Today I’m just a little girl who is proud of her Mom.
Kids get to be proud of their parents, right?
Right this very moment I am watching a live stream of National Day of Prayer. I am so proud of my Mom. I’m not proud of her for being chosen to be part of a certain task force. It actually has nothing to do with that at all. I am proud of her for possessing and exemplifying those basic but rare virtues such as courage and bravery. There she is standing under a “National Day of Prayer” banner, completely and utterly out of her comfort zone. She is not a political figure. Washington D.C. is not her lair. She is just a simple woman who believes in the biblical discipline of prayer. Now, this post will probably be deleted when my Mom sees it because she will likely be too embarrassed by its contents to leave it up.
But, for now…the blog is mine. Muahahahahaha! Hence, the title of this post. That’s what Amanda gets for being on vacation.
Last week when I was in India I got the incredible opportunity to meet a Pastor’s wife named Beena. What is amazing about this story is that Beena had just composed a two-page handwritten letter to my Mom and sent it through snail mail before she ever found out I was in Calcutta. A friend of hers learned through the blog that I would be in the same town where she lived and through about a dozen other providential occurrences, I actually got to meet her in person on my very last day in Calcutta.
Beena and Melissa:

I wish I could tell you more about her story because it is remarkable. For now, I will just tell you that she is currently teaching my Mom’s study on the tabernacle “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” in Hindi and Bengali. And by that I mean that she actually translates the material into Hindi and Bengali herself. She and her husband run a house church composed of about ninety people. The overwhelming majority are Hindu or Muslim converts. The Bengali community is one of the least evangelized ethnic groups in the world. She is one impressive woman. Beena told me that she would often do the Bible studies with tears running down her face and that she would pray that God would give my Mom a hug from her so many miles away, half way around the globe. She told me that even though she and my Mom had nothing in common except the Lord, she felt so close to her.
And then she asked me a question:
“What do you think your Mom has done right in raising you up in the Lord?”
What is strange is that even though I get this question quite a bit, I actually sort of went blank during that particular moment. I guess I didn’t know where to start. But, I think today I realized that it has to be her example of serving the Lord without hesitation. For not allowing her fear of failure to dictate her decisions. For not only taking the “safe” ministry opportunities to protect her own name or reputation, but for taking the “risky” ones, too. So, Beena, if you’re reading all the way from Calcutta, I think that is my answer.
So when you do read this, Mom, and before you erase it, I want you to know I’m just so proud of you. I don’t say it enough. I love your purity of heart. I’m proud of you for not buckling under so much pressure or saying “no” to various ministry opportunities even if they are intimidating or even if they have potential to draw criticism. I’m proud of you for refusing to polarize or to let one group, sect, or denomination completely “own” you but to just serve in whatever capacity you are given. Today you are my hero.
I want to be like you when I grow up.
So, I’m praying along the same lines as Beena right now. I’m asking that the Lord would give my Mom a hug from me. If He can do it from Calcutta to Houston, I reckon He can do it from Atlanta to Washington D.C.
It’s a dangerous thing to leave the blog into the hands of the youngest daughter who happens to be a blog-co-contributor and who has all too often been known to have very little, if no filter at all. So don’t ask me any controversial theological questions, or I just might lose my job. Wink.
Much Love to You,
P.S. This is the first time in about two weeks that I haven’t talked about Compassion. I think I’m going into withdrawals. Adding the link makes me feel a little bit better though. Can’t come off cold-turkey, right?
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on Thursday, May 7th, 2009 at 6:23 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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I don’t have an account, or a blog name, but as a transplanted southern siesta I just wanted to add my approval to such a wonderful, precious post from a daughter to her mother. -How could you delete that?! Melissa’s post cuddles me like a warm hug from our Abba Father when he reminds us that we’re His and oh, how He loves us! -We can’t fathom the why, but what a blessing to know that He does. In reading through all the comments – they are all so perfect and precious I just had to say BIG hugs from a southern gal and AMEN Siestas! Heaven can’t be soon enough!
I think it is so fitting that you are blogging about Mom. I just cried, how wonderful to speak so highly of your Mom. She better not delete it!!! How wonderful to know we share God’s word with people we will likely never meet and somehow we end up closer because of the study!
That is the most beautiful post. You should be proud of your mom as I’m quite certain she is proud of you! I’ve lead many of her studies, here in Texas and while we lived in Africa. It’s amazing how trans-cultural she can be. Her example has been tremendous to us all. And now, as a mother to a daughter, I pray I can been that kind of example to my little girl, that she can grow up and be like you 🙂
The idea that this precious woman in India is leading that study… just makes me cry. What a BIG God we serve.
Melissa, I absolutely LOVE your blog posts. You are so real and so honest and so genuine. And I ditto everything you said about your mom – she has been my inspiration since I walked into my first bible study four years ago, an unsaved, sobbing wretch with two babies I was trying to raise alone. I have lots of your mom’s teachings on CD and I listen to them in the car (when my kids aren’t in it, anyway!) and I always took so much hope when she talked about the fact that we could raise our kids to be godly and that their lives did not have to be a repeat of ours. And I look at you and Amanda and it gives me hope that maybe I can raise my kids to love the Lord and serve Him that way too (they are now 6 1/2 and 8). Your mom inspired me to start teaching them scriptures and planting God’s Word in them at a young age and I can tell you now that my 8 year old has got some WORD in her now! This blog is such a blessing to me on days like today when I’m just overwhelmed with my job and lonely and tired – it’s like visiting with a friend, even if it’s just for a few minutes on the internet lol. Thank you all for being a part of my life and my chidlren’s lives.
Melissa, you’re a wonderful daughter! I doubt seriously that Beth would even consider erasing this blog–she’s proud of you, too! You’ve just made many Moms proud of you!!
Beth did an awesome job this morning, God really spoke through her! I have it taped so I can share it with my family. I’m grateful to Moops for her post saying that she was at the Pentagon. I was hoping we would be able to see a video or tape of Beth with our military. We’re retired Air Force also and it always means a lot when someone like your Mom is there for us.
Thanks for sharing Beena’s story, God had that meeting orchestrated for her a long time ago!
Blessings, Bobbie
Her children rise up and call her blessed. Proverbs 31:28a
Melissa, you and Amanda are blessed, and I am certain that your mom is as proud of you as you are of her. What a legacy you have.
We were watching the NDP broadcast and your mom was on the 4th point of a timely message when we lost the audio. The lady in front of me said, “I sure wish I could read lips.” Unable to read lips or restore the audio quickly, we had a season of prayer.
The audio had not been restored 5 minutes before we had a fire alarm which turned out to be a false alarm. Needless to say, we had a little opposition this morning, but greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
When I read posts like this my heart fills with longing for eternity. I can’t adequately describe to you the profound impact your mom has had on my spiritual journey. Since she lives in Houston and I live in Florida, it’s not likely that we’ll get to meet on this side. Second only to beholding the Face of my Jesus and casting crowns at his feet, I am so looking forward to meeting and interacting with the whole body of Christ. Can you imagine?
For the record, I don’t think your mom will erase this one. I pray often for your family and for the ministry of Living Proof. Much love to all of you,
Patti Hayes
Lutz, Florida
Melissa~ I’m so proud of your mom, too! The Lord is using her as an example to all of us. And I can tell that He’s growing you up to be just like her, in your own special way!
You have just given your mother the greatest Mother’s Day gift of her life!! When our kids praise us, in any form, we know we have been blessed. Your mom won’t delete this – she will treasure it forever!!
I love and admire your mother for the same reasons you mentioned! This morning I was sharing at work (a school) what a button I saw read, “Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning,the devil says “Oh, crap she is up!”. Someone who just heard your mother pray (KSBJ) said, “Can you imagine what the devil says everyday when Beth Moore gets up?!!”
We all want to be that kind of woman, and your mother inspires us to continue to be the warriors God wants us to be!
Melissa, your post is wonderful, and authentic and not in the least exaggerated or inappropriate…your mama better not delete it!
Beth, I was just considering what a "spiritual mother" you are to thousands (probably millions) of women around this globe. So, just relax and receive the blessing!!
Our church's Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study started with your first study and our ladies can't wait until each new one comes out. We do some others in-between and sometimes repeat yours when it's "been awhile" and we have lots of fresh faces. Our group is about half church members and half invited "others". After finishing the Esther study, the group decided they didn't want to start another study before summer, but couldn't bear to take the break just yet. So they are spending these final few weeks before school is out gathering at the "usual time" to pray for each other, share testimonies & just soak each other up a little bit longer. You have inspired such growth & devotion to the Lord & His word in "my ladies" I wanted to say Happy Mother's Day and thank you!
That was such a sweet post, loved it and I love hearing from you. And this is totally off the subject and comment may be deleted for being so materialistic like (is that a word or the right word for this), but my word how does your hair look that perfect in 120 degree weather??? Seriously, I think we have similar hair and mine would be a frizz ball. And I think I need to go get a scarf, cause it looks really cool or hot for that matter. oh how I totally feel like a dork now. Of all posts to write this on, NDP is going on and I am wondering about your hair, forgive me!
So sweet and precious. If she deletes it, I hope she’ll at least print it first 🙂
May God be praised for Beth’s speaking the truth in love and also exhorting all of us. My walk has become just a tad more intentional after listening to her teaching. Thank you Beth and thank you Melissa for sharing your heart about your Mom with us. Much love,
I was a former pit dweller who for years couldn’t get past my past. Your mom’s willingness to be vulnerable, to serve God with total transparency and authenticity is what restored my relationship with Jesus.
I am so blessed to get to attend her tuesday night bible studies.
It was such a blessing to get to hear her on KSBJ this morning.
love and blessings,
I am so encourged to hear about Christians in India. Some how in my head I thought that was nearly impossible. I work with a young lady from India and I just don’t know to begin to approach her about Christianity. If there is anyone out there that has a book I can read or a website to help me with that please email me. The help would be appreciated.
I LOVE your post Melissa and I love your family.
Paula in Tulsa
Her children will rise up and call her blessed.
You go, Melissa!
I tried for over an hour to get that webcast to stream onto my computer, but I couldn’t get that thing working. A disappointment because I was hoping to participate “corporately,” at least to that degree (I used to go up to the big gathering downtown in our city each year for NDP, but that stopped as soon as my oldest child could walk. Once I can get my youngest to sit still for more than 10 minutes, we’ll go back)…the most I got to see today was a few photographs on Twitter from Travis.
But–NDP is really about prayer…us and God…so I just prayed from right here @ my computer. I’m praying for you ladies at Living Proof as you continue to take the Gospel into places I’ll never be able to reach myself. What a blessing you are to so many!
And what a great tribute to your mom….and right before Mother’s Day….I’m sure your mom is very proud of you, too! I can only pray that someday my children will be able to write such great words about me……..
Beth is truly an inspiration to millions of women, every day.
Melissa-your heart is precious and your unfiltered, refreshing contribution!
Beena is just beautiful and I thank our amazing God for His providential hand in allowing her to meet you and tell you her story.
Thank you for sharing India with us. It is my dream to serve in that country someday.
Beth-DO NOT ERASE THIS! If anyone has done even one of your Bible studies they know that you walk in humility. Nobody has to tell us that you are the real deal…you portray humility in everything I have seen you put your hand to. Servitude flows from you. I have never witnessed an ounce of self promotion through you or LPM, which is why I keep coming back! That said, your beautiful daughters and all of the women you touch on a regular basis should have the chance to love on you with our words; not at all exalting the woman you are, but the servant of Christ, what an incredible example of His light.
Oh, Melissa, I should’ve emailed you this morning, instead of Amanda. I forgot that she is on vacations. I wasn’t able to get the webcast to work for me, and couldn’t get it on my t.v. I was worried that President Obama had cancelled that ceremony.
I am so glad to read that you were able to see your Mom.
Thank you once again for all that you all do!
Durant, OK
I’ve been studying your mom’s stuff that we publish (yep, you know who I work for now!)… for almost as long as I have worked here. It was so cool to have done the Esther study here in our dept and watch Beth talk in front of various buildings in D.C., and now it’s awesome to hear that she’s been such an integral part of the NDoP!!
Our local Moody Radio broadcaster read your mom’s prayer aloud as I drove into the heart of Music City, and I was like “YES! you GO, Beth!!!” because she included Jesus’ name in her prayer. Awesome, awesome!!!
I’m so glad that our organization partners with yours. It’s wonderful to see what God has done to bring people to Him through what He has done through Beth… and now through her two girls… the ones she’s been bragging about on her videos for years!!
Melissa, you and your sister have grown to be such beautiful, mighty women of Christ. Thank you for all you do for the “siestas” all over the world (oh yeah… and the brothas too!). May God continue to bless your family richly.
~ Andi H. ~
Thanks Melissa for rising up and calling your mother “BLESSED”…Thank you (and all your family) for so graciously sharing her with us!
By the way, you wrote something that so resonated with me. I have always liked it that no denomination, party afiliation, clubs, types…whatever… can claim her. That ends up being so divisive and distracting (and completely unnecessary! It’s one of the the things I love about Jesus: he wasn’t a presbyterian, babtist, Free Evangelical…He wasn’t a republican, democrat or indpendent..SO GLAD!
Please, don’t anyone out there mistakenly think that I think Beth is Jesus…that’s not what I am writing…However: I do see Jesus in her, and that’s exactly what we all should be excited about for each other…If we see Jesus in each other, then the world can see Jesus in us, and WOW what change could happen!
Girlfriend-your just amazing-is it okay that I call you ‘girlfriend’like your mom I feel as though were best buds. You must continue to contribute often-I don’t think you mom will delete but for sure with tears streaming down her face will thank God for allowing her to have 2 beautiful daughters who love and serve the Lord like her-unashamed!!!! We all want to be like yall!!!! Absolute -totally in love with the LORD!!!
I’m on my way to SC to celebrate what will be my Mom’s last Mother’s Day. I’m proud of my Mom, too. I’m also proud of your Mom. While my Mom has been too sick in recent years to guide spiritually, your Mom has been there through her Bible studies. So, hugs from NC and when you see her in person, give her a hug for me, too.
Kim Feth
Apex, NC
I, too, love Beth so much and have wished so many times that I could reach out and hug her neck. I do not know of a woman in America who has done more to serve the women of Christ in the deep, intimate way that she has all these years. Only eternity will reveal the deep reach she has had in all our lives. She teaches us how to have that deep intimate walk with God that will transform our lives. May God bless her and empower her more today than ever. I love you, Beth.
I just love you, Melissa!
And I love what you said about watching your mom live by faith rather than by fear. Oh I want to do that in such a way that my girls see it and respond.
How I want to be brave for God. As my OT Prophets professor says all the time, “Eschatology matters!” Because we know the end of the story we can take risks for God, knowing he’s got our back.
Still hoping you decide to come to Laramie. (Getting tired of me askin’ yet?!)
Don’t filter yourself, girl…brag on your Momma! She is an annointed woman of God who is making a difference for the kingdom. When my husband speaks of Beth Moore, he says, “girl can preach!” Just like you…we adore her. 🙂
Dearest Melissa,
What a sweet post to your mom! We all love her so much and praise God for her being obedient to His call on her life. You and Amanda are loved as well. Thanks for all you do.
Much love,
Thank you for that blog, Melissa! I’m glad your sweet mom will get to read what her baby girl wrote about her :)… I heard her on KSBJ this morning and was just so PROUD of her, there in DC!!! I was hoping she could get some time with the Obamas, but we’ll just keep praying… 🙂 Maybe next year…
I cried so I bet you’re mom will too. Loved following you in India and I love Compasssion and any other ministry serving people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Precious post about your mom, Melissa!
I have a feeling she’s gonna be in tears reading it.
Your mom has blessed my life through the years. She has taught me all about having a relationship with God. I am a preacher’s daughter and have been in church all my life and was saved at the age of eight. My dad preaches the Word and he is still my preacher. He’s an awesome Bible teacher. His initials happen to be B.M. too 🙂 so I always say both my favorite Bible teachers initials are B.M.
But, hearing your mom talk about her relationship with God the way she does made me want that. She talks about Him being her greatest delight and that He is the biggest blast. It’s so true!
I LOVE “Praying God’s Word.” I have that book so highlighted and underlined it’s pathetic.
She’s blessed to have such wonderful daughters and you are definitely blessed to have Beth Moore for a mom.
P.S. How can we view your mom praying today at the National Day of Prayer in D.C.? I’d love to see it.
Well Melissa I don’t think your mom will need a mother’s day card this year. What a beautiful tribute!
Today a friend and I were talking about how selfish and unappreciative we are in this country. I couldn’t help but think of India and the poor and how they cherish the smallest gift. We have more than we will ever need here in the U.S. and yet we complain and want more and hardly ever express thanksgiving.
Lord please help us as a nation to cherish the gifts we so take for granted. Thank You Lord for your servants, especially Beth and her family and those at LPM.
Sending hugs to all of you today! May our Lord richly bless you and keep you on your knees where you stand in the gap for so many!
Much love!
BETH, do not erase this entry!!!
I guess you love your mom for the same reasons we love your mom. I love how she has made all denominations feel welcome to come to Christ….something even some of our churches don’t do.
The Tabernacle study was one of the best studies for helping me see how God has pursued us (read ME!) through the ages. And how He has given us a Way to Him. It had a profound effect on me.
Beena is beautiful!
Melana in Wyoming
I have spent the day pondering and praying over two points from Beth’s speech today:
“No amount of atheism or humanism can keep us from revival. Only WE can keep us from revival”
“Is what we are praying man’s will for GOD, or GOD’s will for man?”
Beth, you have hit me right between the eyes regarding my attitude and my prayers for our country.
Bev B
Melissa what an awesome post and a tribute to your mom. I love your mom to pieces she is an awesome lady I have done serveral of her bible studies and the first one I ever did was breaking free and after that I was hooked on Beth Moore and when I saw her at a conference here in Albuquerque NM
in 2007 I thought that was just amazing and knew that Beth Moore is the real deal so thank you Amanda and Melissa for sharing your mom with us seista. I cannot wait until July 2009 when she comes to Albuquerque NM I have been praying that I could meet her and just hug her and Thank her for all she does. THE JONES AND FITZPATRICK AND MOORE’S YOU ALL ROCK THANK’S FOR LOVIN US THANKS FOR YOUR DAILY BLOG JUST LOVE THEM.
Love it, Melissa! Whether you know it or not, you just gave your mom a wonderful Mother’s Day gift!!
You are adorable and I echo the “YOU ROCK!” sentiment of other siestas!!
denise in nc
Girl, I would love to meet you as well. Still need to check out the Laramie date but will let you know. Hope you are well and seminary is wrapping up well or has wrapped up well!
The weather in Longs Park in Lancaster was terrible this morning and beautiful this evening just in time for your mom and Travis! I thought the weather was supposed to be “iffy” tonight, but it is gorgeous. God answers prayer!
Melissa, what a great post about your Mother here so close to Mother’s Day! Very appropriate! And of course you know that we all think Beth is wonderful. It’s simply amazing how she has CONSISTENTLY let the Lord use her down through the years. She is such a good example for all of us. Just keep going. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Stay in the Word. We have seen her do all this and more.
And now you and Amanda are following in her footsteps. What a great God we serve!
melissa, you, your sister, and your mom leave me in awe. i have three young daughters and everytime i check up w/ this blog i am inspired to raise them as your mom has raised you two, and to have the type of relationships you all share. God bless the Moore households (Amanda’s included, her married name escapes me at the moment)!
I was so proud of her, too!!! You know we all feel like she is a dear friend. And, I truly felt like I was watching a dear friend speak in our Nation’s Capital!!! Not only that, you could feel the Holy Spirit moving even through the television screen!
I hope she knows that she had lot’s of Siesta prayers holding her up today…and always!
Love in Christ to you all!
I just love you and the rest of your family!! Your mom has taught me so much that I will be forever grateful. You and your sister (although younger than me) set great examples for people such as myself. I’m proud of your mom too. She’s a rockstar!
Much love,
Anne in MO
Wiping the tears away after reading this post, I just have to tell you that I have desired to know the answer to Beena’s question for a very long time. I watch you and Amanda and I pray over my daughter, whom I absoloutly adore and I want the same for her as your mother wanted for each of you. I know that your mother is beyond proud of what God has done in each of your lives. PRAISE His sweet name for you guys. Continue to live it out in front of us, because I continue to take notes. . . hoping, praying, earnestly that one day my daughter will serve HIM who has pulled me from the pit. Thank you for all that you do. Love you all much, Alisa in Cheraw, SC
I’m another who’s life has been impacted by a family who I’ve never met face to face…. and I’m so thankful for each one of you. I’m praying for you daily… I love the way you all are recklessly in love with God – He’s so much more than worth it! Keep pressing on!! 🙂 With love to all!
seriously girl, you are ROCKING the scarf!!!!! i am so proud of your mom…and i hope my girls bless me this way years from now.
🙂 miss you,
I have been completely floored by your post while you were in India, and today you stayed true to form. Thanks for your transparency and willingness to tell the world how proud you are of your mom. We all probably need to tell our mom’s just how proud we are of them every now and then.
I sfaw your mother at the Pentagon this morning. There was such a sweet spirit of the Lord in that auditorium. She gave us great words of encouragement from 2 Tim. fight the beautiful fight, run the race (in our own lane), and keep the faith. Oh how offer I want to run in someone else’s lane. Is anyone w/me there. I hope not!! She (and your dad) called us mighty warriors. In the flesh I don’t “feel” like that. Thank you Beth for the sweet words of exhortation. We love you
What an awesome Mother’s Day gift! Hand made cards or Blog Posts from the heart…all the same in making a mom’s heart melt. Even if it isn’t your own daughter.
Please don’t erase this post, Beth. After all, it is Mother’s Day weekend.
Oh Melissa! I think your mommy will be in tears when she reads this. Especially this close to Mother’s Day. 🙂 What a beautiful post. You did girl youngest daughter!
What a wonderful tribute!