Your Most Bizarre Fear

The other day after returning from lunch, we were all walking (read: very slowly) back to our offices to resume our normal workday, when somehow (the rabbit trails we chase are impressive), the topic of getting sick came up.

It probably came up because currently there is all manner of viruses floating around and we’re all terrified of being the next victim, but anyway, I readily admitted to the fact that vomiting is one of my biggest fears.

The rule here at LPM is if you are sick: STAY HOME. Thank you very much. We love you, but we don’t love your germs.

I won’t go into detail on here out of respect for the fact that some of you might be catching up on the blog during your lunch break, but needless to say, there is nothing worse in my book than getting a stomach virus that produces this kind of reaction.

Lord help me if I end up being one of those that suffers from you-know-what during pregnancy. Speaking of that, I’m going to start asking the Lord to have a little grace on me in that area when that time comes. I’m believing God.

Anyway, once I admitted to that bizarre fear, she who will remain nameless, admitted another strange fear that may or may not have involved a parking lot.

I let she who will remain nameless expand on that if she wants.

We go so tickled that I immediately thought of how quirky we all were and then I thought of y’all. For some reason I have this feeling that if I asked you what your most bizarre fear was, you would deliver.

So, spill it.

Now, I realize we all have legitimate fears, but if you have something out of this world weird, we want to know.

You are in good company.

Oh, and for the record, the fear of vomiting has a term. (Could this post be any less girly? Laughing. Sorry, y’all. Just being real.)

It’s called Emetophobia.


You’re welcome.


651 Responses to “Your Most Bizarre Fear”

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  1. 101
    ohlookaduck says:

    I know they have sonar, etc. but statistically, what if one is sick and their sonar doesn’t work? It only takes a slight miscalculation for them to run into my hair and get tangled up and bite me while trying to escape. I’m not taking the chance. Any bat comes out, my kids know to get in the car and leave cause I’m not waiting around.

    • 101.1
      Tracy says:

      Me, too! I’m terrified of bats, and never knew it until they got in our house last year! Twice! Now I cringe if I even hear the word.

      For me, the fear of bats seems to fall in the irrational category, but I’m also scared of snakes, and I don’t consider that fear irrational at all. 🙂

    • 101.2
      Ina says:

      I agree 100% on the ickiness of bats! Once lived in an apartment & awakened at 3 am to a bat swooping in my bedroom – totally freaked out! I know they eat tons of bugs but I shudder to see them. Rodents with wings!

  2. 102
    Bethany says:

    I am afraid of opening canned biscuits…those things terrify me and I can’t even pull the tab without wincing…the anticipation of the can popping open gets my heart rate up, even just thinking about it makes my skin crawl 🙂

    • 102.1
      Jessica says:

      Made me giggle out loud Bethany!!! 🙂

    • 102.2

      Scares me too every time! Pop!

    • 102.3
      Jennifer says:

      Oh, Bethany! You are so right, I have to calm myself before I can open one of those.
      And to make it even worse my Hubby really likes baked goods that come in those packages.

    • 102.4
      Kari says:

      Hahaha!! You have no idea… I used to be terrified of those too… my husband would tease me and then I’d get to laughing so hard about opening them that it would take me 20 minutes! Oh I’m so glad I’m not the only one!

    • 102.5
      Tina says:

      I have a friend that is scared of canned biscuits! I know she will feel better when she finds out she’s not the only one! 🙂

    • 102.6
      Kerry says:

      I used to have other people open them for me, but I decided I need to put on my big girl panties and open them myself. But I still jump every time.

    • 102.7
      Rebecca says:

      Around my house, they are called “womp” (sp?) biscuits for a reason! After you pull the tab, you womp them on the counter and they pop open that way! (Or at least that was my childhood impression of why they were called womp biscuits. I never bothered to ask if I was right…)

    • 102.8
      Sherry says:

      Me 2! Me 2! I always just lift the corner to peel the label a tiny bit then slam it against the counter! Haha! I hate balloons for the same reason!

    • 102.9

      Oh my goodness, I feel the same way! I get such anxiety whenever I make a sopapilla cheesecake because I hate opening the crescent roll package.

    • 102.10
      Sparki2003 says:

      Hey, even Paula Deen jumped when one of those popped on TV when she was about to make dinner roll doughnuts !

    • 102.11
      Lisa says:

      Me too!!! So glad I’m not alone on this one! I make my husband open them.

    • 102.12
      Taunia says:

      Bethany, I am there with you. Canned biscuits and purposely popping a balloon. My husband opens all the biscuits here!

    • 102.13
      Shannon says:

      I am so with you!! People think I am nuts but those cans seem dangerous! LOL

    • 102.14
      Megan M. says:

      Ha Ha!!! I had to come back and read some more of these…Bethany, I too, have that fear! Didn’t think of that one, but, if I ever bake with my mom she just laughs at me….but I sincerely get SCARED and jump, sometimes I scream. 😀 I completely understand!!!

  3. 103
    Steffany says:

    My fear is that when I go into a public bathroom, and I push the stall door open, there will be a dead person waiting for me. When I typed this, I started laughing to see it in print, because it really is a pretty weird fear. I have watched too much TRU tv. Now, get the luminol!

  4. 104
    Tina says:

    I totally relate to the fear of vomiting. I prayed and prayed to God that I wouldn’t get sick during my pregnancy. But, I threw up EVERY SINGLE DAY! And, even five minutes after I delivered! Needless to say, I have an only child 🙂

    • 104.1

      I also threw up all through my pregnancies. I was hoping #2 would be different (everyone told me it would be), but no, it wasn’t. The only difference was that I had #1 imitating me over the toilet. He was fascinated by the whole thing.

  5. 105
    Lynn says:

    Fear of snakes and worms! Anything wiggly, slimey, ugh! Guess I inherited this one from my sister, Eve from the garden! LOL!

    Once in zoology class I had to dissect an earthworm, told the professor my fear, to no avail. So I did the task as expected for a grade, but I never (I repeat) I never touched it! Did the entire procedure with gloves, scapel and straight pins – professor was amazed and gave me an A!

  6. 106
    Brittany says:

    I am totally, completely, RIDICULOUSLY afraid of lizards. Any kind, any size. My heart is racing just typing this.

  7. 107
    Shelley in Ft. Worth says:

    I am dreadfully afraid of driving over interstate overpasses I make everyone in the car stop talking, I turn the radio off, and I can barely breath until we are over. I will take a longer route if I can avoid those things.

    I have to share a fear of my daughter’s from when she was little because I thought it was so funny! She was afraid of a flushing toilet. And when we would be in a bathroom with an automatic flush it took me forever to get her out of the bathroom because she was so afraid to move because of the flush. Why I find that so hilarious — I have no idea!

    • 107.1
      emily says:

      i had the same exact fear as your daughter. i wouldn’t flush the toilet (gross) and if i did, i would run as fast as i could into our game room and hide BEHIND the couch until the toilet stopped running.. i think there was a movie at some point with a gross talking toilet – it came out when i was really little – and i think it had something to do with my fear..

  8. 108
    Cheryl says:

    Fear of bridges. Every time I drive over one I’m convinced I’ll drive right off the edge and plunge to my death.

    • 108.1
      Kim says:

      I posted about my fear of getting eaten by bears but bridges tie that! I will go far out of my way to avoid them and boy do I come close to a panic attack whenever I have to cross one.

  9. 109
    Caitlinjoanna says:

    I am slightly terrified of those horrendously loud toilets. It’s all I can do to not plug my ears and run from the stall especially if my daughter is with me and I have to show her there is nothing to be scared of. Also, anything to do with anything going near eyeballs I.e. Projectiles, bugs, eyelashes etc.

  10. 110
    Tamara says:

    I will not sleep in a room with open closet doors.

  11. 111
    Lori says:

    Well God just showed me this fear and it’s kind of strange but maybe someone can relate. I am afraid of intimacy with God. The last time we were really close, the enemy almost did me in. The good thing is, now that the fear is in the light, God can heal it.

    • 111.1
      Rebecca says:

      Oh Lori!
      I am so glad you recognized that! It sounds like the enemy won the last battle- be prepared for him to fight you again! Remember that in those moments that you least want to pray or least want to read your Bible, the best thing for you to do is reach for that beloved book and start praying hard! Praying for you! 🙂

    • 111.2
      Terry says:

      Lori, the Lord revealed that same fear to me some years ago. In fact, it was the first time I heard Beth Moore in person, at the Friday pre-event for a Women of Faith conference. I am so thankful you were able to name your fear!

  12. 112
    Sharon J. says:

    Oh Lindsee… what thoughts about those fears… I run alot of hot water before I shower to quell any spiders or large snake that may be thinking of coming up my shower drain :o) I also don’t like those tall overpasses whether over water or just in mid air (nope don’t like them)heart palpitations and my feet hurt when I go over them… yuk!
    but my family thinks it’s silly (sometimes I do too)

    • 112.1
      Kim Feth says:

      I’m the same way with overpasses. I saw a news story one evening that over a particularly long and tall bridge the actually offer volunteer drivers foe people like me and you. Praise God!

  13. 113
    Amanda says:

    I’m spent just typing it.

    • 113.1
      JoAnn says:

      That’s mine too. I can’t even look at the word, so I’m glad you typed it for me. TV commericals about them send me into a spin. I have to close my eyes til it’s over if I can’t switch the channel fast enough. I even wrote a paper on this fear in middle school.

      I have to stop now. It’s too much !!!

      • Pamela McDonald says:

        Cockroaches are mine, too. I just read this week in our newspaper where someone in Florida choked to death in a roach-eating contest!!!! I almost threw up just thinking about it. I cannot even grasp my mind around someone doing that willingly. UGHHHH!

    • 113.2

      Me too. Why is it that they run at you when you spray them with roach spray? It’s like they know…

  14. 114
    Mary Lou says:

    Creepy, crawly bugs with many legs (spiders, centipedes, millipedes, etc.), getting stuck in small, tight places not being able to breathe, suffocating. I think the worst fear I have is of being in water where I can’t touch bottom. I have almost drowned twice, once as a child and once in college while taking an aquatics class (trying to get over my fear of not being able to touch bottom). I love to be in the water, but only if I can touch bottom. Instant panic if I can’t.

  15. 115
    susie ashworth says:

    i have a fear of heights. never really gets to me except when i am in a car and have to go up a really steep hill. going down doesn’t bother me so much, but going up…. i feel like the car is just going to fall off the hill backwards with me in it. when i was a kid i would hide on the floor (before car seats) in the back seat when my mom had to drive up this one HUGE hill. still makes my tummy shiver.

  16. 116
    Kelley says:

    Clowns. And feet. Enough said.

  17. 117
    Punky Tolson says:

    Breaking my teeth off. It’s never happened but I have this weird fear of my bottom teeth getting locked in an underbite over the front of my upper teeth (think of the way a Maltese dog looks) and breaking off in while I’m asleep. I dream about it. There’s probably some deep psychological issue connected to that.

    You asked. :-/

  18. 118
    Sarah Edwards says:

    I hate vomiting and it still makes me cry if I do but I have had a fear of bridges since I was a young girl. Especially high ones with water under them. I usually hide or duck down in the car or shut my eyes and hold my breath and If I’m the one driving, Lord have mercy, I almost have a panic attack telling my husband/passenger that I can’t drive over this bridge.
    Also, fear of any creepy crawler crawling on me and or going into my mouth or nose or ears while I’m sleeping. Yuck!!!!

  19. 119
    Kristin says:

    I have a fear, but not sure what to call it! My fear is being ” known” by people I do not know! Let me explain! I am forever meeting people who sware I’m so in so from somewhere, and when I kindly disagree they all seem baffled! They truly believe I am such in such, who dated so in so, or who befriended a sister, or aunt, or brother somewhere down the line! I guess I have a familiar face, or either I have a 100 identical twins running around out there in the world. Either way it freaks me out to no end!! And I feel awful for disappointing them, or ignoring them when they yell some obscene name in my general direction. Once I even had to take out my drivers licenses to prove that I was indeed Kristin K.

    • 119.1
      Sherri says:

      Kristin, I get this all the time! Especially when I was younger, I looked a lot like a woman who was on tv, and sometimes people would follow me until they got a good look! And a ton of people say I look like their daughter, friend, cousin, and they know we’ve met. It’s made me a little paranoid, and I never feel comfortable in a room of strangers — I think everyone is looking at me! Weird, but I get it.

    • 119.2
      Sue Bart says:

      Maybe if you just tell them they owe you money, they’ll walk away quickly LOL

  20. 120
    Christel says:

    Flying a fear of flying!!!!! Once me and my daughter were on the plane
    And as we got up to go to the bathroom turbulence hit the plane
    Terrified I looked at my daughter ( whom has never flown) and said ” HIT
    THE DECK” I screamed it!!! of course the turbulence quit and i Iooked stupid.. So we picked
    Ourselves off of the floor ( that I wish I could have melted into) and went to
    The restroom.. A fear of flying!!! Look up fear of flying and my name
    Would show up…

    • 120.1
      Kim says:

      Oh my, I really do have to stop reading these. I only thought I was afraid of bears and bridges but completely forgot about flying! I will never fly again….hate it!

  21. 121
    Warm In Alaska says:

    I have an unnatural fear of rodents: shrews, mice, rats.

    Snakes? No problems (probably because they don’t live in Alaska); spiders? No worries. Rodents? They FREAK ME OUT.

    Also, bears scare me – but not as much as rodents. (I don’t even like typing the “R” word).

    • 121.1
      Warm In Alaska says:

      Well, I just read thru everyone else’s comments – and unless I missed something – so far it appears I’m the only one who can’t stand a “r——“; at least enough to mention it. Yipers! I thought this was a more universal fear/disgust/yuckiness…

      • Sherrie says:

        Alaska- I just had not commented yet! You are not alone.

      • Glennifer says:

        I was waiting for a ‘rodent’ fear!! I like bears though. But when our 1st son was still in a crib taking a nap, a mouse ran across the kitchen floor and I ran outside and waited for my husband to come home from work! (Fortunately it was only a few minutes but I would not go back into that house alone!) God kept our son asleep and save!

        ps: we never saw that mouse again:-/

    • 121.2
      Kim says:

      I’m with you on the bears! On the other hand I love r*****s and have many as pets. 🙂

  22. 122
    Angie says:

    I have two. They sound weird.
    1. Talking into a drive thru microphone. For some strange reason I start stuttering. But I don’t have a speak problem. My thing is that I know everyone in the restaurant have those head phones and can hear everything. Makes me get tongue tied.
    2. Following an 18 wheeler car hauler full of cars. I know they are chained down but I’m always afraid they fall off and I will run into all those cars.

    • 122.1
      Kim Feth says:

      Angie, I just know that the very last car that is backed in and therefore facing us when we drive is going to break lose, roll off of that transport truck, and crush me to death when I’m wearing less than flattering undergarments. How weird is that – but it’s true!
      I feel ‘ya sista!

      Kim Feth

    • 122.2
      Terry says:

      Angie, re: the 18-wheeler, I feel the same way when I’m following or passing a log truck.

  23. 123
    Becky says:

    My worst fear was of tornados and when we lived in MS they were all too frequent. Made my husband drive around with my kids in the car because I couldn’t stand to hear the wind blow around the house I truly thought I’d have a heart attack, real safe to drive around right!!! God has delivered from that now and that’s good because I don’t have a husband to drive me around anymore. lol

  24. 124
    Catherine says:

    Birds, check. Swimming, check. And clowns. I hate clowns. A friend of mine went to clown college and just the idea gave me nightmares.

  25. 125
    Sarah Sykes says:

    I am afraid of that shiny, slick material that everyone else loves. It is on all of thes soft squishy pillows that are supposed to be so comfy. It is on wrist rests for keyboards. It has been made into clothes that are fabulous (for others–not me!) for traveling because you can wad it in a ball in your suitcase, but it doesn’t hold wrinkles. When I am talking to people who are wearing these clothes or using one of the dreaded wrist rests (that I used my VERY limited sewing skills to make a cover for once upon a time so I wouldn’t have to feel it), they seem to have a sixth sense and start rubbing their fingers on it. Just the sound (let alone that nasty feel on my finger tips!) is enough to make my insides rumble and my skin crawl. If I know it is near, I shudder and screech… I have friends who have chased me with pillows around Bed, Bath and Beyond. I’m not sure I still consider them friends…. :o)

  26. 126
    Bev says:

    Tunnels my dad would drive through them and tell us to be quiet because loud noises would make them fall in. Then he would get in the middle and beep the horn and laugh and laugh. We have to go through three when we go to the beach and I am still scared to this day.

  27. 127
    Natalie says:

    For me, I am totally frightened of moths. They are so unpredictable and they flit around your head. What happens if it gets stuck in your hair?! Also, the thought of their powdery wings touching me gives me the willies!

    • 127.1
      Danielle says:

      Hi Natalie,
      May I just say YAY! My post is close under yours, and I put down butterflies. To me they are just prettier moths (have you ever looked at the bug part in the middle, ick! Hang in there! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that screams like someone with a chainsaw revving is chasing her when I have a moth fluttering about my head!

  28. 128
    Cassandra says:

    sneezing while driving– anything could happen in those split seconds while your eyes are closed when you sneeze

    … and I’m definitely fearful of germs

  29. 129
    Jeanie says:

    I am very scared of putting my feet out of bed onto the floor if their is a dust ruffle on the bed. I guess it harkens back to childhood fears of the boogie man under the bed but if their is a dust ruffle…I jump way clear of the side of the bed. Creepy.
    P.S. I’m 48. 🙁

  30. 130
    Beverly says:

    Exact same fear as you, Lindsee. Can even be debilitating at times!

  31. 131
    Jane says:

    I am a germaphobe. I have sanitizer in my purse, sanitizer in my car, wet wipes in my purse. I have sanitizer at work. My kids think it is crazy but they play along when I offer them sanitizer. I also love to cook but fear that something I make will make the people who eat it sick. Like thanksgiving, I always buy a turkey with a pop up thermometer and as my daughter says I check the turkey 50 times everywhere with my own thermometer to make sure it is done. It has to be 200 degrees or it keeps cooking. It is so funny because if we go out somewhere I spend 10 minutes, wiping down the grocery cart. if we go out to eat I hand out the sanitizer to everyone who will accept it. Crazy I know. But honest.

  32. 132
    Amanda Cross says:

    I have had a lot of quirky fears throughout my lifetime: fear of knives, bridges, being in the shower which made me not stay in very long, elevators, and the list could go on. I am 34 now and I have found that the older I have gotten and the more that I have stayed in God’s Word and in prayer that many of these have vanished. This past April I dealt with a strong fear: fear of dying. It has seized me and caused panic attacks and anxiety for a good portion of my life. I was finally able to say God, I have not been trusting you with my life. I gave it over to Him. It so pleases Him when we trust Him. I won’t say that I’ve not had the temptation to take it back again because I have a few times, but the Lord has been helping me live in freedom. Now the Lord is working with me about tapering off some sleep medication and finding more natural ways of getting to sleep. I came across a scripture this past July where Jesus asked a man, do you want to be made whole? I responded with a big Yes! My healing is coming slowly but quickly. It hasn’t been overnight, but I am seeing results. Maybe we could all give these little nit picky and quirky fears to Him once and for all and be done with them?

  33. 133
    Yanna Westmoreland says:

    My biggest fear getting on an endless overpass bridge one of those figure eight ones and never getting off. Driving in a loop until I die.

  34. 134
    Danielle says:

    I wasted much of my life controlled by fears. Thankfully I have a God who will not settle for ANYTHING in my life controlling me (other than His Spirit) so He has worked on me, with me, and through me in many of these areas. I used to be agoraphobic (couldn’t leave the house for fear of “something” bad happening). Have faced my acrophobia (fear of heights, as well as anything related to heights like stairs, ladders, bridges). Fear of birds has been the latest one to work thorough. Bird lovers find me silly when I mention it, until I go on to say I have been attacked by different species of birds (so they started it). I’ve been bumped by a shark in the ocean, which still prevents me from wading in to this day, or taking a bath.

    But the most bizarre fear I have, wish never fails to cause giggles, is my fear of butterflies. It’s the fluttering. Reminds me of the birds. They fly at my face…freak me out. Go ahead and laugh. I know it’s silly. I intentionally don’t go to the butterfly pavilion so I don’t pass my fears on to children, or traumatize others. You’d think God would have started me with that one first, but nope. I know one day, however, I will stand at the door to the butterfly pavilion, and unknown to those visitors around me I will face my fears (with gritted teeth).

  35. 135
    Sandra says:

    When I first read Lindsee’s post, I thought I don’t have any odd fears. But when I read what everyone wrote, my list grew and grew. When I was a child, I was afraid of clowns and oh, yes, Santa. Every photo of me with Santa is of a very unhappy girl. The fear of the clowns was because their faces were covered and I couldn’t see the person in the makeup. (Santa’s face was covered by the fake beard.)
    The other fear that really torments me is fear of frogs and lizards. My sons have enjoyed teasing me about this over the years. If a frog is sitting at my back door when I arrive home, I will not go inside until someone has moved it.
    We have lots of lizards around too. One day as I sat on the sofa, I felt something on my hair. I reached up with my hand and touched a lizard. I screamed bloody murder, frightened my cat into flight, and threw the lizard across the room. I did eventually get the lizard out of the house but I feel creepy even writing about it.
    I told my husband but not my sons or anyone else. My sons would NEVER let me forget it.

  36. 136
    Amy says:

    Fish hooks. I WILL NOT fish by children in particular, that’s the the hubby’s job. Also, Rainbow Bridge in Bridge City, TX. Yeah, I know that’s pretty specific. Just a fact.

  37. 137
    jenn in GA says:

    i am afraid of the sewing machine. yes, i realize this is weird, but there’s something about all those moving parts (or perhaps it was a traumatic experience in home ec in middle school involving terry cloth) and ALL that could go wrong at any second that has kept me from venturing into the world of sewing.

  38. 138
    Anne says:

    This is not one of mine, but it has my family baffled. My 3 yr old neice was at a birthday party and fell into the potty, which infortunately, flushed automatically. She wasn’t hurt, but she was definitely traumatized. No one realized this until a couple of weeks ago when she was out with me and had a meltdown in a public restroom. Now we can’t get her to use one, and if she’s in one when a toilet flushes, she cringes and covers her ears. It’s funny, but we feel sorry for her too. I wouldn’t have mentioned it here, but a couple of you mentioned the same sort of thing. I’d happily take advice since I have her frequently, and I have no parenting experience.

    As for me, I’ve been on two trips that included flying. The first time I didn’t like it. The second I was straight up terrified.

    • 138.1
      Rhonda says:

      Anne, My granddaughter (she’s three yrs old) has a fear of the automatic flushing toilets. They are really loud and you just never know when they are going to flush! I found out about her fear when we were in a grocery store bathroom and she made me stand behind her while she sat, and hold the “eyeball” so the toilet would not flush.

      I’m afraid of heights. I figure God made me close to the ground for a reason! I can climb up a ladder but no way can I climb down without lots of prayer!

  39. 139

    Okay … I have a fear of opening doors … any kind of doors. I have good reason. I don’t have a germ problem; I have a “being shocked” problem! I get shocked all the time. When we lived in San Angelo the air was super dry. It is better in the D/FW area, but I still get shocked from time to time. Just enough to make me wince when I open a door. My sweet girls will open doors for me (they don’t get shocked like I do) … they open the refrigerator doors at the store so I can get the milk out. In San Angelo, thru the winter, I would keep my gloves on through the grocery store so I wouldn’t feel the shock as much! I will probably regret admitting this! Ha! Which leads to my second fear … passing this fear on to my girls, even tho they don’t get shocked. They’ll just fear opening doors because I did, and they will probably forget why. Gracious.

  40. 140
    Melissa H says:

    I am afraid of slugs, and especially that I will step on one barefooted.

  41. 141
    Kim Feth says:

    Since you asked:
    1. Really long, really tall bridges. My heart skips beats and I think I’m going to drive off the edge and kill us all.
    2. Large groups of seagulls. They are so aggressive at trying to see if you have food, and that feels a lot like being attacked.
    3. Throwing up – especially in public. It’s never happened yet but it’s a real fear.
    4. There is a single-cell organism that lives in all, naturally occurring fresh water bodies (ponds, lakes, puddles). This organism can kill you if it goes up your nose, passes through those holes at the base of your skull, and crosses the blood/brain barrier. It essentially kills you by killing your brain. When I was training for a Triathlon and it involved a lake swim. I was so afraid that would happen to me that I made my husband promise to take me to the ER and tell them, “it’s that single cell organism in her brain” if I lost consciousness within 5 to 10 days of the triathlon. There, now you know just how scary it can be in my little brain.
    And when I was pregnant, I was very afraid that my water was going to break in public and gush all over the floor and wet everyone’s shoes.

  42. 142
    Madelyn says:

    I am so scared of letting my arm or leg hang off the bed while going to sleep. I just know it would be eaten off. 😉

  43. 143
    Bethany says:

    I’m with u Lindsey! Emetophobia for me too. Weird that I’ve always feared it but it comforting to know that others do too!

  44. 144
    Sandy Bowers says:

    Wow, so interesting to see all of these fears. Some I have never heard of. This is not a fear as such….just that whenever I go out in public, i.e. store, restaurant, movie theater, theater, concert hall,etc., I immediately have to find out where the bathroom is and the quickest route there. I guess my fear is that I will be sick and not know where the bathroom is. This has never happened to me, so I don’t know where it came from. (oh and I usually have a plastic bag or some sort of receptacle in my purse … I think this stems from when my kids were little and would get car sick, I always wanted to have something for them to use.) Weird.

  45. 145
    Karen says:

    Dentists – my fear of dentists keeps me from going until I have a problem…

    But the funny one is small one lane bridges without rails……. Big, long, tall bridges – no problem….. Those little one lane, even if over a culvert or stream really get to me….. I have been known to drive across them with my eyes shut!

  46. 146
    Jane says:

    I share your fear of vomiting but I also fear that someone around me will vomit because I have sympathetic barfing syndrome (my term). If someone around me barfs, I barf! Bad when you are the mom of a sick child. Thank goodness my two boys hate to vomit as much as I do, so it happened rarely. So, if anyone mentions they are feeling sick, I panic and run away from them as fast as I can. And my husband will zoom through a tv show if someone is going to be sick on the show – why do they have to show that!!!!

    And clowns (shiver as I type)…

    • 146.1
      Kristy says:

      Me too! I’ve walked out of movies when somebody got sick in it. And I also run away if I even just think someone might vomit. My family likes to torture me by telling me graphic stories of vomit. And I have nightmares where people throw up and I wake up with my heart pounding. I’m also afraid that if I ever get pregnant and have kids, there will be much vomiting.

  47. 147
    Karen says:

    Lindsey…. I used to have the same fear… Until I got pregnant with my first. Somehow, participating in that “ritual” every day for 40 weeks…. Well, lets just say that it’s not a fear any longer :).

  48. 148
    Heather says:

    TERRIFIED of clowns.
    Actually mascots too.
    Going to a football game is out of the question.
    Especially terrifying is turning a corner and **poof** a clown or bear or whatever mascot is there and I’m trapped with no where to turn but back.
    And yes, that would be me screaming at the top of my lungs as I ran the other way.

    • 148.1
      Jenn W says:

      @Heather: So glad to know I am not the only one with the mascot thing…clowns as well. Also, marrionettes, china dolls or puppets. Not a fan at all!!! Holiday times at the mall with the Easter bunny or Santa…NOPE! One time we were getting a picture with the Easter bunny at the mall with our daughter & I got goosed…with my hubby right there. I said “Whoa, excuse me…do I know you Mr.Easter Bunny (suddenly cringing at the thought of a past boyfriend being hidden inside that costume with the wry permanant stitched on smile)? He shrugged his shoulders with a nod of his giant tall lopped-eared head and I am certain that one of the stitched-on eyes winked at me, LOL! Just saying…

  49. 149
    Sondra says:

    My biggest fear is driving over a bridge with lots of water underneath. We have lots of earthquakes here in California and I don’t want to be on a bridge when the BIG one hits. I usually pray myself over and back.

  50. 150
    Nicole says:

    Bandicoots and roaches. I seem to encounter them in my bedroom when I travel to India. Unsure of what a bandicoot was, I was told “It’s like a rat… but larger.” Um, yeah… not ok with sharing sleeping space with that. Now when I’m back in India, I do a very thorough inspection of my room before sleeping.
    I even wrote about it when I got home, because it’s funny… in a creepy sort of way.

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