Living Proof Live – San Antonio

Living Proof Live – San Antonio from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.

*We had an incredible weekend in San Antonio with “The Lone Star” of the Lone Star State. Praise God! Thanks to everyone who was praying. We’ll have pictures from the Siesta Fiesta on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. I’ll have more to say by then but I am still recovering! My parents are on vacation this week. They need it so bad. Thanks so much AGAIN, Rich! Have a blessed Sunday, everyone.


102 Responses to “Living Proof Live – San Antonio”

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  1. 51
    Mom B says:

    I am a "Raleigh Girl" who, thanks to my whole family, received this trip to San Antonio with my two daugthers, Tara (blogger) and Leah, as my Mother's Day gift. What a blessing it was! Thank you, Beth, more than words can say, for the teaching, Travis and team for the praise & worship, and Amanda and Melissa for the sweet fellowship, Q & A and just for opening a window into your precious family. The video was awesome and I pray that Beth and Keith are loving their much deserved vacation! Grateful for my inheritance ~ Linda

  2. 52
    Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! says:

    I still have no words.

    Literally. I lost my voice this weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. 53
    Cissa says:

    What an amazing weekend! To think of all the things that God brought each of us through so we would be ready to listen to our Siesta Momma pour out the wisdom that God blessed her with for this weekend. Even if she did have to shush the six women in her head a couple of times! ๐Ÿ™‚
    On our way home our group discussed what part of our property we intended to take back from Satan and claim for God’s own. It was a moving experience. The drive the conference, and all the wonderful conversation. Thanks so much for being the broken pot filled and pouring out the riches of our Mighty Saviour!

  4. 54
    Michelle Bentham says:

    Oh He did, He did bring His glory to us…He did!

    Thanks Mama Siesta, Melissa and AJ… You inspired 1,000 women to meet and bond over a very anointed teaching… Who could be more blessed? We are humbled by your willingness to serve us this way and we love you all the more.

    Can I be truthful? LPL was anointed and so good… Siesta Meet Up was amazing and more than we could have hoped for… I kept saying PREACH. IT. AND BETH, Melissa and AJ are so funny – I could see my girls doing the same exact thing.

    Worship brought me face down as the final moments of closure came on the anniversary of my son’s death on Saturday afternoon.

    But, the life changing moments for me were:
    – the ministry time I had in the car with a total stranger who became a fast friend on our 5 1/2 hour drive to SA.
    -And the late night praying with one another and over one another as we discussed what we got out of the teachings. We held church long after midnight on Friday night in room 1009 of the Marriott Riverwalk Hotel… Total number in attendance 5 (or 8 if you count the Trinity three times)-us, girls, and God!
    -The walk back in the rain after I told everyone to bring umbrellas and raincoats while I conveniently forgot mine.

    I groused in my head as my mascara burned my eyes until we got to the hotel and I thought – its just a cleansing rain!

    So much to process, to remember and to treasure. You birthed an idea that resulted in 1/10 of the entire attendance being SIESTAS…

    Thank you for casting a vision we could catch and reeling us together so God could give us faces to go with all those precious names. Love Ya’ll to pieces and rest well.

  5. 55
    Maria Cristina says:

    Dear Siestas, I am sooo thrilled to be able to see the recap video and to read your comments on here: it does give me a good taste of how wonderful this LPL weekend must have been!!! I am *thrilled* for y’all!!! Beth, Amanda and Melissa — what a beautiful event you put together!! hey! is that Kelly Minter I see in the video, guitar at hand?! talk about a double portion of blessings for each of the Siestas that were able to make it to the event!! woo-hooo!!

    maria cristina.

  6. 56
    Emmy says:

    Good Morning all you Siesta Heiresses!

    What an awesome weekend! I haven’t stopped singing and praising Him! Alleluia!

    What a JOY to get to meet and hug so many of my precious siestas! You all are all BEAUTIFUL!

    Loved every minute! Even the plane ride home was so much fun got to sit by your friend Margaret Kennedy she is just precious!

    Thank you- I pray you all have much needed rest!

    God Bless! Emmy : )

  7. 57
    Luv2Praise says:

    The weekend looked incredible. I love reading what my Siesta’s experienced. I knew in my heart it would be a blessed event. How could it not be with all of the Siesta’s, those of you there and us at home, praying for this event to be life changing.

    I can’t wait to hear more details. How many Siesta’s attended?

    I hope there will be another one next year. However, I am truly blessed to be going to the Connecticut event, the Fall in New England series. I can’t wait.

    Come on Siesta’s get blogging, I need to hear more!!!

    Love, Lori

  8. 58
    Sharron says:

    Amanda, Melissa & Beth, Thank you for a wonderful weekend in San Antonio! God spoke many a word to me thru Beth. I am still reading and reviewing my notes and trying to take it all in. For all the work you did for this event and especialy for the Siesta Fiesta, thank you! It was just delightful to be in the midst of all the siestas and hear you all speak your hearts to us so openly. Thank you!
    Get some much needed rest…..all 3 of you. I pray that this vacation Keith and Beth are on will provide the rest and relaxation they need and will be such a memorable time for them-one they will never forget.


  9. 59
    Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife says:

    Hi Girls,

    Can’t even express what this weekend meant to me spiritually and personally.

    The Fiesta was the greatest fun ever! Beth, thanks for being so transparent. The look on your face when you expressed the fact you work way too hard made me cry. I could feel how very true that was. I hope you are having a fab vacation and that God is granting peace and much needed rest.

    Amanda, you are ten times the doll I knew you’d be. Thank you for encouraging me on this whole book adventure.

    Melissa, your wit knows no bounds. From this point forward when I hear exceptions to a rule, I’ll think “That was HORRIBLE exegesis!” Girl, you slay me.

    Here’s hoping we can do it again next year! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. 60
    Joanne (The Simple Wife) says:

    How fun to watch the video and see so many friends I met for the first time or saw again this weekend. Looking at all the faces to see if I knew them, I was reminded and amazed that God knows each one of us by name.

    What an amazing God we have!

    And what a fun weekend…I too laughed until my sides HURT!

    Miss ya’ll already,


  11. 61
    Sacha says:

    I was so blessed to be able to be there with my mom and my sister. I am crying now. The Holy Spirit is so amazing and The Lone Star is so powerful! I cannot begin to tell you how our lives have been changed by the weekend! Thank you Beth, Amanda, Melissa AND Keith for being obedient to God and allowing Beth to be obedient to His callings! We love all of you so much and may God bless you all so richly each and every day!
    God bless you all!

  12. 62
    Gayle @ thewestiecrew says:

    Absolutely beautiful, as always.

    I had such an amazing weekend with all of you and while I am thrilled to be with my sweet family today, I am so sad that it’s already over.

  13. 63
    fuzzytop says:

    Beth, Amanda and Melissa – This LPL was simply incredible, and I am so thankful for the many blessings I received… Hearing such a strong and relevant lesson, and meeting so many siestas was a joy!

    Siesta Mama – Hope you enjoy your vacation, and come back refreshed and rested.


  14. 64
    ocean mommy says:

    What a weekend. The fellowship with fellow Siesta’s was just incredible, but our time in the Word was…SO precious to me. God spoke to my heart all weekend…
    Love all you girls and can’t wait to worship with you again!


  15. 65
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks, Amanda! This was so moving. Travis' song brought tears to my eyes and peace to my soul. Praying you'll get caught up on your rest quickly and that your Mom & Dad have a blessed & safe vacation.

  16. 66
    gg2002 says:


  17. 67
    KaRetha says:

    I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there. I know everyone was blessed. But did I see our summer teacher, Kelly Minter on stage with the guitar in the clip? Just a wondering Siesta from Louisiana.

  18. 68
    Anonymous says:

    Wow! I bet that was a good in the Lord in TX. And wasn’t that a beautiful soong by Travis?? Wew!

    Becky in Nashville

  19. 69
    pamliz says:

    Blessed, full to capacity, and then some!! I was a “sweet, beautiful” time…The lines have fallen in “pleasant places”. You Texas girls know how to put it together…God was in the house!! My daughter and I had an extra special time attending together…She was ministered to in a very special way from Beth’s message. I’ve seen Beth in all the SAN’s…San Francisco last year, here in San Diego in the spring and now in San Antonio…..San Antonio was the best….blessings on you all that made the Siesta Fiesta happen…pam in San Diego

  20. 70
    C says:

    What a great weekend!!! It was so great to truly understand that I am indeed an heir in all ways. Thank you also for your time with the Siestas!! It was so good to a more personal side – the blog side – of the Moore girls in person! Thanks again so much.

  21. 71
    Anonymous says:

    The video won’t come up. Says it is no longer available. Can you help please? Thank you!

  22. 72
    the heiress says:

    After moving one son into his new dorm room, daughter starting high school and just life I arrived EXHAUSTED on Friday night- but was immediately energized by the Holy Spirt in the Alamodome. Incredible! My first LP event but definately not the last. Looking around at women’s events, I see a little glimpse of heaven- we are all shapes,sizes, colors, ages, but we are united in praising our LORD! What a priviledge- may we all never be the same.
    What could we all do if we were all open as Beth and the girls- broken and used by God. I agree with n luv w/Him- you are no diffent than us. We can all be used by God to further the kingom. I pray that LIFE does not get in the way of LIVING for HIM.

  23. 73
    Elaine J says:

    Glory, glory, glory!! We long for You Precious Lord!!

  24. 74
    Anonymous says:

    WOW!!! After seeing the video I know God had been in San Antonio!! But to read some of your comments….to much!! Thank you Amanda for posting this for all of us to see. The song is so true of all of us. How “We Long For You” our Lord and Savior!!
    Beth and Keith have a grrreeeaaat vacation. That’s what we are all praying for you!! Amanda take care of yourself this week. Melissa get rested so we can have more of the Word spoken through you!!
    Bible Bunny in NO MI

  25. 75
    The Reeves bunch says:

    WOW, that is all I can say about this weekend. This was the first time for me to see you live Beth and you did an amazing job! You really allowed God to speak through you in a powerful way and were so real with us. I will forever be changed by this weekend.

    I have grown up listening to you and watching your ministry grow. God is awesome!! Congratulations Amanda on your second baby. I am also expecting my second baby as well. Tell Melissa I said Hello. I went to school with her at LCHS.

    May God continue to bless you and your ministry and I am excited and encouraged to see what God is going to teach me next through you (Beth) and your ministry. Enjoy your vacation!

  26. 76
    thefivetaylors says:

    I just wanted to let you know that although the “voices in your head” may have had you feeling like your message was not clear, it was crystal clear and pierced my heart. When I got home and started reviewing the lesson, I could not believe it was only 2 verses. How different those 2 verses were from the first day when I read them to this morning when I read them. So rich. I didnt stay for the Fiesta because there were just so many people but I was there and I received my word from God through you. Thank you.

  27. 77
    Brenda says:

    My friend and I are so blessed to be able to attend the event in San Antonio. We love your bible studies and to be able to see you and connect you with your family was great. We both were very excited and enjoyed it very much. I felt God’s presents in the place. Thanks for all you all do for the Lord’s work. Brenda

  28. 78
    Kathleen in TX says:

    The conference was AMAZING! God really blessed me there! I loved getting to sit next to and meet some wonderful Siestas!!! The Siesta Fiesta was a lot of fun! Thank you to all who made it happen!

  29. 79
    A 5 time mom says:

    I flew from IL to attend with a friend I had not seen in 8 1/2 years to attend this conference. Thank you for giving the message of our Inheritance this weekend. I needed this message so bad. I felt a healing taking place in my life and felt renewed. It was good to see your family there with you. Wish we could have gotten a glimpse of Jackson too! Thank you for obeying the Lord and doing what He called you to do. You were used in my life. Thanks.

  30. 80
    jaycee says:

    What an AMAZING weekend. Did anyone else see the rainbow on Saturday morning???????

    What a Blessing – Thank you, God!!!

  31. 81
    Karen L. says:

    i loved the picture of you and keith. i never knew he went with you to your events. i hope you will consider having a living proof AND siesta fiesta in dallas. it’s much closer to home for us arkansas gals and not too far for you! so sad i could not be there for the worship and learning and the FUN!

  32. 82
    Brittnie says:

    LOVED watching the video! It was an amazing weekend and I know that our group of 24 from Birmingham Alabama will NEVER forget it! We have been recharged to go and share with the rest of the world what a beautiful inheritance in Jesus! Woohoo!

    We also had a blast at the Siesta Fiesta!Thank you all so much for making that all happen for us!

    Love from one heiress in Alabama.
    Brittnie Wilbanks

  33. 83
    Southern Alabama Mommy says:

    Wow! I had tears in my eyes watching the video. I am glad it was such a great trip! I pray Beth and Keith also have a wonderful relaxing vacation this week.

  34. 84
    Vicki Courtney says:

    Amanda, I am so mad that I didn’t remember to get our picture. Blah.

    You guys did a great job on the fiesta! It was an awesome event.

    Oh, and remember how I was telling you that Paige went on a weekend road trip w/ her sorority and that I wasn’t ready for that so soon after the drop-off? Get this: When I was driving back to Austin after the event she called to tell me the bus caught on fire and two firetrucks came! Everything turned out fine, but seriously? What in the world is God trying to teach me?!! I no likey this!

  35. 85
    Judy of Ada, Ok. says:

    This is my first time to write on this blog but my heart is so full at this moment. Sixteen precious ladies from our church outside of Ada, Oklahoma ,made our way to San Antonio for a weekend we will never forget. When Beth began to speak on our inheritance and that we will receive a double portion I was in disbelief. This was just the message we needed so desperately for at this time while we were at the conference a very wonderful man of our church, our oldest member was being called forth to claim that inheritance and his Savior His. As We came home Sunday evening and went to the home of these precious people we had such a word to speak to our loving sister who was watching the love of her life ,with 60 years of marriage, being called home. We lift our praises to our Savior for the promise given upon this passing, for the words we were able to speak through the Spirit and for Beth being obedient when given the word “inherit”. It was a weekend that will never be forgotten! Our Lord is so faithful!!!

  36. 86
    Fran says:

    Amazing weekend LPM!! Bless you all for what you do. Seriously.
    God is working BIG time in my heart and mind right now. I am all over it and Him with it.

    The Fiesta was the best!! We laughed so much girls. I’m sad that home isn’t nearly as funny! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Love you all. When can we do it again?


  37. 87
    Marina says:

    Thank you Beth for sharing your heart in san antonio, the city well never be the marina

  38. 88
    Gena says:

    Just wanted to jump in and say thanks before I get back to work. The weekend was awesome. I can’t even begin to put all the pieces together of what I learned so that I can actually live it. But try I will.

  39. 89
    Karen P. says:

    Here is another WOW! The week-end was fantastic. My 2 local siestas, Sharron and Dianne (maybe my “siesta peeps”?) and I had such a great time of fellowship with each other while getting to know other siestas from all over.

    Thank-you Beth, Amanda and Melissa for all you do and for taking time Saturday afternoon to fellowship with all us siestas!

    Karen P.

  40. 90
    Anonymous says:

    Good afternoon!!! How AWESOME was this past weekend?? A Beautiful inheritance…WOW…

    Ok, so I don't really know how yet to put into words the immense feeling inside. THANK YOU Jesus for our weekend in your loving presence!!!!!! Beth, this was the first time I have seen you "Live". I wanted to be the girl who could ask you if I could just hug your neck…I imagine we all wanted to. Thank you Beth, Amanda, and Melissa for the Fiesta! You three spent such precious time with us siestas. I echo Lisa's comment about your much needed vacation. My soul just lurched into prayer for you and your body when I saw the look on your face when you so honestly told us how tired you are. Jesus, Renew our Mama Beth…she so needs your mighty hand to comfort, soothe, calm, renew, & energize her body and soul. Give her much needed rest. May your Peace be a heavenly aroma, a quiet but continuous balm around her and Keith.

    I am so grateful, so blessed, so encouraged, soooo thankful for you all – for your sacrifices, for your selfless sharing, and for your love for those God brings in your path.

    Muchas, Muchas, Muchas Gracias!!!

    Kate in Charlottesville

  41. 91
    MissBecky says:

    Eight of us from Granbury drove down on Thursday night to be at our 4th LPL event and we believe this was the best yet! We are definitely heiresses who are NOT boring! Thank you, Beth, for opening the word to us. We were doubly blessed in that we worshipped Sunday at Oak Hills Church with Travis! Love’s prayers from your Granbury siestas, Miss Becky

  42. 92
    Phyllis says:

    Wow, what pictures and what a weekend. I am an Heiress of God!! Beth, thank you so for once again, letting God speak throught. And to all who had any part of this past weekend. God is Good! Just wondered if anyone else saw the beautiful sunrise on Saturday morning as we drove to the Alamo Dome! It was definitely a God thing. We were listening to Sandi Patty sing How Great Thou Art, then we looked over to the Alamo Dome and a rainbow completely covered the dome! Ok God, you have filled my cup already, and now we are going in to hear Beth, and it will just overflow! Then to top it off, in the sky was two flocks of geese flying south for the winter! How do people look at the wonders of God and “don’t get it”? Thanks again for blessing heart both in conference and the Siesta Fiesta. Phyllis from Killeen

  43. 93
    hisfivefooter says:

    Beth, Amanda, and Melissa:
    What a great weekend! Me and my puzzlepiece sista had a terrific time. Melissa, girlfriend…You are honestly so hysterical and funny! Amanda is just as sweet if not sweeter spirited than her mama described her. And Beth: girlfriend, let me tell you… you had your funny on! Seriously, maybe all of those girls in your head can sit down over your vacation and give you a little peace! God also confirmed His Word to both Ang and me as we have both had multiple conversations in the past three months over your topic and the “three P’s” as they shall me known! Coming all the way to San Antonio was worth it, even though I had bad hair days every day because of the humidity! Love you all three so much! Will talk to you all later- God bless-
    Lisa in Kirkland

  44. 94
    Shannon says:

    I was there! I can’t express how blessed I was by all of it! Thank y’all for all of the hard work you put into the weekend. XO – S

    PS – Beth, you can say “peeps” anytime you want as far as I’m concerned.

  45. 95
    Profbaugh says:

    Oh boy! I have so many wonderful memories from this weekend. The LPL was awesome, as usual, but I think I’ll actually treasure the time I spent meeting my fellow Siestas face-to-face the most. Honestly, my side still hurts from laughing so much. And the all the southern accents, well I’m still hearing those echoes in my head. Y’all (see I’m learning) are just too much!!! Thanks Beth and Amanda for coming up with the Siesta Fiesta idea and to Kim and Patty (and Holly too) for all the hard work of coordinating it all. I had a blast. And I miss y’all.

    With much love and laughter,
    ~Cheryl (the northern siesta)

  46. 96
    Hearingw/myheart says:

    Well, let me tell you, it is never “boring” going on an adventure with this Siesta!! Anyone that travels with moi’ is going to have some interesting stories to share… We finally made it in the Alamo Dome after my having to go back home to Waxahachie from Waco to get my Living Proof bracelet that I had forgotten, then our 6 hour trip from Waco to San Antonio with the Friday afternoon traffic, lunch, and 4 restroom stops… which I tempted to help another lady use the men’s restroom, but found that it was preoccupied!, and my friend’s strap broke on her sandle as we walked to the Alamo Dome from the hotel….

    After looking back, I know that the enemy was truly disappointed that his plans didn’t work! If anything, Satan’s plans are “boring”, “by the power of God at work within us, we are able to do far more than we can ever ask or imagine…” Ephesians 3:20

    Thank you, Beth, for painting such a beautiful picture in my mind of my lot on the new earth! I can just picture my lot next to my Mom, my twin-sister Beth, Trae and Melissa, whom all gathered together for this wonderful weekend! In my picture, I see us all drinking coffee, Mocha Frappucinos, and dancing around with the Lord on our lots! Amen!

    We look forward to seeing another Living Proof Live in the 2009!

    Psalm 16!

  47. 97
    psbutler1 says:

    A big “YEEHAW” from Amarillo! What an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit this weekend. I was not ready for it to come to an end! The question and answer time was so sweet! I thank you for taking time to let us share fellowship with each other.God is so good to let us have just a peek of that kind of “LOVE-IN” Him we will know in heaven!! I was so blessed to see so many of my Siestas out and about and that their attitudes, wherever I saw them, was one that would bring glory to God.More than once I was asked who these people were and was able to share about what God was doing in San Antonio. Thanks to all who helped from one who came into the Alamodome as a retired teacher and left an Heiress–nothing boring about that!

  48. 98
    Aunt Rhody says:

    Thank you Lord! Could you do a Living Proof with Siesta time in Fredericksburg, TX? How fun would that be??? Maybe I could go to that one.

  49. 99
    Anonymous says:

    I so wish I could have been there – but thank you Rick for posting that video. I have enjoyed reading each and every comment and even some of your blog posts. I’m going to Study out that Psalm scripture tonight! So Glad that Our Awesome God moved for everyone.
    Kim in Apex, NC
    P.S. Howe about an East Coast Fiesta Siesta next time?

  50. 100
    Anonymous says:

    I am so bummed that I didn’t get to make it this year. A group from my church went, and had an AWESOME time, but I had teacher inservice that week and couldn’t miss. I’m thrilled that all had a good time and that God was definitely glorified!!! Hopefully, I can make it to an LPL event next year!!!!!!

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