Good Monday morning, my favorite blog community on earth!
Soon you’ll be hearing from Curtis with some insights from your comments on Friday’s post. I’ve been out of town most of the weekend so I haven’t seen them yet but the Moores and Joneses had lunch together yesterday and they said the responses were terrific and some of them pretty eye-opening. You invest continually in the workings of this ministry whether or not you realize it. You equip us constantly to serve the Body of Christ in relevant ways and we are so grateful.
Until you hear from CJ, here’s something that’s been on my mind this weekend based on a wild thing God did on Friday. I awakened that morning with a pressing on my heart to send a certain new friend flowers for absolutely no occasion except that I couldn’t get her out of my mind. The fact that I could even have that clear impression on Friday is in itself a wonder because I was preparing five – count them, FIVE – messages for the Life Today taping we did in Dallas-Fort Worth this weekend. I was also in a tailspin getting all the appropriate wardrobe packed. It made much more sense to wait until Monday to make arrangements for flowers, only I couldn’t let it go.
Come to find out that the flowers came to my new friend on her only child’s birthday, a son she’d raised to young adulthood then lost in a tragic accident. She’d been feeling literally sick at heart with grief as the day approached and had tried not to tell anybody. What’s more, instead of just sending a random bouquet of flowers like I normally would, this time I requested something very specific that just happened to hold extreme significance to my new friend. It was the exact kind of flower and color that her husband sent her for years before his equally untimely death. (No, it wasn’t your basic red.) Needless to say, Blonder-Than-She-Pays-to-Be had absolutely no idea. I sat bug-eyed when I read her response concerning all the things I “could not have known” and marveled over how Christ has gone out of His way to show her His enormous and exquisite love. In fact, He’s chasing her as hard as anybody I’ve ever known. My heart is so tender that He would allow me to be one small part of how He is showing His great affection and tender care to someone.
He is not only a God of the big things. Perhaps what astonishes us most in each of our private journeys with Him is that He is a God of the smallest, most intimate details. A God who does things with personal significance only He and we could have known. So, let’s boast in that very dimension of our God today. Give a one-paragraph story of how He went out of His way and far beyond coincidence to show You His love…OR, used you in some detailed way to demonstrate His love to someone else.
I was told by doctors that I would never have children–or if I did, I would have to go through massive fertility treatments. Well, my God being the God He allowed me to birth two beautiful children. No fertility treatments, just prayer, some good old fashioned hanky panky, and the healing touch of my Father's hand. Yep, God is good. And He is definitely WORTHY to be praised!
Another story–I won a complete Bible Study set for those who were considering or had had an abortion. I felt a very strong prompting to contact a friend of mine to see if she or someone she knew could use the study. However, Satan didn't want me to do that and whispered in my ear "she's going to think that you believe she's had an abortion." A complete and utter lie, but one I almost believed. I went with God (which by the way, will never fail us), and guess what? She had a friend who just set up a non-profit Christian crisis pregnancy center and DESPERATELY needed studies like this. Yep, God is in the details. Sigh…
Prayers and blessings,
It marvels me and when my heart says something in private and He responds to it with the same words through someone else. I know I, and all of us, have so many examples…but a few weeks ago I was having some tests run on some health issues I'm having. It was really bothering me that I was going through any of this in the first place because until this year and after my first pregnancy, I've always had a clean bill of health. Always. So on my way to the lab, again, I was thinking in my heart, not my mind, that I just wanted everything to be "perfect" again. Perfect lab results, perfect blood pressure, etc. etc. I never voiced it. Just was feelin' it. When the nurse checked my blood pressure to my astonishment it was normal this time. And she didn't say, "it's normal". She didn't have to say anything. (Why do some nurses feel like your own health is none of your business?) She said "it's perfect." When she turned her back I looked up and smiled and winked at my Abba. It was Him saying to me I heard you dear one.
He loves me. He really loves me. (Oh, how I needed myself to say that outloud today. Thank you Father for the reminder.)
Heather G
Charlotte NC
I received the following email from a woman who found my blog,, in a most unusual way. Needless to say, I was humbled and amazed.
"First, I'd like to be a witness that God works in mysterious ways. I came upon your blog from a google search. I've been on the computer for a while this afternoon looking for answers to my long list of issues. My google search was "Word of God for Dee Dee". I was looking for a special message today for me, something to guide me out of my darkness. After I put in the search term I actually felt silly – how in the world can God talk to me through the Internet. But I'll be darned if I didn't happen upon your web page and then your blog with a word about the very thing I'm struggling with as today's post.
You see, my marriage is in turmoil – I feel lost, hurt and alone. My relationship with God has been inconsistent at best and as I searched today looking for answers to my martial and financial problems, I kept coming to the same conclusion, that God is the answer. Knowing that God was talking to me, but not really understanding what he was trying to say – my last ditch effort was to find an answer on the Internet. Who knew yours would be the message that I received.
I went into this email initially looking for a prayer for my marriage. However after pausing and rereading your post, I'm asking for the prayer of deliverance back into the arms of God. I know that He will take care of the rest. I want to turn this marriage, my finances, my health and all of the other things that are ailing me over to God.
My mom was just reminding me of a "God is in the details" story this past weekend. I went to a small Christian school in North East TX and graduated at the top of my class (not so impressive w/15 in the class :-)Anyways, I had decided to go to Texas A&M University (whoop!) and b/c it is a state school Valedictorians get tuition free for the first year. To prove your eligibility one needed to fill out a form not available to us at my little Christian school. So, when we went for summer registration, my mom and I stopped by the registrars office to get a sample of this form. She picked a completed one from the incoming Freshman class off the top of the stack, copied it, and then whited out the name.
Two years later (fall of my Junior year), I had met the godly man that God had picked out for me even before I was born. I was preparing to bring him home for the first time, and my dad was struggling a bit with his "baby girl" getting serious with a guy…a guy that would eventually "take her away," etc. etc. He was searching in my college files, loan info etc, when he came across that form that was copied two years prior. He looked down and the town name was "Miami, TX" the very school my now husband graduated from. Upon looking at it in the light he could see Matthew's name clearly through the white out! Such a cool confirmation to my dad that God was in control. He was in the details!
Last week I went to get my haircut. No big deal really or so I thought. I made the appointment at a kids hair place. Its funny, because I called my friend(who recommend this women to me) that morning and asked if I was nuts for going to a kids place. She assured me that this women cuts adult peoples hair all the time. Well while she was cutting my hair I mentioned that my hubby was the pastor of a church. She then started to ask me questions. These were not normal question like tell me about God type, they were very specific like I was being prompted to give the gospel. With each question leading to the next step. Like; I have do something right, so what do I have to do. And they went on from there. I never mentioned anything about doing anything at that point nor had I really even said much of anything. Now I know that people ask question that are good openings to tell about the gospel. This was different. I knew that God was promoting me through this women to tell her about Him and salvation. I just can't explain it to well, sorry about that. Yes I answered all her questions and followed Gods lead. Well after I left I called my friend and told her what happened. She informed me that she prayed that I would be able to share the gospel with this women. I had not even entered my realm of thinking that I might have a witnessing opportunity while I was getting my hair cut. I am amazed that God used me that day. I don't like to go to salons because I feel so frumpy and I felt especially silly going to a kids place. I now know that is exactly where God wanted me that day.
During the Fall of 2001 I was facilitating a small bible study group at my church. I also work in the criminal justice system with crime victims and their families. One morning I was stunned to learn on the news of a horrific murder/suicide. I recognized the unusual name of one of the victims and learned her husband had killed her, their two children, set the house on fire and died trying to get himself out. I immediately began praying for the family members who had been left behind to try and comprehend and deal with this horrific act. For days I prayed for the extended family members. I specifically asked God to comfort them, care for them and tend to them as only He could. I begged Him to please take good care of those heartbroken extended family members who were parents, grandparents, sister/aunt, cousins to these victims. At our next bible study group meeting the group was asked to share how they had experienced God that week. One of the young female group members, who just happend to be a mortician, started sharing how she had directed Celebration of Life Services for a mother and her two children that week. My friend went on to explain how God was taking such good care of that family. How the family was relying on Him and He was graciously comforting them throughout this nightmare. I started crying during our group session when I realized the Lord was in those details and gracious enough to let me know that not only had He heard me and was answering my prayers, He was letting me know that He was doing exactly what I had asked of Him. Oh PRAISE HIM!
Well here goes – long story short.
For a few years I suffered with trigeminal neuralgia and it was getting worse with each passing day. Finally at the end of May, 2007 I decided I needed to contact the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ to see if there was anything they could do. After many hours on the phone trying to get connected with the right department the Lord gave me a successful phone call. The lady I spoke with was very kind, set me up on the waiting list and told me that there wasn't much more she could do at this point – I needed to just wait.
The waiting list was 18 months to 2 years long. I was heartbroken! The pain and medication was getting to be too much to bear and I was starting to see why this disorder was called the suicide disease.
I cried for hours, had to start on massive pain meds because I was crying (which made it impossible to be a mom to my darling kiddos) and had to go straight to bed for few days. I started to pray, asked friends to pray, and told my church I would appreciate prayers.
Miracle of all miracles – At the beginning of July 2007 a very kind lady called me from the Mayo Clinic and said that (surprisingly) they had an opening at the end of August – would I like to come down? You bet your bottom dollar!!! I got off the phone and hit my knees praising Jesus – it was his miracle to me and I was truly thankful!
Had Microvascular Decompression (MVD)surgery on October 31, 2007 and have been pain free ever since.
Thanks for letting us share. These stories are truly amazing.
Kelli in Colorado
I'm a little late jumping in on this conversation but I love the topic so much that I just have to share!
My husband and I are unable to have children but we have always had a strong desire to be parents. God changed the desire of our hearts to align with His plans for our family and we chose to adopt through the foster care system.
We experienced a lot of delays during the process of getting our license. These "delays" were out of our control but God was totally in control. After much waiting and prayer, we finally received our license on Februrary 7, 2008! A placement worker called us on the morning of February 8, 2008 to ask us if we would accept the placement of a newborn baby boy! He went home from the hospital on the morning of February 7th with another family who was hoping to foster-to-adopt a boy. (we had not been placed on the foster parent list yet) These foster parents are also Christians and the foster mom said that during that one night D was with them she felt like God was telling her this baby boy "was meant for another family." She called the placement worker the next day and he was placed with us on February 8, 2008 – just one day before my husband's birthday!
Not only did God perfectly time everything involved in D's arrival but He also made sure D was well cared for by loving people – loving people who would be willing to let him go at just the right time. Thank you, Jesus!
D is now 18 months old and we are in the final stages of adopting him…Praise the Lord!!!
The way D came to us is nothing short of a miracle performed by a God who loves us so…He is definitely into the details!
I had transferred out of the job world to stay at home with our newest baby boy on-the-way. Insurance was transferring, but the logistics were crazy.
My son was born 3 weeks and 1 day early on Feb 27. He was born tiny (a teeny tiny 5.8 lbs), but he was completely healthy. No over time in the hospital, we were actually discharged early, and we were able to take him for that 1st pediatrician visit on Feb 29 (a leap year).
Our insurance terminated with no warning on Mar 1.
Had God not been in our details, we would still be paying for those hospital bills. I realized at that moment, how our Big God meets our every need.
Thank you for the opportunity to remind myself that "He's Into the Details."
Hey Everyone:)
I can't really get my thoughts together right now to think of a specific moment in my life, other than the love of God poured out into blogworld.
My siestas, have been one of the biggest blessings in my life; they've been there standing in prayer through SO MUCH, and even now with mom here in the hospital.
(which for those of you who don't know after surgery she contratcted MRSA, and just came out of surgery for it.)
I don't know if y'all see this as a " given" God-thing, but seriously, when you actually hear a voice on the other side of the phone line from someone you met on this blog, or you get a direct message from a siesta via twitter that they are praying, or comment of Facebook just etc. It makes such a smile grow across my face:) Its contagious:)
Anyway, I love you all, and I pray dearly that God blesses your world as a siesta in Christ as He has mine:)
Be Blessed:)
I'm a little late in commenting on this, but oh well. After college, I lived overseas as a single, young woman. Usually, traveling and living alone did not cause overwhelming fear for me, but one night I remember becoming frozen with fear and not knowing why. I locked myself in my bedroom and cried, praying "Please, God, let someone be praying for me." It went on well into the night. Around 3 or 4 in the morning, I relaxed and went to sleep. The next morning, when I awoke and checked my email, I had three emails from a friend. The first simply asked what was going on and said the person had been feeling convicted to pray for me. The second was a bit more urgent. The third said "What is going on?! I've stopped everything and am praying for you." It was sent at almost exactly the same time I finally went to sleep. God is so good!
To Anonomous who posted at 5:30 on July 27
No, God is not mad at you. Not only does He like you, he loves you. And guess what – He even understands your questions, doubts and fears. I'll share a Scripture passage that has helped me tremendously during this incredibly difficult season in my own life. Psalm 94:17-19, 22
Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul would soon have settled in silence. If I say, "My foot slips," Your mercy, O LORD, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. But the LORD has been my defense. And my God, the rock of my refuge.
I'm convinced now that He gave me this during my quiet time this morning just for you. Two things from this passage: 1 – If I'm in desperate need of His mercy to hold me up, I need to speak up and speak out about my feelings and -tell Him my foot is slipping. 2 If I keep my anxieties within me and remain silent, I give up His comfort that could delight my soul and replace my anxiety. Though I don't know your name, God does – your name is, after all, engraved on the palm of His hand. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Much love,
Patti Hayes
I am a teacher. I took sick a year ago. My superintendent allowed me to go on medical leave for an entire year…WITH FULL INSURANCE COVERAGE, guaranteeing my return this year to the same classroom and same grade! UNHEARD OF…except that God wanted to show me just how much He loves me and knew that I needed a huge rest!
We are in the process of adopting 2 precious children from Ethiopia who are 7 and 8 years old and have been living in an orpahange for 2 years since the death of thier parents. Our amazing Lord loves these kids so much that He has arranged for thier best friends to be adopted to families that we know and one of them lives only 45 minutes from us. So very much is God the father to the fatherless that He worked these details out for them. Makes me wonder what they have been praying for.
God is definitely into the details! It is just one of the many things that I love so much about Him and that surprises me constantly. Okay, so here is one of my favorite stories of how God has blessed me. I had just come home from college and about to start summer break. I literally had about $40 as I would start work the following week to make enough money to pay for the next school year. I was about to start a job in an office setting and I knew that I would need some appropriate work attire and that I wouldn’t be getting my first paycheck for another two weeks so I really needed to make that $40 stretch. The Sunday morning before I started the job I felt God pressing on my heart to place $15 in the offering plate. I wish I could say I did it without any hesitation but I was scared and thought about all that I needed with that $15 (that was a shirt!). As the offering plate passed by I put the $15 in with a scared but exciting feeling wondering what God would do next.
So I needed work clothes and at $25 the only place to go was Good Will (l heart Good Will!!!). I remember picking up a couple pairs of pants and I think one shirt and heading into the dressing room. I had found a cute pair of kakis and they fit perfectly. I went to put my hands in the pockets and noticed something in the pocket. In the pocket of those pants was a $20 bill. Well I quickly tried on the rest of the items and emerged from the dressing room with two pairs of pants that worked perfectly (one of which was the kakis). I went up to the cashier and explained what I had found in the pockets to see what I should do. She said that she had never heard of anyone having that happen to them and told me the $20 was mine. Well, my purchases came out to a little over $4, I used the $20 and had a little over $15 in change. To this day, the way God worked out every detail brings a smile to my face.
Oh, how many times has God been into the details of my life. I've been on this Earth for 22 years, yet it's truly challenging me to pick an instance.
I'll just pick the most recent:
I graduated from college with an Elementary Ed degree this past May. Throughout the semester, I had been praying for God's will to be revealed in the teaching position that I was offered. The very first offer came two days after my graduation… I had ONE offer for an interview, after dropping off 30+ applications/resumes. In Mississippi, there is a teacher shortage, so I would have gotten many more calls had God not been into my details. 🙂
It was in a small town thirty miles away from my home… I had led a Disciple Now there just a few months before & really bonded with a group of teenage girls who desperately needed a young adult woman mentor. The principal at this school did not have a position available but really felt like I needed to be in her town & school district. While she doesn't often hire first-year teachers, she felt different about me. She called the upper elementary principal, he had me interview that afternoon, & i got a job teaching 4th grade… a week later, the first principal called me again & offered me Kindergarten at her school. I took it, and I begin my first year of teaching in exactly a week. 🙂
I was supposed to go to a Women of Faith conference with a very dear friend. Me and this friend hadn't been anywhere together for years due to curcumstances and God allowing some healthy distance between us so you can imagin how very excited I was to take this 3 day trip with her. The day before I was suppose to go she cancelled on me and noone could take her place.
So I was off to Women of Faith all by myself…I do thing by myself and I am not afraid of being alone but this was a really different feeling. My first night there I was sittin in a resturant with tons of women around me and felt so alone. Yes I was having a pitty party.
Then God ushered me into His presence when the conference began He had my attention. Beth Moore just so happened to be speaking that night and I will never forget her in this beautiful all white suit. It wasn't that she was just beautiful as always but something moved in my as she got on her knees as she always does and the got up to give a message to me.
God had brought her to this conference just for me. I so wanted to just go down and hug her neck…I even tried but it was too late and she didn't come back. This was a life altering weekend for you.
YOu see in this weekend I committed to a full time calling to a ministry by women for women overseas (encouraging missionary women). The vision came in clear and today I have just applied for incorporated and quickly moving into to non profit Heavenly Haven Ministries (HHM). We hope to be in Ecuador ministring to women by the end of next year.
God works in way we can't understand. He gets our attention any way he may need too. He used the rejection from a friend to get to the very depths of my heart. God moved that weekend and I can't describe to you what happened but it did. It wasn't am emotional thing but a spiritual thing (like only God can do). God brought me to place that weekend that I became open to who I was and who I wanted to really become. He has been working on me and this vision for over 7 years, but in those years He had to strip me of everything. As I write this my husband is a pastor, but was forced out of our church because of speaking Gods truth. One year ago we were standing with 4 babies no money, no church home, give up our rental house and live with family and one year latter my husband is still standing with no clear direction. But as I write all of that God brought HHM to a reality. WE SERVE A HUGE GOD WHO ALWAYS PAYS FOR WHAT HE ORDERS.
In Christ Darla
16 years ago, I was assaulted in college. It was ugly and debilitating in ways I didn't know were possible. The damaged parts of me leaked into every area of my life. I was afraid all the time.
18 months later, I took a job living and working in an urban area with a lot of crime. I had to ride the subway to and from work and it never failed that when someone who set off all my fears got on the train, at the very next stop a uniformed policeman would get into MY car. I kid you not. It happened all summer. Talk about a tangible display of my Fortress, my High Tower and the Sheltering Arms of the Almighty.
After graduation, still broken and making horrible decisions I made one right decision. I kept going to church. I would sit in the back and weep during worship. I remember people coming up behind me who prayed for me and wept with me – people I didn't even know.
God started the restoration of my soul right there in the back pew… in a way I never imagined possible. What a revelation it was to experience God's unfailing love for me through that process.
His promises are true. He does bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, release the prisoners from darkness (Is 61)
My husband is an avid bowler and has been bowling in the Texas Firefighter Olympics (TFFO) for the past several years. The TFFO is hosted in a different city in Texas every year. We were excited to find out that the 2008 TFFO were going to be hosted in College Station, as that is were my older brother & his family were living. We live up in the Texas Panhandle ourselves and weren't able to see Robert & his family near as often as we should. So almost a year before the Firefighter Olympics, we started planning various things for our two families to do together.
Unfortunately, my brother very unexpectedly passed away while on a business trip in February 2008 due to sudden cardiac death at the age of 42 (he was thought to be in great health). A few months later, when I was making arrangements for the Firefighter Olympics, I noticed the dates for the bowling events… July 20, 21 & 22, 2008. And immediately began to cry at the awesome faithfulness of our Almighty God! Over a year ahead, God knew that my brother was going to be called home and wanted to be sure that those 3 days would be 'covered' for my sister-in-law & my nephews and He arranged the Texas Firefighter Olympics to be held in my brother's home town, with my husband's bowling events being on the days of July 20 (my sister-in-law's birthday, July 21 (their anniversary) and July 22 (my brother's birthday). Kathy wouldn't have to be alone on her first birthday/anniversary/Robert's birthay without Robert. Since their birthdays were two days apart, they got married on the day in between. Those three days could have been absolutely devistating for my brother's family (they were still hard, but not as bad as they could have been. God knew how important it was that we all be together for those days and He arranged it long before any of us knew just how important it was for the TFFO to be held in that town, in that year and on those exact days.
Even a year later, I still get tears of joy in my eyes and a deep appreciation of just how much my God loves me (loves all of us) and sees to so many details. I truly believe that there is no such thing as coinsidence as this truly was a devine appointment in our lives.
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share such a precious detail of our lives with you.
Pampa, TX
What a great post! I have loved reading every single one of the siesta's stories. God is sooooooo good!
Years ago my husband, who is Jewish, surprised me and cut off his beard (I know, but it was the late 70s and I really, really liked him in it). I was so disappointed and, yes, mad at him.
Alone, I was crying and thinking what has happened to my Jewish husband with the beard and I heard these words spoken out loud a few feet from me, "Here I am." Soft-spoken, loving and kind. I shall never, ever forget.
As I learned more scripture I obviously learned the significance of "I am" but how amazing that that God, the Creator of the universe, spoke audibly to me. How great is the love that is lavished on us that we should be called the children of God.
God is my Rock and my Salvation. I couldn't get through a day with out my Jewish husband with a beard. (My earthly husband never grew his back) LOVE YOU LORD!!!
This is an experience (pretty much c&p from my blog) that I had at the LPL conference here in Portland:
I was having a rough, rough weekend. Details aren't really important, but let me say that God made Himself known, even in the midst of a storm. Without intending to, I wound up at yet another Living Proof Live event completely alone – only not. Never alone.
As the invitational time came around, I found myself struggling. I needed to pray. I wanted to pray… but there were no words. I wandered, and paced back and forth, considering going to pray with one of the volunteers at the front of the auditorium… but didn't. Couldn't. What would I say?
I sat back down in my seat. Helpless. Hopeless. I'm so rarely at a loss for words, but all I could cry was God! My God! I sat with my head buried in my hands, bereft, unable to do anything but groan.
But…. BUT! The Spirit showed up, and she wore purple.
This woman, who's name I never learned and whose face I never saw, sat down beside me, wrapped an arm around me and said, "Can I pray for you." She prayed all the words my heart cried but my voice could not. Specific. Pointed. Desperate. Painful. It was my heart's cry, coming from someone else's mouth. It was my needs, my hurts, my fears, my struggles pouring out in ways I was unable to express.
How could she know to pray over the hidden scars on my body that
I put there? How could she know to pray I could forgive – once and for all – the one who broke so many promises? How could she know to pray for nightmares and desperate plans and for a real and tangible reminder that my life has purpose and God is not finished with me yet?
How could she know? Because the Spirit showed up and Christ, formed in her, reached out His arms to me and offered me comfort, and hope, and words for my groaning.
I already commented, but God reminded me of a story that fits with this if you would like to post it. It's not about Him showing me love or using me to show someone else love, but it fits with God sending flowers to someone. When I was in Taiwan last summer, the pastor who was in charge of organizing stuff with the Taiwanese churches and who doubled as our tour guide brought us to a statue of tribute to George Mackay, the first Presbyterian missionary to Taiwan. After explaining to us all that Macka had done for Christ in Taiwan, he told us about Mackay's grave whih was nearby. He said that even though Mackay had no one to bring flowers to his grave like the people buried around him, his grave was covered with flowers from a nearby tree, i believe it was; God brought him flowers.
Oh Beth…
Okay. I apologize in advance for the verbose nature of this comment – but when God deserves glory He also deserves all the words necessary to describe His GRANDNESS!
Two years ago I left a very comfortable position leading your Bible studies and the Women's ministry at a small Baptist church where I also worked part time for the after school program. It was a very giant leap for my family who needed my income to maintain the financial committments we have.
It was odd, because I had just committed in my heart to stay unless God told us to move the year before. However, we were visiting a local church in the Spring of 2007 and everything being taught just excited and resonated with my husband and I. That summer, I was checking out more information about the church on their website and came across their position openings. They had an admin position that seemed to fit the bill.
I called my husband and reported the information as well as the fact that if I applied and received the position I would need to be a member of this church. He called me back a while later and said, "Go ahead and apply."
We waited for our pastor and his wife to return from their vacation and I sat down with each of them and told them what I felt God was leading us to do. I was a bit apprehensive because so often they praised the work of God in our lives and ministry "You are in the center of God's will."
They had just the opposite response, "If this is what God is calling you to, we would be foolish to keep you."
So a month later, we closed out our business with our church family by handing off assignments and training others to do what we did. We smiled and cried as we said, "We're kind of like your kids when they go off to college. Not really gone, but you know… We will be."
We set out on a brave new journey that by the way did not begin with a job offer. After the second interview of a three interview process it was determined that I was not the right person for the position. I felt the condemnation of the enemy all over me as I read those words. Then it was like God thumped me on the head and said, "Read it again!"
So, I did. I read it again. I was not the right person for THAT position. My husband and I received that letter one week before we were scheduled to leave our old church family. I asked him, "Do we go forward or do we go back?"
He said "FORWARD." We sold a vehicle. Moved to a smaller, less expensive home and set out to discover what God would have for us in this new journey. I had no idea what that might be.
(to be cont.)
PT 2 of my story… Cont
After a knee surgery the same week we made the transition, I began to implore the Lord about what He wanted me to do about our financial situation which was temporarily resolved but not long term. I heard, "Write the vision and make it plain."
That's when I began my blog. I've been writing the vision for nearly two years now… It's getting plainer…
So last summer God was really dealing with me about some root issues in our finances. I mean seriously – root issues like the men in my family had walked away from God and the principle of godly stewardship for several generations. A resentment against the church welled up on both my paternal and maternal sides. At an intensive ministry conference that is designed to promote inner healing, God showed me how the Spirit of Mammon had a stranglehold on the past and future generations of my family. BUT not for long.
BETH, it is not an exaggeration for me to tell you that when I gave my tithe that week after our pastor – coincidentally – or not ;)- taught on "Breaking the Spirit of Mammon". I went forward and asked for prayer over the tithe. My husband had grown distant and cold and I began to sense it had to do with my handling of the finances. The couple I prayed with prayed for me, for my husband and for the Spirit of Mammon to be broken off all generations of my family. They also prayed in agreement for me as I asked for a harvest of 100 faithful generations of godly stewards. A few weeks later my husband and I were out together and something I would have easily spent five dollars on because I wanted it before that conference was suddenly a very extravagant expense I could not bear to make.
That was August 9, 2008. I had been praying weeks earlier about our finances and told God a very specific amount of money I needed to earn to help our family get on good financial ground. I told God, as well, that I was going to go out and GET THAT JOB. What I heard in my Spirit was, "But, you have not asked ME about that yet?"
So, laying in my bed at 8 AM with a list of debts dancing in the log book of my mind I said, "Okay, I'm asking."
I heard, …Complete Silence… Not even kidding you. So I waited. I would go on to write on my blog in the fall how God had used the horrific devestation of Hurricane Ike to bless our family with overtime and extra finances. When my husband returned home after six weeks working in the League City area he had earned nearly half of the number I had told God about. I said, "Okay, God. I'm willing to wait."
Beth… I spent the last 9-10 months praying, volunteering my time in the administrative offices of our church and in service to the women's ministry there. My parents thought I was foolish working for free. A few months ago the pastor I serve under and her administrative assistant informed me some positions would be opening up in their department and asked if I would be interested.
I told them I thought my husband would be interested for me, but I wanted to ask God. I did so.
At the beginning of June I let them know I was definitely interested. I interviewed for the position earlier this month. Beth, I got the job. Even amidst my usual hesitations when the word background check comes up because I have a rather unsavory past. Not only that… The salary for the position is $1,000 more than I originally was led to believe the top pay for that position would be. AND, for the best part… I can barely type the words without crying… The amount is exactly what I told God I needed one year ago plus a tithe.
I wept as I recounted the story to my husband when I knew I had the position. He smiled so sweetly and said, "I had not even thought of that."
My skeptical parents said, "Well, I guess that goes to prove PRAYER WORKS."
Yes it does… Prayer and staying in your assignment until God changes it. That's for sure.
He is so about the details and I love Him so much.
There is a man at work that I have been praying for, for 10 years. A few months ago, I was having to bring to work and I had my scripture cards stuck in my back pocket. I had made new notecards that morning (Eccl 12:13-14, Deut 5:32-33), these verses were certainly not a coincidence that particular day. I had prayed that morning that the Lord would help me say something to that man that day. We live in a sea of cubicles in here where I work and I walked passed his cubicle to take my food to the designated spot. I put my food out and looked around to make sure I got it all set out okay and then came on over to my cubicle.
About 10 minutes later, the man I had been praying for walked in with my notecards and asked if they were mine. He said one was in his cubicle and one was by the food, like a trail. I could not believe it. He knew they were mine immediately and told the girl who saw him pick them up that he wondered if it was some kind of sign. He claims he doesn't really believe in God, but I'm thinking the Lord is really working on him and me too! I am so thankful how the Lord helps us along and shows us that it's all by faith in Him that we are even able to share the gospel with people!
I forgot to add in my post above that when I called my friend to tell her what the Lord had done with my notecards that morning, she said 'well, the Lord touched your bottom this morning and this time He wasn't even spanking you'. I said AMEN to that! 🙂
On my first wedding anniversary my husband and I had just moved to the east coast, Charlotte specifically. And while our apartment was still being prepared we stayed with one of our "friends friends" up in Stuarts Draft, VA. It wasn't the best living situation, and on the day before our first anniversary we woke up in a freezing cold trailer surrounded by complete strangers. We got to talking with some of the people there (there are a lot of them because they all live on an old church camp ground and are very very conservative, but such neat people) and they asked how long we'd been married, and we said, "Well tomorrow is our anniversary!". Shortly after that my hubby and I took a run to the store, and when we got back Steve, one of the men, said, "we'd like to bless you guys, don't ask questions, just enjoy!". They rented us the most PERFECT cabin (complete with a jacuzzi tub) up in the mountains of Virginia to stay two nights in! "Oddly" enough the town we stayed in is Love, VA. They bought us a fine Italian dinner and sent us on our way. We hiked up Crab Tree Falls (the tallest falls east of the Mississippi) and just had the most wonderful time together. The love of Godly strangers is amazing, and every time I think of our first anniversary I just thank God for being so awesome and for caring about us so much to put those giving and loving people in our path. It was just so wonderful!!!
My favorite "God story" happened when my second daughter was born a little over three years ago. My delivery of her (her name is Abbie) was going very smoothly, a lot better than my first delivery and we had been enjoying listening to the Christian radio station all day during my labor. We never turned it off throughout the whole day and I was feeling great. It finally came time to have her and you know how all the extra people begin coming in your room as you get close to having the baby? So I probably had 3 or 4 people standing near the door, I'm assuming they were the nurses in case the baby was in distress or something. Anyway, everything went fine with the delivery and they placed Abbie on my chest. Within a couple of seconds I hear this very loud voice coming from one of the nurses, "Oh, she's just beautiful!" and the nurse is walking around the foot of my bed to come up to me. She reaches in and places her hand on my daughter's head and says "She came out during 'God Will Lift Up Your Head'" and then she was gone. I don't remember her walking out of the room and I didn't even remember that it had happened until much later in the day. I truly believe God sent me an angel so that I would know the depth of His love for me. I felt like it was such a blessing for my daughter and me. To this day, "God Will Lift Up Your Head" by Jars of Clay is my daughter's song. It is such a precious memory!
But God!
Last year on August 13, a Wednesday God was using me in an almost to my mind even today hard to tell about. My tears started to fall. On the 14, more tears. I kept crying asking God what was going on within me. By the 15, I knew I was in a sorry of death or loss as I had been in when God called my son to those street of gold some 11 years earlier. I kept crying out what is happening here Lord why am I sorrowing like this. It was I knew not for my loss of Troy. I kept asking him to help me understand. I keep babies in my home and the baby kept looking at me like what's wrong with you. I kept assuring him I was OK. But I wasn't but had no clue why. The next morning early a Pastor friend from California called. He words still bring chills to me. Saying his son Tyler was with my son Troy.God had taken him home on the 15th at 11:00 pm. I knew at that second it had been God spirit mourning within me. Having compassion for what was to be. I shared with this couple but no one else. But His voice kept saying within and Jesus wept. I have shared with more people but still not often. It took me a month to share with my family. What an amazing God we serve. This past year we have prayed and walked together every other week at least. He ministered to each of us through showing me how he had sorrowed in days past for me also.
Thank you for letting me share this. I haven't thought about this for a long time but one of my memory verses this year…."Do not let your eyes forget what they have seen or let them slip from your heart"… has become very meaningful to me.
A few years ago after my first son was born we decided we could swing me staying home so we took that year to set things in place. I was a teacher and things were working out great so I "retired". As it turned out my husband's boss sytematically cut his commission that year I stayed home. By April we were really hurting. I decided it was time to try to find a job. I couldn't imagine getting a teaching job at the beginning of May but I knew if God wanted it He could make it happen. I so didn't want to go back to work but I wrote my former principal a letter requesting a job anyway. I decided to leave it on the kitchen counter over the weekend just to see if something else might take place so I didn't have to send it. Well, something did happen! I have a specialized teaching degree and the head of the department called me the end of that week and told me I was coming back to work immediately. They had a position they needed me for and it couldn't wait. She really didn't give me choice and at that point I didn't ask for one. I started the next week teaching only one student. It's a long story but the district was about to get sued for not providing appropriate education for this student and paying me was much cheaper than a law suit. I got full pay at the pay scale I left with, all the sick days for that year and credit for retirement for that whole year as well. God is sooo in to the details it isn't even funny. That letter on the kitchen counter? Didn't need it for what it was intended for but I did need it as a reminder of God's complete faithfulness. I should have kept it unopened but I threw it away.
Love you all!
Janet Murphy, NC
I was longing to do another of your Bible studies this summer and the Lord graciously brought nine ladies together to do Stepping Up. We finished last night and over the course of the 7 weeks, He showered me with loving kindness is many ways. Doing the study with nine wonderful ladies that included my oldest daughter. During this time, my daughter won tickets for us to attend your conference here in N.M.which blessed our socks off! And three days later, that same daughter (in the study) gave birth to our first grandchild. Our study ended last night and though we were all sad that it was over, we each have a deeper walk and love for Jesus and a greater desire to praise Him constantly. What a sweet, loving Savior He is! Thank-you for your faithfulness and love for the Lord and for us – your sisters in Christ. We love you girlfriend ;o)
I have several but very long stories short:
#1 – This guy in school had a crush on me for 3 years before I knew it. He finally got up the nerve to ask me out and I had just started dating someone else. 2-1/2 years later and the year after graduation I broke up with that guy and started dating the guy that had a crush on me – God worked out all the details and next month we will be married for 12 wonderful years. I am so truly blessed that He worked miracles in my life to bring us together.
#2 – I had heard about a volunteer opportunity through church at an inner-city after school Bible club. I homeschool and was leery to put my son in this environment so that I could be used bt felt led to do so. The day I walked in they were greatly understaffed and my son and I BOTH had a blast. I have completed all the training and am truly blessed to serve in this area!
I know this is waaaaay late, but I just had to add this.
When I started coming to this blog a couple years ago, I was not "moosemama". Then the Siesta Fiesta was planned, and another blog sprang up for that, as a direct "child" of this blog. I was lamenting the fact on that blog, that I did not have a cool sign in name or blog and could not think of a name as cute as say "fuzzytop" whose sign-on I had often seen. Then fuzzytop emailed me!!!! We started emailing one another, learning about each other, exchanging pictures, discovering that we even had the same bathroom towels, rugs etc. Too funny! We finally got to hug each other in San Antonio at the SF. I can't tell you how much my friendship with Adrienne (fuzzytop) means to me. She encourages me, she challenges me, she makes me laugh, makes me think and lets me know she loves me. It was such a GOD thing that we were brought together. She is in Tennessee. I am in Wyoming. I am flying to TN to spend time with her before we both fly to Houston together in January.
God, through this blog ministry, brought me my dearest friend.
A woman that I attended church with was in a battle with cancer. At age 44. Her body was failing, but her spirit was so strong. I only knew her because of the cancer. We were not buddies, I had just been praying for her. One Wed. night after church, I got in my car and God moved upon my heart. A song was dropped into my spirit and in less than 30 minutes was complete – melody and lyric. It was a song for this woman in the final stage of cancer. And what is so amazing is that it was a song for the woman's 11 year old son… a personal message to him… a boy whom I had never even seen.
The following day, I called her out of the blue and went to her bed side to sing the song to her- even though I felt like she might think I was crazy. I obeyed God. She wept. She asked when the Lord gave it to me and it was at the SAME TIME this sweet sister was asking God to give her the words to say goodbye to her son. We marveled over God's SPECIFIC act of deep love. I went into the studio and recorded the song the next day. Her husband played it for her and that night her body began it's final release. She went home to be with Jesus five days later and her son was given the song, "What I Want to Say", as a gift this past Christmas.
God is all about the details. He is the ULTIMATE lover of our souls!
Sunday, July 26 I had the privilege to participate in a church compassion project. One Sunday each year, rather than meeting in the building, the church body goes out into our community to serve in a variety of projects. I signed up to help landscape 30 homes in a manufactured home community. The temperature that day was pretty darn hot, not to mention we've been experiencing a drought this summer. After we were finished, I drove around to look at all the pretty new flower beds, and noticed the plants were already beginning to wilt. Many families did not even own a hose to water with. And I thought, "Oh no! All those plants are going to die!" That evening at church we celebrated with a worship service and ice cream party. As I drove to the church, I couldn't help smiling because even though it was really hot, hard work, I'd had so much fun participating in the project! Suddenly the sky grew dark and heavy with rain clouds. As I pulled into my parking space at church the clouds burst open with rain, thunder, and lightning the likes of which we had not seen in weeks! The wind was so strong the rain was coming down horizontally! My eyes welled up with tears as I realized how sweet our Lord is to give us the unspoken desires of our hearts in very specific ways that let us see Him smiling down on us from heaven.
A few years ago we were trying to get onto a spending plan that honored God. We had auto & credit card debt and no savings. We were trying hard to stick to our budget and one of the hardest areas to do this was in food. Each week I make up a menu and then buy the groceries for that week. Well, I figured wrong and didn't have enough potatoes to make my fried chicken and mashed potatoes on my menu for the week. Any other week I would have ran to the store and picked up some more potatoes but as I was trying to honor God with our spending I prayed and said, "God, I am choosing to honor you with our spending. Our grocery budget is gone for this week and so I am choosing to not buy potatoes but instead will honor you and just figure out a meal with groceries we already have on hand." I never told anyone and a couple days later my Mom stopped by my house and said, "I brought you some potatoes – I had peeled too many for Easter dinner and we ended up not cooking them all so thought maybe you guys could use them up for us!" How awesome is God — not only did He bless us with potatoes (which really we didn't need – we had other food in the pantry!) BUT He blessed us with already PEELED and READY TO COOK potatoes!!! God does care about the little things!!! (PS – we are currently debt free other than a mortgage! God is GOOD!)
My 19 year old son, Justin was in a car accident in Nov 2005 a few miles from his grandparents house, but by the time any of the family was able to get to there he had already passed away. I was in Beaumont TX visiting my husband who'd been working out of town after the hurricanes. I was so distraught that I hadn't been there to hold his hand or talk to him and so sad that he may have been all alone and so afraid. The day of his funeral a young girl from the local college Campus for Christ ministry showed up at the house just minutes after we had all returned, we were all still standing around not sure what to do next, she said that she just wanted to let us know that her and a group of 12 other college students had been on their way home and had come upon the accident just minutes after it had happened. She held Justin's hand and talked to him until the paramedics arrived. She also was able to tell us about his last few minutes and share that the last thing he said was "tell my Dad I love him." Justin had been mad at his dad for sometime and they hadn't been speaking! What a blessing in such a time of loss!
I have been so blessed by this blog reading how everyone's stories, it has definitely been a time of healing for this broken-hearted daughter of Christ!
After a miscarriage in 1998 I was struggling terribly – spiritually and emotionally. The pregnancy had been a surprise and we were so happy. I miscarried on my birthday. I prayed and asked God to please show me a sign of His Goodness. I went into our backyard and there was the most beautiful and unusual flower I have ever seen. It bloomed for 1 week and never returned. I kept hoping it would bloom again and finally realized that God provided that gorgeous flower in my specific time of need. Amazing!
I know it's rather late to respond to this blog but I must! God's details were all over my visit to the Chicago area last week.
I had obediently just stepped into a sales position for the company I work for. For years I have been scared of 'sales' and have had prejudices against the business world (I taught elementary school for years before my divorce). God had trained me in this business for over a year in the area of HR and team building and know He was asking me to step out in faith to go before CFO's of hospitals. (My ex husband is a CFO) I felt like David going before Golaith with only a few small stones and kept saying 'help me with my unbelief'!
I had contacted 4 hospitals, prayed and fasted with my boss and her husband for 3 days and set out with my GPS to territory unknown. I had no appointments set up after a number of calls. I just went with my God and my info.
The first hospital I went to I made it by the front desk and into the admin office where the ex assist said 'I cannot bother him (the CFO). I turned for a brief moment to get my info to present to her and all of a sudden the CFO comes out of his office, walks right up to me and introduces himself! He asks if I can wait just a few mins to meet with him. He gave me twenty mins of his time and he was a sweet complimentary man;)
Next hospital…no movement past the ex assist.
The final hospital of the day, I plugged in my GPS the name of the hospital I wanted to go to. Then changed my mind and plugged in a different one, not realizing I did not delete the first. So I ended up at the first hospital and figured God must want me here!
I walked all across the hospital to admin and the first person to welcome me was none other than the President CEO!!! THAT IS GOD!!! He led me to the VP and I had enormous favor with him. Now he's connected me to the people in finance.
There were so many details that day that would be too much to write about. I know God has put me in position to do the work he has purposed me for.
I just kept thinking of Queen Esther going before the King and receiving favor unexpected!
Hopefully someone will read this and be encouraged. If not, I'm just thanking the Lord again through written word for his faithfulness in my life!
Dear Anonymous, That recently left your story about your 19 year old son passing away without you there…the gal from Campus for Christ was able to give you some peace and a blessing by being there for Justin. I totally understand the comfort in that. When my darling daughter was found (drowned) I learned that a friend of my neighbor sat there during the whole recovery of her body. Someone asked her why she would do that, and she replied, "Because I am a mother and that is someone's daughter." I know she sat and prayed the whole time. I am so grateful to know that another mom did that for my daughter, and that she was able to reassure us that our daughter was treated with dignity throughout the process. It has been a comfort and a blessing to me. Much love to you and yours thru Christ.
I just read Amanda's post on this post too, those are powerful stories! What I can think of right now regarding my own story is the many prayers that God has answered over the years from how to control my weight to how to forgive my step-parent to finding a parking spot and getting clear sailing to cross traffic when I didn't want to get anxious about it! In those ways, He has over and over confirmend His love for me and shown me that He is into my details:) I love that He is that way with all HIS children!!! I love that!!
Blessings to ya'll tonight, I am a tired girl and going to bed!:)
Oooh neat! I love these stories. 2006 was a rough year for me and I remember one night at prayer meeting we were praying and I was struggling with God. I was saying things like "You don't love me. How can you love me and yet allow all this to happen? How can you say you love ME and yet are always trying to change ME?" (my father had passed away and I was having a difficult time in my dating relationship) but then I felt a voice push back and say "NO. You are precious, BELOVED, I love you." Still, I resisted. Finally, I think God, fed up with my stubborness, wanted to make it just a little more clear and my pastor got up in front of us and said "I want you all to pray and listen to what God is saying to you and share with the rest of us." I knew what God was trying to say to me, but kept my mouth sealed shut. My pastor proceeded, "But first, I just want to say you are God's beloved."
Okay God, I'm listening. 🙂
I learned several years ago that when someone is brought to my mind, it is absolutely critical to take a moment and pray for that person….lift them up. I believe this is why they are brought to my thoughts to begin with….God is responsible, but He desires for me to be be a part of whatever He is about to do.
I can not even begin to tell you how many times I have had thoughts of individuals….lifted them up in prayer that moment….then heard later about the real story where God did His best work in someone's life!!
I could write so many examples of how God has shown His glory in the details, but here's one: I call it a "Hallmark" moment. A co-worker was facing the first anniversary of her father's death. My own mom had gone on to heaven a little more than a year prior, and I felt her pain. I decided to give her a thinking-of-you card. I spent great time in choosing just the right card, one that would bring real comfort. I waited for the right opportunity all week long. I took my chance while walking my students to the bus line to stop by her room and leave the card on her desk. After the students left in the bus line, I walked back to my classroom. There was a card on my desk addressed to me. As I opened it, the tears began to flow. It was the very same card I'd picked out for my co-worker. It was from one of my student's mothers. And I thought to myself, "God! You care enough to send the very best." -Linda
this story is from last July. Thanks Beth for reminding me of this.
Sometimes God Freaks me out.
Like this weekend for instance.
Ya’ll all know that we had an adoption match that “went southâ€
The birth-parents went AWOL, we found out the extended family didn’t support the adoption, all kinds of stuff happened to ensure that the match was one that we would walk away from.
But through all that happened last weekend we came away from it with an absolute conviction of the integrity of our Kansas agency and we made some incredible friends. God is good.
But not only is God good, His timing is…..well downright spooky.
Our first match fell through on Monday, July 7th. The point at which we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that things had gone horribly wrong is when our birth mom didn’t show up for her scheduled sonogram. We were there, at the doctor’s office, with the agent, waiting. Hoping against hope that they would show, but they didn’t. That appointment was for 9:30 a.m. Monday, July 7th. (remember that date and time, okay?)
We came home to Georgia. We cried. We prayed. We sent out the disappointing news via email. We praised God for His plan that we knew was going to be good, no matter how disappointed we were at that moment.
The very next day, Tuesday, we got a call about a another couple. This one was 30 weeks along. Healthy, married, 23 yrs old, blonde………..And then came THE QUESTION:
Do you want to talk to her?
Well…….Yes, of course. And also …….. no. We were scared. What if this was too soon? Were we grasping at straws? hooking up with the first thing that comes along? Is it like re-bound from a boy friend breakup? do you need to wait?
and then sense re-asserted itself. NO, there is nothing holy about waiting. And if God is in charge (and we believe that HE is) then HE was the one that placed this couple in our path, so we should talk to them.
We got the dossier/file, did the conference call, and we really got along well. It helped that all four of us are into the same obscure sport: Disc Golf (which I have posted about here before). The guys are more into it than we girls are, but that’s okay. Mel and I had other things to talk about (and before anybody goes off the deep end on me, yes, we have her permission to use their names, they call themselves the birth-parents and they are already calling the baby “your baby†and calling her by the name we have picked out).
We went out to Kansas to see them and really had a wonderful time together. If we could, we would adopt Steve and Mel along with their baby. These two are really motivated and active and honest. They even refused gifts that we wanted to give them, which is very different from the last couple let me tell you.
So we are matched again !!!!! We have met and loved the birth-parents. We have rubbed (at her request) her beautiful pregnant belly, and we are all holding our breath hoping her little girl stays in there for the full term (just nine more weeks to go ya’ll!)
Isn’t God just amazing?
Now here’s the spooky weird part. The EXACT time that our first couple was supposed to be getting their sonogram………..
Is the SAME DAY AND TIME that MEL was having her sonogram.
9:30 a.m. Central Time, July 7th, 2008
Like I said, sometimes God just freaks me out!
I wish we all listened more closely to the prompting of the Holy Spirit – do you think then people would look at Christians and know us by our love? I really have to stop being so busy that ignore the opportunity to be a part of the little daily miracles God wants to perform through us!!! Thank you so much for reminding me! Bless you!
Thank you for the beautiful reminder to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit so that we can participate in the daily miracles God wants to accomplish through us! Perhaps that is what Jesus meant when He said that the world will know us by our love! You let God love your friend through you! I pray that I will listen and obey to the still small voice of the Lord!
We operate a ministry, a non profit kids ranch for home schooled kids and have always desired to expand to provide a retreat getaway for those in ministry. The few times we have opened our little cottage to missionaries or pastors, they have been so blessed in the peaceful surroundings of the central California coast. This time, a couple from Georgia came out for some R&R. As Beth talked about how God can use us to show love to others in little ways, this is exactly the email I just read from the couple who stayed at the ranch last week. "there were so many things that spoke to me that the Lord had prepared for us to come and rest….and proceeded to list 12 specific things that went beyond the normal to touch their hearts. I had never met them nor could I have possibly known. She ended her email with this: it was very obvious that you had been God's hands to put my very favorite things there for me, a bit of heaven. I could go on and on, thank you thank you thank you.
I read the two page email with tears streaming down, realizing that God can and does use us when we think we have so little to offer. This blond could relate to blond Beth…I knew I had to share!
Let's keep reminding each other to listen to that small voice and do what God calls us to do, no matter how insignificant it may seem!
Hope it's not too late to share – I feel compelled to respond with AMEN! While leading "Get Out of that Pit", a women asked, "Do you think some things are too small to bother God with?" I practically shouted "NO" at her and later called to apologize for seeming so insensitive but explained Satan had used that lie too often with me but our God cares about every detail we care about – as she delights to meet every desire of her grandchildren -even more, our awesome God loves to delight us!
I have so many examples of how God supernaturally met my needs when I asked- from finding lost but important things, to arranging timing, to meeting our financial needs in incredible ways since my husband has been out of work, to bringing my son to the place of desperation after many years of drug abuse and leading us to Teen Challenge where he surrendered his life to Christ and learned how to live as a new creation!
I literally could write volumes on how God worked in the details but one particular incident I want to share involves my own battle with "situational depression" over a decade ago – four kids 3-14, husband working lots, dad died, we moved, my sister died…. I was a mess – couldn't focus, couldn't eat (which I'd now count as a blessing!) couldn't sleep and one morning was crawling around on the floor trying to get my seven year old ready for school. Thankfully a wise mother-in-law helped me get help. Praise God,I recovered in several months but often wondered & asked Him,What was that about? It was the darkest time of my life and I'd been through some darkness losing my mom at 18. Fast forward a decade and I'm praying one morning, asking God who to intercede for and He brings to mind an acquaintance from church. I lifted her in pray but God relentlessly kept bringing her to mind all morning as I went about my chores with the prompt to call her. I had no idea what I was going to say but I finally submitted and picked up the phone only to get her machine so I just left a message that she was on my mind and I was praying for her and her family, if she had anything specifically I could pray for them, just let me know. She called back an hour later, sobbing about her daughter who lived out of state and had horrible insurance – she was so sick and couldn't get out of bed and the drs were saying it's just anxiety and depression and wouldn't do anything for her! Long story short, God used that horrible experience I went through, along with some recent research I'd done on treatment for depression in an effort to help our son, to give encouragement & hope to that mom & young woman who had a stressful job, had just lost her grandpa, her husband lost his job, and she had a miscarriage -many situations which could bring on depression! I'm still in correspondence that young woman whom the Lord moved to your great state of Texas with a job for her husband and has since blessed with a beautiful son!
Beth, I couldn't agree more with the comment you posted with your memory verse "When I’m in a really hard and hurtful situation, somehow the present difficulty of it overrides my conscious thought that God is going to use it in my life and then through my life. Not one time in my entire tenure on this planet has He ever failed to turn around and use the hardship for good. NOT ONCE." AMEN and AMEN! Our God is so faithful and so into the details as He works ALL things together for good when we love Him! Oh Lord, help us love You more and trust You more!!
I just finished Daniel with a group from my church. There is one woman who has "a multitude of health problems" and has had them for years. She has been in and out of the hospital so many times it became something she made no big deal out of. It was just a semi-regular routine. Well her friend who brought her to Bible Study in the first place told us after she had missed two weeks, "She's not one to complain, but she is in the hospital again…and she thinks this might be IT." All of us felt immediately sick. You see, I'd grown to love seeing her face and hear her voice every week, just as I'd grown to love all the others. I could not get her off my mind. The next day I planned to take her flowers and a card after work. I knew God wanted me to do it, even though I'd never said two words to her. I eagerly drove to the grocery store to get the flowers and the card…I just couldn't find the flowers I was looking for. Until…there! A beautiful pot of pink blooms called cyclamen. There was only one pot left, and the coolest part is that they bloom upside down. I drew a parallel and thought it's like how we can bloom in Christ and in His word even when our lives (or health) are upside down! The visit went well and we were both blessed by it. The next day I read that cyclamen was a flower associated with Israel. Huh…how funny, I thought, because Israel, the Beautiful Land, is exactly what my Bible study sisters and I have been looking intently on for the last 12 weeks! God IS in the details.