A United House

To my beloved Sisters who I esteem so highly and consistently find to be part of the solution to our problems in the Church rather than the cause,

Please join me in praying for our President-elect Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, and his precious daughters, Sasha and Malia. Go with me before the Throne of our sovereign God and ask Him to grant wisdom from above to President-elect Obama and the indwelling presence and power of Jesus Christ. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior…”

Please also join me in the active and deliberate pursuit of unity and purity in the Body of Christ at this historical time in our country. I implore you in Jesus’ Name to have zero tolerance for prejudice whether it is regarding party-affiliation, color (whether you are Black, White, or Brown), economics or the like. Disagreement is not sin. Prejudice is. Satan has plotted events and planted attitudes that, should he be successful, will result in havoc. We must not stand for his schemes or cooperate in a single way. We would severely displease God and invite untold chastisement upon Christ’s Church in our nation. Speak clearly to your children and graciously but emphatically draw a line in your work places and social circles regarding your stand against prejudice of any kind.

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.'” (Matthew 12:25) A united house stands. A divided house falls. The devil has much to gain. But he also has much to lose.

We are the Body of Jesus Christ and we have an opportunity to show His character. This is our watch. We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees.

I humble myself before you and make these pleas under such bold direction of God that I could not resist it nor disobey it. He made it a fire in my bones.

I love and esteem you so much. Shoulder to shoulder, Dear Siestas. Let’s leave not one inch for the enemy to come between us.

“Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder.” Zephaniah 3:9


201 Responses to “A United House”

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  1. 51
    Carrie says:

    I join you in unceasing prayer for our president and our country. This is the time for us to live as the body of Christ.

    Carrie Bond
    San Antonio, TX

  2. 52
    Maria says:

    Beth, I am complete and fully agreement with you. When I got up this morning I was sad, but God said “Fear Not!!” I will never leave you or foresake you or your descendants!!!” I praised Him and thanked him that his eye is always on his children. I am not afraid anymore. He also told me to start praying for President Obama as well. I love you Jesus so much!!!

  3. 53
    BethT says:

    Thank you so much for this! I’ve been trying to come up with the words to express this same thing to my friends and family who are surprising me with such bitterness this morning. Do we trust God or do we trust man?

  4. 54
    mom0ktdid says:

    Much needed words to heed. I have appreciated your thoughts yesterday and today, they have been comfort to me!

  5. 55
    Doreen T. says:

    Amen! Thank you, Beth, for being a great leader… our Siesta-in-Chief!

  6. 56
    Laura says:

    I agree with you, Mrs. Bethie. I will stand behind my new President, even though he wasn’t my first choice.

    Great Scripture that I had not thought about it. If we do not stand together, we will surely fall. Thank you for this Word this morning.

  7. 57
    Carol says:

    I’m taking a copy of your prayer to our Women’s Bible Study this morning and request it be added to our group’s prayer list for this week.

  8. 58
    Amanda Bailey Leach says:

    Thank you, sweet Beth. Our job is the same today as it was yesterday… we are to point others to Christ. Joining you on my knees…

  9. 59
    MissCaron says:


  10. 60
  11. 61
    Leslie Young says:

    We had our ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ moment last week in Stepping Up…it could not have been more timely. I join you in praying and urging the church to BE the church. No room for hate. Make His name great. Love God. Love people.

  12. 62
    Joanne (The Simple Wife) says:

    This is exactly what my girls and I talked about at breakfast this morning. That God is never taken by surprise, that he works all things for good, and that we should ALWAYS pray for our nation and its leaders.

    Love you, Beth!


  13. 63
    JottinMama says:

    “We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees.”

    Amen, Sister Beth!!!! I am praying along side you.

    Thanks so much for this much needed reminder.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kate ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. 64
    Anonymous says:

    Amen! Thank you! I am truly having trouble with bad thoughts. As a Christian I need to get on my Knees and ask for forgiveness. Your post really touched my heart.
    Thanks again. God Bless.

  15. 65
    Laura Beth Fletcher says:

    I will stand with you and my sisters for what is right from my knees…I will join you in praying and not tolerating any prejudice of any kind.
    God gave me many of the same thoughts throughout the night and in my prayer time…I pray we seize the “opportunity to show the character of Christ” like we never have before!
    We must love as he loves us!
    Thank you for your obedience and the truth you have put before us.
    Standing “shoulder to shoulder…knee to knee,
    Laura Beth

  16. 66
    Jill S says:

    I pray in agreement with you, and all of the Siesta’s for Barack Obama’s safety and welfare. May God give him strenghth and wisdom. May God heal our hearts of any hatred or division. May we be ambassadors for Christ, and may our actions show his love and grace. Amen.

  17. 67
    Kathy says:

    Well said Beth. Praying, praying, praying!!!
    Kathy in Michigan

  18. 68
    Kim B. says:

    AMEN BETH! Well said! Lord Jesus, we ask that you would grant wisdom and understanding to our new president elect. Lord, we don’t know his spiritual state, but we know that you can work. Bring people across his path that will share with him the gospel and show him what the kingdom of God is all about. Lord we know you are sovereign and that no matter who is president, you are working. You have set Obama in the office for a reason Lord so help us to submit to authority and to ultimately submit to you, our EVERLASTING HOLY KING! You are the true King Lord! We praise you Lord for your goodness and for the times of trials you bring in order to develop perseverance in us! Thank you for being you!


  19. 69
    Chel - An Abiding Branch says:

    Amen! Weeping may last for the night but JOY comes in the morning. As long as we move forward in the Love of Christ Jesus and do nothing from selfish ambition and consider others better than ourselves we can see some change at least in His House.

    I know that Pres. Bush will not stop kneeling his knees and neither will I.

    I have respect for that office and I pray that God’s will be done.

  20. 70
    Linda says:

    Thank you so much for putting into words, in only the way you can, my thoughts and feelings this morning. I pray for unity in our nation and for the strong presence of God to surround our president-elect. God is sovereign. Praise and glorify His Holy Name.

    Linda in Oregon

  21. 71
    Cynthia says:

    Me again…I found the shoulder to shoulder reference. Zeph. 3:9 knew it would come to me as soon as I sent my question.

  22. 72
    KCarlson says:

    Amen Siesta!

    Thank you for all your positive words and focus. It has been very hard with all the negativity. Thank you. I love knowing I can read your blog and you strive to uplift the church body and focus on how we can impact those around us and be obedient to the body of Christ.

  23. 73
    Mary Lou says:

    You are right on target, sweet Beth. We need to show Him in our respnse to the outcome of this election. I prayed about for whom to vote and for God to put His man in place. The one who would be used in our lives for God’s purpose and His glory. May we all became saltier and a stronger light for our Lord. Thank you for your oh, so wise words. Blessings on your day and your ministry.

  24. 74
    Pam Meyers says:

    Thank you, Beth, for your words so needed today. I plan to read this post, as well as the previous one, to my Bible study girls tonight. We’re doing the No Other Gods study you did last summer and are loving it.

    God’s blessings on all of you at Living Proof this day!

  25. 75
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you Beth…this is my sentiment exactly. I pray for unity, not division as we need to move forward and glorify God’s name in all we do. In Jesus’ Name!

  26. 76
    Misty says:

    I just copied and pasted your post on my blog stating that it was of course your words, not mine. I thought your words were convicting and encouraging. Thank you!!!!

  27. 77
    Dedra says:

    Standing with you Mama Siesta! Satan will have no place or any hold as long as we are on our face for our nation, leaders and citizens! Thank you for loving us and being so obedient to Him. This Siesta loves you and yours!

  28. 78
    Anonymous says:

    I stand with you shoulder to shoulder, I also join you, face down as we pray for unity in our country and for our leaders.
    Let the Churh RISE!

    Susan Harris
    Goodlettsville, TN

  29. 79
    Cheryl Barker says:

    “This is our watch. We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees.” I love how you said this, Beth. I’ve already been in prayer for our new President-elect and will keep on praying.

  30. 80
    Mama Trelle says:

    Amen and amen

    This is absolutely true and must happen.

    Thank you Beth

    We know that God remains in control. Our devotional reading this morning was from Luke about worry. We must have faith in God and not worry.

  31. 81
    Cathy says:

    Amen. And let us, today, as believers in Christ renew our devotion to Him to “Live this thing out” (as you would say, Beth). It’s so much easier to judge others than to DO. Love does ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. 82
    Anonymous says:

    I am so with you Miss Beth. I was praying yesterday before I left home ( I actually was campaigning for a local canidate). I was praying for the way I wanted the presidential election to turn out. And that’s when I heard, WHOA!!! You are not in charge. God knows the plans for this nation and He is in control, no matter who is President. And I was at peace with that.

  33. 83
    Kristen says:


    Whether the party you voted for won or lost… please respect & pray for the office of our President. The enemy desires us to be divided. The earthly enemies desire us to be divided. They know that United we stand and divided we fall.

    These are troubled times, but God is in control. Jesus wins! Jesus won!
    Joining you, on my knees, shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm. United in Christ!

  34. 84
    Kimberly and Grace says:

    Amen! Thank you Beth.

  35. 85
    Becky says:

    Dear Beth,
    I totally agree our best stand is from our knees and I join you in agreement along with many others to be in prayer for our new President-elect, his wife and his children.

    Thanks for all you do.

    Attalla, AL

  36. 86
    Cristie says:

    Amen and Amen! For such a time as this…:)

  37. 87
    Lina says:

    Obediently and powerfully said, Sister Beth, and I join you in impassioned prayer against any foothold the enemy may attempt to gain.

  38. 88
    Cheri Bunch says:

    Thank you, Beth. This is a right response.
    I join you in your position of prayer. May the Lord be praised!
    With blessings~

  39. 89
    Anonymous says:

    Yes we need to do this.I did it when he won.No matter whom we voted for we need to do what Beth asked us because that is what God ask us.I will do what my father says to do.I do pray for the saftey for all of them.I will pray each night for any presdent,of USA.This is what God wanted ,GOD BLESS AMERICA. God be with you Victoria,Reidsville NC

  40. 90
    dianne - bunny trails says:

    Very well said. Thank you for the reminder. Standing on my knees with my sisters.

  41. 91
    Anonymous says:

    This morning I got up and grabbed my laptop to check the latest results, but I stopped. “Lord, I really need to hear from you and not the media.”
    I am doing “Living Beyond Yourself.” I felt impressed to start the lesson for today. I thought: “Lord, Beth will have a Word from You through her message?” And did He have a word:
    The lesson took me to Titus 3:1-8
    What a powerful message.
    Verse 2 cut me to the quick.
    To slander or abuse or speak evil of no one, to avoid being contentious, to be forbearing (yielding, gentle and conciliatory) and to show unqualified courtesy toward everybody.
    Amplified version.
    I am grateful for the faithfulness of God

  42. 92
    Another Linda in Oregon says:

    Thank you!

  43. 93
    Elizabeth says:

    I am with you – God is on His throne and His title and position and authority have not changed.
    This I KNOW is true. This I BELIEVE is true.

    But I’ve gotta tell ya my flesh and my mind are still screaming “WHAAAT?!?!?”

  44. 94
    all4boys says:

    AMEN. God is good, and He has us in His hands, doesn’t He? I have joined you in praying for O’Bama family. That is our calling, after all. I love you, Mama Beth.

  45. 95
    Elaine says:

    Yes and amen!

  46. 96
    The Reeves bunch says:

    Your post really touched me! Thank you for being me back to focus. On my knees for our nation and country. Beth, thank you for allowing God to truly speak through you.

  47. 97
    Victoria says:

    Joining with you and all my sisters in prayer…

  48. 98
    Melissa says:


  49. 99
    Kelly says:

    Thank you for your words.

    The radiant sunshine this morning comforted me, as I remembered Who is truly in charge.

  50. 100
    shel says:

    Thanks you Beth! Once again you speak clearly and loudly to us in regards to praying for those in authority over us…We covered this in Steppin Up last night. PTL!
    We will be joining you on our knees…and shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee…as the posts have said, as we pray for relationships between our two countries, and for your new president-elect.
    Praise be to God…Amen and Amen
    Shel in Canada

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