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2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 21!

Girls, WE ARE ALMOST THERE!!! In fact, if you set your sights on our celebration in January and you’ve memorized all your verses so far, you have everything you need to qualify. HOWEVER, don’t quit now! If you can memorize 20 verses, you can memorize 24!

I think Lindsee told you in the previous post that I did a video blog for you guys on Tuesday as soon as I came into work after my LPL trip and that thing took until Wednesday night to download. I had missed y’all so much and was so in the mood to spend time with you in the Scriptures. At that point, however, we felt like it should wait until Monday since we had our SSMT post coming up right away. In between, we were ecstatic to extend to you a guest post from a dear sister in the faith, Crista Merrell, who leads women at Bayou City Fellowship where Lindsee and I serve. I hope it blessed you.

I will love Crista forever because she is one of the best friends my daughter Amanda has in the entire world. Pastors’ wives desperately need girlfriends that are trustworthy. And girlfriends that are fun. Crista is both. Crista is also a mighty woman of God. A warrior. She is a servant to the bone and has one of the neatest, most colorful families I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Jesus is gorgeous on them.

OK! On to our task! I’ve not memorized out of the HCSB before but it’s the version LifeWay (my Bible study publisher) asks its authors to use in our curriculum so I spend a great deal of time in it when I’m writing a study. I really love it. I just got in the habit of memorizing out of the ESV or NET. I came upon this verse today as I was cross referencing something for Children of the Day and I adored the translation. I’ll let the pictures do the talking.


You better believe He is. In case my scribbling is too hard to read, it’s Deuteronomy 10:21 HCSB.

Ok, Sisters, I’m ready to hear yours! I love you so much. If you can carve out about 23 minutes toward the first of next week, we’ll get into the Scriptures together in the Monday post.


Name the Name

Toward the end of my prayer time this morning, the Holy Spirit spoke 4 words to me with such clarity and fire that I can’t keep them shut in my bones. They are not new but they cannot get old. They are the 4 most well-known words in our Christian vocabulary but they never wear out. These 4 words possess an authority that can speak worlds into orbit, make floors of seas, and send devils off cliffs.


Let these 4 words resound in your mind, leap from your mouth, and strengthen your step this day. His is the Name that shakes the earth beneath His feet with authority, salvation, affection, and anointing. His is the Name that snaps the chains. His is the one Name that cannot be etched in gravestone. This Name reverberates with everlasting life and extraordinary unction.

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation…He is before all things and in Him all things hold together…He is the head of the Body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.”


In everything.

He is THE beginning. And our new beginning. Our defeat ends with the full conviction of the incomparable Name of Jesus in our bones. Our lack is filled. Our souls are thrilled. Our knees are bowed. Our chins are raised.

We put no confidence in our flesh. We unleash every ounce of confidence we possess toward one game-changing, life-rearranging Name: The Lord Jesus Christ.

THE. There is no other.

LORD. Everything must submit.

JESUS. Yahweh is Salvation.

CHRIST. Messiah, the Anointed One.

Those who want to participate have a 3-part assignment:

1. Write out any ONE verse in the Bible that uses the name of Jesus. His name appears in most of your formal translations around 1000 times so you are wide open. Hunt His Name down. Grab your Bible concordance or get on a website like Bible Gateway and do a word search. You are welcome to use any translation. Choose one verse, write it out in your comment along with where it is found and which translation you used.


2. If you have the full conviction and earnest desire to do so, write the italicized sentence below in the second part of your comment and complete the exercise with your own specifics. This is not an exercise in magic words. This is a profession of faith in a matchless Name. We have a Savior. There is no god like our God. No other Rock I know. He cannot be defeated. His power cannot be depleted. Call out His Name over every single thing that is trying to exalt itself in your imagination over the knowledge of Christ. At His Name, let’s BOW.

I submit myself and the following challenges in my life to the unconquerable authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, confessing His powerful Name, and acknowledging His absolute preeminence in all these things:


3. Keep confessing the power of His Name and of His Person in the coming days and every time you get that old angst, deliberately swap it for thanks. He who calls you is faithful. He will surely do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24




2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 20!

My Dear Sisters, just as I was writing this post to you, a family urgency arose and I’m not going to be able to finish it. I’ve erased it and, in its place, put the segment of Scripture that I shared today in staff time before I got news of a serious family need. By faith, I choose to believe that this was what our gracious God wanted you to have today. It is a beautiful segment from Isaiah 41 that spoke very richly to us in staff and I pray will minister to you. (Vv.8-16) In it God is addressing Israel but, as you will see, many of the truths He speaks over them in this chapter concerning His heart toward them and His promise to help are echoed in the New Testament to believers under Christ’s new covenant.Ā  If you have a more formal translation like the ESV, consider reading it first then below you’ll find the portion in Eugene Peterson’s translation, The Message. Its vivid language jumped out at me and really tended to my soul. My staff and I printed it out and circled parts of it that the Holy Spirit brought to life in our own hearts and minds and amid our own circumstances. We also wrote notes in the margins and reminders of other coinciding verses and then, in our closing prayer, we let the passages guide our intercessions. You might consider doing the same thing. The two simple words “don’t panic” leapt off the page at me. So did this: “I, God, want to reassure you.” Thank You, thank You, Lord.

Here it is and you’ll find my SSMT entry at the end of the post.

Isaiah 41:8-16 The Message
8ā€“10Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā€œBut you, Israel, are my servant.
Youā€™re Jacob, my first choice,
descendants of my good friend Abraham.
I pulled you in from all over the world,
called you in from every dark corner of the earth,
Telling you, ā€˜Youā€™re my servant, serving on my side.
Iā€™ve picked you. I havenā€™t dropped you.ā€™
Donā€™t panic. Iā€™m with you.
Thereā€™s no need to fear for Iā€™m your God.
Iā€™ll give you strength. Iā€™ll help you.
Iā€™ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

11ā€“13Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā€œCount on it: Everyone who had it in for you
will end up out in the coldā€”
real losers.
Those who worked against you
will end up empty-handedā€”
nothing to show for their lives.
When you go out looking for your old adversaries
you wonā€™t find themā€”
Not a trace of your old enemies,
not even a memory.
Thatā€™s right. Because I, your GOD,
have a firm grip on you and Iā€™m not letting go.
Iā€™m telling you, ā€˜Donā€™t panic.
Iā€™m right here to help you.ā€™

14ā€“16Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  ā€œDo you feel like a lowly worm, Jacob?
Donā€™t be afraid.
Feel like a fragile insect, Israel?
Iā€™ll help you.
I, GOD, want to reassure you.
The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
Iā€™m transforming you from worm to harrow,
from insect to iron.
As a sharp-toothed harrow youā€™ll smooth out the mountains,
turn those tough old hills into loamy soil.
Youā€™ll open the rough ground to the weather,
to the blasts of sun and wind and rain.
But youā€™ll be confident and exuberant,
expansive in The Holy of Israel!

Peterson, E. H. (2005). The Message: the Bible in contemporary language (Is 41:8ā€“16). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.


For my SSMT selection, this is the portion I have next in my memory work out of the Book of Colossians:

Beth, Houston. For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ. Colossians 2:1-2

I love you guys so much. Let’s press on with eyes of faith, Sisters. He who calls us is faithful!


2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 19!

Hey, my beloved sisters!

Though I wonā€™t publish this post until Tuesday, the first day of October, I am writing to you on Sunday. I have the house all to myself today ā€“ not even a dog in sight ā€“ and I am sitting on my back porch as a generous rain soaks the ground, polishing the wide leaves of sweet gums on its way down. Our trees this far south are still plump and green and, right this minute, I donā€™t mind because the leaves have such a sheen on them in the rain that they look like vinyl. The temperatures will drop one slow degree at a time over the next month but we usually donā€™t have what people call ā€œAutumnā€ here until as late as November. And itā€™s almost unrecognizable even then. Suddenly you just look up and the trees donā€™t have leaves and it hits you that you probably missed Fall on your way to work that morning when you ran into Starbucks for a dry cappuccino.


An Arkansas girl by heritage, I am on the hunt for Red October by mid September but I canā€™t think of a time since Iā€™ve lived on the Gulf Coast that Iā€™ve ever found it. Well, except when I close my eyes and look. And it is beautiful there. I do love Houston though, despite how season-challenged it is. Good people. Many, many who earnestly love Jesus and crave the sense of His presence and serve Him with both life and heart. Its diversity kicks up a rich climate for faith and a prime place to meet people very different from you who seek Jesus feverishly. Itā€™s not as easy to keep your stereotypes tidy here.


In the early years of speaking, God purposed that Iā€™d accrue copious hours of experience serving at various churches, womenā€™s breakfasts and luncheons right here in our city limits and still get home to greet my children after their school day. I often pulled out of the driveway when they hopped on the school bus and squealed my tires back on the concrete just minutes before they pulled up at 3:15. My kids loved riding the school bus and, as it turns out (I write this with a smile), it was a grace to me.Ā  On paper, our lives shouldnā€™t have worked but somehow it worked (apply the term loosely) in practice. Thatā€™s the beautiful oddity of the will of God. What should easily work doesnā€™t work when Heā€™s not in it and what should never work does work when He is. Itā€™s crazy to think about in retrospect. He has been so faithful, just as He will be to you as you try to balance it all and seek His mercy through the insanity.


I wish I could somehow add the soundtrack of what Iā€™m presently hearing to this post. I wish you could listen to the comfort of the rainfall, especially if you are feeling chaotic or anxious right now or frantic about how somethingā€™s going to work out. The water is falling steadily, not a soft shower or a downpour. Constant and consoling, almost like one of those sleep-settings on your iPad. And I wish you could hear 4 male hummingbirds competing over the feeder that is hanging about 8 feet from where Iā€™m sitting. It mesmerizes me to watch them and I think you might like it, too, once you adjusted to the pace out here in these woods.


Sometimes we really do just need everything and everybody else to shut up for a minute and let us listen to the sound of God being God around us. These moments are brief for all of us. Just five days ago I was fit to be tied over something. I do mean fit to be tied and, over the weekend, greatly concerned about a situation even while I served. But I am going to sit here for the next few minutes and pour myself a cup of coffee while God pours these woods a cup of rain.


Well, I guess you can tell that Iā€™m in a musing mood so perhaps I should wrap this post up before I work my way over to subjects like world peace and dark nights of the soul and existential crises and the beauty of aging and the delights of youth.Ā  Honestly, I can feel a poem trying to write itself in my head. This post must end with perfect timing before, indeed, my words start rhyming. Run for your life. It’s almost too late.


Hereā€™s my Scripture for this October 1st!


Beth Moore, O God, You cause abundant showers to fall on Your chosen people. When they are tired, You sustain them, for You live among them. Psalm 68:9-10a The NET Bible


Amen, You do, gracious, merciful God.


I love you, Sisters. You are a joy to me. The next post will be registration for our SSMT celebration so we can get an idea how many to prepare for. Wooohoooo! It’s almost time to kick up our heels!







What’s Undone?

What’s Undone? from LPV on Vimeo.


LPL Simulcast Responsive Reading

Responsive Reading Final from LPV on Vimeo.

Hey, Dear Sisters!

Many of you who participated in the simulcast asked for the responsive reading we did at the very beginning of the last session. Here it is and I have left it in exactly the same form. I compiled these Scriptures to serve as a focused call to worship for a gathering of believers that would lead straight into songs of praise led by our worship team. My hope in posting it here as a response to your requests is that many of you will not just view it but, instead, will actually take part in it by allowing God’s Word to speak over you, then responding with words to Him comprised of Scripture as well. Where it calls for congregational response, you’d simply respond individually.

You are a joy for us to serve, Sisters. We are honored to bring you anything we possibly can that might be of benefit to you. Our deepest hope and commitment here at Living Proof is to encourage women to love Christ Jesus more and more through the study of His Word. Pray that for us as well!

I will post the commissioning we did at the very end of the simulcast on Friday. Dearest love to you all!





Grace is an inflated raft that can submerge to the floor of a sea to save you.

Ā Grace is the silver thread that stitches up the shreds of mangled souls.

Ā Grace is the eye that finds us where it refuses, there, to leave us.

Ā Grace calls the waitress to the table and sits her down to wash her feet.

Ā Grace sees underneath the manhole on a street of self-destruction.

Ā Grace is the air to draw a breath in the belly of a whale.

Ā Grace is the courage to stand in the shamed wake of a frightful falling.

Ā Grace is the only fire hot enough to burn down a living hell.

Ā Grace waits with healing in His wings when weā€™re too mad to pray.

Ā Grace is the gravity that pulls us from depravity.

Ā Grace races us to the Throne when we make haste to repent and always outruns us.

Ā Grace treats us like we already are what we fear weā€™ll never become.

Ā Grace is the doorpost dripping red when the angel of death grips the knob.

Ā Grace is the stamp that says Ransomed on a life that screams Ruined.

Ā Grace sets a table before me in the presence of my enemy even when my enemy is me.

Ā Grace is the cloak that covers the naked and the palm that drops the rock.

Ā Grace is divine power burgeoning in the absence of all strength.

Ā Grace proves God true and every self-made man a liar for the sake of his own soul.

Ā Grace is the power to do what we cannot do for the Name of Christ to go where it has not been.

Grace is a room of a thousand mirrors, all reflecting the face of Christ.

Grace isā€¦

The eye popping

Knee dropping


Earth quaking

Pride breaking


Dark stabbing

Heart grabbing


Friend mending

Mind bending


Lame walking

Mute talking


Slave freeing

Devil fleeing


Death tolling

Stone rolling


Veil tearing

Glory flaring


Chin lifting

Sin sifting


Dirt bleaching

World reaching


Past covering

Spirit hovering


Child defending

Happy ending


Heaven glancing

Feet dancingā€¦


Power of the Cross.



Jesus Christ, Grace Incarnate.

Copyright 2013 Beth Moore


2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 18!

If you happened to join us for the simulcast Saturday (we enjoyed worshiping and studying Scripture with you so much!), I bet you could guess my verse without ever seeing it. Here goes!

Beth, Houston TX. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. Romans6:14



It’s 11:15PM Saturday night and my eyes and fingers are so tired, I can hardly type. With your gracious permission, I’ll make this one short and sweet this time. I do so dearly love you. I’ll need a little grace on Sunday for moderation. I truly have to get some rest or I’ll never make it the rest of the week. Go ahead and leave your verses but keep in mind that they might not get moderated and posted till Monday after Living Proof opens.

I love you guys! Hold fast to Jesus!



Living Proof Live Simulcast Roll Call and Prayer!

Hey, Darling Things!

I bet I don’t have to tell you the one big thing that is on my mind this week. No weekend event on my annual calendar looms any larger in my mind than a Living Proof Live Simulcast. It stays on my radar from the time the LifeWay event team tells me it’s scheduled until the last song of the final session. At this point, I’m thinking about it every waking moment, praying, studying, and believing God to invade every single host site and every single screen. Please pray with me to that end. Only Jesus can do what we want to see done. Only Jesus can make it worth the time and effort for anyone to attend.

As I picture our “class” out there on the other side of that screen this coming Saturday, I have great comfort, joy, and even a unique peace in imagining those of you from this community who may be among them. Out of His great mercy and purpose, God fashioned my heart to love women – of all sorts of ages, sorts, denominations, backgrounds, colors, vocations – and I am graced immeasurably to get to serve a single one. You, however, are the closest community I have out in the public sector and a tremendous source of joy to me. I would love to get a general estimate of how many of you Siestas will be participating in the simulcast and the location of your participation, whether in a group or solo right in front of your computer screen. [For individual/small group registration, Lifeway can set you up here.]

I think you also might love knowing that information on one another. You may have a Siesta tuning in only 15 minutes from you and you could both sit in front of the same screen or engage and interact via text, Twitter, or Facebook. It’s a blast just to know who’s out there and exactly where and it might make some of you who are going solo feel more connected throughout the day.

SO, let’s take a roll call! And let’s give our information in this order so that the cities where we are attending will appear first:

City and State, Name, whether in a Group or going Solo, and, if with a group, Where. (Not the address, of course, especially if it’s a private location. Just the name of the church or public place or if it’s your friend’s home, just say that much.)

Mine would look like this:

Charleston, West Virginia (the host site where it will be taped live), Beth Moore, group, Charleston Civic Center.

Your turn!

After you sign in, please pray for us. Please pray for many lost women to attend and for every single one of them to be FOUND in Christ. With the Holy Spirit’s infiltration, we will give a clear presentation of the Gospel. Pray for God to also perform miraculous works of deliverance and for the entire paradigm of faith to shift for those in desperate need of Truth. Pray for every person in attendance to hear dramatically and clearly from God. PRAY BIG.

My coworkers each prayed Scripture over me Monday at our staff meeting and gave me their prayers on index cards or pieces of paper. I have each one in my notebook and I was profusely built up in my spirit and in my faith over them. Sabrina prayed out of Psalm 85 (Vv.4-13) and the words seemed so perfectly suited for our event on Saturday that I thought I’d add them into this post for your intercession. I wonder if you would agree with us in prayer that God would do exactly what these verses request and MORE!
Restore us again, O God of our salvation…revive us again,
that Your people may rejoice in You.
Show us Your steadfast love, O LORD,
and grant us Your salvation.

Let me hear what God the LORD will speak,
for He will speak peace to His people, to His saints;
but let them not turn back to folly.

Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him,
that glory may dwell in our land.

Steadfast love and faithfulness meet;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Faithfulness springs up from the ground,
and righteousness looks down from the sky.
Yes, the LORD will give what is good,
and our land will yield its increase.
Righteousness will go before Him
and make His footsteps a way. (ESV)

Isn’t that powerful? I think God would be so pleased for us to come around that segment of Scripture as diverse people of unified mind, turning it into prayer for His great glory to be revealed this coming Saturday.

You, Sisters, are treasures to me. My walk with Jesus would not be the same had you not come along.


*** Siestas! We also are so happy to tell you that for any of you that cannot afford a ticket to the live site in Charleston, WV, we have 20 tickets to gift to those of you that funds are just too tight to come on your own. The Siesta Scholarship Fund is set up for things just like this, and we are honored to share them with you.Ā  Call us at Living Proof Ministries [1-888-700-1999] and ask for Susan or K-Mac. We are open 8:30-4:30 Central Standard Time. Leave a message if we miss your call, and we will get right back in touch with you.Ā  We love you!



2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 17!

I cannot believe my eyes! Verse 17! And you, my dear sisters, have outdone yourselves. You are still numbering 2000+ this far into the year so it looks like our hard-working team is going to finish 2013 STRONG. I pray that even today you would feel a great rush of God’s sublime pleasure over you.

You’ll notice by the date on this post that I published it late Saturday night. Our handsome nephew is spending the night with us and he’s sleeping in the area of our house where we get the best internet connection. I thought maybe he might be a bit more blessed if I did not wake him up first thing Sunday morning and need in his room with my laptop.

My selection this time around comes from my morning devotional yesterday. I have loved this verse for so long and, this many years from the first time I saw it, the tears still burned in my eyes over the beauty of it.

Few things strike awe in our wondering, wandering hearts like waking up all the sudden to a fresh revelation that God is right there in that place. And has been all along.

To shake up the look of our SSMT post this time around, I believe I’ll share my verse with you in pictures. This should be an extremely familiar sight to you at this point:

In case you need to see the verse a little closer up:


I love to look up a verse in a number of different translations. I was touched by each one I found for Genesis 28:16 and I’m memorizing it out of the NET. But I was completely captivated by how The Message worded what Jacob whispered. Isn’t it beautiful?


Incredible. Wonderful. Holy.

God, we love You. We long for You. We want to see you revealed and perhaps most of all in the places we least expect to find You. Awaken us to Your Presence. Hear the song of our souls even when our lives betray it.


Awake, my soul, and sing

Of Him who died for thee,

And hail Him as thy matchless King

Through all eternity.*


OK, Sisters, I’ve shared my verse with you. Now you share your verses with me!



*Lyrics from the great hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns

