LPL – Grand Rapids Recap

Living Proof Live – Grand Rapids from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


105 Responses to “LPL – Grand Rapids Recap”

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  1. 51
    Rose D says:

    Looks exciting! I’ll be attending the meeting at the Rosemont in Sept with a group of ladies from my bible study group and can’t wait!

  2. 52
    Janet says:

    I love seeing the expressions of excitement and earnest love for the Lord on all the faces! I am praying that I can travel to Richmond to see you all in August. Thank you for sharing…love to you all.

  3. 53
    Rebecca says:

    That is so amazing. Look at how many people were there. It gives me goosebumps. Something else which is powerful. Every women looks normal. No airbrushing, just pure and the way they are. When I see pictures of magazine covers and then compare me to these women, I am glad I am just me. A child of God. In need of love and His strength. ….Love Rebecca

  4. 54
    Sandy Corbin says:

    What more can be said? We are free indeed.

  5. 55
    Patti says:

    Watching the recap reminded me of the sweet family time we had in Tampa, Florida when the topic God placed on your heart ministered so profoundly to so many. This morning during my prayer time, God was speaking to me about our membership in the one body of Christ. Each of us has a part, and our significance is not the part in particular, but what we (in Christ) are part of. 1 Corinthians 12:27 (MSG) says, “You are Christ’s body – that’s who you are! You must never forget this. Only as you accept your part of that body does your part mean anything.”
    This is one of those comments that I couldn’t not post, and I think it’s because someone reading this, who perhaps does not have a visible part, needs to know how very important she is to the body of Christ. If that’s you, know this from one part to another – we are all members of one Body, and the Body of Chist needs every member. Christ’s church is a complete Body and not a gigantic, unidimensional Part.
    And Beth, I just had to tell you that many lives have been impacted because you’ve accepted your part in the Body of Christ. Thank you from one of the many.
    Much love,
    Patti Hayes

  6. 56
    Ginger says:

    He truly is my Redeemer and the Reclaimer of my life. In early February this year I suffered an emotional breakdown (long story) and in my irrational state, took a massive overdose of prescription drugs. Twenty hours later I was found, alive but barely so. Doctors are amazed that I lived, amazed that I have absolutely no side effects. I was told I should have died in the first six hours . . . but instead, God nestled me in His arms and held me. During that time, He reclaimed me for His glory. He renewed my mind. Refreshed my heart. Removed the “death wish” I had carried since I was 8 years old stemming from abuse of various kinds.

    I am almost 70 years old. I used to believe I had nothing to offer. Now I am beginning to live a new life and I can hardly believe what God is doing. I am going places, getting involved in new ministries, loving life for the first time in my life. I will be in St. Louis with joy in my heart and bells on. If you hear them ringing somewhere, it’s me!

    Thank you, Beth, for your wonderful teaching. You have blessed me time and time again. Your words have often kept me going when my depression weighed me down, and I am grateful for God’s hand on my life. I am truly REDEEMED and RECLAIMED for His glory!

  7. 57
    Veronica says:

    Dearest Beth and friends,
    I have been a silent Blog reader for over a year, But it is time to share. Beth, I can not begin to thank you for living for Jesus the way you do. It has change me! I am so in love with the Lord and his word. Your fruit is amazing and I know its because of what you put into your life, the word of the Lord. I need more of Him and his word. I want my tree to be good, then my fruit will be too. I know God is doing a great work because Satan does not like it and he is giving me a hard time but my God is way bigger. Grand Rapids LPL was just amazing! Thank you all for living for God with all of you!

  8. 58
    Barbara Schwarz says:

    I’ve not been able to go to any of Beth Moore’s events but am on my second Bible Study (The Beloved Disciple, Esther). Seeing this video moved my spirit to tears – I can’t wait to be among these beautiful Siestas in Christ up in glory single praises to our God together – what a holy, blessed thing – and it will last for all eternity!! Praise Jesus!!!!!

    • 58.1
      Barbara Schwarz says:

      Oops – SINGING praises!!! and many!! not just a single!!! Although it might be a pretty long one!!! 🙂

  9. 59
    Michelle says:


    I want to thank you ~ this past weekend in Grand Rapids was AWESOME!!! God was working and it was unbelievable!! This was my first (but definitely not my last) experience with LPL and I LOVED it!! I learned so much and can’t wait for our church to start a bible study!

    I would love to work for LPL and Lifeway ~ you just radiate God’s love! I so admire that!

    God Bless,


  10. 60
    Kristina says:

    It looks like you siestas had a great time! Can’t wait for Beth to come to Spokane in October!!!

  11. 61

    Awesome video! So long INSECURITIES!! The declaration at the end of the conference was so powerful and as I was watching God brought it back to me like a flood. Thank you God. I was reminded it is on purpose, every day!!

  12. 62
    Joelle says:

    So good! I especially liked the pics of the women speaking whatever truths those were to each other. Awesome!

  13. 63
    michele says:

    no words needed here but “wow”!

  14. 64
    Elaine Seiler says:

    HE set me free! Hallelujah! Love that song!

  15. 65
    Elizabeth says:

    This was such an awesome event, I think the best one yet. So many God moments that it was hard to say what was my favorite. My cup was filled that weekend. The praise and worship was truly a blessing. Hearing all those women praising God was just beautiful.

  16. 66
    Jen Mc says:

    AWESOME! Glory to God!

  17. 67

    My Baby Girl and I thoroughly enjoyed this recap video!:)
    “Grinny Girl” as I like Travis’ music:) Such amazing things God does at these events!:)


  18. 68

    Well, Beth did it again – this is the 3rd event I have been to and I love how you take a passage and disect it for us! What an awesome time of worship and teaching. And just so you know – we have lots of fruit trees here in Michigan as well – just waiting to be plucked.
    Blessings to you, thanking God for enabling you to do all that you do !

  19. 69
    Kristi says:


    Beth, when are you coming to Philadelphia????

  20. 70
    Anne Ledbetter says:

    Beth, it was so wonderful to see/hear you in person! A group of girlfriends and I came from Ann Arbor, MI (definitely tree town!) and we just LOVED worshiping and praising the Lord with you. Thank you for the work you do in the name of Jesus. May He continue to bless you richly. We love you! 🙂

  21. 71
    Nancy says:

    Thanks so much for posting this!! I found a photo of myself about 3/4 of the way through. It was a fabulous event!!

  22. 72
    Carrie says:

    My name is Carrie Klein. I’m proud to say I bought my ticket, invited 3 friends and booked my hotel room in September on the spot when I read online Beth was coming to my state. Her teaching on fear in the Esther study literally guided me towards reaching out to God’s hand out of a very deep pit I was in last summer. Since then Bible study and memorization has catapulted me into a new security in God that is freeing. Thanks Beth. You are a tremendous inspiration to me.

  23. 73
    traversekathy says:

    I would like to second the request for the written partner prayer at the end of the Saturday session. What an amazing time with the Holy Spirit, Beth, Travis and 7,199 other women all seeking to surrender and know God in a deeper way! My tree diagram goes with me to work so that I can refresh my mind with the truth of God’s Word when a ‘thorn’ tries to rule. I am amazed, Beth, how the Holy Spirit led you to take tree branch scriptures (Judges 9:3; Luke 19:1-4)and teach us “Lessons From Out on a Limb”! Looking at trees has changed my view. Thank you and all the LPL team for coming to Michigan!

  24. 74
    RuthRyberg says:

    So…I’m walking down the beach in St Joseph today and there’s this adorable little girl playing and singing in the water….she couldn’t have been 3! And just as I walk by, she starts singing ” Zacchaeus was a wee little man a wee little man was he…..” she knew every word! It was a gift just for me! A reminder of a great weekend “out on a limb!”
    thanks Beth!

  25. 75
    becca banana says:

    Thank you for the video!

  26. 76
    Emily says:

    For the first time, I didn’t leave on a high. It was a glorious thing. Conferences were my “hit” that got me high on emotion with no substance behind it. This weekend my soul got it before my mind did. Thank you Beth for lovingly taking the rug out from under us and looking at even what us “good Christian ladies” really want ruling over us. You have an amazing ability to hug our shoulders and paddle our behinds at the same time. 🙂 You have been a blessing in my life and the friends that I’ve told about your ministry. thx.

  27. 77
    Laurie Hensley says:

    I told my husband how cool it was to receive this blog and that I thought you all doing a study on the book of Jonah. He asked me if you were having a “Whale of a good time”.

    ewww! But he and I had a good laugh. As for me, I pray blessings upon you and yes that you have a whale of a good time.

  28. 78
    Gods project says:

    It was quite a weekend in GR! I just got tears in my eyes remembering what sweet worship we all had together. Our Lord was THERE! Whoa!
    I thank the Lord for precious people like Beth and Travis and their team who are willing to travel to forests like Michigan to share what God has laid on their hearts. I left feeling convicted and ready to climb down from my tree and produce some fruit for Jesus!

    Oh, how He loves us!

  29. 79
    Jean says:

    If Lucille Ball came back as a Born Again Christian, her name would be Beth Moore!!!!! Thanks for worshipping and studying our Lord fun (three letters does not adequately describe what you do for our Lord). Love you.

  30. 80
    Kathleen says:

    I have seen Beth live 3 times and love her more and more each time. This one hit home for me! I needed every word! I am so amazed at all Beth and the crew at LPM does for the world through God. Thank you so much for your time , endless energy, an unconditional love for the world of women! and a few brave men.

  31. 81
    Sue M. says:

    Hope I never recover from the time with Jesus this past weekend.

    Siestas, please pray for our unborn grandson who is suspected (via ultrasound) to have spina bifida. And for his precious parents and siblings. “Do it Lord” keeps running through my head –“we are praying, that Your Glory may be seen!” They see a specialist next week to determine what’s next.

  32. 82
    Connie Sanderson says:

    I had a wonderful time in Grand Rapids learning all about trees through God! God has truly given you a gift which you so humbly accept! I thank God for your ministry to me!!!

  33. 83
    Tabby says:

    Soooo needed to hear “You Set Me Free” today. I feel like God lead me to read this blog today to speak to me through this song. I read the blog at least a couple of times a week but have only posted one other time. God is certainly teaching me so much about relying on Him! He truly set us ALL free!

  34. 84
    Hannah Leigh says:

    This event was amazing! My aunt and I made a girl’s weekend out of it and it reignited the fire for both of us! Thank you, Beth and Travis, for the wonderful message and time of worship! I hope to be able to attend another LPM Live in the future. In the meantime, my aunt and I are looking forward to doing the Ruth study with the other Siestas!

    Many blessings and much love,
    Lansing, MI

  35. 85
    Carol Gibson says:

    I had a great weekend learning about Trees!
    As you remember we had to call a medic because someone had a seziure. As someone who also suffers from this problem, I know what things can trigger them. The flashing lights are a big contributor to causing a seziure. I know personaly. I went through road construction on I-75 after work at 10:30 at night. Big flashing lights, shortly after I had a seziure and crossed all 4 lanes of I-75 and hit the brarrier dividing the highway. I totaled my car out. I was unable to drive for a year, and my husband is still not comfortable with me driving. Thank God I was only car involved in the accident and I wass able to walk away unhurt.
    I know I looked away and sat down so I would not see the flashing lights at the conference. Can something be down about this situation?

    • 85.1
      Amanda says:

      Carol, I’m still out of town, but I wanted to quickly let you know that I’m sure the LifeWay Events team would be open to hearing your perspective. If you need their number you can call our office late next week. Blessings! -Amanda

  36. 86
    Paula says:

    I was blessed to be able to attend this conference in GR … will go to another in one blink!! I was so uplifted and rejuvenated!! What a blessing Beth and her ministry team are!! May she continue God’s work through her words and bless us all again and again!!!

  37. 87
    Beth C. says:

    Hi Beth,
    I want to tell you that it was great to hear you teach in person, God really moved on my heart to take one of my very dear friends who is struggling right now, and it was a very powerful time of worship and receiving the Word for the both of us. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. It makes all the difference in the world.

  38. 88
    Julie Brown says:

    I just wanted to thank you for being so open and real! My friend Tenneil’s husband bought her 2 tickets the week of the conference and she asked me if I wanted to go and I am like of course. We just finished our lifegroup study A woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place, which was amazing and then we attended the audio feed session at Grand Rapids First a month or so ago, so it was a thrill to be able to go to the VanAndel to see you in person. God has really used you in my life. I have been so excited to see the changes and growth in this last 7 months! I am just stepping out and continuing in the things that there is fruit growing and where there is not I am letting them go. Bless you and your team, Julie

  39. 89
    joan adis says:

    To Amy, who sent us the tickets to this wonderful event that i had to miss. i was hospitalized 5 weeks and am home now. watching this video made me shed some tears, i was looking forward to this more than you know. i pray i will get another chance with her someday. thanks & hugs Joan

  40. 90
    Beth H. says:

    Hi! I was at Grand Rapids along with 14 other women from our church. What an absolute blessing and encouragement that weekend was! Thank You does not express how MUCH I am thankful for your ministry. I know it takes alot of people to put it ALL together and I DO appreciate each one of you! After beginning a new job,and my Dad passed away, all three of our children were married last year. My husband chose the week after the third wedding to let me know he had committed adultary thru pornography and just not being able to say “No” to pictures and the women in the world around him. It’s been a very rough year, but I’m hanging onto God… maybe it’s that God is hanging on to me! I did my first Bible Study with you last fall – Esther – powerful! And we just finished your “Breaking Free” – also powerful! Your record breaking simulcast was also God given “just for me” and Grand Rapids was like the icing on the cake. God is good and cares for even me! I’m planning on bringing my two married daughters to Chicago in September when you will be at The Theater. I’m already praying for that weekend! Thank you each for being so faithful, honest, and human. By the way, Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker’s book, “Every Man’s Battle” has also been very helpful! Wish I could buy one for every man to read! Well, I just wanted to say thank you and am praying God’s blessing on you in unexpected ways!
    Love to you too,
    Beth Hamilton

  41. 91
    Emily says:

    Well written Joyce, I love the part about, “what power do we have, what strength do we have,” IT IS THE LORD’s POWER AND STRENGTH <

  42. 92

    I love seeing all these daughters of the King, united in His Name. Thank you for blessing those sisters out there, like myself, who may not ever be able to attend one of these events in person.

    Thank you, Rich, for putting this together for us! 🙂

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