Tacoma Living Proof Live Ticket Giveaway!

Hey, Sweet Things!

Right this very minute, I am sitting in my dear hair stylist’s chair getting some fresh color. (Oh, I do dearly love fresh color.) That’s what I do for special occasions (and half inch-long roots) and going to Tacoma for our first Living Proof Live of 2011 is a SPECIAL OCCASION. We are excited, nervous, and anxious (and very busy preparing) to see Christ revealed in the Tacoma Dome tomorrow night and Saturday. Please all of you pray for us. I am hopping on a plane this afternoon so that I can get a tiny jump on the time change. Michelle will join me tomorrow.

Because of our wonderful Siesta Scholarship Fund, we have the great joy of offering comp tickets to the event to the first 20 Siestas who call our Living Proof office today during business hours. (Remember Central Standard Time! We are two hours later than you in the West! If you happen to call during the lunch hour, leave a voice mail and they will call you back.) If you would like to come to the Tacoma Dome this weekend for our Living Proof Live but can’t afford a ticket, call toll free 1-888-700-1999 and ask for Kimberly or Susan. And tell them I told you how much I love them and appreciate them when you call.

You guys are my favorite bloggers in all the world. Your mama loves you like nobody’s business.



224 Responses to “Tacoma Living Proof Live Ticket Giveaway!”

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  1. 101
    Sparki2003 says:

    Hi there,

    I am wondering how much the earthquakes and tsunami(s) have affected the Tacoma area, if at all ? I bet Miss Beth will be putting something about them into her message this weekend…….

    May God bless all areas affected by these tragic events ! Let us all promise to pray for these disaster areas, etc.

    In Christ’s Love,

    Jennifer O.
    Southern Wisconsin

    • 101.1
      Erika Wilson says:

      Hi Jennifer…I live in Seattle and was at the Tacoma event. We have not been affected, but we are praying for those in Japan. At LPL we had the opportunity to give to Samaritan’s purse and it was going directly to relief efforts in Japan.

    • 101.2
      Faith says:

      Thanks for your concern, Jennifer. Tacoma is far inland and so there was no threat of any tsunami from the Japan quake hitting it. Coastal towns were evacuated but thankfully there was no loss of life here in Washington. The nuclear meltdown the Japanese are facing doesn’t sound like it will reach us here either. All this to say, is you can keep your prayers focused perhaps on Japan – and of course the relational ties, too. God bless you.

  2. 102
    Briget says:

    I’m praying for you and your team! God is with you.

  3. 103
    Kierstan says:

    Beth being from Portland I wanted to attend but had my Mom traveling info town.
    She needed to reschedule. So on Thursday I if I can find a hotel…I’m going.

    Internet search began. Hotel – check. Ticket for event – check. Go to work at 6am to accomplish what needed to be done. And delegate what I cant – check.

    No one was able to attend at such last minute. So here I am in Tacoma with God.
    And last nights Word was just for me. And I believe He wanted me to be alone with Him. (decrease distractions … He had a serious but kind Word just for me) I could drive south three hours with THE WORD STOP! And be thrilled. But Ohhhhh I am excited to hear this mornings Word!

    I love you my Spiritual Momma, I am praying for You.
    Eph 3:19: I totally believe you know the Love that surpasses knowledge….I am praying that you be filled to the measure (more and more LORD) of ALL the fullness of God!!!

    Okay now it’s time to get on my face, get myself some Starbucks and to the Tacoma Dome.


  4. 104
    Sara Braun says:

    Hi Beth,I am so glad for all the Bible studies you have written,the very first one I did was A womens heart Gods dwelling place,oh praised the Lord,I fell in love with the old testament.You have been one of my best menters, we ladies from our church just finish the one stepping up it was so short we want another one so we will start the beloved diciple after march break this is the only one havent done from all the workbooks you have as far as I know,are you writing an another on soon? from your sister in Christ.

  5. 105
    Yanna says:

    I am so thankful Tacoma was kept in the hands of God and safe! Have a fun weekend and my prayers are being lifted up for His glory to shine and the light to spread.

  6. 106
    Karin deti says:

    I am in Tacoma right now at beth’s seminar!!

  7. 107
    Stephanie Solomon says:

    Oh Beth, those women are going to receive a wonderful Word from Jesus tonight. You allow Him to work in you so beautifully through you. I personally have learned so much about Jesus from your studies and the lifeway events. I’ve been to two now and will attend one or two this year. I have fallen so in love with Him that my whole being breaks into tears when I think of what He has to me, for me, and through me. Enough about me, this is a prayer for you and your team tonight. I pray Jesus gives you all you need to deliver His message tonight. I pray your audience receives a fresh anointing from our Heavenly Father. God Bless you my sweet sister in Christ!

  8. 108
    Dayna says:

    Praying for all you Siestas! May God move in a mighty way among you~
    Dayna : )

  9. 109
    Melissa says:

    Wish I was in Tacoma. Was in Birmingham for Deeper Still in Dec. What a work God has done in the lives of the ladies who attended. My nephew (25) is working in Seoul South Korea and was involved in a life threatening accident yesterday. His mom and brother are on their way there now – trying to get emergency passports. Praise God, His hand has been all over this. I could write a book. But thank you to Beth Moore and team for all the goodness God has poured out on my life through Bible studies and events over the years. What a word, even this morning, from Jesus the One and Only devotion. Beth – you are covered in prayer, my dear sister, as are all those who attend.

    • 109.1
      SueB says:


      My prayers are with your nephew in Seoul. My daughter just left there in Jan. she had been teaching there for 2 years. She had an emergency surgery and the Dr.s were excellent there. God Bless your family.

  10. 110
    Traci Eccles says:

    Just came from the Tacoma Dome and BOY did I “TACOMA” WORD…one that will last a lifetime!

  11. 111
    Sydney Hennessy says:

    Beth and LPM team,

    This weekend was FABULOUS!I will never look at a traffic signal the same way again. Thank you EVER SO MUCH for coming to lil’ ol’ Take-Home-A (Word)!

  12. 112
    Tammy Goodwin says:

    I know what you mean about loving fresh hair color – I had mine done this morning, and I feel like a million bucks! I am praying today for the Tacoma Living Proof Live event!

  13. 113
    Karin Peabody says:

    Dear Dear Beth Moore who I have never written to before in my life. I am writing this and hearing my words in a southern accent in my head, as I’ve just spend some precious hours with you at the Tacoma Dome. Thank you. It was soooo good. Soooo good. Thank you Travis and fab, humble team of worshippers! Thank you for earnestly listening to what God would have you say, because WE HEARD! We all heard. Our church plant in Tacoma brought 25 women and we were so blessed. I am the pastor’s wife -I never wanted to be one as I am a PK and thought I knew just what we were getting ourselves into. Except for this one thing; I didn’t know that in church planting I would get to make His agenda too. He has healed me up from church wounds I didn’t even know I had. Praise Him. I got to TaKeHomea WORD! Bless you for coming to our dark city. (OK I meant spiritually, but seriously, isn’t it so gray? It’s always like this, except for August, and I am not kidding.) xoxo Karin Peabody

  14. 114
    Sandy says:

    I was at the Tacoma Dome for the conference this weekend and I want to thank you for the word(s) that you gave me to take home. It was a wonderful use of my time and I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to be there.

  15. 115
    Susie says:

    Thank you for a blessed weekend, Beth. I took home many words God spoke through you. Among other things, I think I’m going to put a Stop sign up on the wall in my kitchen, as that is where I do most of my yelling – at my kids and, on occasion, my wonderful husband – and it definitely needs to stop!

    I brought some of my Presbyterian sisters with me and we were all so blessed. You are beautiful and funny and we Tacoma girls loved listening to your sweet southern voice. But more than anything, you make the Word of God come alive with power and joy. And you make us all feel so loved, which is a gift!

  16. 116
    Tina says:

    Sweet Beth,
    Thank you for coming to our city of Tacoma to share God’s Word with us. God’s Spirit was very much alive in that place. I have enjoyed your Bible studies for the past 12 years now,but I must say it was fun to finally see you live! May God continue to bless you and your team in a mighty way. Loved the worship team. They all seemed so humble and truthful. All gifted without having the ‘superstar’ feel to them.
    Loved your city’s motto for us: TAKEHOMEAWORD!!!!
    Blessings upon you… and a great big HUG!

  17. 117
    Sarah says:

    Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for bringing your sweet self and awesome LP crew to Tacoma this weekend. I absolutely Tacoma-word (or several) and God used you (and Travis et al) to open my eyes, touch my heart, and change my life. THANK YOU. I kept my poor husband up late last night sharing about my time with you and he knows what’s coming tonight–a long chat about this morning! I’m slightly embarrassed to admit I became a little teary as you left the stage, feeling that twinge of sadness that accompanies the conclusion of sweet time with a dear friend. I’ve worked through several of your bible studies, participated in a telecast for So Long Insecurity, and enjoyed a handful of your videos but this was my first time seeing you live. Have to tell you–it was a privelege and a joy. Thank you for loving Jesus and loving women. Thank you for listening to the Lord and passionately sharing His word and your story. Thank you for ignighting a passion in me to delve into the Word like never before. Thank you–my heart is so full.

  18. 118
    Amanda says:

    It was by a last minute invitation that I attended your event. I had wanted to go, but had other plans the week before and week after so felt my husband would FREAK if I left him with the kids for 3 weekends. He had a fever as did 2 of my children, so that must of been why he agreed that I could go to Tacoma!
    I am so blessed that I did!!! It was amazing (especially when you sat on the lady 2 laps down from mine:)and I got to say what was on my heart AAHHHH!!
    Anyhoo this weekend gave me just what I needed to take another step forward in my journey through the grace of God!!

  19. 119
    Kim says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the word of God so honestly! Beth, I love your kind of chaos. ๐Ÿ™‚ I definitely have some areas in my life where I need to Stop! Lord Jesus, help me to stop and wait for the question! My heart is so tender toward you Jesus for speaking to me – right there in the midst of 6000 other women! With amazing worship and wise teaching, I came home full and ready to love on my husband and kids! To God be the glory for the great things He has done.

  20. 120
    Erin says:

    Oh my how JESUS SHOWED UP this weekend! Beth…it was GREAT! ๐Ÿ™‚ I got such joy out of watching all 6300 women (and a few men) praise Jesus!!!!! WHAT A BLESSING!!!!


  21. 121
    Laura Miles says:

    My daughter just send me a text that she was talking to Beth Moore! I almost didn’t believe her until she sent a picture of her and her friends with you! My girl, Elizabeth, was hosting the bachlorette party for her best friend, Katie, who gets married next week. Meeting you, made that night even more special…and I am SO jealous. I’ve been doing your Bible studies for years and have been blessed, many times over. Thank you and God bless!

  22. 122
    dianne says:

    Some appointments are truly ordained … and mine was this weekend. Thank you, Beth (and thank you, faithful Lord!) for the gifts of your leadership among us in the Word of God this weekend. The Holy Spirit used you to take me, at least, exactly where I needed to journey at this moment in my life. When you climbed into our seat section this morning asking us to share what God had been speaking into our hearts I so wanted to stand and share but the words wouldn’t be formulated there for me until you challenged us just minutes later to be willing to YIELD ~ to yield the hard thing, and my understanding of it, my need to have it resolved “according to my will” up TO the LORD ~ and not simply give up. Oh, how I needed to hear that today. So I’d like to declare it now, here ~ that in the very hard thing I’ve been asked to persevere through with Him I will NOT give up, but I will purpose to be willing to yield to His will in it, in His way, in His time, not mine. And to respectfully duck. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. 123
    Connie says:

    Hey Beth…I loved your Tacoma Dome Living Proof….I told my grand-daughter today…”Go…Go…Giddyup…Go! And then I told her she was gonna get her butt in the Caddie in the mornin’ and get to church if she wanted her breakfast (Sunday “Washington” latte and “church” donut!) Git ‘er on!

    You may think you’re a bleached blonde wacko…but I see you as an incredibly skilled, talented, dedicated disciple of God! I love your humor and insight and I can’t wait to attend your next event.

  24. 124
    Mae Milloy-Burch says:

    I would just like to thank Beth, (I don’t remember his name but I’ll call him her Armor Bearer), Patricia, & Liscey for being such a blessing to all of the “Princess Warriors” in the Tiaras @ the Tacoma Dome this weekend. I most definitely “Took-Home-A Word” (not such a Word but I took home lots of Words of Wisdom) And to speak with you over the phone was a true blessing from above! To hear you call my name in your sweet southern accent “Mae where are you?” will be embedded in my heart always. Beth I’m present and accounted for has I host and facilitate 35 women in my home going from one Lifeway Bible Studies to the next. We are just completing the book of “Esther”! Wow! Great study! I have no clue if this expression of gratitude will ever reach you but I know that my prayer are reaching heaven on behalf of you and your team. May God continue to bless each one of you and that you all will continue to be such a blessing to others! To God be the glory! Mae Milloy-Burch from “Take-Home-A” Word

  25. 125
    Kathy says:

    Oh, bless you Beth and MUCHO prayers as you minister to our dear Sisters in Christ and those sisters who will join our ranks due to your conference- God Bless You, Beth for your wonderful commitment to touch those of us who so desperately need the Lord. I just returned from a conference with Shelia Walsh- did not know her previously- I was reminded of how you ladies change our lives and allow Christ to reach us through your call- there are not enough “THANKS” for your amazing witness

  26. 126
    Rick Sandoval says:

    Worked at Tacoma Dome yesterday Security To See all those Ladies over 5,000 strong is truly an honor an a blessing to be a part of such a great show an a powerful message an the few good men that came was even better thank you for such a great show an spreading. his holy word. You Rock So Thanks again from the bottom of my heart many blessing an hope to see you again God Bless

    • 126.1
      Diana A says:

      Rick I was one of the 6300 women that attended at the Dome and you men made waiting for Beth at 6 am more enjoyable. They were a friendly bunch, and their spirits were in good stead, for loosing sleep to attend to the doors at such an early morning!

      I on behalf of many who attended, want to Thank You for doing your job so well, and having a smile for us all who had 4 hours of sleep ๐Ÿ™‚

      God Bless You Men! Thank you again!!


    • 126.2
      Megan G says:

      I, too want to applaud the fine men and women working for Security To See in Tacoma. I was in an aisle seat, and a wonderful woman was standing just across from me from Security. It was heartening to see her praying and “Yes, Jesus!”-ing alongside us. We spoke, and I told her how nice it was to worship with her, but I didn’t get her name. Thank you, Beth, for bringing so many people together to humble ourselves that we may “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18 NIV)
      -Maple Valley Siesta Megan

    • 126.3
      Yanna says:

      Goosebumps (Godbumps) a man’s name stands out big time on Siesta blog! Welcome Rick, and thank you for posting how honored and blessed you were by Beth’s message while on secruity in Tacoma. Get the Word out to men!

  27. 127
    Jonna says:

    My dear sisters(erika, katie, sarah & ashley)can’t wait to see you for a girls weekend in Minnesota in May.
    We can hear the Word of God, be with friends, laugh with Beth Moore, worship Jesus with y’all, and and spend my husband’s $ at IKEA- what is better?

    Siesta Momma, we are Praying for all that God is going to do in you and all of us daughters of the King during these weeks ahead! ๐Ÿ™‚ God Bless you!

  28. 128
    Kim says:

    Thank you Beth Moore for coming to Tacoma to have us Take Home A Word that will last me a lifetime. We some times forget to Stop, Yield and Go to God. Thank you for bringing a easy way to apply God’s word to our lives. You have an amazing heart of God. God has truly entrusted you with His grace and wisdom. God Bless You.

  29. 129
    Tracie Lestage says:


    Thank you so much for coming to Tacoma (Take home a Word)!! You have definitely given me a word this weekend pertaining to my two teenagers (one 18 and the other 15) who moved out of our home (They will come back Jeremiah 31:21) and also about my mother (Go in Peace). Since my husband and I have committed ourselves to the Lord, it has been such a battle of the teens, and coming this weekend I finally felt that God is truly in this situation. Thank you so much helping with the message :o) All my gratitude, Tracie Lestage

  30. 130
    Cat says:

    So blessed this weekend to have had safe travels to Tacoma to Tacoma Word with Beth Moore. I left that dome humming with energy and God’s love.

  31. 131
    Kirsten Jones says:


    Thank you for your message at the Tacoma Dome!!! I am grateful for being able to TAKE HOME a few words. STOP, YIELD and GO!!!!!! God Bless you!!!


  32. 132
    Carrie says:

    TakeHomeaword in Tacoma was wonderful and I am still processing. Thank-you to your wonderful team for making it amazing. Would love to have a copy of the statement we said to a sister at the conclusion. It really would be wonderful to have as a reminder to read the signs.

  33. 133
    Dawn, Pottsville says:

    I’m dying to know what the story is with the Stop Light and Stop, Yield, Go that all of you guys heard about from Beth at Tacoma. Any Siestas out there want to share?!!

  34. 134
    Diana A says:

    Ahhh home from a great weekend at Tacoma!

    Thank you Beth for the effort you put into bringing each of us a Word to “Tac-a-oma” with us ๐Ÿ™‚

    Girl I wanted so badly to hug your neck, hope you felt the love from us girls as we ate up your every word and watched every move-on stage and through the audience!!!

    The music was WONDERFUL! and that new song…WOW!!!
    Thank you Travis and gang for the efforts and following God’s calling on your lives, that we may taste the goodness He provided through you each!

    Thank you Beth and 60 helpers for coming and giving of yourselves so generously!!!

    Please think on coming again to British Columbia – we do have Abbotsford, Richmond, Surrey, or back to Vancouver to name a few venues for yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰
    We hosted the Olympics – We would host you, lovingly too!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Seeing you in person will be my highlight for 2011! A really good way to start a good year!

    God answered a prayer from 4 years ago! You were worth the wait!

  35. 135
    Samantha says:

    I was so blessed by the event in Tacoma. A word that I have been very resistant to for years, was made so very clear for me this weekend. Beth, you said, “Even your misery turns into your ministry.” God was like, “Bam, there you go!” It was under Road Sign Seven- Yield to the Yield when you said those words. Even as I left, God has brought those words into my world through various confirmations. It was a truly blessed and healing weekend for me!

  36. 136
    Charlotte, Clover, SC says:

    Please: Let us all offer our prayers for Japan.

  37. 137
    Ann Marie, Grand Rapids, MN says:

    Trying to catch up and memorize 3 verses in March….

    “Her husband can trust her and she will greatly enrich his life. She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her.”
    Prov. 31:11-12, Amplified Bible

  38. 138
    Annette says:

    STOP, just STOP IT, Stop it right now.
    Those words, in that sweet accent, rang through my head over and over.

    I have alot of STOPS to do. Praise the Lord that it is not something like addictions, or adultry or something like that. But they are huge issues like holding grudges, thinking I can do things all my myself, yelling….oh how the list can go on.

    So I am going to STOP, and to give me strength to do that I am diving into the Word.

    Thank you for being that vessel that He needs in this world right now.

  39. 139
    Patti says:

    Hey Siestas,
    I wasn’t even in Tacoma and I’m taking home a word, actually two, from all of your comments. “STOP IT!” You have no idea how much these two words help me right this minute in my present struggle (with a particular event that happened yesterday) to take every thought captive, to make the lie that’s trying to creep in bow on down to the Truth. Now I’ll just say to myself when that lie goes to pretending, “Stop it, just stop it right now!”
    Thanks again for sharing your hearts,
    Patti Hayes

  40. 140
    Beverly Visser says:

    I know, this is completely unrelated to the Tacoma Dome event, but I just finished reading So Long, Insecurity! this weekend and I just had to send a huge THANK YOU to you for writing that book! A relatively minor event occured involving a male friend and I jumped into my insecurity with both feet. That made me mad, so I grabbed your book and discovered insecurity made you mad too! I read the first several chapters with my eyes wide open, incredulous that you were explaining exactly what I was experiencing! From that point on I was determined to get every bit of healing I could and break free with all the power of God in me! Every time I picked up that book, it was at the perfect place for where I was. Thanks for making me laugh out loud too! I can only imagine what a blast it would be to hang out with you (in person, not just on TV :)). Yesterday, I had lunch with said male friend and for the first time in my life, I experienced strength and freedom while talking with a man I am attracted to. Truly a miracle! Praise God! Thank you for being obedient to God’s call to write that book and may God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry. Thank you!! Beverly, Grand Rapids, Michigan

  41. 141
    Tina in Tenino says:

    Thanks Beth, our beloved Siesta Mama, for once more delivering a message from above. How God must LOVE speaking through your wonderful southern accent!! It was truly a blessing and honor to meet you and all the siestas who attended. We love you and may the Lord bless you and keep you close as you continue to bring His Word to life for so many of us. The Northwest is now a brighter place because you were here.

  42. 142
    Kristin A. says:

    I was one of the siestas blessed to receive one of the comp tickets to the Tacoma LPL event. Thank you so much, siestas, for the generosity that you have shown. Because of you, and you too Mama, I was able to attend this amazing event. I was blessed beyond measure. Please know that my life is better for having attended! Your donation to the Siesta Scholarship Fund was not in vain! I kept wondering if somehow afterwards I would be able to find Mama Siesta to give her a hug, as somehow if I was able to hug our Mama it would be like hugging all of you, too. Thankfully I had that opportunity. While I was wandering down near the stage afterwards I heard a staff person/volunteer asking, “now all of you are siestas?” My ears perked up! Siestas! YES, ma’am that is me! When I embraced Beth I whispered in her ear that I was one of the comps and thank you, mama. I needed her to know that I was one of those blessed with a ticket. I didn’t have time to say anything else…well, that’s not true. I would have loved to say lots more…that was all the time she had. Anyway, thank all of you! That hug was for the whole community of siestas that provided my ticket. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your siesta was able to Take-home-a Word!!! I don’t want to ramble on anymore, although I would love to chat on and on about the event and the Word, but for now will just leave it as THANK YOU! Oh, one more thing, I attended the event totally on my own. Drove myself, sat by myself, etc. Siestas, do not miss an opportunity to attend an event because you’d have to go on your own. YOU WILL BE BLESSED! And for now on when I am praying for Beth and the future LPL events I will be asking for a special blessing on all woman attending alone.

    Blessings, love, and hugs from afar,
    Kristin A.
    Renton, WA

    (I haven’t checked for the group siesta picture yet, as I think it is too soon, but for those of you in it, I am in say second row center with red/brown curly hair and a tan sweater)

  43. 143
    April says:

    Sweet Mama Siesta Beth,

    What a precious time my husband and I had in Ta-coma this last weekend. God was all over this time together. I have to share that God knew I would need your message of STOP,YIELD AND GO that Saturday afternoon at my grandaughter’s birthday party with family. While it was a very TENSE and painful time I could hear you yelling STOP in my mind. The enemy tried having a hayday with me all the way to church afterwards with thoughts that it was my fault for how my family acted towards me. A beautiful thing happened during worship as I just wept and wept my precious husband put his arm around me while leaning into me and said,”April yield”. What comfort The Lord gave me through that very emotional and painful time ๐Ÿ™‚ I also want to share that I met a new friend and sister in Christ while standing in line friday and would’nt you know God sat us right next to each other saturday. I shared some personal and painful things I experienced as a little girl and for the first time outside of her sister and counselor she shared her similiar journey. God had this whole weekend planned and he just blessed my new sister and me like crazy!!!! Lastly I want to share that even though I am 42 years old The Lord blessed my little girl heart by getting to see and hug you Beth while getting our photos with the Siesta’s. That may seem trivial to some but back when you were in Spokane, Wa I had only been apart of the Siesta’s 2 weeks and that Saturday I seen the invitation for the Siesta’s to come for a photo but I kept hearing in my mind “No April your not worthy to go down there you’ve only been a siesta for 2 weeks”. I did not realize at the time where that was coming from but God opened my eyes to the source. From that time forward I prayed and was determined Lord willing if I ever got the opportunity to be apart of the Siesta photo that I would and I DID indeed ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again for your obedience to HIM!! Love, Siesta April

  44. 144
    Erin says:

    Beth- it was such a blessing to hear you speak this weekend. God spoke to my heart through you with words that I have needed to hear for too long. I am STOPping for the question and am feeling more peace than I knew existed. Thank you for being His messenger!
    I do have one question- I would love to know the name of the new song that Travis sang. I loved it and want it on my iPod!

  45. 145
    Tammie Rutledge says:

    Beth, Thank you for coming to Tacoma. It was so wonderful to be there with 6300 women. Your message was right on and the worhip was awesome too. I will continue to pray for you and your team. God is using you in a mighty way and I know that you are right, you are walking through tombstones of the fallen. But, with God on your side, you will be victorious.

    I love your down to earth style and your love for people. I am sending you a hug in Jesus’s name.

    Love, Tammie Rutledge

  46. 146
    Molly Woods says:

    Walker, LA

    But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
    They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.
    Isaiah 40:31 NLT

  47. 147
    Betty says:

    Betty, Somerset, MA.

    Phil. 1:11 (NLT)

    “May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will bring much glory and praise to God.”

  48. 148
    Chris E. says:

    Chris E., Louisville, KY.
    Have mercy upon me, O God,
    According to Your lovingkindness;
    According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
    Blot out my transgressions.
    Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
    And cleanse me from my sin.
    Ps. 51:1-2, NKJV

  49. 149
    Kathy, Kempner says:

    Galations 5:16 NLT
    So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.

  50. 150
    Allison says:

    Allison, Kalamazoo, MI
    “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9(NIV)

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