LIT: An Event for Women in Their 20s & 30s with Fire in Their Bones to Teach, Speak or Write


I’m ecstatic to announce an all-day Saturday event on February 11, 2017 specifically designed for women in their 20s and 30s who feel called by God to serve this generation through teaching, speaking or writing. The passion to do this event welled up in me continually as I wrote the Bible study on 2nd Timothy called Entrusted. (Released September 1, 2016) The final words of the Apostle Paul, penned to his beloved son in the faith, sketch a relationship on the sacred page of stunning mutual love and support between two generations. Over the course of five weeks, the curriculum holds the spotlight on doctrines imparted and dynamics shared between those two servants of Christ, inviting us to step into the paradigm they represent. If God ordains the order of each generation from the beginning to the end of time, and Scripture says He does, then we can safely assume He also has purpose in the generations He causes to overlap. Each generation – the younger and the older – has the privilege to profoundly impact how the other flourishes.

God timed the writing of Entrusted after two decades of publishing experience and three decades in active ministry. The Paul-Timothy paradigm threw open the door of opportunity to share some things I’d learned, often the hard way, in my journey with Jesus. I’ll echo the same disclaimer here: There is so much I don’t know, so much I don’t have, but whatever is mine to give is yours to have if you want it.

Because I wrote the study to apply to Jesus followers with any spiritual gift mix, I tried to avoid the trap of overemphasizing the ones most familiar to me. All the gifts are vital and all believers are called. I kept wishing along the way, however, that I had a little extra time with young women who feel led by the Holy Spirit to speak, teach or write simply because those are the areas of my exposure and experience.

And that’s where the idea for Lit emerged:

Making the most of a Saturday – from morning through evening – to pour into women in their 20s and 30s who have completed the 5-week study Entrusted and desire to zero-in specifically on speaking and writing gifts. I’m going to have to ask you to trust my motive here. I’m not trying to sell you a Bible study. I have a couple of different reasons for making it a requirement. First, space is limited and I want to insure that those who come are serious about the Scriptures and convinced they want to press on and pay the price of self-discipline to grow into their callings. I’d rather have 100 with fire in their bones than 500 who are mostly just curious. Nothing is wrong with curiosity. It’s just not what this day is set aside to satisfy. Secondly and most importantly, making Entrusted a prerequisite means that we come together on the same page. We can hit the ground running on that Saturday morning and make the most use of our time. Entrusted involves the fundamentals of becoming a mighty servant of God, of grasping the gospel message and using our diverse gifts to share it. If we all come together with those basics already in our arsenal, we can launch straight to the next level.

And we’re going to have a blast. I’ve asked my friend, Christy Nockels, to lead worship and invited a cross-section of my speaking/teaching/writing friends and colleagues to join Christy and me that evening for a panel and Q&A. I love and respect so many female teachers and authors serving our generation and wish we had a week to expose you to all of them. The ones who will serve on our panel that night were sought out because each brings something different to the mix.

Before I give you instructions for our first-come, first-serve registration, here’s a glimpse of the schedule so you can see if it appeals to you:

Our very special guests joining me that evening for the panel are Jennie Allen, Christine Caine, Melissa Moore, Christy Nockels, Priscilla Shirer and host Amanda Jones.

REGISTRATION OPENS Friday, Nov 25th at 9 a.m.   Cost $25.00 (to help cover expenses).

Space is limited and our aim will be to fill the room evenly with young women in their 20s and in their 30s.  But please don’t delay, if either decade does not fill up by December 1st, registration will open up the remaining space.

Requirement: 5 week Bible study Entrusted completed by that day and brought with each attendee as her ticket for admission. Please no exceptions. (Both workbook and DVD sessions recommended but only the completion of the workbook is required.)

The registration page will include hotel information, along with a full FAQ section to help with any questions you might have.

I can already tell you this will be one of the most fun gatherings I get to be part of all year. I cannot WAIT.

I believe strongly in what God wants to do with you young women.

So much love to all of you. I’m honored to be your big sister and servant.



198 Responses to “LIT: An Event for Women in Their 20s & 30s with Fire in Their Bones to Teach, Speak or Write”

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  1. 51
    Heather says:

    I’m very excited about this opportunity. How can I find the DVD sessions for download? I’m looking online and can find a workbook, but I’m not sure how to do the videos unless I purchase a leader’s kit for myself. And truthfully, we don’t own a DVD player (or have one on our computers) – I need something to download or stream.
    Again, thanks so much for this opportunity!

  2. 52
    Emma says:

    So excited I can hardly stand it! I’ve been waiting, hoping, and praying for this event since I heard about the possibility on Periscope. It felt like I had been given the biggest gift when I saw this announcement yesterday! One of my dearest friends (in her 30s) and I (in my 20s) are planning to attend! We absolutely cannot wait!

  3. 53

    This. Is. Incredible! I’m in! Although I will have to figure out airfare and an Uber ride and housing, but if God wants me there, He will make a way! So excited!

    • 53.1
      Ashley Heslop says:

      Hey Rachel,

      My Friend and I will also be traveling from out of state. I’m in Nashville and she is in South Carolina. We are planning on renting a car and I have a friend who works for a hotel and is getting me the friends and family rate. I know we don’t know each other, but if you would like, you can hang out with us that way you don’t have to Uber or stay by yourself. Just let me know.

      [email protected]

  4. 54
    Cara Kriz says:

    I am so excited to hear the details of this.I have thought about it since you talked about it months ago. I have been looking forward to turning 40 next year BUT will still be 39 in Feb. Thank you for sharing what you have been given with the younger generations.

  5. 55
    Christy says:

    I’ve missed it by one year…please open it to women in their 40’s . I have been waiting for this since she mentioned a few months ago.

    • 55.1
      Media says:

      Hi Christy! Thank you for your interest. If there is space available on December 1st, those spots will open up to women of all ages!

      • Cindy Childers says:

        Oh I am praying praying praying that you will allow us women in our 40s to attend! Of course I want this to fill up with so many passionate women in their 20s and 30s but gosh, I pray somehow I will be included on that day! I am American (stationed overseas in England) but my hubby and I agree that I could go if its possible! I’m 43 and God has JUST launched me into full time teaching ministry the past 14 months over here in 3 different capacities (High school Girls, All-age group ladies and “More seasoned ladies”….when it rains it pours! I’ve been so blessed! I’ve done I think every single Beth bible study and so want to be a part of this. I love you all so much! God bless and I will wait to see if it becomes available. Love, Cindy xx

  6. 56
    Sara E says:

    I am so in! I can’t wait! God’s timing is so perfect. My husband said you, “You gotta go to this!” See y’all then!

    Beth you rock! Thank you for doing this…and thanks for saving it for my generation;)

    Until the whole earth hears…

  7. 57
    Deborah Mott says:

    I’m 57 but only 20-30’s in some ways! O please reconsider the age requirement! I would love to attend, God willing! I have just finished writing my first book after three of hardest years of my life! Book is on heralding the Gospel by living REV 12:11… Entrusted w Gospel! I am currently doing Entrusted Bible Study! Thank you for all you do to serve LORD and His people.

    • 57.1
      Media says:

      Hi Deborah! Thank you for your interest in the event. The registration will open to women in their 20s and 30s first, but if there is remaining space by December 1st, women of all ages will be welcome register. Thank you!

  8. 58
    Jessica says:

    Please forgive me if this was mentioned, but where will this be held? I read this today hours after closing my last page on the Entrusted study. God has guided me and I am finally putting my own dreams aside to follow where He wants me to go. 2 Timothy was a wonderful study to spark that! I am interested in this… what a wonderful idea, Beth.

    • 58.1
      Media says:

      Hi Jessica! The event will be in Houston at Bayou City Fellowship church. Blessings!

      • Jessica says:

        Thank you! I read the post several times, I must have just overlooked it. This will be a wonderful event, praying for all the ladies who are considering going!

  9. 59
    Andrea says:

    I just LOVE that the registration day is Black Friday! Made me grin.

  10. 60

    I just want to comment on what a great idea this is. I am past that age but I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Deeper Still events that featured Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur and what each lady brings to ministry to all of us is so awesome.

    Blessings to all of you younger women taking your place for your generation!

  11. 61
    Abigail says:

    GAHHHHHH!!! I’ve been waiting for this announcement ever since Beth shared the vision on Periscope. I was ecstatic that day, and even more ecstatic now. AHHHHH!!!!What an incredible event to offer. Looking into ticket prices and hotels now- never been to TX! Wheww hooo! Any Houston sisters interested and willing to pick up 2 East Coast sisters from the airport, hotel, drive us to the event, etc??

  12. 62
    Grace metcalfe says:

    This sound fantastic. Will it be available on video download for girls in the U.K. who would love to be there but won’t be able to make the journey? Am currently doing ‘entrusted’ and loving it. Xx

    • 62.1
      Media says:

      Hi Grace! We are taping the event in hopes of making it available for those who can’t be there. We won’t know for sure until after the event, but if it does become available we will be sure to let everyone know. So thankful to hear you are loving Entrusted!

      • Hannah Marks says:

        Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE record this and make available for those of us scattered around the world. Im in Zimbabwe and so definitely won’t make it to Houston for this event, but I identify with what Beth was saying, and I plan on starting the Entrusted study as soon as I can! Thank you for all you do 😀

        • Media says:

          Hi Hannah! I love that you are writing us from Zimbabwe. Thankful for your interest in Lit! We are planning to tape the event in hopes of making it available for those who won’t be able to make it to Houston. We won’t know until after the event, but if it does become available, we will be sure to let everyone know. Thank you!

  13. 63
    Jenna says:

    Is there any online option for girls that are internationals?


    • 63.1
      Media says:

      Hi Jenna, thank you for your interest in Lit! We won’t have a live-stream option, but we are taping the event in hopes of making it available for those who can’t join us in Houston. We won’t know for sure until after the event, but if it does become available, we will be sure to let everyone know. Blessings!

  14. 64
    Rebecca says:

    I’d just like to add my thanks for this amazing event! In 2015 Beth spoke in Seattle and had a special prayer for the writers among us. She said, “Maybe your calling isn’t to write a blog, but to write a book.” It was a providential word of prophecy and I’ll be self-publishing my first book, “To All the Saints: Paul’s Letter to the Church at Philippi” early next month. I saw this opportunity and, while excited, didn’t see a way it could be feasible. Less than 24 hours later, a significant amount of money was made available to cover the cost and I found out this is the very study our women’s group will be beginning in January. If that isn’t a calling, I don’t know what is! Thank you, again, and I will be there!

  15. 65
    kathy says:

    fantastic! Your last study is encouraging my group of “old girls” to be more pro active as mentors and in some situations spiritual directors. This February event is an encouragement for us to take this responsibility seriously.

  16. 66
    Erin says:

    This is such an amazing opportunity but I will be out of the country on that day! Is this something you may do again in the future? It would be such an immense blessing to me and, I’m sure, so many others!

    • 66.1
      Media says:

      Hi Erin! We currently do not have another event like this scheduled. However, we are taping the event in hopes of making it available for those who can’t join us. We won’t know for sure until after the event, but we will sure to let everyone know if it does become available. Blessings!

  17. 67
    Miranda Abernethy says:

    I would love to attend, but I’m 42. 🙁 Please do something for women in their 40s as well. God can use you at any age. I’ve done all of your Bible Studies except Entrusted. I can’t wait to do it. I fell in love with God’s word through your studies.

    • 67.1
      Media says:

      Hi Miranda, thank you for your interest in Lit! any remaining spots open on December 1st will open up to women of all ages.

  18. 68

    Oh my! I cried the day she talked of this on periscope! I have my Entirsted book! The study was amazing! I’m ready!
    Thank you Beth! Answer to prayers of my heart!

  19. 69
    Darlene Stump says:

    I’m definitely not the age. However, my heart is pounding within me to come. I’m currently facilitating Entrusted and we have one more session. A young lady in my small group (center of State of WV) saw this first and is wanting to come. Another lady just shared before I knew about this that she is wanting to write! I am a pastor’s wife where my husband has pastored for 33 years. Could I come with these young ladies? We will have to figure out airfare and all of that.

    • 69.1
      Darlene Stump says:

      I will encourage these young ladies to come, even if I can’t. I have facilitated many of your studies over the years and teach at our local church. What a wonderful opportunity for those called in these areas.

    • 69.2
      Media says:

      Hi Darlene, we are so thankful for the way you are serving the women in your life! Registration must be done individually for this event, so check back on December 1st when remaining space will open to women of all ages. Thank you for understanding! Please let us know if you have further questions.

  20. 70
    Sarah Haag says:

    Are there any suggested hotels or places that there are prearranged blocks of rooms reserved? Also curious if (after registration) there might be a way to coordinate carpooling (me and one other would be coming from Indianapolis)

  21. 71

    What an amazing and generous opportunity!! Oh I hope there is space for me! This Nebraska girl will walk there if I have to! 🙂

  22. 72
    Jessica Pykiet says:

    Can I get someone, anyone’s perspective on wether or not I should go to LIT? I can think of only one reason why I should and about a dozen reasons why I shouldn’t. At 19 years old, I would have told you that I was definitely called to teaching/speaking/writing as gospel ministry in the business world. Now at age 27, I’ve bawled my eyes out at the very idea of going to this conference because that calling feels like a half-forgotten dream. In February I will be seven months pregnant with my second child. My husband’s job allows me to stay home wth our toddler, and even though he told me I should register for LIT I hate the idea of burdening him with all the things that go into sending me to Houston from Wichita, KS for a weekend. I keep thinking that I should stay home and wait for a video of the conference because I would hate to take the place of someone who should be there instead of me. In my mind that person is in a season of life where they can actively use the information shared at LIT, and they’re definitely still sure of their calling, and have probably done something right that I did wrong to be more fruitful with that calling than I have. A part of me is even afraid of going, because I might get my hopes up about this calling becoming a reality– only to come back to real life and have God lead my husband and I through another incredibly difficult wilderness season like the one we’ve been going through for the past six years. I don’t sound remotely like that woman with “fire in her bones”, do I? 🙂
    If you’ve made it all the way through this pathetic post and have anything helpful or otherwise to say, God bless you.

  23. 73
    Lizzie Conner says:

    Is there a specific time registration will be opened on November 25th?

    • 73.1
      Media says:

      Hi Lizzie! Yes, registration will open at 9 a.m. CT on Friday, November 25. Please let us know if you have further questions!

  24. 74
    Deirdre says:

    Hi! I see the schedule posted, however can you share the topics or names of the modules that will be covered. Trying to gauge the depth of the event.

    • 74.1
      Media says:

      Hi Deirdre, that’s a great question! However, we have not released specifics about the topics of the event. We do know Beth will be teaching both sessions and will use the Entrusted study as a launching pad for the discussion. Also, there will be a panel discussion in the evening with Jennie Allen, Christine Caine, Melissa Moore, Christy Nockels, Priscilla Shirer, and Amanda Jones. Hopefully this helps a little. Blessings!

  25. 75
    Colleen says:

    How I wish that I was about 20 years younger and that I lived in America – especially Houston! (I live in South Africa)
    Have a blast all you who attend.

  26. 76
    Holly says:

    When I read about the event, I immediately went online and purchased the Entrusted Bible Study. I watched the first video in the series yesterday, and I wanted to thank you. In the video, you answered a question that was asked by a single woman. I will be 31 next month, and am currently living out the life Paul described that a single Christian should have. I’ve traveled to many parts of the world so I could share Christ with people. However, when I am in the States, I am inundated with hearing about marriage and family. I hear it throughout the church world and on social media. I am by no means against people encouraging others who are married and sharing their personal stories. But it is rare to hear from other singles about their struggles. And sometimes, it creates an ache inside of me as a woman, to not have a husband or a child. So when I heard you mention this passage and how much value singles have, I appreciated it more than anyone could ever know. Thank you for giving us a seat at the table!

    • 76.1
      Media says:

      Thank you for sharing, Holly! We love hearing how the Lord is working through the Entrusted study. You are a treasure!

  27. 77
    Anita says:

    My heart is pounding and I feel naseous! This is a “coincidental” chain of events. I got thrust into leading the Entrusted Bible study for a group of ladies in our church. We just finished it three weeks ago. It was a “random” event of a bunch of ladies from all walks of life feeling isolated and alone. So we chose this study without even checking what it was about. First off we learn that our effectiveness is dependent on our connectedness. I live in Northern Saskatchewan in a small town. We had ladies in their early 20’s all the way to their late 70’s. There were a total of 19 ladies who came out!!! Now we are just studying Ephesians on our own. God is doing something big and I’m trying to learn to be obedient and have quiet confidence to do what He is asking me to do. I just signed up to get the blog sent to my emails because for the last three years, I haven’t been reading the blog. This was the first email that came. I jokingly say to my husband, looks like I’m going to go to Houston. He jumps on board and is pushing me to do so. I’m excited and apprehensive. If it’s God’s will, I will come. Is this open to Canadian residents?

  28. 78
    Erin says:

    Registration begins this Friday at 9am. Can’t wait! Where do we go to buy tickets?

  29. 79

    Our small group is in it’s first week of “Entrusted”. I have to say, I love how God uses Beth to inspire women to dig deeper into God’s word and fall more in love with our Savior. I feel like a paint brush just painted a picture of scripture before my eyes! It’s deep in color and so rich in text. I can take five days to uncover the relationship dynamics and historical events of the early church through the teacher’s direction of scriptural accounts. As I questioned and searched the strokes became clearer and a beautiful budding relationship unfolded. Wow! Thanks for this study and also for Melissa’s contribution, she is so right…..we are better students when our understanding of scriptural truth is questioned! I’m happy this event is developing and equipping the younger ladies and sad it is not for us older ones. Yet, as our amazing God always knows best, where He closes one door, He opens another.
    Best Wishes and God bless you young -ins on this journey!

  30. 80
    Ashley says:

    I am so beyond excited for this event!!! As soon as I heard about this event, I purchased the Bible study and have dove in! God has given me a wonderful story/testimony to speak about/share and I just need guidance on how to do it. This event could not be more perfect. Thank you Beth and team for all you do for women. God sure is using you in mighty ways. See you all soon!

  31. 81

    What a blessing this event will be to so many! I am all giddy just thinking about it! Cannot even wait! This gal will be making the road trip from Dallas. Thank you for this!

  32. 82
    Kim Mefford says:

    Here I am upstairs studying the powerful Word of God, and my mail alert beeps on my phone…
    Wow, as I read about this event for women who have fire in their bones to teach, study and write, I feel myself getting so EXCITED because this is exactly what I’ve been praying for…BUT then I keep reading and see that it’s for 20-30 yr old women… BUT as I continue to read, I see that it will possibly open up to my age group(48)…I’ve flagged the email and ask Siri to remind me on Nov. 30 so that I can be ready just in case
    And to stave off some of the disappointment of waiting, the Spirit whispered that “if” this is indeed God answering my longtime prayer of the next chapter of serving and working hard for Him, then the space will come available.
    I have a passion to teach, write and grow, it’s hard to explain my excitement! (10 years and still passionate, I know it comes from Him).
    I do hope that this is offered to my age group at some point if it doesn’t work out this time.
    Does Beth have any suggestions as to how someone on fire can actually get started writing or online teaching ? Any information is appreciated
    Thanks so much!

    • 82.1
      Media says:

      Hi Kim, we are so thankful for your passion for writing and teaching! We are hoping to tape this event (where Beth will cover your question) in hopes of making it available to those who are unable to attend. If it does become available, we will be sure to announce it. Thank you!

  33. 83
    Celida says:

    This is absolutely wonderful!!! Pouring out over the next generation is my passion. Would love one day to write a book.

    I also would like to attend and missed it by 2 yrs lol

    Let’s see if I make the cut

  34. 84
    Cynthia says:

    I am sooo excited for this event!!! Thank you for being willing to pour into us who love to teach God’s Word!!!

  35. 85
    Heather Bock says:

    I just signed up after a huge roller coaster. I signed up at 9:03 am and was told that it was full but that I could be on a wait list. I was 27th on the wait list. Then I found an email in my inbox an hour later saying I would be notified by email and have one minute to sign up if a spot came open. Then I found an email sent 40 minutes before saying a spot had opened! I tried, and I got in! I went from extreme disappointment to concern to happiness! I’m so excited that I get to go!

    Anybody want a roommate at SpringHill?

    Heather Bock

  36. 86
    Tara Davis says:

    I was receiving error messages this morning when I was trying to register, 85 said that my payment never went through but according to my bank statement I was charged twice….how do I go about getting this extra $25 refunded?

  37. 87
    Stacey says:

    Is registration closed? I’ve tried locaing it for a couple days.

    • 87.1
      Media says:

      Hi Stacey, yes we had an overwhelming response to Lit– registration filled on Friday shortly after it opened at 9 a.m. We’re sorry for your trouble! We are planning to tape the event in hopes of making it available to those who are unable to attend. If it does become available, we will be sure to share. Blessings to you!

  38. 88
    Bethany Lee says:

    Would you consider starting a thread to connect the women that are attending? I would love to especially connect with other women going from my state (Michigan). Thanks!

  39. 89
    Heather Bock says:

    Sorry, I didn’t see my last post had worked–I didn’t know I posted this request twice!

  40. 90

    I stumbled upon this event as I was praying about my calling and future. It sounds truly amazing! I sadly did not get a ticket though, it was sold out and I’m very far down on the waitlist. I am hopeful a spot will open up for me on December 1st. I know there was an overwhelming response, it’s so encouraging to see God raising up so many mighty women of God. I love the Entrusted Bible Study and feel so full of passion and excitement for all God is doing in me through it, fire in my bones!

  41. 91
    Tamara Picazo says:

    Hello, I just found this event and my heart dropped in excitement… then I read the registration page update that said the event and waitlist is full. Noooooo! Is there any chance more space will be opened up?

    • 91.1
      Media says:

      Hi Tamara, due to the overwhelming response, we’ve even had to close the waiting list for this event. While we won’t be opening more spots, we are planning to tape the event in hopes of making it available for those who are unable to attend. If it does become available, we will be sure to let everyone know! Blessings!

  42. 92
    Katie M says:

    Oh man. I’m so bummed I didn’t see this till now. This is my exact call. I’ve always been a faithful reader of your blog and completer of your studies, but over the past year and a half I’ve hardly kept up with things online, as I’ve been neck deep in raising kids while also researching and teaching and writing a bible curriculum. It’s taken all my time that isn’t devoted to the kids. I do wish I could be there. Entrusted is your only study I haven’t participated in at some level (per the reason just stated). But I’ll have to make time for it to glean your wisdom for this call!! Could you make this event available after the fact? I would deeply love to have all the insight you’ll be offering. I Love you dearly Beth! You have poured into me personally so very much! Thank you for your faithful service!

    • 92.1
      Media says:

      Hi Katie!Thank you so much for your interest in Lit! We are planning to tape the event in hopes of making it available for those who are unable to attend. If it does become available, we will be sure to share. Blessings to you!

  43. 93
    Katie M says:

    I will so look forward that being released! Thank you for the reply!

  44. 94

    I’m in Myrtle Beach for the holidays, & got excited yesterday when my daughter-in-law Erica told me about the Beth Moore conference in TX, and that my son/pastor James Gonsoulin’s assistant Modesty will be attending. I still have fire in my bones & also wanted to go, but unfortunately today was too late to register & I do not meet the age requirement. I would have gladly sat in the very back of the room, been as quiet as a mouse, and or served in any way just to be a part of it. I am happy for the younger women who can go & hope Beth’s team will film it, so others like me can still glean from this valuable experience.

    I love Beth Moore and have completed many of her Bible studies, including ENTRUSTED. For one of her older studies, I had to do a timeline, which later turned out to be an additional asset in helping me see things like: where God had moved in my life, where the devil attacked after (trying to make me stumble, steal my joy and/or distract and get me off course), and to tell my testimony in order, while I’m writing my book “A Search For Truth.”

    I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d keep me in your prayers. I live in Florida, but will be in Freeport, TX (south of Houston/Galveston) during January & February 2017, while restoring two vessels (GRACE & Crown Prince) for my vision/project “A Resting Place Retreat Center” in NW FL; along with working to finish writing “A Search for Truth.” Both projects have taken me longer to complete than I wanted, but I’ve also had revelation that these vessels are to be included in the last chapter, as part of the testimony of what the Lord has done in my life. Thank you and May God bless you all as you move in one accord to accomplish HIS will. Love always, Dianna “Mama D” Chenevert

  45. 95

    Cathy Deskins, Friendswood, Tx: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5, NIV

  46. 96
    Janice Gorey says:

    Janice from Houston,Texas. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believes. Gala Tiana 6:10 NIV

  47. 97
    Xochil Elmore says:

    I am so excited!! Coming all the way from Florida!

  48. 98
    Tiffany says:

    Are there still any openings? I’m 38 and have a couple of book ideas and would love to come.

    • 98.1
      Media says:

      Hi Tiffany! We are so thankful for the response we’ve had to LIT– the registration filled within minutes of opening. While we don’t have any more spots available, we are planning to tape the event in hopes of making it available for those who are unable to join. If it does become available, we will be sure to share! Blessings!

  49. 99
    Cindy says:

    I commit! Cindy from Richmond, Tx. Psalm 30:2 O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. (NIV)

  50. 100
    Danna says:

    Excited to be doing this! Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV)

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