You Wild Praying Things

Anybody who doubts the power of Siesta prayers hasn’t been hanging around this place long enough. Of course, all of us know it’s not the power of prayers. It’s the power of God sought in prayer. I praise Him to the highest heavens for His kindness. I cannot thank you enough for praying me to Atlanta and back, for the entire Passion conference and for over 20,000 young lives who represent the Church of tomorrow. I had no idea when I stepped on that platform Sunday morning whether or not I had the unction to still be up on my feet an hour later. Regathering the strength to walk to the end of the street and having the stamina to deliver a message in a large setting are two wildly different things. In all these years I’d never been in that situation. If Melissa said once, she said a hundred times to people while we were there, “I’m just saying that we need to be careful with her. We’ve barely gotten her out of the house. And now here we are.” (I kept whispering behind her back, “I’m really okay.”) You might say she sort of took on the role of bouncer. She was scared to death I was going to get about half way through the message under those hot spotlights and drop straight to the floor. Not one time, Siestas, NOT ONCE, did I even feel light headed. It wasn’t the best crafted message a soul has ever heard, but, Girlfriend, it got delivered. And God alone got it done. Then turned around two hours later and did it again. My hat is off to Him. My knees are bent. He alone.

But here’s the thing. I want those answers for you, too. He loves you so much and is so intently watching over you and ordaining details to let you know He’s there. Oh, that He would give us eyes to see! My deep hope is that many of you who shared such seasons of turmoil through your comments to the Exodus 33 post have also seen evidence of His heightened activity and answered prayer. You are never forgotten. Never overlooked.

“So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who belong to the family of faith.” (Galatians 6:9,10)

Continue praying for the conclusion of Passion 2010. (I had to come straight back home.) It will wrap up tomorrow and thousands of young people will spread back out over this globe with the challenge to live to the great glory of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I cannot think of a more important time in all of life to have your heart completely stolen by God. What more strategic age could there be? Please also pray them all safely home. Many of them will get back on the road with bleary eyes.

If you can spare one more prayer, please remember our resident blog master and my darling firstborn. Amanda and her man, Curtis, will get back on a plane to Missouri tomorrow, spend the night with his parents (who have so graciously afforded them this time alone) then start the long trek home with Jackson and Annabeth in the car. Honestly, if I don’t get my hands on those babies pretty soon, I’m going to get violent. Really, I just want them to make it home safely, no matter how long it takes. Thank you for remembering them.

OK, Keith’s making me get off line. The thing of it is, the only reason I got on here is because he was watching a deer hunting show that was on skin diseases they can get (the deer, not the hunters) and I couldn’t stand it another minute. I whined for us to “watch something together” and I warned (“I’m not kidding. I’m not watching this another second.”) and then I withdrew to the world wide web. He is now repentant for having rejected me but only because the show is over. I am being summoned to the den. And submissive woman that I am, I will bid you adieu.

Anyway, WHEN DOES 24 START?? IS THERE NOTHING DECENT TO WATCH?????????? I love a good show and I don’t mind telling you I’m in an entertainment drought. I am so sick of bad TV that I could throw up. If you know something worth watching, speak up!


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