Today I’m just a little girl who is proud of her Mom.
Kids get to be proud of their parents, right?
Right this very moment I am watching a live stream of National Day of Prayer. I am so proud of my Mom. I’m not proud of her for being chosen to be part of a certain task force. It actually has nothing to do with that at all. I am proud of her for possessing and exemplifying those basic but rare virtues such as courage and bravery. There she is standing under a “National Day of Prayer” banner, completely and utterly out of her comfort zone. She is not a political figure. Washington D.C. is not her lair. She is just a simple woman who believes in the biblical discipline of prayer. Now, this post will probably be deleted when my Mom sees it because she will likely be too embarrassed by its contents to leave it up.
But, for now…the blog is mine. Muahahahahaha! Hence, the title of this post. That’s what Amanda gets for being on vacation.
Last week when I was in India I got the incredible opportunity to meet a Pastor’s wife named Beena. What is amazing about this story is that Beena had just composed a two-page handwritten letter to my Mom and sent it through snail mail before she ever found out I was in Calcutta. A friend of hers learned through the blog that I would be in the same town where she lived and through about a dozen other providential occurrences, I actually got to meet her in person on my very last day in Calcutta.
Beena and Melissa:

I wish I could tell you more about her story because it is remarkable. For now, I will just tell you that she is currently teaching my Mom’s study on the tabernacle “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” in Hindi and Bengali. And by that I mean that she actually translates the material into Hindi and Bengali herself. She and her husband run a house church composed of about ninety people. The overwhelming majority are Hindu or Muslim converts. The Bengali community is one of the least evangelized ethnic groups in the world. She is one impressive woman. Beena told me that she would often do the Bible studies with tears running down her face and that she would pray that God would give my Mom a hug from her so many miles away, half way around the globe. She told me that even though she and my Mom had nothing in common except the Lord, she felt so close to her.
And then she asked me a question:
“What do you think your Mom has done right in raising you up in the Lord?”
What is strange is that even though I get this question quite a bit, I actually sort of went blank during that particular moment. I guess I didn’t know where to start. But, I think today I realized that it has to be her example of serving the Lord without hesitation. For not allowing her fear of failure to dictate her decisions. For not only taking the “safe” ministry opportunities to protect her own name or reputation, but for taking the “risky” ones, too. So, Beena, if you’re reading all the way from Calcutta, I think that is my answer.
So when you do read this, Mom, and before you erase it, I want you to know I’m just so proud of you. I don’t say it enough. I love your purity of heart. I’m proud of you for not buckling under so much pressure or saying “no” to various ministry opportunities even if they are intimidating or even if they have potential to draw criticism. I’m proud of you for refusing to polarize or to let one group, sect, or denomination completely “own” you but to just serve in whatever capacity you are given. Today you are my hero.
I want to be like you when I grow up.
So, I’m praying along the same lines as Beena right now. I’m asking that the Lord would give my Mom a hug from me. If He can do it from Calcutta to Houston, I reckon He can do it from Atlanta to Washington D.C.
It’s a dangerous thing to leave the blog into the hands of the youngest daughter who happens to be a blog-co-contributor and who has all too often been known to have very little, if no filter at all. So don’t ask me any controversial theological questions, or I just might lose my job. Wink.
Much Love to You,
P.S. This is the first time in about two weeks that I haven’t talked about Compassion. I think I’m going into withdrawals. Adding the link makes me feel a little bit better though. Can’t come off cold-turkey, right?
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on Thursday, May 7th, 2009 at 6:23 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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Even though your mom is out of her element here in DC, there are women here on the Hill who have just finished crying our way through the Esther study (absolutely amazing), who were present today to see her speak, and who sit in the Cannon cafeteria and talk about the Lord and what we have learned through your mom’s ministry. We are so thankful for her and for her bravery. 🙂
Lord, can you double that hug from Atlanta to Washington?
oh and add one for Melissa too.
You are a good daughter and your mom better not delete this. It makes good “almost mother’s day” blog fodder.
One of the things I have admired about your mom (from afar) is the way she makes friends without ever meeting us. Because of her vulnerability she reaches hearts. We are all convinced she is our friend.
You are one lucky daughter. Your mom is an amazing role model. She has been one for me. I NEVER question her motives and I am always led to the truth when I study the things she teaches.
She warms my heart.
I lost my mom (and dad) 4 years ago (I’m 31) – so cherish the heritage you have been given through her.
She is a special lady because she is humble and willing to follow the Lord anywhere.
I want to be like her when I grow up, too.
Beth- please don’t erase this one! It’s pure and sweet, but also profound and truthful and important for people to know that your life is NOT easy or glamorous or exciting all the time- God’s work is HARD work – we need to know that too- that doing the right thing doesn’t always feel easy or good.
And sometimes- you deserve a little recognition for the decisions you have made- even if it feels indulgent! We are all very thankful and proud of the decisions you’ve made that have lead so many to Christ. We appreciate the sacrifice, the anxiety, and the stress you’ve battled. Thank you!
Hi Melissa,
I hope Beth or Amanda don’t delete this post….! You all have a lot to be proud of in each other.
My opportunities to serve and my challenges in serving are so very different, but I hope I embrace them in a way that make my daughter and son proud of me too.
With much love,
Melissa, if the video of Beth at the National Day of Prayer event is available, can it be posted to the blog? Or even a link to it? Those of us who missed it would love to see it (speaking for self, of course!).
Melissa in AR
Wow, Happy Mothers Day Beth! What an amazing post. Melissa, you are a very sweet young woman, and your mom has got to be so pleased. I know our Father is!
Love you,
What a wonderful tribute to your mom. I’m sure she would say that all the good you (and we all) see in her is purely God…..but, I also hope she knows, that that is exactly the reason we all love her. We can see God beaming and speaking and loving right thru her. THAT is her beauty!!
Melissa, Thank you for sharing your heart…about your India trip, your mom, your walk with the Lord. I thoroughly enjoy your no-filter blogging! Just like you, I’d like to be like your mom when I grow up…her deep love and desire for Jesus is so contagious and I want some of that for myself. Praying for you all, Amy W
Melissa, I love to hear when kids talk about how proud and honored they are of their mom(and dad)!
Beth, I along with your daughters are proud of you and are honored to be serving Christ with you as you teach me the path to take. I would love to figure out the answers to raising God loving boys (like your girls)since I have no background to draw from. I remember the story of how you said to just pick them up and put them in car to go to church; so many mornings lately it is just like that here with a preteen in the mix. Tiring.
I live in DC and actually woke up this morning thinking “Beth is right here in the same town”. And I prayed for her and for your Dad. If I wasn’t worried about being labeled a complete stalker I’d hunt her down and give her a hug and tell her it was from you:)
I hope my girls (and boy) can say the same one day. I think I’ve said this before, but I remember your mom telling about the time she found you sitting in her spot in the dining room…the story just spoke volumes to me. I think that you’re growing up just fine!
I’m proud of your mom too. Today’s events would have been a bit difficult anytime, but more so this year than most. I love your comment about wanting to be like your mom when you grow up :o) That is a high compliment and affirms what we already know, that your mom is the real deal.
Muahaha indeed. 🙂
I’m proud of your mom today, too. What a blessing to have a mom who will stand up so boldly for our God in front of you, Him, and the world. She is an amazing example for all of us–part of my prayer for today is that more kids will see their moms standing for God and that they’ll follow right along…
Melissa great tribute to your mother!
Absolutely think it’s great what Beena is doing.
I posted the other day that while we are studying Esther and watching the DVD’s I noticed that I am sitting there with my mouth wide open. lol Just listening to your mother.
What a wonderful woman your mother is and I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
I just love you both!!
Just beautiful, Melissa. Your Mom is someone to be proud of.
She is brave through the Holy Spirit that just lifts her up and speaks beautifully through her in a perfect Houston, Texas accent 🙂
A Women’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place was my first Beth study (the first version)…and I did it alone because I was a new Christian in love with Christ and
alot of women around me who were Christian told me that they weren’t doing it because Beth taught a “co-ed” Sunday School class.
I was so pleased when the Holy Spirit took over my old nature and I didn’t hit that woman in the head with the workbook, because I wanted to and then it just left.
I did it alone and I can still remember the tears and the chills all over as I learned and listened to her talk about the tabernacle.
That’s been awhile ago and I’ve done the other studies and grown in my faith and theology, etc.
BUT, I have never outgrown the sound of your Mom’s voice shaking with emotion as she ended that Bible Study.
I love you all…and I STILL haven’t hit that woman in the head with a Beth Moore book….yet 🙂
Melissa I think you need to have Kleenix coupons on your blog page! I think I used an entire box while you were in India and now today I need another box!! What a tribute to your Mom. She has blessed so many people and you and Amanda are doing the same. I love loving Jesus with you all! And I am learning to put that into practice through service everyday! Thank you. Oh and I know how proud your Mom is of you too!
Beautiful post Melissa!
Your Mom is sucha a lovely, godly lady. I appreciate her willingness to be my mentor through Bible Study and this blog. She encourages me so much.
I also appreciate you and Amanda as well. You 3 do a great tag-team on the blog.
I have loved all the posts you did from India. Beena is just such a beautiful lady. What a fantastic smile. She just beems!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you Siestas!
Melissa, Melissa, Melissa…how beautiful. Your mother will love this and I don’t think she’ll be deleting anything! I use to think that I was so late coming to Christ that I missed out on those early years to tuck God’s Word and ways into the hearts of my boys but God is never late and He is showing me that He can do all things! Even take the hearts of boys, that are way too old to believe just because I said so and to trust just because I said so and transform their hearts and minds for Him only. Jesus have your way with all of us no matter how old or how smart we think we is!
I would also have loved the theology lesson…maybe next time!
Blessings and love,
OMG- I could ball! I watched the National Day of Prayer today on the God Channel. When Siesta Beth took the platform, I was so proud to know this woman…thru the Bible studies & LPM events. She looked absolutely stunning and conveyed the message of the Lord with such poise and bravery. I somehow felt nervous for her but not for long. I sensed the moment when the Lord took over. All I can saw is "WOW!" Our God is awesome and I'm thankful that He is living proof thru a humble woman like Wanda Elizabeth Green Moore. God bless you and God bless America!
Melissa, This post is a hug to your Mom and I know SHE is so proud of you and your sister and all you both do to love and serve the Lord. In Jesus’ Love Kathy Knoblock
This blog was perfect! 🙂
What can I say. I haven’t jumped onto the blogsite to comment in a while but this entry of yours is not only how you feel about your Mom but how many of us feel about your Mom. She is as real and pure in the Lord as you can get. Beth, please don’t erase this entry your beautiful daughter has written as it touches so many, so far. Speaking of beautiful, Melissa, who but a woman with Moore genetics can look as stunning as you have during your stay in India!
I have been facilitating The Patriarchs to a group of women at my home church here in Houston and right after that I will be facilitating A Woman’s Heart Gods Dwelling Place as these ladies still needed to be fed after The Inheritance study until we attend your Mom’s September series.
The story on Beena is incredible but we are not the least bit surprised at how God works. I get so excited with anticipation it is like I am a kid awaiting Christmas morning to see what God will be doing and who He will be placing in my life every morning when I get up.
Keep on rockin’ Melissa. We love reading and being inspired by you.
Beth, your finest leagacy will be your two daughters who will continue to carry on your blessing to us all and many generations to come from your very own family line.
Much love and many, many blessings and e-hugs.
Christine Roskamp
Houston Siesta
Melissa – I am so happy I got to read this blog before your mom erased it. She has done an amazing job in her mothering not only you and Amanda but the rest of us too! Even though we are the same age (your mom & I) she is definately my spiritual mom.
You should be proud of her. She is a great woman and she is because she allows Jesus to shine through in all she does.
I am on the eighth week of Esther and again your mom has brought out things in this study that I would have never thought of. My Bible study ladies and I are challenged each and every time we study with her. We love her so much. We really appreciate all that you all do at LPM. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Forever His,
Phil 4:8
PS – I think you are already like her in so many ways. Keep following Jesus!
I’ve had your mom in my prayers all week knowing that this event had to be one of the scariest things a woman could be asked to do – especially given our current political climate. I have no doubt the spirit of the Sovereign Lord was on her and I’m looking forward to watching the video on it..
And that picture of you with Beena melted me. This gives a face to an opportunity to minister to pastors wives there next year. Something tells me I’d be the one most marked.
Blessings on you, girl!
Ya know what?
I’m thankful for this BLOG……Not to mention being able to connect with fellow christian “Bloggers” via this site. If it wasn’t for your Mom, (Beth) and you girls….well we would all be without this enormous blessing! Reading each post and then the comments truly makes me feel connected to something special.
I loved this post. Melissa, if your mom does delete it, she won’t be able to reach into my heart and delete the sweetness of this post. I, too, am blessed to have a mom who loves Jesus more than anything and who has lived an Example Life for me and for so many others as well. You and I – we’re blessed. Oh, that we would be a blessing…
Warm in Alaska.
ps. I loved your “muahahahaha.” I guess I’ve never seen it spelled before and now I can’t wait til I have occasion to use it!! Have a fun day!
You are certainly blessed to have a mom like her. And Beth is certainly blessed to have daughters like you and your sister. And your father is blessed to have all of you. And we’re blessed to get to read these words, and share in your lives. And our families are blessed because we sit at the feet of teachers like Beth…..Blessed. Blessed. Blessed.
Beth, I hope you don’t delete this.
Melissa – what an appropriate tribute to your mom. By a series of ‘coincidences’ I was working at home here in England today and flicked on the TV screen just in time to see Beth’s address to the national day of prayer in DC. Her message was so powerful. I LOVED the phrase /challenge that “God’s people are responsible for Righteousness not results” – How true and how timely a message.
My tribute to Beth is that she insprires me to love my Lord more, and to seek his word , his will and his heart. I hope with all my heart that this is helping me raise my two small daughters so that one day they will grow and know the Lord even more than their Mommy – and who knows they might be proud of me too.
Oh and by the way the best compliment I can give you is that the apple clearly didn’t fall far from the tree!
God Bless
Beth Moore, don’t you dare erase this precious blog! What an amazing tribute and inspiration for all of us moms.
She is so AWESOME! Lord, give her hug from me, too, way up there in D.C. Just let her feel it so real.
Love you, Melissa. And I’m excited that you are in COMPLETE control of the B.L.O.G.
Beena! Hope you read this! We love you and know God is just head over heels in love with you, too! May God bless you and your ministry. You are one beautiful soul…
If you get the opportunity to go to India, you must go! They will absolutely love you and you will love them. I know it.
Oh, Melissa, I so much want to be like your mom. I have lived so much of my life out of fear. I have so many regrets because of it, and she is definitely someone I look up to very much, because she doesn’t seem to let fear stop her from doing anything! And reading your post makes me realize that much more that she is definitely someone to look up to.
Well, I’m thinking your post might just be your moms favorite mothers day present so far. Sweet, sweet words.
(oh, and how funny is this…the word verification I have to type in to leave my comment…bless.) I’m sure that’s just how your mom feels…blessed to have 2 daughters committed to the Lord she loves.
WOW – I too am so proud of your Mom! I was nervous for her and prayed all morning – even flat on my face with her as she prayed on KSBJ this morning. What a lions den she was walking into – Washington DC! But girl, God did what He DOES – and she did her thing in a mighty way!
I was so proud for our Nation and how it was represented by NDP. They need us – just like Beth said.
God Bless Beth and God Bless America!
BETHMOORE: Don’t you dare delete Melissa’s post!! Melissa and Beena are expressing what so many of us feel. Most of us have never had the pleasure of spending time with you face-to-face but inexplicably feel that you are a very dear friend who we would so very much love to “grow up to be like”. You have been with me in the most joyful of moments and the most heart-breaking ones too, as I have read and studied the pages of your Bible studies and books. Your words have caused me the most wonderful moments of joy and praise with my Lord, and the most terrible as I realize my shortcomings. I wouldn’t take anything in THIS world for those moments. Because of you I have a much closer walk with my God and I look forward to more of those moments as I go through more studies with you and Him.
Now don’t you be embarrassed by this love that is being poured out for you. Just praise God, give Him the glory and know that you are serving Him in a way that is making a huge difference to many and to the Kingdom!!!
Love you like crazy!!
Dearest Melissa,
I am so glad that you do not have a filter. I am also proud that your mom is in D.C. Our siesta mama is awesome. For those of us who cautiously tell the people we love whose books we read, etc. this is a proud moment. I’m very cautious b/c I want people I recommend to be the real deal, good and bad, authentic. It is like, I love Billy Graham. Loved his wife more. They are/were not perfect, but I am so proud that I have said to people “Now that is what a Christian should look like.” The same is true of your mom. Mama Beth, YOU BEST NOT DELETE THIS POST, and I do not imagine she will.
Thanks for sharing your answer to Beena (awesome name, btw) with me. I’m rearing two children now and I always think I’m blowing it. Thanks again for sharing all of your experiences. Your so cute with your “the blog is mine this week.”
Still waiting on our family cookbook from my aunt. Will send one over to LPM when I get it.
Much Love,
Barbara Shrewsbury
Katy, Texas
Melissa – thank you for sharing your stories and your mom with us all. What a fitting tribute right before Mother’s day! May the Lord continue to teach you from the experiences you had in India and may your life and your service never be the same again.
much love
Rebecca in e.tx
I heard your mom speak today at the Pentagon. You would have been so proud! She inspired us to fight the “Beautiful” Fight, finish the race, and keep the faith. My husband (AF Lt Col, retired) and I were in tears, along with many battle hardened, tough fightin’, military heroes. We felt her love, respect, encouragement, and honor. And we saw your dad beaming with pride. But most of all we saw Jesus. He was so honored and blessed in that auditorium today.
PS Not to worry, she got lots of hugs from us today. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words. I actually haven’t heard from her about the Pentagon meeting so I am so glad to hear it from you. Thank you and so much love to you.
Beautiful words. Beautiful tribute. Beautiful women. Beautiful God. Please, Beth, don’t erase the post.
What a beautiful tribute to your mother, Melissa. Please know that she is just as proud of you. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
Thank you for sharing your India experiences. Meeting Beena must have been awesome for you!
Melissa, after reading your posts from India, I believe you are learning to be just as courageous as your mom. Faith is an amazing journey, isn’t it?
I facilitated the last session of our Esther study last night, and two hours before we met, I felt God speaking very clearly to me regarding how to end our time together. I thought it might be a little uncomfortable (read “we might all start blubbering”). I was nervous, bit I did it anyway. I realized that I wasn’t responsible for HOW it was received. I was just responsible to be OBEDIENT.
Guess who I learned that lesson from? Your precious mom.
If she has taught me anything, it has been this: “You gotta be obedient to God!” Even when it’s hard. Even when it’s scary.
Beth…way to go today! I pray that you will feel, really feel, God’s pleasure tonight.
What a sweet tribute to your Mom and all the Godly christian Moms out there. It’s so precious to hear blessings from your children. What a gift for both of you to have each other. It’s a wonderful work the Lord has strengthened and prepared your mom for. She is an amazing vessel the Lord has done mighty work through. So many of us wish, like Beena that we could reach from all over the world and give her a collective hug. Blessings to you both.
I heard you praise your mom many years ago in Waco at a function she did there, sweetest praise a woman can recieve is from her kids. Today has been a regular work day for most of us, although I have prayed silently all day. Would love to have these shown on video or something, your mom has been promoted by the Lord because she delivers, what she says and commits to she does and does with all her heart. May we all be people of integrity and efficiency, may we all deliver when our Lord calls. Keep bloging we love it. Shalom
I would say that come Sunday you are off the hook! I can’t think of anything else you could give or say to your sweet mom that would make her more delighted to have such a daughter as you than the words in that post. I can’t fathom she’d want to delete it because while it does indeed list her accolades it shows just how much you love and admire her. God bless you both! And sweet Beena and her brave servant’s heart to serve in such a way as she does. That Beth’s studies have made it to that corner of the world isn’t a shock at all. She brings the Word and there’s no stopping the Word of the Lord! Praise God!
Anonymous, you are sweet to remember that about Waco. And to my shame I think that was the last time I really have told her how proud I am of her. And that was like 8 years ago. Anyway, thanks for remembering that! Love to you!
Hooray for hijacking the blog for such a blessed Mother’s Day tribute! I felt so proud of Momma B too…what a blessing that you and Amanda appreciate the Godly heritage that your Mom (and Dad) have given to you. Gives such hope to the rest of us to create it! Blessings to all the Mommas this Mother’s Day—ALL of us can be Momma’s through Compassion.
Melissa, thank you and your family for sharing your Mother with us! We have all learned so much about Him by listening to her after she has been with the LORD. Your Mother is our hero right now too as she has riveted our eyes once again on the One Who is in control of all things and is holding and loving our country, well in fact, the Universe!
And may I also say that I am proud of you for not hesitating and for going to Calcutta? I don’t think I’ll ever be the same after your trip (and I don’t want to be)! I sat with tears streaming down my face. Your experiences ripped my heart to pieces and I could think of no other way to stop the pain than to become a Compassion supporter! I now have two darling girls (Monika and Lilly) from India to pray for and to care for. Thanks for taking me to Calcutta via this Blog, Melissa, and for making me aware of needs!
Hi Melissa,
What a beautiful post of a daughter’s love and respect for her mother!
Thank you for all of your posts from India…I think they changed everyone who read them. Your writing often moved me to tears…and then(more importantly)to action.
I do have one question…how in the world did you still manage to look so gorgeous in 120 degree heat?!?! 🙂
Many blessings,