Ripped from my Comfort Zone

I have lived in the same city and gone to the same church my entire life. That is no exaggeration. The only exception would be the four years I spent in college in Huntsville, Texas.

It was never my plan to graduate college and attend the same church I grew up at, but the Lord had other plans. Not only did I return to that church, I found myself on staff full time as the Girls Ministry Director. Isn’t He so funny like that? To turn our plans upside down?

I dearly loved my church and was so blessed by being on staff and honored that they would even take a chance on me in that position, but one thing we were lacking was a strong young adult program. To be completely honest, when someone would come that was a “young single” I simply referred them to another church. I didn’t know what else to do because we had a college group that met Sunday mornings, but other than that; we literally had nothing for them. How sad is that?

Slowly more friends were coming back to Cypress after graduating and we finally decided that we needed to do something about this ministry.

After praying about it, planning, and recruiting some leaders, in May of 2010 we had our first Bible study. I think there were a total of five of us there. You have to start somewhere, right?

We continued to meet and grow and now a year a half later, we kicked off our small groups just last week. The Lord has given the group favor and it has been neat to be a part of it from the beginning and watch it grow.

This summer as the Lord began to make it clear to me that He was leading me elsewhere, more than anything; I mourned knowing that eventually I’d be leaving that group as well.

In an intentional attempt to get involved and plugged in at my new church, I’ve slowly been pulling out of this group.

For instance, I’m not doing a small group with them. Not only because I’m a part of a community group at my new church, but because come January I’ll be at Tuesday night Bible study. (Which, by the way, I am thrilled to be a part of.)

When they were calling out the small groups last week, they explained that they purposefully didn’t put friends in the same group so that they could get out of their comfort zone and meet new people and make new friends.

I looked at my friend Allison right away and told her I felt like I’d been ripped from my comfort zone.

Because that’s exactly how I feel.

I started attending Bayou City Fellowship right away and to say I love it would be the biggest understatement of the year. I absolutely adore my church. It has been a breath of fresh air to my soul that was starting to feel really dry and stuck.

However, not only am I attending a new church, I also have a new job.

After leaving a place I’d been 26 years, I walked into a ministry that’s been established for over 15 years.

Both Living Proof Ministries and Bayou City Fellowship have been nothing but good to me. I am in no way complaining about the newness, it is just the reality right now.

No matter what, where or when, change is always tough.

What hit me last week in a fresh way was the thought that I really did leave my church. I’m not just trying something out for a few months and returning later, and I really do have a new job. Everything really is new and God willing, it’s not temporary. It was a fresh, hard, good reality.

There is always a honeymoon stage to all things new, and now that I’m feeling settled and learning this new rhythm to life, the honeymoon stage is ending and the reality is setting in.

I’ve never been married, but I’ve heard countless couples say that they couldn’t imagine loving their spouse more than they did on their wedding day, but even six months later, they are more in love than ever, and so on and so forth.

I imagine that is how this new season will turn out. I knew I loved it when I started, but now, even almost three months in, I love it even more.

All honeymoons must come to an end, but that means a sweet future of new memories is just around the corner.

At the beginning of this year I was feeling stuck, but yet comfortable and discontent all at the same time. Everything around me was so familiar and I wasn’t growing. I began to ask the Lord to move in my midst and He did just that. In fact, He did more and moved more than I could have ever asked or imagined.

Not only was I ripped from my comfort zone; I was also ripped from my discontentment. The Lord knew what He was doing. He knew what would challenge me and scare me. He knew what would spur me on. And although it’s hurt along the way, and tears have been shed, I am so thankful.

When I’m comfortable, I’m not growing. When I’m uncomfortable, I cling to Him, which is exactly where I need to be.

Slowly, but surely, I am feeling more at home in this new season. Thank you, Lord, for ripping me away from all things familiar.

“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:18 – 19


130 Responses to “Ripped from my Comfort Zone”

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  1. 1
    Sarah S. says:

    What a beautiful, WISE, young woman you are. I am new in my town. Not sure I ever had the “honeymoon,” though I tried to “put my happy pants on” about it. But I find myself wandering –literally and figuratively — a lot. Asking the Lord: “What would you have me do right now?” It’s uncomfortable, this being out of my comfort zone (I guess that’s why it’s called that). Yet, growing is uncomfortable. Thanks so much for letting us hear from you!

  2. 2
    JR says:

    Thanks for sharing…going through a similar process…the ripping away from the familiar is so painful – but it’s worth it.

  3. 3
    Penny says:

    Lindsee, I can so relate to what you’re going through. When we moved a year ago, I had to leave behind the church I loved so much, the place where I felt comfortable, felt like I belonged, the place that had been a refuge for me in deep trial and storm. I had to leave behind my treasured friends, my Monday night Bible study girls, basically everything that defined my outward Christian experience. I believe God has been using this time to prioritize my inward relationship with Him. It has been a time of sweet fellowship and growth with Him, for that I am most thankful, but my heart still aches for that which has been left behind. We haven’t found a church yet that we feel good about, one that we feel could use our gifts and talents. I will be praying for you in your transition. The girls and I watched four ugly caterpillars emerge from their chrysalis as beautiful butterflies and we came to the conclusion that change is tough, but it can bring glorious things.

    • 3.1
      Sandy Bowers says:

      Can I just say that it warms my heart to read what you wrote about finding a church “that we feel could use our gifts and talents.” As a pastor’s wife, currently going through some rough times at our church, it’s so nice to hear someone who is looking at how they can help/serve the church and the people (thus serving God!)…..not how can the church serve them! Granted, we all need to feel good about where we choose to attend, and we need to feel that our spiritual needs are being met, but how refreshing to see someone asking the RIGHT questions! Having said that, I am praying that you will start feeling some of those “glorious things” and some comfort in knowing that you are on the right path!!!! God’s blessings to you my sweet siesta!

  4. 4
    Sarah says:


    This was so encouraging to me…I’m in the same position having just moved back home from being abroad for a year. The changes I’ve seen are both bittersweet and needed. I’m in the place where I know I’m in the right place and the Lord is working SO powerfully, but there have been some tears shed along the way here as well. I love the new season the Lord is bringing me into…mixing the courage He calls forth from us to go somewhere new with the true security we only find in Him. I think you described it perfectly…it’s hard, but it’s divinely good. 🙂 With you in the change, sister.

  5. 5
    Jo Ann says:

    What a blessing! Don’t give into any homesickness. 🙂

  6. 6
    Kelly says:

    Lindsee, thanks for sharing your heart! Leaving the familiar is never easy, but now that God’s pulled me out of my comfort zone enough times, I can look back and say each time has made my life so much fuller while making me that much stronger as a woman in my faith. Praying for you!

  7. 7

    Love you, Lindsee. And so proud of you.

  8. 8

    Sure am thankful He walks with us into each new season of our lives. How blessed we are to have Him to cling to!

  9. 9
    Gail Morris says:

    This column is my God-THANG for this a.m.! All this week, I’ve been pulled and pushed to start visiting new churches due to some issues I disagree with at my church. I’ve been attending since 2000 and a member since 2003. I’m heavily involved in a single women’s group at this church I’ve called home for many years. My emotions are raw and just reading your post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for this word that encouraged me this morning to do what He is calling me to do. I may not know where or why but I know I must step out of my comfort zone too. May God bring blessings to you for being obedient.
    This shaken child of God appreciates your prayers as I step out into the change where He leads. ;o)

    • 9.1
      Lynnette says:

      Dear Gail, I will pray for you, too, as I pray for Lindsee and others on this blog who are struggling with change. I feel your pain with needing to change churches. Ugh. Much love to you, Sister.

  10. 10
    Julie Ratcliff says:

    I love this post! It expresses perfectly what I went through when I changed jobs and churches. It’s not always easy but it’s always right. You are doing a great job, Lindsee!

  11. 11
    Tara G. says:

    As a military wife, I can certainly relate- we feel this way at least every 2 years- sometimes less, sometimes more…no matter where we go in the world, God is still God and I am so thankful for His faithfulness. What an assest you have been to your former church and now to your new one and LPM! Blessings!

  12. 12
    Jeanette Dahm says:

    I love your transparency about your reactions to this change in your life. It is honest and will inspire others to take a step out to a new future walk with God. Comfort zones are perfect for resting and getting ready for the next adventure. I love the version of the verse too.

  13. 13
    moosemama says:

    You asked Him to move in your midst…and dang if He didn’t….and then you start thinking…”WHY did I pray that”? Cuz if we’re really seeking hard after Him, He will move us and heaven and earth so that we find Him. Not that you ever lost Him…but He can’t use us so well, if we’re all dried up and comfy.

    Be watered and uncomfortable Lindsee! He IS using you! Good for you to learn so young, what has taken some of us many more decades to figure out. You must come from good stock!!

    Melana 🙂

  14. 14
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Thanks for sharing part of your story and your journey with us. Yes, change can be grueling — but when I think back, it’s so often the places of change that are the most exciting, adventuresome, and where I am most keenly aware of God’s Presence.

    Have a blessed day, Lindsee.

  15. 15
    Jen says:

    It’s funny how God does that, knowing exactly what we need to push us to grow toward Him. He moved me halfway across the world to Egypt, to a country where I am the religious minority, where another religion is lived, breathed, and forced at me every day, to gain some grace and mercy for others, and to learn how to love those who don’t know Jesus. And in June He brings me back to Houston after saying I’d never live in the States again. But knowing that I’m going back to my former comfort zone doesn’t mean I feel like I’m going to land right back in it. And I’m glad for it. And girlfriend, if there’s one thing I’m excited about in moving back it’s Tuesday night Bible study. Yahoo! 🙂 And yay for being uncomfortable yet being refined!

  16. 16
    Sherri says:

    Isa. 43 was the verse He gave me for this year also. I had no idea in Jan. that come March I’d be packing up and moving too. Note to others out there, if the LORD gives you Isa. 43:19 start collecting cardboard boxes 😉 Thanks for sharing Lindsee.

  17. 17
    Kathy B says:

    Thank you for sharing, Lindsee Lou. I’ll be praying the Lord brings you through what I believe is a very natural process of grieving for good things God has used in your past. And that He provides you with the new attachments in your new job and church that He created us to hunger for. You are wise to let this be a tender time between the two of you, letting Him meet your needs in deeper ways.
    I’ve heard Beth say that we all naturally resist change. I know I do. You’re giving an encouraging example of taking risks to follow our Leader.
    “Enlarge the place of your tent,
    stretch your tent curtains wide,
    do not hold back;
    lengthen your cords,
    strengthen your stakes.”
    Isa 54:2
    Thanks for not holding back 🙂

  18. 18
    Diane Bailey says:

    I too, have lived in the same city my entire life. It is amazing that even with the same old, same old, He can bring forth new life and new adventures that we never dreamed possible! Congratulations!

  19. 19
    Church Lady says:

    Great post Lindsee. You know if we walk with the Lord long enough we will go through this sooner or later, probably more that once. Praise Him for He makes all things new.

  20. 20
    Mia says:

    Thank you for sharing. Our Abba used it to speak to me so big today. This “theme” has been coming at me for weeks now. Through His word and through His people. You described so perfectly “being stuck yet comfortable and discontent.” God has been so gracious and answered prayers for my family and now I find myself mourning over the changes this answered prayer brings. I know His will is always best and take comfort in that fact. Still, my heart wants to keep looking back. So glad that God is greater than my heart. And that at the end of the day, I’ll never ever regret following His will.

  21. 21
    Jabber Jaws says:

    I read this and totally got what you are saying! So well felt and translated to paper. As for me, I’m in that season where I am praying for CHANGE. The kids changed from private to public school this year and we completely saw God’s hand in it and it was so good. And we believe that part of the plan was a new place to live too. Well, the house has been on the market and I’ve watched lots of homes sell on our street. But, mine is still occupied by us. And, our loving feeling is GONE.
    We are waiting to see where God wants us, but sometimes it is such a challenge! I am constantly reminded that since we are given the choice, I choose to never ever be where the Father did NOT place me. My mantra, one of many. So, we sit in the midst of one change waiting for another so that we can be exactly there.
    Take care pretty girl! I pray that your memories comfort and give you peace you as you move through this change and that the change brings you new lessons and new joys!

    • 21.1
      Lynnette says:

      Thank you so much for the good word: “I am constantly reminded that since we are given the choice, I choose to never ever be where the Father did NOT place me.”

  22. 22
    Sarah says:

    I’m a girl that loves loves loves change! I know – not normal – but how exciting!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  23. 23
    Alisha says:

    TO NEW BEGINNINGS!!!! I needed to hear that verse. You have no idea!!!!

  24. 24
    Amanda says:

    Thank you so much for this post! If only you could have heard my conversation with my husband this morning, you would know I am in that “discontentment” stage where I feel like change must be coming! I am not where I need to be but do not have a clue where He is calling me. It scares me and excites me as well. I know there is more. I know there is some new work He wants for me and my family! You words encouraged me today on a very “down,” confusing, and disheartening day and season in life I am having!

    • 24.1
      mk says:

      Hi Amanda!

      I remeber you being on stage at Deeper Still in Birmingham. Are you from Alabama? I thought I saw you one time in Boaz, Al not long after Deeper Still. I wanted to ask if it was you and tell you (or whoever it actually was that i really liked your hair cut), but thought I might get labled c-r-a-z-y in the case that it wasn’t you….or even in the case it was 😉

      i’ve been such a place of waiting as well. i feel the exact same! just knowing i’m not where i need to be, but not knowing where i’m supposed to be either. i left my church of 5 1/2 years a few months ago, and i haven’t been able to find a place yet. i feel homeless. i also feel stuck and discontent in other areas of my life as well. i feel like i’m on the edge of something HUGE, but i’m just not moveing anywhere right now. i know H

      mk, gadsden, al

      • mk says:

        sorry about that. i’m not sure what happened. my computer freaked out and posted my comment too early. anyways…. I know He wants more from me as far as ministry is concerned, but i have no idea what. i feel very stuck and frustrated over it. i pray you’re season of discontentment ends very very soon!


        • Amanda says:

          Hi Mk!
          Wow, I just thought about checking this blog today and looking back at my comment…so glad that I did! Yes, I am from Boaz, AL and that was me on stage…my glory moment! LOL That is crazy that you even recognized me later on! Thanks so much for the compliment on my hair! It makes me miss it…much shorter now and darker 🙁 As a mom, I got in the “shorter hair” mode and now wish I hadn’t! I can relate with your post about ministry as well…that is exactly where my discontentment is right now! Let’s pray for one another!!! I pray you find another church as leaving your home church must have been so HARD!!! Thanks for your comment! Can’t believe we are so close to one another…about 20 minutes away!!! Cool how the Lord works!!!

  25. 25
    Brandy says:

    Wow! I sure needed to hear that… A few friends and I were just talking about how sometimes we get so comfortable that we start doing things half-hearted. We were challenged by a speaker just this week to “Bring your Best” and expect God to do the rest.

    I dont ever want to get comfortable- God deserves so much more!!!!!

  26. 26
    kimberly mason says:

    thank you lindsee for sharing! what a blessing! look forward to meeting you in january! 🙂

  27. 27
    His Jules says:

    Lindsee – thank you so much for sharing this, I think we all go through seasons of discontent, when God uses change and upheaveal to spur more growth. Usually this growth takes place way outside our comfort zones (or at least this is my experience) I am so glad that you were obedient and willing for God to move you and use you in this new ministry! We are so glad to have you here in Siestaville!

    Cant wait to give you a big siesta hug in January!

  28. 28
    Elaine Johnson says:

    I am in that place now. Something someone said to me makes sense. “God never plants your dream in your comfort zone”. I believe this may possibly be true. Your dream – your purpose – outside of your comfort zone so you HAVE TO DEPEND ON HIM!!

  29. 29

    Tears are literally streaming down my cheeks because I cried the entire time I read this. I was praying for a now word, and when you said, “At the beginning of this year I was feeling stuck, but yet comfortable and discontent all at the same time. Everything around me was so familiar and I wasn’t growing.” that is exactly my world right now. For 18 months, my family has been trying to find our place in life, all the while feeling stuck, restless, and knowing something has been around the bend… only WHAT? Our home is on the market, and we are trying to move to a city that my husband has been transferred to, and the commute is killing us… we can’t wait for God to move in our situation, allow our home to be sold and show Himself faithful… but to be honest, I’ve been questioning that and HIM all day long. To read your words, reminded me that He does have a plan… I just have to wait on his timing.

    Now I have to go blow my nose and fix my makeup. But I really did need the words you wrote, the encouragement it sent… and to be honest… the cry I just had.


  30. 30
    Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing! I moved to a different state in August, and I think the reality of leaving what was comfortable in my old life is really hitting me now. Also, I have to say, good for you for being a part of starting a young professionals’ group at your old church. I find that to be the biggest thing churches are missing, and as a single, 28-year-old woman, I find that I tend to slip through the cracks at churches. This time I kept looking until I found a church that could meet my needs.

  31. 31

    Thank you for sharing your heart. It is as if it was written for me, though I am in the stuck comfortable and discontent stage. I can feel a mighty change coming. Thank you.

  32. 32
    Shelly E says:

    Beautifully written, Lindsee! Thank you for sharing how God has been moving you out of comfort and familiarity and stretching you to be even more of the woman He’s created you to be. Grow with God as you go where He leads you.

  33. 33
    candifer says:

    i adore that passage in isaiah. i spent a year in berlin, germany, doing construction on a new church/helping plant a church in a new part of the city. the church met in a room of the building we were renovating; these verses were on the wall as a reminder. and boy did i need that reminder often! thanks for the post (:

  34. 34
    crystal w says:

    I to have been ripped from my comfort zone….After 20 years of a addiction and abuse filled marriage I have walked away…and feel refreshed…However Guilty. My pastor’s wife and friends at church are there for support, but the guilt is still there. Most days I feel great, then Bam, I am a heaping mess..I had got comfortable in the mother once told me a few years ago”find your comfort Zone…It is how you will survive!”…I didn’t want to JUST SURVIVE! I wanted to breathe…And I pray That I will continue to breathe from now on…even though I am not comfortable!!

  35. 35
    Cindy says:

    Thank you Lindsee. Those were words I really needed to hear. God please move in my situation.

  36. 36
    Gay Tuttle says:

    Hi Lindsee!! I was browsing in a cool, quaint, little gift shop on the Strand in Galveston the other day and I picked up a card that read, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!” I’ve found that to be so true in my journey to freedom and LIFE. I think you’re on the right track. Me too!!! I hope to meet you very soon.

    Together with you on the journey,

  37. 37
    Leanne says:

    I can identify with you 100%, Lindsee! We left our home and all our extended family in Atlantic Canada a year and a half ago to move to Ontario, a two day drive away. For the first six months I cried almost daily and swore this would never be home. I was 1000 miles out of my comfort zone! Then, surprise surprise, I began to make friends! God is blessing us with a great life here, and it is starting to feel like home. Your journey sounds so exciting, and I’m excited for you! Enjoy the ride!

  38. 38
    Nmcgehee says:

    Beautiful writing lindsee. Thanks for being transparent and sharing your heart. I love the verse at the end. What translation is it from? Thanks!

  39. 39
    Janet Zigulis says:

    I have to say this James is one of the best book that I am going to read and have the meterial last night and hope to do the Bible Study on this as well.

    God Bless,

    Chip Zigulis

  40. 40

    Oh GURL! Pretty sure Jesus gave you that scripture just for me! My first book comes out in the next few weeks and to say I’ve been overwhelmed is so much of an understatement it makes me laugh through my tears… like a crazy person.

    I’ve been ripped out of my comfort zone and I have to rely on God because I can NOT do what is in front of me without Him. Writing this Scripture on everything surface in my house. Thanks so much for sharing!

  41. 41
    Madelin says:

    Sweet Lindsee-
    God has used you to speak right to the heart of my circumstances. As I read through your post I kept nodding my head amen to that & double amen again.

    “Ripped from my comfort zone, ripped from my discontent. Reminding me that God knows what He is doing” POWERFUL!!! Then you said…”When I’m comfortable, I’m not growing. When I’m uncomfortable, I cling to Him, which is exactly where I need to be.” GLORY to GOD!!!

    And if all that wasn’t enough your verses at the end was the Scripture God gave me. Thank You, Thank you for this timely word which is a love letter confirmation from Abba. Yet another reason I love Siestaville to pieces. PRAISE YOU LORD!

  42. 42
    Sherry says:

    Thank you so much! I can so relate to discontentment and your thoughts on our Father knowing what challenges us, scares us, journeys hurting and tears being shed. I shed many last night! The verse was profound and yes Sista, I got a Word. Thank you for your obedience! Have a blessed, blessed weekend! That verse is going on the bathroom mirror! Maybe on the fridge too! Hugs!!

  43. 43
    Elisabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Not only is it so wonderful to get to know you, but I really needed your words today. You just shared great wisdom with me without even knowing me. I realized through your post that I’ve gotten too comfortable. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
    You are so lovable and beautiful-I want so badly to hug your sweet neck and sit over a cup of coffee with you! Love you, Siesta Sista.

  44. 44
    Elisabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Not only is it so wonderful to get to know you, but I really needed your words today. You just shared great wisdom with me without even knowing me. I realized through your post that I’ve gotten too comfortable. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
    You are so lovable and beautiful-I want so badly to hug your sweet neck and sit over a cup of coffee with you! Love you, Siesta Sista.

  45. 45
    Cara McKaskle says:

    Hi Lindsee! Wow, now that was something I so needed to hear. Without going into details, I am currently going through the very same thing! It does cause hurt especially when we are hurt in the process. I pray that I never become complacent and apathetic! God is so omniscient! I could feel your words giving my heart a hug! Thank you and glory to God! Bring on the new!

  46. 46
    MIchele says:

    It is so wonderful when God pulls us out of our comfort zone.
    What we may have dreaded, we learn to covet. Covet HIM.

    He is sending me on a trip where He is going to do a lot of changing!! I am so looking forward to getting out of the rut!Praise to the Lord.

  47. 47
    Amanda Cross says:

    I felt a lot like that before I got married. I had been at the same church since becoming a believer and was there over 15 years. My husband was raised Baptist and I was Pentecostal. He wasn’t comfortable with their way of worship and I made the transition before we were married. I struggled with differences in doctrine and though I still keep in contact with some of my old friends, I still struggle making new friendships that are tight. After all, I grew up with my old friends. I hope your old friends support you and don’t treat you differently. In my experience, some people from church distance themselves from people when they leave their fellowship. It really shouldn’t be that way, but all to often it is. My advice is stay in the word and be on guard with your emotions. I find that making multiple big transitions take a toll on me emotionally and physically.

    • 47.1
      Lynnette says:

      Amanda, you made some very insightful observations. I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough transition. 🙁 As I pray for Lindsee, I’ll ask God to remind me to pray for you, too. Hugs to you, Lynnette

  48. 48

    When I started reading your post I resisted the urge to skim down to see if you used my scripture. On January 1 I was on my knees asking God which scripture He wanted me to use as my first Siesta Scripture and He gave me Isaiah 43:19. As soon as He said it I knew it was not just my memory verse but also my new life. I was to move from my church I loved and go with my husband to a smaller church. Its been an amazing year of just holding on while He moves. See you in January at the SSMT celebration.

  49. 49
    Amie says:

    How do you know if you missed God’s answer? We moved to Babylon (D.C. area) 14 years ago and after attending two churches over six years and not fitting in, we continued to make the rounds, but no luck in finding where God wants us to be. You know its bad when you volunteer to do anything and they say they don’t need you!
    I know he has a plan, cause God told me about 10 years ago that He was preparing me for what He wanted me to do, that He has a plan for me. I despair as to when that is going to happen. I know our situation is not unique, I have heard that other people who move here have the same problem, but come on. It is a physical heartache to not have a church home. Am I crying now? Yes. Can someone speak to this topic? Wait upon the lord just does not make sense when He says in His Word that we are to be part of the body. I truly do not know what He is waiting for. Lately, I feel like he is going to wait till I am 80 yrs old and that is a long time from now! I just grieve for a church family. Any words of wisdom?

    • 49.1
      Lindsee says:

      Amie, I’ve asked those same questions in certain situations of my life as well. I am praying for you right now that the Lord would provide a solid church family for you and your family soon. I don’t know if I have any wisdom, but Psalm 84:11 comes to mind when He promises that He won’t withhold any good thing from those whose walk is blameless. He’s not holding out on you. Seek Him in this season, get to know Him even greater. Waiting is hard, isn’t it? I don’t always get it either. You are loved, dear sister.

  50. 50

    Wow, Lindsee! I wonder if this is why He’s never allowed me to be completely comfortable in any of the places that I’ve lived! He knows me too well, and knows that I would just settle into a routine and be completely comofortable there and not really lean on Him like I’ve been learning to do SOOOOOO MUCH! Oh, my! My life has been crazy! But it’s been good, lately, too, at the same time. I’m so grateful that He didn’t let me finish the destructive path I was heading down last spring and summer! He’s shown Himself to me in so many new ways, and I’m so excited every day to see what else He has for me, because for the first time in my life, I am really convinced that I can trust Him! That He really does love me, and wants the best for me!!! I can’t wait to meet you in January at the SSMT celebration!

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