Oh, Yes, Jesus Loves Me.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

While I was in Galveston with my family over July 4th my Mom and I got in an interesting conversation. Well, we got in quite a few interesting conversations, but one of them in particular has continued pestering me. There is a really old and intriguing graveyard in Galveston and I’m not sure if the bleak but somehow alluring glimpse of it was what got us going off on a tangent or if our own eccentricities pulled this conversation out of nowhere. Knowing us probably the latter, right? Anyway, the two of us were discussing how unique the child and parent relationship is in the human experience. How the unconditional love of a parent for a child is so matchless and so unique that it is difficult, if not virtually impossible to find something with which to compare it. She described to me the way her heart felt the first time she saw the two headstones of her mom and dad sitting side by side one another in the Davis-Greenlawn cemetery. The way it felt for her to be left alone in this world without any parents, the very human beings whose mutual existence brought her into this world. It sent a chill up my spine. Now, my Mom would be the first to assure you that her relationship with her parents was far from a perfect or idyllic one. It was, in fact, a very difficult and complicated relationship but still that truth didn’t shake or numb the dreadful feeling of being orphaned.

I got to thinking after Mom and I had this overly melancholy yet truly significant conversation how many of you feel or have felt orphaned. I bet there are several of you who don’t have anyone to go along with you to a really scary doctor’s appointment. I imagine there are a handful of you who have no one to share the burden of waiting months on end to hear back about what may seem to be a very daunting prognosis. And I wonder if there are even a few of you younger women who spend the entire day looking after and meeting the needs of several of your own children without the comfort of having even one of your own parents around to cheer you on and to tell you what a great parent you are.

I cannot presume to know what it is like to lose both parents or even to have inactive parents. But, I can say that over the past year or so nothing has resounded clearer to me than that sobering reality that I am officially an adult. I’m not talking about some of the superficial things that come along with getting older like getting wrinkles, I am talking about days when I’m sick as a dog here in Atlanta and I no longer have my mom around to tickle my back and bring me 7-Up, saltines and chicken noodle soup. I’ve had some moments when I want to lace up my running shoes and start sprinting back home to my Mom because I’ve finally decided that adulthood is totally overrated and the last thing I want to do is clean my kitchen. I’ve had a couple of days when my heart has been so broken that the thought of sitting on my dad’s lap or being in my mom’s embrace was the only thing I felt could really suffice. Many of those days Colin has been around to love on me but the Lord has made certain that he was gone on several of those days as well.

I can remember one week in particular several months back when I was tied to the bed with an incapacitating migraine and Colin was on a long business trip in Miami. In my misery, I had a revelation. I came to realize that at the end of the day, it really was just my Creator and me. You’re thinking to yourself, “Good night, Melissa, you majored in Biblical Studies, and you just figured this out!?!” How true it is that some theological truths can only be learned with time and experience. Anyway, the feeling of being all alone heightened the reality that ultimately God is my comforter. My doctor could only do so much and the pharmaceutical companies had all but failed me. I had some intense and providential moments that week slowly learning how to be consoled by a God who I cannot see or touch. For the first time in my life, in adulthood no less, I truly felt like a child of God. It may sound silly but every night of that week I listened to the album called Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies (on very low volume, by the way). The most unlikely song was the one that I listened to repeatedly, “Jesus Loves Me” sung by Christy Nockels.

A make-up artist friend of mine told me the other day that she was on a photo-shoot with a young woman getting her bridal portraits taken. She relayed to me how the photographer instructed this young woman to think of her soon-to-be-husband while she was posing and the tears just started streaming down her cheeks. I feel about like that young woman did when I hear this version of “Jesus Loves Me”. I feel overtaken with emotion for some reason. Maybe it’s because the older I get the more I realize just how weak I really am and how dumbfounding it is that Jesus could really love me. Or maybe it’s because Christy sings the song with such conviction, like she means it. It’s really sweet to hear the song sung by a group of children but it’s wholly different to hear a grown woman sing it. To hear a grown person with fully developed mental faculties sing, “Yes, Jesus Loves Me”, well, it moves me. Don’t get me wrong, I love children, but when I hear a person who is fully aware of things like mortality, economic meltdowns and global catastrophes sing a song like “Yes, Jesus Loves Me” with such purity it slays me.

If you haven’t read or heard the song in a while, here are the lyrics:

Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but he is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me.
Oh, yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
For the Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me!
He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

Yes, Jesus loves me.
Oh, yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
For the Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me
He will stay close beside me all the way
He’s prepared a home for me
And someday his face I’ll see.

Oh, yes, Jesus loves me.
Oh, yes, Jesus loves me.
He loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
For the Bible tells me so.

Pretty powerful, right? Perhaps we skipped a couple of those verses in kindergarten because I don’t remember the song being all that weighty. Maybe I was too busy eating a donut. The donuts were my favorite thing about Sunday school growing up. Yes, I was sinful at birth. The first line I love is “little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong”. I like to think of “little ones” not just as young children but as you and me. I figure I have some license since in the gospel of John, Jesus addresses grown men as “little children” (John 13:33; 21:5 “children”). Lately I’ve been reading a lot about being called children of God and what the implications of this reality are during our earthly journey. This past week I came across a sermon by John Piper in April 1995 called “The Depth of Christ’s Love: Its Lavish Benefits”. He comments on this text, 1 John 3:1 and I think you’ll enjoy reading it. I was most moved by the second half.

“Not only did it cost him his Son to save us from sin and death and hell and not only were we enemies so that God had to propitiate his own righteous anger in order to save us but he went way beyond the love of rescue and the love of sacrifice and the love of clemency to his enemies. In and through all this he had a greater design. He showed us another kind of love beyond all that. He might have rescued us, sacrificed for us, forgiven us, and not gone any further. But instead he showed us another kind of love—he took us into his family. He made us to be called children of God. Don’t take this for granted. First of all, he might not have saved us at all. He might have said, “Enemies don’t deserve saving, and that’s that.” He might have said, “My Son is too precious to pay for angels, let alone humans, let alone ungodly, rebellious humans.” But he also might have said, “I will save them from hell, and forgive their sins, and give them eternal existence—on another planet, and I will communicate with them through angels.” Nothing in us, or in the nature of the world required that God would go beyond all redeeming, forgiving, rescuing, healing love to this extreme—namely, to an adopting love. A love that will not settle for a truce, or a formal gratitude, or distant planet of material pleasure, but will press all the way in to make you a child of God. A member of the family. But even that is not an adequate description of this kind of love. When John writes about our becoming children of God, he is not thinking mainly in terms of adoption. He is thinking in terms of something more profound. He is thinking of new birth. There is no human analogy to this…The love that John has in view here in 1 John 3:1 is not the love that merely takes care of paper work and adopts. That would be amazing beyond words—to be adopted into God’s family. And Paul does describe it this way. But John sees more. God does not adopt. He moves in, by his Spirit, his seed, John calls it, and imparts something of himself to us, so that we take on a family resemblance” (John Piper).

Being called a child of God is not just a metaphor.

It is who we are.

Regardless of how self-sufficient we imagine ourselves to be.

Or how old we are.

Our Father is close beside us all the way.

In our darkest and loneliest hours.

Long after our earthly parents are gone.

During a string of seemingly endless doctor’s appointments.

And at the moment we draw our very last breath.

In Christ, we are never truly orphaned.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

That we should be called children of God.

What a wonder.


201 Responses to “Oh, Yes, Jesus Loves Me.”

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  1. 101
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Melissa! You have an extraordinary gift and we are so blessed that you share that gift with us-

  2. 102
    Deanna says:

    What a wonder, indeed! I have no words, just tears of joy. "Thank You Father for allowing us to be children of God".
    Melissa, your heart is precious.


  3. 103
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you for giving me a conversation starter for our family while we are at at beach escape at Sanibel Island, Florida. there is something about a beach house vacation that gets conversations flowing and this one is one that must be shared. Bless you.

    Tremont, Ill

  4. 104
    Amy says:

    Melissa- thank you so for posting this. Both my parents are living, but as has been most of my life, I already feel orphaned. The struggle is too much to detail here, but is one which hinders me in my ability to even function in the emotion of love of God for me as a child … but He is teaching me through that earthly parent child relationship with my own son … your entry helped me once again see how I do not apply the same truth to my life that I believe for others. Thanks for the push in the right direction.

  5. 105
    Retta says:

    I have never really had earthly guidance… my mom has a mental illness and my dad I didn't meet til I was 16. My grandmother raised me for the most part.

    I remember sitting with a group of friends at school close by the P.E. coach during our session with him. One of the others asked me about my father…I innocently, honestly replied, "I don't have one." Coach said, "Oh you have one, you may not know him, but you definitely have one." This was the first of many times I have felt orphaned. It was at this time I found the passage Psalm 68:5a&c "A father of the fatherless…is God…" That's when I knew God was the only "Father" I would ever need…I was 8. I praise Him everlastingly for adopting me…no…for coming and taking up residency within me…for loving me… as the bible tells me so.

  6. 106
    ocean mommy says:

    Beautiful Melissa.

    Now I'm off to read it again and this time…I'm going to attempt to get through it w/out all these tears!!! I know they made me miss something the first time!!


  7. 107
    aguhmom says:

    there is a book waiting to be written in those security blanket feeling words of yours.
    orphan is the correct word for the feeling of not having any living partents, of the human sort. a lonelilest of the lonely feeling,
    but then we come back to the promises of GOD! . . .& I then ask myself – no I pray deep & long. . .God, give me the mind to absorb your sweet promises. You are my Father and my Comforter.

    I love you sweet friend – you are wise beyond your years.

  8. 108
    Momtotyandow says:

    Interesting that you brought this up. I am very close with my parents and they so help me with my children. My mom's brother was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Our family is realing. She and my dad left yesterday to take him to John's Hopkins and my be gone a month. I feel so lost without them. They are my back up. It just doesn't feel right when they are traveling. I needed to hear what you said, Melissa. God's got my back. My husband is a great help and so are my in laws, but there is just something about having your parents close by. Maybe this is a wake up call to me as well….that God really is there and I need to depend on Him more than my parents.

  9. 109
    Anonymous says:

    Campbell6 at 2:11 a.m. (eek – go to bed!) may have the answer for me. I long ago forgave my mother for the things I wish she'd done differently. It was not major issues – just not decisions I would have made if I were in her shoes. I realized in my mid-20's that she was not perfect – just a young single mother doing the very best she could, at a time when young divorcees were not looked upon highly. But I have not been able (or even tried) to forgive my father for abandoning me. And my dismay over how a man abandons his child, along with the absence of fatherly love and affection, has left a huge chasm in my relationship with God. Thank God for a grandfather who loved me, and my out-of-this-world husband. But the Abba-Father concept is foreign to me. Anyway, maybe what I need to do is work on forgiving my father.

    Thanks, Campbell6.

    Ladies, any time you feel moved in any way to post something here, please do. You never know how your words will help someone else.

  10. 110
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks, Melissa.
    Great post.
    It seems like the biggest favor God can do for us sometimes is have people disappoint us or have family unable to be there for us so we can throw ourselves into His big Everlasting Father hands.

  11. 111
    Leanne says:

    "He moves in…so that we take on a family resemblance"…Oh, I want to look just like my Daddy!

  12. 112
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you precious Melissa. Your writing is a blessing to me in more ways than one.

    Jackie Tabor

  13. 113
    A Woman of Righteous Confidence says:

    Beautiful Melissa. The Gospel in a nutshell. He loves us – He really LOVES us.

  14. 114
    Carrie says:


    That was positively, completely, absolutely beautiful. You got my day off to a very tearful start and I thank you for it.
    On a side note, I want to empathize with you about your migraine. I too suffer from them and I have a five and two year old to look after. I had to seek God's strength recently when my husband was away on business and I had an attack. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have the faith to ask for His hand through times like that.

  15. 115
    Pat from NY says:

    I LOVE the fact that Jesus loves me and I can find it in His living, loving word. I also love the truth (Psalm 139) in the reverse order of the first line of the song: "Jesus knows me this I love." I wonder if this is an example of chiastic structure that is taught so beautifully in Esther session 6?

  16. 116
    Anonymous says:

    I love this post! I will think about it all day.

    Thank you.


  17. 117
    jar of clay says:

    Village Sister,

    Thank you for asking about Maggie Lee. The news is encouraging this morning; there is brain activity. Keep praying. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/maggieleehenson


  18. 118
    Jesus Chick says:

    I printed this out and will be sharing it.

    I have never done that with a blog post.

  19. 119
    Grateful in Alabama says:

    Melissa: this post hit right where needed for my family. My mom is 84 years old and was an adopted child. Adopted by her biological father and his wife from an affair he had had. In those days, that would have been quite a secret, and for years it has haunted her. She continues to have emotional problems from it, as she has never known who her mother is (other than rumor) and her dad's family always treated her like a "black sheep". I read your post yesterday and took it to my mom last night. I have told her all this for ages, but somehow hearing it from you gave her a peace about her situation. THANK YOU for exposing your deep emotions so that others can heal from theirs!

  20. 120
    Anonymous says:

    Melissa ~ thank you for posting this. I have struggled with disappointment and frustration my whole life with my earthly parents and their dysfunction (some of it my own self centeredness/issue and some by the world's standards would be a legitimate complaint). The latter has been a huge obstacle for me, especially of late. Your post answered a question I asked of God just yesterday during my quiet time.

  21. 121
    MJ says:

    What a special post Melissa! Not only did it deeply touch me, but reading through the others' comments has also been a wonderful reminder of how not alone we are here–even when it feels that way.

    I wish I could send you a video of my 27 mo old son singing "Jesus Loves Me". It's so precious. Especially when he gets to the "Yes! Jesus Love Me" chorus. Each time he says "YES!" he throws his fist up in the air in excitement. I feel it! Oh, how I feel that overwelming joy of "Yes! Jesus Loves Me"

  22. 122
    Kim... and Her Coffee says:

    Wow. Just beautiful. And so true. Having recently had a great talk with God during a migraine, this post speaks to my heart and my situation. Thanks for sharing this.

  23. 123
    Rosalye says:

    O, Melissa, what a sweet reminder of how my Jesus loves me and how truly blessed we are to be "adopted" into God's family! Having been adopted 67 years ago by parents who couldn't have loved me more, I know first hand what that means! As a child, I grew up with a vision of my mom and dad walking into a nursery filled with babies, pointing at me and saying "that's the one we want!". And to think our God chose us long before we made it to that nursery knowing full well how we would disappoint Him! That's LOVE!

  24. 124
    HIS Daughter says:

    Your thoughts are so brilliant and you have been gifted by Our Father in such a way as to be able to articulate them perfectly.
    Perfectly in the sense that for those who think deep and meditate on the deep and for those who are maybe still getting their feet wet or are treading water.
    I thank Our Lord for the gift of you and your insight!

    I am an orphan – at age 37 I lost my Dad and, at one of the most traumatizing moments of my entire life, my Mom died. I was 44, yet I desperately need her Christian influence and unconditional love.

    Where you cried out to your Heavenly Father in your sickness, I ran from Him.
    You wanted Him to hold you and love you – perhaps as your own Dad did, upon His lap enveloped in protection.

    My Dad couldn't show his love for me in those ways and he was a very sad and depressed man for many reason. I let my image of Our Father have many of those traits.

    But, more and more in digging ever deeper, I am more than convinced that assigning to GOD the "bad traits" of a earthly Dad is making a false image.

    No matter how we may feel and think that Our Father is responding to us, it can never not be within His Holy Other character. GOD is a Convenant God and Father. HE holds Himself to that convenant because he cannot lie.

    In my new church experience I get to hear and read more of the "red letter words" than before. In all theology we jump and skip around trying to tie Him up in a nice box.

    But at the end of the day, His red letter words are what the first apostles heard Him say.

    That is the human representation of Our Father – Christ Jesus – fully human and fully divine.

    Sorry for the ramble. You should be a professor. Your thought always provoke a response from the heart.

    Love you and glad for the gift of you

  25. 125
    Melissa Terry says:

    Thank you for being raw and vulnerable. It was so refreshing to hear your heart.

  26. 126
    Suzanne says:

    Wow. All I've ever known is negative parental support and its been so hard to make the wheel turn and roll in the right direction. I spend a great deal of time with God, allowing him to reparent my thinking and my life. I have just not had love shown me rather a childhood build on condemnation that I am nothing. How this affects you is that there is nothing to catch you when no one seems to love you, your not worth loving because not even your own mother does. There is no cheering going on in your head, so God must also withhold it. You seem to easily get stuck in feeling neurotic which means you suspect that you manifest it everywhere you go. You have no security in this world, so then you act insecure.

    It seems to take a long time to understand who this God is, but when you finally do get it, its like being a child again where the wonder of who He is is utterly facinating. When you can let go of not only needing people, but even needing the comfort of an earthly mother, then you are free to fly away with him and you will find that you have an amazing capability to fill yourself up with him. Theres much more room because you were so empty.

    I'm not perfect, I still have my days, but the more I know Him, believe him, trust him, the more secure I feel with him.

    ~Thanks for your ministry.

  27. 127
    Anonymous says:

    I can totally relate to be orphaned so to speak. Both of my parents are gone. For awhile it was my sister, my brother, and I. While we all share a close knit, it was my brother and I who shared a relationship with Jesus Christ and who built one another up in the Lord. When he died unexpectantly, it was then that I felt the burden of being all alone. While I still had my sister, who means so much to me, we are unequally yoked…we have no spiritual bond for she is not saved and so the depth of my loneliness was profound in the days of my brother's passing. Since then, I've often seen God back me into many corners so that all I had was Him to rely on. He continuously shows me that I am truly never alone and He is always near. Sisters in Christ need to come along side one another though so that those who do not have family to lean on will not be left to journey this pilgrimage alone. I pray more would rise up to the task. ~ Melodie from New York

  28. 128
    Karen says:

    Melissa, I believe that most of us are adults before Jesus' love really impacts our hearts. For me, I was 36 years old, recently divorced, and heart-broken. I was sitting on a pew in worship, as I had done every Sunday for my whole life to that point, crying over my heartache, and Jesus softly whispered in my ear, "I really love you!" It melted me then, and continues to melt me. I will never be the same, and I'm so thankful for that!

  29. 129
    Village Sister says:

    Good news indeed….I am praying for that ICP # to down, down, down. I know so well how key that is. Thank you for sharing her page – I will be checking back often.

    Village Sister

  30. 130
    martyh says:

    Yes, it is a weird feeling to be an orphan here on earth. I find I miss my mom mostly when I want to share happy and fun stuff with her. But how wonderful to remember we are never orphans as our Heavenly Father promises to never leave or forsake us. What an amazing God He is!

  31. 131
    TheCaliforniamum says:

    Melissa, you expressed the beauty of this song in such a wonderful tenderhearted way. I must fly to keep connected to my daughters, and the song I sing in my heart each time is "Yes, Jesus loves me"
    because if anything happened I want that to be in my heart. I know that is kind of weird but truly it comforts me on the trips to Dallas and Germany. I sing it because it really does amaze me that God would love me—just like my mother did-unconditionally.
    In fact I found myself humming
    while getting ready for a small
    surgery "yes-Jesus loves me"
    I would write more but I need to get a new tissue box, as your thoughts have stirred a mini praise and worship this morning.
    never stop righting your feelings and observations of life and scripture.

  32. 132
    Sheryl says:

    What a personal post. I love being a part of a community of such vulnerably confident women. Oh the unselfishness of exposing what we really are. It ministers like piousness could never do. I am changed partly because of the honesty of this community. Praise you Father. In January 2008, in my journal recently I read where God was drawing me to focus on His love for me. I've grown up in a sweet, safe family hearing truth all my life. The danger of that is self-righteousness. You see, I've always had very strong convictions against many "ungodly" ways. Oh I'm shivering with shame as I look at what I've been and the danger it could cause had it not been for God's amazing grace. Through a very stormy trial that has lasted sooooo long God has restored sight to this blinded child. He has lifted a heavy burden even though very little about my storm has changed accept I see God has allowed it for my good. PRAISE HIM! Anyway, it has been the last two years of God bringing me back to His pure, incomparable love for me. I can't even grasp it, it so big and pure, good and undeserved.
    He's bringing me to a point where love is being restored so that I can't help but express that love where it needs to be expressed. A MIRACLE FOR SURE. Thank you girls for your passion, discipline and honesty to serve. Thank you heavenly Father for the gifts you give others to minister so effectively.

  33. 133
    Cynda P says:

    Tears in my eyes – I Am a daughter of the king?! Oh precious love, how can this be?

  34. 134
    sjm4him says:

    Thanks, Melissa for that post. I needed to hear it. I'm single and live alone and often struggle with loneliness. This was a great reminder that I am never really alone. Bless you!

  35. 135
    Amy says:

    Melissa, this ministered to me so deeply. I thank Him for speaking through you. That realization of how when it all comes down to it, it's just God and me is something I thought I'd learned a few seasons ago, but seem to be re-learning again (or learning more fully) in this season. Your sharing about the song "Jesus Loves Me" (btw, I never knew there were 2 more verses!) touched me b/c that's what I've been singing recently from time to time. It seems to be one of the only songs that can comfort me in those "needy" or trying times. And the Piper quote. Wow. I'll have to chew on it some more.

    Thanks again for sharing a piece of your heart with us, including your conversation with your mom. The whole post spoke to me in huge ways and articulated things I have felt but didn't know exactly how to put into words.

    May our great Dad continue to bless you and your ministry ~
    Love, Amy 7634

  36. 136
    Jim & Pam says:

    Thank you.

  37. 137
    EstherRD says:

    Awesome Melissa,
    Thanks for taking the simple that I gloss over sometimes and helping me take a deeper look!
    God bless!

  38. 138
    Mitzi Grady says:

    Kannapolis, NC

    Melissa, I realized today was scripture memory day, so I was checking on the blog and realized I hadn't read this one you posted on July 14. I'll have to say I read it with tears in my eyes, and it was such a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing!

  39. 139
    Jessica says:

    I have been there too. After my divorce all I could say was, "Jesus loves me, this I know…but it's all I know." I felt like I was hanging on by a thread but it was really His mighty arm, and HE was holding on to me. Praise God! What a wonderful Father!

  40. 140
    O'Nealya says:

    Oh Melissa – Thanks for the cry today! Oh how I love that song. My little boy, Benjamin Levi, is a little younger than Jackson – he will be 3 in August. I have been teaching him "Jesus Loves Me" since he could talk words. It took a while to get all the words pronounced correctly and in the correct order but he goes around all day long breaking forth in song. People love it at the grocery store! We get more smiles, more amens and one lady cried just the other day.

    But here's the part I could not wait to share with you — He still has one part that is not "perfect". He sings – "Little Ones to Him Be One" instead of Little Ones to Him Belong. I caught what he was actually singing just about a week ago and knew I needed to share this with your mom if I ever got the chance. The prayer of a 2-1/2 almost 3 years old. Little Ones that They Be One…
    And no, I will never correct him!!! Love You Girl!!!

  41. 141
    Vickie says:

    Yea! God!!! Thank you for your insightful comments Melissa. You Moore girls never cease to amaze me. I appreciate the gifts God has placed in each one of you and am so grateful He allows you to be shared by so many.

  42. 142
    Marilyn says:

    I have always loved Jesus loves me this I know. When my daughter married I made sure it was played. The older I get the more it ministers to me and the truth of those 6 words overwhelms me. I so identify with Beth when seeing my parents name on the stone and realizing I was on my own, I was blessed to have my parents for over 50 years. I so feel for the younger girls who lose theirs at an early age. Esp their Moms so many times now I start to pick up the phone to tell my Mom something or ask a question.

    I love the chorus we used to sing like "Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day and everyday with Jesus I love Him more and more. What truth!
    Attalla, Al

  43. 143
    Nichole says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. It is so incredibly true. My mom lives in CA and I live in Iowa. Recently I had to jump through some very scary health related hoops. I did not want to scare my mother so I tried not to tell her for as long as I could stand it. We talk on the phone nearly every day. She called once while I was sitting in the doctor's office getting my blood pressure checked. It's like she knew! Eventually I did tell her and she hoped and prayed with me. Praise God I can say that our worst fears were not realized. Doing the scary stuff by phone is better than not having her at all, but I miss her so much. Having her there to pray for me and just be my mom is an incredible blessing. I do not want to ever do life without her. I'm a grown up, but I still need and love my mom. Not sure I'll ever grow out of that.

  44. 144
    lalaurabelle says:

    I would say that my life has been characterized by loss. My dad died when he was 57, my mom at 68, my brother and only sibling at age 49 and my best friend at age 52. Subsequent to that, two years ago my husband of 33 years chose divorce to pursue a relationship with another woman. Although I had walked closely with the Lord for 30 years, I still felt so abandoned, alone and truly orphaned. However, God met me at the points of my deepest pain and loss and even gripping fear. In the process, I discovered first hand that when God is all you have, He is all you need and although I may feel lonely, I am never, never alone. I am so unspeakably grateful that I am His child and have the confidence that I am loved beyond measure.

  45. 145
    Heather says:

    oh for this to sink ever deeper into my heart and mind. It is what I need to hear like no other… His child… loved by Him.

    And as a wife and mother of 2 little ones, I still don't feel grown up… and adult yet! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing this! I can't tell you how it ministered to me.
    God bless,

  46. 146
    Jerry, Kim and Elijah says:

    Just buried my Mom last week. Tears.
    Thank you.
    Kim Feth
    Apex, NC

  47. 147
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks Melissa. Thanks for touching on a truth that usually is not mentioned – that we can lose our parents as adults and truly feel like orphans.

    My mom went to be with the lord 15 years ago , and my dad never has cared about me. I feel orphaned. My husband recently left me too.

    I have my Father … Jesus , who really DOES love me. I'll cling to Him as long as I live.

    Love you . XO

  48. 148
    Kellye says:

    Powerful truth you showed us. Thank you.

  49. 149
    glorysuzy says:

    What a wonder indeed!

  50. 150
    Kristi says:

    That CD is absolutely one of the so peace-instilling musical creations to me. It is my very favorite Sunday afternoon napping CD. What a blessing those artists and their lullabies have been to even this grown woman!

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