Time to Testify!

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8 (The Message)

I woke up this morning grateful for all the good I see God doing in and around me. This past weekend Beth spoke at Women of Faith here in Houston and on Friday night, we as a staff worked the product table. It was kind of a rush because women are hungry for truth and that alone is thrilling! Having never worked the product table here at LPM, I was really encouraged by the ladies (of ALL different ages), who came to the table having never heard of So Long, Insecurity or even Beth herself! They had so many questions; to be able to introduce her to them through her resources, and to offer them something you yourself really believe in as well…easy.

All that to say, when there was a lull at the table while the worship and teaching was going on, I had the privilege of going in to hear Kari Jobe lead my new favorite song, Forever. (Go search “Forever (Live)” on iTunes by Kari Jobe and be blown away. You’re welcome.) While we were singing, my coworker Sherry looked over and whispered to me, “After being at Passion last weekend with thousands of college students, and now being in this room with thousands of women, it is mind blowing.” And it really is.  How do we get to be witnesses to such extravagance? I have thought about that so much these past few days. The fact that two weekends in a row I got to hear thousands proclaim the name of Jesus, sing His name loud and proud, and study His word. That, my friends, is good.

Here’s a little glimpse into Friday night.

On the flip side, I also know and see the awful happening all around us, the heartbreaks, the evil, the ugly so I’m not naive enough to think or believe that we all live in a happy-go-lucky bubble. But for the time I got to experience His goodness, I’m going to receive that and dwell on that.

Since we are called to witness to Jesus Christ and what He’s done for us despite our sinful selves, can we just bear witness today on the blog? Can we take a day to proclaim the good things He’s done? The good things we see going on around us? Like Philippians so beautifully paints, can we fill our minds and meditate on “things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”?

In the comments, let’s encourage one another today! Write down one good thing you’ve witnessed recently. One good thing the Lord has done in you, through you, through your family or friends, corporately or privately. Jesus isn’t just good because of the good things He does for us, that’s not only why we praise Him, but we have full permission to praise Him for those things regardless. And He deserves the praise anyway!

So, let’s make it easy and just testify today! Testify to His goodness, His mercy, His grace, His redeeming love, His power, His Spirit! Whatever it is, we want to testify with you!

Side Note: Our dear Beth who I know y’all miss hearing from is trying, by God’s grace, to finish writing her new Bible study by the end of this week! It’s been an eighteen month journey that is coming to an end, so now is the time to persevere. Along with writing, we’ve had Tuesday night Bible study and Passion and Women of Faith, which is why she’s been quieter as of late. So, know that she sends her hello! You would not waste a prayer on her right now. That lady pours herself out in the name of Jesus more than anyone I know.

We love y’all dearly. Let’s hear your praises!


154 Responses to “Time to Testify!”

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  1. 51
    Cherie Sasnett says:

    My youngest brother called the other day for relationship advice because he is trying so hard to live a life pleasing to God. This is the same brother who didn’t believe in God in high school. I am so grateful for God’s goodness and mercy. Thank you all for all you do and I will be praying for Beth!

  2. 52
    Stephanie McCreight says:

    I have been covered in the Grace of God as of late. He has made me strong during a difficult move with my work and He has kept me loving strong and sane, and for that I glorify his heavenly name, Christ Jesus!!

  3. 53
    Olivia says:

    On Tuesday this week, Matt Redman and Christy Nockels kicked off a tour in the UK called the Big Church Night In, in Portsmouth Guildhall, in the South of England. This particular venue I had last visited 18 years ago when I was 18 to collect a high school leaving prize. I didn’t know the Lord back then. There was a moment in the worship when I just stood in awe at the fact that He would lead me back to this place, and this time offer a reward so infinitely greater of meeting to worship Him with thousands of others from all different backgrounds. It was such a personalised special treat – I’m so grateful.

  4. 54
    Lynne Henkel says:

    I will shout out, from the secret places and roof tops, my praise for the healing God has already started and will continue in my sister today as she begins her second round of melanoma treatment. Oh how I praise you Yeshu for the past two years and the miraculous physical and SPIRITUAL healing you have done in Janie and myself!! Oh to sing Your praises is just not enough, I will join with the heavenly hosts in song!!! Amen!

  5. 55
    Ronda J. says:

    I’ve been an educator for 16 years and loved every minute of it…until this year. This has been a challenging year to say the least and has left me with many questions about where it is God wants me to be. In the past week, I have witnessed the sweetness of elementary school children comforting their peers as they crouched in the hallway during severe weather. I was given a surprise birthday party, planned and decorated by three teenagers I’ve known less than a year. I watched my co-workers rally around a teacher who returned to work this week after the sickness and death of her father. When she broke down and could not stop crying at a staff meeting yesterday, they surrounded her, comforted her, and made her laugh through her tears.
    I received a beautiful package full of cards made for me by a precious group of special needs children. I was able to share a story about God’s love with a group of teachers.

    God doesn’t promise perfect days, but He promises to hold us safely in the palm of His hand through every one of them. He has reminded me this week of the reason I became an educator, and that I am right where I need to be, sensing His love and His presence, and reminding me to share Him with others, no matter where this road may lead. God is good. All the time.

    • 55.1
      KMSmom86 says:

      Thank you for your post. I am also an educator – this is my tenth year to teach. We have a lot of drama at our school that is caused by one teacher. I have stayed out of it. Last week I made a derogatory comment about the teacher and the principal heard me. I made a big mistake!!!! I was ashamed by what I said and did, and felt very guilty about damaging my witness. The Lord continued to assure me that everything would be ok – I needed to trust Him because He is FAITHFUL. On Wednesday the situation was resolved amicably. The principal and the teacher have forgiven me and things are back to normal. The drama still exists, but I praise the Lord that He brought me through the situation.

  6. 56
    Constance says:

    I want to praise Him because even in moments like right now, when parenting 4 girls (2 teenagers), I want to cry and feel helpless to know what the ‘right’ thing to do is in a circumstance….He IS the “God of angel armies” and He IS by my side. I am resting in this moment in knowing that God Himself is by my side! I do get overwhelmed with the thought of how He could love me, but then He just reminds me of His great grace!

  7. 57
    Monica says:

    I would love to give praise to my God because He is Awesome and all knowing!!! I was able to volunteer at the Women of Faith conference and be bless by Beth,Lisa,Priscialla,and Christina Canie. Everyone of those speaker and women of valor had a word in season for me. I love my God for letting me hear through them that God has my back covered.

  8. 58
    Melissa says:

    Small glimpses of him in the uncertain seasons of your life…feeling my heart flood when my granddaughter is so thrilled to be singing in Awanas…listening to my 16 year old daughter tell me about helping an elderly lady in the grocery story find “powdered milk” (keep in my a 16 year old is clueless of what that even is)!!

  9. 59
    Dora says:

    God is good all the time. I am thankful for his hand of protection. His faithfulness to me and my family. His unfailing mercy.

  10. 60
    Patti says:

    So thankful for His mercy poured out on this recovering pharisee. He let me know in the sweetest of terms that it is okay for me to take my first bumbling steps into the use of 21st century technology. I have a new smart phone, but I do not know how to use it. Look for me on Twitter, but not today because one of God’s richest blessings to our family, my two-and-a-half-year-old grandson is here now to spend the day with Bee-Bee, and he gets my undivided attention.
    Much Love to all of you,
    Patti Hayes

  11. 61
    Suzy E. says:

    Where do I start . . .

    My son (who is married w/children) surrendered his life to the ministry several years ago. He left the business world and worked full time doing missions work. But then, through no fault of his own, came to a time when he was without a job/ministry.

    And so he went for a couple of years with no steady income – living off of his 401K, actively seeking God as to where and what he should be doing, but it seemed like God shut every door. My son even tried going back into the business world just so that he could have an income to support his family – but God continued to shut all doors. Very humbling experience for a man with a wife and kids to support and a mortgage to pay. And did I mention that they are actively in the process of trying to adopt an Ethiopian baby?

    But God has been SO FAITHFUL during this entire time – met all of their needs and more. They never wanted for anything.

    Now God has given him the PERFECT ministry – a missions organization that is a dream job for him. Although it involves moving to a new location, God is just confirming over and over that this is what He wants my son to do.

    Just as one example (out of hundreds): They were afraid that they would never be able to sell their house because of the economic times we are living in right now. They hired a realtor, and decided to put it on the market this last Monday. The house sold on Saturday BEFORE the Monday – it NEVER WENT ON THE MARKET. And it sold for twenty thousand more than it was appraised for. They have got to get out by the end of the month. So a couple in their church are opening their home (basement apartment) to live in until the kids are out of school and they move. Did I mention for free?

    When God pours out His blessings, you better brace yourself, because it will be almost more than your soul can handle!! HE IS SO GOOD!

    • 61.1
      Sandi says:

      Love that story! Whenever we think we can figure it all out, God comes and does something better than we could have imagined! Laughing with you in joy!

  12. 62
    Ally says:

    Oh He has done mighty might things. I too was at Passion, Breath, and Women of Faith among other functions as well. I thought I would be burned out or burned up as it went along but instead I am continually BURNING with faith and love as He pours out His Spirit on me and those around me. I see hearts melting, souls stirring, spirits crying out, young and old, rich and poor. This is truly the Kingdom of God. Thank you Jesus for the richness of Your mercy that we get to be a part of such a time. This is a year and generation of Revival. Let’s not miss out on it sisters!

  13. 63
    Kathy says:

    I am thankful that God still speaks to us in visions and dreams giving us a picture to focus on. My most recent encounter is an astounding picture of his care for me.

  14. 64
    Patrice Mixon says:

    I heard last night that a friend of mine has been released from the hospital. She was literally at death’s door so this is a true miracle of God and testimony to the power of prayer. She still has a long recovery ahead of her but this is a HUGE step in that recovery. Praise God and may his healing arms continue to wrap around her.

  15. 65
    Brittanie says:

    Quite simply just yesterday while I was about to blow my top over some reports at work I quietly closed my eyes and asked for His help. I knew at that moment He was the only thing that could help. God always answers and I found peace in the work. I was also able to finish reports that I thought were too much. Thank you, Jesus!

    That was just fresh on my mind and i’m thankful for everything God does for me.

  16. 66
    Pam Nelson says:

    God has refreshed me with a renewed obsession with the gospel. What does it mean to really “understand” and live it like I believe it? As believers we need to “preach” the gospel to ourselves daily!

  17. 67
    Anna says:

    My father in law lives with us and much as I try, and pray, it is hard and I hate it. But everytime he goes away( when we go on holiday) I miss him so much. Reading Colossians3 yesterday morning and all we are to clothe ourselves with. Then later in the morning had to drop himoff at the retirement home. He was crying. . And I was close to tears. I hate leaving him there. And I just praised and thanked God I felt that way and that HE had softened my hard heart. Only God could do that. Thank you, Lord.

  18. 68
    Amy says:

    We are in the beginning of the adoption process. To say we are overwhelmed is an understatement! God has used people around us to minister so sweetly. The encouragement and offers of help in all different forms has blessed us more than I can say. We have no idea how this will turn out, but “Thus far the Lord has helped us”!

    • 68.1
      kelli says:

      Amy, I used to be an adoption social worker. Know that God is writing your story..and did so before the foundation of the world…He will walk with you through every step (Isaiah 43)!

  19. 69

    So many things I could say! I am so thankful to God for leading me to a website that is so encouraging to women who want to serve god with a dream they have. The site is
    http://godsizeddreams.com Check it out! The ladies there are amazing! God has blessed me in so many ways. To sum it all up — God answers prayers, all the time, if we just listen for His answer.

  20. 70
    carol says:

    How many ways to Praise our wonderful God who has opened my eyes to His faithfulness through 45 years of marriage to an amazing man and a God who has held us together through this journey Praise His Holy Name, amen

  21. 71
    Marcie says:

    My 14-year old son, who struggles with the same temptations every young man struggles with in this cultural, is developing a real heart for God. I am a single mom and often don’t know how to deal with the things he faces, but we have a wonderful youth pastor and my son respects and listens to him. I am SO thankful to God for this blessing!

  22. 72
    Sarah says:

    I am memorizing Ps 16:3. I said to the Lord, You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.

    2 things this week wehre God just shined his goodness.

    1- my wonderful brother in law took my 9 yr old daughter to the father daughter dance we hav ein town every year. They had a blast. I am thankful for this man of God who loves my daughter and shows how a good Godly man should be.

    2- I served dinner with my daughter for the first time last night at one of our local rescue missions. Witness to my 9 yr old and witness to me that God, even in the ugly, does beautiful good.


  23. 73
    Bonnie Wallace says:

    I am celebrating 10yrs of marriage with my husband this summer … a dream that seemed so far away & impossible to have. We got married after having our first child & did not have a wedding. After our second child, our marriage fell apart. We separated for 18 months on the verge of divorce, and only by God’s goodness are we together today standing strong in union. It is our passion to share our testimony & encourage others from it. So, YES Lindsee! Time to Testify!

  24. 74
    April Lopez says:

    God has had me on an amazing journey over the last six months.I never realized through all my woundedness and my sin, that the thoughts I have had which I thought were mine were of the enemy. God has shown me I have viewed my whole life through the lens of rejection, which affected every area of my life and had me in great bondage.
    I am so thankful to report today God’s healing in my life and deliverance:-) Through seeking Jesus face in the process and much hard work in healing prayer and a local class “Living Free” precious Jesus is freeing me… I give you all the praise and glory Precious Lord!!! We truly are called to live a victorious life in HIM..

  25. 75
    Carrie says:

    I only have a second bc I’m at work and have a student coming in in a minute….but thank u for letting us know all that beth is doing. I have missed her, but will pray for her tonite and the days to come as she finishes the bible study and all if the other things she has going on right now.

    Gotta run…but will hopefully log back on later to sing His glorious praise!

  26. 76
    Susan in Indiana says:

    After 24 years of marriage, thousands of prayers and many tears,my husband gave his life to Christ and was baptized with my 12 year old son last week. Thank you LORD!!! My family is a new creation in Christ!

    • 76.1
      Lindsee says:

      Amen and amen! Rejoicing with you!

    • 76.2
      Sandi says:

      That made me cry! God is good!

    • 76.3
      Diane says:

      Praise God!! I have been praying for my husband for 33 years. God has done a mighty work in me that would not have been done if he had been saved right away. He seems to get closer and closer. I am totally in love with Jesus more every week! I always thought it odd when people would say that, and then the other month I realized it had happened to me. I can’t get enough of God’s word and His presence!! My husband doesn’t understand (he who is not of the spirit doesn’t understand spiritual things) and thinks I have gone off the deep end. Please pray for him and our marraige.

  27. 77
    Mary Lou Menning says:

    Last night, I sat in a meeting with our Children’s Education Director, Sunday School Director, Nursery Coordinator, Senior Pastor and four elders. I was overwhelmed with such joy (it leaked out of my eyes) as we discussed what God did last year, what He’s currently doing and our plans for the coming year. There was such a sense of unity, mutual admiration and support between all of us. I praise God for that! Absolutely LOVE the people with whom I get to minister to the Body.

  28. 78
    Sharon W. says:

    Praise God he takes us out of our comfort zone. I attended a local women’s conference this past Saturday of about 170 women. I was so nervous I was giving a testimony on the healing from end stage liver disease of my daughter to recovery a year later. I was talking to The Lord about how nervous I was and how public speaking wasn’t my thing and he clearly said, Sharon if I’m big enough to heal your daughter, I’m big enough to take care of your 8 minutes of nervousness for your testimony. Isn’t God good? I loved this. Praise The Lord, he gave me a voice and all the speakers that day.

  29. 79
    karen says:

    One great thing God has done for us lately is producing, against all odds!, a wonderful new Director to replace our wonderful one who retired!


  30. 80
    Cheri B says:

    He is answering my prayers for a plan to get out of most of our consumer debt!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!! Been working on this a L O N G time and just never have seemed to be able to get a real firm handle on it.

  31. 81
    Cindy says:

    THE LORD HAS RAISED UP A TEAM OF INTERCESSORS FOR OUR MENTORING PROGRAM CALLED WOMAN TO WOMAN. Women who will pray for the will of God to be manifested in the lives of these women who want to grow spiritually. Thank you Holy Spirit for what you are doing in these lives!

  32. 82
    kitty bennett says:

    Praising God for how He continues to reveal Himself through His Word and His creation. Even though I have walked with Him for many years, He continues to show me how much I need Him and just how available He always is! Learning to love those who are hard to love? Thankful for His example and knowing that my struggles are real…but I can be honest and transparent with Him! Very thankful…very grateful…very humble!
    Beth, we pray for you every Tuesday morning before we start our Bible study. We are doing Jesus One and Only! God’s Word is alive and active! Praising Him for your obedience and faithfulness to His call on your life!

  33. 83

    My Daddy was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and then this past November my husband lost his job. I’d started to think my world could be crashing (sometimes still do), but then my hubby got a part time job with Miracle Hill Ministries doing what he loves and witnessing about Jesus while he’s doing it. This left him with time to teach an art class he’s been wanting to teach for too many years to count. Momma asked us to move into a little rental on their land because she needed help. We’re selling our house, fixing the rental and will be debt free when all is said and done.

    I’ll be able to be with my Momma and Daddy while the Lord walks us through this. My man will be home on more days than he would have been at his previous job to help me and my parents…and we’ll be able to afford it without a single bill missed or a single child being hungry. I’ll get to feed my need to garden because my parents live on 148 acres and Momma said she’d be so happy to help and get “things” off her mind. God is good…even when we think our lives might be ending. (I couldn’t begin to write all the little and big ways He’s shown Himself during this time, ya’ll) He is faithful and He is good, even if we’re scared slam to pieces. Always.

    Love, Kristi 🙂

  34. 84
    Jill says:

    Today at the gym I looked up after washing my hands and there was a post it note that said
    – God knows what your going thru and he has already taken care of it !
    Just exactly what I needed to hear.
    God is working thru me by my volunteering at homework club. On Tuesday nights we go to the poorest housing apartment s in this area . We meet in the community room and help the kids with their homework and then send them home with a bag of healthy snacks .

  35. 85
    Jaycie says:

    Jaycie, tx

    Humbled of the precious privilege to pray for each one of these God predestined conferences and Buble studies; thankful for the glorious honor and opportunity to pray for Mrs. Beth, the LPM/LPL/WOF/Passion families, those who selflessly give of themselves to serve The LORD in all these priceless hours of persevering exaltation to the LORD (including reaching out to the lost, praying with the broken, listening to the grieving, afraid not touching those who have been innocently caught up in a life of imprisoned solitude under the sex slavery rings). Am humbly grateful to our LORD for this beautiful privilege and honor. And am thankful for all of you and those who get to experience HIS UNFATHOMABLE GLORY, live in Truth, Spirit, & person.

    “Blessed is she who has believed what The Lord has said to her will be accomplished.”

    “Thank you, Jesus, for blessing us all beyond measure.”

    Thank you, and may God continue to bless you with HIS wold outrageous Glory! To His Sovereign Name alone be the power, and the Kingdom, and the Glory, forever. “Beautiful steadfast faith.”

  36. 86
    Renee says:

    Through some circumstances I find myself in a pit. I DO NOT KNOW what I would not do if the Lord has not rescued me time and time again. Thank the Lord I have a husband who is a strong man of faith. He always reassures me that it produces my faith to be stronger. He’s right.

    Praise to the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!

    Also, please do download the song “Forever” by Kari Jobe. It takes you right to the throne room!!

    He is showing His greatness and power in more strength than I have ever known. Thank you Jesus!!

  37. 87
    Becky says:

    Our God just pours out so many blessings….
    We, Hubby, Mother & I have just left heart doctor’s office,
    A gift from above for my loves to be here with me right this moment. I have seen the miracle of God’s touch. They each have a personal heart disease. Each disease unique in its own form. Watching God use this doctor to provide comfort, medical care & friendship to deal with the many aspects. My Hubby & Mother are walking miracles this very moment. God has blessed me with an insight that healing comes in many ways, sometimes unseen. A cherished moment with a new precious memory to hold forever within my mind & heart.

    Praising God for the job transition from old to new, knowing He is with me every step of the way.
    God’s reminder that We have placed His Word within our kids life, now that they are young adults it is their time to choose the path they live. Our Heavenly Father is always there for each & everyone us!
    Praise Him!!!!

  38. 88
    RaeAnn says:

    I want to shout out a praise for my “with me” God. I’ve had a very rough 1 1/2 years….separating from my husband and double mastectomy and reconstruction. It has been hard, but God is with me all the way. He is teaching me strength, trust, courage, to love myself, perseverance, the ability to receive all the blessings He has for me, and to live in the present….let the past go and not worry about the future. He is my strength!! Praise Him!!

  39. 89
    Shannon Stevenson says:

    I thank the Lord and give Him all my praise for the wonderful and amazing work He has
    been doing in my life specifically since September. I’m walking out of migraines for four
    years and walking into so much freedom spiritually as well as physically. Last but not
    least I’m so thankful for the man the Lord chose to be my husband 33 years ago this
    March. I love and appreciate him more today than the day we married!

  40. 90
    Alyssa says:

    Throughout this difficult time in my life God has continued to show Himself faithful. Even when I am ready to give up on Him, He never gives up on me. I am grateful He led me to check back on the blog again today and read this post. What medicine for my soul! I know He is able to bring healing and restoration in my situation, but I get so short sighted. Reading all of these testimonies of God answering prayers reminds me how big He is. Thank you God for reminding me that You are higher than the mountains that I face. 🙂

  41. 91
    Annette says:

    Family reconciliation and healing

  42. 92
    Mary G. says:

    I was missing our Siesta Mama so much I went back and read some of her old posts. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as my heart warmed to feeling like I was reminiscing with an old friend. Can I share something that God gave me recently? It has made a hug impact on my heart and life.
    Food has always been my way of handling difficult emotions. Rather than feeling them, eating them away. It’s also a way to stay mired down in the muck. This is what God gave me – You may feel better after gorging yourself with food. But you’re still in the muck, because you’ve only found a false relief from what you’re feeling. You have’t risen above what you’re feeling. You’ve only found a way to make your pit more bearable and you keep eating – it’s become the way to hide yourself from the truth. The truth being you’ve become a pit dweller. In a pit you can’t hear the words of hope being offered to you, you can’t see the light that shines from the heart of a loving God. In the pit there is no firm place to stand. God is calling you to rise up. To step out of your pit and see there is a firm place to stand, upon the rock of salvation. The boulder of truth is the place you should dwell and plant your feet upon – the place where God desires for you to stand strong woman of God. Not the pit of muck and mire, drowning in your sorrow. Come and be free child of God, be free

  43. 93

    God is here! Nothing BIG to report.
    I was suffocating under a load of work that needed to be done in impossible amounts of time. God scattered the due dates, provided us with good work and good pay. I felt like he carried me to the top and let me take a look. My energy and resolve returned and now I’m sewing my way through the mountain.
    You wanted one thing….
    There are many more small things that add up to ONE HUGE GOD!

  44. 94
    Katie ericson says:

    I was at Unwrap the bible this last weekend. God spoke to me thru the women leaders and through the worship. On Saturday morning during worship God was whispering in my ear “My goodness” I also heard from Beth’s message the night before “He is going to be so good to you!” When she was talking about Jackson and listening to him sing. “His goodness” and focusing on that moved me to weeping of his simple “goodness.” Praise God!

  45. 95
    Denise says:

    “His ways are so much higher than our ways!” I admit I haven’t read this blog in ages. I’m a military spouse, mom of two teens, back to work after 13 years as a SAHM…life just took over. Anyway, my testimony is simply today – what the Lord just did through the 100+ comments of beautiful wonderful women I’ve never laid eyes on or spoken to. I’ve been struggling with the age-old dilemma of reconciling God and his goodness with all the sickening evil I feel is pressing in on my family, specifically my kids, from all sides of our culture/society. It’s incredibly refreshing that God led me to this blog to remind me that all is not lost. There is “living proof” of people who are led by and striving for the Spirit. And praise the Lord for how He works good through everything – even technology! 🙂 Thank you to every single poster on this thread today!

  46. 96
    Sandi says:

    I had been praying about going back to work to help pay my husband’s graduate loan debt. God showed me a company I didn’t know existed until Dec! I just started my own business selling hand made Fair Trade products from women around the world, to be their voice and help them rise out of sex trafficking, poverty and abuse.


    I’ve had a passion for this for years and volunteer locally with a group showing God’s love in practical ways to women in our local strip club. He called me to get out of my comfort zone and go in to the bar, even though I don’t like the bar scene. I LOVE those women and see God’s potential in them. We’ve had amazing times of laying hands on them and praying for them right in the middle of the bar while other strippers are on stage dancing! I love how God’s presence always shows up. I also love that He provided a job doing something that was already in my heart! Now I can be a voice locally and globally! How cool is that!

  47. 97
    Pam Houston says:

    Time to be in a radical gratitude attitude and give GOD a big shout out and all the glory for He does what we cannot! His divine design is amazing. Yesterday morning I was awakened early as is my custom, I turned on the computer and first order of business is going to Reading Through the One Year Bible…but I was arrested in my tracks! What greeted me was the screen saver running with pictures of our lives flashing before me…scenes saved in our photo albums on computer since 2001! I was stunned! My precious husband had to do this since I have no idea how to do such a thing on the computer. (I’ll admit it here and now: I’m a techie illiterate!) As I was praising GOD for an illumination of all the blessings of the past 13 years, life and that more abundantly because of Jesus…the LORD brought to my remembrance my behavior of the day before! I had been out ministering at a Rehab Facility all afternoon and was greeted with my husband sitting in the same position as he was hours before when I left…in his easy chair, watching TV! (He is retired! I however am not.) I opened my mouth and inserted my foot: “So there you still sit on your behind doing nothing productive all day long!” My face flushed hot with shame in the memory of my hateful words from the day before! I had always prided myself in being “sweet spirited” and I was the one caught with my pants down so to speak! And I was getting a blistering! Here I judged my husband, and he had given me such a gift to work this program up on the computer to bless me. He didn’t say a word. That added to the shame as I remembered my just plain mean behavior. I cried my heart out before the LORD that in my pious religiosity, I cursed the hand that blessed me and has blessed me all 43 years of our marriage!

    My day of reckoning took place in the wee hours of the morning,as I get up and have my quiet time, very early, so my husband is still asleep when all this is going on. Tears flowing in sincere repentance, I vow to the LORD, “I promise, as soon as Carl gets up, I’m going to repent of my behavior and of my “meanness” and tell him how grateful I am for him.” About 2 hours later,my husband gets up and I cry out my confession and my gratefulness for his gift of remembrance to me! Carl tells me, “I didn’t do that on the computer!” I said, “You had to, because I certainly didn’t!” The night before we had watched an old movie “The Bishops Wife” starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven. We were captivated by the old romantic black and white movie which told the story of a young clergyman struggling to raise funds to build a dream cathedral, but who was neglecting his loving wife. A powerful and handsome angel sent from God, arranged circumstances to teach the Bishop the true meaning of love. Both Carl and I realized the only answer to the slide show I was treated with in order for me to come into a necessary repentance had to be orchestrated by an angel. No other explanation would suffice! By the way, my husband also repented of his “meanness” too! LOL and praise to God, the Master Builder of our faith! Radical Gratitude Attitude is the way to stay happy in Jesus, and always be on watch for angels ~ Psalms 91 .

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    Miranda says:

    Praise the Lord my dad did not have a blood clot yesterday like his doctor suspected. And Praise the Lord that He is working in my dad’s heart. He has been out of church for a long time, but recently agreed to let me do a devotion with him once a week. I had been praying for him, but was blown away when he agreed to it. Now that is an answered prayer! 🙂 Can’t wait to see what all the Lord has in store.

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    Lisa M says:

    God has been giving me tremendous peace, hope, and encouragement in the midst of trying circumstances!

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    Warm in Alaska says:

    That God is always so faithful to show up in the words of His Word. I’m so thankful for that and for Him and for all of you at LP and for you, sweet Lindsee, and for our very dearest Beth. ,

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