What in the World is a Sacred Secret? Giveaway!

*Announcing the winners of our “Sacred Secret” giveaway!*

*A little side note before I confuse you all, the number I am posting along with the name is your comment number. This way, you can check to make sure you are the winner! Also, each of the winners was chosen completely at random by the lovely website, random.org.

The FIVEΒ winners of the Small Group Leader Kits go to: (The leader kit includes two teaching DVD’s and five study journals each.)

124 – Sydney Merino
856 – Melissa Pittman
150 – Heather Smith
1893 – Lisa Golden
1238 – Amber Moon

The 20 individual “Sacred Secret” study journals go to:

1334 – Jenny Coffey
4124 – Maurice Dillard
144 – Nightingale N.
2950 – Jocelyn Russell
1929 – Cyndy Taylor
1001 – Pam
2903 – Colleen Lyons
1804 – Lisa Shaw
639 – Lisa Chapman
2059 – Melanie Connatser
335 – Kaylan Wonser
3081 – Fay Gossen
1920 – Lori Simmons
960 – Heather McDaniel
2051 – Karen Binder
3097 – Con Schafman
1667 – Sara Lindsay
4157 – Connie Worthington
261 – Alexandra Key
4113 – Debbie

Congratulations, ladies! Y’all clearly love free stuff, and so do we! We are so thrilled for you! You should be receiving an email from me (Lindsee) within the next 24 hours on how to claim your prize.

Also, for those of you that are still interested in purchasing Sacred Secrets, you can do that by clicking here to order through LifeWay. Through that link you have the options of ordering the small group kit, the study journal, the video bundle (all four teaching sessions together), or the individual video downloads. Be blessed, ladies! We love y’all!



*Good afternoon, ladies! Comments are now closed. Thanks for being so enthusiastic about the giveaway. I’ll post our 25 winners later this afternoon. Be sure to check back!

Sacred Secrets Final from LPV on Vimeo.

Girls! To enter the Sacred Secrets giveaway just simply leave a comment with your name (first and last is so helpful) and that is all. So easy! Also please make sure we have a working email address for you. We’ll leave comments open for 24 hours and announce the winners tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon!

Here’s a fun little picture from Friday as we were getting ready for the video! That table is about to be empty!


4,202 Responses to “What in the World is a Sacred Secret? Giveaway!”

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  1. 3801
    Lonnie Hall says:

    Please include me in the Sacred Secrets giveaway. Thanks so much. :o)

  2. 3802
    Kelly pracht says:

    Love it! πŸ™‚

  3. 3803
    Sara Freeman says:

    Sara Freeman
    Thanks for doing the hard work of creating these studies!

  4. 3804
    Cathy Moore says:

    Getting ready to start a women’s Lifegroup and would love to see if this should be one of our first studies together…EXCITED!

  5. 3805
    Melissa says:

    Melissa Keen

  6. 3806
    Teresa Maldonado says:

    Teresa Maldonado

  7. 3807
    Louise s says:

    I need this. In a dry place of waiting. Refresh my heart Father

  8. 3808
    Valerie McFarland says:

    Thank you for your ministry for women. It has been a lifeline in more ways than will ever be known this side of heaven!

  9. 3809
    Judy Smith says:

    Anxious to learn about “sacred secrets”.

  10. 3810
    Allie Powers says:

    Allie Powers
    Columbia, SC

  11. 3811
    Terri Linzenmeyer says:

    Terri Linzenmeyer, I can’t wait to dive in to this new study. Thank you for your service and generousity

  12. 3812
    Katie Wigington says:

    Katie Wigington

  13. 3813
    Debbi H says:

    I would love to win! Many blessings to you!

  14. 3814
    Kimberly Dockery says:

    Absolutely LOVE your Bible studies!!!

  15. 3815
    Niki Frank says:

    Love this! Thanks for the opportunity.

  16. 3816
    Courtney Parise says:

    Oh no, am I too late?

  17. 3817
    Erin Eichorst says:

    Erin Eichorst

  18. 3818
    Linda Garbett says:

    I soooo wanted to go to Greensboro but just couldn’t make it work. I would love to have an opportunity to have the teachers gift set to share with some very special ladies.

  19. 3819
    Barbara Gennicks says:

    Beth, I’ve done several of your Bible Studies in a small women’s group and you’ve never disappointed! Right now, I’m working on Daniel on my own. I love it! Can’t wait for what’s next! πŸ™‚

  20. 3820
    Beth Hedges says:

    God has given me a passion for women to know Him and love Him more than anything. In order to lead women I need to be in love with God more than anything. I share with the ladies that just because I am a pastor’s wife doesn’t mean I do everything the way God desires. I am a work in progress just like every other woman striving to follow God’s plan.

    I would love to go through the Sacerd Secrets study with my women’s leadership as we prepare for our spring women’s conference. We have been led by God to focus on the book of Ephesians, in particular identifying that as a daughter of Christ, we are not what we used to be and we are to be equipped everyday, dressed with the armor of God, filled with His grace, and willing to share His grace and love to all we meet.

  21. 3821
    Courtney says:

    Courtney Kraemer

  22. 3822
    Sheryl says:

    I always grow from Beth’s studies.

  23. 3823
    iambigboo says:

    Lindy Myers

  24. 3824
    Amy Alderman says:

    I would love to win! πŸ™‚
    Amy Alderman

  25. 3825
    Aubrey B. says:

    What a great blessing this study giveaway will be to the lucky winner!

  26. 3826
    Beth Muir says:

    My name is Beth Muir and I hope I’m not too late! This is special for me because I was at the Greensboro conference! I am forever changed because of God’s work in that place. πŸ™‚

  27. 3827
    Janice Zalesnik says:

    I hope I win!

  28. 3828
    Marilyn Tolbert says:

    Thank you for bringing God’s Word so clearly and in a truly relevant style – I have enjoyed the fruit of your labor for over 15 years. “It is no secret what God can do!!” Hugs!

  29. 3829
    Valerie Price says:

    Hooray for giveaways! πŸ™‚

  30. 3830
    Shelley Tuxhorn says:

    I’mnew to your blog and loving it! Would love to win this!!!

  31. 3831
    Cindy Davis says:

    Oh Beth! I love the way you lead and nurture us through your studies. I’ve learned so much from them and I look forward to this one especially since Journaling/sharing doesn’t come easy for me. Thank you for all you do and how you share yourself with us.

  32. 3832
    Anita says:

    This is the study that I’d love to facilitate at the end of October! It would be a tremendous blessing to win these materials.

  33. 3833
    jackie harris says:

    jackie harris

  34. 3834
    Tia Hertel says:

    Would love to win! I love your studies!
    Tia Hertel

  35. 3835
    Karole Hayes says:

    Would love to win! You can hand deliver it to me in a couple weeks in Charleston, WV! Can’t wait to have you and what God is going to teach us in my hometown πŸ™‚

  36. 3836
    Mary Rice says:

    Love your studies. God is good!

  37. 3837
    Michelle Giberson says:

    I love your Bible Studies and would love to win “Sacred Secrets”!

  38. 3838
    Connie Burkett says:

    I would love to win and share this with my women friends in Bible Study. Thank you Beth. Love you and all you do.

  39. 3839
    Glenda says:

    I love your Bible studies. It would be great to win!

  40. 3840
    Nancy Davis says:

    Nancy Davis

  41. 3841
    Dana Cain says:

    Love your studies. I learn alot. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  42. 3842
    Sabrina DeBernardi says:

    Your studies are amazing. Thank you for using your God given talent to feed others.

  43. 3843
    Lisa Brouwer says:

    Would love to share this study with my friends!

    Lisa Brouwer

  44. 3844
    Kayleigh says:

    Kayleigh Coker

  45. 3845
  46. 3846
    Phyllis Ables says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such an incredible gift!
    It could not have come an a more divinely appointed time.
    I’m dealing with secrets from flashbacks of my childhood.
    God is going to be faithful to turn those scared, scarred secrets into

  47. 3847
    Cindy M says:

    We are doing Jesus the One and Only, starting next week. I am so excited to teach, one of your studies for the first time. I have done about 6 or more of your studies. I would love to have your new study. Praise God for the work you do for His Kingdom, for He is the One and Only.

  48. 3848
    Donna Millsap says:

    I would love to learn more about sacred secrets and share this with my Bible study group at work.

  49. 3849
    Jennifer Smith says:

    Jennifer Smith
    Morganton, GA

  50. 3850
    Melissa Ball says:

    Currently working through Breaking Free and I. AM. BREAKING. FREE. Amen and Amen!!!!