Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Design on the Way

I absolutely love it! Thank you so much, Fabulous K!

Our new blog design is on its way! I think it’s safe to say that it’ll be up by morning. Yeah! So if you stop by tonight and every time you click things look a little different, that’s why. Our designer may be in the middle of installing it.

This design will be somewhat temporary since we are switching over to a new blog platform soon and we won’t get to keep this design (since it has been particularly designed for Blogger), but we want to get something fresh and fun on here in the meantime. (No worries. When we make the switch, all the old posts and comments will still be with us.)

Also, Melissa is getting packed and running all her last-minute errands. She leaves for India tomorrow!


Saved from the Drafts

This morning I noticed that our blog dashboard said we had 500 posts. 500 posts? A lot has been said on this here blog, y’all! I felt that we needed to celebrate this momentous occasion, but then I realized that the number included a bunch drafts that were never published. So we’re really on post 479. I started going through the drafts and deleting them when I found a few that were almost finished but were never used for whatever reason. Here’s one I wrote in October of 2007. We got to go back and visit our old church last weekend, so it’s only fitting for me to post this today in honor of our friends at First Baptist Church of Irving.

Twenty-eight. Twenty years past 8. Ten years past 18. Two years before 30. This Sunday I will turn 28. It’s a nice number. I like round ones. It’s nicely divisible by 7, which is the Lord’s number. I can deal with that.

I’m very aware that this body of mine is also turning 28. Maybe it’s all in my head, but it seems like things are suddenly not working as well as they should. I’m having to take my workouts up a notch. Last week I had a bad crick in my neck. And this week I have my first toothache. I will be sitting in a dentist’s chair in about two hours. Dern. Happy birthday, 28-year-old self!

The thing is, I’m trying real hard not to say and think, “I’m getting so old!” “Old” is relative. I know I’m still young. If I see myself as old now, then I will always feel old! It’s sort of like how most of us wish we could go back and tell our teenage selves to quit thinking they’re fat. Because now we would be thrilled to have those bodies back!

Last weekend I joined the ladies of my church at our women’s retreat. Our theme for the weekend was renewal. We were incredibly blessed to have our pastor’s mother, V. Beth Durham, speak to us. I was blown away by her wisdom, her knowledge of the Word, and her inner and outer beauty. She is a jewel. During one of the sessions I sat a few rows behind a wonderful senior lady in our church, Mrs. Shirley Brady. I could write a whole post on how much Curt and I love her and look up to her in Christ. With both of these precious saints in sight, I was deeply moved by their beauty. By their lifetime of faith and perseverance. Oh, to be found in Christ in my seasoned years! To have walked with Him for a lifetime. To have been changed from glory to glory. To have journeyed with Him through sixty, seventy, or eighty years of refining. To know Christ that much more intimately. Lord, I want to be that beautiful to You! I want to keep growing.

You know what? I have to walk forward to get there. I can’t stay in my twenties. Obviously, I don’t know how long God has given me to live on this earth. But as long as I’m here, I want to walk forward with joy.

I got a glimpse of how beautiful my older sisters are to Christ, and I want Him to find that in me, too. What if, instead of desperately wanting to figure out how I can make Katie Holmes’ haircut work on my hair (which is like a horse’s mane), I eagerly asked God to develop in me the gentle spirit and wisdom of V. Beth Durham, and the joy and kindness of Mrs. Shirley Brady? Forget about Katie Holmes. When those sisters come walking down the hall, they make Jesus’ head turn!

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful” (1 Peter 3:3-5a).

This was our verse for the weekend: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

(Here you can see why that post sat in the drafts folder so long. It didn’t have a good ending!)


Prayer Update

Hi ladies! I’m checking in to let you know that you prayed our Beth to Portland. Thank you, thank you, thank you for talking to our Father about it. He heard you and answered your prayers. I got a text from her a little while ago and she had just been picked up from the airport. We’re having some awful weather here in Houston today. I think the whole area is under a tornado watch until 5 p.m. She is so blessed that she didn’t have awful delays.

Could you pray now for her sleep? My mom often has a hard time sleeping after her Friday night sessions. I know she would be incredibly thankful to wake up refreshed tomorrow morning.

Thanks, y’all! Your intercession is priceless to us. May God be greatly glorified in Portland!



When I was a little girl, I used to love looking through my Raggedy Ann baby book. My mom had recorded every last detail of my infancy and early childhood in its pages. My favorite thing about the book was a small pouch inside where she had tucked away little keepsakes like our hospital bracelets.

Both of my kids have keepsake boxes where I’ve stored all kinds of little things. By the time Annabeth was 6 weeks old, hers was already almost full!

There are a few things that won’t fit in the boxes that I’m safeguarding for them. For instance, here’s a letter from President George W. Bush that welcomed Jackson to the world shortly after his birth.

(That’s no longer our address.)

And Annabeth just received this autographed book by former First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter Jenna.

I have a close friend who worked for President Bush during his administration, which is how both of these gifts came about. (I think these are really special keepsakes that my children will one day enjoy having, but I need to emphasize that I’m not trying to make a political statement by sharing these pictures.)

A couple of Christmases ago, Mom gave me a big box of my baby clothes that she had saved for me. I’ve had so much fun going through them!

I love this itty bitty t-shirt.

Annabeth wasn’t even a twinkle in our eyes when Mom gave me all these clothes. It never occurred to me that I would play dress up with my own daughter in these clothes one day. Mark it down – April 16, 2009 was the day!

Here’s my sweetie in a tiny pink dress that my grandmother bought me almost – gulp – 30 years ago. Isn’t she sweet?

What keepsakes are you saving for your children or future children? Or what keepsakes were saved for you?

*Bethie asked me to add a quick prayer request to my post. Tomorrow morning she is heading Portland, Oregon, for this weekend’s Living Proof Live event. Houston is supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow, so will you please pray that her flight will be on time? Thanks, Siestas!


Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 8!

Greetings, You Sword-wielding Siestas!

It’s time for Verse 8! Can you believe it? Our Swords are getting sharper with every flip of a spiral! (It’s that kind of thing that Melissa responds to with, “Mom, you’re real sweet.” Translation: “You, Mom, are the Cheese Whiz in every 8 ounce jar.” You have to have some compassion on my girls. They’ve grown up with statements like, “Is your Sword in its sheath or are you using it?” It’s been hard being them. To this day, Travis Cottrell still brings up the fact that, for Amanda and Curtis’ rehearsal dinner at Pappasito’s, I made him help me stuff a piñata with Scripture verses written on little pieces of paper while we were driving from the church to the restaurant. I didn’t even realize it was weird until our next speaking engagement when he laughed until he cried and had to hold his side. He spared me the humiliation in that moment. After all, I was the MOB. The girls do, on occasion, make fun of me but at the end of the scorn, they each usually say something like, “I have never loved you more.” And it’s worth it.

And anyway, they’ve got plenty of their own weirdness. I had to talk Melissa out of having one of her professors do an exegetical explanation of the Trinity as part of her wedding ceremony. (And did I ever tell you that she originally wanted both her dad and me to walk her down the aisle?) And Amanda is more like her mother than she’d ever want to admit. She’s already started some Scripture memory with Jackson. It might not surprise you to know that his life verse is “Children, obey your parents for this is right.”

We’re freaks. Freaks that know their own flesh and don’t trust themselves for five minutes. Each one of us in our own way has proved ourselves stupid. We blow it but we know our way home. I love my family. We don’t let each other take ourselves too seriously.

Back to important things like cheerleading. The way I see it, cheerleaders have to be cheesy. And through our challenging year of Scripture memory, I, Girlfriend, am your (modestly dressed, ever-so-slightly outdated) cheerleader.

So here’s my Verse 8! It’s a 3-verse portion that I didn’t want to split up but, if you’d like to share it, you are welcome to select the one verse that speaks most clearly to you:

“In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered me by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The LORD is with me; He is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies.” Psalm 118:5-7 (NIV)

I LOVE IT! Will that, as my grandmother used to say, cure what ails you or what? Go kick some devil tail. In Jesus’ name.

Let’s hear your Scriptures, your names, your cities and your translations!

I love you,



He is Risen!

Happy Easter, everyone! What a joyous day!

It’s AJ just stopping in to share some pictures with our Blog Peeps.

And by some pictures I mean many more pictures than you’d ever want to see.

On Saturday my cousin Joe, who’s in school to be a fireman, was in town participating in a fundraiser with a local fire department.
Cousin + access to a fire truck + three-year-old boy = no brainer.
We rolled out of bed and headed that way. In fact, Annabeth was still in her pajamas.

I got some fun stuff for my kids from the Target dollar section. Jackson was thrilled that Annabeth “wanted to share” all her goodies.

Those Cadbury mini-eggs were calling my name late last night and – gasp! – I opened them. My excuse is that I’ve been sick and that’s all that sounded good. They were delish.

After attending a wonderful worship service at our church, we went to Mom and Dad’s house for lunch. We were joined by my grandparents, my cousin Joe, and our friends Roger, Lynn, and Michelle. Mom was the hostess with the mostest. We were only missing Melissa and Colin and boy did we miss them!

You never know what will entertain a child. Here Jackson was rolling pieces of Trix cereal down his race car ramp.

It rained and stormed all morning, but then the sun came out and we had a beautiful day. We were excited to have the chance to do the Easter egg hunt outside.

Here’s the Easter Bibby hiding eggs.

All done!

Lynn was helping Jackson go through his Easter eggs when his sugar high kicked in. I now present a photographic series called “Progression of a Mess.” Please hear my child laughing, squealing, and yelling “Surprise!”

To top off an already great day, Curt’s mom just called and said our young nephew, Gavin, prayed to receive Christ last night. Praise the Lord!

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend celebrating Christ our King. He is risen indeed!


Thinking About Death and Healing

Hey, my Darling Ones!

I’m sitting in the bed in my jammies with pillows propped up behind my back on a rare morning off. I’ve just finished my quiet time and on my second cup of coffee. (I’m obviously a little behind on the coffee.) Keith’s still sound asleep and the dogs are in the backyard playing in some fresh mud. Oh, what they have done to my beautiful garden yard! But that’s another story. My mind is full of other things and I know a few good friends who might help me process it.

It’s Good Friday. I tend to have lots of heavy thoughts around this day every year. I do love Christmas so very much but I am far more moved by the season of reflection on the Cross of Christ and the celebration of our only true hope: His glorious resurrection. We are obviously so much surer of the timing of His Passion than we are His birth. We really can say, “Approximately this many years ago, this happened right around this exact time.” Anniversaries are a powerful thing.

Yesterday I served at the memorial service of a fellow servant of Christ. She was just a few years older than me and her children, both boys, are the same ages of my girls. Belinda and I don’t really have a family history together, though. We have a shared history of faith. Years ago, I suppose somewhere around 1990, I started teaching my first ungraded women’s Sunday School class. I’d been teaching for years by that time but was a constant source of irritation to my department head because women came to the class who weren’t the right age and some of them were even “single!” (To be fair, it really was supposed to be a class of young marrieds from 29-32.) I’d finally even been reported to my pastor, Brother John Bisagno, who called me into his office, laughed his head off and said, “I’m about to set you free.” And Dayspring Class was born. Any woman of any age could come.

I cut my Biblical teeth on that class. I really did. I’ve told my beloved Curtis many times that there’s nothing like being thrown out there to teach week after week after week. (He’s doing that very thing, by the way.) Blowing it over and over then having the courage and the humility to get back up there again. It gets a communicator out of the habit of delivering a few overly-perfected speeches with just the right punch lines but a dwindling anointing – and pitches them out there into the world of high risk and steady criticism. Separates the men from the boys, so to speak. It is HARD WORK. Make no mistake. Don’t ever wish for it. Do it only if you must because it is your God-given gift and not to use it would be disobedience. It’s too hard otherwise and too much flesh can get tangled up in it. “Be ye not many teachers, because you will be more harshly judged,” James warned us. But back to Belinda.

Early on in our class, this darling, petite blonde (bleached, like yours truly) entered our ranks with a personality that stole the hearts of every person in the class. Or, then again, it was her story that stole our hearts. She became quite a center of attention because she’d battled breast cancer several years before and it had come back with a vengeance. By the time I got to know Belinda, the doctors had told her that cancer had spread to her bones all the way from her skull to her knees. She was covered. Almost hopeless. Only that wild woman absolutely refused to give up. Her boys were still young and she intended to see them to manhood.

I have no idea why things work the way they do. I’ve seen mothers just as determined to raise their children yet die of cancer in only a few months. These things are only for the fathomless mind of God. We can’t figure them out for the life of us. But if I were to offer a little conjecture, with His permission and patience, I’d tell you that maybe He gave Belinda those extra years (somewhat like Hezekiah) so that she could teach a tight-knit group of women how to put their faith where their big mouths were. She sought the Lord for Scriptures then told us what to pray for her and how to pray and that, if we were going to doubt, not to bother. And all of this in the most winsome way. She had the cutest personality ever. Several in our class nicknamed her Bubbles. I never could bring myself to do it. Too cool, maybe. But I tell you what I did call her. I called her a warrior. As I told them yesterday, I have never known a more courageous woman in all my life.

Some years later, I was asked to move to a different Sunday school hour to teach and I left my beloved Dayspring Class to the plans God had for them. Most of those women stayed intact and still study and worship together today. Belinda came to my new class many times but it was so large that it did not lend itself to the closeness we’d all enjoyed before. By this time, we no longer had the same need to pray for Belinda anyway. She was thriving. God had indeed given her what she’d so vehemently asked. There were others who moved to the top of our prayer lists.

Then about six months ago, at a Tuesday night Bible study, I saw Belinda at the altar weeping during praise and worship. (Our worship time is also an open-altar time and it is very, very special.) I went to her with haste and she looked up at me with an expression I’ll never forget. “Beth, it’s back. And if the Lord doesn’t heal me, I’m going to die.”

I felt it in my gut. I knew this time He was going to take her Home. That somehow her job was done. Though her assignment was undoubtedly much broader than this, God had used her to teach a group of women (of all ages, praise His Name!) how to pray with wild faith. Our lives had been changed forever. We’d seen first hand a little of what God could do.

Yesterday morning I grabbed my Bible, my black purse, and a prayer journal from 1994 that I’d taped a precious blonde woman’s picture on and headed to my church. We celebrated Belinda Edgerton’s life in a chapel packed full of people from all dimensions of her life. She’d made a mark on everybody from her coworkers at Shell Oil to her neighbors right there on her cul-de-sac. As I reflected on her life and thought about what I wanted to share, God brought the woman out of Luke 8 to my mind who pressed through the crowd to get to Jesus. She reached through the push-and-shove of public spectacle with the purity and simplicity of desperation. She somehow latched on to the hem of His garment and, let this fall afresh, she was healed.

We don’t hear any more about that woman. Lord have mercy, she must have told her story a jillion times to anybody who would listen. But somewhere over there in Israel, her body has turned to ashes just like all her friends. It occurred to me that, while we are here on earth in these flesh-and-blood mortal bodies, all we can hope for is a hem of healing. Even if Belinda had been completely healed of her cancer, she would still have gotten sinus infections, stomach viruses, bad knees, and, one day, her sons still would have gone to her funeral. She just might have been a tad older. These bodies of ours are fashioned for a flash of time on this planet. God has healed all of us of many things but, in His great purposes, we can only grab the hem. Even a miracle of instant restoration from a terminal disease is still just a hem of healing.

One day we will trade the hem for the real Him. No more pressing through the crowd wondering if we’re going to be among the few that see that kind of miracle. We will see Him. Jesus Christ, the risen King. We won’t just touch the edge of His cloak. We will touch the God-man Himself in His spectacular immortal body but, significantly, one still bearing the scars of His visitation here. His wholeness is so utterly complete and infinitely perfect that we, upon the very sight of Him, will be made whole as well.

This, Beloved, is what we live for. Not for just another day here. But for that very day there.

Several months ago, Melissa had insisted upon going with me to have a dye test to follow up a suspicious mammogram. (No rumors please. I do not have breast cancer. Because my mother died with it, however, I never get the luxury of drama-less annual check-ups.) We were sitting in the waiting room and a rack was within arms reach offering all manner of brochure on various cancers. Melissa took one out after another and glanced over them, shaking her head. She looked up at me with that classic expression of hers and said, “Life is brutal, man.”

I nodded.

We both sat silently for just a moment.

Then she said one of the most profound things I’ve ever heard.

“He knows it’s scary to be us.”

Yes, He does. Yes, He does. He does NOT take the fact lightly that we go through medical tests to see if we have a raging cancer. He does NOT take lightly that some of you are secretly fearing that the monster has come back. He does NOT take lightly that some of you are going through the cancer treatments of your own children. I had to pause and put my hand over my mouth on that one. Holding back the tears.

Son of David, have mercy on us! You know it’s scary to be us! It’s almost too much here, Lord. It’s almost too much.

And the thunder crashes in the heavens and the earth grows dark in the middle of the afternoon and a man, beaten to a bloody pulp, cries from a cross between two thieves, “It is finished!”

And death is overcome.

One day, Sweet Darling. ONE DAY. We will trade that hem for the real Him and there will be no more sickness. No more death. No more sadness. We will all be healed.




A Sweet Sunday

This morning when we pulled out of our driveway and headed to church, we got to do so as a family of four. What a sweet thing to take our baby girl to Sunday church for the first time! God gave us a lot of grace and our morning was much calmer than I thought it would be. We were only five minutes late and we still got to make the obligatory stop at Shipley’s Donuts.

Here’s Annabeth in her first Sunday dress. I can’t even describe the joy I felt when I got her all dressed. She was the most precious thing since Jackson on his first Sunday. Do I need to tell you how much I love those Mary Jane socks?

Ready to go!

While Curtis was in the Shipley’s getting our breakfast, Jackson asked me about my wedding rings. For some reason I thought it would be fun to try to explain marriage to my three-year-old. I said, “One day you’ll find a pretty girl who loves Jesus and loves you and you’ll marry her.” Then his face lit up and he asked excitedly, “Who is it? Who is it? Who is it, Mommy?” He must have said it ten times. I told him I didn’t know, but Jesus already has her picked out. I hope I remember to tell that story one day at his rehearsal dinner. Okay, I have to change the subject now before I get emotional and have to admit to my husband that I’m crying about our son getting married.

On the way home, we were right behind my parents’ car and I thought about all the years that my original family of four drove that same route home in Dad’s grey Impala. And now there we were with our family of four. It was simultaneously weird and wonderful. I could go on about how the years will pass like the blink of an eye before my son and daughter are doing the same thing with whoever it is Jesus has picked out for them. But I changed the subject, remember?

Here’s my little two-month-old with Big Pink Bear. She didn’t cry this time!

In fact, we got smiles! These are the first real ones I’ve ever caught on camera.


Friday in New Orleans

Rich sent me these pictures from New Orleans tonight. Melissa has been gently encouraging Mom to carry a camera for the benefit of the blog. When Rich saw Mom pull out her rinky dink camera at lunch to capture all the fun, he intervened. Thanks, Rich!

Here are my Uncle Tony, Mom, Aunt Cherie, and cousin Carleigh. Some of you prayed for my cousin Carleigh when she was born premature. She is obviously doing great now!

Upon arrival, they headed straight to Brennan’s for lunch.

And bananas foster for dessert, of course.

A glimpse of the Friday night session.


Flying To New Orleans!

Hey, You Darlin’ Thangs!

This has to be super short because I’m sitting at the gate for my New Orleans flight and they’re just about to call for boarding. I dig airports. Great people watching. I’ve been sipping on my Starbucks and taking it all in. I just love watching people walk through the terminals with their neck pillows still on. It brings me a ton of joy. I hope some of them come to the New Orleans LPL…and wear their pillows. You never know when you’ll need a quick snooze.

I just wanted to let you know that 50 – count them, FIFTY – women will attend the Living Proof Live this weekend because of your scholarship fund. Give the Lord some praise!! Pray for God’s Spirit to fall on us like a holy flood. The glorious and welcomed kind of flood.

I’m so honored to take this journey with you. To love Jesus with you. He is everything. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend with one Jesus sighting after another.

Talk to you soon! I love you.

PS. Our precious Annabeth is 2 months old today! We are deliriously happy!
