Brunch, the # Sixteen & the Gospel.

Colin and I just dropped Mom off at the Atlanta airport.


I was secretly hoping the strong rains in Atlanta would last just a day longer so I could hold on to Mom for just a few more hours. And a cleansing of the final layer of inch deep pollen paste that has coated my car and bronchial tubes would have been a nice little bonus as well.

Colin and I took Mom to the Flying Biscuit in Midtown this morning for breakfast. We really wanted to take her for “brunch” but her flight was leaving a bit too early for such a special event. Brunch is a big deal to the wonderful folk in Georgia and I have become quite fond of it myself. Admittedly, I had to get over my initial aversion to the word “brunch” because it appears to be a combination of the word “breakfast” and “lunch” which sorta-kinda-I-mean-really gets on my nerves. I swiftly got over my petty annoyance, however, the first time those creamy dreamy shrimp and grits touched my lips. Enough about “brunch” though. Except for one more thing, the word “brunch” is far better than “bruncheon” on the velveeta scale. My cordiality comes to a screeching halt with “bruncheon”.

Back to breakfast. In predictable Beth fashion, Mom ordered the Flying Biscuit Breakfast with the Orange scented French toast on the side. Please note that the Orange Scented French toast is actually not a side dish but a full meal. While we were waiting for Mom’s several dishes to come out we were talking about really urgent issues, like how complex and intricate the Flying Biscuit motif was on this little ceramic jar.

If I have not said this on the blog before, by far my favorite time to hang out with my Mom is right after some kind of big event like a videotaping, Passion, Deeper Still, or a Living Proof Live. In this case it was the Simulcast that was evidently extended to over 300,000 women. By the way, I told my Mom yesterday never to utter a number like that to me again without a serious warning and that if she even attempted to introduce me during the second session of the simulcast, I would take her to court for her wrongdoing. As you can guess, Mom did not listen and it turns out there really are restrictions on lawsuits. But seriously, Mom is super fun to be with right after a big conference. For starters, right after a big event she hasn’t slept in about a week and so after she steps off the stage she plunges into a very advanced case of delirium. If I thought she could handle the stress I would use this priceless state for my own advantage and literally take her from the church directly to a venue for her to do stand-up comedy. Also, since her stomach is usually pretty weak right before she speaks since she doesn’t have much of an appetite, usually the first thing she says to us after a session is, “I AM SO HUNGRY!” Then we sit down at the table and she says, “I’m going to order sixteen things.” For some reason, she always uses the same number, sixteen. I’m not sure why she has this affinity for the number sixteen but she does and it delights me to no end each new time she throws it out there, almost like it is the very first time she has ever come up with this golden number “sixteen”. You can ask Amanda. I am not making this up.

My heart is so full from such a wonderful weekend. After Colin and I left Mom’s hotel last night and had gone on home, Amanda and I called my Mom three-way from my cell-phone. It was like 1993 sans landline. We talked and giggled and carried on and on about little snippets and stories from women we had encountered throughout the day until it was past Mom’s bedtime. When we hung up the phone I realized I had a giant lump in my throat. The Lord’s ways are truly remarkable.  His intricate and elaborate pursuit of each of us just blows me away.  Yesterday as I sat listening to my Mom’s message in the second session I noticed a woman a few rows behind me who quietly streamed tears the entire hour and a half. As I watched her emotionally absorb words that were far too weighty for her to bear without a physical response, the gospel in its most unadulterated form was preached to my heart once again. That God, in the cross of Jesus Christ, has forgiven us and brought us into fellowship with Himself is the most compelling news our ears will ever hear and our minds will ever conceive. That He esteems us and deems us valuable is just beyond comprehension. I mean, we’re pretty bad.  Okay, we’re really bad, and even a tad bit unlovable a lot of the time.

Paul told the Corinthians in his second letter, “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our heart to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (4.6). God’s work in us through Jesus Christ is nothing short of a new creation. The same creator who sculpted the sun shined his very own light into our hearts by means of the knowledge of Christ’s gospel. This is not the kind of news one just sits and coldly anticipates with a forced half-smile but one that should be absorbed in a manner that cannot be controlled, contained, or folded up neatly like linens in a closet. I thank my dear sister who was sitting several rows behind me, wherever she is now, for reminding me how vast, enrapturing, and beautiful the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ really is. It is a profound experience to ponder the gospel anew in the face of someone who has just internalized God’s indescribable gift. The gospel is not safe and predictable, although we have most often rendered it such. It should turn every aspect of our lives completely upside down. Jesus has thrown everything utterly off balance. Perhaps more often than not the Gospel should completely undo us to the point that we cannot act altogether civilized. It sounds a little bit unsettling or even grotesque for those of us who are especially self aware but the bright side is that the community of God has been a peculiar people from the beginning, so we really don’t have all that much to lose.


305 Responses to “Brunch, the # Sixteen & the Gospel.”

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  1. 201
    JJ says:

    Dear Beth (and Amanda and Melissa) –

    Thank you for everything that went in to Saturday’s tremendous simulcast. I want to share where I was when God brought your word to me.

    I have been divorced now for a few years. I married 2 very “Godly” men (not at the same time of course!), both of which were unfaithful. I now have a young son that I have full responsibility for (no family or friends as I have recently had to move to find employment). While I adore my young son, my days are long, and I oft get wary from making the mounds of decision on my own (about schools, lining up special needs for my son, moving, packing/unpacking/moving again now, having to travel for work and the problems that poses for a single mom. Sometimes I just want to escape. I met a kind man recently. He admittedly has little interest in God or Godly ways. I found him charming and was thrilled to gain his affection. I spent a lot of time with him this week and found my self wanting more of his affection and obvious interest. I left him late Friday night so that so that I could get a few hours sleep before your simulcast.

    Missing him, I tried to put him out of my mind and slowly slide into the word, yet again. When you got to your third point: CLOTHED WITH INTENTION, I realized that that was a message sent just for me, here in Columbia, SC. I know that I have taken the old self off, but unless my mind is being renewed day by day, I no longer have purpose or direction for my life. I am a secure woman of God and I found myself settling for someone who wants nothing to do with the single most important person in my life, Jesus Christ. I know that is crazy and certainly not what I want to purpose in my life. You also said that we are either spiraling upwards or downwards and I firmly believe that I was beginning to spiral downward quickly!

    Because of how I have been treated by men claiming to love God (one of which was/is a pastor), I could sense myself being drawn to a godless man, if for no other reason than the fact that he was who he claimed to be. I realized that certainly isn’t my intention.

    This weekend, and because of how faithful you were to God’s word, I purposed to be the woman HE has created me to be (a Godly mother, friend, nurse), and to never settle on anything less than HIS BEST. He does have good plans for those whose hearts are steadfast in him – and even if I can’t see any good, He is always working for my good. Thanks for pouring so much of your life into complete strangers like me. Rest assured, He is working in thousands of lives, just like mine!

    • 201.1
      fuzzytop says:

      Amen! Praying for you JJ,that you will be intentional and on that upward spiral.

      Love to you, sweet sister


      • JJ says:

        Thank you Adrienne…it has been a blessed week. God is so good – I love when I am in HIS will…and wonder why I ever settle for less! Praying we all learn to lean into Him and follow his perfect plan…with love, JJ

  2. 202
    Samantha T says:

    You truly are amazing just like your momma! I am amazed and honored and blessed to read these blogs. At night I sit and I read to my almost three year old her Bible stories. Afterwards she asks, “when can I talk to Jesus?” I told her anytime she would like and she led me in a prayer. My almost three year old started to thank Him for keeping everyone safe. For me to get her out of her fathers house (she is a 9 month survivor of child abuse) and then she said “I wanna pay for Beth Moore. and say Thank You to she and you Jesus for making my mommy smile and happy again” It brought tears to my eyes and all I could say is I loved her sooo much.

    Shes right. The last nine months have been a havic on my soul, heart, my insecurities. I had to start seeing a dr for my anxiety attacks. Just a couple weeks ago, I walked into his office with smiles. I carried my huge over sized purse in and handed him a copy of Beths Book. We went on with our session and he couldnt help but be amazed about the progress I have done. Then just yesterday, he called me to tell say that his wife was in tears over the book.

    I want to say thank you guys for all that you have done for us woman!!!

  3. 203
    all shall be well says:

    I love hearing about how you guys share life! God is so very good.

    Love, karen:)

  4. 204
    Rhonda says:

    Dear Melissa,

    I simply love your use of words!! I still remember a post way back when I first starting visiting LPM…….such beautiful expressive words. May God continue to give you a platform to share your gift, that others may be moved deep down inside…….where Jesus, the One and Only is able to touch. Blessings to you all : )

    PS Was not able to attend the simulcast, yet have been blessed immensely by the book.

  5. 205
    Michele Klepac says:

    Thank you, Melissa, for always adding such poignant insight and amusing humor. You are clearly your mama’s daughter as well as your own woman – strong, smart, beautiful, and wise. I just love the obvious bond that you, Amanda, and your mom have. Thank you for sharing your mom with the world. She is amazing. My girls and I read the book together and attended the simulcast. We are different women now. I will continue to pray for you, Colin and your whole family. You are loved.

  6. 206
    Deborah Hipp says:

    “The Lord’s ways are truly remarkable. His intricate and elaborate pursuit of each of us just blows me away.”

    Yes! I agree so with you…Our God is good! When I look at his way with me I am at awe at his orchestration of events to bring me to himself ans allowing the composition be of harmonic beauty!

    I was so blessed Saturday! I went to my knees at my seat after the second song after the break…I am amazed at the Spirit’s preparation to hear what was laid on your mom’s heart to tells us…to God be the glory!!

    Know that I am a new person standing secure in Christ…For freedom Christ has set me free!!!

    Thank you for sharing with us…you are a very talented writer and I trust as the Lord leads you we will be hearing more of your heart under the influence of His Spirit through this venue.

    I thank you and your family and the Living proof team. May God continue His blessing upon you each everyone.


  7. 207

    This is such a beautiful post. You are a better Georgian than I, I can’t stand grits!

  8. 208
    Robin in New Jersey says:

    The simulcast Saturday was such a blessing. Thank you for sharing you lives with us.

  9. 209

    You guys are beautiful together… when your mom introduced you at the Atlanta 300K event (big smile)…. I giggled… I envisioned how this would play out after Simulcast was over…

    I was pretty close…

    God bless you all

    Beautifully Awkward

  10. 210
    OceanMommy says:

    YES!!! I feel like I have walked around with my mouth hung wide open since Sunday. Our pastor’s sermon and Beth’s teaching on Saturday were like a pair of gloves. I am crying now as I sit with my notes side by side. Amazing. Yes Lord, I get it.

    What a treat it was to serve at the LPM table Saturday. On the way over I was praying for the women I would talk to and that God would be seen on each of our faces. So, so humbling to serve so many ladies. Thank you for that opportunity!

    I do believe brunch at The Flying Biscuit will be on our anniversary weekend list in two weeks. 🙂 It’s too close NOT to partake of such goodness!


  11. 211
    Tina says:

    I just love the fact that you and your mom are so close.
    What a blessing.

  12. 212
    Jen Mc says:

    The relationship that the three of you have blesses me so much! I did not have that relationship with my mother but enjoy such a closeness with my daughter.

    I was not able to make the simulcast but heard wonderful feedback from others. I was also so happy to know that someone who was not able to afford to attend on their own was able to use my ticket and she was truly blessed by the event. I had received a ticket to Beth’s Living Proof a few years back in Detroit when my husband had lost his job)and I was so happy someone else was able to experience the same blessing I had. God puts us where he wants us to be and orchestrates the ways of getting us there.

    God bless the Moore family.


  13. 213
    Brandy says:

    A sweet reminder! God is so amazing!

  14. 214
    Alaina says:

    What an amazing weekend. I came from VA to SLI conference. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet some amazing women and work along side of the Living Proof team at the resource table. I had planned to come alone and then GA Jan invited me to come with her and when I left, I not only left with my heart overflowing but with wonderful new friends. Thank you for all you and your family do to make these events happen and most importantly letting the Lord lead. I am still trying to wrap my brain around all I heard. But truly it was a time I will never forget. I look forward to hearing her again in August in Richmond. Thank you again!

  15. 215
    christy lett says:

    Saturday was a great day! I attended the SLI event at Woodstock, even better I got to spend the day with my mom! I have done several of Beth’s studies but this was my first live event. I feel blessed to have attended such an awesome event. Beth’s message reminded me that we are all called to be the “exception”. I hope i can live up to that!! I hope I can be the “me” God would have me be!! I have never wanted to be more for Him so badly, never as much as now! Thank you all for allowing God to use each of your lives to teach those around you.

    On a lighter note, Melissa you are lucky to have such an awesome relationship with your mom! My mom is one of my closest friends and i thank God everyday for her and her role in my life…. Thanks for letting young girls out there see that being friends with your mom can be cool!!!!

    chasing the Father

  16. 216
    Angela H says:

    You guys(Northern for y’all)make my heart swell like it does when I’m with my own family. You-Beth-remind me of my mom, even though you are way to young to be. (: She gets very punchy when she is overtired and is quite entertaining as well.
    Anyway-funny that you hate the word brunch. Being a word girl myself-one of my cringe inducing ones, which is used way too often in women’s ministry-brace yourself-“pampering”. I really don’t want to go to any event where I may be “pampered”. I’m going to have to sign off-I just nauseated myself.
    Love to all of you!

  17. 217
    Erin says:

    Wow…Insecure no more. I left the simulcast feeling full and fired up! The new me arrived home to find 4 needy, whiny children, and a worn out husband. My new self was nowhere to be found…help me stay focused.

  18. 218
    Deirdre says:

    you ought to sit at the back of the auditorium some time. Watching the impact of God’s words (from your mom) across that sea of women is beautiful.

    Aside from your mom, the person who impacted me the most at the simulcast was the interpreter for the deaf. My friends and I sat behind the deaf ministry section and oh WOW were we ever blessed. That woman was PREACHING the gospel with every movement. I’ve seen other interpreters, but none like this lady. And you should see her rendition of “Do it Lord” oh my word.

    do you recall the gesture folks used to make for “come on, bring it on” ??? palms up, straight fingers pulling towards the palms over and over. Well she used that only pointed toward God, and the look on her face! priceless.

    I ended up praying with her for the commissioning just so I could go hug her and tell her how much she had meant to us.


  19. 219
    Tami says:

    This past weekend ( Sat) I spent with Beth,at a simulcast in Danville,PA.not only was there tears flowing down my cheeks the whole time (not from sadness but for what God has done for me ), I had my future daughter in law standing right there beside me along with my sisers from my church,praiseing God . I too am a surviver of sexual,physical,verbal after 35 years of living one way, these last 15 have been trying to find peace in what had happened to me.One day while struggling to understand why this had happened to me God spoke to me telling me that He loved me,was saddened that other people had done this to me,but that he was always an will always be there for me.
    Everyday since then( an it has not been easy) I have tried to walk with Christ in my life,did I slip you bet,did I get discourage,most definetly..but I had wonderful Godly women standing there ready to catch me if I should fall.
    I thought I had overcome most of it .. till I read your book ” So Long Insecurites”..alot of it I was ok with.. I had worked through that, ok I may need to adjust that one, or maybe this needs to be address… you see what it was I,I,I or me.. it is not for me to do but Christ to do in me..he will help me through this, he will give me what I need, he is the one who will secure me in all my life.. he will love me no matter what,,so what I learned is even though I love him( is it with all that I am? working on it)I can not be secure with “I” or “ME” but with HIM who made me ,knows me, loves me more than anything else,created me.
    An with that in mind I want to tell you that this book was just what 300,000 woman, me being one of them, needed to hear ( Sat).It is refreshing to cry tears that are not sad tears but tears that cleans me,reassure me.. for I was once there but now am HERE.. praise him who knows us all,to the very core of our beings.And Thank you for listening to us all an being the Godly woman you are.

  20. 220
    Praises in the Valley says:

    so glad you were able to check out the flying biscuit! its a great little place with tons of character and i miss it so much!

    thank you for sharing your heart – the statement about being a new creation really hit home this morning. i’m feeling very worn down and struggle to get through the day, but i need to claim that i am a new creation in Christ Jesus, my Lord. so, thank you for the reminder. it has blessed me today.

  21. 221
    Marilyn says:

    Thank you for sharing a wonderful time you had with your mom. I can only imagine the 3 way phone call!!
    I was able to attend the simulcast in St Louis, MO and it was wonderful! Thank you all for everything you do for women everywhere! God Bless you!!!

  22. 222
    Patty says:

    The simulcast was my first time ever hearing your mom. WOW! I had no idea that she shared the same background I have. Another WOW! I can’t tell you how freeing it is to see someone who has found the peace and grace of God after going through something similar to my experiences. I’ve been to counselors, pastors, therapists, etc. And no one has ever been able to tell me or show me how to be free from the insecurities, shame, guilt, etc. like your mother has! I just went online and bought every single book of your mothers and I will be starting the Breaking Free bible study this week! I can’t wait!

    Praise God for your mother and the work God is doing through her!

  23. 223
    Nicki says:

    I love The Flying Biscuit!

  24. 224
    Nicki says:

    Loved the Simulcast, I took 5 ladies with me 3 of which were under 18. I am so blessed by what God has done through Beth and her ministry. The simulcast was so powerful and spoke to my heart in so many ways, too many to list really. But it really spoke to me about how “nothing can hold us in our insecurities like the power of our belief system” How we view God and who God is to us dictates everything in our lives! Amazing stuff!

  25. 225
    Angela H says:

    You guys-northern for y’all-remind me of my mom and two sisters. My mom is hilarious when she is tired. We’re all getting together Friday to wear her down to delerium into the wee hours(which happens to be about 9:30 these days…)
    Your ministry has serves me in many ways-but one of the most special is growing my love for the Word. Also my appreciation for the power of the gift of words in general.
    So, of course I have a few that make me cringe(brunch is not one of them). The top one-which is way overused in women’s ministry-sorry in advance to put in print here… pampering. I just don’t want to attend any event s where this “pampering” might happen to me. Don’t get me wrong, I can handle a manicure and a mocha misto while I read my InStyle magazine. But don’t pamper me!! Aghh-now I’ve nauseated myself, must sign off…

    • 225.1
      Amanda says:

      Angela, Melissa hates the word pamphlet. I think “p” words are especially annoying to people with word aversions.

  26. 226
    Julie says:

    Amen and amen, Melissa! So well put!

  27. 227
    Emily says:

    Saturday..AMAZING. Your momma….ANOINTED. Oh to see her heart open and laid out before us all. You her beautiful daughter, an encouragement to me. I am the mother of a strong willed 2 year old-sweet Lillie Mae. Of course I was in and out of tears all morning but when your mom said that encouraging word about you using your strong will for good, I cried a little more. She will be a MIGHTY woman of God! Otherwise that dynamic personality will be a waste! Praise the Lord for your example Melissa! Thank you for following Jesus with your whole heart!! Press on women. You are affecting many in dynamic ways for HIS kingdom!!

  28. 228
    Misty says:

    How I love this post – each and every time you three ladies share about your get-togethers around the table to eat, I am reminded that your family and mine would have a BLAST! Any time you are in the OKC area, just give us a shout – we might just get kicked out of a place, though for having too good a time!

    Melissa, I also have to share one more thing. Time and again in your mom’s studies, I find myself – during the videos, usually – holding back tears. To see such unbridled passion for God and His Word just floors me! I want that! I am learning and step by step – by His grace alone – I get closer to Him than I thought I ever could. But I’ve never met any of the three of you beautiful ladies in person, yet :), and you and Amanda share the same passion your mother has that just makes people flock to you to learn more! I have been blessed time and again by reading your posts and even the light-hearted posts that you all share makes me understand all the more that God has anointed you all for special things. You all three have such a special platform for sharing God’s love with others in such a way that most women know without a shadow of a doubt that your love for us is so genuine. And with such a large community of women, to feel genuinely loved and cherished is indeed one of the most amazing things…it could only be God’s love shining through you. Thank you for not hiding it away and keeping it to yourselves – that would be such a tragedy!

    You are so very loved and treasured – thank you for a wonderful post!

  29. 229
    Melissa says:

    so i tried to comment a couple days ago, when there were only like 32 comments, but it wouldn’t let me!! anyway, melissa, you’re a great writer, and it was fun to hear what her “after party” is like!! glad you all could share some sweet time together…and a few hundred laughs!

  30. 230
    Anna says:


    You are so articulate! Your insight and passion for Christ and your family is inspiring. Blessings to you.


  31. 231

    Okay, after thinking about it maybe YOU are only a little bit unloveable at times. I myself, seem to always only be one of two things, either totally adorable and charming and everyone likes me, or I am a porcupine and no one wants anything to do with me. People who’ve known me a long time just keep their distance, cause they know if I’m really charming now, the porcupine’s coming out later. It’s a really lonely way too live. Why do you think I call your office and communicate with you all online so much? No one else will talk to me, and I don’t blame them. Okay, that’s not entirely true, but nobody gets very close to me. Like I said, I don’t blame them. Sometimes I would not like to be around me, either. Right now, I’m mostly okay with myself, but scared cause I know at any moment I could snap.

  32. 232
    Kari says:

    Thanks Melissa for that reminder. One thing that has really stuck with me from Sat. was that your Mom said those most in danger of NOT leaving simulcast secure was those steeped in religious practices. Having grown up in the church I totally get that. I shared it with my womens Sunday school class on Sunday morning. I challenged each one to not be the “man that looks in the mirror and forgets.” I DO NOT want to be unchanged when I read and hear and study Scripture!!

  33. 233
    Claudia says:

    oh, Melissa…that post of yours had tears streaming down my face…first laughter from your cute comments about your mom and then from pure awe of our God in the things you said at the end of your comment….how lucky we are to have such an amazing savior who loves us regardless…..thank you!

  34. 234
    Ruth says:

    Miss Melissa, PLEEEEASE tell me you will write a book one of these days. I know that you are a Serious Scholar; but I still hope that you turn your hand to something “popular,” because you are such a deee-lightful writer (and I speak, (so to speak) as an editor). GOD BLESS!! Thanks for taking the time to tell us all the post-event fun with Mama!!

  35. 235
    Beth Herring says:

    Melissa – thanks for a wonderful message that is so anointed and just so God! Your mom’s message spoke volumes to this 47 year old mother’s/Nana’s heart. I have just come to terms with some insecurities that I wasn’t aware of or perhaps too insecure to admit!

    You and Amanda are blessed young ladies. Your mom is just amazing and God has used her in my life over and over in some mighty powerful ways!

    Love to you all,

  36. 236
    Suzanne Kuchynka says:

    Melissa, you are so cute with words. Your last comment totally cracks me up. LOL! I really wish you would write a book or something. I love your deep theological attitude laced with the sarcasm of real life. You just get things to the core and then some.

  37. 237

    Melissa- I’ve heard your mother tell the “are you gonna boss me today” story on you many times before Saturday and it always makes me laugh. But this time God used it in a different way in my heart. Ever since the simulcast, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I say is, “Good Morning, Holy Spirit. Would You please boss me today?” Thanks for allowing your sweet momma to embarrass you in front of thousands. The Lord used it!! Blessings on you all!

  38. 238
    Paige says:

    I was so sad that I was unable to go to the Simulcast and even sadder when I heard how wonderful it was. I feel honored to be “Sista” and be a part of the insecurity input.

    Will you please consider selling a copy of the simulcast so that we can see it? Pleeeeeaaassee!

    Bless you and your ministry! I love this blog!

  39. 239
    Debra says:

    I have enjoyed your Mom’s Bible Studies for several years now. I had to look back at the beginning of this post to make sure who was writing. You sound so much like her! I have been wondering who’s Bible Study my wonderful granddaughter will be doing in a few years (not that Beth won’t be). I now know! You are so blessed!

  40. 240
    Alicia says:

    Beth and Melissa,

    I am now sitting in Chicago and had a minute to check your blog. I’m from Rome, GA and attended the simulcast in Woodstock on Saturday. My heart was truly blessed, as was the heart of a dear friend who I took with me. I am in Chicago for a work conference and left on Sunday. While I was sitting in the airport in Atlanta, I was watching people. I thought about Beth and how she’s talked about loving to people-watch. At that moment I was like, “Beth Moore could be in this airport with me!!!” According to your blog entry, her plane was probably earlier than mine anyway. It would have been really awesome to have run into her though. My friend and I could have seen her at Pappasitos too had we gone there like we mentioned on Saturday. Some other people from our church went and did see you Beth. They posted their pic with you on facebook, and I am highly jealous we didn’t go there afterall. Thank you so much for serving us women like you do! You have no idea the healing God has done in my life, and will continue to do, through you. I love you tons!

  41. 241
    Melissa says:

    Amen Melissa! I was there and the Holy Spirit’s presence was palpable. I too sat with a woman who was weeping and I went to her during the commissioning and we spoke wisdom over each other and then I just held her and loved on her as she cried. I don’t know what she was dealing with, but I do know this – I know she experienced a healing. Praise God!!!!

  42. 242
    Deborah says:

    Girl, you made me cry and hungry at the same time!

  43. 243
    Briget says:

    Your Mom is just amazing. Her ministry has ministered to me for years. I cannot tell you how much of a spiritual impact Living Proof and Beth’s teaching has had on my life. You are so blessed have a mom like Beth. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and neither of my partents were Christians. I got saved when I was 25 and I’m 43 now. Please know what a blessing the entire ministry is to me. I see the love of Jesus Christ in and around the entire minitry of Living Proof! God Bless you, your mom Beth, and the rest of your family and the ministry as a whole.

  44. 244
    Sterling says:

    I am bursting with excitement for what is to come. I am a mother of 3 young daughters 7, 9 and 11 and this is HUGE! I have been on my own personal journey with Christ for 3 and a half years now and (have always been a believer but now Know HIM!) am ready to fire up these little gifts to be SECURE in him. We are currently going through the middle school mean girl thing and this couldnt have come a better time. I will not stop until this battle is won. I know Who’s in charge and I call on HIM everyday! Thank you for being such inspiring messengers of our Great God! Thank you for your stories and your real lives. Prayers for middle schoolers and their parents please!

  45. 245
    patty says:

    My heart beams when I read about the way God’s love makes them feel. Your post was powerful, sweet, moving, humbling, your words help us all remember what we were taught. My love for our Holy Father sometimes makes tears fill my eyes and a spiritual warmth in my soul, then others the mere thought of “Jesus loves me” stops me stone cold in my steps and takes my breath. How He loves the unworthy, the misled, the self-righteous — it is only a supernatural thing. How can we ever forget? I never want to get over Him. Your blog, your mom’s studies, these wonderful conferences, they all help keep me centered, Christ centered. Praise God for you!

  46. 246
    Robin says:

    Thanks for sharing this about your mom. I am so thankful for God speaking through her. SLI has been such a great help to me. It has brought me out of a place I thought I would stay in forever. I am praying now for my own mom. She needs this book desperately, but I know God has to prepare the person to receive it. My mom is a Christian but she doesn’t have the peace, I believe a Christian should have. I pray God will lead her path to this book, just the way He lead me. Thank you for allowing God to work through you. May God continue to bless you and your family, and this wonderful ministry that is helping so many women. I still can’t comprehend over 300,000 women.

  47. 247
    Beth Hanson says:

    Dear Amanda and Beth,
    I was one of the very fortunate women present at First Baptist Woodstock on April 24th. I was so blessed to be there with two of my sisters. As I faced my younger sister for the commissioning, tears were just streaming down my cheeks (completely ruining my make-up by the way). You see, I buried a husband 17 years ago and am in the middle of a divorce from husband #2. Talk about insecurity! Girl I have it in abundance. But now I know I am not alone. I felt the awesome power of our God soar through me as I spoke the commissioning words. A peace and warmth engulfed me and I just know it was Jesus wrapping his arms around me and whispering in my ear, “Place your value in me. I am your strength, your shield and your salvation.”

    I purchased the book and have almost finished reading it. Thank you Beth for your humbleness, obedience, humor and for sharing your gifts with us. I do love you so much and will continue to keep your ministry in my prayers. This was my 4th time to see you live and you just get better with age. You Go Girl!

    In His Matchless Name,
    Beth Hanson
    Gainesville GA

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    Tammy says:


  49. 249
    Kim says:

    Melissa…I giggled through the beginning of your post but your last paragraph brought me to tears… wow.

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    T says:


    First of all, I enjoy this book so much! It helps me out so intensely.

    I had a question about something you put in your book. Page 99 says “It’s good to learn to socialize without seeing others as a threat, but if there is a particular person who gets to you over and over and makes you feel small or stupid, perhaps he or she needs a quick shift to the B-list.”

    I have been having some insecurity issues with my boyfriend. He’s a great guy, but we have been through some tough times together. That’s where the insecurity comes into play.

    There is a girl that goes to church with us. He has been friends with her for years, even before we started dating! They’ve never dated or anything before, but they do talk on the phone still. I know everything is fine, and God’s even told me so. But sometimes I can’t help but feel threatened by her for some crazy reason. From what I know she is a sweet person, and she’s even got a boyfriend of her own!

    I think I feel this way because I don’t know her real well, and I don’t know their relationship. It’s like the more I don’t know, Satan is there trying to fill that unknown area with lies.

    So, I’m trying to get to know her better. I have been praying for our friendship for a long time. I talk to her on my own at church and try to be friendly, and it’s all working. I feel so much better when we converse together. But, ya know, it always tries to come back up. It is a battle I have been fighting, and I’m still eager to win.

    Then I read that part in your book, and got a little confused. So since it keeps coming up over and over, should I be trying to befriend her or not?


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