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Word from Columbia, S.C.

Our weekend got started with a bang tonight. There were crazy storms going through our area and the Jones family, eighty-pound golden retriever included, spent an exciting hour taking cover in the church basement. I was pretty freaked out with the tornado sirens wailing and all, but once we got down there I calmed down. Jackson and Beckham had a big time exploring a new space together. The storm just missed us, but I’m sad to say there are some other families in the area who are having to pick up the pieces tonight.

I just heard from our friend Rich who is at the Living Proof Live event in Columbia, South Carolina, this weekend. (Rich is the one who so faithfully provides the recap videos for us.) Here’s what he had to say:

Amanda, here is a photo from tonight that you might want to post on the
blog for the sisters that are praying for this event. I have been to many
events like (58 I think) and I have never felt so much of the presence of
the Lord as in the arena this afternoon.

Praise the Lord!


Bed Head

Beth is going to touch base with us tomorrow. In the meantime…

Sometimes I have really intense bed head.

Mama’s rollers are my new hobby.

My first Easter egg hunt was in the church nursery. It was snowing outside.

I had so much fun!


An Easter Message from Beth


Your Kids’ Stories

The You Brighten My Day post was wildly popular. We already had 308 comments when I turned them off! They were all incredibly entertaining. Thank you so much for participating! They had me “laughing at the days to come.” (See Prov. 31:25b). Mom and I sent several emails back and forth saying, “Did you see this one?”

Some were convicting.

When my almost 30-year-old daughter was around 5 years old, I was driving home with her sitting next to me. By mistake, I beeped the horn. She turned and looked at me and I said, “I did that by mistake”. She answered back, “I know that…because you didn’t say jerk afterwords”! How powerful our words can be to our little ones! Out of the mouth of my babe spoke God’s truth!

Some made me laugh so hard I literally cried.

My daughter loves to sing…and loudly! The problem is that she doesn’t always get the words right. I recall one particular Sunday morning during praise and worship time we were singing “He is Exalted”. Sarah was 3 at the time, so everyone in front of us was listening to her, as most people do when young children are not afraid to “perform”. She was listening closely for the right time to come in, and when that time came she belted out “He is a Sausage, the King is a Sausage…” Oh yeah, I wanted to crawl right under the pew! We all had a good laugh that morning!

My daughter, who was five at the time, came storming out of her room one morning while I was watching you on Life Today. She announced, “Beth Moore woke me up.” I looked at her, a little taken back because the TV wasn’t that loud and I don’t know how she heard it in her bedroom. I asked her how Beth Moore woke her up. She said, “I know that voice, mommy. I can see her hair in my sleep. I know Beth Moore.” OK, after I finally stopped laughing I asked her, “Do you want to sit down and watch her with me.” She replied, “Yes, I like her.”
(“I can see her hair in my sleep”? That has to be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.)

My boys are as big as me now, but when my youngest was about 4, we were at a beach on Lake Michigan for the day. The facilities were quite stinky and dirty, so when our son said he had to “tinkle”, we informed him to “just go in the water”. He looked at us, shocked and said “really?”. We assured him that the fish go there and at this beach he could too. You can imagine us hiding our faces as he walked into the water, about knee deep, pulled his trunks all the way down and sprayed the incoming waves!

Others had me crying in a different way.

My oldest son is autistic. He is 12 years old and is for the most part non verbal. Although he loves to have the bible read to him and LOVES to watch Bible man movies. I had a tough day (ministry issues and dealing with chronic Lyme’s disease). I had my head down on my desk and was crying quietly. I prayed and said, ” Lord, please speak to me today. Give me some hope.” My son (with autism), within minutes came over and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up at him and he sat down right in front of me (eye to eye – if you know much about autism, eye contact is nearly miraculous).

My son did not speak to me. But he sat there, looked at my weepy eyes and sang “Jesus loves me” from start to finish. I have never had such a spiritual, tangible moment with my Lord like that.

He sent my child, that could not speak, to sing and remind me, “Jesus does love me…THIS I KNOW!” I can not even think of that story without crying. He may not know the alphabet, or how to write his own name, and he may be in diapers at 12 years old, BUT my son knows the most important of all things – “Jesus loves me…” And he ministered to his mommy that day with those words.

At this point, you may need to wipe your eyes to see them, but while we’re back on the subject of children I’ll share a couple of pictures.

This is Jenny W.’s daughter deep in the Word.

And this is my boy in his Easter outfit.


Concerns for a missing sister

I cannot think of a good way to begin this post so I’ll just jump right in. Last weekend one of the conference attendees in Shreveport disappeared during the last session. Beth was contacted within a few hours and, as you can imagine, was devastated. She has been in touch with those who are close to the situation every day. I have heard from many of you who are concerned that we might not know about the disappearance of this sister because we have not mentioned it publicly. Since it appeared early on that there was most likely no foul play involved, we desired to protect the dignity of this family as much as possible. I know many of you have already been in prayer for this sister. Please continue to ask God for the complete restoration of this family. This post is for information and intercession rather than discussion, so I am going to keep comments closed. Here is a link to the most recent Shreveport Times article I could find.

Here is Beth’s response to a respectful request from one of the news networks for a press release:
“I am tremendously concerned about Mary Byrne Smith and her family. We have never had anything like this happen before at an event but, even if we had, I can’t imagine we’d be any less moved. I care deeply about the women who attend the conferences, about their families and the challenges they may be facing. Mary and her family have been on my mind constantly since I learned about her disappearance. I have spoken to and prayed with her husband by phone and have been in touch daily with others close to the situation in order to be of any possible help. I would ask all who have learned of Mary’s disappearance to join us in earnest prayer that God will restore her to her family and community.”


The Critical Moment

There is a twinkle in time that the Moore girls like to call the critical moment. The critical moment occurs in the seconds between getting your hair exactly how you want it and then sealing it with hairspray. The Moore world stops spinning during the critical moment. Those present must not speak loudly, make requests, or get in the way while the process is happening. Those not present must not, Lord help them, interrupt the moment with a phone call. Melissa and I know that Mom is not Mom during the critical moment. But she will be right back…with great hair.

Since I largely stopped using hairspray (gasp!) a few years ago, I’ve ceased experiencing the critical moment. However, the Lord saw what was lacking in my life and provided a new critical moment. This takes place each morning during my son’s bath time. I start running the water and then take him to the changing table to get him ready for his bath. Here’s the critical moment: I rush with my naked (or nekked, if you prefer) baby to the bathtub and try to get him in there before the cool air on his bare skin causes the tinkle effect. But this morning I got the bath water too hot and missed the critical moment. Baby was on my left hip, my right hand was trying to mix the cold water in as fast as possible, and I felt the unfortunate sensation of my waist being sprinkled with tee. So I guess you could call that a tinkle in time.


Husbands Survey Complete

A huge thank you is in order to all the husbands who participated in last week’s survey. We appreciate you so much! Also, thank you to the women who helped us spread the news. Our survey is now complete. I will be closing comments on the survey thread and removing the blog email address. Beth will give a report on the blog in about 3 weeks. Thank you again!


The night Jackson and I both wore bibs

In honor of our Louisiana sisters:

One night when I was in Houston a couple of weeks ago, I pulled up in my parents’ driveway and beheld a wonderful smell. As I got out of the car the aroma of crawfish boil spices filled the air and cleared my sinuses. The neighbors across the street were having a party in their driveway. It was all I could do not to walk over there and crash the party. But I had just been to a wedding and I was wearing a new black dress and my dressy coat from Arden B. And Mom had gotten my hair just so. It was not the right time. I was dressed more for lobster at Pappa’s steak house.

But last night was the night for crawfish at Pappadeaux. I dressed in a black t-shirt and pulled my hair back just so. I was ready – more ready than I’d ever been with a pack of diaper wipes waiting to be of service. Our friends Justin and Jennifer met us there. They are possibly the biggest crawfish lovers this side of Louisiana. I called them as soon as I left Houston and pleaded for them to feed me some mudbugs…and soon. My husband is allergic to shellfish, so I can’t go to him for my crawfish needs.

We had a great time fellowshipping over the crawdaddies. I think it is less of a meal and more of an event, which is probably why I like it. They really are kind of nasty, or rude as my dad says, little creatures. But the seasoning makes it so good!

Jackson did not partake of the crawfish, but he did get to hold one briefly.

I raise my crawdad in honor of the Louisiana ladies!


Recap Video

Here’s the LPL – Bossier City recap video on GodTube

Here it is on YouTube.

When I was watching it I looked over and saw Jackson “dancing.” He really likes that song. Many thanks again to Rich. Enjoy!


Living Proof Live – Bossier City, LA

Good morning, ladies! I should have some pictures or a video slide show for you in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I thought I would give our Louisiana ladies a place to tell us about the weekend’s conference. My mom said she fell in love with you instantly. She also told me that God was with you all from the first minute until the last. We are giving wild applause to Him for the twenty-five women who made professions of faith. God is so good! Have a blessed Monday, everyone.
