There Comes A Time

There just flat comes a time when you have to go to the danged doctor. And be glad you have him. I wouldn’t have to bother if my mama were still alive. She didn’t much know what to do with a stronghold but she knew what to do with the croup. I’d have to sit on a stool by the stove with a towel over my head and breathe in some wild vaporous concoction that made me heave until I came to my senses and decided I’d better get well or else. My family was too big for you to get a whole heapin’ helping of attention. You got your moment then you got on with it. A week later you’d be snorting your head off and coughing your back out and someone would say, “Child, what on earth is wrong with you? What are you doing still sick? I thought I told you to get well!” I had a really quirky family and sometimes if you’d been sick a long time they’d say, “I’d a thought you’d a died by now!”

Sometimes my sister and I got to stay home when we were sick and watch soap operas with Mom and Nanny (my granny who lived with us). If we’d act nearly dead, even three in a row. We were so far in the birth order that we got away with more than the older kids. Especially when it came to playing hooky. If we’d lay really quiet on the couch, Mom and Nanny would act like they didn’t know we were there. It never occurred to them that soap operas might not be the best steady diet for adolescents. How we didn’t grow up to be like Erica Cane on “All My Children” who’s never met a man she didn’t marry is beyond me. Goodness knows we did our part.

I was supposed to get to take the day off to finish my Christmas shopping but no!!! I have to go to the danged doctor. I’ve had something for three or four days but I tried to treat it with internet advice. I bet you know what I’m talking about. I thought it was working till I could hardly get out of the bed this morning. I had to drop my legs over the side of the bed, slide down, and hope the rest of me followed. When I finally got to my feet, I coughed really loud so Keith would wake up and feel sorry for me. Then I was sorry he’d seen me because I got a glance of myself in the bathroom mirror and nearly went into cardiac arrest. The only words that would come to me were “Woman, thou art loathed!” I didn’t have to take my take my temperature. My hair clearly had a fever. And it looked especially dark. I’m one of those weird people who enjoys making fun of herself so I had half a mind to have Keith take a picture of me to post for you…but then I was afraid I’d give you a spirit of fear. I kind of looked like Norman Bates’ mom in Psycho.

Keith’s car was packed for the deer lease but then he felt bad (I love that when you blog you don’t have to use good English like “badly.” It would be so lame here.) about leaving me this morning. I made him go though. I didn’t feel good enough for him to stay home. I think you understand. Well, you helped me pass the time to my appointment. Gotta get in there. I’m sorry this is so random. I’m sorry for everything. Even things I don’t know I did. I’m so sorry.

I’ll let you know in the next day or two how my appointment went. I hate that they’re going to ask me if I’ve had my dad-blasted mammogram this year. And how my delicate digestive system is doing. Good grief. How personal can you get? Did I tell you about having that colonoscopy last year and, as it turned out, several of the nurses in the wing had done the Bible studies and we got to visit through it? No, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to talk about it. Still don’t.

If my croup kicks pretty fast, I’m gonna wish I could retape my rousing chorus of Happy Blog-aversary To You. I know it’s not the flu because I had my flu shot. And it’s against the law to get the flu after you get your flu shot.

I love you. So sorry I put you through this post.

PS. Back from the doctor. Bronchitis. May need iron lung. Not really. Just a mammogram and colonoscopy.


200 Responses to “There Comes A Time”

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  1. 50
    thouartloosed says:

    Dear Beth,
    A girl sure needs her mama when she’s as sick as you are. God bless a man-somehow they just don’t quite have the same soothing hand on your head let me take care of you thing going on like a mama. You get in bed, have some chicken soup, and take a good nap. Maybe later, if you feel like it, you can move to the sofa and catch up on the soaps. (I think Erica Kane is STILL on All My Children!) I’m sending a prayer for quick healing. Love you,

  2. 51
    Katie from ND says:

    Aww Beth! I’m praying for you to get better. Sounds like you need a good snuggle on the couch in sweats, hot cider in your hands, and a good movie to vege in front of. A hot bath and a snooze might feel good too! I want to give you a hug!

    Thanks for your word about the colonoscopy! 😀 Hilarious…. yet makes me cringe for you! God bless your sense of humor!

    Love you!

  3. 52
    Carol says:

    Beth, you are loved!!! Here’s praying that your healed quickly to want Keith to stay home with you and to feel the joy of being with all your loved ones this Christmas. We’re so glad you went to the doctor and hadn’t died already!

  4. 53
    Anonymous says:


    I so feel your pain. I had to give in and go to the dr today too. Sinus infection. The fever last night after 12 days of blowing and coughing did it for me.

    Thankfully the Lord has given us these marvelous folks who can tell us what it is and give us medicine…and thankfully we eventually submit and swallow our pill!

    Hope you feel better soon…we’ll pray for your health.

  5. 54
    Anonymous says:

    Oh, you poor dear. This definitely does NOT sound like a “blessing” to me. But, hey, you are still human you know, and, you wanna know somethin’? That makes the “rest of us” sojourners “out here” feel better just to know that fact. I don’t know about anyone else out “here”, but it blesses me so much that you are “so authentic” with us, my sweet Beth. It just makes me love you even more, my dear sister.

    But, I’ve gotta admit that I laughed my head off about half way through your note. I don’t know how a person who feels so lousy can still write such hilarious stuff, but you managed to do it, and I am so glad, because I really needed to have a good giggle … =)

    If you do end up having bronchitis, and still have a bad cough, try warming up a bunch of honey with a bunch of lemon juice in it, then when it cools down, drink it a little bit at a time. And, it actually is pretty tasty, too. But, if your doctor prescribes medication for you, be sure to take it, too, as we would “prefer if you were to hang around” on Earth for a while longer, as God so permits us to be so blessed …

    I will be praying for you to get better quickly, though, so you are able to feel better before Christmas comes. Then again, I pray for you almost every day anyhow, so I will just know more specifically what to pray for now.

    I am doing “The Patriarch’s study” between God, me and you, right now, and it is So exciting and is truly fascinating information to learn. And, to realize that these were real people who loved God the same way that we do is simply incredible to me. Unfortunately, though, Abraham “just died”, and I guess I am a bit like you; as I tend to get all teary eyed when one of these people in the Bible die “during one of your studies”. So, I guess I get to learn more about Isaac and his new wife now. =)

    In Christ’s Love,

    Jennifer O.

    Southern Wisconsin

  6. 55
    Diane Muir says:

    And THIS is why I tell people that I LOVE Beth Moore … you can whine like the rest of us about all of the dang-blasted trips to the doctor and feeling croupy, then you will put on your makeup and big hair and just like any good martyr, do what you have to do to get through the day. God is so good to us women!

  7. 56
    Little Steps Of Faith says:

    Oh poor Beth…I thought my PMS was a major issue this week, but girl, I am sorry to hear that you don’t feel well…ya better get yourself some gingerale, tea and honey and drink tons of OJ…and also drown yourself in Robitussin, Night Quil, and the medicine your dr gives you and you’ll be good as new 🙂 My momma always says its better to take it all then a little:)
    Anyways, I do hope you feel better:)
    Be Blessed:)

  8. 57
    Kelly @ Love Well says:

    I think the iron lung sounds like a more pleasant alternative.

    Plus, it would make for some really funny blog posts. And we all have to make sacrifices for the cause, you know.

    Sorry. I’m so sorry.

    (Also, what you went through when you got out of bed today? That’s me every morning right now, only with less coughing and more waddling.)

  9. 58
    Anonymous says:

    Oh Beth, bless your heart. I so love your blogs and your humor. I definitely feel like your siesta when you are able to share the dreaded “C” word with us. Those colonoscopies are not fun — it’s even difficult to spell the thing. I do pray for you, even as I write this entry, that your bronchitis will clear up speedily and that you will take a much needed rest AND that your colonoscopy is not until AFTER Christmas :).
    You work those vocals chords HARD! — I pray for peace, rest, joy and a unique experience this Christmas. You can share that unique experience with us after the holidays :). Blessings to you and your family. Much love to you all, JH

  10. 59
    Living Beyond says:

    So sorry Beth – hope you feel better soon – much love

  11. 60
    Mary Watkins says:

    Oh girl friend, yesterday I woke up all croupy. I feel your pain. In response to my feeble attempt to speak, my whole family said, “Go to the doctor! You know Christmas is just a week away. You need to be well by then.” So I went.. got some shots and high powered antbiotics. I feel almost brand new. Ever since I moved to Arkansas I have had lots of sinus issues.

    I hope you start to feel better soon. Your Siestas will be praying for you.

    Let us hear how you are doing in a couple of days.

    Love you too!

  12. 61
    Katy says:

    Oh dear Beth. You have the crud. It’s going around in my little world too and thus far, my family has avoided walking through the sneezes and gaks of others. You take care of yourself and get well soon. Still holding out that you will befriend that camera of yours when you’re feeling better. I know you can do it! Love You Siesta.

  13. 62
    carla says:

    Oh, Beth! I’m so sorry to hear you have Bronchitis! UUGgghh.. I’ll pray for God to heal you so that you can enjoy Christmas with your precious family!

    I’ve never blogged (EVER) before, just reluctant for some odd reason. Noticed no responses yet, so had to just make sure you knew someone was thinking about you and praying you feel better. I’ve been a huge follower of all these blog entries in “Siesta-ville”. Love to hear how you’re doing in “everyday” life and think you are just “a riot” as my mama would say.

    You, dear, have blessed me in so many ways and I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never written to tell you so. On March 12, 1998, I ASSUREDLY accepted Jesus Christ (after growing up in the faith, but never really having “a story”) during your bible study, Jesus the One and Only. LOVED IT and my life has not been the same since. During that study I got pregnant (after a year of trying) and today I’m blessed to stay home with 2 little people and love them to death. (By the way, I’m taking my Daniel quizzes after the study I did last summer.) Went to see you in cold Detroit last year with my Mom, my sister and my sister-in-law(Jackson was just turning 1 and I cried thinking you couldn’t be with him the WHOLE weekend. Oh, Beth, the sacrifices you make do not go unnoticed). God heap blessing on you!

    Sorry for the lengthy blog, but had to since this is my first! Rest and feel better(and keep that hair cute — I’m sure even this morning!!) I’m a huge fan and you inspire me to want more of HIM, know HIM more, and love more because of HIM.

    Pray for you often and your ministry. THANK YOU!
    Carla in Ohio

  14. 63
    Rebecca says:

    O beth! I so hope you get to felling better! I love you sieasta!

  15. 64
    Jean says:

    Oh Beth – you crack me up. Thank you so much for this light hearted, funny post. It’s just what the “Doctor ordered” for me (and my church)greiving the loss of my pastor’s wife and friend who valiantly battled cancer the past year. Now she is dancing with the angels and Jesus.

    Have a very Merry Christmas! I pray your bronchitis goes away quickly and you enjoy your holiday.

  16. 65
    Profbaugh says:

    I’m praying for you Ms. Beth. Bronchitis is nothing to mess with. I’m glad you bit the bullet and headed to the doctor.

    Crazy for Christ,

  17. 66
    Anonymous says:

    I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to get mammograms when you have a croupy cough/ bronchitis. Could be very dangerous… Colonoscopies too for that matter. You have to be able to hold very still, and deep-chested coughs that rattle your body make that pretty much impossible. Tell that to your doctor.

  18. 67
    Heather says:

    Praying for you to feel better!! I too was not feeling well and found out that I don’t have bronchitis nor do I need a colonsopy, mamogram, yet … I found out we were going to have a third! So sad that I will not be able to make SA next year! So sad and excited about the baby at the same time!

  19. 68
    Anonymous says:

    Hope your feeling much better now.Take care of yourself, rest & do what the Dr said.I am praying for you.God bless love sister in Christ Victoria

  20. 69
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Beth, so sorry to hear that you are so sick. But you have made me realize that I need to get a mammogram done soon. It has been 3 1/2 years since I have had one ( I am 46) Also I will probably need to have a colonoscopy. Things haven’t been to pleasant in that area lately. I need to take care of myself I will be a granny anyday. Thank you so much for you Godly wisdom, your encouragement, and you are the funniest thang. I love this blog and your wed. on James and Betty R. Get well soon. Kelly from Michigan.

  21. 70
    Big Mama says:

    Oh, even in sickness you make me laugh. I hope you and your new iron lung have a speedy recovery.

  22. 71
    Missy says:

    Hey Beth,
    Did you ask your Dr. what a mammogram and colonoscopy have to do with Broncittus??? Boy I would have!!!
    Hope you can get over it faster than I do, it takes me almost 2 months to get back to normal.
    You guys have a most blessed CHRISTmas!!!
    Love ya good,

  23. 72
    The Nester says:

    Still better than going to the dentist. Feel better!

  24. 73
    KS says:


    I hope you get well soon. Sometimes our bodies just have to let us know when it is time to stop and take a rest. It would just be nice if it could give us a heads up so we could put in our schedule. 🙂

    I hope you and your family have a very Merry and restful Christmas!


  25. 74
    Tabitha says:

    Get well soon Beth,


  26. 75
    The Nester says:

    Sorry that you have to get your coo-coo line checked and your girls all smashed up.

    This is what I would say if you weren’t so respectable! I know you’ll have to delete it!

  27. 76
    kristi a. says:

    You poor sweet thing, Beth. I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. It’s a good thing I didn’t know till now otherwise I woulda cried because “my friend isn’t doing very well right now.” I seem to like taking everyones issues and making them my own. Somebody help me! Anyways, it’s good you got it now instead of next week, right! I love you and hope you feel better soon. Now…go get your other things done that need doing. Your little siesta said so.

    love you,

  28. 77
    Marcy - blessed to be a blessing says:

    Oh, yuck. Christmas sick – hate it! I hope you feel better soon. We, too, have some crud at our house. Isn’t it mandatory this time of year?

  29. 78
    kristi a. says:

    UM Beth,
    I just watched the Happy Blog aversary video. You poor baby. You sounded sick then. You must feel HORRIBLE now. I’m so very sorry you’re not up to par. Get better soon. I love you.

  30. 79
    grayse says:

    oh my…did you take too many antihistamines? 🙂 God love ya…colds, croup and the flu are just about the worst aren’t they.

    And by the way, you are forgiven for everything you’ve ever done, whatever it is, per your many

    OK, get some sleep, and DON’T GO NEAR YOUR CAMERA til you are well!

  31. 80
    SuzyR says:

    Sweet Beth…Prayers for a quick recovery and do what the Dr tells you to do…God bless you

  32. 81
    tbird says:

    So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Sure hope you feel better real soon. Praying that this icky Bronchitis goes away!

  33. 82
    Anonymous says:

    Sittin here in the sound booth of my church and instead of listening to the sermon, I read your post. I could barely keep from laughing out loud. The pastor keeps looking up and wondering what on earth am I smiling about–he is talking about being quiet and humble!!
    I love you bunches Beth Moore. I pray you feel better soon.

    Shelly, Florida

  34. 83
    CrownLaidDown says:

    Awww, sweet Beth, I’m sorry you are sick! Praying that during this time, you feel the breath of God upon your sweet (albeit scary and loathsome??…hee hee!) face. Praying that He speaks over you and gives you a NEW song to sing!
    ‘Wish I could bring you some Chicken Noodle soup…maybe those dogs of yours will stay near on your lap and take care of you–did Keith take them along?
    Much love and prayers for you, dear one!

  35. 84
    DigiNee says:

    Poor Beth – sounds like you got what I had two weeks ago – and what 3 of my dear siestas have now —- strong antibiotics are in order (and that shot sure did not hurt anything!) – liquid gold it was . . .

    Rest girl —- lifting up a prayer for you.

  36. 85
    Hillary says:

    I do hope you feel better soon! But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a smile and a laugh out of your post. You are so stinkin funny. And real! Heck, you’re just real funny!

  37. 86
    homedaisy says:

    i forgive you. for whatever it was that you were so sorry for. and, my goodness, i hope you feel better. and, yes, i am really glad that when we blog we don’t have to use adverbs appropriately.

  38. 87
    Jackie Sue says:

    Sorry you are sick, but that was still a funny post. Get well soon. Enjoy some down time…catch up on your soaps ya know. 🙂

  39. 88
    I'm a blessed girl... says:

    Bethie~ You know that the doctors just look at you and say (to themselves)~ She is blonde, just say anything! She will never know the difference! You might need a second opinion!

    If you need a lung transplant just call me….
    I’ll help you find a donor!
    Love you! jan

    PS Remember.. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down~
    I love the random post~

    I pray for your complete healing~AMEN!!

  40. 89
    Kathy says:

    Sorry you are sick, sweet Beth. Prayers being said for a quick recovery. Bronchitis is no fun. You get lots of rest, take your meds, and drink liquids til you float. ;o)

  41. 90
    TwinMom says:

    I am SO sorry to hear that you don’t feel well!
    You know, what is the phenonemon that goes along with not feeling well and having your hair look “especially dark”? Everytime I am sick, my hair seems to turn really brown (I too am blonder than I pay to be!)
    I have noticed that my hair sorta takes on my moods…Today it is tired!
    I hope you feel better real soon!

  42. 91
    Donna Scott says:

    Oh Beth, I do hope you are feeling much better or that you will very soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers. And I loved your post by the way! Your so like me! lol

  43. 92
    Angela says:

    Beth, even in your sickness you make us laugh! You are a blessing! Now if we could just make you laugh, I’m sure you need that medicine!
    And I don’t believe in the flu shot…gets me sick every time!
    I am praying for you to feel better real soon. Just be glad you don’t have a house full of youngins to take care of too!

  44. 93
    annie says:

    Oh, sweet Beth, I am so sorry you’re sick. AND to add injury to illness, a mammogram and colonoscopy–yuck, yuck! What we women have to do…times like this you miss your mama. Those were fun days for me getting attention all to myself when I was sick–being a twin it didn’t happen too often. Hope you’re better really quick, and try not to think about the m. or the c. Yuck. Feel better. Love, Annette

  45. 94
    Evangelism Chick says:

    You’re in my poor prayers.

  46. 95
    Jeanine says:

    Oh I feel awful about laughing but your description was just too funny! I can’t imagine you with a bad hair day! I hope you feel better soon.

  47. 96
    Angela says:

    Right there with you, I have asthma induced bronchitis and it hit me like a ton of bricks. My doctor said I was a mess after he checked me out. I’m also 14 weeks prego so he is concerned for my well being. I really hate this mucinex stuff, but if it ‘gets the mucus out’ then I can’t complain too loudly or promise I will be lady like when it does (come out). I hope you get better soon especially for Christmas. I’m sure Jackson will be a lot of fun and you won’t want to miss it! Take care of yourself.

  48. 97
    Karen says:

    Bless your heart. I can’t think that there’s a lot more embarrassing than trying to have some really personal procedure done that requires you to abandon all dignity and have someone say, “aren’t you so and so and I just loved your whatever?” Anyway, I’ll be praying for you. Be careful with bronchitis. It has a way of turning ugly sometimes. Blessings to you girlfriend!

  49. 98
    Marla Taviano says:

    You poor dear thing! Oh, I don’t even want to think about colonoscopies and mammograms. (not that I have enough mam to even get a mammogram after 3 babies)

    You get better!

  50. 99
    Dana says:

    Alright, sweet siesta, I hope you feel better soon. Please slow down a little – sounds like God wants you to be still and let The Great Physician heal you. I always pray for you and am especially praying that you feel better soon. Also, I am a southern woman (and dang proud of it!) and just have to ask if your mom or nanny ever greased your holler when you were sick like this as a child. I can only imagine what ‘un’southerners are thinking about this right now but when I got sick like that growing up, my mom would take Vicks Vapor Rub and rub on my chest and cover it with a warm towel and I’d feel so much better – I could breathe and sleep! It was called ‘greasin’ yer holler’.
    Feel better and think how many of us women are praying for you and love you and your sweet family!

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