A Bit of an Obit

Boy, do I ever have an assignment for you who are in the mood to take a challenge. I’ve been fixated in my quiet time this morning on Romans 6:6. Here it is in the NIV:

For we know that our old self was crucified with [Christ] so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

Some of us have heard that Scripture hundreds of times. Others may not have known the exact place it resided in the Bible but you are more than familiar with the concept of being buried with Christ through His death on the Cross and being raised in His resurrection to walk in newness of life. Others among us (and I hope there are many) may have no familiarity with the concept at all. Raised in church, I’ve heard it since childhood but I’m not sure I have the strongest grasp of it half a century later. Anyway, one thing we all love about the living words of Scripture is that the Holy Spirit can illuminate a different phrase or word within a verse that captures our attention in an altogether fresh way. That’s what happened to me this morning. I got stuck on the first half:

For we know that our old self was crucified with [Christ]…

What washed over me was how many of us may not know that. Not the kind of authentic knowing that changes the way the soles of our feet slap the pavement. We know it on the sacred page and we know it as a doctrine of our faith, but I’m not sure the knowing in Romans 6:6 has invaded our lymph-nodes and gone viral in our major organs, spreading from the lobes of our brains to the bones of our feet. Take a look at the second half of the verse again and I’ll tell you why I think that.

…so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

Notice the verse doesn’t say we will no longer sin but that we “should no longer be slaves to sin.” Sister, you can forget perfection here on this planet but do not let anything on this earth convince you that you cannot be free from the mastery of sin. Some of us are giving up and giving way again to an area of bondage that has no right whatsoever to take authority over us.

Dissect the verse again. The full victory in the second half of the verse seems dependent on the first half of the verse. See it? The “we know” leads straight to a “so that.”

We know_____________________ so that _________________…

So, it seems to me there could be a bit of a break down in the system when we actually do not know to the marrow of our bones the very principle that ushers in the living reality of our gloriously powerful and victorious “so that.”

SO, here’s what I thought I’d throw out at those of you who are game this fine day for a challenge. I want you to write a paragraph-long obituary announcing the death of your old self. Get creative with it. Think up a name for your old self. You don’t have to necessarily use dates of birth and death but you can. You can do anything you want with it. Get as descriptive as you want or be as general as you like. Too many rules and too much structure could quench your creativity. Just go at it, Sister.

Glance at some obituaries on the Web to stir up the kinds of metaphors you might want to implement into yours. We’re not going to compare entries to one another. We’re not looking to applaud the ones that sound most spiritual. This is not a writing contest. This is an interactive with one primary goal: to get some Biblical “knowing” a little deeper into our belief system where it merges with our everyday walk.

Listen, there shouldn’t be anything morbid about this exercise. That old person of ours was out to kill us. It is murderous. These obituaries should be some of the best pieces of news we’ve ever heard. It is the Gospel springing to life through death.

Let’s allow the comments to this post to be entirely limited to these Romans 6:6 obituaries. No other verbiage. No other explanation. No other conversation. I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to see what spins from your soul to this page. I am anticipating that the comments will be slower than usual in coming because you’ll need time to think. Take all the time you need! If you’re like me, some of you will want to write yours on a Word document then copy and paste it into a comment. Do it however you like.

But do it, if you’re willing. And may it be healing.

I’m crazy about you guys. Thanks for jumping in!





184 Responses to “A Bit of an Obit”

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  1. 51
    Kailah S says:

    In what was one of the least likely and most unexpected events conceivable, Former Kailah passed away on November 17, 2010. In meeting her abrupt end, death swallowed her completely–not even a remnant of her remains to look upon.

    But before you are tempted to grieve the end of that life, I must explain that Former Kailah was wrought with misery and despair all the days of her life. A slave to self-harm, she awoke each morning with the utter disappointment that her heart was still beating. She was clothed in loneliness and shame, a victim of abuse and a staunch athiest since childhood. There was no light in her, no spark of joy or love or peace; plagued with thoughts of suicide year after year, her mask of “I’m really OK” was just starting to slip when she finally met her unexpected end. After turning to drugs, alcohol, and any form of self-harm available, she had finally decided it was time to let go and leave this earth. But mere weeks before she could take her eternity into her own hands, Someone infinitely greater and more valuable and perfect in love decided to strip her of her identity.

    In the course of mere hours, Former Kailah was completely replaced. The New Kailah, the daughter of a King, fully loved and forgiven, free to love her God, herself, and others, stands transformed in the place of that old life. A new mind, a new heart, and an entirely new purpose now stand in triumph as a result of Jesus’ ultimate sin-conquering death and resurrection. New Kailah is risen with her Lord, in a relationship so fulfilling it overflows onto everyone around her. She’s on a journey with her Savior, spreading the news that He has all rule and authority to put to death the Former Us and fulfill every promise He’s made.

    And so, in her memory, we rejoice in the death of Former Kailah. In her place stands the fullness of glorious riches in Christ, a righteousness that will never fade, and a reason not only to be alive, but to LIVE.

    “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:16-19

    • 51.1
      Joyce watson says:

      Beautiful testimony…so glad you know Christ. It is so beautiful how God can change us. So, sorry you were abused and I pray God will bless you extra special.

      • Deborah Mott says:

        Yes a Beautiful testimony. How wonderful that HIS PRESENCE and Resurrection Reality has replaced what the enemy meant for harm. Sorry you were abused but glad for the rescue and result you have shared!

    • 51.2
      Laurie O says:

      I absolutely love this….Beautiful.

    • 51.3
      ginger says:

      Very beautiful! He is so good! Thank you for sharing

    • 51.4
      Jan says:

      This is just beautiful. Growing up in a Christian home and saved by Jesus at age 4, I’ve not know this kind of pain, but I’ve also not lived a beautiful, victorious life like you’ve described. Glory to God, your story has touched mine. Thank you.

  2. 52
    Suzy E. says:

    The Shumate and Edwards families are pleased to announce the passing of the “older sister” Suzy. She was a stranger and a foreigner who somehow thought that she was so much better than others – particularly those dirty sinners who smoked and drank and cavorted all night – even though she herself had many secret sins. But her outward sins were the worst: judgmental attitude and critical spirit. Poor thing, she was totally blind, but thought she could see; she was miserably lame, but thought she could walk; and she was a despicable sinner who thought she was good. So you can see how there really is no remorse at her passing. No one misses a pharisee – and she was that, if there ever was one.

    But – amazingly – by the pure, sweet grace of her Abba, a new sister Suzy has been adopted into a loving family. Although the new Suzy has often lived with the shame of who she was for so long, her Abba has even lifted that guilt from her shoulders and made her a new woman, with new desires, and a new self-image. Suzy lets Abba know how thankful she is for what He has done for her, but her main longing these days is to see her Abba face to face to say “thank you” in person.

    • 52.1
      Cheri B says:

      Boy – the “older sister” Suzy sounds very familiar – perhaps because I am her too. Pride, arrogance and judging others goeth before a fall and I think my fall landed me right in that grave with older sister. 🙂 Thank God the Cheri that is emerging is leaning on Him for every step! Thanks for sharing your post!

  3. 53
    Gina says:

    The Pretender died on March 7, 2010 at the age of 41. She had many accomplishments, none of which she ever thought was good enough. She wanted to control everything because she thought if she didn’t, no one would. She looked very good on the outside, but on the inside she was eaten up with the sins of pride, arrogance, legalism, and idolatry. She was chronically insecure and could not stop replaying every mistake that popped in her head that she made in the past or might make in the future. She died when she was received by her sweet Savior. Her friends and family missed her at first, but strangely enough, they seem to be dying off, too. Gina was born that same day through baptism, and though she struggles as she is growing, she knows that the only One who is in control of anything is Almighty God. He walks with her every single day and picks her up when she stumbles. He reminds her how much He loves her when she turns to Him. She never has to walk alone, because He is always there. He is everything to her!

  4. 54
    Melissa says:

    O.k. I don’t think I realized how Jesus has been putting to death some things in my life this year until I read this post. (I asked Him- I didn’t realize these uncomfortable changes that have been happening was because part of me was dying!) I’ve thought about it since last night- just mulling over it. Here’s mine:

    In the early months of 2013 Miss M died after a long battle with trying to save others and herself. She was found dead in her apartment along with her were her friends- Depression, Control Freak, Suicidal Thoughts, Foolish and Impulsive. (they couldn’t survive without her either- the ultimate co-dependent relationships)

    Authorities believe it was the letting go that killed her. “If she had just held on to her “friends” she would have lasted a bit longer,” the coroner said.

    In the end devastation on multiple fronts of life caused Miss M to let go of everything, including her so called friends.

    The letting go killed her. It was so against everything she held dear for so long.

    Rumors have it someone who looks strangely like her was seen in the vicinity- a quieter, weaker yet happier Miss M. She has some new friends given to her by her Father. Trust, Hope and Belief, Love.

  5. 55
    Bethany says:

    Not feeling a creative vibe this morning, so I will let scripture speak for itself (which is how it should be anyways, right?) When I need reminding that my old self, the one who serves sin and my flesh, has died, Colossians is my “go to” book 🙂

    “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard” Colossians 1:21-22

    “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” Colossians 2:13-15

    “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
    Put to death therefore what is earthly in you sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave,free; but Christ is all, and in all. Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:1-17

  6. 56
    Caitlin says:

    Dear Mama,
    Well it looks like my roommate Miss Mouth has finally died-may she rest in peace. I don’t say this out of disrespect it’s just that there were so many times I thought she wouldn’t make it. It was the strangest thing, it was like in her weakest moments, she became the most strong. She gave a good fight- for 20 whole years! She will forever be remembered by her quick temper, her disrespect, her gossiping tongue, her complaining, and her forever selfishness. Her absence will really be evident. However it looks like someone else is already moving in! I can’t wait to get to know him- there is just something about him….
    Love you always!

  7. 57
    Stephanie says:

    She was a nice girl from Portland, Oregon. Most people seemed to like her, and she tried to do the right thing…at least when someone was looking. But we have to tell you that we have lost her. It’s okay…don’t be sad. The misery of her secret experiences and hidden burdens are gone now. She doesn’t have to pretend that people like her….or worry more about what people think than what her Savior thinks. Because He’s the only one that matters now. Because He has died and taken her misery with Him to the grave, she is free from it. She has risen from the death of sin with her Savior and stands now dressed as His glorious bride. You won’t be able to see it with your human eyes, but if you squint just a little and use your eternal imagination, you can see the purity shining in her eyes. You might catch a glimpse of her shining robe. Her mind is filled with goodness and things that please her Savior. She doesn’t hide in the shadows anymore. She walks boldly into her areas of influence, not with the hopes that people will like her, but knowing that she walks side by side with her Savior…wherever HE leads, to do the things that please HIM. Sure, there is still a world to deal with, so she does cry and she can be lonely or misunderstood. But she is no longer living in bondage to sin and worry that no one likes her. Jesus’ death has broken the shackles around her body, allowing her to truly breathe in the breath of life that was meant for her. You’ll see her when she passes by, but you’ll be reminded of the Savior that stands by her side. He’s the one you’ll glory in. You grow, Girl.

  8. 58
    Wendy says:

    Today marks the end of Wendy’s battle with pride, fear and disappointment. The kind of pride that masquerades as ministry, service, and a “can-do” attitude. The kind of fear and disappointment in thoughts and deeds that do not measure up to standards set by “them.” Pride that spurred her on to accomplish more, do more, be more like “them.” Fear and disappointment that kept her slogging through the mud of a very deep pit. Today pride, fear and disappointment have been left behind for Trust, Love, and Surrender. Together they have formed a strong cord that has lifted Wendy up out of the muddy pit and wrapped themselves around her heart to remind her daily to say “No!” to the pull of “them.”

  9. 59
    Lindsey says:

    It is saddening news but with joy in our hearts the come together for the passing of a life into the new world on June 15,2010 of “The attention seeker”. With the heavy heart of always trying to please others and the overdose of partying, attention seeking behavior and alcohol. It was a long battle for 8 years! We will know her for her quick tongue, judgemental nature and lying attitude. Rest well my friend for your time here is done but the whole new world awaits you!

  10. 60
    Alonza says:

    After a lingering illness and many resusitations, the old lady has been released from her prison on earth. She tried many times, in vain, to save herself, but thankfully, was unsuccessful. Her lying tongue had previously turned to “white lies” as a remedy, rationalizatins turned to excuses, selfishness to begrudging sharing, depression to overeating, lonliness to withdrawal. None of these were a cure for what ailed her. The old lady is no longer suffering in ignorance.
    Keep an eye out for the wiser but still learning, NEW one.

  11. 61
    Marcia says:

    Marcia died yesterday, today and everyday from this day forward. Goodbye and good riddance to the old Marcia. Hello Humility! Humility is the path to death. Humility is the blossom of which death to self is the perfect fruit. Jesus humbled Himself unto death, and opened the path in which we must walk. Humility leads us to die to self: so we prove how wholly we have given ourselves up to it and to God; so alone we are freed from fallen nature, and find the path that leads to life in God, to that full birth of the new nature, of which humility is the breath and the joy.
    Galatians 2:20
    I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
    Gal 5:24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have put to death their human nature, with all its passions and desires.

    • 61.1
      Michelle says:

      Thank you! Reading this and all of these I was feeling really down because I STRUGGLE to die… My sinful nature is a constant evil thing that I feel will not die! Thank you for reminding me that it is an every day thing…

  12. 62
    Sister Lynn says:

    OK – I’m not totally following directions. But this post IS so perfect right now. One of our sisters is making her final profession of vows TOMORROW to become a full member of our convent community.
    Part of the ritual is prostrating herself – we pray over her and it is a sign of her dying to her old way of life and rising to new life in Christ with our community. It is very powerful and beautiful symbolic action. So this obit post is EXACTLY what I have been reflecting on as I remember by own profession day.

  13. 63
    Jill says:

    Mean Jill passed away and boy was everyone glad. Mean Jill could pass herself off as nice, but those close to her knew not to cross her. Deep down she was a wounded, insecure mess; however, mean Jill was an amazing actress and could pretend that she had it all together.

    Mean Jill sure could hold a grudge. She could outlast anyone in a grudge match! She won some blue ribbons for her ability to be unyielding and unforgiving. She talked more than listened, judged more than extended mercy, although she sure wanted mercy and to be heard and understood.

    Mean Jill loved to be right. Her award winning performances as Miz Know- It- All has thankfully been laid to rest. She sure could stir things up to prove a point. Her pot stirring was the stuff of legends. Mean Jill was also really good at pretending that gossip was really caring about people, and that the only reason she would tell stuff was because it might “help someone”.

    After years of battling a plethora of strongholds, she finally kicked the bucket. She sure fought to the end. Pride and Unbelief would raise up and she would take another drag of Unforgiveness and keep on trucking. Fear, Bitterness and Envy did not want to let go but they finally died out as well.

    There is new Jill walking around. Who is not quite as cocky and secure. Humble and stumbling around trying to figure things out. She laughs at herself, and is quieter. She is working daily on trusting God more and more. And deeply grateful for redemption and Grace.

  14. 64
    GJ says:

    The church service took an unusual turn that hot Sunday morning in 1985 when the worship pastor’s wife died. She left the choir loft in full bloom, looking the same as always, but at the end of the service the woman the church once knew was gone forever. What couldn’t be seen by the eyes of the congregation or even the tender eyes of her own husband, was the heart of a hypocrite. A heart of pride. After years of being a pastor’s wife and faithful church member and of course…the ever present A.G.G. (Always Good Girl), she finally died that morning. She had been battling multiple symptoms for quite some time, but chose to ignore them with her good works. Her death that day couldn’t be limited to one cause. Months of nagging symptoms (that she always stuffed inside and explained away in her own mind) compounded that morning. Symptoms of goodness that manifested as a card-carrying, rule-following, obedient hypocrite. But on that hot summer day as the Sunday morning service was nearing an end, she finally could take it no more. The plagues of doubt were destroying her. As she lay dying at the altar alone, the Holy Spirit of God reached down that morning and brought the deliverance she was desperate for. A life that had been going through the motions entered a new life of joy. She replaced her cranial knowledge that morning with cardio knowledge. Her former life of religion was replaced with redemption. The church was shocked, many chose not to believe she had died, some even expressed that she never even looked sick, but her death was very real. Although she was a young woman, she was sick indeed. Those that really knew her did not mourn without hope, because they see that she is very alive today. Now when those symptoms arise that caused her to be so sick in her young life, she knows exactly what to do and those battles are won on her knees. She knows for sure that she will live forever!

    • 64.1
      Kimberly says:

      mmm…. thank you. yes, thank you.

    • 64.2
      Sandy Bowers says:

      Oh my gosh, Jan! You are reading my mind (heart.) And I didn’t even know it. No words.

    • 64.3
      Kim Safina says:


      Love you sweet friend!!
      You need to hear Beth share it ~ PRICELESS!! 🙂

      The Journey Continues…
      With “Heaven Bound” Blessings,
      Kimmer “CaliKim”

      didn’t have a chance to write mine yet!

      • GJ says:

        I love that Beth used this obituary in her Simulcast this past weekend. I really am praying that God will redeem everything Beth worked so hard to teach and presented so beautifully – I’m believing Him for that!

        Thank you Kim for all the texts and emails on Saturday! You are so kind and gracious!

        Much love,

    • 64.4
      susan says:

      This obituary could be mine. I had been a pastor’s daughter, a pastor’s wife, a Sunday school teacher, a Bible study leader, a soul-winner, but all I had was head knowledge. On August 12, 2012, I was reborn. Everything about my old life has passed away. I am not at all who I was. And, everyone around me is finding that out because I just can’t shut up about it. At the age of 59, I know my experience is not any more special than anyone else’s. I just think maybe I appreciate it more because I realize the TRUE value of it, and I am SO thankful that our precious Lord was patient enough with me that He waited for me. There were so many signs over the last few years, but I saw none of them. Now, with my heavenly eyes, God shows me new mercies every day and I am FULLY aware of them. Not a day goes by that I am not shedding tears for the awesome power of His love. As my pastor says, I hope I NEVER “get over it.” It’s a fever that I will take to my grave.

  15. 65
    Misti says:

    Today we celebrate the loss of Miss Guided Selfish-Fear. Though she was thought deceased in January of 2000, she proved herself a hanger-on until the end, breathing stolen breath from her caretaker Misti Gil. Though Mrs. Gil willingly provided just enough life support for Miss Selfish-Fear to breathe in fear, sadness, and insecurity and to exhale control, anger, and pride, the merciful Dr. Rapha pulled the plug today, August 30, 2013. Miss Selfish-Fear is wonderfully survived by Misti Gil and Misti’s family . In lieu of flowers, please send prayers on Misti’s behalf, that she would accept the passing of her old friend and bury Miss Selfish-Fear’s personal effects of isolation, child worship, and judgment along with her. We celebrate today as Misti is now free to walk in peace, joy, and security, no longer a slave of her former master Mrs. Guided Selfish-Fear.

  16. 66
    Joelle says:

    Old Joelle passed away a couple of years ago, having been crushed under the unbearable weight of her judgment of others. Unfortunately, Old Joelle never realized that this heavy sack of judgment she had been dragging around would eventually be her demise. She might have seen it coming as she was growing weaker by the day, but she thought her strength was sapped because of the sad state of the affairs of this world. Exhausted, she never connected the dots. Rather, in the most ironic delusion, she had convinced herself that carrying the sack was actually making her better. Toward the end, all the signs were there. Old Joelle even had an odd way of carrying the sack. She would hunch over and sometimes let her standards of morality bear some of the weight. However, late one night in the secret of darkness, she broke those standards herself, whereupon everything immediately collapsed on top of her and she could not draw a single breath. She is survived by her better self, New Joelle, who wondered what to do with that sack after Old Joelle’s death. New Joelle looked in the books and papers that Old Joelle had left on her desk and found that that sack was rightfully owned by Jesus. She returned the sack to Jesus and apologized for the theft. He said that the sack is much too dangerous for just anybody to carry around, and that every time it had been stolen the thief died, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. Joelle now spends her time loving others freely. She is filled with compassion and empathy toward others. And she is light as a feather.

  17. 67

    May 23, 2013 the old self of Lelia Chealey died instantly in a court room in Lincoln, Nebraska as her teen son was sentenced to prison.
    The controlling Momma in her died of an attack on her heart. For the first time in 23 years of parenting, Mrs. Chealey is completely trusting God with not only her son, but also with her 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters.
    Since her son has been incarcerated, the joy the new Mrs. Chealey is experiencing leaves her often whispering to God, “Is this what you joy in the midst of trials is like?” She is excited about what her old-self was convinced would destroy her is actually the one thing that God is using to draw not only her closer to Him, but also her son. Her favorite inmate is reading his Bible everyday and praying.
    In lieu of flowers, please send prayers to her Chief Shepherd and the one who watches over her son.

  18. 68
    Andrea says:

    Andrea passed away in 1976.
    Andrea is survived by a large family consisting of her grieving father of lies and her mother of pride;
    many brothers and sisters: manipulation, deceit, evil, jealousy, anger, greed, lust, criticalness, envy and strife;
    and by many aunts, uncles and cousins: rudeness, impatience, unkindness, self-seeking, rebellion, disobedience, disrespect, gossip, unbelief, gluttony, grumbling, disharmony, hostility, arguing, shame, hateful, and unfaithfulness.

    Before the funeral the family gathered in Hell to plot to revive her. Satan and many of his demons and evil spirits were in attendance also. After the meeting they went to the cemetery and in horror watched as the casket began to drip with the blood of Jesus Christ. Andrea climbed out of the casket and was immediately surrounded by a “Great Cloud of Witnesses”. The Holy Spirit took up residence in her to teach and guide her. The family is inconsolable.

  19. 69

    My obit is actually the tag line I wrote for my twitter profile … Beth Willis Miller, M.Ed., wife, mom, grandmother, adoptee, writer, overwhelmed by grace, to live is Christ, to die is gain.

  20. 70
    Becca says:

    Corrupt Becca of the Old Self was put to death, by crucifixion of Christ, upon being convicted of sinning against the Most High. It is said that she had considered hiding in the darkness, but ultimately she turned herself in to the Light.

    Corrupt Becca is survived by New Spirit, Resilience, Security, Perseverance, Compassion, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Truth, Power & Wisdom.

    In lieu of flowers, contributions of persons still living in Old Self can be deposited to the Most High anywhere, at any time. (For further details, please read the Bible or consult with a believer).

    There will be no memorial. She will not be missed.

  21. 71
    Sharon Weldon says:

    It took years but Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places finally died. Over the years she had bouts of near death but a little voice that she finally realized As her enemy would tell her that sex equaled love. Even though she had accepted Christ as a child she didn’t live in relationship. Her demise came about ten years ago. She learned that God called her his friend, that was it. She cried for hours and with each sob Looking for Love in all the wrong places was dying along with many of her sidekicks. The interesting thing about Looking’s death is as she died, a new creation was formed, one that physically looked like her, but this new her understood that true Love had a name and it is Jesus. Once in a while Looking for Love tries to remind her of who she was and tries to rise from the grave, but the new creation of Looking says that’s who I was, Not who I am.

  22. 72
    Kimberly says:

    Kimberly Wounded Louise passed away after a long, hard fought battle with unbelief and mistrust. Faced with treatment after treatment, her stubborn self finally relented to the touch of the ultimate Healer who refused to lower neither His standard nor His attention. She was known to make repeated appointments with Him only to hear His words of truth, love, and pursuance and with much thought, yet little conviction walk right out. He was equally known to call her, meet her at the door, or call out to her as she walked by. He was determined to bring healing to her. His plan sounded good. But her heart struggled to trust… to understand…to obtain. And as her heart became weaker and weaker by the pull of disease (aka sin), Kimberly Wounded Louise breathed her last breath and uttered with a whisper heard clearly by the Ultimate Healer, “Just Give me Jesus”. And in that moment, a life was lost and a Life was gained. And in that moment, Kimberly, the Redeemed opened her eyes. And holding her hand and looking deep within her soul, was the Ultimate Healer, the ultimate Redeemer.

  23. 73
    Jackie UK says:

    We regret to announce the death of Jackie Not Good Enough. At the time of her death,Jackie was at the top of her profession and was known for her dedication to her work which required long hours and a great deal of stress. She had been told since an early age that she had to be the best at everything she did. Her illness had been long and at times extremely painful. It took a great deal of energy to keep this hidden from the world. Her pain, unfortunately, took many forms. Jackie NGE’s private papers have revealed that she had come to the attention of the greatest healer known to the world early in her life following traumatic circumstances. Despite this, Jackie NGE was determined to heal herself and rejected all his advice and care. She worked hard to be accepted by the ‘in crowd’ and was very careful to maintain her image of a happy, always smiling woman who had it all, as indeed she appeared to have. She was proud she had made it alone. Jackie NGE’s family and friends commented that as her illness progressed, she began to act very strangely. Despite having vehemently rejected the care of the healer for many years, she began to dip into his work and started to take his medicine daily. She fell in with a different crowd of people and her family report her papers naming Beth, Joyce, James and Gideon – people they did not know, as becoming increasingly important to her. Jackie NGE’s papers talked of many near breakthroughs in the years leading up to her death, but these were quickly followed by attacks that left her paralysed and afraid. Shortly before her death, her husband reported that she was strange – cutting down her work, putting her healer first in all things, and then her family and rejecting those people and things she had once sought the approval of. However, she was also talking like a religious maniac, focusing on an abundant life – yet strangely calm for long periods of time. Since her death, unexplainable by her husband, a woman looking and sounding just like her, but with very different priorities, is living with the family. There are flashes of behaviour like the old Jackie NGE, but she seems satisfied, deeply, genuinely happy and faces the problems of each day knowing that she need not fear. Her husband reports that he is very confused.

  24. 74
    Bethany says:

    The old Bethany has passed away after a years-long battle with insecurity, fear, depression, and anxiety. These things ruled over her and she was bowing down to them. Through the power of the words of Jesus and His sole authority, she has been laid to rest.

  25. 75
    Colleen says:

    She was buried out in a field. That ole gal is no more. A new gal’s been revealed…

    She was a girl who grew up in a fog of sorrow, pain, fear and loneliness; always guilty… always so sorry, even though she didn’t know what for. Then, one day while going through her daily routine of digging within her soul to find buried sins and try to clean up her life, and confess, and grovel, and apologize to God, she had a vision. Like the ones right out of the Old Testament…

    She stood at the edge of a rocky field. Jesus came from behind her and as He passed, He turned and said, “Let’s clean this up, shall we?”

    She took a step to follow, but He stopped her. Then He began picking rocks. When He’d cleared the entire field, she felt relieved that the work was done, but He looked back and said, “Now we go deeper.”

    Laboring hard, He dug and hauled the rocks which were were bigger at that depth. Three times, He dug, and cleared, and dug again. She waited for Him to call her out to help, but He did not. The stench of something dead began to rise from the field.

    Eventually, the rocks were the size of boulders and He had dug so deep that she couldn’t see Him working any longer. The field had become a pit. She shuddered. Fear washed over her as she watched Him climb out of the pit. Something terrible was down there and she knew it.

    He finally called to her. She was compelled to obey, yet she struggled as the overwhelming stench of death gagged her.

    Then Jesus took her hand and gently but firmly led her to the edge. She was terrified and began to cry. He said, “Look in the pit. What do you see?”

    She didn’t want to but she did and to her horror, saw herself. She was the dead thing in the bottom of the pit.

    She didn’t understand but Jesus, so tenderly yet so firmly, looked into her eyes and with unfathomable love said, “Let’s bury her once and for all, shall we?”

    Gratitude, joy and wonder washed over her as He led her back a step from the edge and then went to work, burying her old self.

    Instantly, she was back in her room–the vision over. As she pondered what had just happened, The Lord communicated to her heart…

    “The rocks are sins in the field of your life. On the surface, they may seem possible to pick, but you cannot clean up your life, alone. There are too many rocks and the deeper you dig, the bigger they become. You work to clear away surface sins that are visible such as anger, impatience or gossip, but underneath lie deeper and bigger rocks such as impure motives, unbelief and a hardened heart.

    Though you labor, you cannot accomplish the work. Yet, if it WERE possible for you to dig, and dig until not a single rock remained, you would find that the multitudes of rocks–the sins–are not the problem. SIN itself is the problem. It’s what lies in the bottom of the pit of mankind. I alone remove it.

    You are no longer that person! For you have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer you who live, but I who live in you! The old you is dead. Stop digging up dead things.”

    Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.
    2 Cr. 5:17

  26. 76

    “I’m not such a bad girl” passed away in 1997 after learning her childhood dream of having children would never be realized. Sadly, she had never taken God seriously. But she was raised to walk in newness of life when she discovered God’s Words were her life and that knowing Him was her childhood dream all along. She has two beautiful girls through adoption today.

    “Oh, praise the ONE who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead.” Jesus paid it all.

  27. 77
    Anonymous says:

    (Want 2 say how truly beautiful all of these post have been. Can totally relate with so many, & God has certainly received the Glory from each life. All of you are wonderfully made, extravagantly blessed, & dearly loved. Thank you Mrs Beth for bringing such beauty to the World Wide Web. God bless you and all of these lovelies of HIS. Thanks Lindsee for all you do, girl.)

    Newly founded update on the obituary of “Anonymous:”
    After being buried with him in baptism, & raised through Him through her faith, in the same working of God, who raised Him from the dead, & being made alive in Christ, forgiven of all sins, by the blood of Jesus in the nailing of the cross, Anonymous has been sighted walking in the newness somewhere in TX. However, tho’ she is no longer of this world, she is still in it. Bless God. So gloriously it be, while in the resurrected newness of her walk she has been falsely accused – by a most dearly loved one – of some teen-age self-destruction behavior/sickness of umpteen years ago. Truth is, God gloriously healed Anonymous of “all” this behavior to never desire it again–slate wiped clean by the blood of the Lamb–no boasting, just a gratitude of humility. Now the old Anonymous would have come undone, lashed out and strung out every skeleton in the precious accusers closet to lay on the table. But God has given Anonymous the Spirit of sound mind. He has taken that begrudging, vengeful, hateful judgmental spirit. In its place, HE clothed her as a well-spring of peace, gentleness, kindness, humility, love, and patience. Tears trickled down her cheeks and Anonymous stood a firm ground, when some overheard her say, “You’ll never let the past go, will you? But do I ever bring up your past? No, because God’s Word tells us to forget what is behind you & press on to the great reward. But you won’t let me do that; w/n the last 2 months you’ve brought up the same thing twice now. Are those encouraging words?” Truth is, tho’ in her newness, Anonymous had been n pain all morning, trying 2 care for a loved one. Finally @ 11:00am, the Lord graced Anonymous to get cleaned up. But every so often things would break out with phone calls from Dr’s, and needed understanding. Due to the way her make up had not been finished & rushly applied, Anonymous was accused of hitting herself. Some old BFF’s tried their best to raise their ugly heads back up from the grave–Hurt, devastation, false pride, pride, condemnation, embarrassment, shame, guilt, anger. But as odd as it seems and totally out of place, some say that’s when Anonymous finally cracked a smile. “Those things can’t get out,” she softly uttered to Jesus. “You took them beneath the grave with You, & You have dominion.” One from the cloud of witnesses reported her singing praises to the God who rescued and healed her of the foregoing, still trudging on in the newness of life, & hanging on to the hem of Grace. Moments later the loved one apologized to Anonymous when seeing her blush had finally been brushed out and the rest of her eye makeup applied. And, our awesome, unfathomable GOD resurrected again what had been twice overkilled.

    “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”
    Acts 18: 9b-10

    Forever resurrected & trudging onward in Christ,

  28. 78
    Mary G. says:

    Mary passed away in the winter of 1980. She died wearing filthy rags, no shoes on her feet and nothing atop her head. Mary, although only fifteen years old died like a bone weary old woman, so tired was she of carryng the heavy yoke of sin around her neck. The enemy of Mary’s soul told her she was worthless and had no value and had no reason to hold her head high, and worse yet she believed him. Mary wore the enemies lies like a heavy cloak wrapped around her. Darkness was all she knew. The cloak she wore not only covered her shoulders, she also used it to cover her face because she believed the enemy when he said not only are you worthless, but your ulgy too. Keep that ugly face hidden! The enemy would say with a sneer and gritted teeth. Mary plodded her course one heavy step after another stumbling into sin with almost every other step she took. One day she came upon a fork in the road. One led to the grave she knew she deserved. The other led to a cross with a Savior – His blood dripping down who said with so much love in His eyes and tenderness in His voice this cross I bear for you my beloved, beautiful one. With beaten and battered knees Mary fell to the ground weeping, praying for forgiveness. Accepting the new life the Savior offered. Mary pulled back the cloak that covered her and looked up into the Saviors face and asked herself did He just call me beautiful? The loving smile that beamed from the Saviors tender smile told her it was so. Mary accepted the new life the Savior offered and the Mary she knew no longer existed – she was born to new life. When Mary stood to her feet she was whole, the yoke of sin that bore into her neck until it was bloody was gone. The heavy cloak of the enemies lies had been removed. A royal robe placed on her shoulders and her face beamed with the knowing in her Savior’s eyes she was beautiful and because of the price He paid she wore a gown that gleamed pearly white . A crown placed upon her head. She is no longer whipped and beaten down, she is standing tall with a new name Mary, the bride of Christ. For the old has passed away. Mary no longer wears the armor of guilt and shame, but the breastplate of righteouness. Mary has been reborn..Mary is the the bride of Christ and her heart rejoices in the the knowing He is so proud to call her His own.

    • 78.1
      Deborah Mott says:

      Beautiful. Thank you for sharing the TRUTH! SO glad you chose the fork to the CROSS where real life begins!

  29. 79
    Joni Pittman says:

    There once was a girl named Joni
    Who lived life as a big ol’ phony
    She laid down her pride
    And the fleshy self died
    To live is Chris her new testimony.

  30. 80
    Coree says:

    Little Miss Dependent has passed away. She was 23 years old. She was a no boundaries, no back-bone kind of girl. Her past was damaged, and she looked everywhere for someone to fix her. She knew right from wrong, but still seemed to fall into the wrong. Little Miss Dependent was consumed by shame and guilt. She knew Jesus at an early age, but couldn’t trust Him with her life quite yet because she didn’t trust anyone. Up to her death she relied some colorful choices to make her feel whole. It wasn’t until she cried out to Jesus to take over her life because she couldn’t do it anymore did she pass away. She will not be missed, but she will be a reminder of the grace of Her God and savior. For HE is AMAZING and thank GOD for his GRACE and thank GOD for HIS LOVE!

  31. 81
    Becky says:

    As I deliberated over this scripture Romans 6:6.
    I was reminded of my prayer time the other evening… When I was looking back…the memories were flooding my mind… When I knew to say, “Stay away Satan… God has already taken care of that!!”
    And Now you have placed this challenge in my lap…. Can we say it is a GOD thing!!!!!
    For we know that our old self was crucified with [Christ] so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

    A Celebration of Life has taken place Friday May 2nd, 1995. Our Sister Cecily arrived at the feet of Jesus this evening. Her role here on Earth was to offer all she had to those she needed to please. She desired to give of her personal self without fail at every opportunity. Her friends knew she could be available at any moment or any time. Cecily leaves behind her intimate friends, the inappropriate behaviors, the doubting over herself value…Rejoicing in this Celebration Sister Reba took Cecily to our Heavenly Father knowing only HE could take away Cecily’s pain. Rejoicing today Reba looks forward to the day she is at the feet of Jesus!

  32. 82
    Diana A. says:

    Death of Diana, was swift & skilled… the True Rider came in Power & Authority and Swept her off her feet. Dead is judgmental thoughts, carnality, hate, power struggle, selfishness, deviousness, deceit, fear, doubt, lust, idolatry, strife, anger, boasting, and meanness(to name a few).

    In place is a calm woman filled with the Holy Spirit, a sealing of the Atonement, and the beauty of character that comes from above, reflecting joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness & self-control.

    Many witnesses of her old nature were surprised and bemused by the new nature; as it sometimes did have small shadows of the old self. But, Diana is confident enough to put on the full armour of God & pray daily; soon there is only Jesus Christ to be seen by those witnesses.

    There will be no memorial for the old; as Diana is busily rejoicing before her Savior, exalting His Glorious Goodness, Mercy, and Great Love towards His Child.

    Join the chorus of many saints as we all Sing “Shall we gather at the River”; and let us all give the Glory to JESUS CHRIST Alone.

  33. 83

    On May 6th, 2012 Mrs.C, otherwise known as Overprotective Mama died during a heart transplant. Doctors were perplexed as her heart of stone, caused by years of fear, inexplicably turned to flesh once Overprotective Mama was run over by The Perfect Parent. According to witnesses, The Perfect Parent told Ms. OM to “Get out of His way!”. When she did, her heart of stone suddenly died.
    There will be no memorial service.

  34. 84
    Cindi says:

    This is to announce the death of old ugly CICi. She was clinging to the false vines of pride, self sufficiency and looking good to others,
    The woman was holding on while balancing on the fence between God’s way and her way. It was a nasty demise as she was terribly tangled in these ropes when they gave way and she fell to her death.

    We now rejoice in the news of a new Cindi that has been born through the grace of her loving Father. She is free to walk with Him each day, full of peace, hope and love. Her Father has promised to always be with her to help and guide her.

  35. 85
    Nancy says:

    I miss the posts by both Amanda and Elizabeth and photos of your grandchildren. I understand why you wouldn’t want to post them but still it makes the posts more like a family…Prayers for all of you and have a great Labor Day weekend…

    • 85.1
      Beth says:

      You are so gracious, Nancy. I cannot even tell you how much I miss having Amanda along with us here on the blog. About the time her baby girl, Annabeth (4 now), became a crawler and tried to climb the television in their den, Amanda’s part time work with us at Living Proof had to come to a close. She serves on our board of directors as a very active member but it is behind the scenes so you guys don’t get to “see” her. This blog was her spiritual brainchild from the very beginning and she was the primary one who posted so many family pictures and brought that element most to life here. I hope someday she’ll be able to circle back around on occasion but she’s doing just what she needs to be doing right now. She has her hands full to the brim as a pastor’s wife and mom. I think you’ll still get to hear from Melissa (I think that’s who you may have meant by Elizabeth unless you were talking about yours truly) in the future. So many people love her posts, too, and they often bring an entirely different aspect to our community. I am incredibly thankful for Lindsee and I know you are, too. If not for her, I’d be so overwhelmed in this present writing and ministry-traveling season that we’d probably only have a handful of posts each month. She is tremendous help to me. Thank you so much for your gracious thoughts toward my family! Happy Labor Day weekend to you, too. Thank you for the privilege to serve you, Sister.

  36. 86
    Liz says:

    Liz, former resident of “Egypt” who made her home in “De Nile”, departed that life in January 2004. Poor girl didn’t even know she was sick for the longest time. Born with blurry vision that caused her to see the faults in everyone but herself, she also suffered from what is sometimes known as “Older Brother Syndrome”. Joining a new church that made caring for folks on the fringe of society a priority, ol’ Liz caught a powerful bug unlike any she’d caught before – the bug of compassion, which, in the end, wrecked her life (in the best way possible). This superbug turned out to be the flesh-eating variety, slowly gnawing away her pride, self-righteousness, and judgmental character til all that was left of her was the stark realization that she was no better than anyone else.

    Nobody misses the old Liz. Especially Liz herself. Her friends and family would like to offer their special thanks the Great Physician, Dr. Jehovah Rapha, for giving her Life support at the end. In lieu of flowers, Liz suggests you go hug someone that needs it.

  37. 87
    Christiana Billingsly says:

    Vivian Dared To Dream

    Vivian dared to dream of far off lands.
    She dreamed of deserts covered in sands.
    She dreamed of rainforest trees high above.
    She dreamed of finding her one true love.

    Vivian dared to dream of lies or truth.
    She dreamed of never losing her youth.
    She dreamed of battles, she dreamed of a spark.
    She dreamed of light, a light in the dark.

    Vivian dared to dream of fighting and sadness.
    She dreamed of men succumbed to madness.
    She dreamed of warmth, heat and flame.
    She dreamed her life was just a game.

    Vivian dared to dream of hate and mistrust.
    She dreamed of all that was true and just.
    She dreamed of drowning, drowning in the sea.
    Vivian dared to dream of dreaming, yes, she dared to dream with me!

  38. 88
    Joyce watson says:

    I know you said this is not a writing contest, but is just the way I express my feelings. This is how God helps me heal.
    I am tested, I am tried,
    I am weak, I am as a piece of clay,
    I am poor, I am broken,
    I am a little lamb lead to the slaughter,
    I am wondering in the wilderness
    I am in captivity.

    But, I will not longer follow the Lie,
    No longer will Satan have a foothold.
    I pray not to be a stumbling block,
    I pray not to fall into a trap or pit,
    Instead, God will be my Strength.

    I offer my heart, mind and will to the Holy of Holies.
    He will establish my steps and lead my coming and going.
    His words are precise and sketched as tone, written upon my heart,
    He will be my stronghold and keep me from sin.
    I will listen to His voice, His hands are stretched out to me,
    For He will delivery my soul.
    He will make a testimony of His faithfulness.
    I will trust in the real and living God,
    For He will protect me from the wasted highways of life
    For I will fly on eagles wings
    I will not feel ashame,
    For I will cry out in His Name.
    My joy has overwhelmed me,
    For I know my God is Great,
    He transforms the lost, comforts the hurting,
    He remembers me when my heart aches
    and fear takes hold of me.
    He satisfies my every need,
    He takes away my sins
    And He build in me a sanctuary of blessing.
    I love my Lord! I am His child. ~joyce

    Inside my heart
    is still a little girl,
    Who likes to smile,
    to laugh and to play
    to share the good times and the bad
    and wants to give her love away.
    Inside my heart
    is still a little girl,
    Who cries, who hurts
    and feels life’s pain
    Who needs God’s mending love
    more than anyone or anything.
    Inside my heart
    is still a little girl,
    Who wants to hope, to dream
    to enjoy life everyday
    Who needs for others to encourage her
    Who needs for others to pray.
    Inside my heart
    is still a little girl,
    Who lives and grows in God’s care
    And who needs to feel God’s love in her heart
    Praying for guidance with her needs
    And trusting Him as He leads.~joyce

    Before I felt little, not good enough, a failure, very weak, very quiet and shy, not very secure.
    So now, I am able to trust God and go to Him, because He accepts me, He is my security, and He loves me as no other. He is my Refuge and my Strength. He is my Hope. He is my Provider, Protector, and forgives me.

  39. 89
    Amy H. says:

    Obituary: Victim, birth unknown…death sometime in 2012.
    After many years of suffering from discontent, self-loathing, regret, shame, depression, disgust, guilt and worthlessness, Victim has at long last passed from her dejected life. She would not want her family and friends to mourn her passing, for she is now with her glorious Father. She has been set free from the pain of her life and lives clothed in His protection, love and grace. The tears that slide down her face are no longer those of suffering; they have been replaced with tears of joy. Joy stemmed from her Father because He has saved her from the mess of a life she was living and has replaced it with a message for others to hear. She is hopeful that others will be encouraged by her message and will be led to trust in the Father, to give it all to Him and receive their own healing.
    “or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
    She is gone and not forgotten, but no longer dwelled upon.
    “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

  40. 90
    katiegfromtennessee says:

    Grooms, Katherine A. –age, around 14, formerly of this world, passed away from being dead in the trespasses of her sins to being alive in Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. Preceded in death to her old self by the saints down through the ages otherwise known as the great cloud of witnesses; she now awaits the time when she will join those who have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith before her own salvation occurred on God’s Kingdom Calendar at this age of around 14. She now prays that her spiritual legacy family left behind will be many and to God’s great glory. Her Family in Christ is still receiving new members of the Forever Family daily, praise the Lord! The Sovereign LORD is officiating this splendid occasion always. Sure enough, Katherine’s old self was buried at this point of salvation, and is most certainly and certifiably DEAD. Now, until Katherine sees her Wonderful Saviour’s precious face, Katherine Grooms is able to walk in newness of life because of her salvation in Christ alone at around the age of 14. LOVE IT!!!:)

  41. 91
    Elsie says:

    Here lies Miss Judgmental who majored in self-righteousness. Her critical spirit and attitude will not be missed. She thought herself the wisest of the wise but was shocked one day when the scales fell from her eyes to reveal much ugliness was living inside her soul. Furthermore, the ugliness had seeped into other areas of her life WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT. Eager to rid herself of the darkness, she did the only thing she could think of doing: purchasing a new wardrobe (because who doesn’t want to look cute during a transformation?). This, however, was not any wardrobe, it was the full armor of God. The best wardrobe a gal could ever have! Miss Judgmental is survived by Miss Lead-Me-Oh-Lord-I’m-Yours who lives with a spirit of gratefulness that only Miss Judgmental’s timely death could provide.

  42. 92
    Pamela says:

    Can I take a bit of a different approach? Death has knocked to recently on my door. I had to write my dads obituary and I am not quite ready to walk that road again BUT…..

    Newspaper Heading: Science is mystified: Death Comes Daily and Yet She Lives

    A 50 year old lady from the state of Missouri dies daily. She acknowledges this as a choice and this has stumped the health care industry. It cannot be explained by science but its evidence, this daily death and new life, is real. And it is spreading like a virus to others!

    Unlike most virus scientist have examined under the microscope, this one causes death followed by new growth. It takes the infections diseases and ailments from a persons life and restores its cells with the grace and mercy of new cells. The outward manifestations of the disease are transformed before the very eye. Strangely enough and what baffles the observer and scientist alike is that this process is controlled by its host.

    Like most, this host the 50 year old Missourian, acknowledges a life full of the infections of heartache and failure. Pain from the loss of people she has adored and loved to some decision that have left consequences sometime too unbearable for her to carry weaken her. She admits her own selfishness and self centeredness has been the primary disease of her heart and mind. It daily mediatizes to her words and actions.

    Here lies the evidence of the viruses that take her life each and every day. More and more individuals are coming forward to be tested positive for this. There is a vaccine that will prevent the daily deaths but most are choosing not to get it. They choose the Cure.

    The cure is simple to put on paper but observed to be more difficult to arrive at. The Cure is always available but not always sought out. The Cure requires a daily death, a dying to self with a physical, emotional and spiritual surrendering to the Creator and Sustainer. One can observe the host death as a reverent release and letting go. This writer observed that most days you feel as if you are on a battlefield. There are tears, sometimes there’s assaults and bleeding, and the host can show you the scars of this daily action of dying.

    There are no words to describe the new life. You witness a calm assuring confidence in the One who resurrected the host life. There is an unspeakable joy even though the environment displays a different scene. There’s a sense that this life is not their own and there is an awakening to a greater purpose.

    Science cannot explain this, the host can only live it out. You will witness it in this 50 year old Missourian. You can see it in others. She is not alone…

  43. 93
    Marcie, Concordia KS says:

    Deceived and Duped, pathetic affection seeker: Born Spring of 2005 – deceased Summer of 2013. Born of disappointment and naivete. She lived a life of ill health. She was never meant to be born; her father was a liar and deceiver. She robbed her vessel of so much that is good and true in life. Christ Jesus has shined his light of truth on her and she has shrunk away to nothing. Every cell of her decaying, cancerous body has been cleaned out. While some consequences of her pathetic existence remain, the Redeemer, who is Faithful and True, is turning all things toward the good of His kingdom and the good of the vessel and her friends and family. There are no survivors. No one is mourning her death. Joy and peace have completely taken over!!

  44. 94
    Joyce Bailey says:

    In Memoriam: Lost Joyce died at the young age of 14 on March 14, 1969, after hearing her first sermon on hell at a Ford Philpot Crusade in Cambridge City, Indiana. She was unaware of her terminal illness before she died. However….birthed that same day was Found Joyce, born into the family of God who have loved her and helped her grow up. She tries to resemble her Father…He’s such an amazing Daddy. Joyce’s story is more about Found Joyce than Lost Joyce, who died at such a young age. But her Father’s grace toward her is just as amazing as others written in this obit column. Our stories? They’re really all about Him.

  45. 95

    The ‘Attention Seeker/Loner’ passed away in October 2006. She was consumed by the thoughts of others, pleasing men, drinking, partying and being the life of the party. She felt like if she could get that attention from others, she would be ‘filled.’ On the inside though, she constantly battled depressional thoughts and feeling alone. Even now, she wants to run to those things. But, Christ, in His GREAT LOVE for her, woke her up and said ‘You are mine! Follow me!’ With me, You will not be alone and I will make your paths straight. You are never alone in your suffering. Follow me. Let me lead you all the days of your life. (Ephesians 2:1-10)

    Side note: Just writing this out and reading other comments once again allows me to see, that I am not alone nor have I ever been with the things I have struggled with. What a celebration to see the way He has saved us all and awoken us from the dead!! Hallelujah! My heart is jumping inside!!

  46. 96
    Pam says:

    With her body in it’s 22nd year and her spirit dead within her, the soul of Pam was saved by grace and a right spirit was born in her that survives even to this day in a body that is slowly but surely deteriorating even as Pam’s spirit is renewed day by day and she continues to profess that it is well with her soul.

  47. 97
    Mary in NH says:

    In June of 2001, Mary’s old snarky, drunken, gossipy, selfish spirit died. While still not perfect, she is no longer a slave to sin, praise God. She is putting on the spirit of Christ every morning when she wakes up. As she learns to accept the Good Lord’s help and care, she will remain positive, sober, patient and kind. While some have mourned the loss of the old Mary, many more will rejoice that a new version has taken her place. May she continue to grow, to learn and serve the Lord.

  48. 98
    Marysia Marts says:

    July 27, 1979, the old self of Marysia H. died a sudden death at the cross of Jesus Christ at Calvary. She came to the cross after a most devastating illness of pretense. It had caused much distress in her life since it was often hard to hide who she really was. She has now found freedom and acceptance for who she is in Christ.

    Marysia was seen leaving her old self behind and walking away as a new creation. She spotted her mother in the crowd and running to her she said, “Mom, I’m a Christian!” Her mother lovingly smiled and said, “I know, I can see it in your countenance.”

    As they walked away together Marysia’s mother recounted the many times she had prayed for this day. The day when her daughter, whose birth she had once celebrated nineteen years earlier, was now born again. Together they rejoiced in what God had done.

  49. 99
    Jen H. says:

    You sisters are so beautiful! I need to hear your words today. I can’t begin to write mine down for fear of weeping all day long. Thank you for being a blessing to me. Praise you, Jesus, for crucifying our old selves with you on the cross…

  50. 100
    Suey says:

    There once was a girl named Glenda Sue
    who tried and tried until she was blue
    to save herself from being miserable, sassy, impure
    but on Aug 27 in her bedroom, her thoughts of Jesus and godliness became full bloom and Holy Spirit came through.

    ashes to ashes, dust to dust..since then she is a friend
    you can trust and her doggie
    Romans 6:6
    also 9/1/2013 memory verse Col. 3:12-14
    Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness and humility, longsuffering, bearing with one another and forgiving one another thx much

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