Spirals, Daughters, and Bookstores

Hey, Siestas! You are the biggest blast of a blog community EVER. Thank you for being so much fun about the Siesta Scripture Memory Spirals. You would have thought we were doing one of those big Oprah giveaways where everybody in the audience gets a really fabulous free gift and women scream for fifteen minutes. Oh, man, I wish these could have been free gifts! Would you believe that 1393 of you placed orders within the first 24 hours?? At this point, over 4000 of you have placed orders so it’s safe to say that we at LPM really did scream for fifteen minutes – and, yes, with absolute joy. Even laughter. I got a text when they hit a thousand spirals and it had about 20 exclamation marks at the end of it. I threw my head back laughing before the Lord and flat out slapped my leg. About a month ago when I shared this vision with Sabrina, I said, “I don’t know. I may be wrong but I think they’ll like them.” Well, you did. Which tells me it had to have come from God because some of my really good ideas have sunkย  deep into the abyss…but only after costing us an arm and one and a half legs. Anyway, back to the spirals. To say that my staff is busy is an understatement but we’ve got wonderful volunteers and everybody will still get the designated time off for the holidays. I go down stairs every little while and tell them I’m sorry (and they laugh and say you’re a privilege to serve) and we’re also trying to feed them a lot. Here are a few of them hard at work right now:

(There is lots of hugging at LPM. Nancy Mattingly heads up correspondence around here – oh, MAN! I am so thankful to God for her – and her daughter Sara just got home from college for the Christmas holidays and came to lend a hand. That’s one of us hugging her. We adore all the LPM offspring.)

We are getting them in the mail (the spirals, not the offspring) as fast as humanly possible but, as you can see, we are big in heart and small in numbers around here. Still, we are pressing on and you will have them at the earliest possible date. There’s no loitering around here. I hate to rub it in but I already have my set. I’m chomping at the bit to write the first verse in it but I’m waiting till January 1st on the dot.ย  Remember me telling you that I can tend toward obsessive thoughts? Well, case in point: I’m fighting the mild urge to obsess over which verse to choose first (what if it sets the tone for the year?) and which pen I want to use. I’d also like to have better penmanship on this year’s set. Ordinarily by the time I get to April and I’m in the middle of this crisis or that, my verses look like they’ve been written in an ambulance – and maybe half the time they should have been. I know you’re thinking I should get out more but just think how much I get out already and remain this odd. Well, I hope the Lord is getting some amusement out of us being this excited about memorizing Scripture. And don’t tell Melissa and Amanda but I am making theirs stocking stuffers.

Speaking of getting out more, guess what I’ve been doing? I flew to Atlanta two days ago, jumped in the car with Melissa, and started a two-day trek home to the Lone Star State. Colin has a brand new job that is enabling them to come back to Texas! Wooooooooo-hooooooooooo! Or in the expression coined right here in Siestaville, “Yahoo-Jah!” (Hold the “Yah” for about five seconds then say the “hoo-Jah” really fast. It has a rodeo-type feel to it.)ย  Colin is on his way right now with the moving van and Melissa and I got home with one of their two cars last night.

A couple of quick shots on the I-phone…

Walking to the car where we’d climb in, pay for parking, and head straight out of town. I am walking behind her thinking how I can’t believe this is really happening. Baby girl is heading back to Texas!

The first border we crossed out of Georgia. We literally drove through snow and sleet the first hour here. It was really exciting for me though. Snow is still a novelty around here!

The sky as we crossed the border into Mississippi:

A toast for miles behind us:

Day Two was really sunny and I wore my sunglasses for hours. Finally they were making deep dents and, let’s be honest, my nose doesn’t need any added distress. Melissa had this tiny little rag on her console for some reason and I made good use of it. Michelle said I looked like I was about to stage a hold-up at a Stop -N Go.

We had every plan to take our very best picture at the “Welcome to Texas!” Landmark in our own home state. Just as we were driving by it with my I-phone out the window, an eighteen wheeler sped by on our right side and gave us the evil eye. May God forgive him. We railed about it for a solid hour. No, there was no going back. It was freeway and would have taken too long to recreate. We consoled ourselves with sugar.

Thank you for enduring this long, unimportant-to-anyone-elseย  family narrative. It’s not over yet. I’m just thanking you now so you can continue hanging on by a thread. We are beside ourselves to welcome the Fitzpatricks back. We’ll have them in Houston for at least several months and will soak up every minute. I think you can anticipate hearing much more about them and from them as we have her back at the Living Proof office. We are so happy and praise God with all of our hearts. Except for small amounts of time over summers or holidays, Melissa has been away from home for ten years and from Texas for eight. She’s got itchy feet like her mom so don’t look for permanence out of them in Houston but we’re at least hoping that, wherever they ultimately land, they’ll stay within half day’s driving distance. That’s all up to the Lord. When you raise your kids with the hope that they’ll follow hard after Jesus and live their lives as a divine adventure, there is literally no telling where they’ll end up. We’re so happy for seasons we get to spend together.

Amanda made last night one of our all-time best 4-Moore memories. When Melissa and I drove up last night, Amanda was standing in the driveway holding big welcome home balloons and blowing a party horn. (I snapped a picture but the flash caught their eyes funny and they look a little possessed so I’ll spare you. And myself. It was my worst nightmare when they were growing up.) At that very second, Keith drove up from out of town, too, and the four of us had this spontaneous moment together. The timing was so perfect that we couldn’t have planned it. We got in a group hug and blew our party horns as loud as we could then laughed our heads off. Then we did what Texans do when they get back from being out of State: we headed to a Mexican restaurant and rekindled our family affections over hot sauce and tortilla chips. We topped off the evening by driving around our subdivision of 26 years and looking at Christmas lights. The whole evening was a family gift with a big red ribbon God alone could have wrapped around it. Our little family has been through a lot and grace is the air we breathe. We don’t take moments like these lightly.

Right now I am praying in Jesus’ lavish Name that He will appoint some spontaneous moments like these for you and your family or friends. I am well aware that life is hard and all of us could use some reminders that God has not forsaken us – and never will – and that He is only good and never malicious or unfeeling toward us. My next memory verse is James 1:17 “Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning.” (James 1:17 HCS)

Oh, thank You, Lord. You never change. You never turn Your back on us.

We are blessed to be His daughters, Siestas.

OK, I’ve got a ton of work to do so I’ll sign off right after one last thing. For you Houston-area girls, we are having a book signing tomorrow (Saturday) at the LifeWay Christian Store in Willowbrook Court from 12:00 noon to 1:30. (17776 Tomball Parkway) This location is really special to us because it’s the closest one to my home. I have no idea how many times I’ve been in that store and perused those shelves for something new to read. It is also the location many years ago where Keith took me as a surprise to see the first Bible study on the shelf. (The original A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place) He’d called the store in advance to find out when it would hit the shelf (I was too green to even know to ask)ย  and took me out to dinner that night without saying a word about it. When we drove away from the restaurant, he said, “I need to make one stop on the way home.” I was perplexed when he drove up to the Christian bookstore because it really wasn’t his thing but what wife would pass up an opportunity like that? He grabbed me by the hand and made a bee-line straight to the aisle where they’d told him in advance he’d find the new copies. I was so shocked I couldn’t believe my eyes. There wasn’t much to that original Bible study cover (a big purple flower, I recall) but it was a beautiful sight to us. We neither one said a word. We just stood in the aisle and cried. It was priceless.

All that to say, this Willowbrook location is “home” to us because it was simply the most convenient location and became such an active partner in Bible study ministry. I’ve shopped in there a jillion times. I’ve sat cross legged in the resource/commentary corner and pulled books off shelves more times than I can count and also bought innumerable music CD’s. A couple of years ago, my good buddy, Johnnie, and I dropped by there after having lunch next door at Sweet Tomatoes and had Jackson with us in the stroller. He was almost three at the time and there was a stack of Get Out of That Pit hardback books near where we were perusing. We got so tickled as he kept pointing at the cover and yelling, “Bibby! Bibby!” Silly stuff but fun family memories.

It’s a great store and I, for one, loathe the thought that on-line book orders (as many as I’ve placed!) would ever replace the kind of store you actually get out of your car and visit. I don’t know about you but, half the time, I don’t even know what I want to read until I see it.

Anyway, that’s where Michelle (AKA: “The Hawk”) and I will be tomorrow.ย  Melissa and/or Amanda may drop in but Michelle will be there for sure to help me. If you want to drop by and grab something off the shelf to have signed for somebody for Christmas, we’ll be blessed to serve you. These days the really abbreviated versions of certain written messages mean that the price range starts lower. We never, ever want to talk the women we are privileged to serve into overspending. No pressure here whatsoever. We just want you to know that we’ll be there to serve you…if you want to be served. Grin.

I sure love you guys. You are such a bright spot in my ministry life. I think of you every day. And right about now, my whole staff is thinking about you every minute. Pray your spirals home!

I’ll be back on here soon, Sweet Things. This mama loves you.


321 Responses to “Spirals, Daughters, and Bookstores”

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  1. 101
    Annika says:

    Beth–I just have to share something with you. We moved in August, and about a week before we moved our apartment flooded. We had about twenty people from our church come and help us unpack and repack for days, drying out our stuff…and I have NO idea where my Bible ended up. Then a few weeks after we moved in my mother passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer’s, and then a few weeks after that, I found out I am pregnant with my fifth (total surprise). All that to say…it’s been a rough few months and I still cannot find my Bible. I did, however find my TRUTH CARDS, and they have been my Scripture source since we moved, and I am so grateful for them!! I told my husband that all I want for Christmas is for him to unpack every box until we find my Bible. That, and I’d like a day off from motherhood. I have four kids under 5 and I’m exhausted. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so excited for the Scripture memory again…so good to have accountability! Merry Christmas from Wheaton, IL! I sure do love you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 101.1
      twinkle says:

      O, please God, bring forth Thy Word for this desperate SiestaMomma! You know how we get when we can’t find our Bible. I remember my luggage being lost a few weeks ago and the only thing I could think about was my precious Bible! We love you, Lord. Amen.

      Praying because I KNOW this kind of panic. Well, not the part about 4 babies under 5. May God bless you, sweet one.

    • 101.2
      Denise says:

      I saw that you have 4 kids under 5…and couldn’t help but write you and “try” to encourage you! I once had 4U5 and moved and _____ and _____ and _____…. and now it is 2010, mine are now 9, 7, 6, and 4. Girlfriend, trust me, there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it b/c you desire God to be in your life. As you know, He makes the difference. Take lots of pictures while they are young, capture the memories and you can look at them in 5 years when you will have time.

  2. 102
    Wren says:

    I laughed and cried and laughed and cried as I read your post, but just had to come on and say that your very first Bible Study A Womanโ€™s Heart: Godโ€™s Dwelling Place will always be my favorite…it changed my life, someday I will do it again.

  3. 103
    annette says:

    I know you love having both your girls home again. That’s a wonderful Christmas gift! I’m not sure I’ll brave the mall today to stop by Lifeway so I want to wish you a merry, merry Christmas. I get to celebrate with a little one this year–ah, the eyes of a child.

    Much blessing and love to you and your family,

  4. 104
    Joy Freeman says:

    I am so happy you have both your girls “home” , Mother Hen. All your chicks are close. (as we say, here in VA)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. 105
    Judy says:

    Oh, sweet, fun Beth,

    How do you always make me laugh and cry in the same blog?! Lately it has seemed that God has seemed quiet, but maybe it is me that hasn’t been quiet enough this season that has turned into one constant stream of business. Add to that mix a senior in high school praying about where God wants her in college and a senior in college praying about were God wants her in life and this momma trying to remember to keep turning it over to Him and praying for words of wisdom. Thank you for reminding me that He’s not forsaken us and never will!

    Now to what I originally intended to say. I ordered my spirals as soon as I read your twitter, one for me and one for each of my girls for their stockings Christmas morning. I got them yesterday and they are even better in person! I was so surprised and thrilled to get them so quickly. Thank your staff for the amazing service and congratulations on having all your chicks close to the nest for a while!

  6. 106

    Thank you for sharing this story with us Beth. I also got 2 spirals. 1 to use and 1 to bless someone else with so they can memorize scripture too. Have a wonderful CHRISTmas.

  7. 107
    Forever His says:

    Oh how I loved reading this blog. Cried and laughed – just like a good chick flick. I have grown to love your family so much. Thank you for sharing the small things. It keeps you real.

    Waiting anxiously for my cute spiral! Thank you to all the staff and volunteers for their hard work and the love they put into everything.

    Merry Christmas to all – enjoy this precious holiday.

    Love you all,

    Phil 4:8

  8. 108
    Sue says:

    So glad you all made it home safe. Keep your girls close to you always Mama. I lost mine in April 1985 and still miss her to this day. You all have so much fun together. Have a wonderful blessed Christmas. Prayers to all of you.

  9. 109
    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    Great to hear Colin & Melissa are moving closer to you! Praying for smooth transitions! I have a couple verses picked out for January already! I am hoping to be able to order my new spiral soon. I love them! So good to hear from you! Love to hear what’s going on in your world! Have a wonderful weekend, Siestas! Love, Joan

  10. 110
    Sandy says:

    Dear Beth,

    Thank you so much for all that you, your family and your staff do. I am looking forward to this 3rd year of memorizing/meditating on scripture and blogging with you (started my blog as another way to record my scripture) and looking forward to January 2012 in Houston. Hope I get to go again!

    I am so glad that Melissa and Colin are moving to Texas! Yes, I know what you mean about if we raise our children the way we do, there is no telling where they will end up. Still have mine fairly close right now, but there is no telling where any of them will end up, serving the Lord!

    And, I have to say I love LifeWay stores, too. Wish I was close to yours. I would be there!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  11. 111

    I love that y’all stood in the bookstore and cried over A Women’s Heart. So sweet. And, I have not ordered my spiral yet- I was able to be there last year even though we live in Wales- won’t be able to physically attend this next one- unless God works a mircale.. but you can be sure I need some scripture memorized! ๐Ÿ™‚ Merry Christmas.

  12. 112

    it is such a joy and a privilege to share your precious family moments and memories…what a blessing!

  13. 113
    Rebekah says:

    Oh Beth, I’m sitting here crying over this post. I’m so happy for you and your family as you welcome Melissa back to Texas. What got me is, you are so right about when you raise kids to follow hard after God, there’s no telling where they’ll end up. While I haven’t raised kids, my parents have, and one of those kids is in the Philippines right now, 4 months into a 3 yr stay. This first Christmas without her I thought was going to be just AWFUL, but Gods been showing me it’s not about who’s here and traditions, it’s about HIM. Sending His only son into a lost and dying world to save us from ourselves. What glory. Thanks so much for sharing. Sorry for this novel, it just really hit me hard while reading this morning.

  14. 114
    Lindsee says:

    I am so happy I just saw this! I am just about to head out to do a bunch of errands, and now I might just have to stop at Lifeway. I’m with you, how many times have I been in that store? I can’t even count! Also, I see sweet Cheryl stuffing the spirals. Love her! And love me some Sara. I just love this post!

  15. 115
    Lahna says:

    My daughter and I are going to make our own over the Christmas weekend–complete with personalizations–kind of like scrapbooking. We are going to make one for a friend who is going to join us, too. We are excited.

    • 115.1
      Terry says:

      Lahna, that is so cool! If I had a crafty, creative bone in my body, I would love to do the same. Because I am not gifted in this area, I am extremely thankful for Beth and her creative staff and their provision of the 2011 spiral. I know you and your daughter will have a blast making your own Scripture spirals. Merry Christmas!

      Terry in VA

  16. 116
    Lee says:

    I love the way you write, it’s like we’re having coffee together (though I don’t like coffee) and you make me laugh outloud!

  17. 117
    Shelly says:

    I just ordered 3 spirals (two to give to my sisters who will do the memory verses with me!). Thank you all for working so hard at getting our orders to us. You all are so awesome. Love the family Moore updates Beth! Those spontaneous moments are the BEST! Thanks for sharing.

    Shelly in FL

  18. 118
    Janet says:

    Beth, I love how you share your family moments with us, pictures and all! You are like the Christian Oprah!
    Anyway, your note about your book signing in Texas, is the only time in my life I wished I lived in Texas. I would love to buy one of your books and get it signed by you, and just say “Hello, and thanks” in person. I live in Florida, so I can’t make the book signing, boo-hoo. I am currently doing your “90 Days, Jesus the One and Only”. The book is fabulous, and made in Italy it is something to keep. I was amazed by the quality. I am using the book not only to get closer to Jesus, but also to get in the habit of daily scripture reading and prayer. Thanks for doing so much for me and all the ladies, siestas and more.

  19. 119
    Katie says:

    I never tire of your outrageous love for the Lord, your family, your ministry, your friends and LIFE. Thank you so much for the gift of joy you have given me.I was able to say “So Long, Insecurity” in 2010. So hard to believe after a lifetime of living with it, but wow is life different without it. You were right… it was a very bad friend. How can I ever thank you for that? Please just keep being the wonderful blessing you are to this world and may God give you the best Christmas ever with your precious, beautiful family.

  20. 120
    Kristi Walker says:

    So happy for the “4 Moores”! Melissa is moving back to the Big “T”!!!

    I didn’t realize, until very recently, how wonderful this moment could be. We have a close friend that has both of her older daughters in college at Baylor University (didn’t Melissa go there at some point?). Well, last week her son, who is a senior (and her only boy), was accepted into King’s College in NYC. We live in SC.

    While she’s just thrilled for each of her kids, who she’s raised to follow the Lord, it’s been tougher for her than she realized it would be. She only has one left at home who is very musically gifted and will probably attend some far off college, as well. What a joy and a blessing for those precious kids to come home! They’re all home now for Christmas break, and she’s posted their pics all over her Facebook page. It’s the sweetest thing! Again, so happy for Melissa’s momma and daddy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. 121
    April says:

    Dear Beth,

    A Big thank you to your staff at LPM for working so hard to get our spirals out to us ๐Ÿ™‚ I have to share that you starting this is a gift from the Lord to me. At this very time in my life, God has been pressing on my heart the importance of preparing myself for spiritual battle. I have been reading during my workouts your book, “Praying God’s word.” I have never been one to memorize scripture and am now ready to take this journey with all you lovely Siesta’s. I am excited to see the healing and freedom God will do in my life as well as the rest of you.
    Love and Blessings,
    BonneyLake, Wa

  22. 122
    Michelle says:

    I so enjoyed meeting you today – I am not even sad I skipped the gym to do it! ; ). You know what though? I am even more excited to read my new book (Breaking Free). I am so happy for you that your girls are both home – my kiddos are 3 and 15 mos and I just know time is going to fly so I am trying to savor the craziness now! Merry Christmas.

  23. 123
    Sarah says:

    I am so excited for this memorization opportunity for me! I spend a lot of time with my kids memorizing scriptures for AWANA. So I am glad for this one for me. My accountability partner lives in Malawi. Her family is coming to America in August. We will celebrate for what we have done together at that point by going to a Chinese buffet and be blessed with face to face accountability before they return to Malawi. We are both excited to do this together. Thank you for your ministry.

    Enjoy your family!! My husband is in the Coast Guard. We are blessed with being home for a season before the next transfer. We are enjoying it to the fullest.

  24. 124
    Heather says:

    When I saw this last week I was so excited–and hopped right over to the website to order one. But, I wasn’t sure, after placing it, that it would make it to Canada. Looks like there is an International site for orders, but didn’t see it on there.

    I’m still going to memorize along with the blog–but I’ll just pick up a spiral notebook for it.

    Thanks for keeping us in the Word. ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. 125
    Heather says:

    I love you Mama. As I was reading, I was thinking I love when she posts this kind of stuff; but I did get tired about 3/4 of the way through, LOL!

    My husband said just this morning that he wanted to go to our Lifeway store to look for a certain book. I said ‘I’ll drop you off’…I see so many books I like, I have a basket full, or sit and read half of an entire book, then exhaust myself with excitement and indecision that I walk out empty handed! Didn’t have it in me today for that kind of mental workout. So I went by myself to Ulta, aaahhhhhh.

    I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU and the other Moores that your baby girl is home, if just for a season. That warms my heart for you so much!

  26. 126
    Julia says:

    Dear Beth,
    I am very happy that your family is altogether again in Texas. I am greatly encouraged by your love for them. Our family has experienced some very difficult trials in the past several years and your posts, books and bible studies have helped me to draw near to the Lord and know more of His joy in my life. This helps me to be a better wife and mother. I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be your sister in Christ. May the Lord bless you and your family this Christmas. I can’t wait until January 1st! Also, thanks to your staff for working so diligently on the spirals.
    In Him, Julia

  27. 127

    I’ve already told two people in my life that we
    are going to be memorizing together even if
    they wouldn’t be able to celebrate at the end!
    I have been wondering what verses I would be placing
    focus on then this one came to my heart
    first thing this morning, I mean I literally said out loud…
    ” nothing is too hard for you..”
    And from there looked it up…
    Jeremiah 32:17 and I think it’s a great reminder
    for all of us:)
    I love all your family is together again,
    y’all are special to me!
    I’ve been repeating ” Jesus is everything.”
    in my thoughts through the day…
    He’s everything, and we’d be nothing without Him:)

  28. 128
    Dana says:

    I just received my spiral in the mail today. Your staff is definitely hard at work!! This will be my first time to participate in the memory verses and I am so excited! I hope I can do it. Thank you so much for being so encouraging. There are days that I feel so down or just having a bad day and I read your blog and it just makes me laugh. I love it! I pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for being such a blessing to so many women:)

  29. 129
    Renee says:

    I have some index cards where I punched a hole in them and put them on a ring. I am excited to get the Siesta cards I ordered because it makes me feel like a part of something. My husband does not believe so I don’t spend much time away in church activities because it’s just one more thing I am off doing without him. As a result I don’t have a close community of believers. I have a few Christian friends (We do meet and talk as often as we can!) And I go to a service, but it’s not the same as being a part of something. Hard to explain and keep my post short. Love that I am filling them up with scripture of my choice. Anyway, glad to be getting the cards and knowing others out there have the VERY SAME CARDS!

  30. 130
    Pam Houston says:

    Love it! So wonderful to see Melissa as a blonde, even if only from the back…gorgeous. So happy she and her man are back home with family. Perfect timing,your glorious reunion, just right for this season of rejoicing. Also, my SSMT spiral arrived today. HooRay! Great timing, and I popped it in my Christmas stocking, just in case Santa forgets me…LOL! I’m “Mrs. Santa” around here…that spiral is a perfect little stocking stuffer! Thanks LPM for pushing for all we siestas for Christmas. This was an inspired idea for sure. We So. Cal siestas are soaking…we’ve got rain predicted for the next five days, such a rarity, we are all enjoying it, for now.
    Pam H.
    Buena Park,CA

  31. 131
    Valerie says:

    I’ve been thinking about the Siesta spiral since I first saw the blog last week. I can take it no longer – I will be ordering mine! I’ve already told several about it so how can I not get my own. I even have the first several verses picked out – the Roman Road. I need to get these stuck in my head and my heart and this will be a perfect opportunity to focus in. Thank you, Mama Beth! I love you so!

  32. 132
    Kathleen says:

    Beth I do love you so! You make me cry, laugh, and have hope. Thank you for all that. My daughter came home a while ago but she might as well be a million miles a way. I don’t know who she is any more. I have fought so hard for her, given her so much, and yet she still is so far a way. Thanks for the reminder that we are not forsaken and never will be. I really needed to hear that!
    I am so happy that your daughter is back home with you! How special is that? I know you will lap up every second you can get!
    I can’t wait to start the memory verse in January. I know it will be hard for me but any thing worth having in this world is hard work. So that is why I NEVER will give up on my Shelly girl.
    Thank you to all the lovely ladies that do the work for the spirals and a very Merry Christmas to you all! Hope to see you in Jan of 2012!!

  33. 133
    Ann says:

    Dear Sweet Beth,
    It was such a special treasure to see you and Michelle (Hawk) at Lifeway today. Thank you for allowing me to give each of you a hug. You both are so dear to me. I was so disappointed my cell phone camera went dead just as I had my big chance for a picture especially since I had fully charged my phone overnight. Ah well.
    I know you will have a blessed Christmas with the entire family home.
    I can’t wait for James to start and will buy my Siesta Scripture Spiral then. ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS If you need extra help getting the spirals mailed, call or email me. I’m free.

  34. 134
    Valerie says:

    I got so carried away with thinking about the spiral, commenting on the spiral and ordering the spiral that I did not acknowledge Melissa’s return to Texas. I am so thrilled for you all! What an absolute blessing!

  35. 135
    texatheart says:

    Loved this post Beth. It is definitely what makes this blog so special to all of us. It just oozes love both from us to you and you to us and from one siesta to another. I am so excited for you and Amanda to have Melissa back in Texas. I know she is as excited also. I am going to be moving back in May and will live within miles of my sister and my brother. I can understand the excitement of being back together. If I don’t have another chance I want to wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and each and every siesta and family a Christ filled Christmas! (Though I am anxiously awaiting the signing up for the scripture memory team!)
    Love to all

  36. 136
    Fran says:

    I so enjoy reading your posts…I’ve so often wished that I were your next-door neighbor and posts like this help me feel like I am! What a huge blessing to have both your daughters living near you for a season!!! I have 3 girls and they all live in the same city about an hour and 15 minutes away right now, so I can only imagine the feeling of hearing that they are moving back home! I cannot WAIT to have all three of them home for a few days at Christmas!!!
    I am very excited about the scripture memorization. I just hope this old brain of mine can handle it!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am hoping to talk my prayer group into doing it with me…there are four of us. If not, I’ll brave it alone. Thanks so much to your staff for getting our cards out to us in a timely manner!!!
    May the Lord bless you and your family and everyone at LPM for all you do for us! Merry, Merry Christmas!

  37. 137
    Kim D. says:

    Loved your post, and it I was still with you all the way through. Ha! Have a blessed weekend, and look forward to receving my spiral in the mail soon. Lots of Love from Knoxville, Tennessee!!! -Kim D.

  38. 138
    Joy French says:

    Welcome home to Texas Melissa! I still have one son in Wheaton, IL – praying that one day he will be back to the wonderful state of Texas! Glad you had a safe trip and made good memories.

    I am looking forward to seeing the spiral’s in person! I ordered a couple for my stocking! I don’t know if Santa would approve, oh, well…..

    Have a blessed Christmas!

  39. 139
    twinkle says:

    Georgia will miss you, Melissa, but I am thrilled for you to be back home with your family!

    EnJOY the wonder of God sending us His Son from above.

    We love all of you at LPM and can’t say “THANK YOU” enough! Thank you all for the impact you have made on our lives through your ministry of love poured out on God’s precious daughters (and a few brave sons).

  40. 140
    carole says:

    I’m so glad that you and your girls will be together again…even if it isn’t permanent! I’m looking forward to joining in on the memory verses in January. I love the benefits of memorizing God’s words but must admit that I don’t do nearly enough of it! Have a beautiful and blessed Christmas and enjoy your family!

  41. 141
    Jill says:

    Welcome Home Melissa!

  42. 142

    Just so you know, whenever you say things like “flat out slapped my leg” I actaully laugh out loud. Like really.

  43. 143
    Wendy says:

    Yay, I received my Siesta scripture verse notecards today! Hooray, I, too, am praying for a great first verse. I am so excited to be doing this again.

    Merry Christmas to all Siestas and to the entire Moore fam!

  44. 144
    Gillian says:

    I’m sooooooooo excited for you all, that you have Melissa and Colin back in Texas. I totally know how you are feeling, our son and his wife and 10month old son have moved back to Oshawa after been away for 3 years. We will be celebrating Christmas in their NEW home.!!!!! Praising God for the privillege to have them near again.!!!!
    Looking forward to receiving my spiral memory book and see how God’s word will keep changing me
    Love you all, Have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

  45. 145
    Deirdre says:

    So excited for you that you are getting Melissa back in Houston. I know that is just blessing your heart. too bad I never got to run into her, but it was fun knowing we were in the same town for a while.

    May God richly bless you with many more spontaneous love moments this week.

  46. 146
    Debbie Laureen says:

    A very special thank you to all the hard workers at LPM. I just received my spiral today! Sooooo excited, can’t wait for January. Years ago I memorized 50 verses for the Colossians 2:7 Bible Study. It was 50 verses in almost 4 years. It was wonderful, those verses were an anchor for my thoughts and comfort to my heart that I could cling to no matter where I was. Over the past few years I have felt the Lord reminding me to continue to memorize , this seems like a fun way. I am having a few doubts, I am older and my memory is not as strong, and I have never done anything like this online, but I know that the Creator of the Earth and Seas, can and will provide for each of His daughters as we hide His word in our hearts so that we can share it with others. Praying for all of my sisters. Have a joyful Christmas !

  47. 147
    CeCe says:

    I can’t wait for my three spirals but more importantly I can’t wait to see what God is going to do with me with those spirals ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. 148
    Cheryl says:

    Thanks Beth for sharing such sweet times with us. I am anxiously awaiting my Memaory spiral to arrive. Looking forward to the daily memory verses. Our “Stepping Up” study is going great here in KY and is so appropriate during the celebration of our Savior’s birth. We are “moving up” closer to HIM during HIS season. Our group of women comes from a recent “Divorce Recovery” workshop series and these ladies are committed to growing closer to their Lord and Savior. To God be the Glory for He has done great things.

  49. 149
    Happy Heart says:

    sooo happy for your family! Enjoy this special time ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. 150

    Yea! … Melissa made it back to Texas! Celebrating with you all. We just made it home ourselves from Disney World, passing over some of those same state lines to Texas! I love the index cards … hope it is not too late to order one! What a cute idea!

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