LPL Simulcast Recap, Prayer, & Commissioning

My beloved Sisters, I’ve thought about you so much since our day together on September 15th. What we studied together is still throbbing in my heart even in the midst of new challenges. We knew there would be some, didn’t we? Any time we determine to take God at His Word and believe a specific promise He has made to us and we pick up our feet and step further into our callings, the powers of darkness descend around us to threaten the work. Greater is He who is in you, Sister-Girl. The questions in Isaiah 53:1 echo to us today, urging us to answer boldly “I have!!” and “Me, Lord!”:
Who has believed what we have heard?
And who has the arm of the LORDΒ  been revealed to? (HCSB)

I pray you are standing strong with the Shield of Faith in one hand and the Sword of the Spirit in the other.Β  Isaiah 7:9b (NIV) has been on my radar often lately:

If you do not stand firm in your faith,
you will not stand at all.

Then, Romans 14:4 right on top of it: To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

Amen to that.

And this phrase out of Ephesians 6:13 – STAND YOUR GROUND.

Keeping our faith in the driver’s seat of our faithfulness, Christ’s own Spirit breathing through us, we CAN do this in His great Name. May He make Himself so obvious to us today. Then may He make Himself so obvious to someone else through us today.

Here you go, Sweet Things:

Click here to download the Simulcast Commission:Β  Simulcast Commission
Click here to download the Simulcast Prayer: Simulcast Prayer

Living Proof Live – Simulcast – Reading PA from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


92 Responses to “LPL Simulcast Recap, Prayer, & Commissioning”

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  1. 1
    Margie by the Sea says:

    I would love to have been there but was required to work that day. Still, as always, I am blessed by the video offering and especially by your prayer and commission, Beth.

  2. 2
    Tami says:

    This prayer means even more to me than it did Sept 15th. An old enemy has returned out of nowhere, roaring like a lion. I’ve miraculously forgiven the past, and now I’m having to forgive in the present. This is so hard. It is going to take a miracle to be at peace with this enemy.

    Thanks so much for doing this and praying for me.

  3. 3
    Colette says:

    Thank You sooo much, Beth, for the Commision and Prayer! That was a very special day and I will remember it forever! LOVE the video and also have been tested this past week but I am continuing to Fight the good fight of Faith!!! Thank you again! I love you!

  4. 4
    Shirley says:

    Dear Sweet Beth, thank you so much. That commissioning and prayer were so powerful as you read them that day in my life. So grateful to have a copy in my hand to reread it. I wonder IF—those you have done over the years could be put together on a CD we could buy, and then hear you speak them over us whenever we need. Could use one at a time in our daily time with the Lord, or just put them in the player when driving. I can’t imagine driving along and hearing those being spoken over me, I might just move into the heavenlies!!! I love you and keep teaching us, sweet sister of mine.

  5. 5
    Carla says:

    Thanks so much for posting this, especially the closing prayer! It was such an awesome prayer. My friend and I even remarked that very day how we would love to have the prayer text so we could re-read it later when we needed renewed faith and a reminder of that powerful day. This was my first simulcast and I was so moved. Can’t wait for the next one! Thanks for all you and your staff do – you are all amazing!

  6. 6
    Cheryl says:

    I was unable to participate in the simulcast, but I did read Beth’s prayer and shared it with a friend who also was unable to attend. Thank You for posting it!
    Here’s another verse that encourages us to stand our ground.
    It’s actually a promise from Him who Keeps Us standing (Jeremiah 32:40-41):

    Β β€œI will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never turn away from doing good to them, and I will put fear of Me in their hearts so they will never again turn away from Me.
    Β I will take delight in them to do what is good for them, and with all My heart and mind I will faithfully plant them in this land.”

  7. 7
    Tiffany M says:

    Since LPL Knoxville, we have been meeting weekly to hold ourselves to CREDIBLE living. We each have the acrostic hanging on our cubicle walls. The simulcast was an added blessing, then we were the verse packet on fear and now the commissioning and prayer! I am blessed continually. Thank you. Eph 3:20!!

  8. 8
    Tammy (mof2coolkds) says:


    Your words ring so true. I now see something through the turmoil and trials that I have never seen before…

    God’s hand holding onto mine, he is holding me up and he won’t let go, he won’t let me descend back into the pit. The words spoken through your commission, your oh so powerful, provident prayer and the words spoken through Travis have moved to my knees again. I sob the sobs of a bondage being lifted…

    Thank You for publishing these three…

  9. 9

    Thank you so much for sharing such tangible & usable resources. Having the verses, prayer and commissioning to reference again and again will be so helpful. And I especially want to thank you for praying for us. No–me! That was a precious addition. I thank God that He continues to use you in a powerful way for His Kingdom. Glory to Him!

  10. 10
    Anita Siecker says:

    Thank you so much for copies of the words you spoke, so that we can continue to speak them ourselves. The simulcast was awesome in every way!

    I enjoyed the video!

    I was looking for the siesta pics we took before Beth left for the airport….Can you tell me where to find those?? THANKS!!!

    Love and prayers for you all πŸ™‚

  11. 11

    Thank you Beth, for the powerful prayer and commissioning. Right on time this morning.

    God bless!

  12. 12
    Lara Lin says:

    Thank you for the prayer, commission and also the Scriptures posted the other day!

    I was in a conundrum between attending the simulcast and returning to my hometown of Nashville for my 20 year high school class reunion. I chose to face my fears and insecurities and go to the reunion, though I changed my mind many times! The Lord has been working on me for quite a while in these areas, but lately I keep having exclamation mark-type growth.

    (side note: one of my buddies in my class is the son of someone that was an important part in Beth’s ministry. I have to say that it has never been lost on me that I have been so impacted this ministry all these years later – sort of one of those full circle things)

    I have to make a confession. I have been following this blog since the Spring of 2007 (Lisa Whelchel had mentioned it on her blog) I have not participated in the comments (well I did post and then delete a couple of times). I have written hundreds in my head….I also follow several of the Siesta’s blogs, and nope, no comments. I guess the only thing it can be called is fear. SO, I am putting on my courage and starting to put myself out there. I’ll admit it is scary, but so was moving from Nashville to Ft Lauderdale 13 years ago, not knowing a single soul! God has done amazing things in my life, He is always faithful!!! I am realizing that He has always used me to break down barriers and build bridges, but He can’t do that if I am frozen in fear.

    Okay, taking a deep breath and pressing submit! πŸ™‚

  13. 13
    Janice says:

    Beth, I am so sorry I missed the Simulcast. I was wondering if you would consider making it available for download?

  14. 14
    Tina says:

    Thank you for posting…very timely for me this week. The prayer and commissioning was powerful. I had the pleasure, that afternoon. to say it with a sweet lady I had never met before. To be honest at first…stating the commission with a total stranger was awkward. Usually I’m with someone I know. However, quickly God had me see how cool is that?! we are both sisters in Christ so therefore, we have a common bond. Words can’t express the moving I felt from the Spirit. It meant even more than I could imagined.

  15. 15
    D says:

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you so much for posting it. I went to the simulcast but watching this made me shed some tears of joy all over again! Thank you for the prayers that you placed here. What a wonderful reminder of September 15th, 2012! Thank you Jesus!

  16. 16
    Heidi says:

    Oh, Mrs. Beth… I attended the LPL last year in Baltimore and sat in my seat fighting any work the Lord was trying to do in my heart that day. I couldn’t let go. You see, my life has been full of a lot of pain and turmoil very much like your own. I always chuckle inside when I hear you say you have been in the deepest, darkest of pits and that no one has been in a deeper pit than yourself. I think I could compete with you on that point!!! However, September 15th my life was changed forever! I attended the event in Reading with a willing and open heart. I wasn’t going to let another opportunity like this go to waste! This time I sat in my seat with a BROKEN heart before God, begged for His forgiveness, mercy, and mostly for Him to just become REAL to me. I am a CHANGED woman! I am facing my FEARS…FEAR NOT! FEAR NOT!!! And I am in awe of who this is that I am becoming…

    Please pray for me, Mrs. Beth. I am stuck in a very legalistic, IFB ministry and cannot leave because of my marriage and family. Every day I am surrounded by very prideful people who are missing out on the real love and joy Christ offers. It is hard to grow spiritually when there is little nurturing. My best friend has taken me to your events, and I thrive on the fellowship and worship there. THE REALNESS. I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone in my own circle that I was going. But I want YOU to know that I am NOT ashamed of the gospel of Christ! I am learning so much from you, your books, Wednesdays with Beth, websites, blog posts, & studies!!! It is FOOD for my SOUL!

    So THANK YOU, Mrs. Beth. For making a difference in my life! Keep on, keeping on!!!

  17. 17
    Betty M says:

    Dear Beth,
    It seems in my life this whole past 15 months the overwhelming theme has been to not be afraid for he is with me. It seems as if the Lord is psuhing me to go to the edge with Him. Like being on a diving board and getting out there on the edge and knowing He is out there too I am not alone He will be with me in the plunge. Yes! We need to have this boldness all of us because the enemy is getting very bold and if we do not stand up on the edge for our God noone else will. Thankyou for that beautiful prayer. Me being 60ish I feel so much behind what is happening these days but I know God has a great plan for me yet in the rich experiences this life He has given me to share with others that in every circumstance He is so worthy of praise and gratitude. I am sooo looking forward God willing to see you in Souix Falls SD nest Aug!!!! Love to LPM!! Betty M

  18. 18

    Thank you so much for posting this. The Lord has called me into a new ministry. I suffered 15 years from the heartbreak of miscarriage,stillbirth, and infertility. God has called me to speak to women on this very difficult subject. I’ve written my testimony and began a blog. Sometimes fear creeps in when reliving difficult circumstances, yet we must be obedient to what He is calling us to do. Thank you to everyone at Living Proof Ministries for being obedient to God’s call on your lives.

  19. 19
    Anna says:

    You said that you were praying over one. I’m the one Beth (at least one of them) that you prayed over that day. Never been to a simulcast. I knew when you said you have never prayed over your sisters before that it was God reaching out to ME through you. Much of what you prayed over ME that day I have begged God to work into my life, but never felt His affirmation of those prayers. God had you do what you did so that He could tell me He heard my pleas. Thank you for you obedience that day! Too much to say here. I will have to write you. God bless.

  20. 20
    Heather says:

    Praise Jesus for the beautiful prayer you spoke Beth! God placed those words in you to speak to me! I thought for so long that I needed physical healing. Today I realized my SOUL needs it! He IS the GREAT soul-healer! Thank you Jesus! Our hearts need HIM so!! May Your love show through and shine!

  21. 21
    Kelli Cox says:

    So thankful for the video and prayer since I was unable to attend. God has reminded me countless times over the last month as we’ve walked through a very difficult season where we serve that HE ALONE is my ROCK and without Him holding me up I WILL fall. Truly I have sensed the enemy on the prowl this month and am so thankful that God already has the victory. Bless you and your ministry!

  22. 22
    Kathy Jones says:

    Thank you for this amazing commission and prayer. What a challenge and encouragement to live our lives on purpose: for the purpose of sharing Him and bringing Him glory through the pouring out of His Spirit onto this world. Any chance of an updated “To Live Is Christ” in the near future. Lots of “standing” in Paul’s writing. Kathy from Nashville.

  23. 23
    Mimi of Six in Al. says:

    After I watched the simulcast which I loved and got so much out of it. Then somewhere along the way here comes the enemy right in my mind and really fast. I can not believe how the enemy is so tricky. I have learned I need to be very careful and prayed up. I will take away a message learned and will not let this happen again. Thank you for the simulcast. It will continue helping me and the simulcast prayer and the simulcast commission helps so much. Thank you

  24. 24
    Tonya Bolt says:

    Thanks for posting the prayer. That was THE BEST prayer I have ever had someone pray over me. I felt Beth speaking directly over me in Jesus Name, and I know it changed my heart, and as the tears fell from my eyes, I felt God’s peace flow through me. I had hoped some day to find that prayer so I can read it every day. I am going to keep it with me and each day I need encouragement, it will be pulled out and read! Thank you Beth for your humbling honor to God and inspiring words EVERY time you speak! I love you so much and hope to meet you one day just to hug your neck and say thank you! Have a blessed day!

  25. 25
    christina says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am still ruminating on the thoughts from that day, especially the section on fear. My verses are printed out and in my prayer folder. Lord willing, this is the year to be set free from the fears that dog my steps.

    The time with my mom was such a blessing in addition to the teaching and worship, and our fellas needed their guy time, too.

    Mrs. Beth, may the Lord strengthen you to stand your ground and not lapse back into those old fears. The ladies’ Bible study in my area is working through “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things,” and your words here this morning intersect with that perfectly. May you yourself be quick to recognize his opposition, temptation, and turmoil; cry out to Jesus with all you are; and wave the white flag of surrender over your “through and through.” I don’t know what you’re battling right now, but I pray God gloriously displays His faithfulness and adds one more testimony of redemption to your story, in the strong name of Jesus.

  26. 26
    Paula Halcom says:

    Thank you so much for posting the prayer. Having that prayed over me was such a powerful moment with the Lord!

    It is the kind of prayer where you bow your head looking all cute, only to get up looking like a storm happened on your face. πŸ˜‰

  27. 27
    tracie says:

    oh my gosh!

    I watched the video and listened to the praise team singing The Word of God has spoken! I bawled like a baby! for like 15 minutes! then my lunch break was over and i had to come out of my office with my eyeballs all swollen and nose all red. . . i am not a pretty crier siestas!

    praise God for the praise team & Beth. Beth, it’s my earnest prayer that God would bless you richly for your sacrifice. . .and your family too sweet one. When I think about the sacrifice that your family has made so that you can be so powerfully used by our Father. Not just now, but since you first stepped out in faith and began writing Bible studies!

    I love you. . I do. . may God bless you and keep you shugah. and cause His face to shine upon you. .

    Tracie in Fairfield Ohio

  28. 28
    tracie gadd says:

    on behalf of all simulcast attenders/participaters. .


    Please see if something could be done about that. The music went right along with the message.

    praise God!!

    • 28.1
      KMac says:

      Head on over to Travis’ website ( He posted the songlist from the Simulcast and which CD they can be found on. Enjoy!

    • 28.2
      Kerry says:

      What KMac said plus I went to Amazon MP3 and bought each individual MP3 and made my own playlist! His albums are also on iTunes, with the ability to purchase single tracks.

  29. 29

    Thank you for posting these, Beth. These words were so precious to us that day. One of my girls recorded both the prayer and commissioning on her phone and was going to type them up. When I saw your tweet about posting them I laughed out loud and wrote to her to save her fingers. I posted a pic on Twitter of them printed out and put them in the mail to my ladies this afternoon.

    So excited for them to re-read and realize those words over their lives in the days ahead. My September has been full and you have been a big part of it. My cup runneth over, and my heart overflows with His love and joy.

    Thank you and Lifeway for including my testimony in the listening guide. What an added blessing. May His love and His life continue to flow through and out of you to all the lives you touch daily.

    Much love and a great big ol’ Texas HUG!


  30. 30
    Kari says:

    Somewhat wondering where to begin….I have been struggling for several months in anxiety and fear over some stressful situations that I am facing (mostly with my job). I am not sure how I ended up in this place, but I have been nearly (or maybe entirely) crippled in fear. Yesterday, I experienced a panic attack at work and realized that I needed to take a step back. Thus, I have closed myself in today. Kept those doors shut to hear from Jesus.

    I had hoped to attend the simulcast at a local church but had been unable to due to other schedule conflicts. This morning I sought how would be best to spend this day of reflection and quiet time so that I may be equipped to continue running the race. After doing some browsing on the blog (which I have not followed up until this point), I found Beth’s handout in follow up to the simulcast. I KNEW this was how I needed to spend the day.

    I have just finished viewing the archive of the simulcast. Beth, I resonated with the feelings of fear that you described in questioning each thought and action. I still am not sure what God will do in my situation, but I am going to trust Him that He will use this day as a monumental day for me just as He did years ago when I studied Breaking Free alone in my living room and gave to Him an eating disorder that I had been battling for over a year. He healed me and He is healing me! Thank you for your transparency and for being so willing to share what Jesus has taught you with so many of us. He is having an impact through you and through the simulcast even though it was over a week ago. Thanks for your faithfulness!!!!

  31. 31
    Tomi says:

    Thank you so much for posting the prayer and the commission!

  32. 32
    Lisa Watts says:

    Thank you!!! This is exactly what I needed this afternoon.

  33. 33
    sherry says:

    Oh sweet Beth: the evil one has been pounding, but praying God’s word of courage has been amazing, and I couldn’t do without it…God is good, and He is so overwhelming present with me and I’m glad…I hate what is going on in my life, but I’m loving seeing God work in me!

  34. 34
    fuzzytop says:

    I am SO very thankful that I was able to watch the Simulcast. Thank you Beth for serving Him with such passion. I printed out the prayer and commissioning, and will be praying them.

    Much love and hugs,

  35. 35
    Indira says:

    Dear Beth:
    this was my first simulcast. The message deliver on that day stayed with me. The prayer your delivered that morning had extra touch. I am dealing with a lot this day and God arranged all the things that need to be done for me to be there. I feel blessed and eventhough you asked for us to log in shortly after the simulcast the enemy block me in many ways, but tonight the Lord remind me of the message on 2 king 4:1-3 remind me of this blog, to heard the prayer again feel my heart with hope and unspeakable joy…. Thank you Beth for allowing God to use you.

  36. 36
    amybhill says:

    i can’t wait to tell you one day how God has used you in my life beth. its such a long story, so i’m probably going to have to wait for heaven. but for now, let me just say that the whole simulcast day was a like “bibby’s closet” experience for me. i had come with expectation (because I believe God told me to come with expectation before the conference began), and then early on you confirmed that i should come expecting. so i was hopeful, but also a little scared. i wasn’t sure what I was even supposed to hear or feel or how God would fulfill this crazy longing in my heart. throughout the day, i kept getting flashes of what God wanted to give me. but, to be honest, i was preparing to leave reading, pa having praised my heart out, having received wonderful teaching, and having shed many tears, but still with a bit of a void. and then… you started talking about expectations again. there was 5 minutes left, and you asked me to believe. and then God asked me to believe. and then… i started to believe. i could straight-up feel my heart pounding out of my chest because I knew it was coming… my gift. and then: you prayed for me. beth, this is gonna sound like the corniest, most pathetic thing in the world – but this was a direct answer to prayer. no one has been a mentor to me like you have. you – a woman i’ve never met – a woman i love like a dang family member – but a woman who doesn’t know my name. sometimes thats really hard. God has me leading women, blazing a trail in faith with my eyes on Him alone. and you have been the first and most powerful example of living proof i ever came to “know.” the night before the simulcast, i was alone in my hotel room praying. somewhere in my prayer I started to talk to God about all of this, and how I so badly wanted to be affirmed by Him. It was a crazy side-comment like, “I don’t know Lord, like maybe Beth could pray for me, or one of the women I meet at the conference could pray for me or tell me that I’m special to you… I just want to know you see me. I just want to know you’re with me, and you’re for me, and this is You, and i’m not some crazy girl with a great imagination…” beth, God gave me BOTH. 1st) you know you prayed for me – and oh, did you ever pray for me! yes i did; I RECEIVED that prayer in faith! 2nd) God had the woman sitting directly in front of me AND the woman sitting to my right both tell me they wanted to pray for me, and that they were excited to see what God did in my life. These two women were strangers, beth. i mean, i talked to both of them for a few minutes during the break, but they didn’t know much about me at all. it was overwhelming to my soul… OVERWHELMING. even now all i can think of is psalm 8:4, “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” we serve an amazing God beth. and until i can give you the whole story, please know for now that I love you, and i’m praying for you too… so much love to you, amy xo!

    • 36.1
      Amybhill says:

      Yes this really happened. I had to check back all this time later just to make sure. I was thinking about it tonight and remembered something else I didn’t type when I wrote back in 2012… When you said you were going to pray, I hit the ground so fast I think I may have been the first lady in the sovereign center on my knees. In fact, I almost immediately wished I would have waited a second because it seemed like it might get awkward (depending on how long you were going to intro into the prayer), so I looked up… And right at that moment- you looked right down the isle, right at me, and started praying. And yet, if I’m honest, I still doubt it ever happened. Or even if it did, I still worry the prayer was not really for me and God was not confirming His call on my life. Seriously- what in the heck is my deal?! Today, in my Gideon homework, I read this, “Gideon started off with a request for one sign, which quickly multiplied to two. Isn’t that the way it goes? We intend to ask God for a quick, easy confirmation to quell our concern. But somehow, we still find ourselves wanting and needing more… The fact is, needing a sign indicates a weakened faith in a believer… The problem was with Gideon. His fledgling faith needed to be matured.” Dearest Lord, you know I do believe… But please, remember I am dust, and help my unbelief! Your word says You are for me – do I need any further sign than that?

  37. 37
    chandel says:

    Thank you Jesus for the minstry of Living Proof. Thank you for the work your doing in me to overcome fear. Thanks Beth. Blessings and love from Thailand.

  38. 38
    Lenae says:

    Thanks so much for EVERYTHING. Words fail to express it all . . .

  39. 39
    Marie says:

    Thank you for posting these, Mama Beth! I can’t wait to sit down and go through that prayer slowly.

  40. 40
    Kim woods says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for obeying God and doing what you do. Thank you for speaking about the truth and what you went through in your thirties and how you got through it. Your testimony gave me hope and let me know that I was not alone and it would be okay. I am so thankful that God has put you where you are. Thank you for listening to Him πŸ™‚

  41. 41
    Karen says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a blessing to have this life-changing prayer and commission at my fingertips. I know many will be blessed!

  42. 42
    RaeLeen Bustin says:

    I was so privileged to attend the Simulcast at a local church. It was exactly what I needed! I have been praying through the Scriptures’ on fear since that time. I have also copied off the prayers for all of my friends. Thanks Beth. You have no idea how God has used you in my life! Much Love from Indy!

  43. 43
    Rayna Carlock says:

    I am not sure if you will find this, but on the off chance you happen to catch this comment:

    I attended your conference in Austin this year and was amazed that you spoke on Psalm 42-44. I had written lyrics for a song a year before about the very verses you were emphasizing. I had also come up with a tune independent of the lyrics before the conference as well. When I turned in my bible to follow your teaching there, I was met by my scribbled lyrics and the Lord impressed upon me to finish this song. I feel I should share it with you since these Psalms seemed to really strike a chord with your heart and life story. I hope it finds you and blesses you as it has blessed me and my husband already. Thank you for your transparency πŸ™‚

    Here is the YouTube link for the song:

  44. 44
    Richelle says:

    Thank you. I didn’t get to participate in the simulcast, but the words in the prayer and commission are timely. I’m so tired, even after a good night’s sleep. After a weekend of respite, tired. In my profession, I’m having to say the hard, truthful things. God is putting a boldness in me in that way that I did not have when I was younger. Other leaders are encouraging me into that leadership role. Scary.

  45. 45
    Denise B says:

    This prayer and commission is such a blessing. Thank you for posting. I have been listening to Steven Furtick at Elevation Church for the last three weeks speak on related scriptures from the Simulcast. God is working and I am listening!

  46. 46

    Have a most blessed day, Siestas and Siesta Mama! You are loved all the way from SLC, UT!!

  47. 47
    Susie says:

    That day was a turning point for me. The great Forsake & Take is changing my way of thinking…FINALLY!
    My Dad was diagnosed with Cancer just days before the simulcast… talk about Gods timing. Fear consumed me. It had a grip on my very being. You helped me gain perspective – GOD is in control! He has this! He has ME & MY DAD in the palm of His almighty hand.
    Thank you so much Lisa. This was life changing!!
    With heartfelt gratitude,
    Susie – Medway Ohio

  48. 48
    Amber says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I AM changed and praise his faithfulness. Amazed at how swiftly He moves for those who look to him in deseprate love and genuine desire. Praise His name forever and thank you, thank you, thank you for this perfectly worded plea. I will share it with my daughter when the time is right (she’s 2). Thank you.

  49. 49
    Carol says:

    I attended the simulcast @ FBC Sandersville,Georgia.
    It was a great day in the Lord. I will never forget the prayer that you prayed over me at the alter. I have copied it and will continue to read it often!!!!
    Be Blessed~~~~!
    C Raley
    Sandersville, Georgia

  50. 50
    Diana says:

    Thank you for the prayer and commission, I was hoping you would post it.

    God Bless <

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