My ladies.
How are you? Ready for the weekend or what? So am I. It has been a long week, hasn’t it?
As some of you may know, one of my greatest joys in life is to sit around a table, coffee in hand, discussing biblical and theological issues. This is why my dream job is Research Assistant at Living Proof. Now most of my closest friends are not really into these sort of endless rants and I need them in my life because without them I would drive everyone including myself absolutely crazy. But, I am curious about YOU. So I have two questions to ask you.
What biblical/theological/doctrinal issue(s) do you wish you were more educated about?
What biblical/theological/doctrinal issue(s) are you tired of hearing people bicker about?
Talk to me. Each of you have your own unique voice. And I want to hear it.
P.S. If you were by any chance getting a little prideful about your baking skills and you need a power-packed dose of very sweet humility, check this out.

A lady who loves decorating cakes and who has five children under the age of 8 baked this lemon cake covered with fondant for her Esther study group. She was inspired by the work-book design. Look at the incredible detail. Not to mention the worn out work-book. Absolutely stunning. You are my hero!!!
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on Friday, June 5th, 2009 at 5:25 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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Just the other day, a woman I met at church began talking about knowing the Holy Spirit in the "different dimensions- first.. second"
I was so scared that all this time I might have been in the wrong dimension?
What is that?
Geri K
Hi Melissa,
Most family reunion consist of cooking out, playing croquet or horseshoes, but not ours. Whenever my family got together for a family reunion it was a time for uncles and aunts to "discuss" biblical doctrine and the children had to act out a bible story. I remember the most debated doctrine and the one I wish I knew more about was:
Once saved always saved. Can a person be truly saved but never live a life pleasing to God?
I believe the bible was written by God with all my heart – but I have a hard time with Paul's writings. Are women not suppose to pray without covering their head. Where does Paul feelings and early church traditions stop and God's will start?????????????
more reseach/teaching that ties in with Jewish roots, such as the Talmud, etc. I think our understanding of the gospels would be so much richer for that
less focus on pre-trib, trib, post trib, it just matters that you're going to see Jesus!
I have the same answer for both. The spiritual gift of speaking in tongues and its "requirement" for salvation. Where I live this is an extremely divisive issue among churches. I just keep repeating that we are ALL ON THE SAME TEAM, or I would lose my mind! Thanks for asking!
1. Finding the Messiah in the OT. So many people think the OT is not relevant to today! (Beth has taught me some great insights, thanks!)
2. The Emerging church….how bad and evil it is…but then those people who are stuck in rituals and it goes back and forth…ugh!
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for asking!
I've heard a saying that "the more you know, the less you know." I'm a seminary student and even though I've been learning a lot in the past couple of years, it also seems to raise more questions than ever! Did you find this to be true at Wheaton?
1. I am pursuing a degree in clinical pastoral counseling, and so I am always interested in learning more about theology of suffering.
2. I am really concerned about the debates that take place over mental health issues. Mental health issues are not to be confused with sin issues. It is my prayer that the Church will become more educated in this area so that we are not adding to the burden of hurt. We need to walk along side our brothers and sisters who struggle with these conditions. That is why I am going to school- I want to be part of the helping and educating process. 🙂
Thanks again for your questions. I can't wait to hear your response to all the comments!
Columbus, Ohio
The doctrine of grace. I am very often consumed by the question of why so much grace, because it doesn't make sense, the relentless flood of it all. Seriously, that much God, that MUCH active grace, and us. The us is so small in comparison. Really why does He hand it out with such determined abandon?
Hi Melissa. Love the cake. Here goes:
1. I would like to learn more of the basics of Salvation — exactly what happened on the cross — and the Trinity.
2. I am so tired of the way some christians judge those of us who are divorced. I feel at time as if I am wearing a scarlet "D" on me. Only God knows the anguish, the hurts, fears and trials of those who are divorced. My ex left me for another woman and I tried to get him to reconcile and be willing to work out our problems. To be told that I can never remarry because I would be committing adultery is hurtful at best and mean in the least.
Some people apply logic where only God's grace should be.
I would love to know more about Church history–after John died, then what?
I live in Asheville, NC and I'm sick of the bumper sticker wars. From the Christian community and the Asheville community at large but here's a sample from the community.
"So many Christians so few lions."
The Darwin fish eating the Christian fish, that one is hugely popular here.
The Wiccan symbol drawn over a cross, that's another popular one.
"I'm a pagan and don't have to be forgiven."
"I'm gay and DOG loves me too." Yes, he surely does I always say.
1. My current learning focus is find true joy in life's journey as a woman when we have to be a wife, mother, sister, friend and so much more. Many times our lives do not have us where we want or thought we would be but yet we are to always be joyful. I don't just want to say I am joyful in all things but have the true fulfilling joy of the Lord.
2. I am tired of hearing Christians knock other Christians for their political choices. It is one thing to stand up for moral and Biblical issues but it is another to say someone is not a Christian because of who they voted for or supports.
I am curious about the fruits of the spirit! I am confused about speaking in tongues! Some people say everyone can speak in tongues while others say only a few do!
What Bible STudy did Beth talk about rib vs. spine issues?
Wow!!! I love this topic. I could sit around and talk with you for hours!! (My husband's nickname for me is "gumsmoke" (yes, you read that right) because he says I talk so much my gums smoke! Okay, I have really tried to curb this a lot and make sure my words count for something and are used to build up but I do love a good chat. Throw in some belly moving laughter and I am as happy as I can be. But this would be one of my favorite topics! I love seeing how our omniscient God put it all together. I love how He knows the details when we could not even fathom of such a thing even if we had the wisdom of Solomon. I delight in seeing the whole picture of things and just marveling over how gracious God is to let me see it while I am here on earth.
What I would love to talk about most…Prophecy (for the edification of the body), why I can determine to walk away from a sin and then find myself back in it again, prayer and how we play a part in the things of God. I could keep going for a long time…those just come to my head first.
What I am tired of hearing about: While I believe without a doubt we need the Holy Spirit daily; I am tired of the condemnation from man about this topic when the person speaking is inconsistent. Why is this topic seldom spoken with love and encouragement of the full, abundant life God wants for us instead of the mean spiritedness of I have arrived and you have failed talk usually given? Are we really in sucha competition with others that we cannot be encouraging? Yes, we call out sin but never inhopes of building ourselves up so others feel put down. There's my rant. I believe this world beats us up enough that we doubt everything…even our loving Father.
I don't know if I'm going to make any sense at all, but here goes…
1. I wish I had better background in "why bad things happen, and where is God when they do" sorts of things.
2. I'm weary of Catholicism vs. Protestantism.
(I DO have about 27 other topics, but by this time, I'm thinking you are full up on ideas!)
1. Prophecy just intimidates me, particularly eschatology. And I am leading "Daniel" and starting the second half this week. Plus doing the Precept study on Isaiah.
2. Anything the enemy uses to divide–worship style, legalism, and when people focus on what Beth has referred to as "rib" issues.
I guess I could give one answer for both questions. I would like to be more educated on, & would also like to hear less bickering about, if baptism is necessary for salvation.
Good God…I may not bake for a month..just gorgeous.
PLEASE tackle the Timothy verse about women not teaching and learning in all quietness. I once asked some of the Women of Faith this question and I've looked it up all over….just can't wrap my head around it. If anyone can tackle it…YOU can Melissa. Please help out a fellow loud-mouth-very-much-female-siesta. Thanks
I wish I knew more about this: A person has done something sinful & knows it. They ask God for forgiveness & they try to turn from that sin. They don't want to sin again, but instead they keep turning back to that same sin over & over. They ask God for forgiveness each time & ask Him to help them not do it again. What does this say about that person? What does God think about them? How does this affect their salvation?
Please explain how salvation worked before Christ's death on the cross. How were people saved before the resurrection?
Thanks, Melissa, for explaining what "biblical/theological/ doctrinal issue(s)" meant! Sorry I didn't understand it at first! Something I would like to be more educated about is if it is OK for a divorced person to remarry. (I guess people bicker about that a lot, too.) I'm not married yet, but when that day comes, I want to follow what the Lord wants me to do.
I'm not sure that I even know WHAT I would like to know more about! Everything! The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that I want to know more and more about it!
Some of the things already mentioned here bother me also. A couple are: Christians drinking alcohol socially and speaking in tongues at church. I think both of these things should be abstained from. The alcohol because we should "abstain from the APPEARANCE of evil" even though you may not be getting drunk. And the speaking in tongues because it causes confusion and in almost all circumstances is not done by the rules given in the Bile (no women allowed).
There are quite a few things that I do….or don't do….not necessarily because they are wrong but because they might be a stumbling block to my unsaved friends and family.
God bless you for giving us this forum Melissa. I love reading your posts!
I have been thinking a lot lately about several theological issues, but they pretty much can be rolled up in one question.
Why does God need us to pray? His will is sovereign, and I've been taught that we can trust God to bring about His desired result in any situation. So if He is going to accomplish what He wants anyway, why do we need to pray?
As far as what I am sick of hearing people bicker about is homosexuality. The bickering ends up communicating a lack of love for those who struggle with this issue. God is clear about His desires, and it's time to either operate within those standards, or to confess it as sin. It all must be done,though, fully supported by the love of Christ.
I've enjoyed reading all the comments and realizing how much I need to learn. Yeah, it's almost midnight and I can't sleep. Why else would I have this much time on my hands?
So, something I'd like to study in-depth is holiness. Not only God's holiness, but man's pursuit of holiness. Along with that pursuit come 3 adversaries: the world, the devil, and the flesh. So for good measure to stir things up, I'd enjoy studying more about whether or not man has a dual nature. If I have a dual nature, then why does Scripture say my old nature was crucified with Christ? If I don't have a dual nature, why do I continue to sin and not have my behavior match my identity? I desire holiness in my life, and perhaps a better understanding of my adversaries would help with victory.
I'm not really sick of any topic in particular. What grieves me the most is the TONE in which some topics are argued. The tone is what's responsible for most division. A good, sound debate is not a bad thing. The tone in which it is debated is huge.
1. For the past two/three years I have been learning about God's sovereignty and it has changed my entire thinking/view of who God really is. I wish I had learned more about this when I first became a Christian. I also wish I understood/knew more about Covenant Theology…
2. I am tired of the arguing about free will vs. predestination. And infant vs. believer's baptism.
Orlando, FL
I would like to learn more about how to tie the Old Testament into my Christian walk. I am very familiar with the New Testament teachings that sometimes I am not sure what still applies after Jesus' death. I also never get tired of learning more about walking in the faith. I have gained so much from your mom's Bible Studies that have actually enriched my life.
I get a little tired of doomsday predictions.
I DO NOT understand why the Jews are God's chosen people, yet they do not believe in Christ. I do understand there are "completed Jews" but I don't understand this and would LOVE an explanation.
What am I tired of hearing people bicker about?
Baptism issues
Not sure on the learning side of things but am really tired of the whole bickering/debate of the doctrine of election/Calvinism. If God only elects certain ones, why would anyone risk ever having children knowing one or more of them may not be elect and live only to go to hell.
Mine has to do with homosexuality. If someone feels like they were born that way and never asked for it. How do I, as their mother reconcile these two truths:
~ God knit him together in my womb
~ God condemns homosexuality
Just in case any of you dear women are standing in a judgmental stance right now as you read this…take heed I once was you and never dreamed the complexity of this issue or that it would be brought to my own doorstep. We see the "in your face group" of homosexuals in the media and up front. Not the suffering, immobilized company of silent sufferers with no answers from the church and greatly stigmatized by saved and unsaved alike. God has given our family this challenge and I long to know victory for His name. I'm still very much on the road of uncertainty with Him holding my hand!
1. I would like to know more about something that is taught as fact but never with scripture to back it up…whether or not the devil can plant thoughts in the mind of a believer. Is it possible? If so, how/why? Most of all, I would like to see the scriptures which state that a believer can have thoughts or dreams which came from the enemy and not from their own sin nature. My concern is that this is a belief based on traditions passed down through the generations, rather than a fact found in scripture.
2. I wish there was less disputing/division about gifts of the Spirit.
How very cool that cake is. She is my hero!!
1. I would like to learn more about OT history.
2. I am so tired of the end of times discussions. I don't really care how He comes back as long as I get to spend eternity wtih Him…whether He comes back before, after, or in the middle of the tribulation…or He comes back with no big tribulation/antichrist/mark of the beast…I know where I am going and that is enough for me. I have seen people not only bicker, but get mad at one another over this. Enough already.
I would love to know/understand more about grace. Just about the time I think I'm getting a handle on it, something comes along to remind me that I don't get it at all.
I get REALLY tired of hearing people bicker and complain about worship styles. I want to say, "GET OVER IT! It's not about YOU!" 🙂
Thank you Melissa for caring so much about us that you would ask us these questions.
1. I enjoy learning about grace, mercy, love, and salvation when it is drawn on people straight from the Bible. The study of Esther is a good example. I can't get enough of Bible studies that help me apply what I need to know in my life and walk with Jesus Christ.
2. End Time prophecy and the many interpretations that preclude any and all other discussions of God's Word for us in "this time".
St. Peters, MO
1. Okay, this probably isn't a popular answer, but one that I think so many people are scared to death to speak about…faith and its impact on our individual politics. You always hear, "Keep one seperate from the other," but is that really possible? Can a Christian in good conscience vote for someone supporting abortion, homosexual marriage, etc.? I don't think so, but I know a ton of them who did in the last election… Can the two, should the two, be seperate?
And I was so proud of myself for baking decent looking Haman's Ears.
As a life long Methodist I am accustomed to seeing women as pastors of churches, as district superintendents, even Bishops. I have a BIG problem with people who say women have no place leading congregations.
I would like to believe that "once saved, always saved" but what about a person who makes a profession of faith and later decides NOT to follow Jesus?
Thanks for sharing with us Melissa.
1. The book of Revelation. It confuses me, so I shy away from reading or studying it.
2. Catholicism
1. I would like to know more about predestination. Could it be that some of my family members are not chosen and are doomed to an eternity without God—–that they don't have a choice in the matter??
1 B. I would LOVE to know more about divorce. Under what conditions does God allow divorce? Is it adultery only??
2. I am sick of the arguments about contemporary music being "worldly" and even "Satanic" and that only hymns bring true praise to God.
Thanks for the question. I too love theological discussions and want to know more.
That cake is awesome!
1. I wish I were more educated on the context of all the prophets, major and minor.
2. I am really tired of the young earth/old earth Creationism debate. When all is said and done, it doesn't matter; salvation is not dependent on it. Yet some people are so virulent and horrible about it.
My biggest question lately is how to love your neighbor as yourself and not judge-yet,not agree with their sin and "tolerate" it….
How to find that balance!!!!!!?????!!!
Stand firm on your beliefs and not waver, yet be loving and non critical at the same time!!
Tricky! And I'm very confused about how to do both.
1. I am interested in the differences between the old covenant and the new one as well as the laws that were fulfilled in Christ that many Christians feel are irrelevant. I understand that we are not held accountable to certain things but what things are we? Ummm, like the sabbath day – that one has seem to have gone out the window these days.
2. hmmm, just one? predestination, end times, judging supernatural gifts of the Spirit as true or false, oh and probably divorce
I would like to understand better the chronology of the Bible. See the events in the order they happened with the prophets writing with it.
Great Questions Melissa. Hmmm…let's see…
What I wish I understood better. (and I have read and read, and heard many folks talk about it, including your dear Mother) is the power of prayer. I do believe our prayer is powerful and effective, yet so much of the time I feel silence in return. (No apparent response). I keep trusting and holding on..even in the face of loneliness and tragedy and hard hard situations I see for those around me, and even myself at times. I wish I understoond what prayer does, and why doesn't God just do His will, and if no plan of his can be thwarted, how does prayer make a difference? Will it protect my kids? Will it help my aging parents? Will it help me provide for my kids?
ok for number 2: hmmmm…. I am saddened by the things that make us denominational differences, I guess that is not theology, but in a sense it is. The church today seems so segmented and disconnected…that is why I love Beth's conferences. I wish we would agree to disagree and still extend the hand of fellowship.
I need your brain sweet friend.
I live in CT and my friends start asking me questions about God which seems exciting at first. I answer as many as I can and then I realize that a lot of people up here believe the same thing. There's a lot of deceptive "fluffiness."
The two main questions that are stumping me at the moment are. My friends views are the following "I just don't think a loving God would send anyone to hell. So Jesus can't be the only way to heaven. I believe God is real, there's to many coincedences that suggest someone is looking out for me. However, I refuse to believe in Jesus because everyone who does thinks that anyone who does not is not going to heaven and that's so judgemental.
The other one I get is why is the Bible different than any other book. It was written by people.
Dear Lord, Please give my friends a measure of faith!
Hi 'Lissa ,
Thanks for asking us our thoughts.
I've read just a few other posts and see some common themes.
As for me , I don't get tired of hearing of debates , simply because I DON'T live in the Bible belt and these important Biblical topics are not even mentioned. Sad.
As for alcohol… I am 51 years old and only on rare occasions do I drink alcohol. I use it as more of a sedative effect. We Christians I think can look down on ppl who consume alcohol , but what abour prescription drugs ? My husband of over 3 decades has left me and I have no health care insurance and can't afford the doctor and Rx's… but alcohol doesn't require a Rx. I also don't make any kind of habit out of drinking and getting drunk . It was Jesus who first introduced the wine at the wedding banquet as his first " miracle ". My ex husband ( who drank !! ) said HE was raised AND believed ( ?! ) that if you drank alcohol you WERE going to HELL – PERIOD. I asked where in the Bible it said that and he got angry and stormed off. I know we shouldn't be getting drunk , or having drink in excess…. but I also don't think it's the best testimony for unbelievers. We have to realize that ppl are WATCHING us to see how different we are from the world.
I really DON"t understand the issue of " tongues " and why some of us leave that part of the Bible out , like it doesn't exist , and why others say you have to be " baptized by the Holy Spirit ". I've never heard teaching on this. Would like to hear more. ( I've never spoken in toungues , never felt like I NEEDED to , and just wonder , to be honest ) .
And prophecy – I wish I knew which Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled already and HOW WE KNOW that. Some are plain to see , others , I wonder if thats still future or has it already come to pass.
And GOD BLESS YOU TARAH , I could have written your post too about living as a Christian and being so caught up in how out hair highlights are doing , versus , living our Christian lives in authenticity without getting caught up in the trappings ( LIKE : how our hair looks ! !! ) Seems like I'm in one world or the other but can't combine both ! So I have the same questions as my siesta Tarah !
Love you ALL !! XOXOXO
Melissa-thanks for invitation for this-I am sure this has been asked and have not taken time to read all. Speaking in tongues, and baptism of the Holy Spirit-some seem to think it's separate-I feel not. Alcohol also-know that was mentioned but have such a question mark about it-I am not a drinker but it seems like I hear more and more of friends or people I know drinking alcohol occasionally-I know not to over indulge but does it come down to personal choice-but what about those (christians) who do it in public…isn't that setting a bad example for others who are and are not???? Thanks again for this opportunity!!!!
I am sick of the very topic about which I'd like more biblical information. I am so over the prosperity gospel being taught/preached in churches and via media. I've experienced the "doctrine" used to try to guilt people into doing works to get material blessings. I have done some study on my own but would like more.
There is so little instruction about fasting. I would like to understand why it is important to God and how to combine it with my prayers so that they are more effective. It seems clear from reading the Word that the enemy hates it…. but, why? What is really happening supernaturally when I fast AND pray? I very much want to learn how to pray for others in a way that pleases my Heavenly Father and helps accomplish His purposes.
If we go to heaven the moment we die, why is there a resurection?
How many of our holidays are steeped in worship of false gods.
Exactly what is the 144,000.
Is the tithe scriptural, if so, then why only the tithe, why not all the other parts of the Law of Moses.
What the heck was Ezekials wheels?
I never tire of discussions about salvation, particularly with regard to how the truths of salvation influence our practice of our faith, both individually and within our churches. My father died recently, and I am plagued by well-meaning reassurances that "Surely he is with God in heaven, he was such a good man." I have never known him to be anything but hostile to any discussion of God or religion, etc.
Another area of discussion I am often lost in is regarding Bible versions. My denomination seems to lean toward NIV and NRSV, but I haven't found any position statement on the topic. My mother and I had a very uncomfortable exchange last fall, where she argued for the KJV only. (She and my father had been divorced >30 years) She belongs to a very strict Fundamentalist church, and she was well-armed with supporting facts, which I was repeatedly unable to comment on. It makes it difficult, nearly impossible, to have a faith-sharing conversation. When I want to share a verse that I find particularly meaningful, she pulls out her KJV, to evaluate if I am correctly applying Scripture. It's partly that it is done so stridently, and perhaps with a bit of self-righteousness. I avoid it now. So I guess, in a way, I am sick of bickering over translations. We (my husband, children and I) are Evangelical Lutherans, but we send our 2 eldest to a Jesuit high school, and my mother objects to their using a Catholic Study Bible in their theology class. (I feel so grateful that my boys are getting 4 years of studying Theology, and start each class with prayer!)
May God Bless you for opening this discussion. I never tire of thinking about these things. I can't wait to see what you do with all these responses.