Siesta Summer Bible Study 2012 Gathering 2!

Hey Girls! Welcome to our second gathering for Siesta Summer Bible Study! I’m thrilled to be with you today! It feels so good to be back in Scripture together, doesn’t it? OK, before you go any further, remember that all comments to this post come AFTER your group views the video (or questions below) and completes the guided discussion. One representative will sign in on behalf of your entire group and using your group name, city, and number participating in this gathering. If you’re going solo, you will sign in by your name and city. Solo participants will choose several of the questions that resonate with you most and answer them succinctly in your comment. Group representatives will share the most powerful or pertinent part of your discussion. 

One more thing before we get to it! I want you to be able to picture our Bible study community because it’s such a rich mix of women. My beloved coworkers, Nancy and Kmac, went through all your comments to the summer Bible study launch (a daunting task indeed so applause please!) and here is an estimate of what our wonderful, colorful class looks like. (This has been updated since I did the video embedded in this post so the following is newer and more accurate information. The video has to be done around 4 days in advance so that’s the reason for any discrepancies between numbers.)

We are made up of about…

  • 4226 individuals total (whether in groups or going solo)
  • 1129 groups
  • 48 United States (missing Delaware and Vermont; 1 sister said she was originally from Vermont, but is now living in NY. As severely tempted as we are to count that, we won’t. At the time I did the video, we didn’t realize Delaware was missing as well so, if you’re out there, be sure and let us know! It’s all just for fun. We’re not trying to be all that, so don’t anybody go moving or anything. Grin.)
  • 14 countries outside U.S. (Africa, Australia, Bahamas, 4 Canadian provinces – AB, BC, ON, SK-, China, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Italy, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the UK)

Woooohooooo! May Jesus be pleased and highly praised!

OK, everybody! It’s time to meet. If possible, watch the video but, if you’re unable to view it, here are written instructions for your gathering. All the following questions or interactives are based on your first 2 weeks (or what they’re calling “Sessions”) of homework.

The first question comes from something Kelly said no further into the study than the second paragraph of the introduction on p.6. Reread the first two paragraphs then answer the following question:

#1. Name people you’ve met and, after getting to know them, realized you’d missed them terribly before they came into your life. In others words, describe a time when you encountered people that supplied something your life was greatly missing.

(In so many ways, Siestas, you have been this to me. I can hardly picture ministry around here at LPM before you got here. You supplied so much community that I lost when I gave up my beloved Sunday School class and you broadened my world immensely through your profound diversity. I am so thankful for you.)

#2.  One of the most important concepts for the study is introduced in Day One of the first week or “Session.” Turn to p.14 and review the portion mid-page. Why is it so vital to have a heart that can break? After answer the question, discuss how you filled in your columns: what breaks your heart and where you could be more tender.

#3.  Turn to the conclusion of Week or Session One on p.31 and share your answers to this “personal response” (mid-page): “What has God put in your heart to do?” Don’t descend into comparison, over analysis and self-condemnation as you discuss your answers. Remember, what God has put in our hearts to do may not be timed for fulfillment until many days or even years from the birth of our passion. After you answer the question, THEN glance ahead to the “Group Discussion” question in the margin on p.40 because it coincides so well with the concept we’re discussing here. “Have you ever forced a plan or dream that, in retrospect, you realized God’s hand wasn’t on?” Boy, I have and many times! Let’s have some community here so we’ll all know that this is a common occurrence.

#4.  Reflect on your answer to the question at the bottom of p.39: “So we will no longer be in disgrace.” (Some of your versions may say “shame.”) That word resonates deeply with me because I have felt disgraced and usually by my own actions or mistakes. Discuss a few ways that disgrace can result from a collapsed wall of some kind. THEN, celebrate the reality that walls can be REBUILT.

#5.  Go to p.56, the opening page of Day Five in Session Two and discuss some of your answers to the question in bold print: “What rubble in your life is presently the most discouraging and exhausting?” We are not just going to share and compare our piles of rubble here but we are going to turn our discussion into intercession as we conclude our gathering. After several people share, return to Nehemiah 4:14 and read it together and let it lead you in how you pray for one another. Close out in BELIEVING-RECEIVING intercession!

Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, July 24th. Have Weeks (Sessions) 3 and 4 of your homework completed. For those who are gathering around a meal, consider making the Romaine Salad on p.88 with the blue cheese and pecans and maple vinaigrette and, since you went so healthy on the main course, how about some Billie’s Banana Pudding on p.89 for dessert??

I love you guys so much!  Stay in the Word!


469 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study 2012 Gathering 2!”

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  1. 201
    Heather - On the Road says:

    BBC Siestas, Mosinee WI (4)

    Today we really talked about what God has laid on our hearts to do, and where we need to be tender.

    It kept coming back to two things. Marriages that are in trouble in our church – and children from broken homes. How to minister to the kids whose parents have divorced… and how to minister to those marriages where they are considering divorce. Many of us have a heart for that – and need our hearts to be more broken for them.

    A couple of us, the hardest things for us to deal with – most exhausting/frustrating/disappointing is that we feel really dry, and are having a hard time staying in the Word. This study is helping us, but at the same time, it’s really hard to connect with God.

  2. 202
    Leslie from Lodi says:

    Going solo here in Lodi, CA after losing my job 2 weeks ago. Periodically I would seek out Beth’s blog for comfort and encouragement and found out about this study. I knew it was for me especially in my current state of unemployment. Ordered the book and just got caught up today on the homework assignments. It has already been a blessing in my life and is giving me direction each morning as I seek out for the next steps the Lord has for me. Feel so blessed to be part of this study with all the Siestas this Summer.

  3. 203
    Queen Bee Siestas says:

    Queen Bee Siestas, 3 of us, Southeast Texas

    We had dinner, watched the video and held discussion right at the table…and didn’t get up (except to fill sweet tea glasses) until midnight. We’ve never realized how much we needed each other…

    The most meaningful part of our conversation last night was centered around question #5, our rubble. The 3 of us have never met in a setting like this, nor do any of the 3 of us have other ladies that we have a close relationship with, much less held accountable to. It reminded us that we are real people with real problems, fears and weaknesses. It also reminded us that we do need each other and we aren’t alone. It was very powerful and a bonding took place like we’ve never experienced before.

  4. 204
    sarah says:

    Tiki Hut Girls from Rootstown, Ohio -2
    Q2-sensitive to God’s people and a passion for others. If you do not have a broken heart for the people in your life you will not have the passion to reach out to them with God’s love and forgiveness

  5. 205
    Cathy says:

    Cathy-San Diego Morning Glories

    Praying that the Lord will help me to be like Nehemiah and seek Him first in all circumstances, BEFORE leaning on my own understanding. Also, that He will help my heart to be compassionate and tender towards all of His children, not just the ones I naturally have sympathy for or am drawn to.

    • 205.1
      Sarah Mattingly says:

      I love that verse too.

      Proverbs 3:5-6

      Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

  6. 206
    Karen Retterer says:

    BFF’s, Marion & Mt. Gilead, Ohio -2
    “mindless entertainment” What am I allowing in and out? Really makes you stop and think about what you are watching, reading, and even the conversations that you have. It is our choice what goes and in out of our hearts and minds. We need to monitor that very closely.

    • 206.1
      Sarah Mattingly says:

      This was something that hit home with me too. Kelly’s phrase “mindless entertainment” hit hard! I think that TV has a power over me that if I turn it on and sit down, I am frozen to the couch until the show (whether I am really interested or not) is completely over. I am asking God to teach me to be mindful of my TV habits.

  7. 207
    Tami says:

    Jax Chix, Jacksonville, FL (3)

    We spent most of our time discussing questions 3 and 5. We realized that many of the things God has put on our hearts are in “process” and that the tangible results are not yet visible, but are coming if we persist in doing what it is God has put on our hearts to do. Also, we had important discussion about how tired we are, as we all have some rubble in our lives and we get worn down just from the time and energy clearing the rubble takes. We committed to fight for and storm the throne on behalf of each other as we each clear the rubble while rebuilding and doing what God has put on our hearts! Such an uplifting and encouraging time. (p.s. our church is also do a summer series from the pulpit and in our lifegroups…feasting on this same rich book God’s Word. We are learning so much!!) We cannot think of an area of life where the principles found in Nehemiah cannot be applied. We meet at a coffee shop, so we did not do the meal, but praise the Lord, one of our chix brought the ginger snaps…Yummy!! 🙂

  8. 208
    Jo Ann Julia says:

    Columbia, Mo, solo! Psalm 116
    Q4: Paraphrasing Neh 2:17-18. ‘OK, things are a wreck, I can see that, He’s shown me my due diligence. assessed that things are a wreck. I can’t go around that fact, this shame, this disgrace that I let it come to this is awful. But, like child labor, I have to go THROUGH it, I cannot get around that fact. God wants to get to work on me, wants me to get to Iwork! So I’m gonna get to work so HE can take some pride in me, work His will in using all this rubble for something good… I’m gonna do it! (18) Our God supports me. He has some use for me. HE thinks I can do it… And know He can and will. And with Him, I can!’ Yep, this IS is a good thing and a GOD thing. Thank you, dear Father God!
    Q5: After 45 years of wandering before God came and got me with absolute, definitive and painful clarity (I’m 62 now), I am working through much rubble and family relationships – I had the audacity to change… Some are happy for me, some have qualified feelings, one, the closest, has deeeeep reservations. But God has given me an incredible hunger and thirst for His WORD and I am so grateful. He has made changes I could have made without His intervention, there is plenty of work for God to do in me, much rubble to clear, but I know and believe He is with me. Psalm 23, yes, indeed. I’ve given it to God that softening that heart, this is His job, softening my person’s cold heart… My job is to let Him grow me. I am thankful to God.

    • 208.1
      Jo Ann Julia says:

      He has made changes I could have made without His intervention,

      Should absolutely read:

      He has made changes I could NOT have made without His intervention,

      Just don’t post it, it so reads like it is SOOO all about me but it is truly so ALL about Him.

      Thank you for the study. Like Breaking Free and all the radio sessions I listened to in this last year, since HE came and got me, these messages, these studies are truly His gift to so many. Thank you to EVEry one at LPM and, of course, thank you, Beth, for standing for God and by us sisters. LOVE to all!

  9. 209
    Vicki says:

    Going solo in Clay County in north Texas. Question1 was easy because I immediately thought of three women that crossed my path over the course of 40 years. Through these sweet relationships God grew me and gave me real examples of Proverbs 31 women. I can’t imagine my life without their friendships. Question 2 made me think that what consistently breaks my heart is exactly where God is leading me to make a difference. I pray that I will always be aware of His prompting . I seem to be sensitive to people who are hungry and in great need of encouragement . Question5 resonated with me because I tend to get side-tracked with the business of life. I’m learning to count my blessings daily. Thank you so much for your sweet ministry. I have so enjoyed Kelly’s study!

  10. 210
    Barbara Renczkzowski says:

    Hey, is anyone from Spring Hill, FL doing this study where I can borrow your book? I really want to do it but funds are so tight right now I just can’t purchase the book. If anyone is please let me know.It sounds like an awesome study. Blessings to everyone.

    Barbara, Spring Hill, FL

  11. 211
    Monica, NY. says: summer therapy in Nehemiah in NV./TN./NY. 🙂
    #2..We talked about mostly… What God has put on each of our hearts to do & create in us a kingdom passion. We each had different things, but we are seeking God to make it more clear to us w/ His Word & Prayer in the days ahead & for His will & direction & courage to obey. We all want breakable/focused/determined/persistant hearts like Nehemiah’s. But above all we want to be prayer intercessors like him so we will know how to fight for each other. We talked about how amazing God’s Word truly is & how we want God to..”teach us to pray.”(Luke 11:1). We were encouraged & strengthened in our time together via telephone. We prayed fori our families & we’re blessed to know God’s Graciousness IS His way & that..”He fights for us!”..
    Nehemiah 4:20

  12. 212
    Mater et Puellae (Mother and Daughters) says:

    Q1- Families that helped us during a difficult time & sister in Christ.
    Q2-So we can be tender to the Lord
    Q3- Mom:To pray for the daughters, Daughter#2: to help people, Daughter #1: to lead people to Christ
    Q4-During stressful times
    Q5-Obeying & going to God first

  13. 213
    Linda says:

    Lincoln NE, (solo)
    Question 2: “What breaks my heart?”; People who are alone in this world, especially the ill and the elderly. I’m driven by the Holy Spirit to let them know that they are not alone, He will never forsake us or leave us. I felt alone for so many years and once I met Jesus in my bathroom, I’ve never felt alone since. Noone need ever be alone.
    “Where could I be more tender?” For people whose issues seem minor to me. No matter what the crisis or problem has been in my life it’s never been too trivial for Jesus. Lord break my heart more for everyone no matter how small their problem may seem to me.

    Question 3: As I previously stated, God has put in my heart to minister to the sick and the elderly, to be there with them and bring the peace and comfort of our Lord and Savior to them.
    I really liked the points that Kelly brought forward on page 53, that really spoke to me. One being that Nehemiah always prayed first and then he followed that up with action. I know for myself I so frequently try to rely on my own power first before I seek God’s power in a situation. And secondly, in Nehemiah 4:6, when they rebuilt the entire wall up to the 1/2 way point, instead of finishing the areas that were the closest to completion first, they shored up the entire wall. In my life there are areas where I feel I have come further than others in my journey with Christ for the kingdom. Yet others I easily dismiss and think, but at least I’m doing well in those other areas. However, this just gives the enemy a hole in my wall that he can weasle into. I need to shore up my entire wall.
    Divine wisdom indeed!!

  14. 214
    Barbara says:

    Barbara, Clarence, NY, solo

    2 – the thing that breaks my heart is the trafficking of children, especially the sex slave trade.

    3 – I’ve been writing a novel to bring attention to the whole issue of trafficking…..God put the idea into my heart ten years ago.

  15. 215
    themodestans says:

    Niamey, Niger and Modesto, CA via Skype; The Modestans, 2. We both found the first question to be interesting. We are in a mentoring relationship that, as I said last week, started out as a doctor/ patient relationship. I had a friend recommend finding a mentor for 3 years, but I thought I was doing fine without one until God began nudging me to find a mentor. She hadn’t been looking to mentor anyone when I asked her if she’d be interested in mentoring me. We had gotten to know each other a little better after she operated in me, but neither of us knew each other well. We both included our relationship as one we didn’t know we were missing. For me personally, I can’t think of anyone I could have asked that would have been a better fit. The reality that walls can be rebuilt gave us hope.

  16. 216
    Jolinda Drake says:

    Drake Girls, Kearney, NE & KCMO (3)
    My daughter Amy & I gathered around the laptop with the iPad propped up so Hillary in Kansas City could watch Kelly’s video for session 3 via FaceTime! We did this for session 2 also! We look forward each and everyone! Technology is soooo wonderful! It truly feels like Hillary is right in the room with us!(she just moved to Kansas City the 1st of June & boy do we miss her!) We took the time to reflect on the past 2 weeks questions! We really enjoyed discussing question #3 What God has put on our hearts to do. The girls & I are truly enjoying every minute spent in God’s word together this summer! What a blessing & a Joy! Hillary is totally enjoying the way we are able to connect this way & the blast that we have doing so; We are planning to do another study together right away when we finish Nehemiah! Our God is Truly an Awesome God! Blessings to you all as we study God’s Word together! ♥

  17. 217
    Kara, Streetsboro OH says:

    1. There are lots of people. The first one would be you Beth. I was first drawn to how down to earth and relateable you are, along with your humor. Because of this I came to trust your knowledge of Scripture and I truly believe God placed messages on your heart that He Knew I needed. I know you’ve heard this before, but I sincerely mean this.
    **The next would be people that are part of a ministry called Celebrate Recovery. God knew that I needed the support, encouragement and accountability from people who were/are going through so many of the same hurts, habits and hang ups. Last yet in no way least is my friend Erin. When I first met her, she was very shy and reserved…I on the other hand am boisterous and sometimes loud. We decided to meet for lunch, I worried I’d scare her away or not have Anything to say. Little did I know, I met my best friend. She and I share so many of the same life experiences both good and bad.

    2. We need a heart that can break so we can truly care about what others go through. This’s a big concern for me, since lately I’ve had to develope a sense of detachment so as to not be pulled into old,unhealthy relational patterns. I need to learn balance. What breaks my heart? 1. People not knowing/wanting to know God. Where could I be more tender? People/situations I don’t understand.

    3a. I prefer to take a hint from Nehemiah and keep it between God and I since, after considering Nehemiah’s example of what was on his heart, I may be way off in what I’m sensing God has on mine. At the same time, I’m keeping in mind what you said about things happening years after. 3b. I’m sure, in my insecurity, I’ve forced My Plan so as to be around someone I was Convinced God had/would choose to be The One for me. Also my 3a answer could turn out to be forced too. I don’t know yet though.

    I’m gonna chew on 4&5 since I don’t think I’m quite getting what’s be discussed and asked. Thanks so much for doing this. God Bless!

  18. 218
    Audrey says:

    RushChurch Deacon’s Wives, Rushsylvania, Ohio~7
    Our discussion was so good that it’s hard to narrow it down to share here, but I have to say sharing about our rubble and then turning around and immediately praying for each other concerning those things was very powerful. As the facilitator, I made everyone share something (I know, I’m mean, but it was for our benefit 🙂 then we each prayed for the sister to our left. Their prayers left me in awe of the grace of God. That He walks with us is astounding, but then He outdoes Himself and gives us sisters to walk with as well. He is so good and I’m so glad He orchestrated for our group to study together this summer. I love each of them so much!

  19. 219
    Jessica says:

    Huntsville, AL (solo)

    I have chosen to share my response to #2 on why it is important to have a heart that can break. Until we are willing to have our hearts broken over a need or the suffering of others we won’t be willing to do anything about it. Kelly mentioned that Nehemiah’s position as cup bearer to the king was an esteemed position that would have afforded him a life of ease. I wonder if Nehemiah’s heart hadn’t broken over the destroyed state of his beloved homeland if we would have been willing to leave the comforts of the palace. Nehemiah’s heart was willing to go where God led and Nehemiah was moved in his heart to help rebuild what had been destroyed.

    I want to have a heart that breaks over the hurting people I come in contact with. I don’t want to be content to watch Satan sift my siestas and do nothing about it. I want to see their needs and to be broken by them so that I can help rebuild what the enemy has destroyed.

    Thank you Miss Francis for doing that for me!

  20. 220
    Lisa D. says:

    GRITTs (Girls Reading In The Truth) Alpharetta, GA (7 ladies total) We had such a wonderful evening in the Word together. After dessert, we spent lots of time discussing and although it is difficult to choose, we probably went deepest into our rubble….then claiming victory in the prayer together. We also spent much time talking about the things and ways that are our hearts are broken right now.

    I believe each one of us spoke about how God has brought us to this very time in our lives to do this study! How incredibly sweet and powerful is He?

    Love to all of our fellow Siestas from all over the world, praise God!

  21. 221
    Joanne says:

    Dalight Sisters, Tomball, TX, 4

    Wow, thanks for sharing how far this Bible study is reaching! God is so AMAZING! This is so awesome to be a part of it with sisters all over the world!

    So…last night, Janice, the one who wrote after the first session went to the restroom, and the next thing I knew I was going to update for our group! No biggie, I thought. Well, let me just say God spoke to me in a BIG WAY! I was brought to tears after lunch today (technically yesterday!)from reading a post and a response from two brave women who share a secret addiction. This is as brave as I can be.

    Last night we welcomed a new little sister to our group for the first time! Yea! She’s been a real blessing to me personally and will be to the entire group very soon if not already!

    The question about who we missed terribly before they came into our life was a great question. I had never thought of it like that, but that described it perfectly! We each shared those few very special people that God had placed into our lives at the EXACT time that we needed them so desperately. We all feel fortunate to be in our Bible study group and have the support and prayer that we give to one another. Thank you God for blessing us!

    A few songs came to mind as we’ve been thinking about a heart that can break: (Matthew West – My Own Little World) and (Brandon Heath – Give Me Your Eyes.) So often we get caught up rushing around in our own little world that we miss out on loving others who desperately need us. We are supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ. We need our hearts to be broken to see others the way that God sees them. We talked about how our past experiences have helped shape what breaks our hearts. We have similarities with what breaks our hearts, but are still praying for God’s direction in an area, possibly involving kids, where we can all have fun serving together and be “Dalight” (The light of Christ to others.)

    Rubble: We don’t want it and we don’t need it! Sometimes the devil sneaks in and attacks us by crowding our hearts and minds with garbage. God forgives us when we ask for it! He is guarding our heart and mind! He says that we are his treasured possession. Wow, I can’t even wrap my mind around that as much as I want to. Isn’t that amazing considering that He knows EVERY thing that we’ve EVER done, said, etc.? Our God is an AWESOME GOD! We must believe His promises.

  22. 222
    Kate says:

    Am eavesdropping on this bible study and was watching the video yesterday. My 6 year old daughter came in asking who the lady was. I was delighted to introduce her to you Beth, as my bible study lady who loves Jesus! When she heard the question about rubble, she looked me square in the eye and asked me what mine was! Have to be honest that levelling with her didn’t feel quite appropriate, but I asked what hers was. Turns out school is not so much fun as they now only get 2 free choice slots! And then we prayed about it together.

    Thought you might enjoy the snapshot.

  23. 223
    Dustalyn says:

    Dusty’s Darlings; 10 of us from Lincoln, NE, had a rich time of discussion. Ended the evening taking turns praying over each Darlin’.

  24. 224
    Kathy says:

    Southern Sunshine Siestas, Dover, FL, In spite of a severe thunderstorm, we had 12 siestas Tuesday night with two precious babies also!
    Our meal & fellowship time is very special! Two things from this week that really got a hold of our hearts – in rebuilding the wall, even those that were not ‘gifted’ or ‘skilled’ in wall building were out there — the applications in our lives were huge! It reminded us of the saying, ‘God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called!’! Our response to what God has put on & in our hearts is our simple obedience regardless of what we feel we’re qualified for! The second was having strong, reinforced doors, bolts & bars! We have to be more careful with what we allow in ‘our gates’ and to watch for weaknesses in the doors, bolts & bars, so that we can withstand the attacks from our enemy, the destroyer!

  25. 225
    Laverne says:

    WBC Group 38 – represents 11 women from all over.

    “What has God put in your heart to do?”
    God has been stirring in my heart a desire to pray more for certain people. I have a list, and I feel almost pushed to pray for these people often and boldly! These include one of my grandsons, the ministers and elders at my church, a young couple in Haiti that just had a baby girl, several missionaries (in Haiti, Philippines, and Egypt), my son, and my husband. I really feel these people need my prayers more than anything else I could do right now!
    I found some fantastic nuggets Kelly placed on page 63 which WBC 38 also talked (Session 3 on page 63)

    The first for me was the question asked by the young man introduced as just that in the story.
    “Do you know the name of a poor person?”

    I like you seriously don’t know the first name of a person in need although I have participated in local food drives, homeless shelters, various other organizations through my church, even adopting a family for Christmas once that I can’t remember their name. Needless to say this has convicted me. I pray that God opens my eyes and heart wider to see all His people on a much deeper and more loving level. God bless everyone!

    Those are 2 comments from Womens Bible Cafe 38.

    God bless and thanks so much for keeping us on track.

  26. 226
    Sarah Doll says:

    Chattanooga, TN (solo)
    I love that you said in the video that sometimes we can do a “good thing” but not necessarily a “God thing.” I feel that throughout college I had situations like that where our ministry would get so fired up about doing something, we would just do it, instead of taking it to the Lord in prayer. Every single time, we would realize it either in the middle or right after. That was certainly a lesson learned. Personally, question 2 hit my square in the face. If we are going to be real, I tend to be more judgmental, than compassionate. This study has opened my eyes wide to realize how my heart needs to be more tender. Praying the Lord breaks my heart.

  27. 227
    Chrstine Keltner says:

    Hearts Gone Wild, Garland, Texas, 15.

    Our group has grown from 9 ladies to 15 ladies! We are so excited!

    We discussed what God has put on our heart to do. We discussed when He wants us to step out of our comfort zone and lead a study and how he sometimes puts on our heart to make a career change.

  28. 228
    Wendi says:

    Soul Sistas ~ 5 of us meeting ~ Sulphur, LA

    We spent alot of time on question #2 over what breaks our hearts. Some of the things that were mentioned: the poor, homeless, helpless, abused, orphans, and missions. This turned into question #3 on what has God placed in your heart to do. We are thankful that God is breaking our hearts so there can be action. We are seeing God do miracles in a way we never imagined. So exciting!!

  29. 229
    Debbie Watson says:

    Birmingham, AL solo this week.

    1. On my goodness. My church has supplied the Word, friends, opportunities for service, etc. I have been fed, strengthened and challenged beyond words.

    2. A broken heart. It’s huge. Long story short, it took a short term mission trip for my heart to be broken. I came home with new eyes, a new heart and a new passion for MY city. A passion for inner city work in Birmingham began on a hot dusty field in the state of Sinaloa in Mexico. My passion is for those who feel alone – no matter the reason.

    I never ceased to be amazed at how the good Lord works!

  30. 230
    laura ealy says:

    Newlyweds No More (But Still Lovin’ It); Winston-Salem, NC; 5

    We had a great discussion over what breaks our hearts vs. where we could be more tender. We found that in some cases the things that break our hearts are the same places we could be more tender – i.e., if it breaks my heart, why am I not DOING anything about it? We also spent several minutes apiece sharing our “rubble”, then spent a sweet time praying in intercession for each other.

  31. 231
    Tamara says:

    Kelowna, BC, Canada – going solo for this one

    Question 2 is one that really resonated with me as I reflected on it again. It has come at a time when I have been struggling with my ministry job and wondering why I’m still doing it. When I answered this question, I was reminded of exactly why I still do it.

    The other question that struck me was question 5. Because in the last week, I have seen progress in clearing some of the rubble from a relationship in my family that has needed repairing for a while. It took some not great circumstances (my Grandma dying) for it to happen, but it has been good to see what has happened in the midst of it.

  32. 232
    Patti Reavis says:

    Lv2lrn, Clemmons, NC
    Our second group meeting was so much fun. We had 6 of 10 present due to vacations previously planned. Our salads were so nutritious and 3 hours and 15 minutes later we left. The group really ministered to one another and Q 5 opened up so much discussion…rubble! We ended with prayer – each praying for the other’s needs.

  33. 233
    Katey says:

    MH Wives in Prayer, Boston, MA; 2
    We both feel this bible study is speaking to us and God is meeting us right where we’re at. I feel that God is calling me to serve broken families and couples through my counseling internship starting in September. This study has made me excited for that opportunity and I feel God is calling me to something greater and he is confirming my decision to enter the counseling field. My fellow MHwife in prayer feels God is calling her to be more tender-hearted towards those that are close to her. She feels compassion for her students and those she serves outside her family circle, but needs to work on being grateful, thankful, and kinder towards those in her immediate circle. Praise God for sending his Holy Spirit to speak to us and guide us. I am so thankful for this community, the study, and my prayer and bible study partner.

  34. 234
    LA Siestas says:

    MOBILE, AL (2)

    God puts people in our lives to build those important walls back that allow us to be complete individuals that can care, love and interceed with service. Jesus said, Love is our first commandment!
    Believing that God will interceed for us and leave our concerns stay at the cross.
    Believe, Trust,Listen, God’s authority,and Faith that He will do it!

  35. 235
    Emilee Hall says:

    Upstate Carolina Girls of Greenville, SC met again this Tuesday night and had a wonderful time of Bible study, prayer, praise and intimate fellowship with our newly found Siestas. We realized how much we had been missing each other all these years. One of our sweet sisters’ mother-in-law passed away the very bext morning, so please be in prayer for Anne and her family at this time. Thanks Kelly for an awesome study and Beth for your right on target questions for us to discuss. Blessed here in South Carolina.

  36. 236
    Joyce Watson says:

    Lawton, Oklahoma
    I met several people over the years that I really miss,
    my Sunday School teacher Mrs. Collins was so wonderful I could not wait to go back and learn more the next week. In fact,I got up on a Saturday thinking it was Sunday one day and I was anxious to go to her class. When I started teaching S.S. I wanted my class to be like that…so exciting they could not wait for the next lesson.

    What breaks my heart? so many things… The starvation of love written on each face, yet no one is reaching out to them. The violence and war around us and on the street corners where little children play. The suffering from abuse, lack of care for others, the hunger and lack of clothing for some people, the pain and disease that people suffer, the hopes and dreams of others shattered, the broken hearts that are so confused, the hurt and pain others suffer and the longing to know they need Jesus as a friend.

    What am I longing to do? I am so in-between knowing and not knowing. Part of me loves to write, speak and teach.
    The other half loves to serve, help and pray with others.

    What about a forced plan? Well, I came close to forcing a plan, but I stepped back before it came crashing down. I had started a Women’s brunch with God’s help. Another younger lady with three beautiful girls came in our church and everyone loved them. Someone said something about her being in charge of the brunch and taking over. I ask the ladies if that is what they wanted and they said Yes. So, relutantly I stepped away and it was really hard, because it was something I loved doing.I figured at least they were having the event once a year. Well, this lady left our church after a year and I was back in charge again.

    My big struggle has always been my insecurity and I have read your book and several others. Sometimes, I still have to fight it.
    <3 love you all!

  37. 237
    Debbi H says:

    The Summer Hot TOPS from Charleston, WV had 11 in attendance this week in Bible study.
    We had a really good conversation on the questions. The one that really was discussed is the personal response question on page 51: Think about a time when you felt attacked on every side. How did it affect your relationship with God. So many of our ladies have been through extreme circumstances. They said that they were so glad that they had a made up mind to trust and depend on God before the attack…that made the difference. Be ready, you never know when tragedy will strike.
    We are loving the study.

  38. 238
    Katherine says:

    Savannah Siesta Summer Bible Study

    This week our numbers doubled! We went from 6 to 12 ladies! The girls were gracious enough to chip in and provide all the food. I set my dining room up and we enjoyed a sit down meal of enchiladas and ginger snaps.

    After that we moved into the living room and went over the questions. So many of us are going through tough things. Most all of us are newly weds, some with babies. Major life changes have happened with us all in the past few years. We discussed mostly what God has been putting on our hearts. It’s amazing how uniquely we are created in that way. It was across the board in the room who had what passions.

    Thank you for this study! I can’t wait to meet again!

  39. 239
    Debbie says:

    Garrett Girls, Suwanee, GA 3 Loving the reflection of what is God calling us to do and what breaks my heart? I want a broken heart to serve Him, by serving others, wherever that is.

  40. 240
    Rebecca says:

    The Price Girls, Longview, TX

    What a fun Bible study meeting we had!!! We meet at a local CFA and this week we had a host of kiddos tagging along. We all had a blast, and studied the Word. We discussed the importance of having a breakable heart, and those things that most break ours. Seeing as we are all moms, it came as no surprise that reaching and helping children was on all of our lists. We also discussed the areas where we could use a little more compassion. One of the more interesting discussions was about the walls that have fallen and the rubble that is discouraging. Despite similar upbringing, and similar life situations now, we had such a varied response to these questions.

    I am so blessed to have this study with my sisters and my mom, and to glean such encouragement and wisdom from these ladies whose lives I see so much of – the good, the bad and the ugly. 🙂 They are some amazing women with fiery passions for the Lord and I am blessed each time.

  41. 241
    Heidi Tracht says:

    Going Solo. Heidi in Nampa, ID.

    I am particularly touched by the personal response on page 31. Three areas of life related to family and ministry stand out as passions/longings from the Lord. In that, I am challenged to step back, and pray more while waiting on the Lord to move and guide me through each step. I tend to be an open book – freely sharing the longings of my heart. Sometimes those longings scare people; and, in turn, I feel discouraged and defeated by others’ responses (or lack thereof). This portion of the study has inspired me to quietly hold things a bit closer to my heart, and depend on God to reveal them in Him time, in His way, and for His purposes. Love the study!!

  42. 242
    Jana says:

    Going solo. I think there are two people I realized I missed after I met them. First would be my best friend, Cindy. It’s like the Lord put us together and we just filled a hole in each other’s lives that we didn’t even know was there. The other is my husband and he does the exact same thing, but differently. I’m so grateful to God for putting these two incredible people in my life.
    Finally, an area I need to be more tender on is having compassion for those who are in need because they have made poor choices in their life. I think this comes down to loving them as Christ would and not judging them for their decisions.
    Loving this Bible study! Blessings to all!

  43. 243
    Katy says:

    Beaumont, Tx. going solo

    Having just caught up on my study, I am so thankful for this study right now. Just being led to a deeper prayer life has some real significance right now.

    1. I have a few friends that come to mind in answer to this. Caroline, who has a quiet stong faith and is a wonderful example of being a Christian mother. Mandy, who’s audacious belief in the Lord is a beacon for me. And my sweet friend Jerene, who literally invited me to church for the first time.

    3. I have been waiting for an answer to this question. I really do not know what the Lord wants me to do. I was feeling burned out in my career, even though I loved it. Slowly I have started praying about what is next for me. of course I would love to have an answer, unfortunately, I feel like I’m waiting for something.

    5. As a family we have some financial rubble…almost literally. Going through a short sale and not yet knowing if the second mortgage will settle for what we can afford. We haven’t even started to put the pieces back together. But, I know that the Lord is with us and he will help rebuild us.

  44. 244
    Lisa Curtis says:

    Friday Moms, Jackson, MO, we met in my dining room again. Interesting discussions regarding Catholic Bible and Protestant versions. We had good discussion about what breaks our hearts and what God has placed on our hearts as well as how we have disgraced ourselves. Majority love the study but feel it is on a much deeper scale than Ruth. Must allot more time to the study and not rush through to soak up all the information and listen to God’s instructions.

  45. 245
    Nehemiah's Global Girls says:

    We are at 9 members on Facebook. There was much discussion on what God has called us to do as well as people we felt we had really been missing before we ever knew them. Most of us felt that people in our small groups for Bible study had really filled a hole in our lives. Often these same people, we felt like we knew them right away when we met them. Personally, I really related to the idea of living our lives around the rubble, and trying to clear that our of our lives. I shared a picture with the group from Haiti of the rubble there in front of one of the newly rebuilt orphanages. The rubble there has been piled up everywhere, but also used in the foundations of their new buildings. The rubble in our lives is often cleared out of our lives, but leaves some behind that we then use in our “newly rebuilt” lives.

  46. 246
    Karen says:

    Does Beth have a Bible study she’d recommend for a group of 20 somethings mostly new moms?

  47. 247
    Kathy says:

    Shattuck Ladies and friends.
    We had 11 at Bible Study. We had a good discussion on question #2 about what breaks your heart. We enjoyed the ginger snap cookies. We are also watching Kelly’s videos.

  48. 248
    Michelle says:

    Beijing, China.

    #5: The amount of rubble in my life surprised me. I had always thought that I had built a wall so high to escape having rubble. Boy was I wrong. The devastation of divorce has left a lot of rubble that I then tried to sweep under a rug and make it disappear. It also made me build walls where a wall should not be built. Ah at least I have begun to the process of rebuilding. It will take a lot of cleaning up first but the process has been started.

  49. 249
    Nicole says:

    Nicole, Portland Oregon

    I loved pondering over question #2 because having a heart that can break resonates so deeply within me and what my future will hold as a physician within the medical field. God has placed helping those unable to afford medical care on my heart (children in poverty stricken areas specifically), and if I didn’t have a heart that could break for them I wouldn’t be urged to move! My favorite portion on this within the Bible study was on page 14 where Kelly talked about how the most accomplished people are not those with the most ability, but those with hearts that can break and DO break! Without a heart that can break, we would have no compassion to move. I prayed over this, asking that God gives me an even more breakable heart for what He desires me to do.

    Question #3, what has God put in my heart to do? I have a heart for those who are hurting, don’t feel important, wanted or worthy. I so deeply want to point them to the Lord and be that person on this earth who makes them feel like they are WORTH IT! God has also placed medical school on my heart, which is the path I am currently walking. He is so good even when life gets mean and the path gets hard to walk.

  50. 250
    Kay, Mountain View, AR says:

    The BBBBBB’s, Mtn. View, AR (6)

    We added a B to our name this week–we were blessed to have one more unnaturally blonde siesta to join our little group.

    Like others have said, it is hard to narrow down–so many insights with so much immediate application. Probably Nehemiah’s example of prayer and leadership would be the biggest nugget for us. Kelly’s statement, “God was always His first stop; action always followed, it never led” and remembering that “Our God will fight for us!” (v. 20)were reminders that will make a difference this week for us. Another significant discussion was on clearing out the rubble and how the process of re-building causes us to form deeper connections with each other, and also can make us stronger than we were before the the destruction–this is our prayer.

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