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My Dear Sister
God has not overlooked you
He has not ignored you
He hears every petition
And intimately knows
The heart beneath it.
Give Him full access
To all your longings
Pray every single day
To become a person who delights in Him.
When it seems to disappear
Remember to check your JAW
Are you jealous?
Are you angry?
Are you worried?
Roll it all on Jesus
He’s strong enough to carry it
Big enough to handle it.
Trust God with all your heart
Now leave this place
And go into the world
And do some GOOD.
The kids are all tucked in there beds asleep. I hear the faint sound of there radio as it plays various christian songs. All speaking of what a wonderful, powerful,faithful, and loving God we have. As I sit here listening to the lyrics I question were are you God? My heart is lonely and sad…..missing my husband. Missing the company we used to share. The way you would hog the couch with your legs stretched out and no chance of me every handling the remote. I am not a widow. Although every day I feel like one. I fell as though you were taken from me,not understanding why you chose to leave? It has been almost 2 years since you left. Will this pain ever leave me. I look to scripture for the answer, praying that God will enter my heart and heal the ache inside. I find this 1 Tim 5:5 "The widow who is really in need and left all alone put her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask for help." and this one Psalms 72:12 "For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help."
I pray night and day. I study his word and yet still fell an emptiness. I studied a new scripture this week it is Psalms 37:4 delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Beth Moore taught me so very much this weekend.There have been days I just want to end it all. I will continue to pray every day that God will heal my lonely heart. Thank you for speaking directly to me and giving me the hope I need to go on.
The kids are all tucked in there beds asleep. I hear the faint sound of there radio as it plays various christian songs. All speaking of what a wonderful, powerful,faithful, and loving God we have. As I sit here listening to the lyrics I question were are you God? My heart is lonely and sad…..missing my husband. Missing the company we used to share. The way you would hog the couch with your legs stretched out and no chance of me every handling the remote. I am not a widow. Although every day I feel like one. I fell as though you were taken from me,not understanding why you chose to leave? It has been almost 2 years since you left. Will this pain ever leave me. I look to scripture for the answer, praying that God will enter my heart and heal the ache inside. I find this 1 Tim 5:5 "The widow who is really in need and left all alone put her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask for help." and this one Psalms 72:12 "For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help."
I pray night and day. I study his word and yet still fell an emptiness. I studied a new scripture this week it is Psalms 37:4 delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Beth Moore taught me so very much this weekend.There have been days I just want to end it all. I will continue to pray every day that God will heal my lonely heart. Thank you for speaking directly to me and giving me the hope I need to go on.
Thanks for posting this, Amanda! The weekend was awesome! It felt as if God was speaking every word directly to me. Me and my husband have been growing in our faith as we have struggled with infertility for 3 1/2 years now. Beth, thank you for your message and for being used by the Lord to reveal to me that He will never withhold the heart of my desires! I trust Him and I'm so encouraged that it's either glory or destiny at stake! Thank you and may God bless you abundantly!
Loved the commisioning! I wonder if a "bump it" was used in the beautiful Beth's hair on Saturday. We may never know.
thank you! i'm new to this blog and am so thankful that God is using it already.
great summary of the simulcast! thank you!
I was so blessed to be in Green Bay this past weekend…I am still so worked up, I can barely concentrate! It was the best! Thank you for putting up these words, I can share them with my family. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Dear Beth, Thank you so much for taking time to come to Green Bay WI, and share God's love, light, and wisdom. It all so hit home for me deeply. On the second day of the event you started the day with walking through the crowd and you walked up the steps and my dear friend motioned you to set on my lap. I just wanted to say thank you. I so enjoyed being able to give you a little hug out of pure appreciation for all that you do to futher the Kingdom of God. And for all your obedience and submission to Him. Right now that is exactly were I am and I need to just wait paitently on the Lord as I know all His directions and timing are all perfect. While you were sitting on my lap all I wanted to tell you was thank you so much for being such a spiritual push in my life with my walk with God. Your bible study Believing God help me grow so much with the Lord in such a real and personal way. I stopped and gave Him the credit that He so rightly deserved!!! I was almost done with the study when my husband was crushed under a semi truck. I was able to pray to God in a way I never had before. And I felt Him in way I never noticed before. He lifted me up and He carried me through the next hardest months I had ever seen. I was able to see the godstops along the way and praise Him for every half hour more I had with my husband. And thankfully I still can after 2 1/2 years. Praise God!!! So thank you for your obedience and doing good with what God has given you the gift to teach. Lord Bless you and your family. Sincerely, Lori <><
my daughter passed in May, and my friend sent me tickets to the simulcast here in Tulsa Ok.. There were so many things that were said that went straight through me.. I have been so angry, and upset..I try to act like I am okay, but God knows the truth..and now I am ready to work on it..really work on rolling it on over to Gods shoulder.. thanks so much for posting this commission..today was rough and this helped..
I am praying for your family, especially your brother and their little girl.
It won't be easy, but God will walk with all of you.
Remind yourself on difficult days that Siestas that you do not know are lifting you up before The Father.
Oh, goodness! Beth, the Lord used you to speak mighty, healing words into my life this weekend! Thank You for allowing Him to work through you to teach us how to become more authentic and effective followers of Christ! I don't even have the words to describe what a life-changing event this was for me! What a can say is that I have renewed hope and joy after a really difficult season. Praise You LORD! BTW, if we weren't worshipping the Lord, it may have nearly killed this devoted Bears fan to see you in that Cheesehead hat!
Love this!!
Beth I was there and I know a couple of times both you and our sweet Lord was speaking right to my heart. I really was inspired to get rid of my anger at my former boss, even had to check my JAW a few times today when I met the person who took over my position.
Please pray for our finaces. I got my husband to watch Fireproof with me today, he has the same addiction on the computer as the guy in the movie. I almost left him but went to my Pastor and he suggested watching the movie. I didn't know it had that detail in it. My husband wiped a couple of tears away. Thank you Beth for renewing my strength along with Jesus.
Love it!! I am going to print it out and keep it with me. Thanks!!
Thank you so much for sharing this! It was a very special time for me and my best friend. I plan to print these words and keep them in my Bible as a reminder!
Thank you so much for doing the simulcast! It was AWESOME!!! I watched from Dacula, Ga. I love Beth Moore!! You have taught me so much and helped me understand so much of what God wants me to know! I do have a question though…..I've been trying to understand your statement about NOT receiving the desires of our hearts even if we've been praying for YEARS. You said if we haven't received it then something is "up", either destiny or glory……what does this mean exactly? I've been thinking about it ever since you said it, trying to figure it out. Thank you again so much for speaking His truth! I love you! And your ministry!!!! Y'all are AWESOME!!!
Help us to live in delight. The land of sheer joy, jealousy withers away. The home of splendor, no room for anger. With a yard called freedom, worry has rolled down the street. Let us run and roam in its openness. Lift us up off the ground with laughter. Dancing as the grass bounces. Twirling as the leaves wave. Jumping with a sense of who you are. The landlord moves in. Take residence in us, Mr. Delight. The light on the porch welcoming all who will come, come running, walking or crawling. Belly up to the table where desert is served after every meal, a sheet cake the size of Texas. We are delighted, Thank You Beth and Staff.
Thanks for posting the commissioning, Little Momma:) I didn't get to go (sad), but at least I can get the notes from my older sis and the siestas! and this commissioning!:) God did some God-sized working in women's lives, I can see!!:)
Does someone know all of the songs played at the conference? I attended the simulcast and there were some very powerful songs, I believe they were hymns, but I had never heard them before. Now of course, I can't remember all of the words to even look up the song.
Thanks for posting that. It's sooo great but becoming so hard to believe right now.
This was our first simulcast ever and it was AWESOME! God did beyond, beyond (picturing Priscilla's "dance") anything we could have asked for or imagined.
It was an amazing experience with many rededications, and one saved. Praise You Lord.
Hey LPM thanks so much for making this weekends conference available by Simulcast. It was a message I needed to hear and wouldn't have been able too if it wasn't for the simulcast.
Beth, you've taught me so much in our 4 years of study together and you're such a blessing to me.
Hugs and Loves to all the LPM staff, ~Kate~
Thank you for all that you do LPM!!! Your simulcast blessed me SO, and as I "anxiously expect" from God, I am hearing from Him!
This year we have a Russian exchange student. She came with me to the simulcast, the first Christian thing of it's kind that she has ever experienced. And, she even understood most everything that darlin' Beth from Texas had to say. After Beth shared the gospel and invited us to confess our belief, our dear "daughter" could do nothing but cry and she could not even form words. She and I prayed and cryed together quietly. There is much more to say, but she told me later that she was "crying not because I am sad, but because I am filled with joy."
Thank you to ALL of you at LPM who made this simulcast possible and accessible to so many. Your willingness to be His servants and vessels touches beyond where you can fathom.
He is good. Praise His GOOD and Amazing name.
To Elise – Concerning the songs from the Simulcast, check out LPL The Lamb has Overcome CD and Jesus Saves Live by Travis Cottrell; BOTH ROCKIN!
It is a gift to be able to take God's word and present it to a group of people in a way that touches so many hearts. Oh how I would love a recording of the simulcast! I would listen to it driving my daughter to school (then she, too, would benefit
Know that "the eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Deut. 33: 27
I am praying for you..
Your Siesta,
Thank you for sharing this prayer. Big cheesy hugs to the Moores' and to all the women who attended or watched LPM Live. Remember God can!!!!
I am putting this on my mirror so I can be reminded each day to check my jaw and to delight in my God. Thanks for posting this.
Thank you so much! What an encouraging word-My dear friend and I attended the simulcast in Panama City, Fl, the Lord spoke to each of us in a different way. I immediately put these words to paper, laminated them and now they are on both of our bathroom mirrors!
Amen Sister! We loved the simulcast in Sacramento & enjoyed every nugget of Psalm 37!
Thank you for your ministry! Living Proof Live was such a huge blessing to me! I brought a friend with me who did not know the Lord. I believe that she made a decision! Thank you, Lord!
Beth is such a gifted teacher! I was so moved by the music, the message, all of it! My heart is just full to overflowing! God be praised!
I also have been remembering my JAW these days, as the kids have gone back to school, and we are back into living life! :o)
Thank you so very much for posting the commissioning!!! I was just checking out the blog to see how I could ask you to post it!
I've never gotten to attend an event like the simulcast before and I was blowen away at how God used your teaching this weekend to encourage and challenge me!!! We've had 6 consectutive miscarriages and we just found out 3 weeks ago that we're expecting again… Over all I thought we were doing well – trusting God's timing and His will for these losses… Not bitter or angry… But I was so convicted this weekend that I had started protecting myself from God!!! I had stopped allowing myself to hope that we would make it past the first 6-8 weeks of a pregnancy without spotting and ultimately miscarrying. THANK YOU for allowing God to speak through you this weekend!!! He has renewed my hope and my joyful anticipation of this child!!! On Monday after the simulcast we had our first ultrasound and heard this precious one's little heart beating strongly – 129 beats per minute!!! We've never had a strong heartbeat! And I'm almost 7 weeks and haven't spotted at all – we've never made it this far before!!! God is so AWESOME!!!!
I just requested this and should have checked the blog first. Thanks so much! It was so powerful to say these words to my friend and we will use something similar at our ladies retreat later this month. My life is changing as God continues to bless me through people like you Beth. Thanks for being his servant!
So beautiful..thanks for sharing with those of us who were unable to attend.
Mansfield TX