Treasure in an Old Desk Drawer

Last week I was looking through the drawers of an old desk in our den that has become a catch-all of sorts through the years. Maybe you have one of those, too. It’s where you stick everything you really want to keep but have no time to file. I was searching for a picture of our house the year we bought it so that I could work it into a decoupage of our many years here. Ultimately, I found the picture elsewhere but I stumbled on a treasure while rummaging around in that drawer that sent me into a tailspin of memories.

First, the back-story because I bet some of you can relate.

I well remember being in the throes of family life and wondering from season to season whether or not we’d even make it. Or, if we made it, would we be glad we did?? Life is hard as it is. It’s even harder when two people have as many problems as we did. Both Keith and I brought heaps of issues into our marriage. Some we fell victim to. Some we inherited. Some we created. Some we earned through our own sinfulness and stubbornness. Some we passed right on to our beloved children, God forgive us. Like many of you, the odds were stacked against us and I knew – I’m saying I absolutely KNEW – that Jesus was the only way we were going to make it. Furthermore, He was not likely to do it without us.

The quandary was how we were going to head a certain direction if my man didn’t necessarily want to take the lead. What happens, sisters, when you (who are moms) feel strongly that your children need to be led a certain strong (Biblical) direction but you do not want to usurp your husband? And he’s not feeling so led? Even as I pose that question, I know full well that our simple blog format is not big enough to come up with crystal-clear, no-fail answers to those loaded questions. Yet, it’s part of our family story and a part my man does not mind me sharing. He’s never been much for bull. Or pretense, if you like that word better. Keith walked the aisle as a public profession of faith and was baptized right before we got engaged and, as clearly as I knew, that’s all that mattered. That might explain the timing. Grin. It was real. But it was also a prerequisite.

My man is a believer in Jesus Christ. He bears fruit of the Holy Spirit’s activity. He has often prayed over me and over our family with a power that left me bug-eyed and bereft of natural explanation. But he has still been very much his own man with his own idea of how he wanted to practice his faith. He was a maverick. He’s still a maverick. The harder you push him, the slower he goes. He sets his own pace or he walks alone. He is also God’s chosen man for me…and my chosen man before God. I cannot imagine my life without the likes of Ivan Keith Moore.

Rewind 15 or so years to those days when we had young adolescents under our roof who not only needed human direction (which both parents gave), they needed divine intervention. So did their parents, and in the worst way.

I did lots of reading in those days just like I do now. I’d read about how many godly homes practiced what they called a “family altar time.” They prayed together on a regular basis and maybe the parents even led in a family devotion. We didn’t do anything like that except when we were in a full-on crisis. (I am so thankful that we did it then, needless to say. I don’t want to be harder on us than our history really calls for.) We did a little more moderate version of “the family that prays together stays together.” Keith and I prayed at mealtime with our kids and, then, on numerous other occasions when something called for an extra measure of attention. I guess one of the most spiritual things we did along the way was simply ask for forgiveness when we were idiots to them or in front of them.

I’d long-since been practicing a morning quiet time and certainly prayed for my family members then but I knew that the greater victory in our family was somehow going to involve all of us…some how, on some level. I’d learned through the years that guilt-tripping your husband into spiritual leadership wasn’t going to bear much fruit or last over the long haul. And let me just go ahead and say the embarrassingly obvious. Would the man ever have done it consistently like I thought it should be done???? Could he have lived up to whatever expectation I had? I assure you, this man got more than he bargained for when he married. He had not signed up for all of this.

So, what was a woman to do?

I was stuck on the whole family altar thing. I’d convinced myself that it was the key. (I’m not saying it was. I’m just saying that I believed to the bone that it was.) “Family altar” was the buzz phrase of all the families that seemed to be doing it right. (It’s interesting how spiritual terms have fads, isn’t it?)Β  So I figured out how we could have an adaptable experience without Keith being forced to take charge of it or me taking authority over him in the eyes of my children (or, as importantly, in his own eyes).

I got an idea.

I set up a little altar area on the hearth in our den. It had a journal for recording any prayer requests that members of our family wanted to share. It was solid gold to me. Sometimes they’d write “unspoken” and you know what that does to a nosy mother. What they didn’t realize is that, most of the time, Mom had already figured out that “unspoken” request. I also set out an age-appropriate devotional book on the hearth.Here is a picture of our makeshift “family altar.” The only reason I have this picture is because our dogs loved to lay on the cushion that I’d set out. We used to say they were having their quiet times.

I also got up earlier than the rest of the household in the morning and chose a verse for that day for our family. Most often I’d select it from my own time with God but sometimes circumstances dictated the choice. I’d write the Scripture with a Sharpie on an index card then lay it out on the altar. Everybody in our family was invited to kneel at that altar one at a time when they first got up in the morning. (Well, OK, only Keith was really “invited.” The girls were strongly urged. As their mother, I could full well take that authority over them.) After they read the verse, they were asked to sign the index card.

So, this is what I found the other day in that old desk drawer: Scripture card after Scripture card after Scripture card after Scripture card.

Some of them were signed by all four of us:

It was okay to be a little silly and even throw in an occasional nickname. Keith alone knows why he tagged Amanda as “Rooter” when she was a little kid. Most of our nicknames have morphed into much weirder tags in recent years.

A number of times Keith opted out and that had to be fine, too.We weren’t his boss.

On occasion, it would just be two of us:

Or another two of us:

Sometimes I’d add a little extra encouragement because it would break my heart wide-open with love to see those young teenage girls taking their turns at that altar in their jammies.

One girl obviously didn’t get to see that encouragement that morning.Laughing. I love them both so much.

It was a very imperfect shot at the whole thing. In fact, I can’t convey strongly enough that I hope you’ll receive this only as a simple short story in the lives of God and a family of four Moores. It’s not meant to be an example of a discipline you should take up. It was too messy to turn into a science. It’s just what worked for a season for us. We still made it on the grace of God alone.

I glance back over my shoulder at those turbulent years and recall a home bulging with hormones and woes, fears and foes, maybe too many yeses and not enough nos. Like every woman, I wish I could cut and paste our family story into all that sparkles and nothing that stinks. Like most women, there are a few things I wish I could blot out. Maybe more than most women, I have some sizable regrets. But, that day last week when I went looking for a photograph in that old desk drawer, I found a whole handful of our family life, held it close to my heart, and remembered.

Deuteronomy 4:23 “Be careful not to forget…”

1 Chronicles 16:12 “Remember the wonders He has done…”







426 Responses to “Treasure in an Old Desk Drawer”

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  1. 51
    Yanna Westmoreland says:

    Whew, tears streaming, again, you have a way of doing that to me Beth, and laughter which mends a broken heart really fast. I loved how you set up an altar and it was actually used! God bless God. πŸ™‚ Perhaps marriage homework study is in the making?

    On another “note” PG Tips tea at an Indian Grocery (google for one in your area) $12 for box of 180 and they sell it in bags too. I am now a bonafide PG Tips girl thank you.

  2. 52
    Shelly says:

    Beth, you have no idea how much I needed to hear just this today. I am grateful for your openness and vulnerability. It has been a Word directly from the Lord during a season of struggle. I am reminded that my hope is in Jesus and HIM ALONE to redeem and restore the years the locusts have eaten…

  3. 53
    Redeemed says:

    Miss Beth,
    During a crisis time in our own gloriously messed-up family, I did something similar. Not nearly as elaborate, that’s for sure, but the jist was the same. I have several stacks of bright neon cards with the signatures of our daughters underneath the Scripture of the day, and I remember that time, anxious and stressful as it was. I have concrete (well, paper) hands-on proof that the faithfulness of God has been evident in our family’s life. I think I’ll go pull them out of their box today, and praise Him again!
    Thanks for the word. HUGS!

  4. 54
    Kathy G says:


  5. 55
    Faith says:

    Thank you for this encouraging post!!!!

  6. 56
    Annie L says:

    Thank you for sharing and being so honest!! It’s so encouraging to hear people’s stories! I think you did a fabulous job!!

  7. 57
    Lyli says:

    This was a blessing to me, Beth. Thank you. We are trying to have a family, and if God shows up for us in a miraculous way (as only He can!), I plan to incorporate this in our home with our little one. My hubby and yours sound a lot a like — steady, hardworking and faithful with a private faith.

  8. 58

    Beth, what a wonderful idea for a family devotion time. Thanks for sharing this tid-bit from your past. I bet that was a treasure to find. I’m following along in your Inheritance series. It’s been a blessing. Thanks, Siesta!

  9. 59
    Dana says:

    What a precious note to us. I feel like we’ve been dear friends and sisters for such a long time. I remember somewhere along the way that you did the altar and tried to picture it in my mind. I did think about doing something like that only never did. In the summertime, I chose a Bible verse for the day and the children printed it and wrote it in cursive and then sometime during the day quoted it to me. They were sweet times that are memories now for me as well. I always think of those times like Mary when Jesus was little and she stored those treasures in her heart. Don’t ya just thank God for memories?

    Thanks for sharing again. I know you have a birthday coming or just had it. Happy Birthday, Beth!

    Love you, your family, and your staff

  10. 60
    Nichole's Mom says:

    Thank you for sharing. I’m going through that right now and God has informed me that it’s His turn to be the voice in their heads (smile)…

    Thank you for being real for us. Thank you for loving us that much! We love YOU like crazy!

  11. 61
    Sarah says:

    Momma Moore…what an encouragement! The Lord and I are in one of those “family alter” times right now…I’ve been abroad for the past year and feel like I have lost so much while I’ve been away and helpless to stop it :/. BUT, the Lord is doing mighty things in this heart and it’s nice to know HIS mercies don’t have to spend 2,000 dollars on a plane ticket :).

    This encourages me that even though to date this has been the hardest time of my life especially in feeling so alone and being heartbroken due to things ending. That with the Lord’s healing and guidance I will (and have already started to & I’m still in a foreign country, Bless His Name!) be able to look back on this and say “it is well with my soul.” and look forward to the next season (or quilt patch as my gmama would say) and the life heartbreaks that come with it secure in the love and power of the plan He has for the beautiful patchwork quilt that is our lives :).

  12. 62
    Sue in Georgia says:

    Thanks, Beth, for sharing this. I needed this reminder this morning so very much. The devil tried to attack me this morning through a family member. You sharing this about your family brought memories of our family to me and
    the scriptures you shared blessed me greatly! Thank you and Praise the LORD.
    Deuteronomy 4:23 β€œBe careful not to forget…”

    1 Chronicles 16:12 β€œRemember the wonders He has done…”

  13. 63
    Eposi says:

    Only the Lord! How like Him to give you wisdom to honor Him in your family without dishonoring Mr. Keith. He is so faithful and is the way maker!

    Your talk of having an altar took me down memory lane as well, reminding me of a unique altar my twin and I came up with during a particular season. A little background: we became believers around 16 and God began a transforming work in us. He provided us with a Bible through a neighbor, and gave us such a hunger for His Word. We spent hours just reading it. This began to concern our dad. Out of fear that his daughters could become fanatics, he discouraged us from reading too much of the Bible. To avoid trouble, we had to come up with a place where we could spend time with the Lord without being seen (our bedroom was not an option because we had to keep the door open most of the time). We found a great alternative. As unsanitary as it may sound, the bathroom became our sanctuary and the commode with the lid on, our altar. I have so many memories of kneeling on that bathroom floor with Bible opened on the commode in deep communion with the Lord. God didn’t seem to mind because He showed up- I often sensed His presence so strongly there! We had to time it right though, because the bathroom was on the hallway and occasionally I could hear my dad saying, “Is Eposi still in that bathroom? What is taking her so long in there?” Ha! So grateful to the Lord for His providence. He surely makes a way for us to draw near to Him.

    • 63.1
      Luv2Praise says:

      Eposi, What a sweet, funny story. You had me laughing picturing you girls reading at “your altar”. Well in our family it was called a “throne”! Too funny! Thanks for sharing! Lori

      • Eposi says:

        Yes, Lori, I didn’t think of it at the time but the phrase, “Kneeling before the throne” had a double meaning! πŸ™‚ What a beautiful baby you are holding in your picture!

        • Luv2Praise says:

          Thank you, his name is Landon and he is my precious grandson! First grandchild and truly a blessing!

  14. 64
    Mary says:

    Every time you share something about your marriage I am encouraged in my own. Thank you for being vulnerable enough, and trusting God’s love enough, to be open and honest about your family life.

  15. 65
    GJ says:

    Beth: Yes mam, what treasure you found! Isn’t it amazing how these tangible reminders can stir up such strong emotions? Just last night at supper my husband & I were concerned and praying for some dear friends whose 3 young adult children have all left their spiritual raising for one reason or another, one very recently. I can’t even wrap my mind around it because these folks seemingly did everything “right.” I asked why he thought our boys were still serving the Lord…we certainly didn’t do everything “right.” I would sure love some do-overs. I do remember doing as you said y’all did – apologizing to them when I messed up. He told me it was God’s grace alone that our sons are serving Jesus with everything they have – our oldest in ministry as a Pastor. I wanted to give my man some credit for strong-arming those boys along the way, but he wouldn’t take it. “It’s all grace” is what he said. He’s right. Everything is.

    I love this season you and I are in. Young adult children, grandbabies, 30+ years of marriage. That’s all grace too. I want to pass along anything I’ve been blessed to learn to the young women in my sphere of influence. Thank you for doing that for ALL of us.

    Love you much,

  16. 66
    Aly says:

    i know just what you mean when you describe your husband as a “maverick”. my husband is just the same. and i always get so discouraged when other women talk about their spiritual-leader husbands. mine just isn’t. but then again, i love him so deeply i can’t stand it, you know? like i wouldn’t trade him for someone else even if he was the spiritual leader i sooo long for. he’s a good man and a believer, but he’ll recognize his need for a deeper relationship with Christ and then it will just fizzle out a few days later. i have prayed for him more hours than i can even tally. and i realize that through all that prayer, God is changing ME. but when i search deep down in my heart, i realize i actually don’t think that’s fair!?! why can’t he just change my husband? then everything would be so much easier. my kids would turn out better and life would be smoother, and on and on. i have such unbelief in my heart that God could do anything worthwhile through me, if my husband is not on the same page. how do i even tell him about my huge, crazy [God-given] dreams? he would never understand. you see what i mean- just pure obstinate unbelief. and i’m blaming it on my husband. as i type this, i’m convicted that i’m placing my faith and trust in my husband [however limiting that may be] and NOT in God [however limitless that would be]… my goodness, it’s a thin line you have to walk, isn’t it? to obey God without making your husband feel like you’re disrespecting him or usurping his leadership of the family.

    all this is to say, thank you for sharing this glimpse into your family. it’s encouraging to know you have gone through the same thing. and that God can still use women who don’t feel like their families or their husbands are “doing enough” or “spiritual enough” or however you want to label it. [and you’re so right that my “expectations” for him are so ridiculous that he’ll probably never live up to them. my husband also got more than he signed up for. i am a drastically different woman- in a good way- than the one he married.] bless you, Beth, for your transparency.

    • 66.1
      Lisa says:

      Thank you for sharing this. I can relate on a certain level as my man isn’t a follower (yet). Although yours is a believer, both our men are not spiritual leaders and have their own thoughts about things or how things should be done.

      Long time ago (in our courtship) I stopped holding him to these expectations, and instead try everyday to show him God’s love through my actions. I have to, I absolutely HAVE to always reflect God otherwise, how else will my husband see and want to know, the beautiful Light that is in this life?

  17. 67
    Donna Jo says:

    Thank you for this. And for the post the other day about you and your sister finding joy during the hard, dark days. I needed this reminder. I felt like our lives were walking side by side for so many years. We’re the same age, have 2 daughters near the same age, and hard marriages we were committed to. But my path split away from yours 9 years ago when my husband left. I have new JOY and peace today I never thought possible. But I have such sorrow over not being able to give my daughters the perfect up-bringing. They are fabulous adults today that love the LORD and I am so grateful! You helped me raise my girls. And today you reminded me that although the family was torn, I did my very best along the way and the ending is a very good one. I feel like you are my bff. Seriously. We’ve been through so much together!

  18. 68
    Shannon Wilson says:

    Beautiful post. My son is only 13 months old, but ever since he was born, I have been thinking about the importance of having something like your Family Altar. I can see a huge difference in children who have parents that keep God’s Word constantly before them and try to model Christ, from those children that don’t experience the same thing. I’m sure your girls are incredibly thankful now to look back on their teenage years and see the effort that you put into their spiritual lives.
    I’m working through the updated study of David right now for my quiet time. LOVE IT. πŸ™‚

  19. 69
    Zenobia Wise says:

    Such a timely message Beth! Thank you so much for sharing. I just lost my house and now my three sons and I are homeless. Yet, as I packed up my home, I too found scripture cards … tucked away in the most peculiar places. I shared them in a blog message (JOURNEY 201Β¦1 β€˜Dusty Roads’) on June 8th. God is so faithful! He knows what the future holds. It gave me comfort to know that He had ‘scheduled encouragement’ for me, knowing precisely what I would need and when I would need it – causing me to reflect on His goodness even in the midst of the storm. And that is the kind of God we serve – All Powerful, All Knowing, Present Everywhere and Ever Faithful. He is simply amazing …

  20. 70
    Jo Ann says:

    That is very dear and the last paragraph is very beautiful too.

    I am a single empty nester with no nest, some regrets, wasted years, and not a lot to show for a few decades of life, but… trusting the Lord for here on out and I shared this with my daughter so that when she becomes a mother, she may remember this beautiful idea of putting God’s Word in front of her family in love.

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. 71
    Abraham's Daughter says:

    A couple of memories bubbled to the surface. The first verse that our threesome memorized was 1 John 1:3–How great the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God….(and then at the top of their lungs)…And that is what we are!

    Then I did some cleaning and sorting a few months ago and found the well worn Bible memory cards for children from Nav Press, which now reside in my bedside table.

    Oh, those years that felt like they would last forever–OK, maybe it was some of those days that did last forever. Thank You, Jesus.

  22. 72
    Amy says:

    Words can’t even begin to describe how many ways and levels this impacted me today. Thank you, Mama Beth for sharing your love of Jesus and your family history.

  23. 73

    It was so encouraging to read this, this morning.
    When I was reading this I thought you were writing about my husband! and MY heart to be a good and Godly wife. We have now been married 33 years, and I have learned ( and am still learning) to let God take care of what He wants out of him. Especially the part of him living up to what I thought he needed to be before God! Thank you for sharing these stories, they are encouraging…love you sister <3

  24. 74
    Judy says:

    I understand completely. We have been practicing our “empty nest” which will be upon us in a year as our kids are at camp. Every little thing they have out in our living room right now: guitar, high heels, hair bands, bibles and journals…all bring me joy as I hold tight to the time I have now. God is so good to let us Moms have our moments!

  25. 75
    Sister Lynn says:

    This is precious and dear. We prayed together as a family every night when I was a child. I didn’t always want to nor did I appreciate it but I can see know the fruit it bore and I am deeply grateful!

    Hope all is well in Houston. Praying for all in danger of fire both in your state and mine!
    love you! Sister Lynn

  26. 76
    Nichole H says:

    That is one beautiful junk drawer. Thanks for giving us a peek. It’s more encouraging than you know.

  27. 77
    Sarah says:

    What a beautiful family tradition to do (for lack of better word). Your daughters have grown into godly healthy women and the Lord has been gracious to your family. What an encouragement to the rest of us that it’s possible. I am currently dealing with family issues that break my heart and sometimes I don’t see an “out” – but I know God is in control and He wants restoration and healing for my family as much as I do. Thanks for this example and reminder, Siesta Mama! πŸ™‚

  28. 78
    Sarah Marion says:

    Thank you for your transparency. I love your honesty and willingness to “be real.” You are such an encouragement to me in my walk with with God.

  29. 79
    Leslie Olson says:

    I started reading this and I just knew this is where you were going….I got excited – it’s the little family prayer verse thing – I just know it…….you shared about this very thing in one of the first studies I did (maybe Paul or Beloved Disciple, or Jesus the One and only- not sure which one, but I can tell you it was very impactful) I have a husband very similar to Keith and I could pick up on a little of your household dynamic through some of what you shared through the years.

    You are an amazing encouragement. NEVER NEVER NEVER have you disrespected your husband – not an inkling – not once. I’ve been through at least 10 studies, simulcasts, a couple of Living Proof Lives and I watch the subtle things. More is caught than taught at times and you have helped me catch a lot.

    I have a husband who loves God with his whole heart, but he doesn’t look like me (thank the Lord) and his leadership is not what everyone in the church thinks it should be. Watching you has taught me to not put much stock in the opinion of others on this particular matter. I know what he believes. I know that he loves His God and his family. How he moves forward is between him and God and as much as I have loved what I’ve learned in Bible Study with you and how my own relationship with Christ has advanced, the single biggest life application I have consistently seen and tried to apply (failing many times) is the way you respect your man. You have honored him and honored marriage for thousands to watch. I think that the crown you receive for this work someday will be quite significant. THANK YOU for sharing discreetly and honestly, for humility and honor as you have walked out your talk. Your ministry extends far beyond the printed pages you have blessed us with. Love you!

    • 79.1
      Cindy says:

      Wow! Thanks Leslie for this…I couldn’t agree more with your comments re: Beth & her teaching/example regardng our husbands. Thank you for sharing this with Beth & all of us…your words & example shared so transparently are an encouragement to me today.

  30. 80

    Just precious times! I am so touched at the efforts and the struggles. I often find myself with similar tugs. Wanting to lead our four children (two teens and two tweens), but not wanting to step on the toes of my husband. I treasure the sweet times that God has blessed us with. I find that most precious are the ones that I’ve not forced, but God has lead. Thank you for sharing with us. What an encouragement for us Moms!

  31. 81
    Michelle says:

    Thanks for sharing Beth. I am a empty nester season right now (kids now home for college) and am struggling with my purpose in life!! I feel very lonely, feeling like I am only here to do the things they need done. Hearing from you daughters through the blog, I have hope that the time I have invested in my 2 daughters will reap a great harvest. It is amazing how God uses your blogs just at the right time to encourage those of us who are struggling to make it day to day!!

    Thank you for being so willing to be so vulnerable with all of us. Too many women in our churches are hiding behind their masks. Lord Jesus tear down those masks and make us real to one another!

    Many blessings to you and your family πŸ™‚

  32. 82
    Sharon Meekins says:

    Dearest Beth, Thank you so much for sharing this word of encouragement. Much love to you…

  33. 83
    Annette says:

    I await the day with hope my husband will turn to the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. (Meanwhile I keep my mouth shut unless I am praying about it.)

  34. 84
    Charity says:

    I loved this post!!!

  35. 85
    Martha Helen says:

    For a young momma with just a six month old (but Lord-willing more in the future), it is incredibly daunting to think about raising a God-loving, God-fearing, God-honoring family! Especially when your husband is not presently acting as spiritual leader. (your description of Keith sounds a lot like my hubby.) It is actually physically painful to me some days when I long for him so much to lead as God designed him to lead. And I often wonder, what am I to do? I don’t want to lead and don’t want to be seen by our children as the spiritual head of our home. But if I don’t do anything, and just wait for him, it’s likely that nothing will happen. In today’s world more than ever, I don’t think a family can spiritually survive that.

    Your post is so timely for me and so encouraging. Wish I could sit and ask you so many questions.. like, did Keith ever kind of expect you to be the spiritual leader since you have been given such a platform in women’s ministry? Was it more natural for him to just let you lead? Did your girls begin to see you more as the spiritual head of the home?

    What IS a woman to do in this position? All I know is that it drives me to my knees like never before, and to His Word! I am right there.. in that scary unknown of recognizing that Jesus is the ONLY way we will make it. And I’m desperate for Him! And I’m not sure how it’s going to turn out. It’s good to hear that you are on the other side of that.. or at least farther down the road enough to be able to look back and say, “He did it!”

    Much love to you Mama Beth.

  36. 86
    Tomi says:

    Thank you for this!

  37. 87
    Heather says:

    Hi Beth,
    My husband and I are in the absolute throws of family life right now. I am in the same position as you were in! My word for myself is to “shut up and pray”…. simple but powerful. I just appreciate the way you share your heart and family with us. We do love you and may the Lord light our hearts to pray for you and your family!

  38. 88
    Siesta OC says:

    Oh Beth so many things…
    First when you were mentioning the initial stages of walking with the Lord in your marriage, I couldn’t help but think of some members in my family. Stubborn & saved, they won’t (or seemingly won’t) give GOD the time HE deserves and they need HIM in the WORST WAY. (Altho – GOD is stirring a fire in the teens under their roof – Yeah, a revolution!!)

    Also, I love how Melissa’s name is signed on a scripture from James…only GOD knew.

    PS: Melissa, I also adore that the first signed card had a art deco twist. We would have been BFF!

  39. 89
    Diana A. says:

    Tender…my heart is tender for you and for my family.

    As I think back of the things I longed to happen to make my family seek God for themselves but wanting to push my ideas and probably stepping on thiers – tender that is what I will say comes to mind.

    Thank you for sharing so lovingly your family’s past.

    God will make sense of our intents, may it bring Him glory somehow!

  40. 90
    Hilary says:

    Well, I am really glad I am not the only one with a maverick husband and two daughters who get too many yesses and not enough nos! And not the only one who needs all the grace God has to give in this life. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one in my family who’s having to be sanctified, and God’s using everyone else to work at me… sigh… πŸ™‚

  41. 91
    Siesta OC says:

    I have to tell you…We have these scripture cards, smaller than index and colored, they sit in a business card holder and would sit on our kitchen table. Every summer my neice and nephew would come camp at the beach and stay with us (my mom and I). (YES these are said revolutionaries previously stated)

    My neice at about 6 would love to read them, one day she picked up one to read (she actually used to set the table with one on each plate, subtle and fabulous! – Decor and the LORD)
    But this day she read her verse and then we asked her, ‘where does it say that, what is the address?’
    And she spoke very proudly…”PROOVBS”

  42. 92
    mk (go-between) says:

    Thank you for sharing those precious memories. Smiling as I type. What encouragement and conviction. But totally agree it is Grace that has brought us thus far! When I look at my older two that are walking out their faith as young adults and I see the great wisdom and drive God has given them, I stand amazed at His goodness. His goodness, indeed. We did so much wrong and so much right – but in the end we were like you, the one consistency was to ask for forgiveness, and back up all with the Word. (Made me laugh when I saw the verse in Phil. as my middle one had to write that out over and over & I still have those pages.)
    But my youngest ‘surprise blessing’ at 46 has grown up in a much different era. Chaotic life, not growing up in ministry like the older two, seasons of weariness, and just not doing what we did with the older ones, and now playing catch up as she enters adolescence. No, I don’t think I can do the family alter, πŸ™‚ but I can do the daily scripture. Needing more Grace.
    Thanks for the smile and encouragement.

  43. 93
    jackie says:

    this brought tears to my eyes and caused me to remember my 2 boys and how the 3 of us grew in the Lord together. thank you.

    love you, siesta mama.

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    Diane says:

    Beth: thank you so much for posting that, and to all of the siestas who have so far responded. It’s a blessing to see how God moves in the lives of my extended Christian family!

    In reading through a good number of responses, a phrase that I’d started looking up last year came back to haunt me and I pulled out my Bible to those marked places. The phrase found is “And it came to pass in those days…”/And it came to pass than on…”, but for these I’d used my KJV instead of my NIV.

    The verses the above is in: Exodus 2:11 and 2:23; Judges 19:1; Mark 1:9; Luke 1:59(-60 to finish the naming of John) and also 2:1 and 6:11; Acts 10:37. What I see so far in these scriptures reminds me of something I was reminded through the Isaiah study(Believing God) -God is God no matter what!

    • 94.1
      Diane says:

      Getting back to my studies this evening, and the last two references should have been for Luke 6:1 & 6:12(not 6:11!) and I also found the phrase in Luke 5:17 (!!), and the Acts reference of 9:37(not 10:37!). oy what a goof to make, but the lesson reminder still remains to me that God is God no matter what! πŸ™‚

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    Laurie H. says:

    Thanks Siesta Mama for that great blog. I am so glady our family was never perfect, otherwise it would not be an encouragement to us regular imperfect folks. πŸ™‚
    I too struggled for years with how much spiritual leadership to take in the family and my husband sounds alot like yours except he was not even right with God for many years. When he just got right with God after 16 years he told me I did a great job of leaving that spiritual leadership spot open for him by not praying at meals if he didn’t do it and not leading bible studies in the home with the kids if he didn’t do it (which he didn’t). I worried about all those meals there were not being prayed over but now glad it’s all okay and worked out fine. If he doesn’t say “let’s pray” at the meal, I still don’t say it. Sometimes the kids will say it and that’s fine. the family altar idea is a good one, I will try that. Thanks for sharing, love you!

  46. 96
    Terry says:

    When my daughter was young (she is now 30 years old and the mother of a wonderful 2-1/2 year old daughter and a baby boy due in 5 weeks!) we didn’t do devotions as a family; it was pretty much up to me when it came to teaching her to pray, etc. It was getting harder to get my daughter to pray at night when she was in junior high and harder for me to be able to talk to her. There was always some drama going on between the girls at school and for her school was all about her social life!

    Anyway, I remember in my morning devotions that I would pray for her and I would search my Bible for scriptures to give her. I would write in a notebook and leave on the kitchen table a scripture and a note from me every morning telling her what I thought that scripture meant and use it to try to help her through that particular day…whether it was wisdom for taking a test, issues with negative talk, boyfriend issues, etc. I didn’t have her sign the page after reading it, although that’s a great idea! I’m not even sure if she read it every day. What I do know is that it made me seek the Lord on her behalf and it was also filling me up with the strength and truth of His word!

    I agree with you that we can’t control our husband his relationship with God and living out his faith. My husband loves the Lord, reads his Bible every day and is a man of integrity but in 34 years of marriage, I have yet to hear him pray. There have been times I asked him to pray, knowing in my heart that he was, but really needed to hear it if for no other reason than to encourage my faith. BUT, God has been working in his life so much over the last few years. He’s a much deeper thinker than I am and I find that when I ask him questions about a scripture he has a lot of insight and makes me look at things differently. By asking his opinion on a scripture, it has really helped open up conversation for us to share what the Lord is teaching us through his Word.

    I have learned there is nothing better than knowing that I have a husband who loves God, me, our daughter and her family, and that he is someone who I can trust and is truly devoted to loving me.

    And all these years later, I love to hear my little granddaughter sing songs about Jesus and my daughter pray with her.

  47. 97
    Kari says:

    Thank you Beth and Keith for sharing this. It is very encouraging to those of us that have walked along this same path with our own husbands.

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    Susan says:

    I so wish I’d known you when my kids were young. I wish I could grab every woman I know with kids who are still at home and let(!) them read this!
    Thank you for your openness and for sharing your heart.

  50. 100
    Delora says:

    Thanks for sharing. I can relate so much.

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