Today I’m just a little girl who is proud of her Mom.
Kids get to be proud of their parents, right?
Right this very moment I am watching a live stream of National Day of Prayer. I am so proud of my Mom. I’m not proud of her for being chosen to be part of a certain task force. It actually has nothing to do with that at all. I am proud of her for possessing and exemplifying those basic but rare virtues such as courage and bravery. There she is standing under a “National Day of Prayer” banner, completely and utterly out of her comfort zone. She is not a political figure. Washington D.C. is not her lair. She is just a simple woman who believes in the biblical discipline of prayer. Now, this post will probably be deleted when my Mom sees it because she will likely be too embarrassed by its contents to leave it up.
But, for now…the blog is mine. Muahahahahaha! Hence, the title of this post. That’s what Amanda gets for being on vacation.
Last week when I was in India I got the incredible opportunity to meet a Pastor’s wife named Beena. What is amazing about this story is that Beena had just composed a two-page handwritten letter to my Mom and sent it through snail mail before she ever found out I was in Calcutta. A friend of hers learned through the blog that I would be in the same town where she lived and through about a dozen other providential occurrences, I actually got to meet her in person on my very last day in Calcutta.
Beena and Melissa:

I wish I could tell you more about her story because it is remarkable. For now, I will just tell you that she is currently teaching my Mom’s study on the tabernacle “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” in Hindi and Bengali. And by that I mean that she actually translates the material into Hindi and Bengali herself. She and her husband run a house church composed of about ninety people. The overwhelming majority are Hindu or Muslim converts. The Bengali community is one of the least evangelized ethnic groups in the world. She is one impressive woman. Beena told me that she would often do the Bible studies with tears running down her face and that she would pray that God would give my Mom a hug from her so many miles away, half way around the globe. She told me that even though she and my Mom had nothing in common except the Lord, she felt so close to her.
And then she asked me a question:
“What do you think your Mom has done right in raising you up in the Lord?”
What is strange is that even though I get this question quite a bit, I actually sort of went blank during that particular moment. I guess I didn’t know where to start. But, I think today I realized that it has to be her example of serving the Lord without hesitation. For not allowing her fear of failure to dictate her decisions. For not only taking the “safe” ministry opportunities to protect her own name or reputation, but for taking the “risky” ones, too. So, Beena, if you’re reading all the way from Calcutta, I think that is my answer.
So when you do read this, Mom, and before you erase it, I want you to know I’m just so proud of you. I don’t say it enough. I love your purity of heart. I’m proud of you for not buckling under so much pressure or saying “no” to various ministry opportunities even if they are intimidating or even if they have potential to draw criticism. I’m proud of you for refusing to polarize or to let one group, sect, or denomination completely “own” you but to just serve in whatever capacity you are given. Today you are my hero.
I want to be like you when I grow up.
So, I’m praying along the same lines as Beena right now. I’m asking that the Lord would give my Mom a hug from me. If He can do it from Calcutta to Houston, I reckon He can do it from Atlanta to Washington D.C.
It’s a dangerous thing to leave the blog into the hands of the youngest daughter who happens to be a blog-co-contributor and who has all too often been known to have very little, if no filter at all. So don’t ask me any controversial theological questions, or I just might lose my job. Wink.
Much Love to You,
P.S. This is the first time in about two weeks that I haven’t talked about Compassion. I think I’m going into withdrawals. Adding the link makes me feel a little bit better though. Can’t come off cold-turkey, right?
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on Thursday, May 7th, 2009 at 6:23 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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I can’t watch video stuff from work and I would have loved to have heard your Mama!!! I hope there’s a webcast of it somewhere I can watch.
I know your mom doesn’t like for folks to brag on her – so humble and just precious! We’ll give God all the glory for things He does through her which help and edify so many others. !!!!
Thank you for the sweet post, Melissa. I always hope y’all feel some hugs from Birmingham, because I send them alot.
You have done a beautiful job with the blog in their absence. I have so enjoyed your trip. It made me think of the boy I sponsor in Haiti. I need to write him more often. Thanks for reminding me of that. Both your mom and you girls have such a way with words. I love how you have opened your hearts and let us take a peek in. We all love you back!
What an amazing post Melissa and how special for your Momma in light of the coming weekend!
You all are such strong women of faith and such an inspiration to all of us! You all certainly have been chosen for ‘such a time as this’!
Keep pressin’ on!
Charlotte, NC
Yes Melissa kids do get to be proud of their mom. And you can bet that she’s proud of you too! You are growing up to be just like her. And we are oh so glad. It means the generations to come are going to be blessed as we’ve been blessed. Yea God!!
And I loved the story about Beena and the picture of the two of you together.
What a great way to honor your mom, especially with Mother’s Day on Sunday. I know you weren’t think of that when you wrote the blog. Mom’s are special gifts from God. Cherish every minute with her. My mother went to be with the Lord about 18 years ago at the young age of 54. I was only 15 at the time. Needless to say Mother’s Day is hard.
But we all love your mom and how she serves the Lord.
I wanted to watch her during the National Day of Prayer but I couldn’t find where they were streaming it live on-line. Is there any link where we can see it now that it’s over? I’d still love to hear her wonderful prayers of hope. Thanks!
saw your mama last night, and i did give her a hug and a kiss..
I think its awesome that you are proud of her, and for the reasons you listed… they are also my reasons..proud of her for not compromising what God has said to do, and because of her obedience, I have a MamaBeth, who has taught me plenty, praying for her and your family. Love you too Princess Melissa
(PS you are already more like your mama than you may know! muahahahahha)
could you post the link for the national day of prayer stuff…I looked everywhere yesterday for it but couldn’t watch it.
Melissa, your comments about your Mom were lovely. Thanks for sharing her so we can all love her and look to her as our spiritual mother. We all have our spiritual inheritance, but you get a double dose here on earth.
I prayed often yesterday here in PA( 30 miles from Lancaster) and at 4:30 the clouds blew away after nearly 1 solid week of rain and flash flood warnings. My daughter and I marveled at the sky and saw a small rainbow. Glory to God for great things He has done!
And a special thanks for your blogs from India. My three teenage daughters would like to sponsor a child together, so we’re working on that. Thanks for the travel experiences and authentic love you posted to us.
To Beth, Happy Mother’s Day and Thank You, thank you , thank you.
Your obedience makes a difference in this world. Praise the Lord!
Jen in Exton
Maybe it is just an emotional season for me, but I am even crying over this! I identify deeply with your words, Melissa.
I obviously didn’t grow up in your home, but due to some holes in my own home, I was ripe for a spiritual mother. One who wasn’t afraid to address hard issues. One who had been redeemed from a past of choices that brought shame and guilt. One who recognized what shame and guilt had done to her spiritually. One who knew the name of the enemy and wasn’t afraid to call Him to task under the name of Jesus.
I too am so blessed to see a woman of virtue, honor and genuine authenticity in a place of state like being the honorary chair in this event. God is working and I pray a hedge of protection around His princess bride to be a glimmer of hope in a dark situation.
Praise you Lord! Praise you that one of your favorite things to do is take the weak and make them strong!
I just found this blog yesterday… am I to understand that Beth Moore is your *mother*? Wowza. I see it your smiles now. I have done a few of her studies (and have Daniel waiting to be done… poor Daniel… he’s been sitting on my shelf for two years, I think). Breaking Free rocked my little tiny world. God has used her for many things, but raising godly seed is the best.
I sooo wish I could have gone to India with y’all.
God has blessed all of us who have studied under your mom all these years. God has gifted her in such a unique way. She has changed my life in the way I love God and know Him. I am so grateful for the way she serves with abandon. She is an example for all of us, and I think God gave her to us at such a time as this…just like Esther!
What a wonderful tribute from you to your mom. She just had the best Mother’s Day gift anyone could get.
Melissa thanks for the reminder to honor our mothers. You’ll never be sorry you told your mom you were proud of her. It does her heart good to know she is loved.
To those of you whose mothers still walk this earth –
Love her, honor her, reconcile with her, let her know how you feel.
– From one whose mother walks the streets of gold.
I have tears in my eyes. With ALL my heart I want my girls to grow up and desire to serve the Lord. So your answer will sit with me with great intention. I pray they will see someone who serves the Lord without hesitation.
And I didn’t know the prayer day was streamed live or I would have wanted to watch. Dang.
Melissa, I agree with Fran–your posts have been utterly slaying recently. Thank you for your transparency and for being so REAL.
My first bible study by Beth was Breaking Free and it was life changing. It was the first real study that taught me how to know and interact with GOD on a deeper level. My second one was A Woman’s Heart, and I absolutely fell head over heels in love with the GOD of the Old Testament. I’ve loved every one of them… (Haven’t Done Esther yet.) :o)
I praise GOD for being so very good and thank Miss Beth for pouring herself out unto the LORD. For I am one of the many spiritual “Children” of hers.
I feel the need to tell you that Christ is using you in such wonderful ways though. The only way I can express how your posts affect me is this: it’s as if my heart gets covered in a stone shell and HE is using your posts to break through that shell, revealing the heart of flesh beneath it.
May you be as blessed as you have blessed us.
Love you Sister!
Anna sending you a big hug from MO
One thing I have always said about your mom is that each time I hear her teach God’s word or go through one of her studies I am in awe of who God is because of her.
Thank you for sharing this with us and for sharing your trip to India. I have been encouraged and challenged in so many ways through your words.
Your Mom’s willingness to serve the body of Christ (fearful or not) has made us all better! Her obedience and humility have given all of us women the courage to sell out to the ONE TRUE GOD. She has taught me so much about my walk with Christ over the past 15 years … I love her so much and pray God gives her a hug today from me as well.
Melissa — I love your lack of a fliter. Keeps things interesting.
Thanks so much for sharing your heart with us today. I’m honored that the Lord chose your Mom to be the spokesperson for NDP. And you honored her with your words here.
And thanks for sharing Beena with us also. I loved her question for you. And I loved your answer.
(Whew that’s a lot of lovin’ for one comment)
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with me and your compassion overflows unto us all. God has blessed your mom with two wonderful daughters and we love you both. As for your Mom what can I say, my life has never been the same since I first saw her on Life Today! She helped me come back from the worst pitts that I have seen ever. My walk with Christ is where it is today because of her fire for the Lord. I cherish her for that and I love HIM with all that I am.
You keep up with your blogs as they inspire me to be a better me and help keep my fire for him going always!
I pray great grace and tender mercies for you, your mom and Amanda … You all are loved by so many… and I am for one all the better for being a part of the Siesta world.
Much love,
Your meeting with Beena is what I affectionately call "A God Thing." 🙂 I LOVE IT when He does that!
I'm so glad you posted your thoughts on how your mom raised you right, too. My husband was not raised in any church, and unfortunately has only had his wife as an example of what a "Christian" is. I say unfortunately because like everyone else, I screw up daily. It's been through seven years of marriage that we have finally come to a point of meeting each other in the middle~ me bringing everything I have to offer and him the same~ so that we can raise our son in the way he should go. I beat myself up a lot that I am not doing more as his mother to keep him on the straight and narrow. I guess it all boils down to striving as hard as I can to set the example (which is another daily occurrence).
Thanks, Melissa <3
OMG! I had to get a napkin, not a tissue! You are in so much trouble when your mom gets home! 🙂
So touching; thanks for sharing that this Mother's Day weekend. Safe travels to your mom & dad.
Heather G.
Charlotte, NC
PS-I just finished the revised 'A Woman's Heart' and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!
What a wonderful tribute to your mom. Kim B. in AZ
I wonder how many women around the world think the same thing about your Mother.
She has surely taught me how to study GODS word and how to have a stronger relationship with him.
Happy Mother’s Day Mama Beth.
Melissa, I’ve often wondered what it would’ve been like to have Beth for a mom. I’m sure it’s been amazing and as I read posts from both you and Amanda, I can definitely see your mom in both of you! In fact, just last week I was thinking, “I wonder if either of them will take up writing these studies, too… we could learn a lot from you!” So for however much you love your mom and are proud of her, I KNOW she is that much and more proud of you and Amanda. Weird… I am 36 and slowly realizing that I’m not the younger one anymore! I’m proud of you, too!
Happy Mother’s Day to all! 🙂
Melissa, that is such a God thing that you got to meet Beena. The Lord is using her greatly right at home, where she lives day in and day out. I didn’t realize that your momma’s speech would be streamed live, that is cool that you still got to see her speak, I was prayin’!!…I am convinced that there are more women than she knows out there who would love to give your mom a hug, realizing that the Lord has brought her through uspeakable stuff, and that He has used her tremendously in their lives. Having courage like that does not come natural. It is a GOD thing!! He is so Good to give it! He gives her and you and us pure hearts and the courage to not fear man, but to fear Him, serving others out of a genuine concern for their souls and the glory of His Name, not our own!! Oh please Lord! Let it be! I love you all at LPM. ((HUGS)) to you all-precious people!
What precious precious words you wrote in honor of your mom. Nothing would make me as a mother happier than to hear my children stand and say I pursue God fearlessly and faithfully. For you to know and understand that reiterates to me that your mom put God first and by doing so has raised an insightful Godly daughter. You~Melissa~are a God Blessing. To Beth: “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Melissa, it is good to have you safe and back home. Your stories and pictures were very heart touching and enjoyable. I too, am amazed and proud of your mom for her stand she takes and her love for the Lord that seems to be measureless. She is such an encouragement and teacher I love to call my friend if only through her studies and blog. I do have one question I would like to ask: I am having trouble in my journaling. I become overwhelmed and soon give up. What is Beth’s system or what exactly does she journal? I feel I am trying to be too detailed or not writing what my heart is saying or hearing. Please help—-Carla
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for your lack of filter, I’m so grateful that you and Amanda and Beth are all so very real. I’ve wanted to comment on your India posts, but I didn’t have words :-). We have sponsored Sopana and will get another child this weekend. What a blessing!
Please know that I appreciate the mentorship through the studies and the blog!! I work in Children’s ministry at church, so this is like my Sunday school class fellowship!
I love that wrote this for your Mom!! You and your family are loved and prayed for!!
God bless you,
Wow! First off it is always a Joy to reading all of the posts you and the girls write. The Lord has taught me many things through your Mom’s bible studies and I’m coming back for more! I truly enjoyed your journey in India and cried over all your posts. It really was powerful! Thank you for what you’re doing! God is Great!!
Just had to post again Melissa. I’ve been sitting at my desk googling to try and find a video of Beth’s address in Lancaster. Couldn’t find it but found so many other youtubes, Godtubes, links and the like. Sitting here just weeping over her courage to put herself out there for HIM. For US. As another blogger said, there is NO Beth worship idolatry. Just a woman who almost gave up on God,on church, on establishing a Godly legacy for my family..and then I was led to boldly believing Beth Moore. Thanks Beth for leading me back to Almighty God..again and again. By you doing what you’ve been called to do you’ve given me guts to do what I’ve been called to do. Please God I hope it’s never as public…that’s one call I’d rather put on hold. But whatever it is today, tomorrow or a year from now, because you’ve been a witness to God’s unfailing grace you’ve bolstered this broken heart with your contagious courage. Thanks for being brave. Thanks for being bold. Thanks for being a witness that I feel so proud of (no crazy hair, gold throne chairs, or labels of prophetess etc.) I pray for you, for the family, the LPMers, and most of all I pray that God continue to bless your ministry. He uses it so much.
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. It made me think about my mom and how she is finally walking with the Lord. She is in her late 50’s and to finally witness this is overwhelming at times. I am so proud of her courage to change the things that just don’t honor God.
Melissa, you’re right. You’re mom is a great woman of God. And it’s been my observation that she has raised two daughters to be great women of God. Much love to all of you!
Hi Melissa,
Really, that is THE BEST gift a mom could EVER get, the love and undying affection of her kids. I love your way with words which is so powerfully descriptive, as in all of your blogs.
My first study of your mom’s was “A Woman’s Heart” in 2000, it surely did prepare me for the next few years, just knowing how much God has always cared about the little details in our lives (the tabernacle), as well as the huge things. It is my most favorite yet, though they are all wonderful. I too love your mom’s courage and transparency, and the Joy of the LORD that spills out of her and splashes everyone she meets. 🙂
I also love the LOTR. I have all 3soundtracks and play them while I work, but feel the best when I play them in order from 1st to last……..very therapeutic for me. %) This is my favorite line:
“I wonder what sort of tale we have fallen into?” -Sam Gamgee” (JRR Tolkien)
Love you all,
karen :):)
Melissa – I just love your posts, stories, thoughts, and your heart. I love that you have no filter and share what’s on your heart/mind.
I think your post about your mom being your hero is so sweet; you have such a way with words. She and your dad have done a terrific job in raising you girls. If nothing else you and your sister are a testament to your mom’s faith and her love for Jesus.
One another note, I have so enjoyed reading your Compassion entires and it has prompted myself and a few others to sponsort children thru their site. What an amazing opportunity you had to go over there for that time. It was such a neat experience to be able to go ‘with’ you on that trip through your stories.
I pray you all have a great weekend. Tell your mom happy mother’s day from her ‘siestas’. :)))
Love to you all.
omg! i forgot to give a shout-out to travis cottrell!!!
what a wonderful worship leader he is and what a wonderful time of worship he led yesterday in our nation’s capital!!!
I have one thing to say:
“Her children rise up and call her blessed!!!!”
Proverbs 31:28a
My sincerest thx to Beth for being a great mom and thx to Melissa and Amanda for loving the Jesus that your mom showed you so well. 🙂
What a beautiful post, Melissa, and such a lovely Mother’s Day gift to your mom! Beena is a beautiful woman inside AND out – we need to remember to pray for her.
Thank you for sharing!
What a special tribute to your mom – a wonderful mother’s day gift I would say!
Kay Martin
Tupelo, MS
Hi Melissa,
Just have to tell you how much I love your writing! You defianetly have a gift for it and I would love to read more. Please continue to write in some capacity.
Melissa! Girl – you are part of the blog-head, and you are rocking with this post!!!
Thank you for honoring your precious Mama and right here at Mother’s Day!!! What a beautiful and fitting tribute. You are fulfilling the scripture in Proverbs 31 “Her children rise up and call her blessed…” And God will bless YOU for your obedience.
Beena is beautiful and I am so happy she could meet you and you could share with her – God is rewarding her for her labor in Him!
Having heard your Mom share with us that she does battle fear, makes all she has done for our country through the National Day of Prayer even more of a blessing! She is an amazing woman of God.
GUESS WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY??? My first letter from Iduar, my Compassion child!!! He drew pictures and told me all his favorites! I can’t wait to write him back! I got so emotional thinking “he has held this paper, he colored this picture.” What joy to my heart – right here at Mother’s Day…
I love you,
Mrs. Jan
What a perfect Mother’s Day message–and a heart message for every day! It brought tears to my eyes as I thought about all my mother meant to me and also
how much Beth has meant to me! Thank you, Beth, Amanda, and Melissa, for sharing your lives and your love of God with us!
Thank you Melissa for your in depth blog from India. I had tears in my eyes several times during the week.
Your Mom ROCKS. She is so real and willing to share her mountain peaks and pits us all. She means so much to us. You have every right to be so proud of her.
I have not been able to find a video via the web of Beth’s prayer yesterday. If there is a site offering her prayer, would you post that information on the blog? God Bless
Melissa, you so rock! And your Mom is amazing. But you already knew that. I LOVED the study on the tabernacle. It was my very first Beth study, and I loved it so much that I went through the DVDS twice (borrowed them the 2nd time) and bought the CDs from Lifeway just so I would never have to be without them again. Since then I’ve done two others, but the tabernacle study is my favorite to date. 🙂
what a sweet post, and so funny at the same time! i love that all three of yall have such different personalities that all shine through in the LPM blog:)
Oh Melissa, I can’t count the many times I have thought, “What would my life be like if I had a mother like Beth M. or if I was her daughter.” I don’t personally know her, and I am so proud of her. Just like Beena, she has left me with tears down my face more times than I could ever say.
Also, I have often wondered that same question – what did she do to raise you up in the Lord? I didn’t get saved until I was 28 – and there are no Christians in my family. No example as how to do this.
Melissa, Let me just say that I absolutely LOVE your posts. They are staight from the heart to the heart.
I come from a home that has not yet received Chirst. I myself along with my husband are trying to raise our teens to walk with the Lord.
Growing up without a spiritual Mom I appreciate YOUR mom so much. I want to grow up to be like her as well. Think she’ll mind?
I have had the oppotunity of falling in love with her through “Wednesdays with Beth” which has led me to several of her books. I suppose I have been watching at least a year now if not two. I am so grateful the Lord has allowed our paths to cross. She inspires me beyond words.
Oh I even ordered the Key Word study bible-I love the insights she gleens from it. I got it in the mail yesterday and I can’t wait to dig in for my own treasures. Praise God for His extravagant love for sons and daughters of course.
Thank you again for the honesty and transparency shared in this blog and it’s posts. I appreciate it everytime I visit.
Love you all-katie
Melissa,Thank you for your words. They were just what I needed to hear today. The Lord has called me into ministry as well, and truly to greater dreams than I could ever imagine for myself. As you and your mom well know, that is often scary. I know I can’ do it in and of myself and all too often allow that to stop my from moving forward. Your post was just the kick in the pants I needed today. I need to move forwrad, now matter how scary the call. Keep Moving FORWARD! Thanks to Beth for being such a beautiful example of that to all of us!
Melissa, that was so beautiful it made me cry, your Mom is wonderful, I feel the same about my own Mom. Beth don’t you dare ease that post… it is way too pretty. Janelle
I loved so many things about this post. And how neat that the Lord would allow you to meet her in person. I know it was a mutual blessing.
But the main thing that stuck out was serving the Lord without hesitaion. I love it! Oh, that that would be my heart, too.
Melissa, Beth and Amanda, you all make me want to be more brave and serve the Lord so much better than I do. I look up to all of you and with so much respect and love.
Thank you for serving Him so well and sharing with us your sweet family!
Hey Melissa,
I’ve been out of town for the last couple of days, but I couldn’t wait to get on here and tell you about how God works in mysterious ways…
When I first read your post that you were headed for India, I was soo excited because my best friend in the whole wide world Julia is working with International Justice Mission in Calcutta right now. (can you tell I’m proud of her?!) I immediately emailed her to let her know that you were headed her way. I even sent her a picture of you (that I got off the blog), so she would know who to look for. And, I gave her strict instructions that if she saw you – to go give you a big hug and tell you it was from a Siesta back home.
Fast-forward a few days later… Julia was over at a friend’s house in Calcutta celebrating her birthday. When she saw that her friend had some of Beth’s bible studies sitting around, she said, “Did you know that Beth Moore’s daughter is in town?” The girl (Mitzy, I think is her name) goes to Beena’s church. She was really excited, and she is the one who told Beena that you were in town!! Julia said they all cried because they couldn’t believe God’s timing (since Beena had just written the letter).
When Julia called me to tell me, I had already read your post about Beena. At the time I read it, I was soo moved by the thought of A Woman’s Heart being taught amidst such oppression and persecution. That study has always been one of my favorites because I first did it during a time of a lot of hurt in my life — so the thought it being taught in a place of such darkness, especially for women is almost more than I can bear. Anyway, needless to say, when Julia told me the chain of events that led to you meeting Beena, I was floored at God’s ways providence!!
So, just know that when Beena gave you that hug and told you how Beth’s testimony has impacted her life, in some small way that only God can make happen, it was a hug from me too!!! One of these days (whether on this side of glory or the other), I will get to hug you, your mom, and your sister and tell you just how much your witness has meant to me!! I hope it’s sooner rather than later! 🙂
Love ya girl!!
P.S. I would love to know all of the other providential happenings that went into you actually meeting up with Beena! I’m sure there were many more!
Thank-you, sweet lady for sharing your heart about mom…as a mother there is nothing on this earth – absulutely Nothing – that touches the heart of any mother than a tribute of grace and love from her child.
And thank-you for sharing Beena’s story…that touched me so deeply. My entire life I wanted nothing more than to be a missionary and knew I was called to be one. I loved GA’s and all the Bible studies I could take in and couldn’t wait for every opportunity to be in church! Then the LORD blessed me with opportunity after opportunity to serve Him and it has been amazing. But I never got my heart’s desire to travel overseas to India or Africa to serve there. I always questioned Him. As an intercessor, we often forget that we are actually “there”…in the place we are praying for…”in the Spirit!” I forget…I let my flesh get in the way of my understanding and vision of the truth of God’s Kingdom.
As I read your post about Beena, I was reminded by Holy Spirit, and I thank-you for sharing. Isn’t the Body of Christ simply astounding?
Bless you as you continue to serve Him, and thank-you for working for Compassion International. We have a beautiful little girl, Sinhenlanhla Zondo, in Zimbabwe through World Vision. And now GOD has blessed me with a position as a nurse here in Houston working alongside people from all over the world. We have our own little “taste of the world” within our walls every day of the year! Isn’t He precious the way He answers the desires of our heart?
…giving voice to those with none…