A United House

To my beloved Sisters who I esteem so highly and consistently find to be part of the solution to our problems in the Church rather than the cause,

Please join me in praying for our President-elect Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, and his precious daughters, Sasha and Malia. Go with me before the Throne of our sovereign God and ask Him to grant wisdom from above to President-elect Obama and the indwelling presence and power of Jesus Christ. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior…”

Please also join me in the active and deliberate pursuit of unity and purity in the Body of Christ at this historical time in our country. I implore you in Jesus’ Name to have zero tolerance for prejudice whether it is regarding party-affiliation, color (whether you are Black, White, or Brown), economics or the like. Disagreement is not sin. Prejudice is. Satan has plotted events and planted attitudes that, should he be successful, will result in havoc. We must not stand for his schemes or cooperate in a single way. We would severely displease God and invite untold chastisement upon Christ’s Church in our nation. Speak clearly to your children and graciously but emphatically draw a line in your work places and social circles regarding your stand against prejudice of any kind.

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.'” (Matthew 12:25) A united house stands. A divided house falls. The devil has much to gain. But he also has much to lose.

We are the Body of Jesus Christ and we have an opportunity to show His character. This is our watch. We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees.

I humble myself before you and make these pleas under such bold direction of God that I could not resist it nor disobey it. He made it a fire in my bones.

I love and esteem you so much. Shoulder to shoulder, Dear Siestas. Let’s leave not one inch for the enemy to come between us.

“Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder.” Zephaniah 3:9


201 Responses to “A United House”

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  1. 150
    Dara says:

    Thank you for this word in due season!

    I agree and join with you in having ‘zero tolerance for prejudice whether it is regarding party-affiliation, color (whether you are Black, White, or Brown), economics or the like.’

    And now one of my favorite verses…”The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as are the watercourses; He turns it whichever way He wills.” (Proverbs 21:1 – amplified)

    If our leader’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, well then, we are in good hands! :o)

  2. 151
    ocean mommy says:

    Amen and amen. We have talking all morning about respecting the people in authority..ALL people in authority.

    Thank you for this..


  3. 152
    Lisa says:

    Thank you, Beth. I woke up this morning angry and full of animosity. Then, during my Bible study at church(Beloved Disciple), I could feel God speaking to my heart urging me to confess my anger and be filled with His love instead. I decided to support and pray for our new president even though I don’t agree with him on the issues. I feel so much better. God is in control. He is sovereign and He is good.

  4. 153
    Erin says:

    Yes! Romans 13:1-7 gave me great direction today and I appreciate your post!

  5. 154
    Katie says:

    I have been thinking on what I would like to say today in my blog regarding this time. Your words have given language to what is stirred in my spirit. At this time, my studies in the Bible are focused on Israel and God as their Father, God as my Father. Though His ways are not mine (thankfully) I sense Him working here and now is not a time to ignore His call to us. I pray no Christ follower sees this as a time to grow lazy but to be spurred on in urgency that the fire of the Holy Spirit burn with out quenching bringing us to unity, and all that resembles Christ.

  6. 155
    CarolinaCalling says:

    Your post on Nov. 4 was an excellent reminder for us all! Thank you! I began work part time this week at our local Lifeway store. It was very interesting I thought that we were receiving shipments of your new study on Esther–how timely–for such a time as this! Can’t wait to do the study! Thanks again!

  7. 156
    Katy Lin :) says:

    Amen. I must admit that I am not pleased with the outcome of the election, but I beleive that God is on the only throne that will stand, and he has placed this man in this position at this time for a reason, and for that Mr. Obama deserves our respect. Thank you for such wonderful encouragement!

  8. 157
    Anonymous says:


    Thank you for this post. I totally agree with you.

    Kim B. in Az

  9. 158
    Dianne says:

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you for recognizing the fire in your bones and speaking to us regarding what God has compelled you to speak to us. United we stand shoulder to shoulder! I join you in praying for our President-elect, Barack Obama, and his family.
    Love you,

  10. 159
    SoonerAggieMom says:

    WOW, you never cease to amaze me with your powerful words and prayers. I am printing today’s blog for my hubby and teenage sons to read and pray. It has to go further than just the siesta’s for it to work. bless you always sister.

  11. 160
    Jackie says:

    Thank you, precious Beth! God is leading me the very same way and He has given me a peace that passes all understanding during this whole process. I praise Him for that! And I thank Him for you, my precious Sister (Siesta). As a side note, last night I had a dream that about 8 or 10 siestas were sitting around a table with you…and then God had us lay our hands on you and pray over you. Oh how I would love to do that in person, but just know that I will be praying for you and this important ministry (and so are and will many others). Much love, Jax

  12. 161
    Missy says:

    Thank you Beth. I actually was praying before I got out of bed this morning about my own initial instincts to feel some sort of prejudiceness (is that a word??). I live in SC where racism is alive and well and I hate it. But I also realized how it has seeped in and worked negatively on my thoughts and attitudes, too. 🙁 I believe every word you wrote and I’m praying with you on that!
    Much love,

  13. 162
    Mindy Banks says:

    “He sets up kings and deposes them”

    Amen Beth!

  14. 163
    Tracy Vinson says:

    When my ten-year old daughter read the headlines of the paper, she began to weep. She wept for her nation and for God’s principles. God spoke to my heart…That’s it, she understands. I was so encouraged in that moment and I eagerly anticipate the revival that is going to sweep across this nation. I can’t wait to see lives changed and transformed by God’s Word. I walk today in victory because God is on the throne and I am blessed to watch what is about to happen!

  15. 164
    Kelly says:

    I thank God that He put those words on your heart today to share. I needed to hear them. I woke up bitter this morning with a pounding headache and a worried heart. But the Lord has placed several people in my path today, already, who have reminded me that God IS in control – no matter what.
    Thank you!

  16. 165
    Tracy says:

    Amen dear sister! Shoulder to shoulder standing with you in prayer. God was in control yesterday, He’s in control today (and EVERYDAY). We need to love, and step up like never before and pray for President-elect Obama and our nation as a whole. I’m humbled by your obedience to God’s impassioned promting.


  17. 166
    Michelle Bentham says:

    I am standing, or laying on my face, in agreement with you, Mrs. Beth.

    I have been praying just as you have admonished us and I have given admonition to my entire family to offer up prayers of support and truth for our President Elect and the nation as we embark on this new history-making journey.

    A few weeks ago I heard God ask me (in my spirit) if I would be willing to respect Mr. Obama if he were to become President. I could not say I had always done so – and that is when I realized this nation has an entire generation, led by the “FREE PRESS”, that does not know that we respect positions of authority not because of the people who hold the office, but because of the office that they hold. God commands us to do so much in Colossians 3, and our of reverence for Christ I stand for this nation and this government as it works together. That unity would be the mark of a new destiny, and truth would prevail in every way.

    Thank you so much for exhortation and truth.

  18. 167
    Miranda says:

    Thank you… isn’t it wonderful to be able to rise above the ways of the world and proclaim Glory to Christ!?!?!

    I choose joy in the situation….

  19. 168
    Anonymous says:

    I so agree with you, Beth, on the prejudice part, but am really struggling on the other parts of this. I’m actually pretty surprised at how deeply sad and disappointed I am and how hurt I feel. Please pray for those of us who are experiencing this.

  20. 169
    Bebe/ElPaso says:

    Beth, your post brings me to my feet praising my God. I am filled with emotion as I ponder his goodness, his wisdom and the power of his living Word. Oh, I love Him today!!!

  21. 170
    One Thing... says:

    Amen! Thanks for the challenge.

  22. 171
    Kay - Bluebird Sightings says:

    Beth, I just finished teaching the last session of "Daniel" to my Wednesday morning group (I'll teach it again tonight)and I thank God for His perfect timing. What a week of Bible study to wrap up just as we end this election. God had impressed the same thoughts on my heart as He did yours as this election drew to a close. I told my group this morning that they are to hold me accountable to two commitments I believe God has led me to make: 1) I will pray for our President and his family and administration {wisdom, godliness, discernment, leadership & even blessings}, and 2) I will treat him respectfully, especially in how I speak of him. I must admit that I failed to do the latter for a past president. But this time I feel it is very important that we show respect and honor, to the office and the man who fills it.

  23. 172
    Jenn says:

    I keep thinking about what you said yesterday that the best of circumstances don’t necessarily bring out the best in the Bride of Christ. And one of the siesta’s posted that if things had gone the other way she perhaps would not have been as fervent in her prayers for the president.

    I also think about what you said today, that we must not tolerate hate or prejudice of any kind and that now more than ever we need unity in the Body of Christ.

    And I can’t help but think that this is a time when we as Christians will give our greatest witness to those who feel the victory is theirs when the ultimate victory will always belong to our Risen Christ. May our lives and actions shout volumes of glory and praise to The One who ultimately reigns supreme.

  24. 173
    Lovely Day says:

    Shoulder to shoulder! The Word of the Lord is received — let us not be divided. Amen!

    We love you, too, Dear Beth! One day, I pray, you’ll know how much!

  25. 174
    Susan B. says:

    Amen! We stand united!

  26. 175
    Mama Bear says:

    Thank you Beth for your words. All day today I have been thinking about the many prayers that have been lifted up for the election in the last couple of weeks. Many have fasted and prayed and there have been many non-denominational prayer meetings. I wonder, when was the last time God heard from His children like that. What a sweet sound that must have been to Him. I will pray for my leaders, but I will also pray that the events of the past few weeks will become standard. That we will throw off denominational titles and unite as God’s Church. I pray that we will continually seek His face and in doing this, place our trust in only Him.
    Isaiah 2:22 Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?

  27. 176
    elawhorn says:

    Election Anxiety

    As Election Day winds down,

    I anxiously await results in my pajamas.

    In the morning we’ll have news of the outcome,

    Will this huge victory be McCain’s or Obama’s?

    The campaigning has been monotonous,

    Negativity has prevailed on both sides.

    Words spoken have been destructive,

    Political talk oft times stirs up and divides.

    Both candidates possess good, bad, and ugly,

    We must be wise and discerning for sure.

    I rest knowing God’s in control of it all,

    His Word tells me there’s hope in my future.

    Regardless whether an elephant or a donkey,

    Serves the U.S.A. the next four years.

    We must continually pray for God to unite us,

    To deliver us from insecurity and fears.

    Soon the winner’s name will be broadcast,

    God’s sovereignty will prevail.

    The first black man or a woman leader will emerge,

    His plan for this country will not fail.

    Praise God for America’s freedom,

    For complete freedom in Him, our Solid Rock.

    May His will be done here is the states,

    Under the leadership of John or Barack.

  28. 177
    Queenie Jeannie says:

    WOW! Powerful post!!

    I posted something similiar on my blog today and was referred here by a new bloggy friend.

    Keep up the great work!!!!!

  29. 178
    Praise and Coffee says:

    Amen and amen!

  30. 179
    CR says:

    Thanks for the reminder to promote love, not hate and to pursue Him in prayer.

  31. 180
    ForHisGlory says:

    I love so much to read all these comments and see how these siesta’s are truly getting it! It is all about Him! I am honored to do this journey with y’all! the one in prayer and the daily service to His mighty Name. I love you all! thank you Bet for the completely true and godly stiring up. Go siesta’s, GO GO GO Jesus you are my All in All!

  32. 181
    Tiffany Stuart says:

    Yes, I’m there. Appreciate the strong word.

  33. 182
    Lindsey Poulos says:

    Thank you so much for reminding us of this truth. I also feel such an urgency to pray. And to confess my sins of being complacent about God’s word and truth. I feel compelled to take a stand and not sit on the sidelines. I am thankful that even though I may never be invited to the white house, I am invited to throne room of God daily. Hallelujah!

  34. 183
    Jina says:

    Oh dear friends,

    Our family has been talking over these same things ourselves. Thank you Beth for posting about this.

    We prayed through seeing these circumstances and people with our faith eyes this morning. We talked about dealing with our fears or anxieties by approaching the throne in worship. We began praying for our leaders in a new way. Those who are leaving office and those who are coming to office.

    I have wondered for a few months, “Who would want this position?”

    Truly, I don’t think anyone but Jesus himself can heal our land. So Jesus, we are praying, drawing near and waiting for you to reveal your mode of operation one more time. Redeem our hearts, redeem these circumstances, protect us from evil. May we be viceroys of Heaven here on Earth in both seen and unseen realms.

    Love you LORD. Thank you for keeping your covenants! Thank you that we can always count on You! Thank you that you don’t let our foot slip! Thank you for having a hiding place with each of our names on it. May we run to it and bring others with us!

    In Jesus’ Name,

  35. 184
    Anonymous says:


    Please read Romans 13….the chapter….God gave this to me this morning….It’ll lift your feet!!

  36. 185
    J.C. says:

    Thank you Beth, and all the siestas, for such wonderful encouragement. I need to be spurred on in hope and not oppressed and bound in fear.

    To anonymous: Thank you for sharing your ongoing struggle to overcome your disappointment and sadness. I will pray for you.

  37. 186
    Momma 2...5 says:

    Thanks so much for those words. AS I woke up this morning trying to pray for our new president. This gives me the fire and desire to pray for him. God forgive me for the bad attitudes I have had toward him. God You allowed this to happen and now give me peace and comfort to know that YOU ALONE are in control!!!! Thanks Mama Beth for helping me screw this head back on straight!
    Love you!
    Amanda in SC

  38. 187
    doxielovers says:

    Thank you Beth. Amen!

  39. 188
    Nichole's Mom says:

    Yes Yes and Amen! Siestas, last night when President Elect Obama was speaking I felt a sense of urgency wash over me and I could hear God say to me “This is the one I have chosen, for such a time as this. Pray for him and love him because I love him”… Oh Miss Beth… It gave me chills. Thank you again for your love for our Father, and for your obedience.


  40. 189
    Abbasgirl says:


  41. 190
    Laurie Ann says:

    Amen and amen.

  42. 191
    Heather says:

    Like many times before the LORD used you in a mighty way. “The Church Ladies” and I are on week 9 of Believing God and the timing of your message on the DVD could not have been more perfect as we reflected on our feelings about the election.

    May our country stand united and may we honor our Soveriegn LORD with every breath we have.

  43. 192
    Vern ~ Inspired says:

    I was writing my blog last night when Obama won. One of the thoughts that came to me is…He is still Lord Of All!

    I totally agree with you that this is prime time to show Gods Character! Shoulder to Shoulder!
    What a visual that just was in my heart. I love that.

    Thanks for encouraging us along The Way!

    Be Inspired,

  44. 193
    Mercy4Drew says:


  45. 194
    Pam says:

    Beautifully written, dear siesta, Beth. Thank you for turning our eyes to where they belong, heavenward.

    You are precious, and I boldly stand with you in this as well. May the prayers heard by our Father be a sweet aroma.

  46. 195
    Tammy says:

    Amen is all I can say. Never has it been said so well. Thank you mama beth.

  47. 196
    Anonymous says:

    Could not have said it better:)Have been quoting Daniel 2:21 for weeks now.
    Rhonda from Texas

  48. 197
    Andreea says:

    I coudln’t wait to come to the blog today and see if y’all had posted anything. Wow! I think you are amazing!! And absolutely right. Thank you so much for such a timely word.

  49. 198
    Donna Sava says:

    Amen Beth!

    United by and for our God! He is in control!


  50. 199
    Speaking Thru Me Ministries says:

    thank you sister!!! i amen and amen!!

    love, Leigh

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