Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2013 Instructions!

Hey Siestas!  We’re two weeks out from our big launch and, based on the number of people who got Siesta spirals -not to mention those grabbing their own – we should have one titanic team!  May God get much glory! (If you’re interested in a spiral and have yet to purchase one, click here for the details.) Numbers are nothing if they don’t translate into fruit displayed in our lives but if we truly decide to live out the words that are going to live in us, remarkable things are in store for the Kingdom of Christ among us.

Here is everything you  need to know about how to participate in the 2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team!

First, a few things up front since many people joining us have no previous interaction here:

*For you new comers, “Siesta” is just an endearment for “Sister.” There’s no club to join and no person you need to become. If you’ve trusted Jesus as your personal Savior, you’re a sister in Christ. If you don’t know Him, we’d love for you to stick around and get to know us and see if anything around here draws you. Everyone is welcome. Here’s a bit of our back-story on the weird name: When we first began the blog, it never occurred to any of us how much we’d come to love each other. As the community grew closer and closer and the participants more and more familiar with one another, one of you asked what name we should call each another. I tried to say, “I’ll tell you what we are: We’re sistahs!” but spell-check switched it to “siestas.” It stuck and that’s been us ever since. We even liked the thought that its actual meaning is to take a nap. We’ll know we’ve been a place of divine intervention if we’re a respite from the female competition and clatter out there. Only Jesus can give us that kind of relief in this exhausting culture.

*We call this a Scripture memory “team” because that’s exactly what we are. We’re a really long line of women standing shoulder to shoulder with our swords drawn. (For you newcomers, Ephesians 6 calls the Word of God the “Sword of the Spirit.”) And we don’t draw our swords to wound people, to convict our family members (God’s job) or to cut off the ears of our hearers. We draw our swords to fight the good fight of faith. While I was saw stacks and stacks of Siesta Scripture Memory Spirals being stuffed into envelopes for shipping, it hit me with fresh impact. What if thousands of women really did memorize 24 Scriptures in 2013?? What are the implications of that? What kind of repercussions might that have in our personal lives and our homes? That’s worth getting riled up over. SO, you bet this is a team. Don’t be too cool for it. Remember, God’s Spirit is a fire. If we’re too cool, we can’t help but quench it. If cheesy works around here, we’re not ashamed. Just throw in a can of jalapenos and grab a tortilla chip.

*Very often you will see me refer to SSMT. Just so nobody’s confused from the start, that is an abbreviation for “Siesta Scripture Memory Team.” If you’re not participating in SSMT, please know that we don’t limit the entire blog to our Scripture memory participants. It has a big presence on here because it’s twice a month but we still do lots of other things. Please don’t feel left out or forgotten.

OK, NOW FOR THE INSTRUCTIONS. You can cut and paste these somewhere if necessary. Here’s how it will go:

1. On the 1st and 15th of every month of 2013, you will find a post by 8:00 in the morning where I will ask for your memory verse and give you mine. This will begin New Year’s Day 2013. You are committing to 24 Scriptures in 12 months. In previous years, I’ve found this to be a very doable pace. If you do much more, you’ll tend to fall behind and not retain. If you do much less, the impact is negligible. You really can do this. So many of you will surprise yourselves with what you’re capable of doing in the power of the Spirit. Yes, it takes work but it’s tremendously fulfilling and the results are nearly immeasurable. Look at it this way: you’re going to be meditating on something: unforgiveness, toxic memories, misery, lust, greed, dissatisfaction, jealousy, competition. Choose Scripture! Christ Himself said as a man thinks, so is he. He also said His words are spirit and life. This is work worth doing, Sweet Thing. Never – NOT ONCE – have I ever known anyone to get to the end of a Scripture memory commitment and say that it didn’t make any real difference. Not a single time.

2.You are to enter the verse you’ve chosen to memorize for that two-week period within twenty-four hours of the post going up. I’ve been asked many times if it’s okay if you’re late supplying your verse and, yes, of course it is, but try to avoid doing it often. The people who make it to the very end of the year are overwhelmingly those who stay up with it month to month. Please know up front that one of the important parts of this process is the exercise of self discipline. This culture is mass producing wimpy narcissists. Year-long commitments like these that require punctuality and focused energy push back on that degenerating trend. All that to say, please don’t drop out if you get behind. I just want you to know that this will be much more successful if you treat it as a real, live commitment you are willing to work hard to keep.

3. When you clock in with your verse those two times a month, keep your comments limited to your name, city, verse and translation. Long comments on SSMT days are no-no’s. It won’t take you long to figure out why we maintain that rule. Wait till you see the powerful sight of hundreds if not thousands of verses flowing down the comment stream. It is a gorgeous sight. When you’re having a bad day, all you have to do is scroll down a few hundred of your sisters’ Scripture selections and I promise you, you’ll get a word. It’s a very powerful thing. Here is a sample comment:

Beth from Houston, Texas: “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 ESV

Always add your translation because so many of your sisters will want to know where you found the wording for your entry. One of the great impacts of this process is how much we reap from each other’s selections. Often you’ll see a sister say, “I’m doing the one so-and-so did last time!” (Yes, you can make a comment that brief. Those can be fun. Occasionally you’ll even see someone write, “For the sake of my marriage, I’ve chosen to memorize…” That’s okay, too, but try to keep it very succinct.)

4. THIS ONE IS KEY! As often as possible, choose a verse that means something to you in your present season or circumstance. This is the reason why we don’t all memorize the same Scripture. We’re not all going through the same things. The more you let God lead you to verses that direct you or edify your soul in your present circumstances, the more He will renew your mind toward your challenges. This is a huge part of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 where we’re told to demolish strongholds and take our thoughts captive to Christ. If you don’t have a verse on your mind or you’re drawing a blank when the 1st or 15th rolls around, you are welcome to share mine. I will always include it in the post. You might also look at a few of the comments and see if one of theirs resonates with you. I say this next part with a grin: try to refrain from memorizing Scriptures that you think your spouse or your children need to learn. Memorize what you need to learn. That means do your best to avoid jotting your verse on a stick note and planting it on your bathroom mirror where your man can see it and repent of his sins. He probably won’t because he’s got your game. I bet you can guess how I know that.

5. I strongly recommend that you stick with only one verse to memorize each time. (This is just a recommendation and not a rule. You’re free to do whatever works for you.) Keep it simple and meaningful. (If I were addressing you live, I’d have you repeat that sentence back to me so just go ahead and say it out loud in order to nail it down. That sentence could be your best friend through this process.) If you do too many verses or get too complicated, you will soon be overwhelmed and want to drop out. Better to do 24 simpler verses over a 12 month period of time than a chapter over the first month then quit. We want this to be a discipline we practice for the rest of our lives. Think marathon. Not sprint.

6. Either shortly before or after making your entry each 1st and 15th in the blog comment, write the verse by hand in your own spiral. (Again, that’s a recommendation and not a rule. I’ve discovered that there’s something about writing it with your own hand and picturing it later in your own handwriting that helps it sink into your memory bank. I’m not entirely sure why.) Take that spiral with you everywhere you go. Read it and read it and read it and read it. Do mental gymnastics with it. Flip that baby over and over. Many women have told me along the way that they’re not good at memorization and I truly understand that. I also beg to offer two responses: First, that may change. Give the Holy Spirit a chance to do something brand new with you. Second, even if you don’t get your verses down word for word, you are still meditating on them as you read and reread them. You still, thereby, accomplish one of the most important goals: captivating the mind to Christ. You just can’t lose on this one. Either way, it has a powerful effect.

OK, I think that’s enough to get us prepared for January 1st. Now, let me tell you well in advance how to qualify for our Siesta Scripture Memory Team Celebration on January 17-18, 2014 which is the biggest blast ever. I’m telling you about it now so that you can have it for a little extra incentive. Our main incentive is the will and good pleasure of God, of course, but He Himself authored great celebrations in His Name so feel free to be excited at the thought. Also, I want you to have plenty of time to start saving your money for your transportation and hotel. We do not charge for the event. Your entrance fee is your well-used spiral. By the way, we hope to have Travis back again to lead us in worship and Amanda, Melissa, my whole LPM staff and volunteer team will be there  to serve you.  Here’s how you qualify throughout the year:

*Clock in by first name and city at least 21 out of 24 times. (But please make your goal 24 out of 24!) Let me reiterate that you can be late with your entry on a 1st or 15th of any month but, by the end of the year, there has to be a record in the comment sections of you signing in at least 21 out of 24 times on a SSMT post. Make sense? Please give us 24 hours to post your comment before you assume it got lost. We still moderate all comments and the amount we get on SSMT days necessitates a slower pace. Thank you for your cooperation!

*Bring your spiral to the celebration. Again, that’s your ticket in.

*Be prepared to say any 12 of your 24 memory verses to another Siesta (of your choice) during the designated time at the celebration. (We get in pairs.) Some of you will be tempted to let this be a deal breaker but don’t back out! Siestas are really sweet and patient with each other and we are notorious for giving each other hints. We can even act out charades if necessary. If you’re one of those who genuinely struggles with memorization, just tell your memory buddy up front and she’ll give you all the grace you need.  Tell her the gist of the verse as accurately as you possibly can. She’ll be able to tell that you are well acquainted with it and that the goal was accomplished even if you can’t say the verse word-for-word.

*Register for the event when the time comes. (December 1, 2013)

Whew! Have I exhausted you?? I’ve worn myself to a pulp. Sorry this is so wordy! We just want to answer as many of your questions up front as possible.

I want to tell you something before I sign off. I may sound like a broken record but you have to let me say it again as we embark on this wild journey together. You have impacted my walk with Christ. This community has given me encouragement when I was nearly down for the count. I am more disciplined because you are here. You make a difference in my life. You make me think, and laugh, and study. You offer me company when I am lonely. You stir me up to love and good works. You are used of God in my life to make this hard world a better place.

That’s what Siestaville is for. Women walking alongside women on our way Home, stirring up excitement toward that great day. SSMT is just one way we do that. AND IT’S A WHOPPER. Let’s do it, Sisters, starting this coming January 1st! I’ll talk to you again about other things before then but I don’t want the New Year to take you by surprise.

Your blog mama loves you.


1,641 Responses to “Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2013 Instructions!”

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  1. 201
    Brenda Aguillon says:

    Just ordered my spiral…this is just what I needed it came at the right time. I could have done it on my own but I probably wouldn’t have without this sweet accountability. I can’t wait to dig deep this coming year!

  2. 202
    Marla Adamchik says:

    Ready for the challenge!

    BTW, I loved your Jame’s Study Mercy Triumph’s. With ‘perseverance’; the LORD ‘giving me wisdom without finding fault; and having NO DOUBT in my heart, I was able to learn, recite and write the Book of James. I did most of the memorizing on my bicycle (fixed to a trainer). Praise the LORD for allowing me to retain His Word in my heart…I am so blessed. Thanks to you and Melissa for your in-depth, thought-provoking and humbling study. I am looking forward to 2013 studying Paul with your workbook. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Beth and family. 🙂

  3. 203
    La Chiel says:

    Just received my spiral from a dear friend and then she started explaining it’s purpose! Wow, I am so excited every year I start my scripture memorization…I write them on note cards that get crumpled in my pocket and purse and after a few weeks I abandon the idea. I can’t wait to get started and look forward to becoming a Siesta Sister in Christ!

  4. 204
    Nancy Owen says:

    I am encouraging the ladies in our church to do get on board this coming year and memorize 24 verses. Will the event be in Houston in 2014? Trying to give them a little extra incentive besides the immeasurable benefit of knowing Scripture each and every day.Thanks!

  5. 205
    Pamela McDonald says:

    Received my spiral and I’m rearing to get started!

    Merry Christmas to all of you at LPM.

  6. 206
    Jill_in_AL says:

    Thank God for SSMT in 2013 — I need it!

    No time to worry your staff in trying to get me a spiral because there are presents to buy, wrap and cookies to bake so I’ll hit Office Depot tomorrow and YAY, YAY, YAY!

  7. 207
    Jennifer says:

    I am so super excited about this! 2011 was the first time I was ever able to memorize Scripture and I was amazed month by month as the Lord used those verses I had hidden in my heart to help me – I can recall one time in particular when someone was driving me crazy going into the bathroom and telling myself in the mirror that I am NOT to be anxious about anything (Phil 4:6)!! I ordered 10 spirals and spread the word and so many friends wanted them that I ordered a dozen more and I’m sure I can find women for those spirals! Yippee!!

    Delaware is going to represent in Houston in 2014! We may have only had 2 of us last time but more are coming!! 🙂

  8. 208
    Karyn says:

    new blogger. just getting the fingers ready for Jan. 1st

  9. 209
    Julie says:

    This is exciting and I am new here. Just read what siesta memorization is all about. I am guessing I post my verses here?

  10. 210
    Billsgirl says:

    Woohoo! We have a team of about 6 or 7 of us planning to join the team. We got ourn spirals Saturday! I can hardly wait to get started.

    Merry Christmas!
    Mary Ann, Woodbury, MN

  11. 211
    lissy parker says:

    I can not wait to start!

    xo, Lissy

  12. 212
    Jennifer Hargrove says:

    In order to participate, is this the blog where we post? i’m confused about where to post and where to show what verse we are working on. thanks!!!

    • 212.1
      Lindsee says:

      Hey Jennifer! The post you’ll be commenting on to participate will be on the 1st and 15t of every month. Starting January 1. Hope that helps! You’ll get the hang of it once we publish our first post. Easy peasy!

  13. 213
    Debbie says:

    This is perfect! I am looking forward to this adventure!

  14. 214
    Ellen H. says:

    I received my spiral in the mail yesterday! I’m so excited to begin memorizing scripture and to be a part of the SSMT in 2013! Merry Christmas to everyone at LPM!

  15. 215
    Kara says:

    Looking forward to this. Regarding your #2 point, I honestly see what you’re saying, however I think it was being made well enough without name calling “wimpy narcissists”. I’m speaking up because none of us truly knows what the other goes through that could cause us to not finish what we start some times. I tried doing this in 2011 and was so overwhelmed(emotionally, spiritually, physically) by a lot that keeping up got hard and I dropped out midway…had nothing to do with narcissisim.

  16. 216
    Christy Jones says:

    My spiral has arrived!!! Looking forward to a new work God is going to do in me! Blessings to you Beth & LPM staff as you allow God to use you in mighty ways! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🙂

  17. 217
    Melinda says:

    Okay… I’m going to try it again. This will make the third time, because we all know third time’s the charm, right? This time, I asked a friend if she wanted to join in.

    And you know what? I just got a new sketchbook last night. I think I’m going to put my verses in there. It’s not a spiral, but maybe if I doodle around them, I’ll be more apt to remember them.


  18. 218
    Carla says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone at LPM. Thanks for all you do to help keep us encouraged in the word and excited to know Him more. I’m so ready and needful of these upcoming verses! Please pray that I will stay focused and determined to not only memorize them but let Him etch them like stone in my heart!!!!!

  19. 219
    moongirl says:

    Wanted to give all the Siestas a heads up on a great iPod app for memorization in case a spiral is too easily destroyed in the likes of your mitts (as it is mine)! 🙂 It is called “Bible Minded”. I don’t remember if it was free or just a dollar or two. It’s so fantastic. You can record the verse so you can listen to it out loud. You can document/archive when you have memorized it. You can loop several verses you are memorizing in a play back loop… I am addicted to this app and it has been tremendously helpful on this journey of storing up God’s Word in my heart (Ps. 119:9-16). It helps me memorize in the car, while doing dishes, even in the background as I work. You can also follow along and view or hide the text for practicing…. I could go on and on….

  20. 220
    Rosie says:

    I am ready to do this. I have my spiral and my purple pen. I have my daughter who will memorize with me.
    Lets go Siestas!!!
    Merry Christmas!

  21. 221
    Stephanie Volkmer says:

    I’m in. 🙂
    I do have a question, do you send us a spiral or do we just do our own? Either way I’m still in, just was curious…Thanks!

    • 221.1
      Lisa Lucas says:

      Stephanie, you can order a spiral form LPM scroll down and find the site or got to the store on here. $4 plus shipping and they are actually really girlie and cute. Or you can got to Dollar Store they have them for $2 just not as Bethy hehe. Welcome aboard.

  22. 222
    Debbie says:

    All set to go here in Luxembourg! I’m so excited to have sisters to do this with. Merry Christmas siestas and LPM team!

  23. 223
    Carolyne says:

    I’m excited!!!

  24. 224
    Jan Haqq says:

    I’m in!

  25. 225

    I’ve decided to do this with the Siesta team! I’m finishing up a page on my blog with scriptures by topic for women, mothers, and marriage, and I thought ~ why not memorize 24 of them in 2013?? I’m excited to dig deeper into God’s Word – thank you for your encouragement and discipline.
    Cooking Up Faith

  26. 226
    Jennifer says:

    I’ve got my spiral and my scripture ready to go! Can’t wait! Merry Christmas! Ready to see all the scriptures on January 1!!

  27. 227
    Tabaitha says:

    I can’t wait! This will be my first year to participate and we are trying to get all the ladies in our accountability group to join.

  28. 228
    Kim Safina says:

    The Journey Continues ~

    With “Heaven Bound” Blessings!

    SSMT is a way of organizing your time with God’s word and having accountability while achieving that goal.

    “Sit at Jesus’ feet. Learn his thinking. And give all you are to share his concerns, love his loves, accomplish his purpose.”

    I have been involved with this each year it has been offered through your ministry. Only problem, the celebration is always in January and my sons birthday always falls on the same weekend as your scheduled SSMT event. 🙁

    Several of my sweet Siestas keep me updated though!!!
    (((((((( HUGS ))))))) 🙂

    I was told by my ELF that the scripture spiral might be in my stocking this CHRISTmas morning!!!!

    Blessings to you and your FAMILY & STAFF AT LPM.


    from the Coast of California,
    Kim Safina

  29. 229
    Turkesshia Moore says:

    I am determined to stick with it this year! God is ABLE!

  30. 230
    Kacy says:

    I’m in!! Looking forward to a great year of Siestahood and God’s word! Can’t wait to start this challenge!

  31. 231
    Tanya says:

    Hello! 2011 was my first year to memorize, along with my daughter. After I bought a spiral for the two of us, I was kicking myself for not ordering more because I found myself wanting to give one to others. So, this time, I ordered a dozen. I was originally going to order 10, but after looking at the shipping cost breakdown, I found that the shipping would be the same if I added two more for my order for an even 12.
    Last week, I felt prompted to ask 3 other ladies whom I was dancing with if they would be interested in memorizing Scripture with me. After briefly telling them about SSMT, I asked if they would like a spiral. All three said yes!
    On Sunday, I gave 2 more to women who are my prayer sisters at a local church body. I’m down to only 5 more to give away, I thought, I should have ordered more! : ) However, I then recalled that there were 12 disciples. Maybe 12 was just right after all. Not too big and not too small.
    I’m so excited to see what the Lord does in 2013, not only with my daughter and I, but with the other 10 spirals as well!
    Thanks for encouraging all of us again in 2013. We look forward to celebrating in January, 2014!
    Tanya and Annabel

  32. 232
    Laurel says:

    Looking forward to doing this with all the Siestas!

  33. 233
    Renee says:

    After a 22 year period in my life with no church and no God I was welcomed home by our Father in 2008. Just last March I found a church home. Last Sunday (for the first time in my life) I stood before the congregation and read the second lesson. You can guess what’s going in my spiral as my first memory verse!!!

  34. 234
    Michelle says:


    FIrst I want to say to Beth. You have blessed me in so many ways with your wonderful bible studies. You always challenge me to think about my life (and relationship with Jesus) in a different way. I always think this study can’t be as good as the last one I did. But without fail the study is always better than the next. Thank You for making me think outside of the box and for always touching my heart especially when I need it most. You are Such a Wonderful gift from God and I know he has Amazing things planned for you in 2014. I look forward to seeing what it will be. 🙂

    Second, this is my first year doing this and I am looking so forward to sharing this journey with so many wonderful “Siestas” 🙂

    Thank You and Have a Very Blessed Christmas

  35. 235
    Lisa Riley says:

    Ordered my notebook and can’t wait to start. I am encouraging others to participate along with me! Looking forward to attending the Houston event in 2014 and meeting other Siestas!!! Thank you Beth!

  36. 236
    Tanya says:

    Looking forward to it!

  37. 237
    Katy says:

    So excited about this! This will be my first year. I hope and pray that I will stick with it! My one year old daughter keeps me busy, plus I work a full time job. SO EXCITED!!!

  38. 238
    Misty Ansted says:

    Just ordered my spiral! Excited to be intentional about memorization of scripture! Thanks for leading us well Living Proof Family!

  39. 239

    I”m looking forward to it… I have participated fully in the first ever SSMT – except I did not get to attend the SSMT Celebration. I got lost in the second one due to responsibility overload but I am full on in for the third occasion of this here tradition that rocks my boots every single time I lay my eyes on Scripture to memorize them.

    I am also looking forward to saving my pennies from here to there to make the trip to Houston January 2013!!!

    So here I am planning my path, asking God for direction and a word. And getting ready to make my SSMT Spiral. 🙂

    Thank you (Mama Siesta, Lindsee and all the SIESTAS) for making this place a circle of inspiration. It has brought such life to me in so many ways. THANK YOU.


  40. 240
    Jamie in Katy says:

    I have my spiral and I’m ready to go. I have to say that memorizing is hard for me, and our last go-around was difficult, but GOD is ABLE, and I know that it is absolutely His will for me to hide His Word in my heart.

  41. 241
    Debbie Gentry says:

    I want to join in with the SIESTAS but I am not sure this is where I post. I have never blogged, only email and FB. This is all new but I am excited about the scripture sharing!Now to order my spiral.

  42. 242
    Kaylee says:

    so excited for this and to be apart of this team ! 🙂

  43. 243
    Pam Redd says:

    I will order my spiral this weekend. 2011 was my first time to memorize scripture and I love it. It was a lot of work and discipline- but it is amazing during a trial how the Holy Spirit brings the scripture to mind. Amazing!!

  44. 244
    Louise says:

    I can’t wait to begin a new season with you all.
    This has been the hardest year for our family
    but what a blessing my Siesta Spirals have been to me
    on the days I felt to overwhelmed to pray. God is our wonderful counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

  45. 245
    Lisa Lucas says:

    I am so excited. I truthfully am one that as of late have a hard time memorizing, but I know that God has planted His seed and He will be here to help me through.
    Question though. The first one I have chosen it takes 2 versus to complete the necessary. To say the first versus is important and so is the second. So may I use versus 1 as my first and 2 as my second to be my 2 for the month? Psalm 57:1-2. Please get back with me so that I may prepare. I so want to do well this is a weak point for me and I am on a mission to make this weakness strength once and for all. Blessings.

  46. 246
    Shandy says:

    This is the first year I’m participating and I am so excited! I bought spirals for my mom and grandma too! Can’t wait to begin!

  47. 247
    Billie Payne says:

    Where will we find the post by 8am each morning? Where will we post our verse? Is there a link to sign up? Sorry, I am new to this:) Billie

    • 247.1
      Lindsee says:

      You will find the post right here on this blog! And you will post a comment on that verse. Once you see the first post, you’ll get the hang of it!

  48. 248
    Jean Compton says:

    This is my first year too. Excited!

  49. 249
    Cathy Blount says:

    Count me in!

  50. 250
    Carrie Gill says:

    Ordered my spiral, can’t wait to start!

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