Sparkly Green Earrings – A Giveaway

*Update: Comments are now closed! And I’ve decided that y’all have some of the best hypothetical books around. You had me laughing out loud! Check back soon for our ten winners!


The weekend before last (I know, take a minute to figure that one out. It is Monday after all.), I drove myself to Katy, Texas. (While that may sound like I actually ventured out on a road trip, it really just means I drove 30 minutes across town.) (Also, Iā€™m really into the parenthesis today.)

(Iā€™m currently humoring myself and no one else. I know. Forgive me.)

The reason for my 30-minute road trip was because a sweet lady named Big Mama, I mean, Melanie Shankle, was doing a book signing at the Books-A-Million for her new book, Sparkly Green Earrings. You may have heard of her? Grin.

(By the way, if youā€™re curious as to why she refers to herself as Big Mama, youā€™ll be relieved to know she explains her alias in the first chapter of her book. But Iā€™ll leave that story for her to tell. A little suspense is a good thing.)

Melanie has been blogging since before blogging became the thing to do, and her blog was one of the very first blogs I read. (How many times can I use the word blog in one sentence?) It was really love at first sight, or read. A few reasons Iā€™ve loved Melanieā€™s blog are because sheā€™s hilarious, real, a good writer, sarcastic and she loves Jesus. Need I say more?

Also, she does a really fun post every Friday called Fashion Friday, and I donā€™t know about you, but my materialistic side is really into fashion, and there is always something sheā€™s finding online thatā€™s adorable that I then put into my mental wish list.

Anyway, last Saturday I got lucky and both she and her equally hilarious daughter, Caroline, signed my copy of the book.

Truth be told, I love to read, but for the past week the book has sat on my bedside table. That is until I picked it up yesterday and devoured the first five chapters before I realized I would be late to church and miss prayer time unless I left right then.

(Yā€™all. I didnā€™t set my alarm yesterday morning, slept in, and went to our evening service. I donā€™t know, but I feel like a new woman. It was heavenly. But that has nothing to do with Sparkly Green Earrings. But I did feel sparkly. Whatever that means.)

You know those books that you pick up and theyā€™re just easy to read, charming and you want to keep going because youā€™ve entered into their world without even knowing it? Thatā€™s how I feel about Sparkly Green Earrings. I realize Iā€™m only five chapters in, but I can guarantee you it wonā€™t take me longer than a week to finish it. Honestly, I was a little skeptical at first, not because I donā€™t love Melanie or her writing, but because itā€™s a book about motherhood, and, well, to state the obvious, Iā€™ve not ventured into the land of motherhood, nor am I close, so I wasnā€™t sure if it would apply to me. But alas, it is so much more than motherhood, it is her story of motherhood and it is a sweet one. In fact, she talks about her best friend from the start, and I really resonated with that as I thought about my best friend, and our friendship, especially since she just walked through pregnancy and has her first baby girl that is my current obsession.

I say all of that to say this, our friend Melanie, and her whimsical book, made it on the NY Times Best Seller list this week. Listen, Iā€™m no author, nor have I published a book, but I say thatā€™s a pretty big stinkinā€™ deal and deserves a celebration.

Need proof? Hereā€™s a picture.

So, to celebrate, I thought it would be really fun to give away ten signed copies of Sparkly Green Earrings! Through a series of unplanned, or planned, events, we have those copies in our possession and they make me incredibly happy. Thank you, Amanda and Melanie, for making the signed books a reality. I know yā€™all had nothing better to do this weekend. Grin.

Hereā€™s a look in the book.

How about this cover? I’ve tried endless times to get my ponytail looking like that.

Signed, sealed and (almost) delivered. Grin.

Someone else we all know and love also loves this book and the author!

And here is a picture of Nancy and me at the book signing with Melanie. The only thing Iā€™m regretting right now is the fact that Caroline isnā€™t in the picture with us. Watching Caroline sign the books brought me pure delight.

(Notice the leg pop both Melanie and I are doing. That makes us cool.)

To win your own copy of Sparkly Green Earrings, simply leave a comment with your first and last name. (Side note: I know some of you donā€™t like your last name on the internet for the world to see, so if thatā€™s you, your last initial would be so helpful. I donā€™t know if you realized there are A LOT of names on this blog, and not shockingly, A LOT of duplicates.)

For fun, if youā€™re feeling super creative, you can also tell us hypothetically what the name of your book would be called if indeed, you were to publish a book.

And Iā€™m not even going to pretend like I know what my book would be titled. Iā€™ll just start with ā€œLindsee Louā€.

Howā€™s that for original? Catchy?

Okay, enough about my non-book.

I’ll leave comments open until mid-Wednesday morning!

Ready, set, go win a book!


2,322 Responses to “Sparkly Green Earrings – A Giveaway”

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  1. 1501
    Kim A. says:

    Kim Adam

    The first good title I can think of this early in the morning is “Broken But Beautiful” (with apologies to Mark Schultz, since he has a song with a similar title).

  2. 1502
    veronica says:

    Veronica Hill

    I would maybe write a “how to” book…at the moment I an becoming an expert at “How To Deepen Your Marriage While Finishing Your Basement” šŸ˜‰

  3. 1503
    Lisa Rollins says:

    Freckles, The Running Chicken, would be the title of my book.

  4. 1504
    Lisa Jump says:

    My book would be titled “Let me get this straight”. There are so many things that just don’t make sense. Park on a driveway and drive on a parkway. Abortion is legal but killing a bald eagle will get you arrested. The list goes on forever.

  5. 1505
    Kathy Larkins says:

    Kathy Larkins

  6. 1506
    Wynell Harper says:

    The cherry end table…

    Life of a military family

  7. 1507
    D'Anna says:

    D’Anna Nowack
    my book would be called: “God redeemed this sinner”

  8. 1508
    Saralyn Fowler says:

    Mine would maybe be
    “Notes to self”
    Avoiding the stupid things 2nd time around

  9. 1509
    Ronnie Wood says:

    ..”And Then I Found Jesus”

  10. 1510
    Lauren says:

    Lauren Hoeltje

    If I were to write a book, I think I would entitle it: “God Doesn’t Make Mistakes”.

  11. 1511
    Allison Johnson says:

    Allison Johnson

    I’d LOVE a copy of this book! šŸ™‚

  12. 1512
    Susan Nolin says:

    Fixin’ to Fix it

  13. 1513
    Nanette Lynch says:

    nanette lynch

  14. 1514
    Jennifer says:

    Jennifer Hill
    Book title (even though I’d never write a book. :D)
    “Reminding our kids that God’s not done working on mom either”

  15. 1515
    Lauren H says:

    Lauren Halladay. My book would be Red Lemons or L.o.L : Life of Lauren šŸ™‚

  16. 1516
    Kathy Ericksen says:

    I would love a copy. My other email address would be my title “Beautitreasures” from Prov 24 3 By wisdom a house is built,and through understanding it is established; 4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

  17. 1517
    Ahvy Whiteside says:

    “She Walks Like This, Talks Like That”

  18. 1518
    D'Anne McMillen says:

    D’Anne McMillen, non-book title: Am I on this Mountain Alone?

  19. 1519
    Jennifer Ellis says:

    Mine would be “Be Nice to Your Mama”. šŸ˜‰

  20. 1520
    Susan House says:

    Susan H., CROSSINGS

  21. 1521
    Pam Rowell says:

    Pam Rowell
    My fiction book (actually almost ready to submit) is Blackberry Jam. A hypothetical non-fiction would be Rockin’ the Empty Nest!

  22. 1522
    Dianna Boehm says:

    “Living in the shadows”

  23. 1523
    Diana A says:

    Would love to read this!

  24. 1524
    Cindy Howard says:

    I am currently looking for a dress to wear to my son’s wedding in May – and I am strongly leaning toward GREEN!! Soooooooooooooooo I think I need to win this book, because I love green, I love anything sparkly and I am a MOM and I have never won anything before!
    Sounds like a wonderful book and I cannot wait to read it – on a side note, I love Lindsee that you use all of those parenthesis, (I too love them), and it jut endears you to me even more!

    Here’s hoping I win!

  25. 1525
    Kirsten Wichert says:

    Still here. Still believing.

  26. 1526
    Kim Streich says:

    Kim Streich….Nearly Free!

  27. 1527
    Robbi Schleicher says:

    My book would be “Honey”. I’m a southern girl and greet just about everyone with “Hi honey!” It makes them see how sweet I think they are and everyone can use a little sweetness. šŸ™‚ Robbi Schleicher

  28. 1528
    Judy Rowland says:

    Judy Rowland
    Finding Joy In The Midst Of Pain

  29. 1529
  30. 1530
    Sara Haines says:

    My book (a cookbook) would be called “Super Yummy Goodness” because that’s what everyone says is my “secret ingredient” to all my cooking. I love being in the kitchen & have figured out it’s one of my love languages šŸ™‚

  31. 1531
    Nicolle Schoeppner says:

    “The Dumbest Smart Person You’ll Ever Meet”

  32. 1532
    Pay Schuessler says:

    Pat Schuessler
    “It’s ok to be a follower” subtitled… Without followers there are no leaders

  33. 1533
    Gerri Shewmaker says:

    I would love a great read! and, the anme of my book would be ‘It’s Monday Already?’

  34. 1534
    Helen Wall says:

    Sounds like a fun book to read. . . thanks!!! Giveaways are fun!! Helen Wall

  35. 1535
    Jackie Pope says:

    Hmmm. If I wrote a book I’d call it Rerun – The Joy of Raising Grandchildren.

  36. 1536
    Suzette Ratcliff says:

    My book would be called “Carrying Her Heart”. It would be about how God has carried me after losing my 19 year old daughter in a car wreck.

  37. 1537
    Jerrilyn R. says:

    Jerrilyn R, Pinafores and Pea Shooters

  38. 1538
    Sharon St. Clair says:

    Sharon St. Clair

  39. 1539
    Beth Spencer says:

    I love to read!

  40. 1540
    Lorri Wright says:

    Lorri Wright

    I Should Write a Book – that would be the title because, oh, how many times I’ve said that in my life!!!

  41. 1541
    Laura Bruner says:

    My book would be called “Honey, where is the Miracle Whip?” About being the wife of someone with ADD.

  42. 1542
    Jennifer Ziegenfuss says:

    Thank you for doing this!

  43. 1543
    Sheila M. says:

    My book would be “Sheila Shine” (this is actually my nickname at work0

  44. 1544
    Amy Skinner says:

    Hmmm…”It’s more than a song”

  45. 1545
    Pat Blackwell says:

    “Let’s Go Ladies”

  46. 1546
    Shelley Cates says:

    Shelley Cates

    Right now if I wrote a book it would probably be called something like “Casperisms: What I’ve learned from my Dog!”

  47. 1547
    Barbara Martin says:

    Would love to read the book! Have always wanted to write one but have no idea what I’d call it.

  48. 1548
    Lori Hillegas says:

    Lori Hillegas
    Learning to Breathe!

  49. 1549
    Eve Harness says:

    being a mother is wonderful, ok not always!!

  50. 1550
    Denise B says:

    Denise Bowman
    I am currently writing my story which I have titled (so far) “Journey of a Baby: Go and Tell”