Hey, Sweet Things! I am back to my desk for the first time in almost a week and a half! It was called “Time Off” and I savored it like I do the last foamy sip of a grande dry cappuccino while I’m patting on the bottom of the cup. At first I was just going to stay home for the whole week since Keith couldn’t leave town right then and neither could my main running buddies, AJ and Melissa. Then, my coworkers, Sabrina and K-Mac, conspired on some possible flight arrangements, hotels and even show times if I were willing to take a jaunt to New York City. Last Tuesday, I mentioned it almost in passing to Keith and Lis and both of them said, “GO!!!!” So, I did! I couldn’t even believe it myself. I had plenty of frequent flier miles so the flight didn’t cost one red cent. I called a friend whose daughter happened to be at church camp and she was able to drop her schedule like a hot potato and meet me there. We landed within an hour of one another on Thursday afternoon and hit the ground running. I bet we walked 12 miles in Central Park over our 3 day/2 night stay and talked a hundred miles an hour. It was such an immense treat.
THEN, I flew home on Saturday evening in time to spend the last few days of my vacation with my family. We had our Bayou City Fellowship core-group church service Sunday evening (we open to the public September 11th!!! So exciting!) THEN the biggest thing of all happened: JACKSON STARTED KINDERGARTEN YESTERDAY. Amanda and I had planned for the last several weeks to spend that day together so I headed over yesterday morning and stayed until he got home from school. We made memories that I will treasure in my heart forever and replay in my mind about a zillion times. I am not going to go overboard on it right now because I’m hoping AJ will send me some pictures so I can share them with you. If you’re like me, you don’t just want to hear about a big occasion. You want to see it. SO, hopefully I’ll be able to pitch you a few pictures really soon.
OK, so change tracks with me because I’d love to hear from you about a subject. I’ve been thinking about what a gift a fresh humbling can be. Needless to say, I don’t like one any more than you do. In fact, I can’t think of many things I like less but, if we’re Biblical thinkers, we can have a whole different perspective when a humbling comes. In fact, if we really assimilated what the Scriptures say about it into our belief systems, we wouldn’t wait to be humbled. We’d go right ahead and humble ourselves as fast as we could. Why? Well, for starters…
Luke 1:48 says that God is mindful of the humble state of His servant, so we’re especially full in His mind in our humble condition.
Matthew 11:29 says that Jesus was humble in heart so, with fresh humility, we’re vastly more reflective of the Savior. And, at the end of the day, that’s what we’re doing here.
1 Peter 5:5 says that God opposes the proud but He gives grace to the humble, so, fresh humility not only puts us on the same side of the situation as God (note to self: never a good idea to invite God to oppose you), it also drops open the invisible hatch over our heads till we’re buried alive in grace.
1 Peter 5:6 tells us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and trust that He will exalt us at the proper time. Of course, seeking to humble ourselves so that we’ll be exalted is just pride playing dress-ups but here’s the bright side of the proper vantage point: Sometimes when God humbles us, it’s because He is preparing to exalt His Name through us in some elevated capacity. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)
So, I was just wondering: When was the last time God really humbled you? Second question: Has enough time passed for you to get some insight from Him regarding His purpose for it? If so, let’s hear it. Limit your responses to a good, meaty paragraph so we can read as many of them as possible.
I’ve missed hearing from you! Testify, Girlfriends! You are so loved and appreciated here.
Today in my Bible study, I am doing Kelly Minters study on Ruth, and that was what she was talking about and the scriptures I looked up about being humble and how that is what God wants of us.And then you are talking about it. I hope I am listening to what God wants of me.
Oh, do I hear an AMEN! I read on the internet about ChrisLam, the “new religion” and it scared me so much that I immediately notified my bible study to look into this… I repeated a pastor’s name that was stated in the article, ASSUMING it was correct…. PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT when reading the internet! I had some back up, but not enough and the only LITTLE saving grace is that I was not alone in believing who was involved . The pastor evidentally was quoted incorrectly and was not involved…
Lord Please help this mouth of a teacher!! Thank you for forgiving me my “open mouth insert foot” sinfullness!
About a year ago, my husband was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Thankfully, he is doing wonderfully now, but he is unable to continue working in his current profession of plumbing and heating (because of seizures and exposure to certain chemicals). After much prayer, we knew that God was asking him to return to school to pursue a career in Medical Radiography. However, we are not able to live on my salary alone, and we had to apply for government assistance while Joshua is in school the next two years. This has been incredibly humbling for us, as we are independent and did not want to receive a “hand-out”. It still humbles me as I write this, but a healthy dose of humility is never a bad thing! We know we are obeying God through this transition, and that is what truly matters.
So thankful that he is doing ok. Praise God…
Your story is very humbling and I pray God will comfort you and help you in a special way. You touched my heart. God bless you.
Lindsay — I can so relate to what you mentioned. I’ll be praying for you and your husband through this time of transition. Knowing you are obeying is such a comfort when humbling is on the menu. May God assure you of His pleasure in your obedience!
Sounds like you are getting a much needed HAND UP instead of a hand out!! We all need a hand up and times. This is by God’s design because as much as we like to do things on our own, He likes to remind us of how much we need others
Wonderful how this adversity had brought your husband to his new career and I would also guess you both are more closely abiding in the Vine after all you’ve had to endure with your husband’s illness. Romans 8:28
Thank you, ladies, we appreciate the prayers.
This whole season has definitely strengthened my faith astronomically!
You are a couple, who are so precious to the Lord. Never forget that His eyes are on you. Remember, there are many people praying for you.
Thank you, Diane!! That is so true!
Oh my. I am forever changed by my recent humbling and so glad you brought it up! I am a hairstylist for Jesus and doing hair is my ministry. My big dream is to own a salon and mentor other stylists to minister to their clients as God has allowed me to. Well, I was on my knees praying in the bathroom (long story short) about this said salon. And after walking through some stormy waters with Christ, I felt the liberty to mention to him, “God, I know your power in my desperation, so can I just experience your power in the good from now on?” Got up. Felt Dizzy. Heard a loud bang. Woke up. Realized that bang was my head on the window sill. (I’m trying hard to make it short!) Went to Emergency Room. Got 3 stitches and the ever so stylish white head wrap in my picture (My ear needed pressure). Went home….HUMBLED. 1 Corinthians 10:12 came to mind. “So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” And God used it for good.
I am just as desperate for God in the good times as I am in the bad. On Christ the solid rock I stand ALL other ground is sinking sand. I will stand on Christ at all times no matter what. He is mighty to save and faithful to deliver AT. ALL. TIMES. Can’t wait to see you Friday! God is preparing a harvest as we speak!!!!!!
Oh my goodness Beth, this post was for me.
I have been referring to my past few weeks as a “crash and burn” but when I read your words tonight, there was no doubt about it…a “humbling” is exactly what I have just walked through.My state of mind demanded that I separate myself from opinions, advice and even the comfort of well meaning friends and family and spend some time just listening to God and soaking up His Word. After 3 full days of that, the insight you mentioned is still rolling into my heart but the sweetness of His love came quickly.
The thing that gets me about this is that I really begin to believe that after all these years serving God and chasing after Him, I wouldn’t get slammed like this. Wrong.
I Love those words you referred to “buried alive in grace”.
It is good to remember that in spite of how a good “humbling” can make you feel just plain ole’ “buried alive”, God is still breathing life into dead places–by His grace.
I am 47 years old and have worked in either Youth ministry or Women’s Ministry since I was 18. I am also a former Mid- High School teacher. Because I had worked with youth for so many years and developed wonderful relationships with students, I thought without a doubt that my own kids would be front and center in youth group and just so eager to be the best Christians.
As God would have it, he called us educate our sons now 14 yr and 17 yr old through public school. They have also participated in sports which is a very public arena. That said, God has worked to sanctify my sons and ME in very difficult, challenging ways. WIth all that they are exposed to, we have had to encourage, teach and train where faith meets life. They have not liked or fit at youth group, and while we do worship as a family, their faith has grown in private as they work out what God works in.
I am humbled in that God would not allow me to have it look good on the outside, but thankfully has forced me to train the heart. That is not always fun or easy. Truly I am “face down” humbled at the changes I have seen in my kids, how their faith has grown, and the hearts that they now have for lost friends because of where God planted them and through their experiences. I am humbled that He IS answering all of my prayers, just not the way I expected. I am humbled in the fact that I have had to publicly help them work out tough stuff. God is engraving in my heart Prov. 29:25 “fear of man proves to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.”
Yes, I’ve had a fresh dose of humility lately. I was falling into this attitude towards my husband that was, at the root, selfish and prideful. I wanted him to help me around the house and was wasn’t, so I got started thinking that his NOT doing those things meant that he didn’t love and respect me… so I retaliated by demanding my own way… which is what love does NOT do. Finally just last week the Holy Spirit showed me that wanting my husband to do things my way for me and getting angry when he fell short is really just me being selfish, and that true humility does the things I want my husband to do FOR him (when I can!) out of love for him. It’s dying to self, and living to righteousness. My SELF doesn’t want to do the dishes every night after I cook and serve dinner, but love goes out if it’s way to honor the other person. And it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to bring conviction, not the wife’s.
And wouldn’t you know, when I started putting my husband first, he started magically remembering to honor me by helping around the house. Funny how that works.
Welcome Back, Beth! It was FANTASTIC to see you in Columbus. We are doing lots of PREPARING around here – and loving it.
As far as a humbling event…. I have a dear friend who is extremely humble and so precious to be around. I often “joke” with her that I don’t need an anti-depressant but a humble pill with directions “take one before you open your mouth to speak”. God is doing a major work through prayer and bible study and providing examples of humble women in my life. I am so thankful for women who reach out and speak truth.
Many blessings to you, Beth!
We are currently in the midst of a humbling situation with our oldest child. 18. Headstrong. Going her own way, despite a lifetime of trying to lead her in God’s way. The last few days have been gut-wrenching, as she makes decision after decision that breaks our hearts and pulls her further and further from God and from us. I always thought it wouldn’t be MY kids that went astray. Mine weren’t “typical preacher’s kids”, yet I’ve recently come to realize that was just smug ugly pride. I’m watching her slip through our fingers, and there isn’t a thing I can do about it. I’ve also reacted poorly, been irrational, and probably done more to drive her away, INSTEAD of showing her Christ’s love, despite WAY too much pride (wait– there’s that word again) in my ‘good mothering’ and ability to handle difficult situations. Humbling doesn’t even BEGIN to describe what is going on in my heart right now.
We are going through a season of humbling because of choices our older son has made. My son is a “PK” and was homeschooled for nine years and attended a Christian college. But he chose to disregard our teaching and go the world’s way. Because of a poor choice, he was arrested and our story appeared on the news. We decided to stand before the church to tell our story. It has been very humbling experience, but the body of Christ throughout our city has stood with us. The book “Setting Boundaries with Adult Children” by Allison Bottke has been very helpful. Also the scripture memorization has been a lifeline.
Dear Lily, I to have had this heartache with my son who is 16…while sitting in jail this last May, due to his choices he got saved…but leading up to that moment my heart was so torn. one day I looked at him and said”I will be in heaven one day and God is going to let me shed one tear for you, however you will not be with me, and where you are going you will hear my voice telling you about the Lord and you will see my tears as you walked away each time” that was the hardest thing to say to my own child. I was on my knees every day for his soul.And then a miracle happened in jail several weeks later. He is now in a missions program at our church,paid for by my pastor. Keep praying for your daughter….I began reading “power of praying for your adult children” by Stormie omartian. raising children( I have 4 boys) has been the most humbling thing I have ever done…LOVE YOU SISTER!
I lost my temper. I became unreasonably angry over something minor. I still don’t understand where all the anger came from. I behaved appropriately but not in my heart. It is causing me to really look at areas in my life where I am acting the right way but have not really been transformed (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18). In other words, I’m doing it myself instead of handing it over to Him.
Last Thursday on Aug 18th, my nephew gave my daughter in law a kidney. I am humbled by his servant’s heart, to serve God in such a mighty way, for such a gift of that magnitude. I am humbled by his compassionate heart, and gift of love. I have gratitude for the support of his wife, and children. I am humbled by the suffering he endured for this surgery that gave my daughter in law a healthy kidney. What a great God we serve that orchestrates such a wonderful event when people are willing to serve and obey their Savior.
One of my greatest lessons in being humbled came with a cancer diagnosis. I realize looking back that I was working very hard to “control” my life – and I had fallen into a pattern of eliminating as much risk from my life as possible. I avoided any situation that required me to step outside of what I found “comfortable.” God used my cancer to show me that I never had the control over my life that I thought I did….and that the only real life that counts is the life lived fully and completely for Him – and it may be messy, uncomfortable and risky- but also wonderful. Within a year of my cancer diagnosis, I stepped out & took my first overseas mission trip to Kenya. In just a few months, I’m returning for the third time. Cancer. Such a humbling experience – but I wouldn’t change it for anything. My life is fuller and so much more rewarding today.
Humility seems to be somewhat of a season for me the past week and a half. It started with attending a meeting at the church I work at. That meeting led to me hearing (and briefly believing) the lies of the enemy like nobodies business. When I got home you can believe I was not a happy camper – shucks…I didn’t even make it home good. I spent quite a bit of time crying out to God. During that time He reminded me that He was doing the very thing I had asked him to do just a few days prior to it, just not the way I had planned. Humbled. The next day I received an email from a friend in the ministry. At the close of the email he quoted Phil. 2:3. That day just happened to be August 15th and I hadn’t yet picked a verse. It was obvious to me that Phil. 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourself.” would be my Siesta memory verse. I said it so much that I had it memorized the next day. The enemy is still trying to echo the lies but I’m choosing to let him know he’s wrong. Dead wrong. I’ve been amazed at the number of times I’ve heard a Word or read a message from a friend who has no clue what is going that dealt exactly with what I needed to hear since that day. Of course now I realize that it was all God’s way of saying “Hey, I’ve got a few things to teach you. Let’s jam all of them in a week and a half so it’ll make a greater impact.”
I’m glad He is.
Last year a business my husband and I had invested in and my husband and son and daughter-in-law were employees of completely failed. We have never been in this position, and to say we are humbled is putting it mildly. We have had to learn to allow friends to ‘gift’ us in several different ways. One particular friend was giving me membership in her gym for nothing, and I was having a particularly hard time accepting this. She finally asked me why, and I had to reply that my pride was in the way. She told me to give her a $10 bill each month if that would help…God has shown me dear, dear friends who are there no matter what! Pruning and stripping and sifting are new words in my dictionary!!! Through it all though, God has been so very good. My husband and I are so close, and that is only GOD!!!!
Just today! I said some unkind words to my hubby, not intentionally – but they hurt him nonetheless. And, coincidentally, I was just reflecting on the message from a Living Proof live event last September. The theme was: the word of kindness is on her lips. Just when I think I’ve got it, the Lord humbles me and reminds me that HE’s it and I have to keep learning – day by day. Looking forward to being a part of the simulcast on Sept. 10 th. I’m on the prayer team and have been praying for y’all.
I didn’t have to think too long about this one. I’ve been tutoring Indian teens this year after years of successfully homeschooling our son until he graduated, and then being adrift, trying to find a midlife career, and finding myself in the wrong job a few times. And I have loved working one-on-one with these kids. I wanted so much to make a difference in their lives! Doesn’t God’s Word say He wants people of every tribe, tongue, people and nation standing before Him praising Him one day? So I felt excited to be paid to tutor kids I have complete freedom to witness to. And my first student last year was a beautiful, lovable, 16 year-old drop-out who just happened to be a drug addict. He was a sweet kid, but came from a family of low lifes and criminals; no father, brothers in jail, you name it. And slowly, but surely, despite my best efforts, he just gave up because the addiction was stronger than his desire to get a GED. I felt like such a failure, and was just brokenhearted over this lost kid. It was very humbling. But the great part is, it forced me to go get some help with my codependent “need to rescue.” Jesus is our only rescue! I can’t do His job, but I can be faithful in sharing His love, teaching these young folks well, and leaving the results to Him. I may just be a little seed in these kids’ lives, and I can trust that one day they will find Him if they seek Him. Humbling as this experience was, I’m a little wiser about how to love my students, set wise boundaries, and trust that they will learn from the consequences of their poor choices. This humbling experience caused fruit in many other areas of my life that needed some deep pruning, and I am thankful for the severe mercy of God in this humbling situation.
Not the last, but one of my most memorable. I was sitting in a doctor’s office and he was offering me medications to deal with stress and I refused. I can remember today sitting in that chair thinking – I am not taking those because that would make me just like so and so and I am better than that.
Yes… I know.
Well, He wasted no time showing me just how “not better” than he/she I was. A lesson with me even today.
Hey siesta mama! Welcome back!
Here is my story.
My husband had gastric bypass surgery on August 30th of last year. He weighed 433 pounds on that day and now weighs 195. His weight loss has come at a great price. To make a long story short, he almost died twice and now has a feeding tube in his stomach and walks with a cane because of complications. We both have been brought to our knees during this past year but we have learned so much. Since we are in ministry we thought we were indispencible, but we learned we are not. The Lord has taught us He will use us according to HIS plan not ours.
Praise You Lord!
Love ya!
We experienced a house fire two weeks ago and have been so humbled by the help and gracious attitudes of so many people. We are dealing with a big mess, but have been able to share with everyone how the fire went out by itself while we were gone on a trip. Even the restoration team and firefighters(that saw it after it went out) said this was a miracle. No one was hurt and God is using this as an open door for us to explain his mercy and intervention in our situation as well as other areas of our lives.
One of the things I have always struggled with is recognition. Recognition for what I’ve done. I don’t always need a pat on the back. But I’d at least like my name on the credits. It’s a constant humbling experience when I’m passed over at work even though I am doing just a good a job as another teacher, or when something that is my idea is really effective for what we need and someone else gets credit.
This is something God’s been working on with me. Because when you get right down to it – the heart of the matter is pride. Oh, I could say “I want people to see that I did it and then see that it was God through me.” But really, when you look at it honestly and biblically — it’s pride. God doesn’t need us to put our Christian name on things for people to know He’s been at work. He doesn’t need us at all! He just offers us an opportunity to get in on the work that He is already doing.
Oswald Chambers asks some hard questions. I’d like to have met him. I hope to one day shake his hand and thank him for sharing what God taught him along the way. Oswald Chambers asks, “Are you ready to be not so much as a drop in a bucket – to be so hopelessly insignificant that you are never thought of again in connection with the life you served?”
This sounds harsh. But it gets to the route of my issues. Are you ready to let go of your pride? Are you ready to let go of the idea of leaving your mark? Are you ready to be used by God? Are you ready to be poured out as a drink offering?
We hope that we can make a difference in the life we lead. But really, we just have to be ready for God to use us. He may ask us to submit and surrender and we may never see the fruit of our labor and people may never know what we have done there. But God will. And in the end, that’s truly all that matters.
Loved this! It really encouraged me and challenged me too. Thanks.
Last time God humbled me? RIGHT NOW! I am going through Living Beyond Yourself online and just finished the week on gentleness and how sometimes God “tells” you something is coming and when it does, He is saying, “Bow down! Submit to Me!” There has been a particular issue for the last year or so that I have been just “saying the right words about” but not truly humbling myself before God about it and after those lessons on gentleness, He opened my eyes to my need to REALLY humble myself before Him. And while I don’t know what promise is on the other side of this, I know He is calling me to bow down, humble myself and submit on this one… And I’m not going to fight it anymore! As painful as it is, step by step, He is changing me and I’m SO grateful!
I am in the midst of a very humbling time. In July my husband of 41 1/2 years blindsided me by telling me he wants a divorce. He said he had been planning it for 2 years. It has devastated our kids and our church family. He was a very prominent Bible teacher there. I moved into an apartment, got a job and am trying to deal with this experience. God has humbled me greatly by bringing so many people to reach out to me with prayers and support. I have been given many gifts and gift cards to get my apartment set up, some from people who are just casual acquaintances. It is certainly more blessed to give than receive, and requires a much more humble attitude. I can’t express the pain this is causing, but I pray for God to bring good out of it somehow. People keep saying it will get better. I pray they are right.
Just recently God asked me to step down from a very thriving ministry with youth at my church. I was as shocked as could be and wrestled with God but He made it abundantly clear that I had to be obedient and also humbled. I went to the altar at church one morning before to ask God to help me with my anger and later that day the answer was to “resist the urge to continue” even if it was a good thing. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Well the following week I went to Deeper Still Even in Louisville to hear Priscilla Shirer speak exactly those words to me. He wanted to make sure it was loud and clear I needed to be humbled before Him and trust that His plan is always the right way no matter how good it seems to this world. It has been tough and I am in mourning for my passion and love for teens but knowing that “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Rom 8:18 keeps me focused on His glory and not my own…Praise you, King Jesus, praise you!! I know not what lies ahead but that is humbling to me to trust but He does and I await the “double portion”!!
About a year and a few months ago my Pastor started a series he called The Cistern Series. God has brushed my heart a few times about this same subject over the years but I did not see it clearly untill then. I do not like conflict and will rearrange my whole life to avoid it. In other words I get in God’s way . Last summer I spent going over and over the scripture My Pastor shared there were many and I would have to get my sleepy self up and go find my notes to tell them to you. What a great and hard humbling time for me. I am so thankful for a Pastor that is telling the truth so I can grow.
On another note our Precious Caitilin is starting Kindergarden too. Her ARD Meeting is Friday then she will start Monday. She is walking with a walker and is one of the greatest blessings God has ever given to our family.
Well I have an amazing testimony about this very subject. Even my Scripture Memory Verse for July 1st was James 4:10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up”
And on July 23rd He did that very thing I had been praying about for so long. It took me humbling myself to be transparent with the people I am usually praying for, to allow them to come pray for me!
This is the video testimony of our story if you want to hear it:
The part that was left off the end of this video is that the day I was given this news I had just been reciting my memory verses and the one from April 15th was Eph.3:20 MSG
“God can do anything you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!”
I said back to God, “I don’t know Lord,you gave me a pretty good imagination and I can think of several ways our situation could be resolved.” I think He laughed at me, because 2 hours later I was told an amazing word that changed everything for our family.
Besides the part on the video about the house, we were also able to repair our old van and give it to my dear friends who are planting a church in San Antonio, and needed a second vehicle. (She is a fellow Siesta too!!)
I’m moved to our new area and waiting on God to show me what his next plan is for my life, but I will not forget how He worked in our lives ever!!
In Christ,
Funny you ask about this..
I was in Columbus and was lucky enough to find a very close seat on Friday night!! I went to that seat on Saturday and decided to move last minute. How sad was I when you walked to the very seat I was in the night before and had a little meet and greet with some lucky ladies!! As soon as my jaw hit the floor, God asked me “are you here to see Beth or hear my very personal message for you?”
Conviction in a moment of idol worship!
How this humbled me?
I wanted so bad to come home and say that I was “this close” to Beth Moore and show my stolen moment picture of you not even inches from me. I am still glowing from hearing you live, and you better believe I bragged about it! lol But I also came home and bragged about His presence in the seat right next to me through the whole event =D
Yes. Now. And as humility often does, it is coming from an unexpected place. I am trying desperately to finish potty training my 3 year old son, who truthfully is almost 4. I have successfully trained 3 other children. God is using this experience to wreck me in a fresh way. After weeks of washing tons of poopy undies and toilet seats and clothes and bottoms, of begging, bribing, pleading, lecturing, storying, dancing about the benefits of the potty, I have been more than exasperated.
God is humbling me through this process, reminding me of what it means to really serve. Every time I get my hands dirty in my son’s mess and get frustrated with him, I hear the Spirit remind me of how Jesus wasn’t afraid to get in mine – and not just once. Every time I want to get frustrated with why my son won’t get it and let go of something he wasn’t made to hold onto, I’m reminded of what it looks like when I refuse to let go of something God asked me to. When I see my son’s bottom red and raw from holding it all in, I’m reminded of how much pain I self-inflict when I try to hold all my junk in. I am humbled at seeing how quickly I can become impatient or overwhelmed, failing to exhibit the same grace and mercy I have been so lavishly shown.
I am continually humbled by my children, especially my oldest (aka my “mirror”). I heard him hollering something at his little brother a few days ago and I was absolutely horrified to realize the words were some that had come out of my own mouth in a different situation. Ugliness…in my own heart that I’ve passed down to my children…so thankful for God’s grace that covers even this situation. I can have a pretty sharp tongue and the Lord uses situations like these to remind me to DAILY tame that beast.
About a year before my Dad died he asked me to trim & file his toe nails. In my pride, I told him I didn’t do feet. Well,almost immediately it seemed like every lesson, every class, every sermon I heard was on being a servant and washing feet. I prayed for forgiveness & asked God in His mercy to allow me any chance to serve others by washing their feet & I promised Him I would never refuse again. Six months later as my father-in-law lay semi- conscious in a hospital bed, he roused enough to ask me to please put lotion on his feet. I couldn’t rise fast enough to grab my very best hand cream & generously & gently massaged it into his dry feet. The tears flowed freely as I thanked God for my ” do over.”. My father-in-law met the Lord face to face 3 weeks later. Six months later, almost a year since the original request, my dad asked me to trim his toe nails & this time I couldn’t get my things together fast enough as I gave him the best pedicure my untrained hands could give. He died about 1 month later. I will forever be thankful that God humbled me and taught me a very valuable lesson that I will never, ever forget, but He also gave me a second chance after I messed up. Praise Him!
You know, for the longest time I thought I had it all together. Everything was working just right – and I think I started to believe that some it had to do with me. Well, God showed me that the only way I will get good things in my life is through him. My husband told me of his childhood sexual abuse by an older brother at age 8 that had led him to a life-long pornography addiction…as a child he convinced himself that looking girls would keep him “straight”. Well, I married him not knowing any of his deep pain and the incredible pit of depression that has engulfed him for years… needless to say everyday I have to trust in God to get us through. Having been married for 15 years now to a severely depressed, almost incapacitated husband, is completely exhausting. I pray that God just helps me keep putting one step in front of the other… because I do not have it all together. Please pray for us and our children.
After 17 years of being a stay home mom I felt God calling me back into the work force. I applied for a lot of different jobs at a nearby Christian University. After a couple of weeks I received a call to come in for an interview for job prospect #1. The interview went great. I answered all their questions with out tripping over my words, made them laugh and I knew that I had nailed that interview. I received a call for another interview for job prospect #2 (less money than #1) – I remember walking out after the interview thinking what in the world just happened. I couldn’t get a sentence out without stuttering and I could barely answer their questions with any clarity. I was a nervous wreck. I left thinking it was a good think the other interview went well and that if I heard back from them it would be all God. I received a call back from job #1. Again the 2nd interview went smooth. Well you know where this is going I didn’t get job #1 but I start tomorrow at job #2. God is Good!
Honestly, humility happened for me from inside the pit.
I had to realize that being angry at God for putting me there was meaning that I wasn’t seeing the full picture. Sometimes we are just going to find ourselves in the pit due to obedience. It will only be pride that keeps us there when we we place blame on our circumstances.
And the only way I came out of it was realizing that God alone was the only one that could get me out.
And that just because someone relates to your story doesn’t mean they will be any help in getting you out…misery loves company.
I am a Scripture Memorizing Siesta and here is one of my verses from this year…
Deuteronomy 8:3
“He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does live on bread alone but from every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
My most recent humbling has come on the heels of my two boys leaving within two days of each other. Needless to say this was too soon for this Mom. One headed back to college for his sophomore year, the other for his first “real” job after graduating college. I did not realize how much space these boys took up in my heart. I didn’t realize how much I crazed the bread that they offered me and gave so freely. Oh sure, I knew that they were the best and that I was having an absolute blast with them all these years but I didn’t realize how dark the world would become when these bright lights left home so quickly. My level of compassion for several dear sisters who are dealing with losses of their children through death and unhealthy choices has escalated beyond belief. I heard what they hear everyday, nothing. I felt what they feel everyday, my knees hitting the floor. I saw what they see everyday, an empty house.
Tough stuff. I am humbled by God’s goodness to mother these boys of mine. But also at how quickly things change and seasons end. I am humbled by our God who can gently lift each of us up, one knee at a time and pour hope and a future back into our lives through His word.
I have been hearing you online and think that you are very comforting and what you say is true.I am going through a lot of problems right now,but with your encouragrment I can hold on and hope for a better day.The Lord did not promise every day to be rosy,but there is something to be said about being alive and relying upon God to work things out.I believe in you Beth,you are a special person.I wish I could meet you in person and find out how you really are,but this blog is enough for now.You are a great and mighty warrior for The Lord and your prayers for me would be appreciated-I love you and your family and my prayers are with you.Have a good day,o.k.?See you.
I was told by my son’s girlfriend that I was not a sincere person and that, through my words and actions, I was judging her. After some sincere sole searching, I realized I was judging her. A very humbling experience. I have apologized and hope and pray we can work through this.
I’m simultaneously relieved/ashamed/worshipful when a fresh humbling comes up. Quite honestly I’m embarrassed of what an ugly heart I’ve had. I am also beyond blessed and in awe that God has seen fit to purposefully place the sweet people in my life that he has and that He cares enough to “fix” me. One big-time humbling was at the LPL for Minister’s Wives in Nashville… however many years ago that was. That would take more than a meaty paragraph to get into, but suffice it to say it was a pivotal moment. On a lighter note, I truly believe that God “blessed” me with looking young to keep me humble on a regular basis and to teach me how to exercise grace toward others(I’m 28… I may have passed the looking 12 mark to looking 16 now ;-). To learn how to just show the love of Jesus and not feel like I have to “show off” to strangers that I AM a college graduate (8 years ago actually),I’m NOT an unintelligent naive youngster, I’m NOT an unwed teenage mother, I am not babysitting I’m parenting, it IS perfectly appropriate for me to give that church’s youth pastor a hug because he is my HUSBAND and I am not one of his students, why yes I am competent and old enough to operate the emergency exit aisle on the airplane… you get the picture. The list goes on. For miles. I’m told I’ll appreciate this “blessing” when I’m older.
Dear Beth
I don’t mind telling you this because I think of you as a old family friend all though we have never met. My last truly humbling moment was this April. I had been struggling with some temptations and they were staring to get the better of me. My college department was attending the passion confers in Dallas and me being the good deacons daughter went along. I had a horrible attitude, a good friend of mine had died the week before and I was really not in the mood to be in the Lords presence to be honest I was made at Him. Then on Sat right before that nights service God broke me! My mother called our leader which was weird because I didn’t even know she had her # she didn’t get her so when we saw the missed call I called her back. As soon as she answered the phone I knew something was very wrong because she had her stern teacher voice on. She quickly told me not to worry but my Dad (Who is Super Man) had had a heart attack and was in surgery. Now I am not a crier, but I wiped! She told me to go on to the confers and that I would be home the next day and that she had everything under control. So I did and that night John Piper talked and my heart was reopened to God for the first time in years. It was like God said”you think you don’t need me, you think you don’t have any weaknesses yeah we’ll see.” That night I was so broken and humbled about my attitude and my actions. I praise God for that! My Dad was fine and that within its self was a metrical but How God is moving in my life every day is a blessing.
Funny. I’ve been learning about humility a lot lately. One incident comes to mind immediately. It was a huge “Aha” moment for me spiritually. Up until a few weeks ago, I had never “karaoked” in my life. Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE karaoke. I am everyone’s biggest fan in the audience. I have just been too self-conscious of my inability to carry a tune to ever give it a try. Anyway, a few weeks ago I got bamboozled onto the stage with a friend and stumbled my way through Taylor Swifts “You Belong To Me”-which I sing pretty well in my car, if I do say so myself. It was painful on stage. I remarked to my friend a few days later,” I wish I could just get up there and have fun-not care- and sing it like we do in the car. How do I get over myself?” He looked at me and said “Humility”. Boom. All of these things that I never try came rattling through my brain. I always blame insecurity-not pride as what keeps me from freedom. So anytime I start to get nervous or anxious about trying something new I can hear the Lord whisper “Humility” and I let go and try. It has been life changing for me.
This is not recent, but the most powerful, so I have to share. Actually it was 40 some years ago, early in our marriage. I didn’t feel my in-laws were fond of my family, so in my haughtiness felt very comfortable putting down a family member with my words. You can fill in the blanks/details and exact family member because it isn’t important. As soon as the words came out of my mouth my mother-in-love looked shocked and defended my family lovingly and put me in my place, praise God. My mother-in-love was not a believer but spoke as if she was God, and squished every bit of pride and self-righteousness right out of me at that moment. I have never forgotten the lesson and praise God for it. Though her words bit me and I felt the pain, they also endeared me to her as she was honest and loving and showed great wisdom and put me in my place. That was a life-changing moment.
Humbling happens to me on a regular basis like TONIGHT. However, the last knock me to the ground and not sure I’m really over it yet humbling was three years ago. I messed up, yup it was my bad but it was NOT met with grace from the others involved even when I begged for it. It was a very painful pit to crawl out of. Nothing but nothing strengthens my faith walk like having the ground gone out from underneath me and it was. It redefined me as simply GOD’s daughter who would follow Him REGARDLESS. Once again, with GOD I was all in and clinging to the Saviour who was mighty to save. There is Nothing like a humbling to give clarity to His gracious salvation. Today I am grateful it all happened.
I was driving home this evening from a meeting re. our home school group thinking I hadn’t heard from Miss Beth in a while. So glad you had a sweet time in the Big Apple with your friend! Looking forward to seeing those fabulous pictures of your darling kindergartener!
Has God humbled me? It actually makes me laugh a little out loud because my oh my…has he!! The last two years of our life can be summed up like this I think: Job loss, savings depleted, car repossessed, uprooted from church and people who are familiar, difficult marriage (to name a few). Some things I’ve learned through this time: GOD IS IN CONTROL!! I know the things of this world will fade away. I know through this difficult time, God is teaching and showing me how to store up treasures in Heaven so moth and rust do not destroy. I know that these LIGHT and MOMENTARY troubles are achieving for me a glory that FAR outweighs all these temporal things of earth and this life.
I am encouraged and uplifted by the entries I read…God bless you my sisters in the LORD! <3
My humbling experience came when my reputation was smeared through false accusation and the realization that once this fire was started I had no control over it. As a well known minister this experience was devastating and hurtful and it revealed to me how much importance I had placed on what others thought about me. Thank God for family and ministry colleges who stand with you in the battle. God used this process to smash any pride I had until I came to a place where I was satisfied with what God thought about me and not what man thought about me. I’d like to say I was a willing student to this process but for many months I kicked and screamed at the injustice until I realized that non of my efforts could change anything. Through this journey I would hear God ask – Who are you living for? Who’s approval are you after? When I allowed God to fight for me I began to experience the restoration that God promises his servants in Isaiah 61. Lessons learned – keep your eye fixed upon Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith.
For the past few years, the Lord has been walking me through a season of remaining quite and in Him while a few people in my life are allowed to speak untruths about me, which in effect is stunting my ability to walk into the ministry He has for me . My regular human response would be to stand toe to toe with my accusers and fight until one of us (okay, honestly in my heart it is always them) is bleeding. While praying (AKA complaining as it were) a few days ago about “these people” the Lord replied to my “prayers” with a question. That question was “Who wins?” When you are angry, hurt, mad, judgmental, proud, when you hold a grudge, embrace on offense, let others define who you are, etc…..”Who wins?” He humbled me in this area and now when faced with these feelings or these thoughts I am asking the Lord, “Father, give me clear vision to see past my pride, past the offense, past the hurt and to ask “Who wins?” If the answer is satan, Father, help me to resist the temptation to be hurt or take offense. That way, Father, you win!” A few years ago a wise older friend shared her life prayer with me. She says it each morning and I have made it a part of my morning prayers as well. It is simply this, “Father, help me today to change my mind about the things that You and I don’t agree upon.” Humbling prayer indeed! Really helps me put things into perspective!
God has humbled us in this economy! With both my husband and I being self employed, we have had to fully rely on God everyday! He has shown us that iIF we just trust in Him and stay in His Word, He WILL supply all of our needs! We have also stepped out in Faith with our tithing and He has not failed us! We are so thankful that He is so Alive in our lives!
Psalm 25:9
“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.”
Thank you Lord and thanks Beth for the reminder that God wants us to stay humble and always seeking Him!
I too am unexpectedly abandoned w/4 kids. I am finding that my teens, as they grow & apply the wisdom I’ve tried so hard to teach, are calling me to the carpet on some of my behaviors. When they are young & sweet, their corrections are so easy to take since it’s “cute.” When the truth comes with a teenage edge to it, I’m finding it harder, especially when so much seems understandable in my mind b/c of these difficult circumstances. God is so patiently working on it with me…changing my victim-mentality to an “I’m a daughter of He Who has overcome the world!” attitude. Knowing Whose I am helps me to bow to Him in humility to others. I am thankful for the urgency He has placed on this process, thinking of the short time my eldest has before he graduates. I want to finish well.
Humbled when I fully see that He is God and I am not. Like when I have tried my best to answer my own prayers and failed. Then God comes in and answers them so much more beautifully that I could even think to pray.
!. I Was so poor in spirit that i could not even tell of Chirst to others vs now I teach Bible studies
2. I was so poor in finances that I had one dress and was on food stamps, now God has given me more than enough clothes and food.
3. I had an abusive husband, now I have a godly husband.
Only by the hand of God, I am so humbled that He thought I was worth saving and helping.
My best friend had an affair with my husband and he confessed it to me and we went for help and with God’s grace my marriage is better then ever, but I never faced my friend I told her via email that I knew but never saw her again for 3 years. So we went to a birthday party and there she is and I had to face her, but we ignored each other. At one stage she walked past me and I felt the Holy Spirit saying, tell her to put the past in the past so we can go on with our lives. I did it and she just walked away saying nothing I felt so embarrassed, to humiliate myself like that about an half an hour went by and I wanted to leave when she asked me to talk and said, she can’t look me in the eyes because she can’t believe that I’m forgiving her for what she has done to me so I told her that I did forgive her and I still love her with the love of Jesus. On your second question He wanted me to do it so He can show her that the Lord I’m proclaiming to love is alive and love her to and want to be part of her live.
I am a people pleaser. I have known that for a long time, but God recently revealed to me that I have gone so far as to make others’ opinions my idols. He showed me that my every action was driven by what I thought others were thinking of me. Ouch, is that humbling, and hard to overcome. It’s been a year now since He revealed this to me and many relationships are marred because I’m now choosing God’s way instead of doing what others want.
Galatians 1:10 “Are you now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or are you still trying to please men? If you were still trying to please men, you would not be a servant of Christ.”
Somedays I feel like Jonah, sitting on the beach in whale vomit-happy to be alive, ready to do God’s will, but smelling really bad.
That pioture of Jonah – priceless!
I think we all get to that point one way or another – “sitting in whale vomit – happy to be alive…”
Thanks for sharing! I got a good chuckle and think there is wisdom in those words!
This one was hard — I could site two or three different events but this one is my most recent and a bit of a twist.
Last year I was called at work (school teacher) out of the blue and asked to take a wonderful, promotion to a position where I will work with students in the classroom and on the job. It was a job I had heard of, had taken the coursework to qualify to do, but never pursued b/c it’s hard to attain. They called me! I was humbled, felt priviledged and felt that where much is given much is required. I’m still humbled that I can do what I love and have a position where I can truly pour in to specific lives and families to help students made the huge tranisition from school to work. For some of these students there are challenges and hurdles that must be overcome; for others life comes a bit easier.
Yes, I can say that “I’ve paid my dues” or that “it was my turn” but the point is that I was called, I was selected or suggested. This was not a position I had to manipulate to get, not something I had to pray over and beg God to give me. It was ordained if I can use that word.
I’m still humbled and pray daily for effectiveness, for wisdom, for energy. I pray I’m alwasy humbled over the specialness of being thought worthy to carry an important torch. May I never take the responsibility lightly and may I be highly effective in Jesus name — that is a tall order and loops me back to being humble and on my knees.
Humbling over and over in the past 10 months with our military move to foreign country. Pride in what I know exposed as suddenly I don’t even know what street signs say. Pride exposed as I struggled with telling peeps my giftings, which has not been an issue before. God telling me a firm REST spoken even through my husband that this place will be a place of REST 4 me. Pride evidence in wanting to promote myself despite the rest mandate, which is so unlike me, it actually left me broken and without words to see it so clearly in me. Over and over God unearthing hidden pride both old and new. My man telling me he has to save me from myself sometimes with what I’m willing to do for “good” things. Perspective is that I always ask God to keep me humble only the humbling is pretty ugly when it is continually happening. Root it out, God. I’m one of UR girls so root out pride, God!