Simulcast Commissioning

*Just a reminder that we would be happy to help with the questions and requests you have, but please send them to us through our contact page instead of leaving them in the comments. There’s a permanent link to it on our left sidebar. Thank you so much!*

My Dear Sister
God has not overlooked you
He has not ignored you
He hears every petition
And intimately knows
The heart beneath it.
Give Him full access
To all your longings
Pray every single day
To become a person who delights in Him.
When it seems to disappear
Remember to check your JAW
Are you jealous?
Are you angry?
Are you worried?
Roll it all on Jesus
He’s strong enough to carry it
Big enough to handle it.
Trust God with all your heart
Now leave this place
And go into the world
And do some GOOD.


183 Responses to “Simulcast Commissioning”

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  1. 101
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much for posting this Amanda. I too was crying through this. I was so blessed by this weekend, thank you, thank you, thank you Beth!!

  2. 102
    emilee says:

    Thank you so much for posting this!
    This weekend was so amazing. God spoke through you, Beth, in so many ways. I can't even begin to explain how much this weekend ment to me.


  3. 103
    Sandee says:

    I did not get to go to the simulcast, but I needed these words…. God has not overlooked you
    He has not ignored you
    He hears every petition
    And intimately knows
    The heart beneath it.

    Without him I would die!

  4. 104
    Lynn says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. This was such a great way to sum it all up and send us out to do good! I said these words to my very good long time friend and my sweet daughter, with tears running down my cheeks. Thank you for all you do so we can have these events to receive such powerful teaching. You are all a huge blessing!

  5. 105
    Anonymous says:

    I was so touched by this! This weekend was so good that my head was spinning! After a long day with my son on Friday, my husband got home and told me to just go ahead a go over to the church early to get away. As I waited for my frieds and the conference to begin I opened my Bible to Psalm 37 and prepared my heart. I couldn't believe it when I learned that was what we were studying. I needed to do some serious business with God and hand over so many desires and PRAISE THE LORD that HE ALONE answered my prayer. Thank you for this ministry- it blesses so many- you have no idea.

  6. 106
    Heidi in Austin now RR says:

    Well, my BFF Beth stepped on my toes, but I needed it and it was so worth it1 Thanks, Ladies!

  7. 107
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you for posting the commissioning. As with so many siestas, we had a pretty touch time saying the words through our tears on Saturday. Thank you, Beth, for bringing such a word to all of us.
    When you went into the audience on Saturday morning, I was unable to relate to any of the comments made. Then the last woman, who was sitting down, told you that her husband had died 9 months ago and that she had no idea what her desires were. I broke down. I too have lost sight of my heart's desires. From that moment on, the Lord broke down the walls of pain and sorrow in my life to open my eyes and heart to His teaching.
    Thank you, Beth, for always allowing the audience to truly be a part of your message. It always, always astounds me how the Lord works.
    We love you so dearly!!

  8. 108
    Anonymous says:

    I had a divine appointment with God this weekend. Thank you for touching my life and allowing God to speak through you, Beth! My girlfriends and i were wondering if you could maybe post an acrostic like the one you referred to. God kept speaking to me about sowing His word into my daughters. I would love to start an acrostic with them, and I loved the ones you gave. Could you give us more?

  9. 109
    Julie Anne says:

    So nice to be able to read this and think through it again… Had to say it through tears on Saturday!! Right now I am asking God to show me the desires of my heart, because I feel so lost.

    Had a friend ask me how my JAW was this morning… made me smile. I love that it is my initials, too, so I will be thinking of this for YEARS to come!

    thank you, thank you!!

  10. 110
    Sarah says:

    Thank you so much for your words this weekend, it was like fresh rain on my spirit. I heard many a word about my man, my desires, waiting, and the great love of our Lord! Thank you so much for allowing the Spirit to speak through you! It is a blessing to us all! This commission was something that I needed to hear face to face, it's amazing how you can make something broadcast to 90,000, speak so specifically to me. Thanks for posting the commission and can't wait to get into my Beth Moore Bible studies! God Bless you all at LMP!

  11. 111
    Anonymous says:

    I needed to hear this at this very moment! Wish I could have heard Beth speak this weekend! Losing my job has put me in a tail spin.
    I was done with that type of work but yet did not expect it to just end like it did.
    I know God has bigger things in store.
    Printed this off and taping it to my mirror!!!


  12. 112
    Kela says:

    Thank you much for posting this. I feel that its something that will be posted on my bathroom mirror AND monitor. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. 113
    Megan Bishop says:

    This may sound jumbled and not make sense at times, but I feel I need to tell how AMAZING God has been!
    I have always played viola, and I have always had a dream (desire) to always play and play professionally. I played in college and then in grad school I was much to busy, but I played on my own. In the last few months I tried to play with my husband's christian rock band to try to get out there again and it didn't work. I was finally convinced that I didn't have the talent and that God did not want me to play anymore. I gave up and gave it to him. I told no one that I had a conversation with God and told him that I would just no longer play that I felt like he didn't want me to do so(I believed that God had not truly given me any talent). Then this past friday (8-28), I began to talk with a friend at work, who was very upset saying that the play she was performing in the pit for, needed a viola player. The longer we talked we discussed a club that she will be starting at the school, where we both work, that would be a violin chamber group. She stated that she had been thinking that she would love to involve the viola players but that she didn't know anyone who played. I was so excited. Then I went to the simulcast and had no idea of the topic. I was so in shock and amazement when I found out the topic. I am still close to tears and I want to shout and praise God. He is working in me to change the heart of my desire to be on him and not myself. I see this with what he has given me. With the play I will be in the pit, where no one will see me but I will be praising God through the musical gift he has blessed me with. Also, with the chamber group, it will never be on me, but think what I can do for God through this! I know it will still be a challenge, the devil is trying to destroy my spirit and convince me that I cannot do this, but through what I have learned this weekened I am using it to arm myself and learn from where I have been to where I need to be!
    I just wanted to share how amazing God is and just share that.

    Thank you Mrs. Moore for following God's call because I know that you, by listening to him, have helped so many and through the words God has given you.

  14. 114
    "Grammy" Sue B says:

    Amanda….THANKS for posting the commission. My best friend and I held hands and cried to one another as we spoke. We have both been through so much and lean on each other to the point of knock-down sometimes. I need to always remember these words!

  15. 115
    Anonymous says:

    Just had to share the personal blessing you spoke over me, Miss Beth. It may not have been your intent, but God gave it to me as such. I'd brought my precious, unsaved sister-in-law to the Friday night session and then got to share the plan of salvation during our ride home. She didn't come back for Saturday morning, but you spoke of her and I when you prayed – "Lord, send your Spirit in a torrent…in a torrent" Miss Beth, I drive a Pontiac Torrent and God spoke to me clearly that I will have many opportunities to minister to my SIL in my Torrent.

    BLESS YOU for planting such healthy seeds, I know God is going to reap a harvest of good fruit in the heart of her field.

  16. 116
    Jane says:

    Beth, Thank you so much for this wonderful week-end. Even though it was a simulcast, we could still feel as if we were in the room with everyone. Travis' praise team is awesome and brought us to the throne so beautifully every time. I needed these words this week-end. I have felt that my children are not as close to God and felt my prayers were not being heard and had basically stopped praying. You have spurred me on girlfriend!! I am ready to go do some good! Jane

  17. 117
    Lipstick, Spurs and The WORD says:


    This weekend was GOD-appointed. All I can say at this point is GOD's authority was all over it. MMMmhHH, MMhhh, MMMhhhh….all i can say. Stunned, just stunned!

    Thank you, Love you.
    Finally Free,
    Amy JO

  18. 118
    Anonymous says:

    VERY special post. It spoke to me, big time! Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way, Amanda.

    Hilda in Houston

  19. 119
    Carla says:

    is anybody else out there having complete melt downs today or is there something wrong with me?? I have not been able to stop crying for one reason or another. The conference was amazing!!! I received some bad news Sunday morning, but nothing the Lord can't handle. I woke up fine this morning, went to prayer with the mom's at my son's school and I've been a mess ever since I got home. It's almost 4 and I can't stop crying… is it all just now hitting me or what? I'm not not usually emotional like this… help…I need prayer but I can't ask my ppl cause we're all to busy praying for all everything else going on, I feel so foolish…

  20. 120
    Joyce says:

    I wrote this after seeing your
    simulcast this week. Thank you
    for being such a blessing.
    Joyce Watson

    Let us not wait, Lord
    But let us come running into Your arms
    Carry us through to enjoy Your peace
    Let us long to be near You
    to know You and Your righteousness. when our hearts find You and we let go, we lack nothing
    For You O Lord
    You are all we really need!
    My joy has overwhelmed me
    Nothing will lead me to emptiness
    For I know my God is great
    He provides new life
    He tranforms the lost
    And He gives comfort to the hurting.
    Praise to the Lord
    Creator and Redeemer
    Praise to the One
    Who remembers me when I feel heartache
    For He satisfies my every need
    He takes away my sins
    And builds in me a sanctuary of Blessing!

  21. 121
    Tammie says:

    I needed that poem! Did you write it just for ME! Thanks! I feel like i don't know what is going on but glad i clicked on the LPM blog today….

  22. 122
    Redeemed says:

    Thank you. I needed this.
    Jealous, Angry, Worried…..
    Last Thursday afternoon our house was hit by lightning and set on fire. Today of all days I needed to hear these encouraging words.

  23. 123
    march.70 says:

    The Simulcast was amazing. Thanks, Beth for sharing your heart with so many people. I was wishing I had a copy of the Commissioning and was so pleased to find it on the Blog. I'm new to this site but will be in it a lot.

  24. 124
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you for posting this. I went to the conference in June in Pittsburgh. I was also at the simulcast this past weekend. Both times I was with women who have much grief in their lives. (Their stories are not my stories, so I won't share them here.) Both times Beth had us say a "commissioning" over someone. It was so difficult knowing what they had been through and are going through. But God knows their needs and has not overlooked them. I keep telling people I'm going to go to Chicago in September 2010 all by my little old lonesome so I won't know the person-next-to-me's struggle and bawl the whole time I'm trying to say it! I hope that they both treasure the words in their hearts. Thank you for posting this. I'm going to print this and give it to all of my friends and others that I invited and were there. May God continue to bless this ministry and all who work there.

  25. 125
    pinkdaisyjane says:

    I needed that today, thank you Siesta!

  26. 126
    Laura Beth Fletcher says:

    So sorry I missed the simulcast this weekend, but just reading these words were so encouraging to me! Thanks for posting!
    Laura Beth

  27. 127
    cheryl says:

    thank you I needed this today

  28. 128
    Kate says:

    Thank you so much, Amanda, for posting these beautiful words. During the simulcast, I was wishing that I could both speak these words over my sisters and write them down at the same time! You know how fast your mom talks, though, so the second one would probably have been impossible!

    Beth, I am so grateful for your ministry and teaching. You have a way of putting things into words that makes it so easy for me to understand and yet continually challenges me to be the woman that God has called me to be. Thank you for the love you show to all your siestas!

  29. 129
    vinedresser says:

    Me , my mom , my brother , and my sister-in-law enjoyed this event. We are going to try and make the event in Chicago next September. We laughed , cried , smiled , and learned a lot .. Thanks !!
    Wendy , Sue , Jaime , and Jesse Wendt.

  30. 130
    Hiker Mama says:


  31. 131
    another Beth says:

    What a great poem. Beth this was the 1st simulcast I've done, but have attended other events. I feel as if we have travelled the world together. This was an awesome message that came @ God's perfect time. I know this was a powerhouse because the defeat that came after the freeing was almost suffocating.
    So I hold fast to v8, Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it only leads to evil, I guess I forgot to just roll it onto Jesus. Thank you loved the cake it wrecked many diets @ work.

  32. 132
    Ginny says:

    OH MY GOSH I just can't tell you how awesome this weekend was for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it and felt you were talking right to me ( each of us felt that way) God has expanded some small thinking minds this past weekend and hope and pray we will continue to grow in Him.
    Thank you for all the web casts and the time you gave up for us to have this special time with you and most of all with our Lord !!!!
    Love you much
    Ginny ( Lewisburg PA)

  33. 133
    Andreea says:

    Thank you for posting this. Is there the possibility of the teaching being on CD or DVD (or maybe a digital download)for those who were not able to attend?

  34. 134
    Pat from Kansas says:

    Thanks for the post. What a great reminder for us to share with each other!
    God bless you all at LPM.

    Pat from Kansas

  35. 135
    Jennifer says:

    thanks for posting the commissioning! i was actually standing alone during the commissioning…i was the coordinator and was preparing to go up and make final announcements. anyway, i had a dear friend on my heart who was not in attendance, and i said these words to her. now that they've been posted, i can send them to her and encourage her!

  36. 136
    Anonymous says:

    Wow! I couldn't make the simulcast, and yet God just spoke to me through the post!
    Thanks for that.
    Kim Feth
    Apex, NC

  37. 137
    Kendall says:

    Amen!! Thank you so much for the encouragement. This past weekend truly was a monumental event in my life. All glory and praise to His name!

  38. 138
    Fran says:

    Thanks for this! I am still living and loving every minute of the simulcast- wish we could have more than 1 per year!!!!!

  39. 139
    Kelli says:

    Just had to tell you about my day…I was sitting in class, looked up, and the projector was made by "Da-Lite"!! God has a sense of humor ๐Ÿ™‚

    God is still speaking his message of Psalm 37 over me…thank you Amanda and Beth for being His faithful servants to minister to His daughters. His message and the commissioning was tailor made for this heart!!

  40. 140
    Lindsee Lou says:

    I have to say, I did love this commissioning even though I felt a little silly doing it with a girl I'd just met! Ha! I love it, though. Such great truth! Thanks for posting!

  41. 141
    Precious says:

    Yes, thank you for posting these wonderful words. How great it was to look in each others eyes to encourage one another! Great simulcast!!

  42. 142
    Vicki says:

    Thank you so much for posting this, these words really hit me at the conference, I'm so glad to have them at my fingertips

  43. 143
    Island Rider says:

    Thank you for posting this. I was crying so hard I couldn't remember half of what we said! The Simulcast was awesome and so many lives were touched. Thank you for your faithfulness to encourage and teach us.

  44. 144
    Alli and Erik says:

    This was a fantastic reminder of what I am to do! Thank you so much for posting it. My mother-in-law and aunt attended a simulcast…it was surely a divine appointment!

  45. 145
    Missy says:

    Wow…this fell right in line with my devotional today! Thanks!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. 146
    jackie806 says:

    Thanks for posting this wonderful reminder, Amanda. I am praying to delight in the Lord and I know he will give me the desires of my heart. This simulcast was a blessing to me. Praise God for Beth!

  47. 147
    Mary says:

    Thank you Beth for relaying truth so well. My two daughters and brand new daugher-in-law were able to attend LPL event in Green Bay with me. This was their first Beth "encounter" and they appreciated your relevancy and humor. "Caaaakkkke, Maaannnn, Peerfecct children". ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a blast! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for coming "home" to Green Bay.

  48. 148
    Shannon says:

    My Mom and I were in an argument and were so angry at each other we almost didn't make it to the simulcast. God brought us there some how and by the end, when Beth lead us in this prayer, our anger melted away…

  49. 149
    Evangelism Chick says:

    Sweet Beth and Amanda,

    Thanks be to GOD and my dear husband that I made it to the simulcast.

    What I've been wrestling with is a call to be an real-deal evangelist…only I don't want a paycheck or a platform. What I'm doing now in my day-to-day just doesn't seem to be enough.

    I was so encouraged when you said if a desire hasn't left you and you are in Christ that "something is UP!!"

    Patiently waiting,

  50. 150
    AbbyLane says:

    wow…i wasn't even there, but THAT was for ME.
    thank you

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