Hey, you guys! On our introductory (and impromptu!) live stream last week, I told you that I thought we might focus on prayer during our next one. The beginning of a new year is a great time to get strengthened and encouraged in our prayer lives! If you’re like me, you could always use some cheering on in that vital spiritual discipline. It’s fairly safe to say that, in day-to-day practical living, we are only as strong in our walk as we are in our prayers. A healthy prayer life is essential to abiding in Christ. I also love to hear the approaches others are finding effective. So, what do you say we hit this topic tomorrow??? (God willing, thank you, Book of James)
For all who are able, hop on this link tomorrow from 10:30 – 11:00 AM Central Standard Time and let’s talk about prayer.
Last week we intentionally limited the invitation to our blog community because we were doing a trial run for live stream and because sometimes we’d like to seize the moment to just be together as a community. This one (tomorrow), however, is wide open for anybody so you’re welcome to get word out. It doesn’t matter if they’ve never been on a blog. Anyone is invited to join us.
OK, then! We’ll talk tomorrow! And, while you’re at it, pray for me as I prepare to talk to you about this subject. Let’s even pray about prayer.
God’s riches in Christ Jesus to you today, Sweet Things.
Beth, you have taught me so much all the thirty-eight we were in such a blessing for my husband Sr. Pastor a Baptist Churches from New England & Texas. I was the Pastor’s wife who always went where you were speaking at a Seminar. I have never thanked you for always giving tremendous speaking and praying. I have been there for a Methodist Church here for one of your taped teaching for a month we watched. I just want to congratulate your precious daughter being a Pastor’s wife. I love you, your family and now that we are retired, so relaxed and I watch the Wed. teaching on here. You are marvelous. Thanks and forgive me for not thanking you. Love you dear one, Beth!
Thanks for the heads up. I missed the last one, but hope to stay up for this one. It will be 11:30 pm Thailand time.
Would love to be there but I must be at school instead. I work with Special Needs High School students. Any chance a transcript will be available?
I am very interested. I am at work (teaching 3rd graders) at that time. I hope you will make last weeks and this weeks available for replay!
I’ll be at work, but I’ll be listening in.
I would also really like for it to be made available later. I won’t be able to get it because that website is blocked where I work. Or at least maybe get a blog post with the highlights from it. This is something the Lord has been working on with me and it seems to be a topic in a lot of things I’ve seen lately (prayer meeting last night for one)- so I think I need to pay attention.:)
Also, I would love if you would share some tips for prayer journaling as this is something I’d like to try, but am not sure how to go about doing.
This topic for me is so important, because I feel as if this aspect of my walk with God is lacking. I can’t seem to have a regular prayer time, nor do I think I really know how to get started. However, I feel that prayer is so important, that I want to see how others approach their prayer life and maybe I can figure out a good fit for me. Thanks, see you tomorrow Siestas.
Hi Beth We do not have a high speed internet so I can never watch the live streams but if you could make it to where we could watch a re-play then I can join in. A stronger prayer life is something I need this year.
Blessings…KathyM in Illinois
Looking forward to this event. Our group is starting James on the 19th. See you tomorrow*!
I am excited about this! I have been home all week with sick children and this is definitely going to brighten my day/week!! Thank you for offering it to us!!
That’s 11:30 eastern standard time, yes?
Is there a password? I clicked on the link and clicked play, and it asked for one…
Would love to make it … is there a password? I tried to hit the link this morning just to see if it would go through on my computer and it wants a password. Just asking…
Thanks Beth can’t wait …
Hello! I’m really excited about the thingy today, as is my older son (age 10–we’re a homeschooling family) who wants to watch! I already clicked on the link and it says, “This channel is password protected.” DO WE NEED TO KNOW A SECRET KNOCK OR ANYTHING? A handshake? (If yes, I don’t know it.)
When I click on the link it says password protected. It doesn’t take my password. Help!
I just went to the livestream page and it says that this livestream channel is password protected. That’s kind of odd because yesterday I used the same link to watch the video from the last livestream without any password. Was there a password issued on this blog and I missed it? Please advise.
Just checked the link again and the password issue is gone. Yay!
i would love to attend but when i click the link, it ask for a password. i sign into my account and used my password and it still did not work.
can anyone help?
I couldn’t connect because it kept asking me for a password. Am I missing something? Was I supposed to sign up first? Or is there a password for this blog?
the live stream is saying it is password protected?? if so what is the password?
What’s the password for the livestream?
I just tried to get on to get ready for the live feed and it says I need a password. Help!
ahh, maybe it is because it is not quite time yet? i guess i should be praying for patience! lol!
I tried to go to the live stream but it had a password and I couldn’t find one so boohoo
Oh, Tiffany! It only had a password prior to the time it started so that the LPM staff could do what they needed to do to prepare for it. (Electronics, setting up the set, etc.) The password comes down just before time to begin. So sorry! Try again!
Trying to log on for the livestream, but am being told I need a password. Help, please?
What is the password to get on the live stream? When I click on your link it says I need a password. Help please
Never mind…I refreshed and it is working now!
Nevermind. I tried the link again from the blog instead of the email and it worked.
First of all, I love your haircut!! Beautiful! Second, thank you for the teaching and encouragement on prayer. I need my passion for prayer back! What you said about listing the government, church, etc is so right on… writing it out, so we will remember. Also, the Lord is so good. This morning, I thought, why am I dealing with this fear mess, and I felt he spoke to me to pray the scriptures on fear over myself and lo and behold you confirmed that!!!! Hallelujah!
Bless you!!!!!!!!
Just have to praise God for you all at this ministry, thank you .
That was awesome!!!
Thank you! That was awesome!
Thinking about what a wonderful thing it is to wake up praying and doze off to sleep praying at night.
Beth, I snuck on today as I am not a regular. Right before I singed on to the live stream , I had just had the notion to text a friend who is going through something very difficult to let them know that I was praying for them. Well, I actually have not prayed for them as I was just about to lead them to believe, God’s timing is perfect. I needed this very message, I am so encouraged to go before the lord and repent of my good deeds and my yucky heart. Love you dear friend and I do count you as a dear friend.
So glad to have you, Rebecca! God is so faithful in His timing!
Thank you Beth! I had already decided that my focus and my “word” for 2012 would be PRAYER – oh, my, how God has shown me that is exactly what I need – I have had 2 friends that I don’t visit with regularly contact me to ask me to pray for them. I am reading and doing the workbook – A Praying Life by Paul Miller – and I asked my hubby for your book – Praying God’s Word – for Christmas. I am serious about becoming a huge prayer warrior – I dedicate 2012 and the rest of my life to prayer! So excited to see what God is already doing in my life and I am just starting! How great that I got on the LPM blog yesterday (haven’t been on in a while) to find the live stream for today about Prayer!!!! God is Good!
Thank you so much for this livefeed today! It has inspired me to go deeper. I am a mother of 5 children under the age of 4 (two sets of twins 4 and 6mo and one in between, age 2) and so I find that the thing that works for me best is to be on continual prayer with Him. I also tend to have one or two people that I am praying for and during the Passion Conference develpoed a new discipline so that I would not to FORGET to pray for that sweet girl that I had committed to pray for! I set my timer for 10am every morning and when it went off, I STOPPED everything and prayed for her. Now, my 4 year old daughter hears the beep from my phone and STOPS TO PRAY TOO!!! We are praying for a family friend of ours that is sick right now and they have a daughter her age. So my Annabell prays for Grace, whose she’s met once in her life everyday!! I was inspired by waking up and putting my face to the ground and am going to try to add a more formal time to my prayer life. I get up at 5:30am every morning to work out – for my mental sanity – and maybe can try to get up a bit earlier to roll over to my knees! Thanks, Beth for you wisdom this morning!
Hello all!
Man a steady prayer life is really something i desire so bad for this year (and the rest of my life) i had such a large amount of changes in my life recently and I cannot get myself to concentrate in my prayer life. My mind is always wandering and I need some help or tips to overcome this hurdle….
On Ya! I so enjoyed our meeting today. Your leadership is such a gift and I am so blessed to be able to see and hear you share His Word! May God be with each of us who attended today. I pray that through His Holy Spirit we will feel moved to share the this wonderful community with others who will then join us in prayer! Thank you!
Thanks so much! I didn’t get to participate the entire time because I’m working, but this is such a wonderful idea! Loved seeing the siesta comments scrolling along as well! I think prayer is something that’s easy to take for granted…which is why I love prayer journaling. After I have written prayer requests, and then a bit of time passes, it is quite powerful to go back and re-read those and then see how God answered that prayer! He is listening to me and He doesn’t get tired of me. Hallelujah! I also love praying on my knees or completely face down. I might get so physically unable when I’m older but for now I love showing my Creator that I want to be completely humble before Him.
Happy Thursday!
Years ago, in Guideposts, I read that Prayer is breathing out the spirit of man and breathing in the Spirit of God. This definitely happened today during this special ‘live’ time! Thank you, Beth! Thank you, LPM! Thank you, Siestas! Most of all, Thank You, Jesus!
I love that word picture, Deb!
MommaBeth – been praying for you and this morning (pre livestream) read Hebrews 12:1-3 and I felt so strongly I should pray your name into it. So, dear sister-in-Christ, may I be so bold to say,
“Beth – Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you, Beth, will not grow weary [or bear any kind of fear] and lose heart.”
Livestream couldn’t have been at a better time of my day clock-wise and heart-wise. LOVE you all!
Beth, that was wonderful! I’m still smiling that Travis went blue font!! So fun!
Thank you so much for the webcast today! I am encouraged again and again.
I completely agree that communication is the only way to have that living relationship with our beautiful savior and Lord. I think as people we are always looking for the “immediate reply” that doesn’t always happen when we talk to God.
I believe it actually does in the Spirit and we are not always operating in the Spirit but in our flesh. We are flesh beings but when we are born again we are born of the Spirit with an eternal spirit that becomes ALIVE with Christ!
When we continue to press into the relationship the communication will become more clear and alive to our flesh being and our minds become renewed and awakened to His awesome presence in our lives.
Love you in Christ,
Hi, I got to join in today, yeah !
However, is there any way that someone from LPM could give us notes on the main points about prayer, and give us the link for the book that Miss Beth was talking about ?
In Christ’s Love,
I was so encouraged by today’s live-stream. Thank you Beth! May the LORD richly bless you!!
Bummer… it asked for a password?
I attended the livefeed this morning and WOW that was so awesome. My prayer life is nothing I do journal but sometimes I just start to pray and the devil just brings something to my mind. I truly truly love you and thank you for providing the tools Ive needed to get out of my pit
Hello from Kentucky! I would love to join but like some other posts working during the day prevents joining live. Please let us know if we can watch after live stream- we did this with Priscilla’s book club and it worked out great. Looking soooo forward to starting the James Bible study next week at our church- thank you for all you do for women’s ministry!!
Prayer, I hate that I missed the live stream, it would have been my first. Sounds wonderful! All of you, please pray for my daughter Danielle! Thank you!
Beth, your livestream was so refreshing and helpful this morning. After praying about it, at the beginning of 2012 I made ‘PRAY’ my word for the year. I want to go so much deeper in my relationship with God and learn to pray BIG prayers. Your practical approach is really the only way for us to become effective and fervant. I’ve been trying to come up with a method on paper to help discipline myself to pray, and think I’ll adopt yours. Thank you for all you do for God’s Kingdom.
I enjoyed it and prayer is definitely a tough one for me, cause I often feel like I’m not doing enough praying. I’m so ADD that I often get distracted while praying and actually forget I was talking to God like midsentence, so I can use all the help I can get!
Is it possible to still be able to watch the stream? I was able to watch the launch stream later but I don’t see where to find this one and I’d love to see what was said about prayer. Thanks!
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