For the Love of Bible Study

This could be the shortest blog post of my life because I’m in my pajamas, face washed, on the bed, ready to call it a day, and needing to get up way before dawn in the morning. But a tidal wave of grace hit my heart this evening and I want to try to put it into words right now at the tall foamy crest of it. I’ve gotten so many tweets from women starting Bible studies over these last 3 days. It’s, of course, because September is such a great time for getting back to some of our disciplines as summer has come to an end. As I’ve scrolled through the feed, a number of women are giving shout-outs about starting Children of the Day this week. Another sister told me on Twitter earlier today she’d just started Beloved Disciple. Another Stepping Up. Someone brand new to the whole concept asked me where she should start and I told her, among our own offerings, Jesus the One and Only.



A different woman told me yesterday she was starting A Woman’s Heart. The mention of that one always brings me close to tears because it was my maiden voyage into a life of study that by God’s unfathomable kindness and grace I, to date, have never gotten over. I almost couldn’t get up off the floor over that one. I fell so in love with Jesus and into such awe over His Word in that journey that it was nearly painful. Each study means so much to me because it overlays a stretch of my own personal life –  miles of ups and downs and hopes and dreams and disappointments and detours and uncertain destinations – upon the life of Jesus, the Holy Son of God, on the pages of His own Word. I hope you could describe something similar when you spend weeks of a Bible study series with Him. Our imperfect, insecure lives converge with the fullness of the holy Christ right there on the page through the work of the Spirit and the result is transformation.


I want to say something to you girls. It has been and will continue to be, God willing, the honor of my ministry life to serve you in Bible study. One woman I heard from today has done all 15. Another one was starting her first one. I was overwhelmed by the grace of it. In February LifeWay and I will celebrate 20 years of Bible studies together. We never had a single thought that there would be a second one. We begged God early on to grant us diversity of reach in the Body of Christ so that we could see women’s Bible studies invade barriers and make heavy investments of heart into unity. He has done it. You are from all sorts of churches and backgrounds and denominations. Many who are coming into Bible studies in these last few years have no religious background at all. First generation Christians.


We have studied hard together and graced each other where we didn’t necessarily see eye to eye. We’ve given each other the grace to be different. We’ve esteemed each other as equally cherished by God, saved by the cross of Jesus Christ, and invited to the dining table where divine words become the feasts of queens.


I just want you to know I am sitting on the bed tonight deeply moved and with tears in my eyes. God has been so merciful. What grace to have gotten to be part of your lives though Bible study journeys. Thank you. I don’t even know how to say those words with the volume and force that my heart feels them right now.


Thank you.


It has never gotten old to me. I have never taken it for granted. And my past is too bad for me to take any credit. I know what a mess this woman was in and I know the miracle He did in me with His Word. He completely bathed and reworked and rebooted my brain until I was a completely different woman. And He keeps doing it because I keep needing considerable help. That drive – believing with all my heart that if He can do it for me, He can do it for anybody – keeps me in it every single day, even when days get hard.


Someone asked me in the last post if “Breaking Camp” meant I was saying any personal goodbyes. Not one single one, Sister. Not that I know of. Not unless somebody kicks me out. Smile. I don’t agree with everyone. But I will dang well serve anyone. I’m so thankful right now in my life not to feel enclosed and cramped in a camp. Just blessed by gracious communities. To see women discipled in God’s Word is the passion of my life. The air in my lungs. My partnership with LifeWay through curriculum  and women’s events has been in an environment of truest community just like my church and LPM. I am blessed out of my mind.



So, anyway. That’s all I wanted to say. That I’m just overwhelmed with gratitude tonight. If God should ever decide to sweep me home suddenly, I’d have wanted there to be a place somewhere in public record where I just said these words:


Sisters: Feverishly following Jesus with you has been the greatest adventure of my life. THANK YOU.


So grateful to serve you and honored beyond words to serve this generation of women with other Bible teachers and communicators like Priscilla Shirer, Kelly Minter, Lisa Harper, Jennie Allen, Tammie Head, Jen Hatmaker, Christine Caine, Sheila Walsh, Angie Smith, Kay Arthur, Joyce Meyer, Lisa Bevere, Anne Graham Lotz, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Ann Voskamp, Lysa TerKeurst, and other stellar women I could name and write about all night. Great things are happening in women’s discipleship all over the globe. GREAT THINGS AMONG OUR YOUNG WOMEN. Great things among the seasoned and all those in between. Most of us don’t care whose Bible study you’re in or if it’s even a formal curriculum. We just want to see women with their faces planted into that Book so their feet will be planted on that Rock.


The gorgeous, glorious, breath of God on the sacred page.


Maybe this is a great post for you to tell us if you happen to be in a Bible study of any kind (by anybody! share the wealth!) or just diving into the Scriptures on your own this September of 2014. It would be so much fun to have you share it and somebody undecided might get an idea for her own pursuit of Scripture this Fall. Let us hear from you if you get the chance.


And thanks for listening. It wasn’t short after all. Why couldn’t it just ONCE BE SHORT????

I love you,





308 Responses to “For the Love of Bible Study”

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  1. 201
    Karen says:

    Thank-you. Blessed many times over by sharing in your studies. Awaiting the new fall study with a group of sistas at my church.

  2. 202
    teresa humphrys says:

    Dear Beth,
    I am headed out today to purchase the kit for “Children of the Day”. Some of our ladies have done all of the “Beth” studies, along with many others, Liz Curtis Higgs, Kay Arthur, Angela Thomas, to name a few. I have been ‘learning through leading’ as I took this on ten years ago after our first leader became too feeble to lead, and recently passed on to glory. I always tell our group that I am not teaching, but you, or whomever has written the study, is doing the teaching. I am so far from equipped to do any teaching!!
    Thank you so much for hearing the call into this service that has impacted so many around the world. In depth Bible study CHANGED MY LIFE. Literally. I was saved by grace prior to starting these studies, but needed to fall head over heals (using your words) with my Savior, and get to know Him and His Word.
    Blessings upon you and may God grant you many more studies in the future! Love you so much!

  3. 203
    Cindy Cannon says:

    Thank you for your willingness to serve. God is continuing to use you in many different ways. May He be Glorified!

    Our group is currently finishing up a video series we started in the summer called – End Time Ministries. It has really been interesting and has pulled an older generations into our group. Since, there has been such a great interest, we will be starting Daniel the end of September.

    I can not thank you enough for making the Word of God come alive for me. The last 9 years of Bible Study has changed by life. His Word speaks to me each and everyday. He tell me who I am, not who the world says I am. I have caught the passion for His Word and I love sharing it with others. Thank you! He has changed my life and restored my soul!

  4. 204
    ValinKY says:

    Valerie, Louisville KY
    Our church here in Louisville is doing the God Seeker – A Journey through Exodus 33 from Further Still Ministries. It is a Bible study written by Kristen Sauder (another gifted teacher of God’s Word). She went to Heaven – to see her Savior and meet Moses himself! – in January of this year. This study will be previous this time around.

  5. 205
    Sherry says:

    What I love about your studies is that you have us ALL OVER the word – front to back. I signed up for the online study Living Beyond Yourself years and I mean YEARS ago. I recently picked it back up – my login in still works believe it or not – and I’m enjoying it although I wish I were more disciplined in making time for it. I’m so glad you’re disciplined and keep turning out such great meat for us to ingest. Love to you.

  6. 206
    Cheri Darling Swords says:



    I started with your Bible studies seventeen years ago when my twins were eight months old. The studies God brought us thru together changed my heart and life. Each book of yours that I read after the first study and since then, I literally hear your voice reading the words to me. God has worked wonders and still continues to weed out ME from me and replace with Him.

    I was fortunate enough to see you this year in February at Women of Faith in Houston and a few weeks ago in Memphis. You came out into the audience and stood right by my friends and I. We had a group there from Atlanta and my sister was with me. We lost our dear, sweet Mama in January of this year. When you prayed over all those who had lost a loved ones, God replaced our grief with unspeakable joy. Later someone took a picture of us on the overhead screen. We have a heart memory and a visual one. God was ultimately telling us powerfully by you standing by us, that He is serious about restoring so much more in us. How grateful we continue to be to serve a risen Savior that is in the trenches with us, molding us and conforming us into His image. THANK YOU for being obedient to His call on your life so that two sisters from MS could stand up and release the most gut wrenching pain ever to Him.

    Look forward to starting Children of the Day and watching how God will move and work wonders. He is faithful to His children when we seek Him. Blessings!

  7. 207
    kathy says:

    Currently I am doing Children of the Day. I am doing it solo started this summer had to put it on hold because I was doing a study on 2 Corinthians at church with some other ladies. Picked it up again 2 weeks ago. Man that 2 Thess. chapter 2.. threw me for a loop. And like you said it made me want to get in there and study. So I have read every commentary I can get ahold of. I am going to make a little bracelet to wear with the three initials TRA temporarily living abroad! It will be a conversation starter and a reminder this is not my home.

  8. 208
    Annette says:

    Have had the privilege of hosting in my home 4 of your studies for family and friends. These sweet ladies are in various stages of a faith walk with Jesus – some seasoned, some just starting and some not quite there yet. We just finished Children of the Day. Each time we gather we pray for you and others in ministry that the Lord will keep a guard over your hearts and minds, and that they be kept pure and true, and that your words would always be His words. While we love you, we pray that we will not lift you up, but will always lift Him up as He works through you. Blessings in Christ from your sisters in Floyd, Virginia.

  9. 209
    Elaine Brady says:

    Hi Beth,

    I am so thankful that God brought the Bible studies that He has written through you into my life. He has used it teach, encourage, develop and strengthen my faith. I was raised outside of the church and I was invited to join a group doing “Living Beyond Yourself” I only knew that Genesis was the first book, Revelation was the last and there were a lot in between.

    Over the last few years, God has taken me on the wildest journey that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams that He would call me to teach His Word to other Sisters (honestly, I still can’t quite wrap my brain around it).
    I’ve fallen completely head over heals in love with Him and His Word. I cannot live, nor will I ever choose to live, without Him. He is my everything.

    As of late, I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from formal Bible studies and from teaching so that I can dedicate myself to writing and publishing my first Bible study. It’s on 1st & 2nd Peter and it’s about half way done. I hope to be able to send it to the publisher in the first quarter of 2015. Some days the process of writing is so invigorating. Other days it’s hard not to scrap the whole thing and start over anew.

    But through it all, God has been so good and faithful. Siesta Mama, this is your fruit, too. Thank you for being obedient to our God. It has revolutionized my life and I cannot thank you enough.

    Much love,


  10. 210
    Jane says:

    Has it been 20 years?! To say that life has never been the same since a Woman’s Heart is as they say ‘the Gospel truth.’ Thankfully. Ready to begin children of the Day next week with a super group of ladies. I learned the books of the Bible bouncing around through your studies Beth. I learned to lean into Him. I rejoice daily that I am able to lead others to the joy that I found in the Word through your studies. I know that as you write, you are personally blessed beyond anything we can receive from your writings. What a wonderful selfishness! I tell my classes that I selfishly teach – what a wonderful blessing it is to lead others to find Him through your writings. Blessings upon blessings to you and to your family.

  11. 211
    Suzy E. says:

    Beth – THANK YOU for not being concerned about being short (I am certainly not concerned about it!) but always sharing your heart. That’s where the love of God shines brightest through any of us – and as far as I’m concerned, you have done that the best.

    When I grow up (smile – I’m probably older than you!) I want to be just like you! Because you are just like Jesus.

    Much love!

  12. 212
    Lisa D. says:

    What a blessing! My first study with you, Beth, was when my daughter was an infant and I was reeling from her very premature birth. She is now 14, and I also have a 10 year old son and I am still following after our Jesus in His Word!! Getting ready to dive into Breathe with Priscilla Shirer for these next 5 weeks. Love you!!!

  13. 213
    Sandy says:

    My Bible study group is getting back into “To Live Is Christ” next week. We started the study in May or June & then broke for the summer. It will be so good to get back into Bible study with my group. I am fairly new to Beth Moore & her studies, having my first one in 2010. But they have been such a blessing & helped me grow & mature in my relationship with God. My two favorites are “Believing God” & “Breaking Free” & God used them to help me to grow deeper with Him. Thank you, Beth, for being willing to let God work through you.

  14. 214
    ju says:

    Beth, your studies opened my eyes to who God is and what he can do. I am in a small group using Companions in Christ curriculum, for the most part. We read Eugene Peterson’s A Long Obedience in the same direction and I shared Stepping up videos and lessons that deepened the study. No one else had ever been in one of your studies. The reactions were all different. But I think you opened their eyes as well to just WHO our God is.

    I thank you for you faithfulness and your willingness to risk is all for Christ and us, who need to hear the word over and over. I started the Children of the Day study with you this summer but life overtook me. I know I will get to it. I am waiting for God’s guidance on how, when and with whom.

    I am glad your “camp” post did not signal a change in your calling, but it did speak to me directly as my church, pastor and members look to what needs to be done to keep the community alive and living for Christ, not just doing what we “always have done.” May you continue to know God’s many blessings, Beth. To me you are one of them!

  15. 215
    Amanda says:

    Hi Beth,

    I am currently reading the scriptures on my own, but am thinking of starting Children of the Day or A Woman’s Heart on my own. I have been invited to do Revelations with a group of ladies that I frequently do studies with, but am not able to attend because of my traveling and my daughters activities. I currently assist with the preschool area of my church and am unable to go to my regular Sunday school class, but get the joy of teaching the Jesus loves us to the 1 and 2 year olds.

    I just want to thank you. I have been attending your simulcasts, and traveling to different cities since 2006 and you have taught me so much about the Bible and the Lord. I accepted Christ into my life thirteen years ago. I did not grow up in a Christian based family. You have helped me to see that Jesus loves me no matter what and that he only wants me to trust him and have a relationship with him. I thank you for your teachings, laughter, tears and honesty. I can’t tell how many times you have brought me to the floor in tears with our Lord.

    Thank you.

  16. 216
    Deidra says:

    Thank you, Beth. The ladies in our church have just begun study on Wednesday nights on Children of the Day. In our Sunday night discipleship training, several classes have been offered, one of which is The 7 Experiment by Jen Hatmaker. Another is Fast Track. I look forward to Bible study and the transformation that I am asking God to do in my life.

  17. 217
    Laura Naiser says:

    I used to teach Disciple Bible Studies curriculum and was frequently asked what I thought of your studies. I had to say I had never taken one so couldn’t offer an informed opinion. Finally, about 7 or 8 years ago, I decided to take a semester off of my regular curriculum and try one of your studies so I could offer an informed opinion the next time someone asked.

    A friend and I pooled our money and bought the kit and did the study together at her home. WOW! What a treat I was in for! I loved the study (Living Beyond Yourself) so much I did it a second time. Since then I have completed/facilitated 3 more and am gearing up to facilitate Children of the Day this fall.

    I am so grateful to you for how you model grace and truth and a passion for studying the Word not just to amass intellectual knowledge but to truly grow in a relationship with Christ and be transformed by Him. You have been such a “virtual mentor” to me as I, with great trembling and fear, answered God’s call to begin a speaking and writing ministry this past year. Even though we don’t really know each other, you have encouraged and equipped me more than you will ever know! Thanks!!!!

  18. 218
    Amanda says:

    Starting Ann Voskamp’s “1000 Gifts” with a group of young Christians and several who are on the rim. I felt like this would be a great jumping off point for ladies who need to see they are loved. Books are supposed to come in the mail today and I’m getting excited.



  19. 219
    Twila Leadon says:

    Thank you, Beth, for your obedience to God’s calling in your life. I have facilitated Bible studies at my church since the late ’90’s. Mostly yours, but a scattering of other Bible studies written by amazing women. Through these studies I have not only grown tremendously in my Biblical knowledge, but along the way I have introduced 3 of my sisters-in-law from different faiths to Bible study. Two of them have gone on to facilitate their own Bible studies. I will be facilitating a Tuesday morning study of Children of the Day beginning Sept. 16 at my church. My sister-in-law & I completed this study on our own this summer. I feel we are kindred spirits, Beth. So many of your life experiences are parallel to my own. Abundant blessings upon you & those you hold dear.

  20. 220
    Sue says:

    20 years ago, my life turned upside down during the Tabernacle Bible study. I am so thankful. We had quite a community of women who grew tremendously through the study of God’s Word…families were changed…our whole town was changed! A number of us moved away from that California desert community and started women’s Bible studies in our new towns. God has done amazing things. This fall, I am doing Bible study with my own 17yo daughter. We just finished Children of the Day and are now starting James. Her growth in the Lord through the study of the Word is precious. Thank you, Beth, for being faithful and allowing God to use you! ♥ God is so good!

  21. 221
    Lisa Younce says:

    Thank You, Thank You! I have been so blessed doing all of your studies! We just finished Children of the Day a couple of weeks ago @ FiveStone Community Church in Garland, TX! There are so many rich lessons in 1& 2 Thessalonians that I am still processing.

    I am a group leader in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship ) an interdenominational in depth study of God’s Word that is international and available in many places and times. This year’s study is on the life of Moses. Next year we study Revelation. Our group, in McKinney, TX, begins next week and there are spaces available for anyone who is interested in learning about Christ through the study of The Bible. We welcome ladies who have not ever opened a Bible and the well seasoned who have been in church all their lives. Each year I lead a group of 15 women who bond together over study and sharing our life experiences.

    I am so grateful for my time with women of all ages in my life. The more I put myself out there and share my real self, the more sense of community and purpose I see in my life! I see that example lived out by Beth more than anyone else I know!

    Thank Tou again for everything you do Beth!!

    In Christ,

  22. 222
    Elisabeth says:

    For it to be short it wouldn’t be you. Therefore, I’m glad it’s not. (Grin.)

    I have just finished Children of The Day. Which means I have officially done ALL of them. And I just began listening through Living Beyond Yourself in the car. It’s been years but BOY is it relevant. I almost have to pull over sometimes because it kinda knocks the wind out of me. Anyone who hasn’t done it NEEDS to. Pronto.

    And anyone who sees this and hasn’t yet dove in:
    Doing these studies has been the single greatest thing in my life besides Jesus. No joke. I am who I am because He used LPM and the studies to radically pull me up out of a thousand pits and redeem my life from extreme darkness. If you haven’t experienced this, please do!
    Start with Believing God and Breaking Free. Please Please dig your heels in and do the thang. It’s oh so worth it.

  23. 223
    Joan says:

    I have so appreciated your Bible studies through the years and have done the majority of them. I loved the challenge in the James study to write and memorize the book. I was 63 at the time and have to tell you I LOVED writing and memorizing the book. More than any other study, those two exercises helped it really become part of my bones! I found I enjoyed writing James in bigger chunks rather than just a few verses each day, just helped me get a better overview. I typed James on 4×6 postcards – 1 card for each chapter and memorized while doing my daily 4-5 mile walk. It took longer than the study but it was a rich spiritual experience. I still pull out my James cards and recite all 5 chapters 1-2 times a week while walking. Now I am just stArting “Children of the Day” and am glad for the writing and memorizing challenge again. I will soon be typing up those 4×6 cards with I &Il Thessalonians on them and praying for enough good weather here in Ohio that I can get them memorized before summer of 2015! God bless you Beth, and may He continue to use you for His glory!

  24. 224
    Joni says:

    Thank you, Beth, for your consistent example of what it means to follow Christ. I first met you via video, Believing God, and God has been speaking to me through your studies and blog posts ever since. I’m facilitating the first half of Daniel this September at my church. Then, a few months after the birth of my second grandchild, we will continue with the last six weeks of Daniel around February or March. This is so I can help out with the baby and his 2 year old sister.

    I can honestly say you’ve been my mentor since 2004 when I desperately needed someone to help me believe God through panic attacks. Because of your faith, I was emboldened to trust God. My panic attacks subsided over the next year to the point I could leave my home, rejoin the choir, and facilitate morning Bible studies. Only God!

  25. 225
    Joni says:

    Thank you, Beth, for your consistent example of what it means to follow Christ. I first met you via video, Believing God, and God has been speaking to me through your studies and blog posts ever since. I’m facilitating the first half of Daniel this September at my church. Then, a few months after the birth of my second grandchild, we will continue with the last six weeks of Daniel around February or March. This is so I can help out with the baby and his 2 year old sister.

    I can honestly say you’ve been my mentor since 2004 when I desperately needed someone to help me believe God through panic attacks. Because of your faith, I was emboldened to trust God. My panic attacks subsided over the next year to the point I could leave my home, rejoin the choir, and facilitate morning Bible studies. I served in that capacity for seven years. Then moved to a new
    church in 2012, and God opened the door for me to facilitate Bible studies there. So thank you, Beth. Thank you. Thank you. To God be the glory.

  26. 226
    Cindy says:

    I just started Children of the Day three weeks ago! This will be my 12th Beth Moore study and probably my 15th or 16th overall. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this one is speaking so directly to my heart that I feel you must know me personally.
    There are no words to thank you enough for answering Gods call on your life and living a life of obedience to Him!! I don’t know where I’d be without the studies you’ve written. To say I’ve grown through them spiritually is such an understatement.
    I have and continue to fall in love with the written inspired God breathed Word over and over each time I start a new study.
    Again, thank you thank you thank you for following the path God started you on 20 years ago! I am a life that hS been changed.

  27. 227
    Danette Martin says:

    Dear Beth,

    We start “Children of the Day” next Tuesday and that Saturday we will be taking a bus from Mansfield Ohio to go to Fort Wayne Ind. to see you in person!!! 50 godly women on a bus that hopefully has a bathroom on board or we will never make it on time! Our church (Crossroads) has classes twice a year of your bible studies. We are so blessed by God thru what we learn from you! Thank you, Beth!

  28. 228
    Warm In Alaska says:

    Short? How could it be short? It wouldn’t be you if it was short! So thankful to the Lord for how He’s used you and your love for the Word in my life and my family’s life. Best blessings on you and the LP Crew!

    Warm in Alaska

  29. 229
    Texas in the Mountains says:

    We recently moved into the glorious state of Colorado! (YEAH!!!) We are trying to discern where the Lord would like us to plant our roots in a body of believers. We have it narrowed down to 2 churches, but are still “dating”. So now we are spending this fall getting involved in ministries to help us with the next big step of commitment.
    I was trying to decide between ‘Children of the Day’ at the church that is farther away, and our second choice; and ‘Precepts Upon Precepts-Luke’ at the church that is very close and the one we have almost decided on. I’ve participated in (and loved) several studies authored by both Beth and Kay, so no surprises what to expect.
    Because they are on different days, I decided to try the first session of each to see which one the LORD was leading me too.
    Not because of the studies, but because of other circumstances, I decided on the PUP study. Well, the LORD clearly spoke to me to go to the COTD study. Not because of the study, but because of the sweet young mom of 2 toddler boys who sat weeping in our group. She is overwhelmed with a situation with her in-laws; her parents just moved 3 states away, and she asked us for help.
    At the end of group, I walked her to the child care area to pick up those sweet little bundles of energy, and talked about her situation. She went home and I went home. But I couldn’t get her off of my mind. As I was washing dishes that night, I heard the LORD tell me so clearly that I was to go back to the group so that I could minister to her. What an honor to be chosen to minister faith,love, and hope to the beloved daughter of the King. So pleased to be on this journey with you, and the entire body. 🙂

  30. 230
    Paula Hale says:

    I have been participating in the If:Equip Bible studies online, and have really enjoyed thinking about the passages with those 3 questions and I learn so much from the video segments.

    I have recently begun a Gratitude Challenge with some friends at work through Revive Our Hearts. Wow! I have had several “aha” moments, and I’m only on day #8. They have several different challenges, and you can begin at any time.

    I have signed up with some friends to begin a study by Sharon Jaynes called The Power of a Woman’s Words which is being offered online as well.

    Thank you so very much for teaching me the value of studying His Word and the value of that endeavor.
    Many blessings!

  31. 231
    Bridget says:

    Amen Beth,
    I completed the Children of the Day bible study in August. I loved every session of the indepth study of God’s word, and received much confirmation in regards to God’s call on my life in ministry. Looking forward to seeing your Simulcast on Sept. 13th in New Orleans. Thank you for serving as my Mentor over the past 15 years. God Bless!

  32. 232
    Annette says:

    I finished Children of the Day with a closes friend of mine over the summer. It was a great for us to stay connected but most importantly with the Lord.
    The women’s group at my church will be starting the James Bible study Monday night. I can not wait!!!!
    Thank you for always encouraging us to dig deeper in God’s Word and a personal time with Him.

    God Bless,

  33. 233
    GJ says:

    Beth – I can say with all my heart that I am the woman, pastor’s wife, mom, and Gran Jan I am today because of your labors in the Word to write Bible studies. Thank you for your investments in me and thousands of others!

    My two all-time favorite studies are Believing God and Living Beyond Yourself.

    Just last week I shared with a young woman the difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper – something I learned years ago while going through Living Beyond Yourself.

    Just this past Wednesday night I started taking 25 ladies through Children of the Day, and ESTHER AND JAMES were so precious to my Wednesday night ladies.

    And oh my goodness – A Woman’s Heart…that’s where I decided I wanted to live next door to you.

    May God bless you always.

    You know I love you,

  34. 234
    Lynette says:

    I am starting Children of the Day with some women of my church and also doing Red Hot Faith, by Cindy Bultema, win another group of lades. I’m hoping I can keep on track!

  35. 235
    mercy4Drew says:

    Our SSBS will become our Fall Bible study next week. We will be opening the book of Hebrews with Leah Adams. New members with new insights and excited about expanding our group. May the result be transformational!

  36. 236
    Nancy Mulford says:

    Dear friend,
    My friends and I will begin Children of the Day this Sunday evening. We have done at least eight of your studies together. We started with three and now have 10 faithful ladies, with a few others that come and go. We have not only become lovers of Gods Word, but lovers of each other. We have grown in our commitment to Jesus and our desire to be more like him. Thank you for being such a faithful teacher. We love you and pray for you as we pray for each other.
    Gratefully your,
    Nancy Mulford

  37. 237
    Anna says:

    What a precious post. Your gratitude, passion and love are palpable on each page and video. God has used you in my life, starting in 1999, as a high school senior at Passion. Since then I’ve done a number of your studies with dozens of different women… The week after next we start A Heart Like His. Much love to you, sister… Press on!

  38. 238
    Lorrie says:

    I remember A Heart like His. It has a special place with me too. I did The Beloved Disciple, youth version with my teenagers in Sunday school years ago. John has been my favorite disciple ever since. I did Children of the Day this summer- solo. Actually, still working on the last week. It is my favorite so far and I don’t want to rush through it. I am starting to teach a new younger ladies Sunday School class this week. I am trying to figure out a way to make it work for Sunday School.

  39. 239
    aura says:

    love ya right back!!!

  40. 240
    Colleen says:

    Just started Priscilla’s Jonah with my husband and one of my grown daughters. Our first as a family. She went through a break up at the beginning of summer that has torn us all to shreds. But, The Lord is faithful, and HE has a plan. Priscilla is taking us on a journey that we hope will categorize this as a Divine Intervention.
    I did Children of the Day this summer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  41. 241
    cyndi grace says:

    I have grown right along with you, dear one. I am partial to Beloved Disciple because I was the “Baptist to the Bone” girl on the ship!! I have done most of your studies but God has lead me to write others on my own. That would never had happened had I not grown under your precious leading. My study group is doing Mary Jo Sharp’s apologetic study this semester. Will do Children of the Day on my own!! Thank you so much!

  42. 242
    Suzanne in RI says:

    Our church will be doing Children of the Day this fall.

    Plus, I’d like to give Liz Curtis Higgs a shout out.

  43. 243
    Susan says:

    We lost my father-in-law in Oct.1994 and soon after moved in with my husband’s wheelchair bound mother. With the shared responsibility of raising two grade school sons (both very active in sports and music)holding down a public school teaching job and trying to keep our heads above water financially, I can remember laying my exhausted head down at night praying for God to help us get through this crisis. One evening, I will never forget asking God to show me what I needed to stop doing and show me things I needed to start doing to help me cope. Several weeks went by and it was announced at church by our Minister of Family & Children, Ms Audra, that a new thing was starting for the women on Wed. Nights. A bible study called “A Woman’s Heart-God’s Dwelling Place” She was very excited about this study and thought it may be just what I was looking for. God answered my prayers that first bible study. It changed my life and I have not missed a single bible study of yours since. I am now one of the Facilitators and we will be starting Children of the Day this month. Our children are both grown and married now. Both of my daughters-in-law have participated in your bible studies. I look back on that time in our life as both difficult and precious. Thank you for your ministry. Women need each other to get through the tough times. God’s timing is perfect!

  44. 244
    Cheri B says:

    My group of 4 ladies get together for dinner & study weekly and have been for now 3 or 4 years. We just completed Faithful, Abundant, True that you, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur did together. GREAT study – and so neat to get a little teaching from 3 great teachers. You all are different in your styles, but all anointed women of God. We really did hone into your story about living among “posers” in these last days! We all had a story about being “punked”! 🙂 Thank you Beth, for following Jesus as you do and for being so real and relate-able – you inspire me!

  45. 245

    I am half way through Children of the Day and I am getting so much from it. I have done most of your studies. One of my favorites is A Woman’s Heart. Daniel is another one that spoke to me. You just have a gift for bringing the scriptures to life! Thank you!

  46. 246
    Joan A. says:

    Dear Beth, I will be forever grateful to you for your obedience and passion to The Lord Jesus we love. The first day I started Jesus the One and Only about 20 years ago I came come, laid on my bed and asked God to give me even just 1/8 of the passion you have for Him. He did abundantly above all that I asked and He has given me strong passion and desire for His Son to the glory of God the Father. I have had the privilege to finish many of the studies you’ve done as well as others with my small home group from church. I so look forward to the summer online studies with you that I discovered about 3 years ago. I am almost finished with Sacred Secrets doing it solo. Super rich focus on intimacy just between my Savior Jesus and I. I have led some of your studies with other women. I thank God our Father for you and your faithfulness. Warm regards, joan

  47. 247

    Beth I love that your posts are never short! You my dear are a woman of many words and for that we LOVE YOU. This fall I have stepped out of the boat and into the role of co-leading our women on Monday nights at BVG (Big Valley Grace). I am so nervous but so excited all the same. We are going to start up on the 15th with a study written by my dear friend and mentor Colleen Fraioli. The study is called Repurposed: Do-overs, Change-ups, Turn Arounds, and Other Miracles of Grace. She is a wonderful writer and I am so interested and excited to venture into the Word with our ladies. I love that I will be lead to Jesus through the written words of my dear friend. Its a special way to do bible study.

  48. 248
    lynda rickey says:

    I am going it alone this September. I have a wonderful community group with a pastor and a ruling elder so even though we bounce around the Bible it is always incredible. And Jesus always shows up to teach me something by and through his unfathomable mercy and grace. To you sister I say THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU! Your Bible studies revolutionized my walk with Jesus. God working through you has made all the difference for me. Your words (Jesus’s words) pierce my heart and allowed me to break free from my own self made prison cell. When I think of how radically different my life is now I get all choked up. There will be a day when I can hug your neck and tell you face to face how much I love you and what a wonderful friend you have been to me. Love, love, love that we are sisters in Christ. Always, Lynda

  49. 249
    Tiphani says:


    I am so grateful for your life and faithfulness to the church body. I am one of those young ones you talk about but I would be naive if i didn’t thank you and other women for paving a way. I’m doing your Patriarch study of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. I have so fallen in love with Hebrew words and more of God. He is absolutely wonderful.


  50. 250
    Jana says:

    I know anyone who reads this will agree: God has done amazing things through your life in this generation. But I know that required a lot of cooperation from you also, 🙂 and you have been so faithful. I have recently completed some writing that I felt the Lord gave me, and it just about put me in the grave! ha! How in the world have you done it?! I told my husband the other day, “How in the world does she pump these things out every 18 months?!” 🙂 May He give you more! They bless so many people. Praying for your words from God to be as fresh and powerful as all the others have been ~ to your own soul and to others!