Saturdays Are For…

Saturdays are for turning off your alarm and sleeping in.

Saturdays are for lingering a little bit longer over that cup of coffee and that good read.

Saturdays are for eating leftover cake for breakfast.

Saturdays are for dressing casual.

Saturdays are for wearing a little less make-up, or maybe no make-up at all.

Saturdays are for cleaning that dreaded bathroom.

Saturdays are for washing your sheets.

Saturdays are for laying by the pool; of course only during summer when we’re melting here in Houston.

Saturdays are for exploring Pinterest to receive cooking inspiration for the next week.

Saturdays are for going on long, peaceful walks.

Saturdays are for laughing with friends.

Saturdays are for going to the movies.

Saturdays are for being unaware of what time it is.

Saturdays are for looking forward to Sundays.

Saturdays. They’re just good. And they all look different.

Your turn!

Cheers to Saturday being less than 12 hours away!


58 Responses to “Saturdays Are For…”

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  1. 51
    Sheila Johnson says:

    Saturdays are for having the time to cook a real breakfast rather than grabbing a cold bowl of cereal after waking up without an alarm. Thanks and praise to my Savior, Jesus, for the Saturdays in my life.

  2. 52
    KMSmom86 says:

    Saturdays are for…
    sleeping until I wake up
    reading/Bible study
    catching up on laundry and housework
    making a trip to the larger town 20 miles away to shop, eat,and maybe see a movie (usually with a friend or two)
    preparing the Sunday School lesson for the preschool class I teach at church

    Busy! Busy! Busy!

  3. 53
    Shalom says:

    Saturday is th Lords Sabbath after all.

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