The Photographer’s Daughter

Polly Monroe Kalonick
March 8 2010

Congratulations to Rich and Gretchen Kalonick on their beautiful baby girl!  As much as Rich loves taking pictures of all of us at the Living Proof Live events, I have a feeling that this sweet one is by far his favorite subject. And rightly so!

Annabeth and Bibby are thinking that baby Polly might share their love of a great shoe. Bibby’s coming through with a pair of these. Aren’t they precious?

P.S. Please don’t miss yesterday’s post.


60 Responses to “The Photographer’s Daughter”

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  1. 1
    Siesta OC says:

    Such a beautiful girl…Bibby you are such fun! Congrats to the happy family, GOD bless you all.

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    Ginger/Silver Sass says:

    What a cutie and the shoes…..oh my goodness! I think I like those strawberry dotted mary janes the best….although those geranium mary janes were just too cute as well.

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    Leah says:

    Congratulations Rich & Gretchen! Your daughter Polly is beautiful!

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    Church Lady says:

    She is precious!! Those shoes are almost as precious as she is.

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    Georgia Jan says:

    I pray that Miss Polly will grow up surrounded by the love of her family and that she will make the decision to accept Christ and His love and be part of God’s forever family at an early age. In Jesus’s Name, Amen

    She is so sweet! “The happiest days are when babies are born…” (As quoted by Mellie in Gone With the Wind when Bonnie Blue Butler was born.)

    Much love to Bibby today too!

    Your friend, Gran Jan (who is anticipating the birth of TWO new grandbabies within the next month – Hallelujah and praise His Name!)

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    Gena says:

    Love the Peaches and Cream MaryJanes – precious!

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    June says:

    How absolutely adorable!! Another Siesta! And such a sweet one.
    Beth…or Amanda – not sure who to “blame”. I am a grandmother but my grandchildren are older and no longer fit into those “cute” items you mention and show on your blog. Like the Baby Gap coat about 2 years ago and these darling shoes today!! You see, I fall in love with them – the coat was purchased for the baby son of a precious young woman I taught Sunday School to (She was at LPL Toronto and loved every moment!) Now, those shoes…I do not have a single baby girl present or on the horizon. How is a grandma to get her “fix”?! Oh, well…

    Thanks SO much for sharing your lives with us and allowing us the privilege of praying for you and seeing your family grow! You are all so very special.

  8. 8
    lynsiearmstrong says:

    Father, we bring our sisters before You, laying them on the altar of Your will! Praising You for being their strength and peace. Lord, I ask that You put Your hand over their mouths and give them Your words, that Your annointing power would flow freely in that courtroom. Bind the enemy! Protect Your daughters,Father. Please allow them to find favor in the eyes of men! And even better…. I ask that those present in the courtroom would receive YOU as their personal Lord and Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have not because we ask not, so I ask for Your salvation to fall in that place. Permeate the room with Your presence, and set some captives free! We love you, Lord! Do what only You can do! Praise You, Jesus!

  9. 9
    Amy Tate says:

    What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations! And Living Proof Team, my church women’s group has just finished the introduction to the updated version of A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place, and let me tell you…God is blowing my mind. I followed a really cool rabbit trail that the Lord gave me from lesson one, day one and all I can say is that I’m off to find a Menorah for my living room! He is so wonderful and such a Master of Detail!!!!! When I read where God walked through the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter three and asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” I knew something familiar resounded in that verse. Then Revelation popped in my brain where God walks in the midsts of the lampstands in Chapter one. I connected the lampstand to the church, and then He drew a perfect picture for me from there. In Genesis, He asks, “Where are you?” but in Revelation chapter one, He tells us where we are! Thank you so much for sharing this study with people like me! Now I’m off to find a Menorah. If the tabernacle is a picture of what’s in glory, then I want to surround myself with the replicas down here. Love ya’ll!

    • 9.1
      Anna Mitchell says:

      I finished that study several months ago- and I am still soaking in all I learned! What a fabulous study. You are in for such a treat and one mind blowing experience after another! I’d do my lessons early in the morning (5-ish) and would get so excited about something I had learned, I’d wake my husband up- had to tell someone!
      I love, love, love that study.

  10. 10
    Kris says:

    Those shoes are adorable!!! Oh how I wish I knew about them when my little one was still little. And – yes – as I am typing this I realize I am gushing over the shoes and not the baby. They baby is of course beyond adorable and how lucky to have a daddy as a photographer!!!! Congratulations on the newest member of the LPM team 🙂

  11. 11
    Lisa says:

    Of course, a pair of Gracious May’s! I’m leaning towards the “vintage baby maryjane” with a touch of whimsey, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Annabeth and Bibby choose expresso and pale pink.(; Now, I’m wondering if they can custom fit the paws of my Gracehound??

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    fuzzytop says:

    This is just precious…. Congrats to Rich and Gretchen!

    Love and hugs,

  13. 13
    campbell6 says:

    oh for pete’s sake. how cute is she…and those shoes!

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    April says:

    She is really beautiful. Congratulations!

  15. 15

    Those shoes are adorable! Which pair are you going to get!

  16. 16
    Sara says:

    Oh Beth! What a beautiful baby! I too share to love of great shoes. Now you have shown me another website to spend my money on…. at least I will have 2 stylish daughters!

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    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    Adorable! Congratulations, Rich & Gretchen!

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    April S. Port Orchard, WA says:

    Yes, I agree a girl must have a pair of those cute Spring Shoes! Might as well get her started off on the right foot!! : )

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    Anna Mitchell says:

    She’s beautiful. Congratulations to them all. When our first daughter was born, my husband took 200 pictures of her- just in the first 24 hours of her life! He really wasn’t overly excited, through the pregnancy, about being a parent…but when Ella Grace was born, he looked at her and said, “I didn’t know it was you…” He’s been smitten ever since. Daddies & their girls have a special bond that is there the second their eyes meet. It’s precious.
    Love the booties!- makes me wish for one more girl….

  20. 20
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Such an angel! Enjoy every minute. I’m sure you will. Blessings ~ Warm in Alaska.

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    Sandra says:


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    Diana A says:

    Well if Beth buys each of those shoes, this little one’s collection will be sure to get off on the “right foot”. Congratulations! Babies are the best form of God visiting us in our homes!

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    OceanMommy says:

    Little Polly is precious! And YES she NEEDS a pair or two,or three of these adorable shoes!!!

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    Jenn says:

    I am expecting my first little girl in 5 weeks and I am so excited to see sweet pictures of little girls and of course shoes for them! I must make room in my May budget for a pair of these shoes!

  25. 25
    Valerie says:

    Congratulations Rich & Gretchen!
    She’s adorable!
    And those shoes, Bibby…..they are too cute!

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    moosemama says:

    Oh many blessings and congratulations Rich and Gretchen!!! Precious shoes for a precious child!


  27. 27
    Lori, Love2Praise says:

    Congratulations to Rich and his wife. What a beautiful baby. I am sure she will be posing now for the rest of her life!!! Praying for many blessings for Rich and his family, as he blesses us with his gift of photography.

  28. 28
    Kathy says:

    A joy to see this darling new Siesta. Thank you for giving us the lovely geometric designs by our blog posts- I’m an “old” Siesta and have no clue how to post a photo- I’m bonding with my design!!!! Love, Kathy, Austin

  29. 29
    Yo Mama says:

    I’ve been attending Tuesday night bible studies with Beth for several years and the Lord has spoken something specific to me in each one but last night was totally out of the ball park….I have lived my whole life unpursued from being a daughter, wife (I proposed) mother and friend. I had totally given up on that “luxury” in my life but last night you, Beth, created such a picture of the Lord God Himself pursuing me and running faster than my self-destructive enemies to prepare a feast where the two of us would be able to commune was too much for me to comprehend…not me! In the middle of the night I had to get up and see if it was true…I have never heard Him so distinctly speaking so clearly to me in the Word, washing away so much heartache from the past and calling me to so much more in communing with the One I love. I’ve never posted on the blog before but wanted you to know how grateful I am that you saw this series to the was for me! Thank you, thank you, how can I say thank you?! I know that you really need a time of refreshment and healing and I pray that you will receive it above your highest imaginings but I am so grateful that you made this error…and pray that God is glorified!

  30. 30
    Mary Jo Marsh says:

    The pictures are beautiful.
    I am writing about “My Insecurity” First thing, my washer broke, waiting for IRS refund to purchase another. Had to go to the laundry mat for the first time in years. I am so spoiled. Anyway, I took my SO Long Insecurity book, with the jacket off – so I would not mess it up. Got soap on my book, did not have time to read anything and ended up leaving a washer of clothes at the laundry mat. That’s insecurity to the max, totaly out of my comfort zone. I had to laugh at my so spoiled self over this.

    I have a group of ladies that will be studying your book and will be going to a simulcast on April 24th to hear you speak. Looking forward to hearing you.
    I will clean up my book and put the jacket back on……..
    Mary Jo
    Dallas, TX

  31. 31
    Kristi B. says:

    Congratulations on the precious baby girl! I think grandma Kristi is going to have to invest in a pair of those shoes for her little girlie girl.

    Much love!

  32. 32
    Lynne says:

    Thanks Amanda not only for posting those beautiful new baby girl pictures — a BIG welcome to Polly and many congratulations to her proud parents!– but also for the heads-up on that darling website — those shoes are too much!! You’ve solved my new-baby gift dilemma for years to come . . .

  33. 33

    Congratulations on such a gorgeous baby girl. As a mom of 5 girls, I’m kind of biased. 🙂 But, I have to say, as gorgeous as those little shoes are, who spends $34 on a pair of shoes that she’ll grow out of in only a few shorts months (like 2 or 3). Too spendy for me. When mine were that little, they were either barefoot or in socks if it was cold. But, I will agree, the shoes are adorable!

  34. 34
    Praises in the Valley says:

    What a beautiful, precious baby girl! Love-Love-Love the maryjanes! Any news on the previous blog post regarding to the two women who were going to trial? I have been praying for them! May God surround them, protect them, heal them, and deliver them!

  35. 35
    Dianne Walters says:

    Congratulations to Rich and Gretchen. She is beautiful!

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    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    How darling! I want a pair!

  38. 38
    Georgia Boone says:

    She’s adorable. But even cuter are those darling shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How precious are those!!!!!!!!!! She might need a couple of pair of those!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bible Bunny in NO MI

  39. 39
    Katie says:

    I love the bowl picture. I am also loving those cute shoes. Hopped over to look at them and think they would look quite perfect on my own 14 month old baby girl’s feet.

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    Emmy says:

    She is just precious! How cute is the name Polly! I love it! : )

  41. 41

    Awww, beautiful baby girl and very cute shoes!:)

  42. 42 Those shoes are more than my heart can stand. I miss my baby girl being a baby girl!

    And I remain in prayer for these sisters in Christ. Their story was on Moody this week so hopefully many more are praying as well.

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    Rachel Cox says:

    Oh my word. Such cuteness should be illegal. How can you ever resist?

  44. 44
    salliekay says:

    Oh Bibby, AnnaBeth and Amanda, why oh why did you show me that website! I sent the link to my sister who is a photographer and I’m now ordering a pair for a good friend who is delivering her daughter on May 4th! For sure, the new little one must make her first appearance at church in a pair of the ‘stinkin’ cutest little MaryJanes I have ever laid my eyes on! Thanks so much for sharing and wish Rich and Gretchen many many blessed years with Polly!

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    AbbyLane says:

    what a beautiful angel!

  46. 46
    hisfivefooter says:

    First comes “LOVE” then comes “Marriage” then comes Rich with a baby carriage! (ha- i bet he hated this line when he was a kid), now it doesn’t seem so bad does it? Congratulations again! Darling cute Polly, I’d love to meet her! Can he and his wife and baby come to Spokane for the LPM Live there?
    I haven’t commented for a while, life has been happening- Beth, Melissa and Amanda, I miss you all so much. Seriously.
    Lisa in Kirkland, WA

  47. 47
    Kim Safina says:

    The Journey Continues ~

    There is nothing like the birth of a precious baby!
    The Photos of Polly are just adorable!
    Rich, you truly have the gift that captures the hearts in your photos!!!
    Thank you for sharing! Our prayers and blessing are upon you and your family!

    Bibby, There is nothing like buying for a little “girl” baby!!!! Darling shoes, dresses, bows, socks, clips, dolls, etc… I just can’t help myself…. Oh… bless their little hearts!
    I was blessed with boys and they just don’t look that cute in curls,bows,and bonnets! 🙂 Laughing!
    Looking forward to more POLLY PICs!!! As well as Jackson & Annabeth Pics too!
    Look forward to M & C having future babies!! They will be gorgeous and longgggg eyelashed! (((( HUGS ))))

    I love you and all the Siesta’s !!!
    Enjoy the Spring it is truly in the air!!
    With “Heaven Bound” blessings,
    Kim Safina

  48. 48

    We are really looking forward to this weekend’s conference in Tampa! I will be praying for smooth and safe travels for your team!


  49. 49
    Joy says:

    Those shoes are the CUTEST things I’ve ever seen! And that baby Polly is a doll! Congrats!

  50. 50
    Jessica says:

    I loved bible study. Beth is super special.

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