It’s Prayer. That’s the thing.

I had an altogether different agenda for work this afternoon with no plans to blog but the Holy Spirit is stirring something in me with such force that I don’t want to resist it.

The word setting fire to my heart this moment is Colossians 4:2 –

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Nothing is going to sound new or fresh in what I’m about to say because we’ve all heard it over and over again but sometimes it’s a timing thing. In other words, we’ve heard something a million times but all the sudden, with explanations known to God alone, the thing clicks and the breakthrough comes.

Here goes:









It’s time we quit falling asleep in prayer. It’s time we quit practicing a prayer routine that bores us to tears. It’s time our quiet times ceased to be quiet. There are battles to be won. Works to be done. The kinds which only come through prayer, prayer, and more prayer.

It’s time we quit depending on someone else to do it for us.

It’s time for each of us to see in the mirror one of the most powerful people of prayer we may ever meet.

It’s time we prayed like we believed the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, was right in our very presence. Because He is.

This is what Colossians 4:2 says:

Continue steadfastly in prayer.

Don’t give up several days in. Don’t get all whiny. Don’t get all offended because God doesn’t appear to answer right away. Persevere. Keep praying. Keep believing. There are muscles God means to strengthen. It’s about the means as much as the end. Did God clearly promise in His Word what you are asking for? Then do not shrink back. Or is there a precedent in Scripture for what you’re asking in prayer? Then keep telling Him what it is, asking Him if He’d be glorified in granting your request and, if not, to remove or quiet your desire.

Persist. That’s what Luke 11:5-10 and 18:1-8 are all about.

We are warriors. Victors. More than overcomers. Bloody and bruised, we still get back up. Lip busted, we open back up our mouths – this time the louder – and call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and so shall we be saved from our enemies. (Psalm 18:3)

Being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

This is key. We’ve got to keep our eyes wide open. We can close our eyes during prayer if we need to but then, for crying out loud, let’s get those things open and let God see the whites of our eyes, ready and watchful. Let’s expect something, for Heaven’s sake. Jesus promised us in John 5:17 that God is always at work. When we get a glimpse of His activity or the slightest hint of answered prayer, let’s thank Him for it right then and there. For instance, have you been praying for someone dear to you to be set free from an area of tremendous bondage? While you wait for the huge breakthrough, can you see any glimpses that God is at work? Then thank Him for it. Applaud Him. Like Elijah who knew it was going to rain the moment he saw a cloud the size of a man’s fist, believe with all your heart that He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it.

We can be so preoccupied looking to the horizon for the huge thing that we miss the glorious mosaic of a hundred scattered pieces of answered prayer right at our feet. God is rarely up to only one thing. Our nature is to look for the big finish. His is to call us into constant and daily communion, working through every circumstance, tweaking and turning and tying and telling. He’s teaching our tongues the art of tasting in a world trained to binge.

We’re looking for the string of pearls. He’s planting one pearl here. Another pearl there. The full stretch of our lifetime is the string. We won’t see how those jewels all came together on the one strand until we study them under the light of His glorious presence. In the meantime, let’s ask God to make us alert and give us eyes to see where He’s working on the way to the divine achievement we’re longing for. And let’s respond with hearts full of gratitude and mouths full of praise.

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

The Apostle Paul’s next words represent a concept that is crucial to the well-being of our souls. Colossians 4:3 –

At the same time, pray also for us…

At the same time we are praying and watching and waiting, we will be vastly helped and blessed and connected by praying fervently for other people. Intercession for others becomes a guard against the narcissism of this present culture seeping right through the screen door of our prayer closets. A stunning number of Christians don’t believe in praying for themselves at all. Others have global vision the length of their noses and don’t believe in praying for anyone besides themselves. The counsel of the Scriptures is to pray for others and to pray for ourselves.

But, for the love of God, PRAY.

There is no other way.

We’ve got to wake up and pray.

In Jesus’ Name.

Like those who believe He hears.

Satan wants you to quit praying. He wants you to believe God isn’t paying one whit of attention to you. That He’s moved on without you. That you don’t matter. There’s only one thing to do with that. Pray twice as much. With twice the faith. And a thousand times the thanks.

Get up and pray.


We’ve got one shot at this earthly life. Good Lord, let’s make it count.









319 Responses to “It’s Prayer. That’s the thing.”

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  1. 101
    Glorianna says:

    Thank you for this, Beth. I believe I am one of the people this encouragement was for. I am a firm believer in healing. I see it as his will in scripture, I know it was paid for on the cross, and I know my enemy would love to have me doubt that truth. My brother and I are business partners supporting over 100 families. He has been battling a very rare and aggressive form of cancer for 8 months now… And things from a human standpoint are not looking promising. I have been in prayer for him more than daily… Standing on what I see in scripture as you said. I want so badly to ONLY keep my mind on that, but I also have a business that families rely on that needs to be planned for (new complicated twists-no need to clog up this area w). I’ve been struggling w feeling almost double-minded. Speaking his healing out of one side of my mouth… speaking plans for his possible death out of the other. my heart has been to spend more time in focused prayer over this… And also ask for a peace to do both without falling into unbelief for his life. So thank you. So encouraging. Side note: I want to praise God for His graciousness in all of this. He continually puts his loving hands around my face, turning it gently back to Him, and saying ” Watch ME, not this”. He is SO good.

    • 101.1
      JoAnn Janik says:

      He continually puts his loving hands around my face, turning it gently back to Him, and saying ” Watch ME, not this”. He is SO good.


  2. 102
    Leslie Warnick says:

    Thank you Beth!

  3. 103
    Kristen says:

    I had a real discouraging day yesterday, but it started out with so much motivation that through The Lord it was going to be a good day! Not!! Very discouraging, especially in ways of my bondage I’m stuck at. I went to bed dreading today, and woke up with an attitude that I’m NOT going to do my devotions because why? God doesn’t help me any way.

    Thank you for this email. I did need that and am going to try harder today to humble myself to pray more.

  4. 104
    Kelly says:

    Nothing I say will fully communicate to you the extent that this was a direct from my God for me. Thank you for your obedience to what was stirring in your heart, what you could not contain. Wow! I was woken at 5:50am this morning, to pray (in the midst of a significant time of both promise and battle) and was struggling to know quite what to pray for. Then told Him I’m listening, asked what He had for me. And got on twitter … which I never look at (maybe every 3-4 months never) … and there was this link. It quickly impressed so heavily on my heart it was undeniable … a call to keep pressing in … God IS moving … it does matter.
    And then, as I’m sharing it with my inner circle, the response comes that a friend sent it to me last night. Only the message didn’t come through. Which only confirms the opposition is real … BUT already defeated, and our God will come through … our God is faithful to His plans and purposes … and this message was intended for me.
    Grateful! Thank you!!!

  5. 105
    Michelle Barshinger says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! This is exactly what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me as well! Just started reading “This Day We Fight” by Frances Frangipane and it echoes the same call to PRAY. That’s how battles are won, lives changed, and the enemy defeated! HALLELUJAH!

  6. 106
    Rhonda Siler says:

    Amen Beth, awesome word!

    Love you lots,
    Rhonda Siler
    Kalamazoo, MI

  7. 107
    Sheryl says:

    God bless you and this beautiful message. I have the inspiration to begin praying in a disciplined routine. Thank you for pounding on the door of my heart this morning. Praises to the One who hears every word!

  8. 108
    Annette says:

    God is truly speaking to me! Just had this conversation on prayer and our lack of it with a dear saint of God. Last night at our missions conference the preacher spoke on how our missionaries seek, covet, desire, need our prayers! Thankful that God still speaks to us today!!!

  9. 109
    Janae Krum says:

    So blessed by these words. A wonderful reminder. Thank you for being faithful and listening to the Spirit.

  10. 110
    Vonda says:

    Beth, thank you, thank you, thank you. May God bless you for your obedience in posting this. I needed this. On Monday I had lost hope of him hearing my voice. Last night I asked him to help me see answered prayers. I need to be watchful of the pearls. Thank you for the encouragement!!!

  11. 111
    Jaime G. says:

    At the beginning of the year I began to journal my prayers again. I had gotten away from it for a while but the Lord laid it upon my heart to pick the pen back up. All I can say is WOW!!!! Over the past few weeks my prayer life has taken on a whole new meaning to me. I’m working in Kelly Minter’s new study and there have been a few points on prayer. Just yesterday it was praying for the lost. I’ve never been as convicted as I was yesterday. I had to call my preacher. He and I had church over the phone and it was amazing! This post came right on time for me! Thank you!!!

  12. 112
    Melinda says:

    Thank you! A powerful word that I needed to hear! Thank you for being His vessel!

  13. 113
    Tracy says:

    Perfect timing…thank you!

  14. 114
    Kimberly Balles says:

    What a wake-up call this is. I have neglected my prayer life. One of the things that stood out to me is to quit letting our quiet time be so quiet. Another one was to pray for others not just what we want. I have to admit that I have other people pray for me, but I don’t pray for myself or others with the same fervency that they have done for me. Sadly, my prayers are catch me prayers or I say them quickly and then move on, because I have other things to do. What a dismissal that is to God and an inability to acknowledge that he is the all sovereign God of the universe and has not only created the earth, but also each delicate part of our being are created in his fashion. If I keep this in mind than I will be able to pray with boldness and passion.Thank you so much for listening and obeying his promptings.

  15. 115
    Deborah Mott says:

    Thank you. Yes a call to war! Our victories so oft depend on prayer. May the LORD HELP US PRAY MORE AND with MORE EFFECTIVENESS with GREATER INTIMACY, PASSION AND LOVE’s ADVENTURE! … To sense HIS BREATHE, HIS GRACE, MERCY, PEACE, TRUTH AND LOVE!, HIS aCTIVITY AND ANSWERS, May we KNOW CHRIST and the POWER OF HIS RESURECTION! MAY we count PRAYER A JOY not a chore! When people ask us to pray for them may we really do it and count it as a honor knowing that the kingdom of God works of prayer are true building blocks to extend the kingdom of God…. Our prayer matters and so do we!
    Thanks for this timely word!

  16. 116
    Deb Mott says:

    A call to war through prayer like in Ephesians six, is what I meant! Just clarifying. We fight principalities by our prayers!

  17. 117
    Darlene says:

    Thank you, Beth, for this message. I needed it. Praise be to God. Thank you for your spiritual leadership and for allowing God to use you to reach us.

  18. 118
    Marlea Capozzi Canfield says:

    I MUST share!!! On Jan. 1st The Lord gave me a word. It is WARRIOR. Its been 11 years since my bible study girls did BELIEVING GOD and were doing it again!!! Praise The Lord! What a sweet blessing, our God has brought me so far!!! Back to the WARRIOR, I went to see “American Sniper”, which is odd for me because I’m not much of a movie watcher. After watching this movie I felt The Lord was speaking over my heart saying, “when you pray, you are a sniper! A WARRIOR SNIPER”. Then about a week later my husband and I went on a 3 day getaway to Charleston, SC. There is an artist in the market that I adore. She painted a piece, which I bought, that has a sword on it and it says, “FEAR BE GONE! IN YESHUA’S NAME”. I put that piece on my bible study desk and one day as I was doing my bible study I looked up at it…while BELIEVING GOD was who He said He was, and I felt Him say, “Marlea, you are a sniper with a sword”!!! Ohhh GLORY TO GOD I COULD JUST SHOUT!!! Sisters!!! We are all warriors…we are ALL SNIPERS WITH SWORDS!!! When we pray, just visualizing it is done all by Him…just BELIEVE!!! By the power of JESUS CHRIST and Him alone…
    I pray this blesses just one person as much as it has me!!! After reading Beth’s post I had to share my experience because I feel so strongly about prayer lately!!! Much love!!!

  19. 119
    Pat Layton says:

    Wow–Just WOW!! The Lord has been convicting me of the very same truth–your words sunk deep into my heart today, thank you!!

  20. 120
    Bethany Mowat says:

    Amen! Thank you Beth. I am so thankful for your ministry and what you have said here. It stirs me up so much. Last week my Pastor called for a time of calling on God. He asked for 100% participation for Tuesday and Wednesday from 6am to 7pm to come and pray for as long as we were able or willing and to come and go as we pleased but to come and cry out to God. It was in my heart that God was going to move/act on the prayers of those who came and I was so excited I woke at 5am Tuesday and 4:30am on Wednesday to be there at 6am to pray for a few hours before work and returned to pray after work on both days. I have no idea what the results are of those prayers yet but I know without a doubt that the Creator of the universe met with us there. So thankful for prayer one of the greatest blessings of a Christian’s life! To have audience with the King of Kings 24/7. So thankful that He always has an available ear for me and all who call upon Him. Blessings!

  21. 121
    Sonya Keener says:

    God told you I was falling asleep during my prayer time didn’t he??! But seriously thank you for that word from our Lord! I have been questioning my prayer time, second guessing, I’m always praying for the same circumstance, wanting so desperately to be in Gods will!! Then I find myself worrying if I’m praying right and I came to the realization that it’s the enemy confusing me so in my prayer time I’m not focusing completely on God. Does this make sense?? I want to just go to God with my whole mind and spirit and wait on him to speak to my spirit. I desire to know God more but what does that look like going digging deeper in prayer??

  22. 122
    Deb Mott says:

    Just thought: WHAT IF CHRISTIANS PRAYED THREE TIMES A DAY ON THEIR KNEES AS DANIEL DID? What if we were unashamed to get on our knees lift holy hands and worship GOD’s HOLY NAME like we wanted 1000 tongues to sing His Praise. What if we gathered in groups night and day and prayed? What if we lived like we say we believe? What if we did in private what we say in public. What if we prayed in our secret place more than any other place? What if we really BELIEVED GOD for every prayer and that the KING OF GLORY has and will continue to break the power of sin and darkness, and HIS LOVE IS MIGHTY! He is the KING OF GLORY, THE KING ABOVE ALL KINGS! He shakes the whole earth with holy thunder,May we be left breathless in awe and holy wonder. SUCH AMAZING GRACE AND UNFAILING LOVE! Phil WIckham This is Amazing Grace…may we sing and PRAY for all that He has done for us!!!! THE KING OF GLORY IS LISTENING!

  23. 123
    Tara says:

    Well thank you Holy Spirit for writing to us through Beth! I needed Your reminder and I’m hearing You all around me with this call to pray and pray with expectancy.

    Beth this might as well have been one of your videos because I could see your little body full of energy, hopping from one side to the other, eyes pleading for us to get it, hair perfectly coiffed. You are such a dynamo! Thank you.

  24. 124
    Mary V says:

    Dear Beth
    I’m so grateful for your posting this. I was feeling so discouraged this evening. I lead the prayer meeting on Friday mornings at the church(mostly ladies) and thinking about the low attendance. And my spirit has been so uplifted and encouraged reading your blog and I feel the Lord encouraging me through it to keep going. Thank you so much. I feel galvanized into persisting in prayer , both personal and corporate. God Bless you!

  25. 125
    Tess says:

    Oh. My. Word. This is exactly what’s been pressing on my heart and and the heart of the body I serve with. *WE’VE GOT TO PRESS IN MUCH FURTHER AND BELIEVE GOD TO BE MUCH BIGGER. WE WILL NOT LIVE BOLDER THAN WE PRAY.* This whole message is so important. God is moving. And Jesus is on the stairs. Wow. To God be all the glory! We ARE the daughters (and sons) of the King! Amen and amen. Thank you, Beth. <3

  26. 126
    Annette Peterson says:

    Thank you so much for this blog post. It is very encouraging & just what I needed.

  27. 127
    Dana says:

    You have published this post at the exact time I needed it so much. Our family and our church have come under attack by Satan. The level of persecution has sent us reeling but we are not going to be defeated. We see God coming to our aid already, as you said, in small daily steps. It’s true, we want the big triumphant finish to hurry up and get here, but we know we have to go through the steps. It’s not easy but clinging to the promise that God is faithful and that He fights for us is what will give us the strength and peace to endure. Please pray for us and we will be praying for you. Thank you for a good Word!!

  28. 128
    Tyra Sias says:

    Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to interrupt your plans.
    Now I’m going to get to praying, like I truly believe He’s listening and will withhold no good thing from me!

  29. 129
    Sheila Bragg says:

    Beth, you have no idea how much this meant. I am in the middle of a prayer and fasting week and this was a big encouragement for me to keep going. Thank you!!

  30. 130
    Roxie Crews says:

    If my people , which are called by my name,
    shall humble themselves, and pray and seek
    My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
    will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
    and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    Yes yes yes we believe Him! We all want to do
    our part in prayer-oh God let it be so!

  31. 131
    Jodi Carosone says:

    Amen! With the tragic headlines lately, I’ve felt such sadness and darkness. We need to PRAY! We have the ear of the Most High bent towards us, ready to listen, and He WILL ACT in His own time. Praise God that we serve a King who is willing to take the time to listen to us and even provided the most personal means for us to communicate with Him. There is power in prayer! Pray ladies, for the love of God pray!

  32. 132
    Crystal says:

    I couldn’t sleep last night for some reason and when that happens I think well maybe God wants me up so I can pray for something or someone. But my prayers lately have not been what they used to be. As I lay in bed realizing this, I asked God to teach me to pray better. And this morning I see your blog on prayer! I feel like this is an answer to my prayer as it has given me some much needed motivation! Thank you Beth and thank you Father!

  33. 133
    Kim Cook says:

    This was so timely, never a coincidence. My reading of your words came just minutes after I had listened again to your Mary/Martha teaching from years ago on the captivity of activity. Anxiety, care, casting, His peach…NOTHING can replace our time with Him, and He greatly wants us there. He has been pursuing me to buckle down and get serious about my prayer life. This was an “Outlook Reminder” telling me that He is waiting for our daily meetings to be more than a status update. Thanks, Beth, for carrying His words to me!

  34. 134
    Susan Brown, Charleston SC says:

    Bless you Beth! These words spoke life into my prayers that have been so dry and lifeless for months. Thank you for letting God break into to your schedule with His powerful words to share with us!

  35. 135
    Heidi says:

    Thank you Beth, I receive this as a word from the LORD. This is what he has been pressing on me. I got hung up on the fact that I haven’t been a very good prayer. His word is “start over fresh TODAY!”

  36. 136
    Brenda Voydatch says:

    Thank you <3

  37. 137
    Holly says:

    Word, Sister! THANK YOU. I know this but needed the kick in the behind again. I’ve been lax in my prayer time, and I definitely can relate to al the statements you made, especially to “we will not live bolder than we pray”. I am so convicted right now…I’ve been using my busy life of one husband, two young children, working outside the home and all the trappings of household care as my excuse. Pretty lame. THANK YOU, Holy Spirit for the fresh word and THANK YOU to Beth for having ears to hear and being a willing vessel. I need prayer Siestas-to put myself in prayer. God, speak to me and show me how, when, where to meet with you. I’m not sure how to restart. I want to be effective and I want to affect the world through prayer.

  38. 138
    Elizabeth Mitchell says:

    Thank you, Ma’am! This blog is very inspiring and timely! I have just finished the book and Bible study Before Amen by Max Lucado all about strengthening our prayer lives. I feel God calling me to more time with Him and intercessory prayer. Time with God makes everything in life so much better! I pray for you and Living Proof ministries too. Thank you for allowing God to use you to pour into our lives. Jesus is faithful and the ultimate promise keeper. God bless you, Beth!

  39. 139
    Robye says:

    Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
    Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

    Joining in with the others and committing to the Lord for a stronger, deeper prayer life! I want to be in constant communication with Him!

  40. 140
    beth herring says:

    Wow. How I needed this encouragement today! My husband and I recently left the security of a long and secure pastorate to answer His call of full-time missions. No paycheck and no security aside from our faithful Lord! I admit I have let my prayer life suffer and I needed this wake-up call desperately! !!

  41. 141
    Lori Chasse' says:

    I needed this today. My husband has been unemployed since January 4. We have had so much trouble getting his unemployment started. As of today, he has not received the first check. My mortgage is overdue now and the bills are piling up. I have been praying BUT I needed this to remind me to pray harder. I know that God is Enough and True Contentment for me. I know that He has a plan for all of this. I want to be found faithful.

  42. 142
    Katheryn Cooper says:

    Love this quote I read this am while in my quiet time…

    Bear not a single care thyself,
    One is to much for thee;
    The work is Mine, and Mine alone;
    Thy work – to rest in me. Anonymous

    Thank you Beth for poking my heart to what is truly important today and everyday…

  43. 143
    Whitney Amos says:

    I read this mid-morning while in bed with pain. And had been considering calling the day a wash. Your words speak directly to my heart : “Get up and pray.” Well, okay then!

  44. 144
    Cynthia Evans says:

    This is so true. One girl in our Nut House Bible study when asked why we don’t pray more said, “Because we don’t really believe it works.” Whew… At PASSION a few weeks ago Francis Chan talked about the difference between how the Israelites saw Moses meeting with Go and fell on their knees in awe that Almighty God would meet with a man and how far we have some to thinking it is a burden and an obligation we try to squeeze in. We need to realign our thinking with God’s majesty. I don’t know if you can post this but, here is the link to Francis’ talk:

    (otherwise, go to youtube and search for Francis Chan Passion 2015).

    May we never loose the wonder. Go joyfully to the tent of meeting!!!


  45. 145
    Dave Moore says:

    You are speaking to me. I read this last night and felt every word in my spirit. I reread it to my wife Dorinda and we both began to pray and weep and intercede like never before. I began a fast today that is going to begin a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. I have lately felt that my prayers are weak ineffective. I want to pray for myself and others with effectual prayers that avail much. I have been battling cancer for 5 years and need breakthrough. My God is able! I pray that God opens the windows of heaven and pours you out blessings forever, in the mighty name of Jesus!

  46. 146
    Jaye H Decatur, Al says:

    Thank you Beth for responding to what God asked you to do. I know for me it was spot on. I can not tell you how many ways I needed this. God’s timing is always right. When reading this I really thought I am the only one needing this and then I am amazed at how much others needed this too.

  47. 147
    Kari says:

    I needed this reminder today! Thank you Thank you Thank you. So often I do get discouraged when praying for those around me and for myself. I am digging my knees into the carpet and continuing steadfastly in prayer, believing that my Lord hears and answers!
    Bless everyone here Lord, with the endurance to pray and keep praying…seeking You for all the answers we need in our lives and how to pray for those around us. Keep it ever present in our hearts that You are working behind the scenes, even when we don’t see it. That You Lord are faithful to bring Your Word to pass. Teach us how to pray Lord and stand fast in You. In Jesus name Amen and Amen

  48. 148
    Karlys says:

    THANK YOU!!! Once again HE has spoken to me through you. May HE continue to profoundly bless you with HIS Power, Presence, and Peace. May HE keep HIS Hand upon you. May HE continue to grow your love for HIM so that you continue to delight HIM.

  49. 149
    Julie Reynolds says:

    Thanks sister for this timely message. I have been studying lately on persistent prayer and trying to be more aware of when I have actually prayed or whether I just thought about it and thought about praying about it. And then yesterday our pastor asked me if I would include something in our monthly Women’s Ministry meeting about prayer and our personal prayer life. I have been praying about how to say what I need to say and what God would have me say and this pops in my inbox this morning. Thank you for your obedience and your leadership.

  50. 150
    Maureen Chabot says:

    Thank you Beth for listening to the Holy Spirit! I confess that I have been lacking…terribly in this hugely important discipline!! Thank you for opening my eyes and heart…you hit the proverbial nail right on the head!!

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