It’s Prayer. That’s the thing.

I had an altogether different agenda for work this afternoon with no plans to blog but the Holy Spirit is stirring something in me with such force that I don’t want to resist it.

The word setting fire to my heart this moment is Colossians 4:2 –

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Nothing is going to sound new or fresh in what I’m about to say because we’ve all heard it over and over again but sometimes it’s a timing thing. In other words, we’ve heard something a million times but all the sudden, with explanations known to God alone, the thing clicks and the breakthrough comes.

Here goes:









It’s time we quit falling asleep in prayer. It’s time we quit practicing a prayer routine that bores us to tears. It’s time our quiet times ceased to be quiet. There are battles to be won. Works to be done. The kinds which only come through prayer, prayer, and more prayer.

It’s time we quit depending on someone else to do it for us.

It’s time for each of us to see in the mirror one of the most powerful people of prayer we may ever meet.

It’s time we prayed like we believed the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, was right in our very presence. Because He is.

This is what Colossians 4:2 says:

Continue steadfastly in prayer.

Don’t give up several days in. Don’t get all whiny. Don’t get all offended because God doesn’t appear to answer right away. Persevere. Keep praying. Keep believing. There are muscles God means to strengthen. It’s about the means as much as the end. Did God clearly promise in His Word what you are asking for? Then do not shrink back. Or is there a precedent in Scripture for what you’re asking in prayer? Then keep telling Him what it is, asking Him if He’d be glorified in granting your request and, if not, to remove or quiet your desire.

Persist. That’s what Luke 11:5-10 and 18:1-8 are all about.

We are warriors. Victors. More than overcomers. Bloody and bruised, we still get back up. Lip busted, we open back up our mouths – this time the louder – and call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and so shall we be saved from our enemies. (Psalm 18:3)

Being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

This is key. We’ve got to keep our eyes wide open. We can close our eyes during prayer if we need to but then, for crying out loud, let’s get those things open and let God see the whites of our eyes, ready and watchful. Let’s expect something, for Heaven’s sake. Jesus promised us in John 5:17 that God is always at work. When we get a glimpse of His activity or the slightest hint of answered prayer, let’s thank Him for it right then and there. For instance, have you been praying for someone dear to you to be set free from an area of tremendous bondage? While you wait for the huge breakthrough, can you see any glimpses that God is at work? Then thank Him for it. Applaud Him. Like Elijah who knew it was going to rain the moment he saw a cloud the size of a man’s fist, believe with all your heart that He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it.

We can be so preoccupied looking to the horizon for the huge thing that we miss the glorious mosaic of a hundred scattered pieces of answered prayer right at our feet. God is rarely up to only one thing. Our nature is to look for the big finish. His is to call us into constant and daily communion, working through every circumstance, tweaking and turning and tying and telling. He’s teaching our tongues the art of tasting in a world trained to binge.

We’re looking for the string of pearls. He’s planting one pearl here. Another pearl there. The full stretch of our lifetime is the string. We won’t see how those jewels all came together on the one strand until we study them under the light of His glorious presence. In the meantime, let’s ask God to make us alert and give us eyes to see where He’s working on the way to the divine achievement we’re longing for. And let’s respond with hearts full of gratitude and mouths full of praise.

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

The Apostle Paul’s next words represent a concept that is crucial to the well-being of our souls. Colossians 4:3 –

At the same time, pray also for us…

At the same time we are praying and watching and waiting, we will be vastly helped and blessed and connected by praying fervently for other people. Intercession for others becomes a guard against the narcissism of this present culture seeping right through the screen door of our prayer closets. A stunning number of Christians don’t believe in praying for themselves at all. Others have global vision the length of their noses and don’t believe in praying for anyone besides themselves. The counsel of the Scriptures is to pray for others and to pray for ourselves.

But, for the love of God, PRAY.

There is no other way.

We’ve got to wake up and pray.

In Jesus’ Name.

Like those who believe He hears.

Satan wants you to quit praying. He wants you to believe God isn’t paying one whit of attention to you. That He’s moved on without you. That you don’t matter. There’s only one thing to do with that. Pray twice as much. With twice the faith. And a thousand times the thanks.

Get up and pray.


We’ve got one shot at this earthly life. Good Lord, let’s make it count.









319 Responses to “It’s Prayer. That’s the thing.”

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  1. 51
    Sharon says:

    I needed this, thanks for being faithful and putting it out there.

  2. 52
    MargiebytheSea says:

    Powerful! So much depends on it.
    Pray without ceasing…yes!

  3. 53
    Jami says:

    I NEEDED this. THANK you, Beth!!

  4. 54
    Debra T says:

    Beth, Thank you for this powerful message!! I was praying for you and LPM earlier today. May we be a praying people! Furthermore, may we be believing believers!
    James 5:16 AMP The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
    God bless you !!

  5. 55
    Beth says:

    Thank you, Beth! Such a timely call to prayer. A much needed reminder and encouragement.

    Prayer is the work of the church and the expression of our faith and by it God’s people have …
    “subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”
    Heb. 11:33-34

  6. 56
    Volleyball Ginger says:

    I needed to hear this!

    Wetumpka, AL

  7. 57

    Thank you for this. What timing. What conviction. Just thank you.

  8. 58
    Charlene says:

    Amen, dear Beth! Amen!!

  9. 59
    Dore says:

    Thanks you, Beth….I am so glad you wrote this…it came at exactly the right time. All power and authority belong to our great king Jesus!

  10. 60
    Rita says:

    Thank you for your faithfulness to speak Truth and encourage us to obey, love, read and pray God’s Word. I just read Psalm 5:2-3 “Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to You I pray. In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. (‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭2-3‬ NASB) David did just that; he prayed and then watched!! God is asking me to pray and watch in my broken marriage. My God is mighty to save! Trusting, praying and watching!

  11. 61
    Yvonne Gearing says:

    Thank you Beth for this word from the Lord. I struggle in this area at times and become weary. Lord help me to persevere and believe your word & not the lies of the enemy. Our God is able!!

  12. 62
    Happymomfour says:

    And all God’s people said A MILLION AMENS!!!!!!

  13. 63
    Gayla McKinney says:

    Mrs. Beth…how I needed this reminder to persist in prayer! I’d almost succumbed to the Enemy’s lie thatmy tiny part in prayer wasn’t all that important, even though I knew better! Praying for you and the entire LPL team in a fresh commitment as you begin the season!

  14. 64
    Deanna says:

    Praising God for the timing of this blog!! Thank you for your obedience!!

  15. 65
    Jackie says:

    Oh my. I got chills reading this post. I just tonight started reading Ray Stedman’s Talking with My Father, a book about prayer and why it’s important. I’ve been feeling very downtrodden lately. And lost. And disconnected from God. I felt that prayer was the answer. Thank you for the confirmation and being open to the Holy Spirit.

  16. 66
    Cheryl says:

    I have learned so much from you. I have been praying
    continually for a situation in my life but I find the more I pray the worse things happen. I feel like I am overthinking everything and feel so dejected. At what point do you just stop and believe it is in God’s hands and to stop praying continuously? My nerves are shot and am starting to question everything.

  17. 67
    Jill Steele says:

    I just completed my chapter study review for the women’s study I am leading ; Chapter Three of Sharon Jaynes’ beautiful work, “Becoming A Woman Who Listens to God”. That chapter is ‘God Speaks Through Prayer’ and it deeply moved my spirit. Knowing the scriptures she cited well, having understanding of the concepts shared even for many years, still all seemed like a brand new revelation of how precious and absolutely urgent our praying is right now! As I placed the book on my nightstand and picked up my phone to charge for the night. I had a thought to glance at my email and here is this post jumping off the screen at me; the post you never planned to write! The Holy Spirit is moving and speaking to us as a body in such a strong and constant wave of urgency! I thank God for your obedience to hear and share! We are being called to a time of ‘on our face’, intense and fervent prayer. God, help us to stay faithful with you in this call to pray truly without ceasing! Amen and Amen! Something is up in the heavenlies!

  18. 68
    Brenda Stoneking says:

    Thank you for obeying the Spirit! I really needed to hear this today! So challenging and encouraging!

  19. 69
    June says:

    Thank you so much for not resisting but heeding the Spirit’s prompting. I clung to every word as though they were straight from our God to my heart. May you be so blessed for your faithfulness. I know I am!! Glory!!

  20. 70
    Connie Harper says:

    Thank you Beth for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and giving us this word. I have felt convicted lately over my weak prayer life and this word just confirms that I need to make a change!

  21. 71
    Laurie B. says:

    AMEN!!! 😉

  22. 72
    Martha Salters says:

    Thank you Beth…I needed this! I waste entirely too much time on Facebook and email and my prayer life is undisciplined! The Holy Spirit has been convicting me! I MUST make some changes!! I am so very thankful for you! Our group is starting “Living Beyond Yourself…” Monday! Can’t even begin to remember what number this is of your studies I have done!! Some how I missed this one along the way! Can’t wait to get started!
    Much love to you and your family!

  23. 73
    Nordic Girl says:

    if there ever was a more timely post … this would be it. words I needed so much as I’ve been praying about a matter for a long time & it’s been challenging to preserver in prayer. thank you the encouragement to keep praying & not give up, to press in and pray without ceasing.

  24. 74
    Andrea Cox says:

    Beth, like so many others here, I needed to hear this today. All my life I’ve dreamed of being a good wife. I’m 27 and single as the day I was born. No clue where my future Mister is. I’ve already chosen my fourth verse for SSMT (since I’ve already memorized #3). 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (NIV) I’m trying to fix my eyes on God and how I may serve Him. But the struggle of lonesomeness is difficult. However, I am a person of perseverance and an overcomer. I wouldn’t be where I am today without those two characteristics, which God has instilled in me. So, thank you, Beth, for this beautiful reminder to pray twice as hard, especially for the promises God’s given me. And thank you for praying as you okay this comment. (I have a feeling you pray over all of us as we comment on your blog.)

    Blessings and prayers right back to you.

    Andrea Cox, Howe, TX

  25. 75
    MK says:

    So perfect. Just what was needed tonight. It’s been a crazy week of crisis’ (as you know, any call from the ER is stressful) and praise reports. But sometimes, even in the midst of praise, the sheer number of things needing prayer & attention, I can get discouraged. Thank you for taking the time to blog and share with us!!! Loving you lots!

  26. 76
    Kimmy says:

    Yes pray pray pray when you can’t pray, then praise! We all need to pray more! PRAY for your children your husband your neighbors. Pray for understanding, then believe and He will answer, otherwise it is like a wind blowing and He won’t answer. God loves to hear from you. He is ready and waiting, now let’s get praying!

  27. 77
    Deborah (Debbie) says:

    So, Ms. Beth, you do know that God gave you this post today to share just for me, don’t you?! One day, when you stand with Him, looking back on this, He’ll show you and you’ll be wowed…yes, you will.

    Bless you dear, dear lady. May our great God who calls us to prayer strengthen your arms in the battle and bless your heart GOOD!!!

  28. 78
    Teresa says:

    Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit speak through your words, Beth! This blog is the home page for my web browser, so it’s up every time my computer’s on. I almost missed this post in the rush to reply to emails from lawyers and accountants, but I’m glad I didn’t. I feel like I’ve been praying for my family for years without results, especially the last five years as we’ve been in conflict over our parents’ estate. There’s so much hurt, misunderstanding, and passivity. The worst is seeing yet another generation spiral downward–my nephew’s son may be the angriest child I’ve met in over 20 years as a teacher.
    Beth, your words are both a directive and an encouragement. Thank you for the reminder to persevere in prayer, expectant prayer to our faithful God!

  29. 79
    Laurie says:

    Thank you Beth…I have been struggling in the worst way dealing with losing my mom to dementia.
    I pray, I pray a lot. I will pray whenever I am called, except for my mom. I have been so hurt by her unintentional words and accusations for so long I can’t seem to get past it and just pray over her.
    I can’t see God in this. So, I will drink in what He has given you for me tonight and I know a fresh anointing will follow. I just finished the last page of my Children of the Day homework and will lead my girls through the final video tomorrow morning. It was an amazing journey! Thank you dearest siesta!
    Worthy is the Lamb

  30. 80
    Duchess says:

    Word in season! The title in the NKJV for Luke 11: 9, says ” keep asking, seeking and knocking”. God has been reminding me of Luke 11:5, and 18:1 lately. Persistence!!

    Spot on! I will keep at it. Sometimes I remember to keep at it and start telling God ” I know your ears are not to heavy to hear….so as long as I’m going to continue, I know you are going to listen.

    Thanks Mrs Beth. Word in season for me!

  31. 81
    Maggie says:

    Amazing exhortation at a significant time for us. thank you Beth for encouraging God’s people to ‘not give up’ May He return to you 100 fold what you have broadcasted on your blog tonight.

  32. 82
    Darrel Fuller says:

    This came on my birthday, thank you for being obedient in sharing, just at the right time. God bless you Both xx

  33. 83
    Gerry Warkentine says:

    God’s Blessings upon you dear Beth. I read and join with so many of my sister’s in saying how much I needed this today. Thank you for hearing the prompting and acting on the message of the Holy Spirit, oh thank you. I will be sharing this with three of my prayer groups.
    Sarah I know that God will make your baby girl a mighty prayer leader. We will lift baby Sarah and her mommy and daddy up in prayer. He is not far from every one of us.
    Acts 17:27

  34. 84
    Brenda says:

    This Word I need. For over a year my prayers have been shortened or none existence. I can’t get into prayer as before my grandson’s death. During his sickness I sought the LORD wholeheartedly. I counted on prayers of Faith-Believers around the world. His leaving(passing away) left me without a will. I know this is coming from the enemy and this angers me. Yet, I keep not praying as before. I’ve been a Christian for many years. I hide behind a church mask. I speak that I’m getting stronger but, my slack in prayer lets me know I’m not depending on The God that loves me. Keep me in your prayers because I don’t want to stay this way and miss out on all the things I should be in prayer for……unsaved neighbors, family feuds, unsaved family members and more. My grandson loved God and he left us with a poem “Stay Strong”. I thought I was he had faced death earlier in life and God wiped my tears and assured me he would live and he did until he was 15yrs old. It rocked my world. I thought God would answer me the way I wanted Him to. He gave me signs to warn me but, I took it the way I wanted it to my liking. I want just a portion of the love and faith my grandson lived by. I will pray tonight. Be in prayer with me to overcome this slack-prayer-life and blaming God. My heart hurts and no doctor can heal it, no pills can remove it. I desire to love my Lord without conditions. Just stand with me?

  35. 85
    Regina Ripamonti says:

    2015, as I sat doing my ‘goals’ in early January, this was precisely what the Lord was saying to me: get real, get serious not only in corporate prayer but privately. Seek my face earnestly, without ceasing. Along with that, regularly fasting. The lost will come to Jesus as we intercede on our faces. Thank you Beth so much for this kick up the backside! We all need it!

  36. 86
    Pam says:

    God bless you Beth Moore !! I’ve always praised God for using you to speak to me beginning with your first bible study to the many conferences at Great Hills but never more so than now. How I needed this not only for our pastoral ministry but also for our son who is planning to leave the ministry & pursue a different lifestyle.
    Lord Jesus may I press in further & believe you to be much bigger especially in, what appears to me, to be my sons self destruction. Lord I believe, help my unbelief. Praise & thanksgiving to the only wise God who will do exceedingly, abundantly above all I can even think to ask !!

  37. 87
    Tina says:

    Thank you, Beth! And thank you, dear sisters in Christ for all the comments on the blog. You are a great encouragement to me. I so needed to hear this.

  38. 88
    S. Lee says:

    Thank you Beth, for heeding the call of the Holy Spirit. This was for me and I’m in.

  39. 89
    Beckie Potterfield says:

    In getting ready for a Young Girls’ Bible study yesterday, I wrote,
    I have been praying a specific request for 25 years. There have been pieces of answers along the way. I may not see the complete answer this side of heaven but I know whom I have believed and I am convinced He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day (2 Timothy 1:12).

    BUT I haven’t been diligently praying and thanking God for the answer recently. Thank you for the nudge to get back in there and to open my eyes to see the pieces of answers.

  40. 90
  41. 91
    Linda Smith says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Beth, for listening to the Spirit and speaking what you heard to us. Such a word of challenge and truth. It has been on my heart and on the heart of a dear friend, and you beautifully articulated it to us. Watchful,fervent, bold, believing, constant, prayer with thanksgiving. Thank you.

  42. 92
    Mary in NH says:

    This ties in so well with a favorite verse that’s clipped to my computer (so I see it often): Philippians 4

    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

    I am learning, my prayers may not always fix a situation, but they can surely change my attitude about it, and bring me peace.

  43. 93
    Misty Hayes says:

    Thank you, Beth! I needed to read/hear this. I have had a hard time praying lately and I’m not sure why.

  44. 94
    Deana says:

    Yes ma’am! You are right on….have been hearing this same thing from the Holy Spirit all week! Plan (even now) to have my eyes wide open and ready for applause! Thank you for going with the stirring!

  45. 95
    Dana Meade says:

    AMEN! Preach it!!! What a powerful word!! Thank you for the obedience of sharing it.

  46. 96
    Nicole says:

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Much needed.

  47. 97
    Susan says:

    Beth- the Holy Spirit shines through you in this post- what power, emotion and conviction. I’m so weak in this area, may God help me improve and be serious about my prayer life. Thank you for this message today.

  48. 98
  49. 99
    Donna says:

    Dear Mama Beth (that’s what I call you), THANK YOU! I was just having this conversation with God today. I’ve been intensely praying for people in my family and situations concerning them and myself since the beginning of the year. of course some of these prayers extend well into the past! I got to the point this week where I felt like, what else can I say? What else can I pray? I’ve prayed scripture, I know it in my bones to be true and I’ve said what I need to say LORD now its all you! There was an uneasiness in me about this, am I being fresh with God? LORD I want to honor you above all else, however this girl does not know what else to pray? So is it ok if I don’t? It’s not that I feel at the end of my rope, I wholeheartedly know my prayers are before the throne of God and and his timing is perfect, its just what is there left to say? There is praise of course, unending praise to our God and Father!!! You see its almost like this is the place where I start with “crazy prayers”. LORD reveal the need for salvation to everyone in my community that does not know you. LORD save person X and Y but don’t just save make them mighty people of faith. I pray victory over X bondage over this person’s life and make them a mighty witness for you there! So I guess this is the pace of “CRAZY PRAYER”. Thank you for sharing, printing out this post carrying it with me as a reminder to pray, harder and farther than ever before!!!

  50. 100
    Lisa M says:

    Amen and Amen! I’ll be taking this with me this weekend to the prayer retreat. Lord, teach me to pray!

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