What Would You Look Like?

Hey, Darling Things! 

I am about to write one of the fastest posts of my life because it’s almost time for the ministry to close for the day and I don’t like for any of the support staff to feel like they have to stay around and wait for me. My man will also be ready for his wife to come home. I don’t have time to think about how I should say this or to proof it and rehash it for the next two hours. I’m just going to spit it out there because I can’t shake it from my mind and I feel it pressing on me in such a way that I’ve got to release it.

In the wonderful (and I really do mean wonderful) world of blogs and Twitter-follows, a pile-up can happen with the potential to profoundly hinder the Gospel. We can find ourselves suddenly feeling panicked, or confused, or left out, or just plain lame because our follow-ship of Christ doesn’t look like someone else’s that we admire. I know that’s a yawner. I mean, who doesn’t already know that can happen? Talk about an elementary grasp of the obvious. But stay with me here a second and hash this out a bit because this very thing happened to me yesterday. And I feel like if it happened to me – and I’ve been pretty convinced of the direction of my calling for years now – that it could happen to a lot of us. Especially those who haven’t quite gotten their footing yet. See if you relate:

I read a fabulous post by a young woman I greatly respect and I was moved and convicted by it but over the next few hours I fell into the (self-induced!) trap of thinking things like, “I should have taken that same stand. That’s what’s really important. We should have vastly downsized. We should have moved to the inner city. Not out to the country. I need to get rid of more stuff. ” (And I do, for crying out loud.)  “And I need to be more active globally.” And on and on and on. Now, listen to me carefully when I tell you that it was not her post. The post was tremendous, filled with the love of Jesus, and such a portrayal of the Gospel. The problem was what my mind then did with it.

I started thinking of all the people who are doing effectual things for the Kingdom, who I admire tremendously and often wish I were more like. For instance, I started thinking of some Bible professors who I follow who spend all of their work lives training up students in the Scriptures then watch them walk out into the world and take their places. Now, that’s huge. And I started thinking of my dear friends who do amazing and courageous work to fight the atrocities of human trafficking and I think, “Now, THAT’S enormous! What a reflection of the heart of God! Freedom!!! Does it get any bigger than that?? THAT’S what God’s prioritizing right now!” They impact and motivate me every day. And then I start thinking of people who’ve adopted numerous orphans and those who put their hearts at risk over and over as fabulous, loving foster parents. I love children! What could be more Christ-like than that??? And I have so many missionary friends who have left every worldly comfort for the Gospel of the living Lord Jesus Christ, sometimes at the daily risk of their lives. That is the Great Commission! The main thing Jesus sent us out to do!


But which cause do we take up? Where do we begin? Which one is God’s favorite?? Who’s God’s favorite??? Because I want to be like God’s favorite, don’t you? Yes, yes, Jesus is God’s favorite. And He is the one and only Person we should want to be just like. But, let’s admit it. Sometimes we can get a little confused in this lens we have to the world through one quick gleaming glance at our screen. The works of God taking place out there are astounding! And some of them we now have the privilege to give ear to every single day through Twitter. It’s fabulous. I absolutely love it. But it can also be bewildering as we try to figure out where we fit in all of that. And maybe we can’t see a fit at all.

Here’s what I want to throw at you to consider. This is what I felt God placed upon my heart as I wrestled with this last night.

What do you look like when you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength?

Because THAT person, Girlfriend, is who He’s looking for in you.

When we’re trying to hash out God’s priorities for us, that’s IT in a nutshell. “Teacher, which commandment is the most important of all?”

And that’s what He told them.

So, let me ask you this: when you are teeming with love for the Lord your God, who are you right then? What is your passion? What is it that you are bursting to do? That’s probably the stream of your calling. I’m not asking you who you see in front of you when you feel the most love for Jesus because that could be your pastor or your teacher or your worship leader. I’m asking you who is INSIDE OF YOU when you are flooded with the fiery love of Christ? Right there in that passion you’ll start discovering that purpose.

You following Christ will not always look the same as someone else following Christ. Why on earth would He have bothered to form you in your mother’s womb with your own DNA and life experience ahead just to copy what someone else you’re seeing is doing?

Who are you supposed to look like in your calling here on earth and in the way you follow Christ? You’re supposed to look like the version of you that loves Jesus with everything in you.

That’s the real you.

And that’s the road down which you will find what He put you on the planet to do. You don’t have to figure out what to surrender to. Just surrender your heart to Jesus. Every single ounce of it. Ask Him to give you a love for Him that surpasses anything in your human experience. A supernatural capacity. And ask Him for it every day until He does it and then ask Him to do it some more. If you’re a writer, your exploding love for Him will bring it out. If you’re a liberator, you will not be able to keep yourself from seeing to the oppressed. If you’re a teacher, you won’t be able to quit studying except to share what you learned with somebody. If you love Him with your whole heart and that whole heart bursts to sell everything and move to China, Girl, get your passport!

Who would you be if you loved Jesus with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength?

That’s what you’re meant to look like.

Let THAT person follow Him, and He, Child, will make you a fisher of men.

My fastest post ever. But I feel better.


I love you guys so much.


494 Responses to “What Would You Look Like?”

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  1. 151

    I read another blog this week from someone that was sent to me and I nearly took my name off the list. Beth God has called each one of us to be who He made us to be, minister how He called us to be. I am not Beth Moore and as great as you are – well there are people that only can be drawn to Jesus through what He does through me. I know I was not called to the mission field in the traditional sense but Katie bar the door no one at Target is safe. They are going to hear about Jesus. A wise neighbor explained to me once- when I was struggling at home with a small child I felt like guilty for not helping with the program reading to children in summer reading program that included taking meals to the shutins- He said look read to your kid and bring me a meal and he was right I am called to my street- I serve Jesus on my road. I am in charge of my section of the wall. Until Jesus shifts my focus that is what I am doing. Beth you are called to a bigger platform -but you can’t do everything either. My child asked who had made a difference in my world- I thought and gave the answer of Ruth Graham . He had the bigger platform but this side of heaven we will never know what an impact she had. Sure she could write but she reared children guiding them to serve freeing him to do what his call was. All I have to say is serve- bloom where you are planted and God will show what He is calling you to do –

    • 151.1
      CJ says:

      AMEN and AMEN to your comment on Ruth Graham. Now there was a true servant of the Lord. ALWAYS in the word…ALWAYS in the word. Everything that is written about this lady is that she was ALWAYS in the word. Her children write about this as does her husband and friends. Her sense of hospitality was incredible…she invited all into her house and shared with them…shared the word and reality of the word. She lived the normal life as all of us do, but was ALWAYS in the word. Truly amazing life of a truly amazing lady.

  2. 152
    Anita says:

    Wow–I’m thinking how could Beth Moore possibly doubt herself or feel she isn’t doing enough Kingdom work??!! That’s for lowly folks like me that feel they have oh so far to go…thanks for sharing your heart — it is so easy to get caught in the comparative trap–and the what am I even doing for the Lord questions> I’ve been struggling with surrender and asking what is it Lord you want? Beth–you said it…He wants us to surrender our hearts to Jesus….a message I’ve been hearing over and over and yet still ponder/struggle with what it truly means to do that most days….Thank you!!!

  3. 153
    Lisa from Philadelphia says:

    Dear Beth,

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have put words to thoughts I’ve had for a long time, but obviously didn’t know how to communicate. This is one of your best blogs. Words are just not enough right now to express how truly thankful I am that you had this on your heart and communicated it to us. Thank you for your constant and consistent obedience to the voice of The Lord and your calling, which touches the lives of millions every day. Never in my life have I been exposed to such freeing Bible teaching as yours. Thank you for making the Word come to life!

    • 153.1
      Pennie Marshall says:

      Amen, Lisa.

      I just want to reafirm what you have said because it expresses my feelings towards Beth and her blog as well. I praise You, Jesus, for leading in all of our lives. We just want to make You look good to the world around us. Continue to shine, Lord!

  4. 154
    Sue says:

    I am at my best for the Lord when I am not out conquering huge projects, or on a mission trip or adopting a 3rd special need child. I admire all those who do what I just mentioned.
    I am at my best for the Lord when I am working in a customer service industry were people are just plain hurting and I give them the time and smile to just be kind to them, to be compassionate to them, to be friendly to them, to listen, to encourage the cashier at Krogers and maybe just maybe be bold enough to give them the 1st Peter 5: 7…cast all your anxiety to the Lord, for he cares for you….or to thank the bag boy who is wondering how he is going to make that next car payment, when his tuition is do also….and I remind him lovingly of Jeremiah 29:11…..bag boy, he has great plans for you, not to harm you , but to eventually proper you…
    To me, a daily Christian is to WALK by faith, not just TALK the TAlk, but to get out into the normal, ordinary world and just LOVE. Faith without action, is dead.

  5. 155
    Felecia says:

    Thank you for writing this post. Exactly what I needed to hear! God has been speaking in my heart about the same thing to and you just wrote it beautifully.

  6. 156
    Sandy says:

    Praise the Lord, Beth, I’m glad you gave heed to the Spirit and shared that bit of encouragement with us! God knows His children so well – and yes – we can know Him too. ♥


  7. 157
    Maurie says:

    For the past week, I have been trying to escape the calling of being ME because it doesn’t look like anyone else. After reading this, I understand – that’s exactly His point. Thank you so much, Ms. Beth!

  8. 158
    Lee Ann Bennett says:

    You have no idea how much this blessed me. Thank you!!! I needed to hear this word. So encouraging and true. So glad I’m not the only one who struggles with that exact same response! Praise God He calls us to work together as a body with unique giftings and callings. I plan to do more rejoicing in my giftings and callings and less worrying about looking like someone else’s. Bless you!

  9. 159
    Hannah says:

    Wow. Just what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for your challenging and encouraging words Beth.

  10. 160
    Deborah (Debbie) says:

    Dear Beth. Amen and thank you. I really believe these are words I needed to hear. And Miss Beth, although I am just me and not some super huge “issue” (although my family may disagree with that one at times — we’ll talk about that later 🙂 ) God has used you mightily in my life and frankly there have been time where I truly believe He has used you and your work to literally save the life of my daughter (you’ll get the low down in heaven). I thank Him for His work through you. Thank you for not giving the work He has called you to and equipped you for for something that seems “more necessary”… it’s all necessary I think.

    May God bless you real big!!!

  11. 161
    Betty M says:

    Dear Beth,
    I love what you said when you said ‘what is your passion what is just exploding in you that needs to come out etc etc. So often I still struggle with this! Me who at 60+ years is now wanting to know what to do now that I have grown up!! I need to be content where He places me instead of being envious at where He places someone else. I hate the feeling of envy and I can get there really fast when I think I need to get my manuscript done I have been talking about it for years. That is not the problem but when another sister in the Lord at our Bible study already has her’s published and is working on her second I start feeling envious and alittle depressed like why am I not there? I envy those who appear to have a higher calling than I seem to have. I forget about the parable of the talents and how God was just as happy with the one who had ten talents as He was with the one who had two. If I am content at what I am doing, should I be looking with envy at another’s seemingly higher calling? NOW! THE IMPORTANT PART!!! There is something to be said if God is stirring up a restlessness in our Spirit that we feel He may want us to be doing something more than we are but we leave the guidence up to Him on that. Am I sensing that you are feeling another calling in your life?? If you are, then I will pray for Him to reveal that to you in some way. Do you sometimes feel that you have saturated the country with the events you have done now so many years and it is time to branch in to something totally different?? I can see how you could feel that way after doing this for so many years. If there is another calling, He will reveal it to you in some way. Possibly it is not in some major thing like selling the property and moving to a far off country to do His work, it might just be a slightly different focus. That is where waiting upon Him is so necessary.
    I am praying for you and am not sure if I got this whole blog entry right at all I have been known to be “way off” in my take on something after all it is 11:18 on a Tues eve and I have had a very full day. Maybe take two pain pills and go to bed would be good advice!!
    Love Ya Beth,
    Betty M

  12. 162
    Denise says:

    wow.. thanks… I wrote something that reminds me of your post in my little purse journal while at church last Sunday..It just dropped into my heart.. WHERE AND WHAT ARE NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT it made me think.. mmm what’s left who and when? interesting….I’m a planner. As a teacher, I plan each day, hour, minute. I feel more secure when I know what we are going to be doing. It takes the pressure off.. or so it seems. WHERE AND WHAT are not the main thing.. but how and with whom.. JESUS! of course.. thanks, Beth…

  13. 163
    Sherry F says:

    Yes, EXACTLY! It’s that feeling of “what now, Lord?” that I’ve been experiencing for awhile . Thank you for vocalizing it so well. Yes, I want to be that person who loves the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I want to be all that He wants me to be. I want to love Him more. Lord, please!!!

  14. 164
    Pamela Payne says:

    Thank you so much for this! It blessed me more than you can know. And one day, I’m gonna come visit you Beth and hug your neck. And cry. I’ll probably cry.

  15. 165
    Isabel says:

    I am that person who sold and gave away everything to come to China. THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR TODAY!!! Thank you Beth Moore for all the years I have learned from you through your inspiring studies. What a blessing to have you on this planet in my generation!!

  16. 166
    Yvee says:

    I needed those words, thank you Jesus for giving Mama Beth this message for all of us! I feel better too now and, i am so glad you feel better!!! <3

  17. 167
    Karen Farrell says:

    Thank you so much for your gifted light God has given you through Jesus Christ to teach each one of us to see within our hearts ~ The love of Christ shines in you & I’m so grateful to be apart of it ~ Prayers for you always ~

  18. 168
    Judi Sandilands says:

    Thank you so much for this post, only a recent twitter user and follower and I have so thought about this and not been able to articulate it because I did not want to cause offense to anyone. love you can’t you in Oz next year . Thank you for doing what you do and for helping us grow spiritually to be all that God wants us to be unique in every way .

  19. 169
    colette says:

    🙂 I am a child of my Lord and my God!!
    This just confirms we should be content with where God has us at the time being. Of course some days are easier than others and right now I am still so filled with Joy from the events from the last week that it is easy to be completely content! So I will just need to remember this when I am having my insecure moments! Which by the way are coming less often as I seek the Holy Spirit daily. 🙂
    Thank you for another awesome message!! So glad you are feeling better!!
    We love you too!!

  20. 170
    Lindsay says:

    After a really challenging couple of months at school I’ve really been asking who I am. Going to Bible college there are so many wonderful people, organizations and ministries just a social media click away from me all doing amazing things for the Gospel. I get asked a lot what my own calling is and I tend to get so overwhelmed, I feel so challenged to fill enormous shoes with my degree! By my own strength, I’ve certainly felt more than discouraged lately and I cried reading your article because it was exactly what I needed to hear today (and of all days, too!). Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and thank you so much for presenting the real transforming Word of God in such a wonderful way.

  21. 171

    One thousand thank-you’s, Beth. Not only for the good word you gave here, but for being such a faithful, generous, and genuine mentor. I just love you.

    May you and your darling family have a blessed Easter.

  22. 172

    My dear Beth! I know you don’t know me and while I’ve been learning and growing from your ministry for many years, honestly, I have to admit I don’t personally know you BUT I know what you speak of.

    A few years ago when God began speaking to me about what He wanted from me He showed me a battlefield. (I relate to military analogies.) I was standing in front of a battalion and to my right was another woman dressed in battle gear standing in front of her battalion and to my left was another just as we were. I saw myself, with women like you and other “famous” Christian women who are/were already on the frontlines. I saw myself there not because I think I am like you but because God was telling me that He was putting me there – shoulder to shoulder – with others like you.

    I am so not like you!!! And to this day, no one in “Christiandom” even knows my name but what God has shown me is that we each have a job to do. Mine is in the back room of a church eeking out life with women who have been ravaged by Satan’s direct attacks on their dignity, womanhood and sexuality. Yours is breaking out the Word of God in ways that make sense and bring transformation in the lives of countless women.

    The Lord began telling me then and still tells me now – we all have our job and we must focus on our job and look to the right, the left, in front and behind with a smile of confidence that you are doing your job and that we are all working together to accomplish the Commanders will and plan. We, together, make the difference. That is a beautiful picture and I hold it dear.

    Chin up! We have a work to do and our Commander looks for those who are so trained and so focused that we work as one unit. Praise God for such a beautiful plan!

    God bless you, my sister! I thank God you are at your post! I refer many I speak to and minister to towards you and yet there is a part of what God has given me that only I can give back.

    Keep being you and I’ll keep being me and together we will do this thing!! For JESUS! Amen!

  23. 173
    Maiko says:

    Love it Beth. Just want I needed to hear. God bless! -Maiko

  24. 174
    Lauren says:

    Beth, wow. Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea. Perhaps God laid all of this on your heart and had you write it just for me. But I know it’s actually for many of us. I know I will read this post again, and maybe several times over the course of this week, because it speaks directly into some things (comparison and calling) I’ve been wrestling with.

    THANK YOU AGAIN. With much respect, gratitude, and love in Jesus,

  25. 175
    Sheree says:

    Wow! Quick and profound. You’ve clarified some things for me tonight. All the voices can muddle the important cues God is trying to send us if we are just still enough to listen and respond. Responding with boldness is my IT!

  26. 176
    Leah says:

    Oh, Beth…you truly are a Godsend to us gals out here struggling in this world. The Lord sent you to us and we are so grateful for His blessing!

    Thank you for this post. It has been a challenging year of Breaking Free and settling into waiting upon His good mercy to show me where I am to go. I felt as if He was calling me to do something more…so I stepped out in faith and belief..only to find that He actually knew I needed to do less for a while.

    And yet, I still feel as though I am missing my purpose. Your words helped me see that this space and settled waiting have freed me to truly love The Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I just had a moment today when I was one with the Spirit as never before. He led me to a message that was so personal and profound that I overflowed with all that love that Jesus said was the most important thing. There will be a time of more…I feel it hovering, but for now I know He wants my full attention…and what I look like is one who waits eagerly with rapt attention for the next miraculous morsel of His love to be revealed through His Spirit and His Word.

    Thank you for helping me see this. I have never met you, but I do dearly love you Miss Beth!

  27. 177
    Liz says:

    Thank you for your fastest post ever which hit me in the head and heart like the fastest ball ever bowled.

    Been grappling, floundering, struggling with this very thing!

  28. 178
    Skay Fires says:

    Praise The Lord! This word of encouragement was for me. Here I am at 4AM doing what God has called me to do…pray for others and seek Him in the quiet of the morning. Thank You, Lord for sending these words to reassure my calling. Thank You, Lord for Siestaville and the love and leadership of our Siesta Mama! FROGS…Fully Rely On God’s Strength

  29. 179
    Teresa says:

    What would or should I look like? I would be an evangelist, one who sees hearts & souls, not people. I would share God’s calling on everyone’s life – for the saved & unsaved. Wake up & rise up! But in reality, most of the time I am sleeping.

  30. 180
    Stephanie says:

    I don’t Facebook much and don’t Tweet at all but I can get caught in the comparison trap just at my own dynamic church where there are so many fabulous Christians that I often feel inferior. So my thanks to you Beth for this wonderfully encouraging word at just the right time for me and all of us out there who suffer from this error of thinking. I try to compare myself only to Jesus which keeps me properly humble and yet hopeful that someday I may comprehend that for which He has taken hold of me. Only being grounded in Him and His Word keeps me sane (sort of ha ha)Your faithfulness in your unique calling is encouraging my sister/friend and I love you back and more!! You are blessed to be a blessing.

  31. 181
    Rachel Cleveland says:

    WORD. ( my fastest COMMENT ever.) 🙂

  32. 182

    Beth –
    This hits home for me too. Last night I told a girlfriend I had finished a manuscript and she said, “I wish I could write like you.” To which I felt like replying “I wish I could foster kids like you.” But how that must break the Father’s heart! Today I want to practice some more gratitude for who He made me to be, and once again throw off the insecurity that perhaps He made some kind of mistake by not making me like others. I’m so thankful that I get to be a part of His Business. How could I ask for more?

  33. 183
    Joani says:

    Love this! Thank you!

  34. 184
    MBC says:

    I am just reading this post this morning and cannot tell you what a word it is for me. I’m 48 years old and my passion is to encourage the saints –help believers stay their course so that He has for Himself a people set apart zealous to good deeds. He is Worthy!
    But I am not a teacher or mufti gifted….I have some amazing friends who are doing amazing things in Africa, India, with special needs children, ministering in the innercity…I can look at all the needs and things I “should” be doing and I get paralyzed and do nothing. I don’t even do my tiny, tiny piece. I agree with the Siesta that says she will print this off and keep it in her Bible! Thank you Beth for taking the time to share this. Praying for you and your precious family!

  35. 185
    Erin Pascal says:

    Thank you so much for this very inspiring blog Beth! It is very well-written and I truly enjoyed reading every word! You are such a blessing to me because you made me realize how great I can be with His help! I want to be a good servant of the Lord and serve Him better. May God bless you!

  36. 186
    Jeanna says:

    This is outstanding…I even had my husband read it. I am forever beating this drum but not as eloquently as you. I am a Bible teacher and worship leader and am constantly trying to find a way to communicate to my little group of girls how my public service is not what service looks like for everybody. God has put a burning desire in my heart to get them to read the Word and they are doing it. Over a dozen ladies reading through the scriptures right now and a handful of 20 somethings doing it on their own because they didn’t want to trail in our aging glory! Thank you for your teaching and your example. You ignited a fire in my belly for the Word that hasn’t been quenched. As I’m typing this I’m fighting myself on whether to go to the barn and feed my horses, or ignore them and get in the Word…think I’ll fill their buckets, lock ’em in the barn, and come back in and meet Jesus. Have a blessed resurrection week! To God be the glory!

  37. 187
    Savannah says:

    Thank you for this amazing blog post! It’s amazing to step back and actually think of ” Who am I? ” during the time I feel Jesus is in me the most. We love you!!

  38. 188
    Jeanette Brower says:

    Thank you for a well-spoken, perfectly-timed word of affirmation for me and all of us.

  39. 189
    Kim says:

    all I can do when I think of Jesus is lay at His feet.. maybe it’s for such a time as this or maybe it’s forever… either way I melted and wept when I read this article, Beth. It reminded me who I was in Him and to be satisfied by that one thing! Thank you and Thanks to Jeff who reposted.! God bless you all!

  40. 190
    Jen says:

    Siesta Mama,
    Thank you for being a prompt, obedient, daughter of our God.
    Experiencing a mighty Word of Spirit encouragement here.

  41. 191
    Alicia says:

    This literally helped me get out of bed this morning. Thank you so much!

  42. 192
    Kathy says:

    I began writing a blog and have stopped; but it was then that I was truly Christ like….I need to write again.

  43. 193
    Jill B says:

    Dear Beth, God’s timing is so precise. I needed to hear these words. Thank you. Just finished the David bible study on Monday. It has to be my favorite. I am not the same person I was when I started it 11 weeks ago.

    Holding tight, Jill Byard

  44. 194
    Shelley says:

    Good word this morning! I long to be who Christ wants ME to be! Thanks, Beth!

  45. 195
    GJ says:

    Beth – Thank you from the bottom of my heart. So glad you followed the Spirit’s prompting and wrote this out because it has ministered to me deeply. YES MAM – I’ve felt “this thing” too. You have a gift of taking a topic/word/feeling/truth and hashing it out to bring it back home in a practical way.

    And WOW – YES – even at my (our) 🙂 age, I sometimes feel like I’ve MISSED doing something that I should have “taken up” and I can get distraught over and within myself. Comparison is truly the thief of JOY – and contentment. That self-induced trap of feelings and ‘thoughts not captive’ can destroy quickly. I have to get quiet and in His Word and remember what He’s called me to do. I can get so stirred up I’m a mess without my heart’s focus.

    I know that we are born/placed in seasons and times exactly as God wanted us to be. I think about my sweet Granny and how she served and how I’m serving now, and the differences are amazing. But God. I think about my two granddaughters and what God may have for them. Trusting Him fully in that.

    Thank you sweet woman – you are an amazing woman that God is using to mentor, teach, and flat-out BLESS this old pastor’s wife. This I do know – God has used you mightily and I’m thankful He put you here in His Kingdom now and that you love Him with such abandon.

    What I look like when I’m loving and bursting with passion is teaching His Word – leading women’s ministries – singing His praises and supporting my sweet minister man. I want to leave a legacy of TRUE GENUINE JESUS LOVING FAITH to my grandchildren. And when I’m out and about every day in this world I want people to see that being a Believer in Jesus is GOOD NEWS. I want to shine shine shine shine shine for Him. I ask Him daily to make my life COUNT for His glory alone.

    A Blessed Easter to you and your precious family,
    I love you friend,

  46. 196
    Lori says:

    Dear Precious Beth,
    I love you! You have impacted me for Jesus and a love of God’s Holy Word like NONE OTHER!!! Please never stop teaching. I tear up when I think of the work you have done in His Name. There is a front seat at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb waiting for you.

    By His Amazing Grace! Praising King Yeshua right alongside of you!

  47. 197
    Gwyn Tidwell says:

    What freedom to just be me in Christ Jesus and what a thrill to do what He has given me a passion for. Thank you, Jesus!!!

  48. 198
    Kelly Stewart says:

    KEEP WRITING QUICK POSTS!!!!!!! We need to know we are not alone in our confusion and struggles….and your humility and transparancy are much appreciated! Keep loving women Beth…..there are so many for you to reach ….. to pour into….love you for that!!!! Blessings my beautiful sister!

  49. 199
    Kerry says:

    Dear Sister in Christ
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    I find myself doing this very thing, that you have describe that you did after reading your friends blog post.
    I have copied a paragraph from your post, and pasted it at the very top of the document I have been working on to write out the vision God has given me for ministry to my community.
    God’s plan for my calling does not look like someone else’s. Thank you for being faithful to take the time, at the end of your day, to be a messenger to us.
    Many of us needed it.

    “So, let me ask you this: when you are teeming with love for the Lord your God, who are you right then? What is your passion? What is it that you are bursting to do? That’s probably the stream of your calling. I’m not asking you who you see in front of you when you feel the most love for Jesus because that could be your pastor or your teacher or your worship leader. I’m asking you who is INSIDE OF YOU when you are flooded with the fiery love of Christ? Right there in that passion you’ll start discovering that purpose.”

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    Sally H. in Sturgis, MI says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart; I needed these words, too. I am so glad for the reminder—-Jesus is God’s favorite. I want to be like Him. What a great thought:)

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