The night Jackson and I both wore bibs

In honor of our Louisiana sisters:

One night when I was in Houston a couple of weeks ago, I pulled up in my parents’ driveway and beheld a wonderful smell. As I got out of the car the aroma of crawfish boil spices filled the air and cleared my sinuses. The neighbors across the street were having a party in their driveway. It was all I could do not to walk over there and crash the party. But I had just been to a wedding and I was wearing a new black dress and my dressy coat from Arden B. And Mom had gotten my hair just so. It was not the right time. I was dressed more for lobster at Pappa’s steak house.

But last night was the night for crawfish at Pappadeaux. I dressed in a black t-shirt and pulled my hair back just so. I was ready – more ready than I’d ever been with a pack of diaper wipes waiting to be of service. Our friends Justin and Jennifer met us there. They are possibly the biggest crawfish lovers this side of Louisiana. I called them as soon as I left Houston and pleaded for them to feed me some mudbugs…and soon. My husband is allergic to shellfish, so I can’t go to him for my crawfish needs.

We had a great time fellowshipping over the crawdaddies. I think it is less of a meal and more of an event, which is probably why I like it. They really are kind of nasty, or rude as my dad says, little creatures. But the seasoning makes it so good!

Jackson did not partake of the crawfish, but he did get to hold one briefly.

I raise my crawdad in honor of the Louisiana ladies!


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