasp how the ministry was growing. One of the first events I attended was in Memphis in June of 2001. At that time I was newly engaged to Curtis and had just finished my junior year at Texas A&M. The event was in the Pyramid Arena and Kathy Troccoli was the special musical guest. Mom still remembers what she spoke about that weekend. The theme was “What if we let Him get to our hearts?” I could hardly wrap my mind around how many people came to hear my sweet little mama and I’m sure I was bug-eyed through the whole thing.

Melissa and I were both supposed to be there that weekend, but she never made it. For some reason she was going to have to leave later than us and she ended up getting stuck at the airport when Tropical Storm Allison stalled over our city. Seventy-thousand homes were flooded, 2,744 were destroyed, and 23 people died in the Greater Houston Area. It was a miracle that Melissa even got home from the airport that night. Mom and I were then stranded in Tennessee. We hitched a ride back to Nashville with the praise team and stayed with Travis and Angela for a couple of nights until we could get back home.

As you can see, it was a very memorable weekend!

Beth and the Living Proof Live team are thrilled to be heading back to Memphis on October 9-10, 2009. The event will be held at the FedEx Forum. You can get all the details here if you’re interested in coming and having a memorable weekend of your own.

I’ve heard that lots of Siestas are attending, so I want to give y’all a chance to connect with each other beforehand (if you haven’t already). LPM isn’t planning an official Siesta meetup, but that doesn’t need to stop you from meeting each other. So future Memphis Siestas, leave a comment on this post and let everyone know you’ll be there!


151 Responses to “Memphis!”

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  1. 101
    Nana Jul says:

    We are almost there!! My sister MaryBeth from TX, my sister-in-law Mary from PA and me from OK!! We are so expecting God to move in Awesome ways!!

  2. 102
    TammieFay says:

    I was there in 2001! I grew up in the Memphis area so I left my sweet pastor hubby in south MS with our 4 daughters ages 6-16 and traveled home to my parents to attend the event. My first of many LPL events. It has always been my DREAM to attend an LPL event with all 4 of my daughters and God being so gracious and good, has provided for that to happen in the place where it all began for me. I will be attending the event in Memphis with my beautiful girls ages 15-25. My two oldest now married to pastors, my college girl and my high-school youngest. What a mother-daughter weekend it will be worshiping and sitting at the feet of Jesus. Praise His name!

  3. 103
    Brad and Shana says:

    Unfortunately my Bible Study group won't be able to make it. But, by jove, the next time y'all are in the ATL, I'm gonna organize a trip for us!

    Our little group started when Beth facilitated "No other God's last summer. In fact, we won recognition for our "Rapping Scripture Video". And, recognition was just like first place to us, except for without the prizes 🙂

    Since then, we've done Daniel, and Stepping Up, and now we're doing Esther. I've just now created a blog just for us.

    I'm sure my little group would be tickled with a comment from one the LPM girls if one of you should find yourself with a spare minute.

    We are so thankful for your ministry!

    of the

  4. 104
    Sandra says:

    I will be there! Coming from Spring Hill, TN…saw another Siesta from the same area…can't wait to get there!

    Sandra Taylor

  5. 105
    Wisconsin Farmgirl says:

    Oh! If only Wisconsin were closer! I would be there! I'll be praying for you, Bethie dear! For ALL involved and for all who will be attending! You y'all SO much!

  6. 106
    Shawn says:

    My girlfriends and I are comin' to Memphis to see our sweet Mama Beth. Can't wait for the word that Jesus will speak to us through a woman who made me so excited to study God's Word that I had to restrain myself for doing all five days of my homework in one day!! A bunch of my girlfriends and me saw her over five years ago in Grand Rapids. Going with my friends from TN this time and expecting it to be as big of a blast. Can't wait!

    Lots of love!

  7. 107
    Anonymous says:

    Hello Girls,
    I was there in 2001 and of course I will be there in October, Oh Yeah!! We are teaming up with a sister church and charting a bus to Memphis!! Of course we are gonna shop & then head in to see our "siesta mama" We are counting down the days! Praying for you Beth & the praise team! We love ya!

  8. 108
    Anonymous says:

    A friend and I are driving down from Louisville, KY. It's our first time traveling to Memphis, but our 3rd time seeing Beth live. We can't wait! We are actually making a vacation of it and we're gonna spend a few extra days and see the sights.

  9. 109
    Jenna says:

    Me and three of my girlfriends are coming from Arkansas and CAN'T WAIT!!! We've had our tickets since last November! I am soooooooooooooo excited….I need a girl weekend and GOD weekend!!!

  10. 110
    Sharron says:

    I will be there with several from our church. Denise , Sharron, Dianne, Terri and a friend of hers. We are so excited. Can't wait! Memphis, here we come!!!!!!!!!! lv you Bethie!

    Sharron in Hartselle AL

  11. 111
    Leann says:

    I will be there and can't wait!


  12. 112
    Leann says:

    I will be there- can't wait!

  13. 113
    Anonymous says:

    6 of us will be there from Hamburg, AR! Can not wait!!! 🙂 Chris

  14. 114
    Teresa says:

    Can. not. wait.!!!

    Hope to see some of my siesta buddies!!
    [email protected]


  15. 115
    Anonymous says:

    I live outside of Jackson and I'll be there with my good friend who is coming down from Louisville. We are SOOOOO excited!

  16. 116
    Sherri says:

    I'm in the Memphis area and will be there! I am coming with a friend, and I have two more tickets that I'm praying over who to give them to. I can't wait to hear what Beth has to say, and to hear Travis for the first time!

  17. 117
    Christen Price says:

    I'm going with my best friend. We are so excited. This will be our first time attending a LPL event!

  18. 118
    Enjoying the journey, Karla says:

    I will be there with 2 other friends and can't wait for a weekend filled with praise and worship. May the Lord prepare our hearts for what he has in store for us. I can't wait!!!!

  19. 119
    Anonymous says:

    Myself and 3 of my good siesta friends will be in attendance in Memphis. We're from Clarksville, TN. We cannot wait to get there and be a part of this!!!
    Can't wait to meet you Beth!
    Donna L.

  20. 120
    Lori says:

    I know sometimes that LPM offers scholarships to the LPL events…I live very close to Memphis so I could stay at home but the ticket price is more then we can handle right now. Are ya'll going to offer scholarships for this event through the siesta fund?

  21. 121
    The King's Little Girl says:

    That was the first time I had ever heard of Beth Moore. I went with a friend and the LORD has used Beth to speak truth into my life in ways that would take much too long to type!! I'm thrilled to say I will be returning this time as well. Several of us from Searcy are driving over–I know the Spirit will meet us all there, don't you? Memphis is NOT gonna know what hit it! Beale Street had better get ready because there's gonna be 'a whole lotta shakin' go on'! The KING will be in the building!! Oh, I can't wait……..Tonya

  22. 122
    Glo Stegall says:

    Speaking of Living Proof Live, we just participated in the simulcast in Portland, TX the end of August. What a wonderful time to see churches all around our community participate with one goal, in unity, learning, praising and loving the Lord from one place. I am so grateful for technology that can do this. It really makes me want to travel and be in every city. I want to work on getting to one and take my two grand daughters for a time away. How fun would that be?
    We are studying Esther now and the simulcast made them hungry to get back into our fall study.

  23. 123
    Womack says:

    My sweet friend Marianne and I will be there, LORD willing! We've got our tickets and our place to stay…can't wait! This will be my first LPlive. I've seen sweet Beth at a Passion conference WOW…10 years ago and I saw her at Deeper Still, San Francisco, and of course, I've seen her multiple hours via video and DVD for Bible studies.

  24. 124
    Melody says:

    Me, my mom and my mother-in-law will be there!!! I can't wait!

  25. 125
    Tanya says:

    Tickets in hand! Hotel reservations made!!
    Can not wait!

    God's word + Memphis cuisine = Wonderful weekend!

    Killen, Alabama

  26. 126
    Inksstillwet says:

    Charlotte@Three Fold Cord, do you have an email address so I can contact you about the ticket? Thanks! Amy

  27. 127
    calista says:

    Me and my six pack of siesta peeps will be there with our big hair and smiles all a glo. We can't wait!!!!

  28. 128
    Krista W. says:

    I am coming, and can't wait !! We're driving from the Springfield Missouri area.

  29. 129
    Mary in alabama says:

    I'll be there! Cannot WAIT!! Heading that way with a flock of Siestas — I think we're about 16 in all. Would love to see / meet/ hug more Siestas! Just look for us — we'll be the really loud ones or email me at Mary AT

  30. 130
    Anonymous says:

    Four words… I NEED SOME JESUS!!! He's just so good…I want more!!!!! Can't wait to worship with a group of women wanting the same thing…more JESUS! Priceless….

  31. 131
    Three Fold Cord says:

    Amy@inkstillwet…CHECK your mailbox in the next few weeks your ticket is on the way!!!! Yeah hopefully I will get to hug your neck!

  32. 132
    cdt9302 says:

    All I can say is God has annointed Beth Moore with HIS Hand. I just attended the Deeper Still conference with Beth, Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer and I still feel HIS presence from it. I did see Beth will be in TAMPA in April 2010 and let me tell ya, I'm already preparing to buy my ticket NOW!!!! Thank you Father for blessing Beth and Living Proof Ministries along with the Great ladies Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer for the gifts and talents you have given them. 🙂 May they each be blessed with years and years to come with YOUR LOVE, MERCY and GRACE and DESIRE to share that with all of us.
    Love you ALL!!!

  33. 133
    OCP says:

    Will be there! Excited to meet many of you! So….filled with anticipation to hear from the Lord through Beth.


  34. 134
    calista says:

    Countin' down the days!! My little 8 yr old girl Sydney, heard Beth's voice in an advertisment for the event on K-Love today, and in her little southern belle twang she said, "Is that her mama? Is that the lady you always watch and read about? She has a country voice(accent). She's just like one of us!" That's why we love you so much Beth, you're JUST like one of us! Can't wait to see you!

  35. 135
    karen says:

    I have a ticket to Beth's Conference here in Memphis Oct 9 & 10, but have a conflict that weekend and will not be able to use it! If you or anyone you still need a ticket pleast contact me via email. I am really bummed because it will be awesome, but it is unavoidable!
    Thanks, Karen

  36. 136
    Terri_in_Alabama says:

    Terri in Alabama will be there!!

  37. 137
    Anonymous says:

    I will be there!!

    Cindy G.

  38. 138
    all4boys says:

    I'll be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can find me on my by and leave a comment if anyone wants to meet up. I wish we could do an LPM meetup!!!!! Please, Mama Beth????

  39. 139
    Heather says:

    I'll be there and can't wait!!! And Amanda, I was also at that June 2001 LPL event at the Pyramid. Wish we could have met!

  40. 140
    Cherry says:

    I remember the 2001 event well. I was in extreme pain the entire event, had no sleep on Friday night, was alternating pain meds every 2 hrs., but stuck it through to the end. Afterward went to emergency med clinic for pain shot. Soon thereafter: root canal! It was worth it all!!! I also attended the event at Bellevue & can I say that the event maxed out their building, thus the Pyramid event. A large group from our church in Bartlett is attending. We have about 60 women taking the Daniel Bible Study this fall, and many of them will be there! Thank you for coming back to Memphis.

  41. 141
    Aimie says:

    I will be there with bells on!!! My prayer group ( P31 Chicks!)does an annual getaway and this is our weekend this year! We live in Murfreesboro and will be heading up Friday afternoon through Sunday morning-can't wait to hear what God has to say to us through Beth and the team! Love you all!!!

  42. 142
    A Skin Bag for Jesus! says:

    I wanted to share why I’m so excited about this weekend in Memphis. You see, that prior Monday (Oct 5th) will be my very 1st day to go in and begin teaching God’s Word on Monday nights at a Maximum Security Women's.

    How do you ready yourself for that (LOTS of prayer!)? How can you even begin to imagine it? How can you fathom the hearts and cries and needs of those that God will put in your path? Where do you start? What do you say? What do you do? How do you ..???

    I've tried to picture their faces.. to imagine their circumstances and the situations that got them where they are.. to wonder what it would feel like?.. what they are thinking?.. what is their nightmare?.. how they can stand it?.. how hard and horrid and SCARY it must be! But it's something too foreign, I think, for any of us to do unless we've been where they've been. Walked in their shoes. Cried their own tears. How can you tell them that you love them already, even though you've never met them before? Yet, it's what I feel! For years I've wondered about them and prayed! I've wanted to reach out! Wanted to go to them and share the hope and Life that I have now found. I've wanted to tell them that we've all been imprisoned. All been held captive. All sinned. All done shameful things. All messed up royally. It's just that most of us haven't been put behind physical bars until we've completed our sentence. But still so many walking free on the outside, in reality, feel no freedom at all. I've wondered often if sometimes invisible bars are not more crushing and crippling and dehumanizing and devastating than physical ones are?

    I'm excited. But scared. We're talking real lives here. I don't want to in any way repulse anyone. I only want to show them my Savior!

    I have been praying for my heart and theirs as God prepares us both. That God will lead me as He leads them, wooing us both closer to Him… either sparking a new flame or bursting forth an old one. I've asked that He open both blind eyes and deaf ears, that He'll tender hearts, and break chains of bondage setting people free with a freedom that they never knew existed. That He’ll light fires inside their souls and set their hearts burning for Jesus until it consumes every other earthly thing they've got in it! I've asked that He'll make their enthusiasm and wonder contagious so that others that see them will want what they've got. That He won't only be their Savior, but that they will truly make Him Lord of their lives and that He'll effect every part of their lives left living.. every decision, every action, every reaction, every reason, every step, every thought, every word spoken. I've prayed that He will bless their socks off and blow their minds in Jesus! That He'll send forth His Word and heal all those that hear it! For after all… it's why He came!!!!

    I am asking God to take a Maximum Security Women's Prison and supernaturally turn it upside down until right side up and make it into a Maximum Security-in-Christ-Jesus Facility place of His where He shows His Grace! A place where in-mates begin showing His Face all over those grounds while they continue to be transformed to look more and more and more until exactly like Him. So that people will begin seeing Him the brightest in a place that most least expect it!

    I told my husband what better timing of the Memphis event… and what better place to go to be alone with God to allow Him to empty me, refuel me, refresh, and renew me and fan His flames within me to blazing in order to jumpstart this new ministry in a prison that I'm about to begin? So Beth, know that I am expecting God to do amazing and miraculous things through you in Memphis! I'm going expecting to hear my Lord and be whoa-ed by my Savior in the mightiest and most powerful of ways! I'm expecting Him to use that time in preparing me for this journey! For as you say, "There ain't no high like the God Most High!" Amen sister! I'm relying on it!! I want to take Him in to some incarcerated sisters and get High on our God MOST High together!

  43. 143
    Marianne says:

    Coming from Texarkana, AR meeting up with a girlfriend from Fort Smith, AR. CANNOT wait for the girly time!! I attended the Simulcast here in August!! Amazing time of renewal and refreshing!!

  44. 144
    Anonymous says:

    JW in Nashville
    How did I miss your responce to this blog?
    I'm in Brentwood, and wanting to go badly as well.
    However, I don't want to drive that distance alone.
    Let me know how I can contact you and maybe we can ride together.

    BB Brentwood

  45. 145
    Inksstillwet says:

    Thanks to Charlotte at Three Fold Cord, I will be attending! Can't wait to see you, Siestas and give God some praise and honor He rightly deserves!
    Love, Amy in OK

  46. 146
    Dana says:

    Me and about 9 other peeps will be blazing a trail to Memphis next Friday afternoon from Fayette, AL!!! We were just talking about it last night before our Esther Bible study (which I L-O-V-E)!!! I am so excited. There are 5 of them that have never been to a LPL event or have been led in praise and worship by Travis!!! I cannot stress to you how giddy I am for THEM!!! If I thought about it long, I probably wouldn't sleep a wink in anticipation for THEM!!! Anywho, thanks for this blog and letting us connect before we CONNECT!!! Love you gals!!!

  47. 147
    Mary Watkins says:

    I hope you are looking forward to Memphis. We can't wait to have you here!!!

    I am praying for the team. God has great plans in store

  48. 148
    Linda Hill says:

    Planned this weekend with my daughters and daaughters in laws, but not all are able to make it., but 3 of us are and looking for a blessing once again. One has never attended a study or conference with Beth, so I`m really happy! Wish we all 5 could be there, but unless there is someone driving from Katy, TX to Memphis with room for 1 more, 3 of us will be there—waiting for God`s word poured over us. God bless you Beth!

  49. 149
    karen says:

    I still have a ticket for the conference if anyone needs one!! It is just one week away! Let me know!!!

  50. 150
    Sherri says:

    I have two free tickets for this weekend, if anyone is interested. Would love to give them to someone who needs them!

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