Siesta Summer Bible Study Sign-ups!

We can’t wait to hear from all of you who are participating in our Second Annual Siesta Summer Bible Study! This is your official sign-up post. This year we are thrilled to be going through Jennifer Rothschild’s Me Myself & Lies (workbook only) and we launch with our first gathering today through the post below this one. But first you need to sign in by posting a comment right here. If you are participating solo, please sign in with your first name and city. If you are participating with a small group, only one of you needs to sign in, but please include all your group members’ first names and then the city from which you’re participating. We can’t wait to see the group God is pulling together so speak up, Girlfriends!

We at Living Proof Ministries are so honored to be your servants. Let’s stay in the Word!

*After you have posted your sign-up comment, you can upload a photograph of your group (or of yourself if you’re doing it individually) to our guest book. If you don’t have a picture yet, just come back later! Like our comments, pictures will be moderated.


*From Amanda: As I’m moderating these pictures, many of them are showing up as question marks. I’ve been deleting those. If yours doesn’t show up after, let’s say 12 hours, you might want to try again.


200 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study Sign-ups!”

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  1. 1
    September says:

    So excited about finding a bible study for the summer. I am doing this solo. My current bible study group goes on hiatas in the summer.
    I am in my 40's.
    Huntsville, Alabama

  2. 2
    Shawna says:

    Karin the kind one, Sharon the Superwoman, and Shawna the sure we are going to have a great time — DID have a great Bible Study time. After a shaky start — the dog question brought up a little PTSD for Sharon, who grew up on a farm and shared a terrible story about her Dad shooting the family dog…whew – so much for an ice breaker! And some angst from our hostess Karin – who read the "Hostess Instructions" at the back of the book and had a panic attack before we got there – We all recovered nicely and had a great time of discussion and prayer. Conversation focused on God's deep deep love for us — and the great passage in Psalm 19, of God's signpost. Many group members seeking God's will at the moment and so the refreshing truth, that God wants to make his will and plan known to us, and wants the best for us — was sooo timely. Can't wait until next time!

    Shawna, Karin and Sharon

  3. 3
    shelli littleton says:

    Shelli Littleton with my daughters, Karalee (11) and Katelyn (9).
    Fort Worth, Texas

    We were in Nebraska all this last week … on vacation but sick … didn't get to sign in on time. We started our study early, knowing we'd be out of town. The girls love it, and I do, too.

  4. 4
    Anonymous says:

    My sister, Danni (in Missouri) and myself (in Illinois) long distance using a facebook group for discussion.


  5. 5
    LinShipman says:

    A little late start, but ready to go.


    in Troy Al

  6. 6
    Misti says:

    Amiee, Lindsay, Lori, and Misti from Canton, Michigan. I think we're all in our 30's, 3 married, 1 single, 2 with kids (and both of us are expecting our 3rd child!).

  7. 7
    Nicole says:

    I'm going to be doing this study solo. So excited!

  8. 8
    LEAH says:

    Charlotte, N.C.

    My three study buddies are:
    Father God
    Jesus Christ
    Holy Spirit

    What more could a girl ask for?

  9. 9
    Stephanie says:

    Orlando, Florida
    Goin Solo

  10. 10
    Anonymous says:

    Our group will meet for the first time on Monday, July 6. We are:


    from Minneapois and St. Paul, MN

  11. 11
    Anonymous says:

    Birmingham, AL
    HAving long distance group with my sister-in-law

  12. 12
    Deborah J. says:

    Deborah J., Clearwater, FL

    (I'm on vacation…couldn't get to a computer until now!)

  13. 13
    Anonymous says:

    We start thurs,July 2nd and can't wait. Not sure how many of us there will be yet. We're from Yonges Island SC and we'll be meeting first at our friend Carol's pool, and then move inside for video. Can't wait!!

  14. 14
    Donna Sava says:

    Donna's Going Solo in Franklin, TN

  15. 15
    Anonymous says:

    bMelissa (39)

    Going Solo…I am excited.

  16. 16
    Discipled Pilgrim says:

    Alexandria, LA

    solo for right now

  17. 17
    Anonymous says:

    So excited about this study. We met a week before everyone else to accommodate our vacation schedules, but will be keeping up as we go through the summer. Enjoying Jennifer's videos as well. There are 7 of us in Colorado Springs:
    Cheryl, Natalie, Joann, Libby, Susanne, Becky, Wendy. And Cindy can't make our meeting times, so she and Wendy are going to do it together, too! Guess that makes 8 of us! Very excited to be in the Word together with you all. (oh, and we represent quite an ecumenical bunch…Lutheran, Calvary Chapel, Vineyard, and Baptist and all TOTALLY in love with Jesus!)

  18. 18
    gena says:


    Elgin, Texas

  19. 19
    caslee says:

    So far going solo. Very ready to get started!

    Atlanta Ga

  20. 20
    Jeanne Pistone says:

    I guess a little late is better than never… I'm am studying with Cornerstone Church in Madison Ohio

  21. 21
    Anonymous says:

    Teresa and Dana in Nitro, WV. We are so excited and love these studies.

    Praise Jesus for your ministry and hello to all the Siesta's out there.

  22. 22
    Emily says:

    Huntersville, NC

  23. 23
    Anonymous says:

    I'm Lynne and I'm 31 years old. I currently live in Dallas, Texas and will be completing the study solo. I will be away for over the half of the study so I will be completing it while on a mission trip in Uganda Africa!!!!

  24. 24
    Mississippi Girl says:

    We are getting started a little bit late… but we are a group of ladies from a couples SS class in Gulfport MS (in our early to mid thirties) SO excited!! 🙂 THANK YOU for facilitating this! YAY!

  25. 25
    Anonymous says:

    Hey Jennifer, glad to see another Stocktoniangetting involved, maybe would could hook up? Phyl

  26. 26
    Phyl Bee says:

    Hey, Jennifer, it is nice to see a Siesta from Stockton involved here.
    Give me a shout out…Phyl

  27. 27
    Peggy Paszkiewicz Pewaukee, WI says:

    I just ordered the book, should have it in a few days. I am very excited and let me tell you – I NEED THIS!!! Blessings, Peggy

  28. 28
    Anonymous says:

    Solo in Katy, TX

  29. 29
    Mary Lynn says:

    Going solo-
    Mary Lynn
    Milledgeville, Ga

  30. 30
    Anisha says:

    We're two groups of sisters Rachael & Anisha and Joy & Hope from Fridley, MN!

  31. 31
    snoops says:


    Never done this before but it feels right. Just finished Psalms of Ascent with a small group but need to keep studying over the summer.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    Barrie, ON, Canada

  32. 32
    Cindy says:

    Union Grove, WI

    Doing the study with a siesta on-line.

  33. 33
    Disco Queen says:

    Hey Mama Beth! The girls of 'FEEL THE ZEEL' – Zeeland, MI are starting our Bible study tomorrow! We are a group of 30-40ish hip, spirit-filled gals! Laura, Jodie, Joy, Stephanie (oops she's 22), Jen and Kim. Again…FEEL THE ZEEL! We'll be puttin' those lies under our feet!

  34. 34
    Angie H says:

    Oops! I signed the comment book instead of signing up here! But, I'm looking forward to the study!


  35. 35
    Carole says:

    Howdy from Northern CAL:
    Heard wonderful things about your conference yesterday…wish I could have been there.
    Several in my church (Crossroads Christian Church-Ukiah) will want to sign up for "Me, Myself & Lies" …None of us have ever blogged before so this is a new adventure.

  36. 36
    TamHam says:

    Can't wait!!

    Houston, TX

  37. 37
    Cogrlintx says:

    I'm doing this study solo and am really looking forward to getting into it!

    Boerne, Texas

  38. 38
    Anonymous says:

    Our wonderful group of ladies is from Cheyenne, Wyoming:
    Angi, Deb, Gayle, Heather, Jess, Joan, Jordan, Mary, Sarah, Sheri, and Tamra. We range in age from 19to early 70's with every decade covered in between. We are excited about this laid back summer format!

  39. 39
    Melanie says:

    Going at it solo if I can figure how it all works. Looking forward to it.

    Cleveland, MS

  40. 40
    Vicki Sandifer says:

    I can't remember if I signed up! Crazy I know-

    Vicki Sandifer

    Eufaula, AL

  41. 41
    Missy/Kaye says:

    Missy Eury
    N. Myrtle Beach, SC

  42. 42
    Poorna Ramakrishnan says:

    So excited!

    ~Therese & Poorna
    Indianapolis, IN

  43. 43
    ~ Crystal says:

    I signed up before that I was doing this by myself, but that changed! I now have an "online" group of friends and family that are going to do this with me:

    Crystal (Shippensburg, PA)
    Katrina (State College, PA)
    Janelle (Shippensburg, PA)
    Michelle (Carlisle, PA)
    Heidi (Middletown, PA)


  44. 44
    Anonymous says:

    Ann, West Chester

  45. 45
    village sister says:


    Greenville, South Carolina

  46. 46
    Anonymous says:

    Doin' it solo.

    Yulee, FL

  47. 47
    Anonymous says:

    Pam, Kimberly, Sarah, Cait, Christina, Lauren, Amber, Kelsie.
    Portland, Or.
    We met for the first time on Sunday evening.

  48. 48
    Anonymous says:

    Signed in on the wrong blog, so signing up to go solo for this much-needed Bible study.

    Mary Ann
    Ringgold, Ga.

  49. 49
    Tefurm says:

    Hi! Hope it's not too late! I'm doing it solo — Terri from Novi, MI

  50. 50
    Beth says:


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