The Happiest of Birthdays to Mom & A Celebratory Giveaway

Congratulations to the winners of the birthday drawing! Your names are posted below. Watch your inbox for an email from Living Proof later today so that we can get you your gift!

BONUS: The wonderful people at AMG Publishers have extended a 50% discount to any of you who would like to order a Key Word Study Bible! Click here to get more information, or to order your Bible. AMG Publishers

#523 – Carole Germain             #4348 – Karen Quinn
#2282 – Merissa G.                    #4399 – Anna Bunch
#2321 – Marilyn Riley                #4430 – Nancy Beeey
#2756 – Merissa Ury                  #4813 – Myrlene Darnell
#2876 – Beth Longar                  #5648 – Nan Smith
#3937 – Dani Turner                  #5798 – Rachel C.

A few nights ago I walked my buck wild new puppy around my neighborhood, watched the sun sink deep down into the horizon, and then settled in back at home. I flipped on my favorite season of the West Wing and I ate an entire bag of tortilla chips and ¾ a jar of my favorite salsa for dinner. What is it they say again? The apple does not fall far from the tree. Or something like that?

You see when we were growing up Mom would throw us kids in the back of Brontosaurus the station wagon and haul us halfway across the city to her old favorite Tex-Mex joint. She ordered a pint of salsa and a gigantic grease-stained brown paper bag of tortilla chips for take-out and she would eat all of this and only this for her dinner. Her own dinner. I can’t remember what we kids even ate, or if she fed us at all. I’m only kidding about that last part.

My mom was born at high noon in a fierce thunderstorm, my grandfather said. Her presence still shifts the atmosphere. A few weeks ago Mom left for a week in the hill country for a time of writing and solitude. The second she got back home, I loaded up my stuff and headed out to spend a night with she and my Dad. You see, for me, going to hang out with my parents isn’t really like going to hang out with the parents. Far from duty, it’s one of my favorite things to do. We caught up on all the life stuff that night. And then in the morning we drank our coffee in our pajamas and by 8:30 a.m. at the latest we had already covered topics such as the theology in Ephesians, the New Testament canon, the Holy Spirit’s role in the interpretation of Scripture, and the Festal Letter of Athanasius.

I have to say, this woman utterly dazzles me. She is the sweetest in the land. She is gracious and sanguine and loving and kind, no doubt, but she is serious and intense and focused and courageous. She has opinions and perspective and boldness and wisdom from the ground like no other. For all her awesomeness she is not self-righteous or squeamish, and God knows I have pushed her limits.

Mom is deeply committed to our family and I’ve always known that full well but I’ve also seen that she’s preoccupied with something a whole lot bigger than us. Probably the most important thing I have learned from her is that being caught up in Jesus and what He is doing in the world is everything. It is the ultimate priority and a family committed to His work in the world will get the privilege of making sacrifices together.

The four of us

Mom and Dad

Over the past few years in my own journey I found myself in an unknown place, a place where a heart could break deeper and wider and in more directions than I could have imagined possible. Mom has walked alongside me on this road further than any human could be expected to walk with another. She would have had good reasons to just sit out a while and catch her breath. But she never left my side. The road has been bumpy but also tedious and repetitive. When the landscape didn’t seem to change for a long, long time, she kept plodding along with me, carrying my burdens and helping me shoulder the grief that felt too much to bear.

Mom & Me Walking

Mom is tender and she is strong and she is not afraid to look pain and grief and loss dead in the eye. Even more, she is daring enough to hope against hope. To see in others, even me, the beginnings of life and growth and health and wholeness where others might only see brokenness and death. She has shined the light of Jesus on me more times than I can count.


She can fry a chicken and whip up mashed potatoes and gravy with the best of the Southern cooks. Her pleasures are simple: the reading of books, sitting on the front porch, walking her dogs in the woods, eating dinner with my Dad, playing games on the floor with her grandkids, and drinking tea with Amanda and me. But make no mistake she is wicked smart and complex and multifaceted. She is so much more than even the best caricature of her could ever hope to be.

Mom & AB on Piano

I love her.

Punting the River Cam

Yes, I love her. If one photo could capture the light and color she brings to my world, this is it:

The Color She Brings

It is my joy and honor to be her daughter and also to work for her at Living Proof. This blog giveaway is just one of many ways I celebrate her beautiful life today.  The first three gifts are from Living Proof and the last two gifts are personal gifts from me.

First and foremost, we are giving away eight Key Word Study Bibles. My mom gave me one of these Bibles many years ago. It was one of the first Bibles I ever really remember being excited about. It helped me become familiar with various Greek and Hebrew words before I ever took a Greek or Hebrew reading class. Every time I read it I was reminded that the Scriptures we hold in our hands in English are a translation. Remembering this often is a good thing and will take a person a long way in the study of the Bible, I think.



Second, we are giving away an assortment of several pounds of favorite Houston coffee beans. My mom is a serious coffee drinker, so this is just an obvious addition. This package will include but not be limited to one of my current favorites:

Temporada 2

Third, we are giving away an arrangement of fresh flowers Mom loves. And, really, who wouldn’t like these?

Olive & Cocoa Floral Bouquet

Fourth, we are giving away a crossbody saddlebag. Mom and I both carry versions of this crossbody bag over and over again until one breaks and we have to buy another one.

The Savannah Saddlebag

Fifth and finally, we are giving away a small bottle of Flowerbomb. Mom wears lots of different perfumes, but she most often travels with this one.


So, if you’re interested in our giveaway please do pop on and say “Happy Birthday” and show Mom some love. Your comment becomes your entry into our random drawing. Comments will officially close 24 hours after the post is published, and please only one comment per person. The names of our winners will be posted at the top of this post at some point on Thursday.

I hope you all are happy and well.


And, Mom, I love you!

The best is yet to come,



5,867 Responses to “The Happiest of Birthdays to Mom & A Celebratory Giveaway”

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  1. 4351
    Nancy Vandewater says:

    Happy Birthday Beth – and thank you for being faithful!!

  2. 4352
    JoBeth Alford says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Beth!!! Thank you for all you do!!! You truly have made a difference in so many peoples’ lives and I pray the Lord will continue to change the hearts of many, many more!!!

  3. 4353
    Karri P says:

    Happy Birthday!

  4. 4354
    Linda K says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth–while winning one of the prizes would be wonderful, I am so happy to get to tell you how much your Bible studies have meant to me. you helped light a fire in me to study the Word that was missing for many years. I thank you. Doing one of your studies right now! 🙂 hope you’ve had a wonderfully blessed day with your family. Keep you hand to the plow, sister.

  5. 4355
    Jeanne Arends says:

    Happy birthday Beth! Thanks for letting the holy spirit use you beyond any thing we can ask or imagine! May God continue to fill your life with the richness of His Love!

  6. 4356
    Katherine Sloan says:

    Happy Birthday Beth! What a beautiful tribute to an awesome woman. I’m so grateful for your transparency and gift to the body. I know you were celebrated well today. I know this year will be full. Many happy returns of the day.

  7. 4357
    Maureen Cooper says:

    Hi Beth!
    Happy birthday to you!!
    The first Bible Study that I ever did was One by you.
    Since then I have read many more and had the priviledge
    Of attending two of your conferences. I look ahead to
    More of both! May God continue to shower you with
    Blessings and lead you into another year of teaching
    And writing and sharing His word.
    Love & Blessings!

  8. 4358
    Jean Strolis says:

    Happy birthday to you, Beth. I thank you for all you have done and continue to do to transfer your passion for studying God’s word to this world!!!!

  9. 4359
    Julia Barry says:

    Happy Birthday Beth! My mom celebrated her 83rd birthday yesterday. May God Bless you two birthday girls!

  10. 4360
    Tracy Harwood says:

    Happy Birthday, sweet Beth, you have blessed us in ways that only heaven truly knows and we are grateful! 🙂

  11. 4361

    Blessed Birthday Beth!

  12. 4362
    Yvonne Gearing says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH!!! I pray your day was blessed and filled with those you love. Thank you for fulfilling the call on your life. You never cease to minister to me and bless me. I’m so thankful for you. Love, Your Siesta Sister in Kingman, AZ – Yvonne ❤️❤️

  13. 4363
    Linda Miltzow says:

    Wow! Beth you ARE loved lots!!! Closing in on nearly 4,000 birthday loves and well wishes! I’ll say you have certainly touched some lives…and I’m happy to say mine is certainly one of them Blessings for a full and rich year…we love you and your heart for Jesus! We humbly thank you for always pointing us to the Savior and encouraging on our journey win Him!!
    Happy, happy birthday, dear Beth!!!!

  14. 4364
    Erin Riley -Clarke says:

    i think I missed the deadline to “enter” but it’s no thing,

    I really did just want to say to you, Beth, happy birthday you beautiful, outrageous woman! I’m so grateful you and your family are in this world !

    I appreciate this post incredible amounts- feeling the gritty darkness of grief and pain to the joy of shouting off the tippy top of the mountain with your precious mama, the one woman who will never leave your side.

    Love Erin

  15. 4365

    A very happy and blessed birthday to you, Beth! May God bless you with all you love and hold dear.

  16. 4366
    Lisa D says:

    Birthday Blessings Beth! God must be smiling today on the anniversary of the day He gave you to the world…you have accomplished so much, touched so many lives…your life has touched many!

  17. 4367
    Debbie Saenz says:

    I wish you many blessings on this special day! God has blessed many hundreds of thousands of women with the gift of your beautiful words! I’ve been beyond blessed to have seen you in person 3 times! You have truly impacted my life and spiritual journey!
    Happy Birthday to you!

  18. 4368
    Laura Stanley says:

    Happy birthday, Beth! You have been such a blessing to me and my fellow Bible study ladies. We really appreciate your teaching in such a way that makes the topic fun and interesting. Thank you and may God bless you with a fantastic day.

  19. 4369
    Lisa Rollins says:

    Happy happy birthday Beth! Thank you for your faithfulness in writing Bible studies that I can understand. May God continue to bless you & your family!!

  20. 4370
    Pam Otis says:

    Happy Birthday dear Beth! Thank you so much for sharing your Godly wisdom and the words He has given you. I have learned so much more about Christ through your Bible Studies, books, and humor! May God richly bless you and your family!

  21. 4371
    Nancy says:

    Birthday Blessings to you, Beth! I hope you have enjoyed your special day.

  22. 4372
    Sharon Hollaway says:

    Happy Birthday Beth! Would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you one day. Love doing bible study with you. I love how you love the Lord – and, you crack me up! Love ya!

  23. 4373
    Andrea K says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth!! You are such a blessing! I just love listening to you preach with such passion and enthusiasm! God Bless you !

  24. 4374
    Mindy says:

    Beth, I know I’m not the only one who feels like we’re already friends 😉 Because you are so authentic, so approachable and so full of fun. Maybe in heaven we’ll all troop over to your place and hang out with you & Jesus and drink coffee and eat chips n salsa and how wonderful would that be?? I can name the top 3 teachers (in my 46 yrs. here on planet earth) who have influenced my walk with the Lord and that’d be you, John & Stasi Eldredge and Graham Cooke. I had the privilege of introducing some girls in Munich, Germany to you & the study of “Believing God” last spring. As always with your studies..the timing is crazily divine. Thank you for your passion for His word and for getting us excited about it make it come alive and show us things we’d never get on our own. You. Are. A. Gift. I totally loved Melissa’s tribute and the pictures. Brought tears to my eyes thinking how your life has been a ripple effect for the kingdom. Onward Princess Warrior! Hoping the Holy Spirit blesses you with special love-notes just for you because you are precious to the Lord. I have thought to myself many a time “God. Be BIG!” got that one from you sister 😉 A big birthday hug to you!

  25. 4375
    Carolyn Tragesser says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BETH! What a sweet post, Melissa! Y’all’s giveaways are always such fun! Beth, you are just the best! Thank you for your dedication to Jesus and to women’s ministry! You have helped change lives and pointed others to Jesus. I appreciate your honesty, humor, and deep faith. You (and others) have inspired me to memorize scripture which helps me in my striving to abide in HIim increasingly. Hope all these posts are a blessing to you!

  26. 4376
    Angie Wahlenmaier says:

    Happy birthday Beth!! I hope reading your sweet daughter’s feelings toward you was a huge birthday blessing! Wow!! As a mom of 2 grown daughter myself, I know how their sweet words warm a mom’s heart to overflowing. You are truly inspiring. Thank you for following Jesus and sharing your journey with us. Please never stop sharing your gift.

  27. 4377
    Betsy says:

    Happy Birthday Beth. The Lord has blessed us with two daughters and two sons, and now he’s blessed us with granddaughter, a grandson, and one of each due next month!
    I think the greatest accomplishment for a Mom is to see her children walk in love with our Lord. What a beautiful job you’ve done with your girls.

  28. 4378
    Deborah Chambers says:

    Happy and blessed birthday to you, Miss Beth! In sharing a bit of testimony with a group of ‘sistas’ the other day, I was encouraged to write to you as a shout out to His Redeeming Grace. “Breaking Free” has been an amazing journey for me over the last 3 1/2 years of my history. As you start your next lap around the sun, we thank Jesus for His gift of you in our lives. Your undaunted courage to know Him and show Him to us is a miracle to those of us who are seeing the fruits of real freedom. We love you very much, dear sister. We pray for you regularly as you stand against the evil one who is regularly thwarted by the truth you declare. You are the real deal!

  29. 4379
    Connie Trostrud says:

    I appreciate you so much. You have been a nurturing mom to my spirit and your sweet daughter is a testament to what a wonderful physical mother you must be! Love you and can’t wait to get to know you in the presence of the Lord some day!

  30. 4380
    Terry says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Beth!!! I am so thankful for you and your willingness to follow the Lord and sharing His word with so many. My life continues to grow with each study, message, simulcast, Living Proof Live events. Each of these has drawn me closer to the Lord and helped me understand how He loves me. Thank you so much — May God continue to speak to you and give you strength, guidance and wisdom! God Bless you Beth!!

  31. 4381
    Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth! You have blessed so many – may this year be overflowing with God’s blessings on you and your family!!

  32. 4382
    Diane Seltzer says:

    Diane feom Chesapeake, VA.

    “Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”

    Hosea 6:3 (ESV)

  33. 4383
    Julie Lawson says:

    My dear friend Beth, whom I have yet to meet: happy happy birthday! Thank you so much for opening up your heart so others may heal. I’m one of those and I treasure you. I love you, Julie

  34. 4384
    Lori Thompson says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope it is a great day and a great year!
    Your bible studies have meant so much to me! Thanks for your ministry to women!

  35. 4385
    Julie says:

    Have to most beautiful day and the most wonderful birthday!

  36. 4386
    Lindsey F says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth! I hope you have had a truly wonderful day!

  37. 4387
    Cindy Strong says:

    Happy Birthday Beth!! I have grown mentally and spiritually through your God given studies.
    Love you, my friend!


  38. 4388
    Karen Harville says:

    Happy Birthday Beth! You share a birthday with my sister, who I love dearly and has always been an inspiration to me!! Thank you for your honesty and opening up yourself to be willing to teach others about Christ. I have learned so much through the years of doing your bible studies! May you have a wonderful day!

  39. 4389
    Sue says:

    Happy Birthday to one of (if not THE most) influential people in my life- because you opened the door for me to a new and deeper love for the Word of God 17 years ago with “A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place”. What a treasure Melissa’s birthday tribute must be to you. You are so loved and honored by so many- who would love to be your best friend!
    May His blessings chase you down this year-
    Love in Jesus,

  40. 4390
    Julie Hill says:

    Happy Birthday Beth! You inspire me to love Jesus more deeply. Thanking God for you today. How blessed you are to be be loved so well!

  41. 4391
    Diane Howard says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH!!! You are more of a blessing than you can ever know. Thank you for your faithfulness, obedience, transparency and genuineness.

  42. 4392
    Elaine Wesley says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth! Because you were born, many are reborn. Thank you for your teaching. May this be your best birthday yet.

  43. 4393
    Connie Baker says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Beth Moore!!!!
    May God richly Bless you with “even more” wisdom, grace, knowledge and
    love. God Changed and Renewed my life through “breaking free” in 2000 – have not been the same since!!! Praise God!! I will be forever & eternally grateful to You and to God !! Keep up the awesome ministry work of God !! Thank you for teaching us!
    Happy Birthday Precious Lady!!!

    Sent from my iPhone

  44. 4394
    Crystal David says:

    Happy Birthday! I am so thankful for your wisdom and teaching. It has helped change my heart and become a different person. Blessings to you on your special day and for many more years of health, blessings…and cake!

  45. 4395
    susan johnston says:

    Happiest of Birthdays to you, Beth! What a precious post from your daughter! Proverbs 31:28a in black and white! “Her children rise up and call her blessed;” Much love to you and your precious family today and always! Susan

  46. 4396
    Melinda Papador says:

    Happy, happy birthday! Does it get any better than having your darling daughter pay you such a beautiful tribute? May the Lord Jesus continue to heap blessing upon blessing on you and your family. Stay strong in Him! You are dearly loved!

  47. 4397
    Dee says:

    Happiest of Birthdays to you!
    May the blessings be abundant and the joy of another year sustained by the Savior be filled with precious moments!
    Thank you for being such a blessing to so many of us you will never meet this side of heaven.
    Enjoy your day!

  48. 4398
    Dale Reid says:

    Happy, happy birthday, Beth! The pleasure of having you in my life and the difference you have made in the lives of my Bible study ladies just warms my heart and makes me smile. Thank you for making us part of your life and making the Bible & Jesus so very real to all of us. May this season of your life be filled with all the joy that you have brought to so many others!

  49. 4399
    Anna Bunch says:

    Blessd birthday to the woman who helped reignite a love for God’s Word. Bless you, Beth, for using your gifts to teach Scripture so faithfully.

  50. 4400
    Becky Sanchez says:

    Sorry, I meant to do my full name in the entry above.