Be Present

Yesterday at church my pastor ended his sermon with one simple point: Be Present.

About a month before that at a Christmas party, my friend had written on her chalkboard wall: Be Present.

A couple of weeks before that Christmas party, right after Thanksgiving, I wrote a post titled: Be Present.

In the hustle and bustle of all things Christmas and giveaways and recipes on our blog, I put that particular post on hold. Beth and I often comment to each other that posts are like gold to us, so since we had a lot going on, it was best that I left that post for a different day. Today feels like that day.

You see, I have a picture saved on my iPhone camera roll that simply states, “Be Present”. For a long time it was saved as my home screen. It served as a reminder to be present wherever I was when I picked up my phone to peruse twitter or facebook in the moment instead of engaging with the friends right in front of my face. To get off my dang phone, if you will.

Lately I’ve had the urge to travel. I’m equal parts homebody and sanguine, if that even makes sense, but I’ve been dreaming of all the places I hope to visit one day, whether it be sooner or later. Traveling is not only thrilling because you get to see different wonders of the world, but also because it’s neat to witness different cultures and the way people live. It’s fascinating, really. However, I have what we would all refer to as a job, and responsibilities and limited funds, so mostly I wish and hope and dream. Being an adult isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, right?

The day after Thanksgiving, we always join some of our best friends out in the country for a day of skeet shooting and relaxing. It’s one of my favorite traditions. Each year, I’m more stunned by the beauty of autumn. Instead of using your imagination, allow me to give you a peak into the picture I’m trying to paint.

Beauty at its finest.

Houstonians actually received a bit of a gift when autumn showed up in Houston, albeit late, but leaving the trees colorful and enchanting. I was so shocked that I surveyed my coworkers because I didn’t know if I was just coming alive to nature this year or if it did seem a bit unusual, and most agreed it was an unusual change of colors and that made me feel better about myself.

This is what I’m talking about.

I know you people up north are probably laughing at this lone tree, but none of us were complaining!

The truth is, a lot of us get more screen time than we do nature time. We (read: I) am very guilty of that here, where we are not blessed with rolling hills, blankets of snow, mountains and white sandy beaches. Houston, to put it frankly, is not so easy on the eyes. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate beauty that is around me, to be present where I’m planted, even in the urge to travel and see different beauty.

The truth is, it’s necessary to have a change of scenery every now and then. A change of season. We can get stuck in the mundane day-to-day tasks that the beauty around us starts to fade leaving us to look at our screens and computers for a rush.

I think that’s part of my travel bug as of late. As far as vacation is concerned, it’s been about a year a half since I spent a significant amount of time away from Houston just resting, so I’m sensing the need for change.

My struggle isn’t necessarily confined to my surroundings though, sometimes my struggle is being present in the season the Lord has me planted in. Because life is at our fingertips via our smart phone, it’s easy to get restless, bored, discontent, angry, impatient, jealous or antsy. We may think the Lord is moving far too slow, when He’s really telling us to slow down. Life doesn’t begin in the next season, or the next milestone, or the next job, or the next relationship, life is happening now, whether you’re looking for it or not.

None of us know what the next season holds in our lives. Seasons in our lives, though they do come and go, aren’t as predictable as the seasons in our weather patterns. I don’t know what the Lord is saying to you, but I know without a doubt He’s telling me to enjoy and be present in my season. That He would be present in my presence, so as to change me. That I would approach Him confidently proclaiming who He is instead of always asking for something. After all, He’s always provided everything I need. To not get wrapped up and entangled in the disappointment, the fear, the joys, the sorrows; to feel those and to experience those emotions as they come, yes, but to be present, to know truth and to be aware but not pining for what’s ahead.

Recently I read in one of my devotionals that for the waters to reflect the glory of God, they have to be still. I’m a very visual person and fortunately, days before that when I was out in the country I happened to witness just that. The lake was completely still and it mirrored the clouds and trees perfectly. It was a beautiful reflection, times two.

I think we could all learn a thing or two from that, because maybe it’s the same for us. Whatever season we find ourselves in, maybe if we were still long enough to take in and try and hear all the Lord was trying to whisper to us in the here and now, maybe we’d be able to reflect His glory a little more instead of fighting it. Oh, that we would let our lives be a refelction of His love. It’s hard, yes, but it’s possible. And then when that change in season does come, whenever it shows up, we praise God for it. Because a change in season, however it comes, is something to be praised.

May I challenge us all to be more present in 2014? Because maybe, just maybe, He has a gift for us in the present. Maybe the gift is more of Himself. And as sure as the sun rises, my sister, He will be faithful.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake…Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Psalm 23: 1-3, 6


61 Responses to “Be Present”

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  1. 1
    Kimmygirl says:

    Very thought provoking, Lindsee-Lou!
    Being present is an intentional thing, and then combining that thought with seasons- makes me think of how difficult it can be depending on the ‘season.’
    Since I’ve been an empty nester for a while now, it is definitely easier to enjoy the simple things in life since the frantic season is behind me. I hope I didn’t miss anything crucial in those past years because of the speed of days, (and this is WAY before Facebook era!) I do know I have tons of precious little times tucked in my heart that I remember, so maybe I was a little more present than I give myself credit for.
    I have real issues with the season of winter, though, and not just because I’m freezing… I have such a problem with the lack of color, and nothing growing, and being stuck inside. Very trying for a country girl! But I know it’s necessary for the preparation of the next growing season, and causes me to slow down, and plan and pray, thank God for a new year of possibilities!

  2. 2
    Sarah Marion says:

    L.L. thank you for the perfectly timely word. Savoring the current moment is SO important. I need to remember to enjoy the current circumstances and learn from them instead of missing out on the present while thinking about the future.

    If I am able to attend the Siesta party I will have to bring you some fall leaves and snow;)

  3. 3
    Michelle O'Banion says:

    … b e a u t I f u l, Lindsee – your writing…


    ! We thank you – M a u h!

  4. 4
    Kim B. in Az says:

    This post is so timely in my life. God has been telling me to live in the here and the now. Not the past and replaying it so much that I end up taking blame or saying sorry for something I need not. Not the future, not fretting over what trouble might come and working myself in to a mess of worry. Nor worrying about what man might think of me. So be present is a good way to put it. I have missed so much of life because I was either regretting by focusing on the past or to worried about the future that I could not enjoy what I was doing. Only to look back with regret at what I missed. And worrying about what others might think of me which stopped me from trying something new for fear of looking stupid. Or just plain speaking the truth of God’s word and standing by instead of worry about not being liked. Yes be present is definitely one of the things God has been showing me that I need to change.

  5. 5
    Donna Sava says:

    This is perfect. Can you see how it flows with what Beth said on the 1st? The Lord is moving…if we are present…we can’t miss Him!

  6. 6
    Betty M says:

    I chuckled when I read about your restless spirit! What is it about January that does that to people? I sense this too right now. Is it because already I am tired of windchills at -60 and not being able to go out for days and the worry of livestock forced to be out in these conditions. But God provides! The horses pastured a mere 50 yards from my big east window are not in distress they have abundent food and shelter there, they are content. Why is my spirit so restless?? I spent so much valuable time yesterday checking out flights to Maui to spend a week but that too, though it gives me some respite from the cold…. the stress of running through crowded airports, cancelled flights,etc make me wonder is it worth it??
    We never are quite sure if the restlessness is God’s nudging us to higher callings. I would have to say quite often, NO!!! I see so much time in scripture examples of God’s people interferring with God’s plan because they just felt God was too slow!! How many times though do we see “in the fullness of time” or “in due time” and it is always His timing! It can seem so slow to us in our terms. God speaks loudest in the quiet and in the waiting so don’t be too impatient! Remember what James chapter one says about patience!! It is a worth pursuing patience for the character it produces!!
    Have a favorite drink on a chilly afternoon and rejoice that He puts up with our impatience!! A break through and Spring are right around the corner!!!
    Love sent over frozen wastelands!

  7. 7
    Diana A. says:

    Girl!!! You need a dog! Since I became a dog owner, later in the game of life, I have found she will show me the “present” – as every whiff of a sniff has her stopping and checking & rechecking the spot. As she is busy with her head down, I look to the sky and Praise God! I have time to look about on the walks and just see God’s Glory in all He made, and even in the structures that He gave the wisdom to make.

    I appreciate your posts, some are whimsical! Keep up the good work! Thank you for placing your heart out where we can share in, and hopefully reflect the Love of God back to you!

    God is Able, more than able to share His Glory with us… Thank you Jesus Christ!

  8. 8
    Deborah Mott says:

    Good word. Thank you. Beautiful pictures too. Enjoyed the reminder, encouragement and beauty of the photos and esp the regard and honor to our LORD and His presence being present!

  9. 9
    Rebecca says:

    Beautiful imagery in your photos and your words. Great “heart perspective” take away. Thanks!

  10. 10
    Gay Beck says:

    Dear Lindsee,

    Thank you for this inspiring post today. God’s timing is always perfect in every season of each of our lives. “Be Present,” “Be Still,” and “Listen for God to speak to your heart,” have been recently discussed spiritual topics. Just in the past week, one of my adult daughter’s
    asked the question “How do I know when God is talking to me?” My daughter and I have had several in-depth discussions regarding our individual spiritual journeys in the past year. Both of our journeys have have brought us closer to God and to closer to each other. In fact, the spiritual growth in our whole family (my husband, our 2nd adult daughter, our son-in-law and our granddaughter) has been quite amazing during the past year. All Praise, Honor and Glory are given to our Sovereign, Heavenly Father! May God’s “Presence,” God’s “Grace” and God’s “Love” surround you and your family in 2014, Lindsee.

  11. 11
    Alicia says:

    Lindsee- this is so beautifully written. And the timing so perfect. Y’all are so right that it (most likely) would’ve gotten “lost” in the hustle and bustle of Christmas. January is a time to reflect, be still, be present. Thank you for the reminder in your beautiful words and pictures. I wish you were closer to me- I have these two darling college gals that come to my house & I think you’d all just be the best of friends & encourage one another so much. They are a blessing to me- more than they know- as they take time out of their busy lives to come and spend time with me & my little 2 year old boy (who adores them!) I encourage them regularly to read what you write here— so- thank you for being a role model, honest Jesus follower & precious voice to your generation. Much thanks 🙂

  12. 12
    Peggy says:

    Thanks Lindsee. Very we’ll stated and timely fory life 🙂

  13. 13
    Christina Armentrout says:

    What a timely message for me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful pictures!! You are appreciated!

  14. 14
    Andrea S. says:

    Love this post so much! I love it when The Lord repeats himself until we get it! In this season of life we are going through lots of change and painful transition in our beloved church family, it’s been rough but God has continually reminded me of not only His faithfulness, but His sheer love for our congregation. Over the last few months He has continued to tell me that He desires for me to run to HIM FIRST in all things…hurt and heartache….anger and frustration…disappointment and fear….excitement and anticipation….in the brokenness and in the healing….run to Him, don’t go straight to my girlfriends or my small group….don’t gossip or rant, but come before His throne and seek His answers, His response, His advice. He is such a gracious, loving and MIGHTY God, and I’m so grateful to be a beloved daughter of the King!

  15. 15
    Caroline says:

    Beautiful post. Beautiful pictures. This touched something deep in me today. My freshly chosen one word for 2014 is HOPE. And this suggestion to be present dovetails perfectly, as if I needed permission to be where I am and going through what I am right now. Yes, He makes me lie down in green pastures, and leads me beside still waters. And I want to be fully present there.

  16. 16
    Kapiolani Kaiona says:

    Dear Lindsee,
    What a wonderful thoughtful and appropriate post. Being present is my intention for 2014. I want to enjoy each moment. The seasons change as they should and each one needs to be savored. I wish you the best 2014 season.
    Namaste, Kapiolani

  17. 17
    Annette says:

    Oh Lindsee, how I thank you and thank Jesus for guiding me to these words this morning. I needed to hear that part about the being still to see what Jesus has for us in the present, the “now moments”. I have been a little caught up in the waiting for this season to change and I need to see what it is that is here for me in the present. I am writing Be Present up on my blackboard in my kitchen. Thank you Lindsee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 18
    colleen says:

    Hello Lindsee
    Thank you so much for this very fitting New Year’s message.
    I found it very thought provoking because I find myself in a situation where I am trying to decide whether God is stripping something away, meaning I need to make a change, or is he asking me to remain where I am, i.e. Be Present in the circumstances.
    It is times like this when I receive contradictory messages instead of confirmation that I feel frustrated and question my relationship with God.
    But, I will continue to search and listen and take a day at a time. I guess the important thing is to be present and not spend so much time worrying and wondering that I miss the beauty of the moment. He will work it out.
    Bless you all at LPM.

  19. 19
    Andrea Henley says:

    I’ve been wrestling w how to spend my time lately…lots to balance. Thanks for the encouraging reminder to just be still.

    Just out of curiosity, what devotional are you reading?

    • 19.1
      Andrea Henley says:

      ^ I meant to ask which devotional you referenced, but I saw your answer on another post (from someone who phrased the question better than I did!).

  20. 20
    Pat S. says:

    Beautifully written and very true. Thank you for sharing, Lindsee. Slowing down to enjoy the present…

  21. 21
    Angie says:

    Thank-you Lindsee. Thank-You God! I sooooooo needed that!

  22. 22
    Kathy says:

    Beautiful post. Thought provoking and convicting. A perfect message for the beginning of a new year. Photography is my passion, so your beautiful photos were giving a wonderful visual to the message. Thank you!!!

  23. 23
    Sandi says:

    Thank you.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  24. 24
    Dawn says:

    Oh Lindsee, what a beautiful reminder to be still with God! Be present, be present, I will be more present!

  25. 25
    Marlinda Flynn says:

    Lindsee, BE Present, I needed that, to be still to allow God to change me! The pictures were beautiful and especially the lake it is a great metaphor, the stillness, the reflections of God’s beauty and of His great love for us. Thanks

  26. 26
    Deana says:

    This post is like gold…and is perfectly timed. Thank you.

  27. 27
    Julie Reynolds says:

    What a great challenge Lindsee! I read this last night before bed, and I awoke with it again on my mind this morning so thank you for giving me such great challenge to meditate on.

  28. 28
    Trinna says:

    Thank you for this important message, Lindsee! The pictures are beautiful.

    As a working mom, I have struggled to be fully present when I am with my daughter. There are always tasks that need attention. One thing I’ve learned to do is to look her in the eyes. It sounds simple, but it has made a profound difference for me. When I look into her eyes, I give her my full attention. God grants me the grace to be so taken by her beauty and sweet spirit that it becomes very easy to focus on her.

  29. 29
    Lucy says:

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures and sharing your heart with us today. I am a “senior citizen” who is always trying to figure out the future events in my be not be disappointed, to not be so vulnerable to the hardness of life. Which means I am not trusting my Faithful God and loving Him “with all of my heart, with all of my soul, and with all of my strength.” I have not been living in the “present” moments He has given me. So I am at a point of confession this morning and thank God that He accepts me where I am, but loves me too much to just let me “stay” here. I accept your challenge: Be Present” in 2014.

  30. 30
    Kimberly Arnold says:

    Wow! What a powerful and timely word. I realize it is not only okay with the Lord that I am still, but it is a pleasure to him that I take the time to let him work while I sit quietly with him and soak in his sweet presence! Thanks Beth!

  31. 31
    Cindy says:

    This is exactly what the Lord has been speaking to me for 2014!! Maybe we have become women who are living between the “if onlys” and the “what ifs” and we are missing all the time in between. Thank you for posting this.

  32. 32
    Teri Smith says:

    Beautiful words and thought provoking. I needed reminding of this today. Thank you. I struggle with being present, I’m constantly wondering “What am I suppose to do next.”

  33. 33
    Pamela McDonald says:

    Beautiful writing and a great reminder for me to “be present”. Thank you!

  34. 34
    Chris says:

    Okay, I know this isn’t the point but your photos are beautiful. Can I ask what kind of camera you use?

  35. 35
    sharon j. says:

    Thank you! I have been restless. It it good to be reminded to “be present “.
    I have wanted a different job and asked and looked but God has kept I was able to pray with one of my Co workers last week and had i went where I wanted to.go that would not.have happened. So thankful for.God and His all seeing presence. He knows I’m right where I need to be.
    In His presence! Thank you Lindsey!

  36. 36

    I like this post. Jesus keeps telling me to “rest”. I keep saying, “really Lord, you want me to rest?” I think what you are saying is the idea He is trying to tell me, to be quiet and still, so I can reflect His love to others. Thanks, Lindsee, for clarifying His word to me.

  37. 37
    Sara says:

    The timing for this could not have been more perfect. I’m doing the One in A Million study by Priscilla Shirer and today’s devo was about camping out in the wilderness. Then I read this blog. I can’t deny that God is wanting me to be still. To be present. I’m an AG missionary and I’m currently in the process of becoming a missionary associate. My heart longs to be back on the field but I can’t be until I get my funds raised and approvals and such. It’s hard for me to wait. It’s hard for me to be present while I wait. Several times the last few days I’ve come across something that says be preset. Be still. I hear you, Lord 🙂

  38. 38
    Beth says:

    Thank you so much for this……My New Years Resolution is to deepen my relationship with God, two simple words Be Present bring that to my soul. I start my day out in prayer and read this tonight right before chaos happens at a house full of children at 5:00 and it brought me so much peace. Thank you!!

  39. 39
    Lynn says:

    That 23rd Psalm scripture is amazing. It was the theme for the sermon last Sunday and our pastor brought out in particular how sheep rest only when they see their shepherd and know he is near. His presence quiets them and they lie down in peace. What a beautiful analogy to our Shepherd Jesus and the effect He should have on us. May His presence quiet us and cause us to just REST.

  40. 40
    Marti says:

    This was the topic God gave to me for our church ladies brunch that we had past weekend.
    Our speaker brought up a Winnie the Pooh cartoon were pooh is talking to piglet and asked piglet “what the day was and piglet replys why it’s today. Pooh says why that’s my favorite day”.
    We worry about yesterday and tomorrow but we just need to live in the day.
    Thanks for sharing

  41. 41
    Okie Murray says:

    I’m a little late! This was a beautifully illustrated post! I have reflections in my back & side yard also. I never thought of the reflections being part of God’s glory! thanks for that reminder!

  42. 42
    Sheila says:

    Lindsee – Your posts always speak something so significant to my soul. They always provide encouragement and challenge me in my thoughts. Thanks for being there with a “word spoken in season”. Prov.25:11. May God richly bless you in this new year!

  43. 43
    njc/jcee says:

    I have so much to share and truthfully, I don’t know if it’s my spirit or my flesh. Dearest God, help me that it might be Your Spirit.
    Gorgeous pics, Lindsee; “Thank you for sharing!” I too love the way The Spirit inspires you to share–whimsical and all:) God’s handiworks are intimate masterpieces. Sadly, we seldom take the time “for” Him to joyously use them to ignite Spirit-filled inspiration–heavenly praise. So many moments we take for granted; can’t imagine what “would” happen if the most cherished/loved creations “would” acknowledge every peace of Art/Him, all eloquently derived at the Hands of Eternity.
    Lindsee, through the love of Christ, you, Mrs. Beth, and the LPM family have brought encouraging strength and hope into this World Wide Web (don’t ask me why all the capitalizations,it does not read, The Bible:-/). How does one convey something so imperative and know it wii be received with a spirit of love? Trust Him… I gaze at all His beauty displayed here on this precious site, and my heart can’t help but weep for some others. Never do just search the web. Actually, it’s never crossed my mind to just randomly search out its magnitude. One evening I was prompted to, it had to be the flesh; should’ve been reading my Bible. “Sorry I did,” falls far too short of it. Never in all my life have I seen such filthy slander. Christians slaying God’s Chosen/Christians; some even about a close lovelie of mine. Wonder how many masterful canopies they’ve missed; how many Spirit-filled joyous moments have slipped by, while serving hours of ugliness. Would never give out the names or blogs, because “thank God,” I don’t remember them. On this same day, while journaling late in the evening I received an email. I skipped from my notepad to check out my mail. Didn’t open it due to the fact I didn’t know the source. But it was from Picasso. Now just so you know, I know it wasn’t from the real Picasso. But it had something interesting in the subject: “Broken images recovered.” My first impression was, “Too weird.” At that, I flipped back to my notepad to continue journaling, when I surprisingly spotted the numeral “8” typed where I had left off. Don’t always do “this,” but just for honesty, do it more than would like to admit. After what seemingly seemed minutes of stillness with a dumbfounded look on my face I did like any other would do out there(at least I’d like to think so). I quickly referred to Websters on none other than the World Wide Web. (See? It did it again. Why when we type out, “the Bible,” does it not capitalize, “THE BIBLE?” flabbergasting.) Well, to make a long story even longer, I am here today to tell you The Bible is the only thing that NEVER changes. Searching for the numeral “8” and what it meant in Hebrew I was absolutely mesmerized with GOD. “That evening,” on the world wide web:), it was like The Spirit was all over my heaviness – after reading such garbage – and led me directly to Websters, then scrolled down to a Hebrew definition, and “on that evening, on the world wide web, it said, “NEW BEGINNING.”
    Now just a foregoing warning. Looked it up today, several different ways, and seems as though the pages change on the web:-/ (says something about being “fat.”) PRAISE GOD, HIS MASTERFUL MOMENTS ARE AND HIS PAGES NEVER CHANGE! AND “THANK YOU,” Jesus for Your sweet Spirit; The whispering peace Who stills the soul for the miraculous moment of You. Instead of “broken images recovered,” You bring, “Perfect Images Discoverable.”
    So odd, the following day after that evening’s journaling, was humbly broken to hear a song in my spirit. The Lord and I sat down at the keyboard and this is the first verse, written together:
    “Can you imagine God’s Spirit moving you to move Him? What could be then?”

    Lindsee, “thank you” again, for sharing your God-given courageous gifts. I praise God for your job
    and “thank Him,” for the inspiring strength He pours through your obedience. In the Name of Jesus, you are to be commended. Still so young and such a mature eye/spirit for God’s beauty–a lovely gem to His kingdom! May our LORD and SAVIOUR continue to extravagantly bless you and the Living Proof Family in a whole New year of outrageous, Spirit-filled precious moments. May HE captivate every one of you in each moment, and may each moment bring glory to His Sovereign Name.
    May HIS blessings consume all of you and your loved ones. Grace and peace to all. A humble and grateful, “Thank you.”

    (I seldom comment but “HE” was too beautiful to pass by this one and not. Have to admit, you’re right, Lindsee. It’s hard putting one’s self out there. Not to me nor to any other living being or thing, O’ Lord, but to Your Name be the glory.)

  44. 44
    Jarvis Daughrity says:

    Thank you so much for that gentle reminder…I know I need to unplug more!

  45. 45
    Kim Olson says:

    Hi Lindsee,
    Thanks for the reminder to Be Present. It is a good one. I recently read something, and boy I wish I could remember where, that the word someone was going to focus on for the year was “Flow”. That the Holy Spirit would flow out of him to others and how that would look like in every aspect of his life for that year. My word this year is “Whimsey.” I’m very conservative and need a bit more, shall I say color and humor and lightness in my life. So now I’m trying to figure out how that looks in all aspects of my 2014 year.

    Could you tell me what devotion you were reading when you quoted “for the waters to reflect the glory of God, they have to be still.” I love that and would like to give credit, or ask permission to use it, if I ever want to use it in something.

    Thanks again for “Be Present”. Something to incorporate into my day-to-day tasks, relationships, and activities.

    Blessings on your day,
    Kim 🙂

    • 45.1
      Lindsee says:

      Hi Kim, it was a devotional I was doing on 1 Peter, but it’s actually on a Bible app I use. So that’s not very helpful! The way I phrased it was different than their phrasing as well, just FYI, but it stuck with me.

  46. 46
    Sierra says:

    Beautiful post, Lindsee. I am in such a struggle right now to let go of the lesser things in my life so that I can have more of Him. I really struggle too with hoping on my phone whenever I am bored, sad, overwhwelmed, etc. It is hard to say ‘no’ to those things that entangle us-but- He is so worth it!

  47. 47
    Pamela says:

    That is my prayer in 2014, to be more Present wherever I am, whatever I’m doing and enjoy the beauty of life and let God speak to me and be still and know that He is God! Amen

  48. 48
    Kendra says:

    Thanks for this word sister. Good reminder! Oh man, the joy that Satan is stealing through technology… (don’t get me wrong, I know technology a blessing in SO MANY ways, but we like to take things to the extreme don’t we!?!;) Gorgeous pics!

  49. 49
    Deb Robers says:

    A key focal area for me in 2013 was to learn to Be Present. Over time I’ve gotten much better at it but by no means perfect. Saturday my daughter and her fiance were married. It was a magical day for all. Blessings abounded and what was one my greatest blessings ? Being Present in every minute of the day. 🙂

  50. 50
    Tanya says:

    I’m putting my phone away when I’m with my daughter. Yes from now on. Unless there is a company to call on a repair or something of that nature. My best friend (dare I say the Lord has given me a best friend. I’m 32. This is a first) has my full respect in this matter. She responds to texts and emails. In her time.

    Thanks for the post. The photos are stunning.

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