*Announcing the winners of our “Sacred Secret” giveaway!*
*A little side note before I confuse you all, the number I am posting along with the name is your comment number. This way, you can check to make sure you are the winner! Also, each of the winners was chosen completely at random by the lovely website, random.org.
The FIVE winners of the Small Group Leader Kits go to: (The leader kit includes two teaching DVD’s and five study journals each.)
124 – Sydney Merino
856 – Melissa Pittman
150 – Heather Smith
1893 – Lisa Golden
1238 – Amber Moon
The 20 individual “Sacred Secret” study journals go to:
1334 – Jenny Coffey
4124 – Maurice Dillard
144 – Nightingale N.
2950 – Jocelyn Russell
1929 – Cyndy Taylor
1001 – Pam
2903 – Colleen Lyons
1804 – Lisa Shaw
639 – Lisa Chapman
2059 – Melanie Connatser
335 – Kaylan Wonser
3081 – Fay Gossen
1920 – Lori Simmons
960 – Heather McDaniel
2051 – Karen Binder
3097 – Con Schafman
1667 – Sara Lindsay
4157 – Connie Worthington
261 – Alexandra Key
4113 – Debbie
Congratulations, ladies! Y’all clearly love free stuff, and so do we! We are so thrilled for you! You should be receiving an email from me (Lindsee) within the next 24 hours on how to claim your prize.
Also, for those of you that are still interested in purchasing Sacred Secrets, you can do that by clicking here to order through LifeWay. Through that link you have the options of ordering the small group kit, the study journal, the video bundle (all four teaching sessions together), or the individual video downloads. Be blessed, ladies! We love y’all!
*Good afternoon, ladies! Comments are now closed. Thanks for being so enthusiastic about the giveaway. I’ll post our 25 winners later this afternoon. Be sure to check back!
Sacred Secrets Final from LPV on Vimeo.
Girls! To enter the Sacred Secrets giveaway just simply leave a comment with your name (first and last is so helpful) and that is all. So easy! Also please make sure we have a working email address for you. We’ll leave comments open for 24 hours and announce the winners tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon!
Here’s a fun little picture from Friday as we were getting ready for the video! That table is about to be empty!
I’m looking forward to this study!
Beth, going through a painful divorce right now and sharing a lot of secrets with God (of course they’re not a secret to Him) but others do not know because I wore a mask “everyday”. I would love to go through this study right now during this time in my life.
Andrea Aman
This sounds like another wonderful study … would love to have it for our group this fall!
Looking forward to the Simulcast next week!!
I am new to your bibles studies and I am so excited. At the moment I am learning to pray God’s word.
This would be great for the women of our church!
I love your studies and just watching the video,I believe this one will be so moving and inspiring.
Sounds like an amazing study! Praying God moves and sets us free from all that we try to hide.
Would love to do this study!!! Please draw my name!!!
I have completed many of your studies and am leading an equipping class on Sunday nights now. We are studying ” The Inheritance.” Love it, love you, but most of all love The Lord God Almighty!
I love your studies Beth! I am starting a series on Believing God at my church and my male pastor is taking the class!! We start in 3 wks! Can’t wait to see LPL in Charleston, WV. I have purchased 4 additional tickets to take friends that wanted to go but couldn’t afford it. I’m taking my 9 to daughter too. Blessings!
Beth, Have been doing your studies for years and Love them. Doing “Loving Well” at the moment. Thank you for keeping up with God’s Will to supply us with Great Messages to keep us studying and learning God’s WORD!
Very Appreciated,
Christy Smith
I love all of your studies. I would love to win and share with other ladies…
Thank you so much for a chance to win this Bible study!
Sounds wonderful!
Would love to win! Thanks!
Love to have another Beth study! Thanks for all you do, Beth! I would not be the Christian I am today without your studies. Blessings!
My friend Colette and I love to do Beth’s studies together. We are currently working on James. It would be great to have this new one to do after. Thank you Beth for all the time and hard work and devotion you do for our benefit. You have such a great gift.
I have just recently retired and am in the middle of my first bible study with Beth called breaking free. I have so enjoyed it and have cried every week over the truths she has made so clear. I would love to be able to explore having secrets that we can share with Jesus. Thank you for this opportunity.
I love your studies! I would love to win.
Crazy Deb KJIL Radio for Life
If blessed I would share it not only with the women of my church but all the women within the listen area. As we did with the fulfill your ministry in the wild of community over the summer! Thank you for the blessing your are to so many as we were able to make it a FREE event. New women joined that hadn’t otherwise been able to attend your studies before. Thank you for all you do!
I would love to win
I love surprises!
Dear Beth,
I can’t wait to get into the Word with your next study.
Can’t keep a secret about how good God is!
Oh I want it!!!! Would be a great bday present!!! Turing a big one in a few days!!!
I love your Bible studies and enjoy them very much. Thank you for sharing and getting us to dig into the word of God.
This study is so needed in my life!! Secrets can destroy and I want to rebuild!!!
I’m so thankful for Living Proof. Since my first study in 2005, I’ve walked with Jesus like I never knew how to before.
I just love Beth Moore studies! I am a Christian Pre-K teacher and her words from God are how I fill my cup to be able to pour His word into my little ones. I am getting a group of collegues together to do this study this fall, sure would be nice to get my copy free!
Definitely ready for a new bible study. I look forward to seeing what God has in satire for me through the bible studies.
I want it. I want it. I want it!
Just decided this week to lead this study with our Bible study group…would LOVE to win the study with the DVDs!!! So thankful for the work you do for The Lord and us, Beth!!!
I always learn SO much from Beth’s studies. I would love to have this one! (And, of course, if I won the whole study set I would share it with the ladies in my church!)

I would love to do this study!! I always learn so much from you, Beth and can’t wait to learn more!
Kelly Crafton
Would love to receive this!
I would love to win this! I have only done one Beth Moore Bible study but was very impressed with her
I love the concept of this study! Secrets between friends are such a sweet blessing, and we are privileged to be called friends of God. It only seems appropriate that we would save some secrets for our relationship with Him. This looks like a great study for a small group!
I would love to win this! I am always blessed by your studies.
I have never had an opportunity to do one of your studies and I would love to!! I have heard that God uses you mightily to spread His message.
Thanks for this giveaway!
Dearest Beth and Living Proof Ministries,
I would love to receive s Sacred Secrets leader kit and I trustthe Lord to pick those who will receive it. I have for the longest time wanted to start a Connect Group at home for ladies. Sacred Secrets sounds like a great way to start uncovering blessings. It is a wonderful idea to have a combination of Bible study and journaling. Journaling is a wonderful way to express feelings and thoughts and to share with our Maker although he already knows what’s in our hearts and minds!!!
Love your work,
Looking forward to Sacred Secrets!! This gift would make my day!!!
We are studying James Mercy Triumphs!!! Yes I’ve written the book of James and now I’m trudging through memorizing the book of James!! Pray for me!
I’d so love to win this and lead the ladies at our church through this!
Can’t wait to find a small group that is doing this study!! I have enjoyed and learned so much from your other studies. The Ester study was by first and most life changing so far!
God’s blessing to you Beth and team! You continue to offer us so much.
God has spoken to me through many of your studies. I know this one will too!
Excited about a new study from beth moore
I love God and love your studies.
Jo Lillig, ALIVE in Christ…
I’m looking forward to this Bible study!