Made-Up Songs and Partners Divine

When my girls were little, I used to sing them made-up songs. We sang all the real ones too like “This Little Light of Mine,” “Father Abraham,” and “O Be Careful Little Eyes What You See.” Per the latter, never one to stomach a fountainhead of melodious piety, Keith comprised the added stanza, “Be Careful Little Nose What You Smell.” At times like those, I tried to retain my composure and look at him disapprovingly for righteousness’ sake but, for the life of me, I could not get through that stanza without getting so tickled my side split. It is, to this day, the stanza of the song that gets sung the most often within these slightly hallowed walls.  It’s a time-honored tradition around here that rarely includes the children.

 Our young family also possessed every single available cassette of “Psalty the Singing Songbook” and we played, rewound, and fast-forwarded them so profusely that the tapes got stretch marks. I could not have been more elated when Amanda found them all on CD a few years ago and promptly ordered them off the internet for her own children. There’s enough generational foolishness to go around in families like ours. Some generational merry-making and God-gladness is a refreshingly beautiful thing.

 But, when they were itty, bitty things, my girls were also zealous to request the made-up variety of Moore musical wonderment. So entirely made up were these songs that, when Amanda and Melissa would ask me to sing the one from the day before, well, I’d be left at a lyrical loss. I’d cover for it by suggesting why on God’s green earth we’d want yesterday’s song when we could savor a new one today. If I’d known more Scripture back then, I would have conveniently pulled out the verse, “Sing a new song!” but, then again, it would have backfired on me when I was worn to a maternal nub and needing Psalty to lead out in some memorable – and memorizable – stanzas of the much finer sort.

 Since I made them up as they went, these original songs were emancipated from the normal confines of rhythm or rhyme but what they lacked in technical composition, they made up for in personal detailing. One might go something like this:

 Oh, Amanda, she is so very smart and fun. She has new shoes. We got them at the mall where we ate a Happy Meal. Amanda ran through the mall in her new shoes so fast that people thought she was in first grade. (She’d be something like 4 years old, mind you, so this kind of line was always received most enthusiastically) No one can catch her so they stand back amazed and clap, clap, clap. I said clap, clap, clap. (At this point, she herself would clap.) She has a wiener dog named Coney Island (true story, she did) and she runs behind her, flying on four short legs and huffing and puffing and wagging her tail and, oh, if she had on Amanda’s new shoes, maybe she could run just as fast. But she doesn’t. But she doesn’t. And why it is she doesn’t? Because she has four legs and would need two pair. Amanda and Coney Island, they win the race together and everyone cheers. But they are hot and sweaty and a little stinky and ask for something cold to drink. They get a rainbow popsicle for a prize and everyone is surprised when they set in to sharing it. All together now! Slurp, slurp, slurp, lick, lick, lick, the race is won. (A made-up song is all the better if the audience is roused somewhere along the way to a heartfelt Eeeeeeeeeeewwww.)

 And so it would go.

 I inherited the propensity for made-up songs from my mother who likely got it from hers; however, the lyrics seemed to gain more generous license with each generation. Case in point, my mother made up several songs but she tended to sing her original compositions over and over. I rarely sang the same one twice because I’d chased a rabbit so dreadfully far in the previous one that this little piggy couldn’t even wee her way home. (That would be in the vocal sense, of course.) My grandmother’s songs, on the other hand, were short and less sweet. They were more about who was going to get a switch if a batch of kids didn’t get out of the kitchen till supper and she didn’t mean maybe.

 I can still picture Amanda and Melissa’s faces as I sang them these songs. Usually it was during rocking-chair time and the more I’d spin the story line through the song, the more they’d stare off into space, wide-eyed, trying to imagine every detail of the scene and suppress a grin. The scenes, after all, always starred one of their very favorite characters.

 All of this is fresh on my mind because Annabeth (our recently-turned 4 year old) has started making up songs, a fact that delights me to no end. You can’t make her do it. You just have to catch her and then, ever-so-carefully without her realizing it, lend your ear near. Sometimes she’ll do it while I’m rocking her like a few weeks ago when she sang to me about “The Cross and the iPad.” She is more apt to sing free of self-consciousness if I lean my head back and close my eyes. I guess she thinks she’s singing Bibby to sleep.

 Friday evening I got to bring Annabeth and Jackson home with me from work and it was just the three of us for several hours until Keith’s grand arrival from out of town with his fishing boat. These are the golden times with few distractions and minimal background noises. Times when I tend to overhear the most intriguing repartees or can engage them in conversations that run gleefully wild like little colts kicking their back legs in an open pasture. It was that night that I overheard Annabeth singing about God doing ballet. Not Jesus, mind you. God.

 It was the sweetest thing ever. And surely I don’t have to tell you that, in her mind and song, He was quite adept at it. He is all-knowing, after all. He’s never required a lesson in His life.

 Like most preschoolers, Annabeth’s well-protected world is appropriately small and a big part of her small world is her ballet class. It’s one of the only things in her little family that only she gets to do. She goes to preschool but brother goes to big school so there’s nothing particularly unique about that. She goes to church but so does her family. She goes to her friends’ houses but usually with her mommy. She goes out to eat but, poor thing, she never gets to take the car and go by herself. But, one day a week, she is the only one in her small world that dons a little black leotard, pale pink tights, ballet shoes, and glory-be, a tutu, and runs on tippy-toes into a world of plies and pirouettes.




Part of being a child coming into the knowledge of a great big God through parents who esteem His ever-presence is picturing that He is involved in whatever he or she is doing.

 And He is indeed. That is a fact affirmed through the decades that follow and through copious Scriptural accounts. Sometimes He’s involved through fellowship. Sometimes He’s involved through empowerment and anointing. Sometimes He’s involved through conviction and chastisement. But, as long as it’s His child, He’s always involved.

 For Annabeth in that lyrical moment, it was God right beside her on the dance-floor. And He was brilliant. Of course He was.

 As we grow up in Him inch-by-inch, we begin the slow journey of divine reversal. We still get the ecstatic joy of picturing Him involved and invested in what we’re doing – Lo, I am with you always – but a gradual overtaking of His Spirit causes an aching and an awakening within us to do what He is doing. Instead of limiting our vision to God atwirl on our terrestrial dance floors, we begin to picture ourselves in snapshots of sudden truth raised up and seated with Him in the heavenly places. There we are by position but on loan here by commission, that His Kingdom may come and His will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

 We are not just the calling ones, asking God to join us. We’re the called ones, asked to join Him. Right here. Right now. Right on this earth. He works, He lives, He breathes, He moves, He saves, He renews. This is no God-forsaken world.

To Zacchaeus, Jesus said, “I’m going to your house today.” But to His disciples He said, “Come. Follow Me.”

Do what I am doing. Seek to see as I am seeing. “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do.” John 14:12

I come to your world so that you can follow me to Mine. One pirouette at a time.

“Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” James 5:13













129 Responses to “Made-Up Songs and Partners Divine”

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  1. 1
    Michelle Baylerian says:

    Beth, how precious was this post. The song that I sung to my girls each night was I love you Lord. They still remember it. When I hear it my eyes tear up because it was the beginning of how Christ would get their hearts!! I’m sure they remember more but this almost (next week) 52 yr old remembers. Have a blessed day Siesta Mama 🙂

  2. 2

    So very sweet! Music & songs have had a very similar impact in my family! I love how you tied that into the picture of our sweet relationship and sanctification in Christ. Love! Thank you!

  3. 3
    Phyllis says:

    Precious! Just precious! I just sang my 15 month old granddaughter a made-up song about her. Her name is Hallie, so we sang “Hallie Lou, Hallie Lou Hallie Lou, Hallie Lou-ya, praise thee the Lord!” while she spent her first weekend alone with us. What a blessing to be a grandmother. I am so thankful~
    Thank YOU for sharing your grandmother moments with us.

  4. 4
    Deb DeArmond says:

    He is with our every step -or- pirouette! Love this beautiful reminder, one inspired by the heart of a child.

  5. 5
    Shan says:

    This word picture you painted was lovely for me this morning. As a former ballerina (a longggg time ago), it meant so much more to me.
    May God continue to bless your anointed gift of encouraging women in Christ!
    The How to Guru

  6. 6
    Heather Jackson says:

    Good Morning Beth,

    How ironic that your post is about singing this morning! We are currently in the the middle of Stepping Up, so songs are on the forefront of my mind lately. Picturing the exiles on their way back to Jerusalem singing the Psalms of Ascent has forever changed the way I will see those precious verses. How awesome is that? Thank you for your teachings. It blesses me daily.
    I love to sing (although I am not great at it) and I have taken your advice about putting memory verses to a melody to help retain them-it works! Songs and melody are such a blessing from God. When I am down, a good, Jesus-filled, Holy Spirit inspired praise song can lift my spirits quicker than anything else. I know you are giving that a big “Amen!” and that makes me smile.

    Have a glorious Monday!

    Heather Jackson

  7. 7
    Ashley says:

    I just loved this! I laughed hard at the first half of this post, but the picture in the second half touched my heart so deeply. I won’t forget it. Thank you for sharing!.

  8. 8
    Melissa says:

    So precious. Thanks for sharing.

  9. 9
    Kelly S says:

    Beth, that was beautiful! (and so is AB) I want so much to do what He is doing!! Thank you for sharing.

    Also, I LOVE made up songs. I could usually remember the same first line or so, then change it daily because my memory couldnt keep up. I also made up songs when I taught bible drill. My kids still sing Luke 19.10 to Rocky Top! We even sang their times tables. Such fun memories. Thanks!

  10. 10
    Cathi says:

    Dear Beth,
    Since stumbling across you teaching a bible study on TV years ago, I have had such a soft spot for you. Your words are beautiful and passionate and I often laugh AND cry before you finish speaking, or before I finish reading something you have written (like today). I love you, I love your family (even though of course we have never met) and I love your committment to sharing God with a lost and hurting world. Just wanted to send you a hug and some love today.

  11. 11
    Cindy says:

    I love this blog for a thousand reasons. This post is one of them. You are so relatable, Beth and I appreciate that so much.
    I have a 5 month old and I make up silly songs all the time to sing to him. One I remember and sing all the time. And occasionally I will think myself so clever that I will try to ‘perfect’ the lyrics. I even laugh at myself. I’m so good. LOL.
    My prayer is that I will show him Jesus, talk so much about Jesus, that HE is always on his mind. And when he starts to make up his own songs they are about the God who loves us, created us, and died for us.
    What a sweet little story. Miss Annabeth, God has certainly revealed Himself to you as the gentleman that He is.
    Much love.

  12. 12
    Barbara Head says:

    Dear sweet Beth, thank you so much for this post. I needed this post, this very morning. Doesn’t our God work in mysterious ways. Please, I hope I am never without awe of my glorious LORD.

  13. 13
    Kara says:

    He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see…thanks for inspiring beauty through banter. Our sons are like well watered plants, oaks of righteousness, and our daughters adorn a palace as pillars. And upon all children of the kingdom is carved the name of Love himself, a new name, a name above all names, a name hidden in the heart of the Father who gave us birth through the Word. And the cosmos and the nomos yield to the Logos because he doesn’t just build with legos he grows a city with a tree that yields its fruit in season and brings healing to all nations.

  14. 14
    Leslie spurrier says:

    As a mom of two bitty ones (who, I guess, are not sooo bitty anymore) and a fellow impromptu lyricist, I thank you for your tender post today. I love and am amazed at the sweet, intimate ways in which my kiddos come near to our Lord; what a blessing to see your children grow to love Him! Even more, how incredible is the gentle way our Savior comes in and embraces a spirit willing to do His work, His way. In my own faith journey – stubborn, broken, hurting old soul that I am – I am continually humbled and reassured at how very GENTLE the healing, guiding touch of our Jesus is. As always, dearest Siesta, I appreciate your words and your yielded spirit. Sing on, girl, sing on!

  15. 15
    amybhill says:

    LOL and <3 beth. thank you for this. this morning on her way to preschool, my 4 year old told me she thought the windshield wipers on our car looked like they were waving to God. i agreed with her. after all, they really liked the song we had playing in our car and they wanted to praise God too! she smiled big and nodded. indeed.

  16. 16
    Roxanne Bowman says:

    Beautifully written! God has given you a great gift, Beth Moore! Never stop writing. Never stop seeking & listening! I’m singing a song!

  17. 17
    Kay says:

    Beth, I love this! I made up so many songs when my kids were small and I rarely remembered them the next day when they wanted a repeat. My granddaughter is five, and loves this special singing ability of mine, but she’s smart enough to make me re-sing these ditties on the spot, many times. Her favorite?
    “I know a man, his name’s Po-Po (nickname for grandpa)
    He’s not too fast, but he’s not too slow, slow.
    When the grass gets high, he’s got to mow, mow.
    I know a man and his name’s Po-Po.”
    How can we get such joy from such foolishness?? Thank you, God!

  18. 18
    Pam M says:

    Divine reversal–I really like that! I yearn for that aching and awakening to do what He is doing!

  19. 19
    Frances says:

    You have put into words what I feel in my heart but didn’t know the words to express it.

  20. 20
    fuzzytop says:

    Hi Beth!

    I love the photo of Annabeth in her pink tutu! So adorable!

    My daughter Rachel did one stint at dance class when she was three. As it turns out, ballet was not her thing! She was so funny to watch, and it culminated in the dress rehearsal for the recital. The girls were supposed to spin around twice, and then tap their right foot three times. Well Rachel spun around and spun around, way more than the required two revolutions, until she became so dizzy she crashed into the girl next to her and then fell off the stage. It was not good. And the mother of that little girl came up to me after the rehearsal and hissed in a mean voice, “Your daughter is RUINING my daughter’s recital!” It was sad.

    Loved this post! It made me smile, and your statement – “We are not just the calling ones, asking God to join us. We’re the called ones, asked to join Him. Right here. Right now. Right on this earth. He works, He lives, He breathes, He moves, He saves, He renews. This is no God-forsaken world.” That is a WORD to me today.

    Much love,

  21. 21
    Sister Lynn says:

    Reminds me of a hymn we used to sing
    “I will play before the Lord, I will sing to Him my melody”

    Such sweetness… I know not a moment of it is wasted on you. our love to all the Moores!!

  22. 22
    Susan McEachern says:

    I loved the post! I don’t have any children of my own, so no grandchildren but I sing made-up songs to my dog, the way my mother did to her dog. Generational silliness st its best!

  23. 23
    Cherilynn says:

    What a love-filled post! (as usual) I love hearing that other moms,grandmas and aunts sing to their babies!

    My Mom sang to us as I’m sure her Mom sang to her. My sister and I sang to our babies (who are now in high school and middle school ACK!)
    The best song was/is You Are My Sunshine. I just painted the chorus on a canvas for my sister

    When she was about 3, her favorite song to sing was “God Is So Good” She sang in a precious tiny voice “He answer-sers pray-ers” LOL We loved it!

  24. 24
    Kristi Belt says:

    What a precious post!!! It did my young mommy heart good today! It takes such an intentional effort to remember what I can be weaving into my toddler’s heart and mind while I still chase, clean, discipline, feed, teach, play, and generally take care of all things home and family. Thanks for casting a vision for how precious and priceless that intentionality can be!

  25. 25
    Colette says:

    Love, love, LOVE this!!! 🙂 I had boys and when my son was 3, we were singing Christmas songs and right in the middle of a song he started singing “I’m Popeye the sailor man! Toot toot!! I eat my spinach!!”. He sang this with a piece of licorice hanging out of his mouth from his gingerbread house!!” 🙂
    What a precious memory! Thank you Beth!
    Your ballerina girl is just precious too!!!

  26. 26
    Michelle says:

    Beautiful, Beth!

  27. 27
    Patti says:

    Beth – what a sweet post. At church yesterday, I was talking about my grandchildren and telling my friends how you have taught me, by example, so much about being a grandmother. For instance, this past Saturday when I kept my grandson, Nathanael, so that his Mommy and Daddy could have a date night, I was blessed to give him his bath, and they were able to put their sleeping toddler right to bed when they got home. Just this morning I prayed that Nathanael and Sarah would be satisfied early with His mercy that they may rejoice and be glad all their days. (Psalm 90:14) Beth, I know you minister to thousands, positively impacting many, reaching some, teaching others, and pouring your life into those whom God has sovereignly placed in your closest circle, but my two grandchildren have a praying grandmother because by the power of the Holy Spirit you taught this one. I am eternally grateful, and if you don’t mind I’m going to keep copying your grandmothering because I am having a blast! With Much love and gratitude,
    Patti Hayes

  28. 28
    Diana says:

    I am happy indeed! Thank you Beth for sharing.

  29. 29
    GJ says:

    Beth – how tender and marvelous and what a DIVINE PARALLEL. Oh how precious this post is to Gran Jan. My oldest boy made up songs – and it was just like you said AB does. I can remember looking in the rearview mirror as he was in the back seat just “singing away.”

    I sing made up songs to my grandchildren, and this one is a regular now for my oldest…

    “I know a little boy and his name is Zeke.
    He is very very swee-eet.
    And I know he loves his Gran Jan,
    and he is her little man man…”

    Silly I know, but I wouldn’t take anything to see his dimples while I sing it.

    “We are not just the calling ones, asking God to join us. We’re the called ones, asked to join Him. Right here. Right now. Right on this earth. He works, He lives, He breathes, He moves, He saves, He renews. This is no God-forsaken world.”

    Thank you Beth.

  30. 30
    Hilary says:

    You put into words so perfectly what I experience in this everyday life-with-God. I know exactly what this divine reversal is like… how many times have I felt that ache and awakening to what He is doing and His kingdom come? SO many times.

  31. 31
    Amy Dufrene says:

    Precious and so so true. God uses my 5 year old son, Caleb, in much the same way. He likes to tell stories about knights, dragons, kings, and queens. But in all of his stories, Jesus is the ultimate undefeatable conqueror who loves all and saves all. It helps me to uncomplicate my faith so I can see as He sees.

  32. 32
    Judy says:

    Beth, Thank you for a tender and fun post….I just love thinking of God doing ballet! When our kids were young and we’d take roadtrips… we’d take turns adding lines to a song that we would make up, it was fun and a time to bond in being silly. Our son continues to make up songs for his kids and they are now joining in, (ages 4 & 6).

    For any Bible Study girls doing Stepping Up,
    Sons of Korah, sing Psalms….they are wonderful, pure
    Scripture. Used them during our Stepping Up study….
    as women came and left, they were hearing the Psalms they were studying, put to music.

    I thank God that He loves us so much that He goes with us
    wherever we go! Have a blessed day!

  33. 33
    Janine says:

    Thank you for this, Beth. Love!

  34. 34
    Joyce Davidson says:

    Oh Sweet, Sweet Beth!! What a picture you have painted in my mind – so beautiful to be reminded of the work God is doing and has called me to.

    And then the grandbabies, your Annabeth is just too precious for words! The Donut Man was our 4 little one’s song leader…”Life without Jesus is like a donut…..there’s a hole in the middle of your heart!”
    And our youngest, 2 years old at the time, often requested “Father Big Ham???”
    Father Abraham was what we later translated it to be!!

  35. 35
    TraciG says:

    Thank you Lord for Beth… for giving her these words today. It was a drink of water to my droughthy soul. Thanks for answering my prayer this morning in such a tangible way!

  36. 36
    Janice says:

    Thank you for sharing. She reminds me of you. I think it was in Beloved Disciple, Audience of One.

  37. 37
    Beth says:


    My heart touched your words in those last couple of paragraphs. You put to words…beautiful words….what has taken place in my heart. You know something is changing, the sweet ache and longing to slip away and discuss all with Him.

    It’s such a comfort to know He will never leave us or forsake us. A dance of Him holding me face forward leaning against His chest…I am safe.

    Somewhere He began to lift my hand high to begin the twirl that has brought me face to face with Him. Now fueled by a hunger to know His rhythm I feel frozen. I thought I would glide into His dance. But fear of missing His steps has clogged my throat.

    I feel His presence but don’t know if the sense of waiting is His bidding or the grip of my own fear.

    Because His name is Faithful, I know I will not always be in this place.I know there are seasons of learning a new dance, leaning in to study and listen. I long for the wind in my hair, my head thrown back and my feet moving to a song flowing from my heart. It isn’t now. It isn’t yet.

    I pray it’s not fear but seasonal learning. I long to know His plans as He reveals to those with their heads upon His heart.
    Beth Moss

  38. 38
    Sarah Marion says:

    A great reminder of our calling. “We are not just the calling ones, asking God to join us. We’re the called ones, asked to join Him.”

    Beth, thanks for sharing this today.

  39. 39
    Cindy says:

    Sigh…..Beth, what a lovely, eloquent post. Beautiful. My boys are in their mid/late teens and I’ve been missing their sweet little selves at 2, 4, 6, etc….I savor the time now, it is truly fleeting.

    It gave me a pang of pain as I remembered the moments I missed when my children were little, so wrapped up in my own pain was I at that time that I was quite often not the mom I could have, should have, been. I imagine all moms think they could have done it better.

    I am grateful today though. I am the mom I want my boys to have. I am healed. I owe it all to God. Every single day I thank Him for saving me and giving my boys the mother they deserve. It wasn’t too late to create the loving, lovely, sweet, memories they will have forever.

    My son, in college, recently wrote me a heartfelt message thanking me for being an awesome mom, for never giving up on being a good parent, for showing him how not to give up on his dreams, for being there and supporting him, for opening doors for them…..I hardly feel I deserve such admiration, knowing how much more I would have loved to have been for them at different times.

    As much as I feel a little sad knowing I could have been better at certain points in their lives. I’m so grateful God never gave up on me, came when I called, and saved my little family. “Safe, secure, loved” was my mantra for them for so long, and finally it came to fruition.

    I have sweet memories of their little faces, little bodies and fun times. It wasn’t all darkness. But, I am so grateful there is so much light now.

    Thank you for this sweetness.

  40. 40
    BethP says:

    Oh, how I needed to read this today! Thank you! It’s another dreary, rainy day here in Atlanta (soon to be renamed Seattle or Portland; we’re trying to choose) & I’m trying to be thankful for clouds & rain – and gloom. Music is part of my core and thankfully, church music is what speaks loudest! The Lord brings words to mind at just the right times. So thankful for those years of hymns. I like praise music, but the hymns, oh the hymns! 🙂

    I used to sing to my children, but now that they are teenagers, they are only embarrassed, which only fuels me to sing more, especially when they are captive in the car! Maybe one day they’ll remember and appreciate…

    I’m going to put on Travis’ Unashamed Love right now. Lord, You are Good!!!!! Thank you, Beth! Love, Beth

  41. 41
    Tatia Cook says:

    Beth – You are, without a doubt, my FAVORITE person to follow down a rabbit trail! No matter how long and windy the trail, you ALWAYS tie it up neatly 🙂 To God be the glory!

    AND, I had a mental image of you dancing for the Father as you wrote about Annabeth and God dancing. You mentioned it in one of your studies (maybe “Beloved Disciple”?) and I’ve never forgotten it. A beautiful picture of the delight you find in our Lord!

    Love you, you sweet woman!

  42. 42

    Beth, thank you so much for this post today. I love the touching way you shared but most of all I love the reminder that today God is calling us to come in and be a part of what he’s doing. You will never know just how much I needed that today for He is calling.

  43. 43
    sweet anonymous says:

    Hey there Mama Beth,
    Your post brought a smile to my face and a good word to my heart. Thank you for that. The pictures of Annabeth, too precious for words!
    Love, Mary

  44. 44
    Diana A. says:

    Thank you for the Joy you sent today!

    As a mom of older boys, the joy of seeing a sweet girl is just heartwarming.

    Some days I too just need to (in my mind) put on a tutu and dance with GOD! There are just moments when the call of the dance is so great, that is stops one in her tracks – her heart full of praise, and steps out onto the dance floor and twirl and giggle! Glory be to GOD!!!

    Other days I need to listen for His Voice, and learn to follow Him towards His call… stepping into His Glory as I obey.

    Thanks for teaching us once again!
    I am glad you are my girlfriend, (who have never met) 😀

  45. 45
    amy says:

    Beth, thank you for the shout-out to Psalty. I am just a few days shy of 30 years old and I still look up the songs I grew up singing when I was a little girl. In fact, my first experience memorizing scripture came from the Psalty’s Camping tape. Together, we memorized 26 verses of the Bible according to the alphabet. I can still recite them today. A while back I was going through quite an ordeal at work and when I found myself worrying I remembered, yet again, my wonderful childhood friend, Psalty. I quickly looked up the song online and watched the video of that very tape I wore out when I was little. I found myself in tears – such simple lyrics and yet so powerful, so genuine. What a great reminder for all of us that God is with us no matter where we are in life – and what we learn as little children we will take with us as we grow. Praise to the Most High God!

    Thank you for reminding me again!

  46. 46
    Missy Eury says:

    OK Momma Beth…. I know you are just trying to be BUDDY the “ELF”… I’m SINGING!!!!! LOL 🙂

    This post was bitter/sweet for me. It was 23 years ago today that I quoted Ruth 1:16,17 to my BFF… she just recently went Home to be with our Lord and during the last few minutes of her precious life; I tried to sing HER made up song that she sang to her grandkids every single night before they went to sleep…
    “Thank You, Jesus for making “my Nina”
    Thank You Jesus, for giving “her” to me!”

    That was as far as I could go

  47. 47
    Ruth Anne says:

    I loved very word of this post. It made me feel such a tenderness towards my Lord. It was also an inspiration to add some more creative singing into the life of my 3 year old. Thanks for sharing.

  48. 48
    Betty M says:

    Dear Beth,
    Being grand daughter less! I am only in my early 60’s far too young to be a grand mother BIG GRIN!!!Those darling pix of Annabeth in her leotards and tutu brought me back to my daughter in her dance class days!! She would be singing with a hairbrush or a screw driver of her dad’s in her hand as the mic prop! She too would be singing her heart out in songs that sent me into fits of laughter. It was all serious stuff to her however!!!
    My conversation with a 4 yr old in Sunday School yesterday. “Ellery, where is Lucas today?” Lucas is her 7 yr old brother. “Oh, he went along with GMa today to NORWAY!! He will be back for school in the morning!”
    Did I miss something here? I did not think air travel was quite that quick as yet!!!!
    Loved being taken back afew yrs with the pix and seeing the world through a child’s eyes for a few mins!!!
    Thankyou Dear! Have a great one!

  49. 49
    Heidi says:

    Oh, oh, An owl got saved today!!!! How’s that for evening news! Awe I needed to hear that! Oh God is SO graciously good! Oh praise him.

  50. 50
    Heidi says:

    Here is a made up song in response to this evenings news:
    Oh, oh, oh, an owl got saved today!!!! Buut thats just Your way, yesterday, and today, its Just Your way, to care enough for some to take note of a little something stuck in the grill of a big truck. Oh, oh, oh, its just all it took for one, two, and a few to say,
    Hey, theres a something in that grill of yours! And there the lil something lay, a lil yellow owl. They came to lift him outta that grill and now that lil owl is calm and still, because he knows His way saved him todaaaay!

    Girls, how’s that for evening news! Awe, I needed to hear that! Oh, God is SO graciously good! Oh praise Him! I was feeling oppressed, depressed, regressed, suppressed, and just so so pressed and have been close to finding myself back the grill of pity. But God caused me to flick on the news for the first time in a long time – and here, God let me see that cute lil owl be rescued!!!! I’ve been feeling down from the news and all but today God showed me through a lil yellow owl of His way- His presence, His strength, and His sovereignty are here to stay!!!!
    Love you all, and lets all siesta into His everlasting way today!

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