My ladies.
How are you? Ready for the weekend or what? So am I. It has been a long week, hasn’t it?
As some of you may know, one of my greatest joys in life is to sit around a table, coffee in hand, discussing biblical and theological issues. This is why my dream job is Research Assistant at Living Proof. Now most of my closest friends are not really into these sort of endless rants and I need them in my life because without them I would drive everyone including myself absolutely crazy. But, I am curious about YOU. So I have two questions to ask you.
What biblical/theological/doctrinal issue(s) do you wish you were more educated about?
What biblical/theological/doctrinal issue(s) are you tired of hearing people bicker about?
Talk to me. Each of you have your own unique voice. And I want to hear it.
P.S. If you were by any chance getting a little prideful about your baking skills and you need a power-packed dose of very sweet humility, check this out.

A lady who loves decorating cakes and who has five children under the age of 8 baked this lemon cake covered with fondant for her Esther study group. She was inspired by the work-book design. Look at the incredible detail. Not to mention the worn out work-book. Absolutely stunning. You are my hero!!!
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on Friday, June 5th, 2009 at 5:25 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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Dear Melissa,
Well, you asked… I am not really critical, love the church and yet in the last 10 or 15 years my studies in Judaism and the early church lead me to believe that the church of today might not look much like what our Lord intended. In sincere love for God and His Word, I am intrested in anything Jewish ( while I believe they also don't look like what God intended, He is still active for Israel and we have so much to learn from them ) and the early church the first 2 or 3 hundred years, when it was developing and changing from mainly Hebrew to Hellenism. I am a Sabbath keeper and am a Kosher eater, not leagalist just find great joy in following the Lord in these ancient paths…, Would love to walk this road with you.
As always, I love your posts. Thank you for prodding us to think more deeply.
Yes you do have a dream job! What a blessing from the Father above!
(1) I'm like a thirsty sponge and want to soak up everything I can about the Lord. One of my life verses is "I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings." Philippians 3:10
(2) Currently, I'm not tired of hearing any bickering. I left my "denomination" last year after 30 years, because of all the legalism in our church. My non-denominational church now is like a breath of fresh air, liberating, to worship without restraints.
The cake is AMAZING. And the lady is, too, to have that kind of creativity, and also little ones to tend to.
LOVE this question…
It's funny that, reading through these posts, there are many who don't want to hear anything about Predestination anymore. Sorry guys, but that's what I'm really thinking about a lot lately and would LOVE to hear your perspective on it. A few have said it doesn't really matter, and it doesn't as far as MY salvation is concerned, as I know I am saved. I've accepted Christ and try to live my life with him as my Lord. It's all about his grace. But it DOES matter if I know someone who has not been "predestined." When you really think about it, it changes who we believe God to be.
Now, I know that no matter what I believe, God is the same as He has always been. What I believe one way or the other does not change HIM one iota. It just changes what the Christian walk means to me, what I believe about His nature, and how I view people around me.
Am I babbling? I'm very interested to see what you have to say…
Thanks, Melissa!
Jen Harman
1. There are two things on my mind right now.
First, I'm reading Francis S. Collins' book "The Language of God" and it's got me to thinking a lot about the science/faith issue. I have always considered myself a creationist, I guess, but this book has posed some questions that I find challenging. I absolutely accept that we live by faith and not by sight, yet I find myself torn in a way because I don't want to bury my head in the sand and refuse to consider current scientific "evidence". He talks about Christians hanging their hats on the wrong issues and then finding their faith in crisis when the facts disprove their position on something. He is a theistic evolutionist, which I find very difficult to swallow because it would change the way you read so many passages in the Bible, wouldn't it?
Secondly, I wish I felt more confident about death and my eternity. I've said many times to my husband that I find it easier to trust God for my here and now than I do for my eternity. It sounds just horrible even as I write it, but it's the truth. I am afraid of death.
2. Hmmm…I can't really think of anything I'm sick of hearing about. As long as people are sincere and are willing to reasonably discuss something, I love chatting about "the big questions."
Thanks Melissa! This was great!
Wow!!! What a cake!!!
Im just sick of hearing so much debate on Pre-Trib, vs. Post-Trib. Yes, it does bear some thought, but the debate gets redundant. Are we REALLY to know?? Hummmmm…..???
Oh Melissa, how I wish you were my next door neighbor!
I suppose right now, I'm most interested in the "changes" from the Old to New Covenant. I want to know what promises apply and which ones don't and which ones apply but in different terms. I can't even clearly express what I want to know because I have such a limited understanding.
I'm not tired of an honest debate on any issue.
praying for the Holy Spirit to "show up during the service" I really have a hard time understanding this as the Holy Spirit is in each Christian so how does He not "show up" Perplexed
The ONLY thing I need more of is Jesus – his love, his grace, his mercy, his strength. Truly, nothing else matters. We are free in Christ – absolutely and totally free – and are bound by NO spiritual rules or standards or regulations. Salvation by grace through faith alone and the freedom we have by his grace are the only issues worth debating, and even then, we have freedom to disagree.
I'm sick to death of religion, including Christianity, of legalism, of spiritual condemnation, of people telling I have be sanctified and grow in holiness. I am a child of God – I am already completely righteous and sanctified and holy in Christ! I live in him and by him. I can do nothing on my own. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in and through me. I am not a 'sinner saved by grace' – I have been saved, redeemed, accepted, set apart, justified and sanctified and I am a holy one! I know who I am in Christ and won't let anyone tell me otherwise. Anything else is just not worth fighting for. Just give me Jesus!
I would like to know…what was it like for Adam in that moment of time when Eve had sinned yet Adam had not. One in sin and one w/out sin.
Is there a connection between the four living creatures like a lion, an ox, etc in Rev 4:7 and the same four lion, ox, man, eagle of the tribal banners Nu 2 that encamped closest around the Tabernacle. What is the signifcance in God teaching us this in His Word.
Thank You, Father, for Beth, Amanda, Melissa and their families. We are richly blessed by their devotion to you. We are grateful for LPM staff to work in unity to make it all possible. amen.
Oh, my goodness! The cake looks fantastic! I had tried Haman's Ears for my group, but no matter how hard I tried to shape them into triangles, they reverted into circles in the oven. But they tasted good. LOL!
As to your questions, I've always wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit and how to "put to death the misdeeds of the body" by the Holy Spirit.
As for being tired of hearing people bicker about a biblical/theological issue, I don't usually stick around when people start debating, if I can help it. I don't like confrontations or intense discussions. I guess that comes from being raised in a home where angry arguments were commonplace.
1. Would like to be more knowledgeable about the women-as-pastors-or-not issue. I have a firm stance but every time it comes up I am left gaping like a fish. Why can't I explain my position with smooth arguments instead of just pointing to the bible and saying, "Right here." ?!?
2. Predestination Vs. Free will. They're both in the Scripture and I don't believe they are mutually exclusive. Is it just me, or are women more accepting that they can coexist?! That is a legitimate question, not a male-bashing one. I just don't see many female theologians jumping into the fray on that one.
1. I would like to learn more about the different denominations. Where did they all come from and why?
2. I despise bickering. Period.
I am a p.k. (adult now) and I get physically sick at my stomach (literally) when I hear comments about, well, a lot of things. I love Jesus with all my heart. I attend a church of another denomination than my childhood. I was very young when God allowed me to know there was more to Him than I was seeing/being taught. Oh, I have a foundation in the Word I wouldn't trade for anything, but that seemed to be enough for the grownups I was around. Not me!!
I guess I am a simple minded girl. I want Jesus. Whatever He is. I trust Him to show me. Sorry, I just can't debate too much. I've seen too much hurt and division among believers.
1. Free will vs. God's will and plan for our lives before we are born.
2. Just about anything said as an abolute (except for salvation through Christ). Humans are not very good interpreters.
Pre-millenialism vs Post-millenialsim, vs Amillenialism…which is right? I was raised Pre-Mill. but now have learned that their are other doctrines out there. Also, pre-tribulation rapture? Most of my friends say this is a relatively new theory and is not biblically sound.
And then there is Calvinism…which is a major dividing thing in the church, and I'm sad to say, my own family 🙁
One thing I never quite grasp is that I know God loves me/us, but does He REALLY love me NO matter what I do? Don't my actions affect His feelings for me? I always hear in church how there is nothing I can do to make God love me more or less, but in the Bible, I don't get that. I KNOW He doesn't actually stop loving us, but…. this is where I am lost.
I think the thing I am most tired of is pre-trib, post-trib and so on!
I have long been struggling with with some "doctrines" that I was taught as a young child. I was raised in a church that beleived they were the chosen, the called out ones. They are Saturday Keepers, they keep the OT Holy Days as High Sabbaths… The refer back to the Ten Commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy" and have many scriptual references that say the Sabbath is Holy through all your generations…. Which day is the Christian Sabbath Day? I have moved away from this belief but it pops up at times and I beleive I still need to settle it in my mind and heart.
Thanks for asking,
Lesa Coberly, Holden LA
Thank you for asking,
Thank you for asking these questions. I love reading the comments. I have sooooo many questions myself.
I get tired of Catholic bashing myself.
Liz Hinze
Gladstone Or
1.I'd like to learn more about end times, prophecy, what's going to happen when, heaven….in terms I can understand.
2. I never tire of learning anything about God's word. But I do tire of hearing God's people bicker/complain. Remember it's not about us. It's always about the unsaved and how we can work together to show them the Good News.
1.How to die to self on a minute by minute basis. How to hear the voice of God,and know the path he has for you. 2.Not allowing creativity to flow from God and enrich our churches.
To drink or not to drink;
To swear or not to swear (cuss);
To smoke or not to smoke (cigarettes;
To mosh or not to mosh to questionable music.
Crude jokes and foul language have become part of our conversations esp among high school and college age students. Many see NOTHING wrong with any of the above.
So that's #1 AND #2 for me. Thanks
God's timing is so amazing…I have been rolling so many things over in my mind this week about this topic! Understanding the truth vs. acceptance of what I've been taught/told.
1 ~ A clearer understanding of our place as Gentile believers under grace not the law. I had a conversation with someone who felt very strongly that even into the New Testament that the law was for the Jews and the instruction to the Gentiles came with Paul ~ therefore those were the relevant teachings for us. (not that Jesus' were to be discarded.) I think I have a harder time accepting the grace (love) factors because of history in a legalistic church environment. Freedom seems elusive.
2 ~ The issue of secure salvation. I know this is a big one. Again, being raised in an environment where losing one's salvation was an issue…I grew up with a lot of fear. Fear that at any moment, one wrong thought or action could cost you eternity. That is a lot of weight for a young child (and adult) to carry. Obedience out of fear is never a healthy thing. Although I've made peace with it, and have sought good biblical teaching…it still nags at me as my kids begin to ask questions that challenge me.
Thanks for asking the question Melissa ~ sometimes just putting the thoughts to words is the catalyst to push us to self study and understanding.
Have a blessed week ~
Hi Melissa! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading some 282 comments and have gained a lot of insight from these smart siestas!
As for ques. 1: I am a Christian who loves the Lord and wants to know Him more and more, yet I enjoy a glass of wine with my husband at night. Even though God hasn't yet addressed this issue in my life, lately, I have been hearing many Christians who say drinking in any fashion is always wrong. I wonder what your thoughts are on this? Because my background is Baptist and I attend a Baptist church, the view of no alcohol ever is something I grew up with, but changed my thoughts as an adult.
As for question 2: I am a little tired of the debate on election- I know God is sovereign, and whether I was "chosen" or "chose God" does not affect my salvation at this point. But maybe I am not a deep enough thinker!
Anyway, thanks for this post- it's been so interesting!
I thought of a couple more things…..
Was Adam with Eve when she bit the fruit? The Bible says he was, but I have heard teaching both ways.
And, will we know our loved ones in heaven? Jesus said a woman would not be anyone's wife, but I have heard we will know people. I have also been in the room with loved ones and they said mama, daddy, etc…like they could see them and knew them.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks so much!
Shawn, Georgia
Not sure this falls under theology BUT I feel CREATION is under taught in the church today. Our church is focusing in on the Christian view of creation for the summer months and it is amazing in the adult Sunday school this morning how many strong Christians have worked evolution into their beliefs and they actually were very unaware of it. I believe so strongly that Genesis is foundational to our beliefs and if we twist and manipulate it our entire faith is on shaky ground.
I am teaching SS to grades 1 – 5 this summer. Today we touched on where humans come from and is there really a God. It was so fun to see their light bulbs click on and they got excited about the fact that they more proof that just the Bible to base their beliefs on!
I would like to know more about the balance between vanity and caring too much about appearances and style/fashion (sometimes in the name of looking "professional so we'll be received" versus not caring enough/being a slouch and calling it modesty…i struggle with this…does God really care if I have on the latest trend or have the newest style hair do?? Does that affect His ability to use me??
My heart goes out to the dear mom of someone struggling with homosexuality. You are not alone. I know how difficult and complex this issue is when it becomes personal. I would love to dialogue with others on this topic because I feel it is a much needed one that many prefer to hold at arms length. But if it isn't on your doorstep now, it likely soon will be. Not only do I have several Christian friends struggling to various degrees with this sin, but I also have a sweet little boy on our block who has two mommies. We live in a small town of 800. They keep him inside and away from people as much as possible because they fear him being teased and tormented.
As the body of Christ, we need to be ready to respond the way God would have us to. We can't hold it at arm's length anymore. It IS becoming personal. And, Satan is just waiting to take our uncertainty and whip it up into a frenzy of hate and stereotypes for his own purposes. It's not just about politics or taking a stand for what's right….we're all over that. It's when it comes down to demonstrating God's love to that neighbor boy and his family the same as all the others, or being willing to be that loving and godly friend to a struggling brother or sister…..that's where the rubber really meets the road.
Thank you Melissa for posting the questions! I love talking about my God. I too drive just about everyone (especially my man) crazy with constantly talking about Spiritual issues.
1)I just want to keep learning. The greatest adventure of my life has been asking God what He would have me read in His Word during my quiet time each morning! He has had me right where I need to be. (I took up this challenge after reading the book, "Walking With God," by John Eldredge. It has been an awesome ride and I have been so blessed by God's heart toward me in a very personal way. Try it ladies. It will strengthen your spiritual hearing as well as give you an awareness of just how intimate our God is with us!
2)Again, I just want to keep learning about it ALL. I hate to hear ANY bickering, but if we do, let it spur us on to finding God's heart on any subject.
After doing the "Daniel" study, I was spurred on to finish a Bible Study I had started on eschatology. I have since finished it ("The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church"), and feel I came away with a deeper understanding of end time events and feel more secure in what I believe. Which, consequently, is different than what I was taught growing up. Rev. 1:3 says, "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."
I believe those words are true of the whole Word. Whenever we study, particularly seeking God's heart on any theological issue, we walk away blessed and dare I say, definitely not dumber!
Awesome cake and I'm sorry I took so much space!
God's richest blessings to you all.
1. I would love to know more about the history in the Old Testament. (When I was doing the Esther study, I found it fasinating that men weren't allowed within 7 paces of a woman when she was by herself.)
2. End Times
PS: That cake is UH-MAZING!!!! I wish I had that kind of talent.
I want to know if my brother is going heaven. He is living a homosexual lifestyle. He asked Jesus into his heart when he was little. He's a preachers kid for crying out loud. He knows. He knows. Please tell me that my brother isn't going to hell.
I remember Beth mentioning a course in doctrine that she took that really inspired her. I think it was an introductory course that included many topics. That would interest me. I think we always learn new things as we study and review these principles.
1. Most interested in learning about doctrine of atonement, and blood sacrifices.
2. Most tired of homosexuality debates. (I am a member of a Presbyterian (PC-USA).
Kae H
Jacksonville, Fl
Hi, Melissa.
I'd like to know more…period. If I had to get specific, I'd like to know more about discerning God's will, thereby leading me to be able to confidently verbalize my faith and its foundation.
As far as arguments go, I'd like to see Christians myself included, LOVE one another rather than setting out to prove why the ways we do things differently or have different ideas makes one right and the other wrong.
I would love to hear more about whether or not WE CAN LOSE OUR SALVATION. Sometimes called "Falling from grace"
I am tired of hearing all the confusion about the gift of tongues and modern day prophets.
Thanks! 🙂
I am confused about praying in tongues. I was told recently that I need the baptism of the Holy Spirit and as a result I would be able to pray in tongues. But at Pentecost, scripture says that the disciples were speaking in the tongue/language of the people that were in the immediate vicinity. I know that the Lord answers my prayers, but I want to know will it make a difference if I pray in tongues. Also is praying in tongues the same as having a prayer language?
Thank you,
I am tired of BICKERING.
As a whole.
Any and all of it.
The end and amen.
I would love to flesh out more about the trinity. This doctrine, is so defined in the bible, yet sometimes left so undefined by believers….unable to enunciate one of the most complicated aspects of theology, yet THE most significant to our faith being different than other "lesser gods".
I am fascinated with the "remnant of Jews." Who/where are they? Are they today's Messianic Jews? Are they a hidden group? Are they Jews who will accept Christ as the Messiah at just the right time to call him back?
i don't know if this counts as theology, but i would love to learn more about old testament types and shadows of Christ. our pastor preached a little bit on that today, and i found it so fascinating. i would jump at a class teaching something like that. i'm a sucker for symbolism and parallels.
i'm kind of tired of hearing about the alcohol debate (or should i say lifestyle debate) as it pertains to being a stumbling block to other christians. i guess i'm tired of it because i don't feel like it's a debate, but a lot of people i know want to make it into one.
i liked reading all of these other comments! they gave me a lot to think about. 🙂
Oh Melissa,
This I could answer as fast as saying my own name. Girl, I know my number one is the TRINITY. I am going to study the Word and research mentions of the Trinity from Genesis to Revelation. So, I need prayer. 🙂 I knew I was going to research this even in January, but I've let myself be distracted with easier finds. But, I listened to Mrs. Beth's audio on John 1…she gave me a swift kick in the behind: she said we needed to be able to explain and stand as one educated in the Word. I so agreed with Beth/Mom {of course, you should agree when you get a spank'n}. So I will begin this summer. If you have ideas of books, please share. If I could go back many, many years, I would do the same college study as you. I hope you enjoyed it enough for the both of us. 🙂
And, number two: My darling Husband and I are wrapping up the Patriarch study {I know, my man is going through with his own workbook too. Don't you just want to read his notes on Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah/Rachel… I just want to peek, but of course I wont!} I've been reading other material as I'm going through this study. And this morning I was getting a little tired of who wrote Genesis. Boy, that was some heavy explaining.
So there are my one and two.
Finally, the cake! And yes, that is truly a cake but is more like art. And, I just thought, I have no excuse to begin my study on the Trinity…after all her hard work, it makes this begin to look easy. 🙂 I want to know did they eat it? And if so, where did they cut into it first? 🙂 I know, I know. I'M WEIRD!
Have a fabulous evening,
Oh my gosh Melissa….you have your work cut out for you answering some of these. Any I would have ask have most certainly been asked, so I wait for answers to these. It will be wonderful to see some answers.
Bible Bunny in NO MI
I would like to learn more about the customs and ceremonies of "back then" believers!!
I am tired of people fighting over legalism. We need to Love God and Love People (period). And if we do that, there will be no room for legalism.
One of the topics that I'm tired of hearing about is alcohol. Maybe it's because I lived in Europe when I was a kid (military brat) and saw that, for some cultures, drinking a glass of wine with dinner is as normal as us Puerto Ricans eating rice with dinner. So I never understood why Americans are so obsessed with alcohol. But what really bothers me is that so many believers enjoy talking about that person that has a bottle of wine in their kitchen or that person that they saw drinking a beer in a restaurant, but don't think anything about that person that uses a prayer request to gossip about someone or that person that talks about their spouse like they're married to an idiot. It's flat out hypocrisy. And when we condone it we're just a bunch of posers. We would all be well-served to hear more about what Scripture says about hypocrisy.
1. I guess the thing we end up debating most in Sunday School is free will v God's Will/Sovereignty.
And it's not really a theological issue, but I love studying Jewish tradition, OT festivals and their meanings ,etc.
2. Really tired of people bickering about end time events, the timing of them, etc…esp when they fail to walk in the Spirit in this current generation TODAY!
Great questions!
Russell, KY
1.I wish I had a better grasp on the timeline and history of the Jewish people and also their OT customs. (feasts, sacrifices,laws, the Passover…) I did both the original and the newer Tabernacle studies as well as the Patriarch study (I did Daniel and Esther and I guess those touched on those things too) and it just whet my appetite for wanting to know MORE!
2.I can't stand people bickering over Bible translations!!!
Oh how I've loved reading these responses!
1. Creation. Lately it's been a huge issue in our church. Who knew so many supposedly Bible-believin' Baptists don't hold to the literal 6 Days of Creation? I would love to be Ken Hamm and able to intelligently refute all the Carbon Dating, Fossil Record, scientific-blah-blah-garbage that people have more faith in than God's Word.
2. Like so many others, completely bored with the Calvinism vs. Arminianism debates. After all these years, the intertwining of God's and man's will is still a mystery. Can we not be okay with a little of that?
1. I'd like to know a couple things: First: How can people make such moral delemmas/issues out of things such as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Halloween. I participated/believed in all these growing up and it doesn't affect my strong belief in Christ as Savior. Second: With regard to gay marriage, I do absolutly believe what scripture says about homosexuallity. What I don't understand is how can we think we have a right to make a distinction between the rights of homosexuals and hetrosexuals(sp?)living outside of wedlock? This one's been on my mind alot.
2. I'm tired of hearing the whole argument about Santa, the Eater Bunny, Harry Potter vs. The Wizard of Oz (that one's a joke to me). Also, the ones about worship styles, Bible versions, the conversations that I call "I'm a better Christian than you are," Thanks for doing this, can wait to see what comes of it.
Lord Jesus, thank you so much for Tarah!!!!
Your response on the issue of homosexuality was beautiful. I work very closely with many who are gay/lesbian/transgender, and I just cannot stress enough how important it is to love, love, love. You may not agree with their lifestyle, but they are still apples in God's eyes. To anyone reading who has struggled with this, I ask you to please don't let your preconceived notions about what they "might be like" hinder your ability to love.
Thank you Tarah~ you had me hollerin' hallelujahs out loud 🙂
Part 1:
1A. I would like to be more educated about Heaven.
I did the "Beloved Disciple Bible Study" way back in 2003, and it shed some light on it, but I have wanted to know more about it ever since March 2008, which is when our precious Lord Jesus called my dear Daddy Home to live with Him/Them [trinity]. For example: Once the Lord Jesus picks me up off of His precious feet, what will we be doing [besides praising Him] ?
Is there a "wood carving room" up there where my Dad can carve things for the Lord's glory? [He picked up that skill a few months before He passed away, and it was almost as it he knew something deep down inside, as the last 3 simple carvings that he made were: 1) a lighthouse; 2) a cross; and 3) an angel, all made out of bass wood]. Are all of the Barbershoppers who found grace in Jesus [men who sing in either choruses – as my Dad did; or quartets] able to get together to sing to Jesus? Is there a "Quilting room" where my Mom can do her favorite hobby; machine quilting when she is called there ? Will there be children for me to teach how to read and write up there when my time comes, or the Lord returns, etc., etc ?
1B. What is the best way to memorize Scripture verses and their locations? Praise be to God, I can now quote some Bible verses, but I cannot always tell the person where it came from in His Word. I just know that it comes directly from the Holy Scriptures . . .
Love, in Christ Jesus,
Jennifer Olmstead
Southern Wisconsin
P.s. To Be Continued …
Part 2:
2A. bickering about theology =
Well, one thing that frightened me when I moved back to Wisconsin [after having accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior just a year or so at the time in Houston]. It was while I was searching the "new home church" where the Lord wanted me to attend, and become a member of when I realized that there are other types of Baptist churches besides Southern Baptist ones. And, there are not many of those here => =(
Sorry, I got carried off there for a few moments!
But, it actually was through my searching that I realized what some so-called Christian churches teach about salvation; and whether it was permanent or not. I recall running out of a large community church up here one Sunday morning, as an older person told me that "you could lose your salvation" if you did drugs or other "really bad things like it" after true faith filled acceptance of Christ unto salvation.
Then, thanks be to God, I talked to some of my friends from Houston [where I had lived for 8.5 years, and accepted Christ Jesus at the end of those years]. And, they set me straight, as well as looking through God's Word and comparing it to what our dear Miss Beth always states about it, as "once saved, always saved"; as if it weren't true, would Jesus have to come back and die on the cross again to save us from our sins ? I wish I had been more knowledge-able about the subject at the time, though, because I was nearly in tears, and just said, "That's not what my "former" Sunday School/Bible study teacher says !" Now, I know just to quote from Ephesians, etc., but I didn't know then.
2B. more bickering – about spiritual gifts as a whole and specifically whether the "gift of speaking in tongues" is really in existence any longer? And, which gifts really ARE the "Biblical/God given Spiritual Gifts" ???
3A. This one does not really "fit" your questions, but I cannot seem to figure out why the true Christian women here are So afraid of doing Bible studies that are "in-depth", like Miss Beth's ??? I feel the calling upon my life to lead one of her studies sometime, but I have never received any positive feedback from these ladies. It is always, "Oh, I wouldn't have time to do an in-depth Bible study, etc, etc."
And yet, I "cut my wee spiritual teeth" and started out my study of the Bible with Miss Beth's Believing God Study, and still do not think that I will ever be able to get enough learning in about my Lord and Savior here on Earth ! ! !
3B. Why do Christians in my general area seem to be afraid to mentor/disciple "babes in Christ"?
3C. Why do Christians here not want to try to memorize Scripture, individually and/or corporately ?
I guess I am just like your Mom, when she used to say, "Lord Jesus, You had better keep me on a key chain leash, with my face in Your Word . . ." Otherwise known as a "Bible crazy woman" =) !!!
Thank you for asking, Melissa …
Love, in Christ Jesus,
Jennifer Olmstead
Southern Wisconsin
Tarah your reaching out to me in understanding was an incredible comfort! I pray God uses you, in your compassion to touch many lives for His name's sake! Thankyou