This was the second out of three playgrounds we visited this week. Jackson is tired of our living room.
Honestly, sometimes I’d rather sit on the bench and visit with the other mommies.

But then I would miss this…

Life is good when you’ve got mulch in one hand and a Tonka truck in the other.

He kept hitting his head on that thing.


Will he go down?


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on Friday, November 30th, 2007 at 4:50 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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He is so cute, Amanda! I cannot believe how “little boyish” he is looking now and not so much baby. But trust me, I’ve got a 4 year old and a 2 year old and they are always your baby! Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh my, WAY to absolutely preciuos! And you, Amanda, are a very good photographer!
Cute, cute!
So, so cute! Jackson reminds me of my nephew. Thanks for sharing. :o)
That last picture of Jackson, he looks exactly like his daddy!
Oh, the joys of being a mother! Too cute! You are a good mama, Amanda!
Looking at Jackson’s pics kinda makes me want a grandbaby! In due time, I suppose and of course, in the right order!
What a precious, precious boy! Trust this Momma who’s baby boy is now a college freshman…you’ll never, ever regret taking the time to experience and savor moments like these! They pass in the blink of an eye! As many have said, thanks so much for sharing life’s moments with us!
Your Kentucky Siesta,
those are just precious, Amanda! He’s so handsome.
Isn’t it amazing the dimension kids bring to life!!!
He is so cute!!
The last one is a heart breaker. What a look.
Thanks for sharing
How fun! I want to play! He has such a sweet face and a beautiful smile. Enjoy!
oh girl he is such a cutie. Morgan always LOVES seeing his pics!! ๐ so funny!
We are headed to the park today! She gets way sick of the living room as well!! ๐
Really sweet, Amanda, his little face can light up my day while I’m at work and don’t have my little ones within my view! I look so forward to 2:00 everyday when I can leave to get them from school! All of mine are in elementary school and we just got this year’s school pictures back. I would have sworn they haven’t changed that much since last year…until you sit down and compare them! Oh my gracious, they grow up SO stinkin’ fast! I do it every year, sit down and go over every detail of the differences in pictures and my husband always chuckles and tells the kids, “here it comes, mama’s gonna cry.” And I always do! ๐
I just want a chance to ride down a slide again and have some fun. You’re a great mom (and photgrapher.) And Jackson is Mr. Personality–just darling! Do you mind if I ask what kind of camera you have? Mine is delayed in the picture capture and the dog has walked off or something by the time it snaps. Yours appears to really capture the moment. If you get a chance…Blessed weekend to you all. Annette
precious, precious memories you are making…enjoy every moment on the slide of life with him
My baby boy is now twenty but it seems like just yesterday we were at the playground, laughing and playing
have a great weekend!!!!
What a cute little muffin!! He has beautiful eyes and a great big smile! My little man is 18 months and while he keeps me VERY busy, I just love this age! He is the baby of five so I am trying to make it last!! ๐ Oh, enjoy each stage bc it flies by so fast as I am sure you already know. My oldest is 9 and I can barely believe it!
Have a blessed day!
Oh Amanda! He is just
precious!!! The way you
tell the story is just
wonderful!! God has given
me the most wonderful daughter.
She is 6 now and I am still
learning how to be a mommy! Your
stories are life lessons that really mean so much to me. Thanks so much for sharing – there is
no instuctions with these little
wonders of God and sometimes it’s just tough to know what to do. All I can say is – I have a few role models that I try to mimick and you are one of them along with your Mother! I see the life she has lived and the fruit is has produced and I am all for copying her pattern… please share all you can – I am one serious student!!!! And “it’s all about him” was right when she said they grow up so stinkin fast – I am so holding on to her so tight – at times she says “mommy, i can’t breathe!!!” and then of course she just giggles b/c I’m not sure which of us enjoys the lovin and kisses the mostest!!!! Needless to say, I am ruint by two things in life and this obviously my love of my daughter and the LORD Jesus Christ! Her daddy isn’t so bad either!!! Love you all so much, your Cheraw SC siesta – Alisa
As the mom of a now 16-year-old and 13-year-old, I can state this with absolute authority: It is better to play on the toys with your babies than visit with with the other ladies. My kids don’t remember specific times I climbed on those toys with them, but they do know I am actively involved and interested in their lives. The time sacrificed was an investment that has already returned to me a hundredfold in teenagers who, although sometimes annoyed with me, trust me with their “stuff.” Besides, jungle gyms are fun!
Oh How Fun!!!! My kids area little older than that now! Sometimes I forget to sit and think about the memories of that age! He is such a doll! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!
oh Amanda he is soooo handsome!!!!! and, oh! so grown!!!! the smoldering look in the last picture is priceless!!!! thank you for sharing them with us!!!!
Enjoy the nice weather for us. I have a 4 year old son, but it’s -4F here (-20 Celsius) and we have at least 3-4 months before we can hit any playgrounds.
How so wonderfull.I love going to the play ground with my grandkids or freinds kids.He looks so happy. I dont blame him play grounds are much neater than liveing room’s ha ha. Thanks for shareing this with us God bless love sister in christ.Victoria from NC
Adorable, absolutely adorable! You are going to love re-visiting these days in the next few years! Enjoy your sweet son! Don’t you just love being a momma? It’s obvious to your siestas!
Thank you for sharing!
Angie xoxo
i lost my son two and a half years ago (stillborn) and looking at your pictures makes me joyful about my future for another one. i enjoy sharing in your joy of motherhood. i know my son is absolutely safe and loved and if i remain in God and He remain in me, i can ask for another one. Seeing you and your husband gives me strenghth that that there are still Bible believing men out there and i want my future children to be raised by one. May you son, Amanda, grow to be a mighty man in God.
How cute it that! Just remember, Amanda, in the words of Anita Renfroe
“Treasure this time. If you blink it you will miss it.”
Love you little sister,
Too cute! I know the feeling about being in the same 4 walls…my boys seem to be wanting to get out too! Maybe we’ll try a playgroup out again once it gets a bit warmer!
In the words of my 12 year old girlie as she read this post by my side…’OH Mama, he’s stinkin’ CUTE!!’ LOL!
~~Happy Friday
Those are terrific pictures, Amanda. I especially love the last one. I really have no reference to say this (other than past pictures) but he looks so much like your husband in that one. And I love the eyebrow.
You can NOT take too many pictures. My husband picks on me for my extensive film development budget but there is not one photo I would give up.
Enjoy the “chasing” stage now. In a few years, he will be playing with all his little buddies and you’ll feel left out.
Have a good weekend,
OK, he’s a cute kid, we’ve known that… But that last picture is priceless. Is he thinking, “What kind of trouble can I stir up?” or “Why is mom taking all those pictures, a guy needs some private time.” or …Who knows? That picture made me laugh.
Playground time is not in the works here right now. Snow still on the ground and it was 19 degrees when I came home for lunch just now. Is it Spring yet?
Melana in Wyoming
Too cute! It looked like he had a grasshopper or some other critter in that handful of mulch. Have fun, and thanks so much for sharing pictures.
God Bless You
God is sooo good! Truly precious!
Amanda you are such a good mommy.
Thank you for sharing your precious little blessing with us.
I have a daycare in my home and truly enjoy our back yard fun! Here in Nebraska the weather is way to cold to play outside today.
I know exactly how you feel about getting tired of the living room. My 7 little friends feel the very same way. God Bless. Jolinda
Treasured moments. ๐ He’s adorable, Amanda!
These pictures are so cute!! Reminds me of when my kids were little. Enjoy this “precious” time. It passes all too soon!
St. Louis
Jackson and Bentley (my little guy, age 2) would have a blast with their little Tonka Chuck and Friends trucks. Bentley loves his too and loves being outside as well as Jackson apparently does. Don’t you just love our little men?
I like that last shot, it’s sort of a cool, “hey there pretty lady” sort of glance he’s making. better watch that one as he gets older, I think he’s a natural flirt. ๐ Hee hee.. he’s so cute, Amanda, honestly, quit breaking all of ourhearts here! ๐
I rejoice with you and am only the teeniest bit jealous. I pray if it’s the Lord’s will that i too will be a mommy some day and have the joy of watching my little one delight in tonka trucks and mulch. In the meantime, I delight in other’s children, like yours and the sweet ones I am blessed to minister to at our church. It has been such an eye opener for me to work with children and see why it is the Lord says we must have faith like a child. Thanks for sharing some of your joy with us today!
My oh my, Little Jackson is looking like a little boy! He sure is changing fast! How fun! He is right behind our first grandson, so I can relate so much with your mama! It doesn’t get much better on this earth. I do believe grandparenting is God’s reward for parenting! Thanks for the adorable pictures! Blessings!
That last picture is a hoot! As the mommy of 2 little boys, I so understand the attraction of mulch and Tonka trucks AND the fun of getting out of the house. Praise the Lord for the playground!
Dear Amanda,
What a fun mommy you are! Your son is a beautiful child, I used to be a professional photographer and your pictures are really good, if it wasn’t so likely to ruin his life I’d suggest modeling for your baby boy, nope, just model a Christlike lifestyle. shalom
he is precious, what a cute litte boy. I am willing to bet he keeps you running!
One thing we like to jokingly say around the Smith house is this: You know, Honey, I sometimes worry that our children are so stoic. They need to laugh and smile more ๐ Jackson is definately in that category. A Happy Boy is he!
Jackson looks about the same age as my daughter (20 months?)….and I can totally relate with the wanting to sit on the bench and talk with the other mommies and also with the handfuls of mulch! Even little girls like to play with mulch. She’s growing up so fast, and I try to remember that in those moments when I really don’t want to be up at the top of the slide again, but I know I’ll be thankful that I was when I look back on these days.
What a sweet and absolutely beautiful child. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Everyone always told me to treasure the time when my kids were little and I did, but there isn’t any way to fully comprehend that concept until they are grown and you yearn for those moments.
Love it!!! He does look just like your hubby. My son loves the playground too, and I get quite the workout chasing him around.
Aww, Jackson is adorable ๐ By the way what type of camera do you use?? Your photos always look great.
Oh that last face is CLASSIC. I bet you’ll still be getting that when he’s 17 and needing help pinning on a corsage ๐
He is so beautiful!! i cant wait for my nephew to be born! anyday now! LOL
Seeing these adorable pictures has prompted me to ask you all for prayer for a sweet little boy here in SC. His name is Jack, and he will be 4 in December. Until a month ago he was a normal, active little boy. Then loss of apetite slipped into stomach virus symtpoms. Yesterday the doctors told his shocked parents that he has “the most agressive form of cancer there is.” It is in his lungs, bones, pancreas, lymph system, stomach. Thank you all for adding this family to your prayers.
I LOVE THOSE pictures!!
Jackson is precious!
Enjoy b/c time flies!
Love ya,