World Autism Awareness Day

Dear Siestas,
Last week one of you alerted us to the fact that this special day was quickly approaching. Our minds immediately turned to a dear friend of Living Proof Ministries whose family has been touched by autism. This story is not about recommendations for treatments or medications. It’s a story about a miracle and we hope so much it will bless you today.

Today, April 2, is World Autism Awareness Day. This is an unusual day to celebrate, but this is a day my family can rejoice in. I have a wonderful 18-year-old son who has autism and is blessed by God.

When my baby boy was born he was the most unusual baby I had ever seen. He had a cone-shaped head, ears rolled up like a newspaper, a big bruise on his face from the forceps, and he was blue and wrinkly. And he broke my tailbone! But he was just what my husband and I ordered—a baby. We had lost our last two babies in miscarriages. Our son was perfect in our eyes and we felt he could do no wrong

As our baby grew, he did things a little differently—like crawling backwards, for example. He spoke languages unheard of and thought the rest of us understood. He seemed to go off into his own world a lot. At times he seemed not to see or hear, but other times it seemed like he could. By the time he was two, I still had not heard the word “mama.” I was pregnant with his little sister and had extreme morning sickness that lasted the entire pregnancy. We had his hearing and vision tested and everything was normal. Finally, my mother talked us into taking him to the local school district for testing. So my very pregnant self, my husband, and our son went to the testing center. I watched as my two-and-half-year-old baby boy was taken by some sweet ladies to be evaluated. After two-and-half hours, our son was returned to us and we were told we would get the results in a couple of weeks. What! I have to wait longer?

Over the next two weeks we determined that he was fine. He simply learned at his own pace. We just needed to work with him more and everything would be fine. I hate denial!

We went to the meeting with the school district and were bombarded with words we weren’t familiar with. Once we heard the phrase “autistic symptoms,” we never heard another word. We had no clue where to turn or what to do. We were given a mountain of papers to review and read. None of them was in everyday English and they told us to call if we had any questions. What I needed was a translator!

I sent the reports to our wonderful pediatrician and asked what it all meant. A few days later I met with her and she explained that our son had many symptoms of autism. However, the education and medical communities did not like to label children that young. I asked what we should do or where we should go. She suggested that I look at local schools for special children or at the school district’s program. So I began researching everything I could in-between bouts of nausea. (Remember, this was before the internet was in every home.)

I became very angry with God. I could not believe He would allow this to happen to my child. I told God to leave us alone if this was the best He could do. But Jesus never left our side.

Based on what we could afford and what the school district offered, we decided to enroll him in the district’s Preschool for Special Needs when he turned three. Little did I know what a blessing this would be.

Mrs. Trainer was my son’s teacher for three years and Ms. Donna was her faithful assistant. His first class only had 4 students. With the specialists who frequented the classroom, it was often a one-to-one ratio. Mrs. Trainer and Ms. Donna worked with the students and the parents. She taught us how to teach our children, helped us keep dairies of our son’s progress, and encouraged us through hard times. They were sent to us by God, I believe.

Our son did not make much progress at first and it was very frustrating. We began sign language and flash cards to try to develop his language, only to become more frustrated. He was now four years old and had echolalia, which means he repeated everything we said. It was like living with a parrot that mimicked everything he heard. He was not potty trained. And he never called me mommy except when I said it first.

Then God blessed us again. Our son got the worst stomach virus you could ever imagine! It lasted a week and I will spare you the details. Let’s just say I had no furniture or any clothes that weren’t permanently marked. He was given a medication to stop the vomiting and it worked after a week, but little did I know what was about to happen.

We had enrolled our son in a Stay and Play program at a local church so he would be around “normal children.” The week after the virus, his Stay and Play teacher stopped by our house to ask me what medication we had put him on. I told her we had not put him on any medication. She said that he sat during story time! And followed instructions! I drove her crazy asking every detail. I began to watch and pay attention over the next couple of days and I did see improvement.

I called the neurologist and asked what could have caused the changes. He wasn’t sure, but he told me about a medication similar to the anti-nausea medication that we might want to consider. Unfortunately, he said it had long term side effects. I hate these types of decisions. We tried the medication and our son began to communicate at first in sign, and then verbally. He became potty trained! And all those flash cards I used for years? He knew those words and how to use them! He made great progress between four and five. God helped us find what we needed through a virus. Only God could turn something so bad into good. Amen?

(While the use of medication was a turning point in our son’s story, we believe his progress came from a combination of many things. There is certainly no magic pill to cure autism. Using medication is a personal choice and one that does not work for many autistic children. The side effects can often outweigh the results.)

Our son started going to kindergarten part-time at age five. He was our district’s first all-day-kindergartner the next year. Yes, he went through kindergarten three times—and twice in the same year. He progressed with teachers hand-picked by God and me for the next six years. Don’t get me wrong, I was still mad at God. But God never left my side. How else would I have known what to do?

When the school district told me he would not be able to do this or that, we would just work on it at home or during the summer. We always had tutors and worksheets and projects outside of school. We worked on social issues and developed friendships. My husband and I worked non-stop and our son worked very hard. He always proved everyone wrong. He would exceed what was expected. He had teachers who encouraged him and friends who supported him, but mostly he had a God who loved and watched over him.

When our son was nine, my mother talked me into letting him attend Vacation Bible School at her church. She promised me she would be in the room next to his and would hand-pick the teacher. So, I let him go against my better judgment. God was so sweet to put him in a class with his best friend from school. By the end of that week, his friend and the VBS had taught him all about Jesus. So on a Friday night in June, 2000, my son asked Jesus into his heart on his bunk bed. Then he asked if we could go to church on Sunday. I said we would see. My husband wanted to know what all of this was about. I said, “Don’t worry, he will forget about it by tomorrow.” On Sunday morning, early in the morning, my son insisted and insisted and insisted we go to my parents’ church so he could walk the aisle and make his profession of faith. We went (again, against my better judgment) and at the end of the service my son pulled—and I do mean pulled—me down the aisle. That day my husband was saved as well. I was so angry at God for coming back into my home, I was crying. Everyone thought I was crying for joy. No, I wanted nothing to do with this! I was mad!

We went home and my husband asked what we should do now. And I told him either we do it all the way or not at all. So we began doing it all the way the best way we knew how and I worked through my anger with God.

The way Jesus worked his way back into our home was so sweet. We still had hard times and many joyful times as well. But God never left our side. This year my son will graduate from high school and attend college in the fall. We consider him completely healed by God and believe God has a glorious plan for the rest of his life. We cannot wait for it to unfold. We believe God has a perfect plan for each person He created. I pray that you will seek out the path God has for you and follow Jesus no matter where it leads, because sometimes what seems like a bad thing might be a blessing in disguise.

I ask that you lift up prayers today for all families that have children with special needs, but please say a little extra prayer for those with autism. May God bless you.

Siestas, we would love to fill up our comments with prayers for these families today. Our friend has a very tender heart for the mothers who may read this who have worked so hard, remained faithful to God, and have seen little or no progress from their autistic children. She shared with me her heartache for these parents who have such a difficult life. Please help us encourage these sisters with your prayers. Thank you ladies!


200 Responses to “World Autism Awareness Day”

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  1. 1
    Dee says:

    O God our Father, I come in the name of the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the faithfulness of the one who shared her testimony. Thank you for the tenderness of heart that she has for special needs and autistic children. Thank you for the miracle performed in her son’s life. Father, I ask you to look with favor upon the families of these children. I ask You to empower them with Your grace and mercy as they labor for their loved ones. I ask You for a miracle in the lives of these children as well. Each life is a miracle. Father, grant abundant strength to those giving the care in each capacity. You are our Strength, our Rock, and our Deliverer. Praise and Glory be to You, in Jesus Name.

  2. 2
    Shellie Paparazzo says:

    Dear God, thank you for this woman and her son. Thank you for the miracle in his life. I pray that you will do similar miracles in the lives of other autistic children. I pray for their parents as they struggle with what to do in each situation. I pray that you will guide them and heal these families. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  3. 3
    cdrosenbalm says:

    My eyes are filling with tears as it seems she was writing our story. My beautiful boy is almost 15. He is the most handsome, intelligent, quirky, gifted boy we know. He is the light of our life. It can be frustrating at times dealing with his specialities but we have never doubted his value and true blessing to us. We tell him regularly that God choose to make him this way and to devalue it would be to devalue God’s decision and wisdom. Thanks for letting us have a voice.

  4. 4
    Veggiemomof2 says:

    I can totally relate to the mom in this story! I absolutely believe God gave me a child w/Autism because I am so stubborn & strong-willed that it took my son to break me enough to come crawling to Jesus.

  5. 5
    Corrie's Blog says:

    Father, I pray for rest, encouragement, the mind of Christ and patience for my sisters who are parenting special needs children. I ask that you would work miraculously on behalf of these sweet ones, to the glory of your name, and for the encouragement and rest of our sisters. Thank you that, "As for God, His way is perfect…God is my strength and power; and He maketh my way perfect." 2 Samuel 22:31 & 33 In Jesus' name – Amen!

  6. 6
    Julie says:

    Father, thank you for the blessings You give us that don’t come exactly how we ordered them. Our Father always knows best. Please use this woman’s testimoney to encourage other Moms today. Work in ways for them and their little blessings that only you can do. Continue the good work that You have begun until it is complete. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  7. 7
    Kiki says:

    As I sit here with tears in my eyes, I picture the many faces of the students I work with who have Autism. I’m an occupational therapist for a school district and serve children and families who deal with this disorder on a daily basis. In fact, I’m on way to work with several of these special kids right now! Each child with Austism is so unique and has strengths in their own way.


    I life up the precious families and children who are affected by Autism. I pray for wisdom for parents when making decisions regarding medication issues and courage to trust to You. I pray for complete healing for each child. Your word says that You long to be gracious to us (Isaiah 30:18). Please pour out your grace on these families. In Jesus name, Amen.


  8. 8
    Tara says:

    Dear Redeemer,

    I thank you today for this precious mom’s testimony. Thank you for her genuineness and her honesty. And thank you for what you have done in her son’s life.

    I pray for all the families who are touched by a special needs child. I pray that their eyes would see them only as a perfect creation of You, knit together in their mother’s wombs without mistake. I pray that you would show them the plans that you have for their children and the lives that they will touch. And I pray that as they endure hard times, you would grant them your strength, your joy, and your peace. May they sense your power and faithfulness more than anything in this world.

    Thank you for children. Thank you for the blessing they are. Thank you for giving us these wonderful gifts. May we always view our children as such, no matter how you created them to be.

    In Jesus name,


  9. 9
    Laretha says:

    What a beautiful post. Thank you LPM for getting the word out. You are such a blessing! I posted about World Autism Awareness Day today as well. My 8 year old son has Asperger’s Syndrome. He is a joy and a blessing.

    To those of you who posted a prayer – I printed them. WOW!!!! Thank you!!!!

    I receive the wisdom, peace, and joy in Jesus name. Amen.

  10. 10
    likebrandnew says:

    Thanks so much for this post. My son is also on the “Autism Spectrum”. If I can offer any encouragement it is this…denial is not your friend. Once God finally revealed the truth (through evaluation and diagnosis) we were able to help our son thrive. Also, I have seen him over and over do so much more than initally anyone thought he could. Doctors can say what they need to say, but GOD created these precious children and ONLY GOD knows the plans for each one of them. I use 2 Kings 2:2 “As the LORD lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.”
    I am committed to my son Jamie’s health and happiness and it may be the only full time job I do forever. Thank you GOD for my destiny, it was not the one I wanted but one I will fulfill to the very best of my ability. To God be the glory!

    Estero, Florida

  11. 11
    BJ says:

    Lord Jesus, I simply ask for your peace to come into the homes of the families who struggle with still no end in sight, no visible hope of things getting easier. Lord, your word promises that your grace is sufficient for us, that your strength is made perfect in our weakness. I ask you to remember your promise and to perfect your strength in these homes so that your children might find their rest in you, might call upon you for strength, and might resolve to abide in your peace. Lord, I pray over the marriages in these homes. That husbands and wives would not be torn apart by the decisions and difficulties which come with children with special needs and I pray that you give each partner enough grace to pour out on the other partner day in and day out. Lord, I pray for the single parent homes and again, I simply pray for your strengh and your peace. And sweet Father, I pray the truth in Hebrews 12 over these families right now. That they would see the love and response in these comments and that the would recognize the great cloud of witnesses that you have surrounded them with. And Lord, I pray that they would not lose hope and simply keep their eyes fixed on you, calling on your strength and grace to continue forward. I pray your BLESSINGS upon these families, I praise you for the healings that have happened and I ask that you continue to do your mighty work. And Lord, I pray for your unity among believers. That whether we come from a family where your healing power has been displayed, or whether we come from a family where the struggles of a special needs child continue to overwhelm. I pray that you would bring us together through the bond of peace so that we might spur one another on for the glory of your name.

    We love you, Lord. And ask that your faithfulness continue to reign in our lives. Amen

  12. 12
    Susan B. says:

    Dearest Lord, thank you for the power of your healing touch – whether you heal us physically, mentally or spiritually. I pray for those today who experience all the problems associated with autism. For the children who struggle to be understood. For the parents who struggle to understand and ache with love for their children and experience frustration with circumstances. For special teachers, volunteers, grandparents, extended families who show their love in so many ways. Guide them, lead them, love them and never leave them. For we know that You are good and mighty. For nothing is impossible with you. Amen

  13. 13
    Nicole says:

    Lord Jesus, thank you for showing yourself in a miraculous way to this family. You are the Giver of miracles, and we praise you, Father! I cannot imagine what these families with special needs children go through. Lord, please show yourself to them in a HUGE way. Give them ears to hear you and eyes to see you. I come boldly before your throne to pray for a cure for autism. For Your glory. Amen.

  14. 14
    Anonymous says:

    Father God,
    I lift these moms up to you. I pray that you reveal yourself in the simplest of ways to them. Let them experience you in all the big and small joys every day. And much like the testimony shared here–may you call all of their precious children to you.
    Father–in your infinate wisdom–you have a purpose for each and every one of your children. Allow your perfect peace to comfort these moms through that knowledge.
    In your son’s most precious name we pray!

  15. 15
    roxanne worsham says:

    Gracious and Loving God,
    Your ways are so much greater than ours; Your thoughts of us are precious. In the midst of battles, trials, and tribulations, it is so hard to be still and know that You alone are God and that You are working things out for the Greater Glory! O God, quiet us with Your unfailing love and give us the peace that passes all understanding.
    I especially lift up families with autism up to You. Strengthen them for any battles they may face. Comfort them in times of trouble. And Father, we ask for Divine Healing for any broken pieces in whatever way they manifest themselves.
    You are the God of more than enough who is sufficient for all.

    God, none of us know what “normal” looks like because each of us born of this world can’t even imagine what life and living is really like. But one sweet day, Dear Lord. One GLORIOUS and BEAUTIFUL day, when we look upon that BEAUTIFUL face… we will know. We will be transformed in an instant. All of life’s mysteries will be revealed and we shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever and ever.

    Help us to cling to that hope and promise while we wait. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on the prize of King Jesus. Help us cast off all the sin that so easily entangles us, the weight and pressures of this world that hinder us from running our race with endurance. Bless those who need a double dose of encouragement and hope this day. Give them more than enough.
    I ask it in the name of the Living Lord, Jesus.

  16. 16
    Jamie says:

    O God, we know through Your Word that You will keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are fixed on you. We thank You for being with the families of special needs children, especially those with autism. We thank You for the moments of progress and hope and for the sure knowledge that You are always with them. We lift these families to You and pray for Your blessing of strength, courage, and perseverance in their lives. We fix our eyes on You, Lord God and pray to You in the name of Your Son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

  17. 17
    Shelia in Alaska says:

    My brother was born with and lives with autism so I saw how things changed over the decades. He also has scoliosis which does not helpt things. When he was first attending school back in the 70s, WV had a special school for all those different than the main stream. That meant he had to ride on a bus for an hour each way and he was around only people with various handicaps and NOT allowed to interact with students at regular school. Then years later the rules changed and all handicap students were integrated into regular school and not only was he made fun of but so was I for being his sister. Kids are sooooo mean and stupid at times. He survived the meanness and graduated even before I did since I took a different path that delayed my graduating. He is highly musically talented but was turned away as a kid from professional training due to the autism and that teacher’s fear of dealing with a “retarded” kid. I am glad that word is being fazed out of society since it does not portray a person appropriately. The cutest story about him and his tenacity that I will tell of many, many years ago…one day he was at a class in a different city and missed the bus that would take him home. He walked to each bus stop to try to catch the bus at that stop since he had the bus route times memorized. The problem was that had not gauged how long it took to walk to each stop. When he did not arrive home at the regular time, my parents asked the police of the city he was in to locate him. He was found waiting at a bus stop and my parents were called that he had been found. When they talked to him they asked why he did not use the quarters he had in his pocket to call them, he sweetly said those quarters were for the bus not for a phone call. From then on he carried both bus fare money and phone call money. He has a job, a girlfriend, and lives in an assisted living home. We do not keep in touch as much as I would like due to the distance between Alaska and West Virginia but I am truly proud of him and how he overcame the mean world.

  18. 18
    Gayla says:

    Lovely, sensitive post. I wonder if anyone might be blessed by reading my recent post about my friend’s son and his breakthroughs w/ autism. If so, here’s the link:

  19. 19
    Adrienne says:

    Most Holy God, you know the emotions and fears of each of these parents. I can not imagine the overwhelming feelings they have each and every day. But Lord, you also knew us before we were formed in the womb. You have a plan for each of us. I lift up these precious mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers to you. Give them wisdom as they make decisions regarding education, medication, social activities, everything their child will need. Give them strength when they have none of their own, and give them refuge when life gets too hard. Thank you for your unending mercies which are new every morning.

  20. 20
    LeslieinTN says:

    I’m sitting here with tears of joy at how BIG our God is! I loved reading this story. I will definitely be praying for parents of autistic children and special needs children today. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  21. 21
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Father
    Thank you for this opportunity to lift these dear parents who have been blessed with an autistic child. We know that you “deal gently with those who have young” and we know that you have a special blessing for each of these parents. I pray that you would help them to feel your Presence, surround them with your Love, fill them with Your Spirit. Give them patience, grace, joy and love in abundance as they parent their precious child. I ask that you give them a bond of unity in their marriages and a special communication and love for their spouse, over and above the natural love. And “may the God of hope fill each one with joy and peace, as they trust in You, that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
    Bless and protect them. In Jesus Name.

    Diane, Canada

  22. 22
    Rosalye says:

    Heavenly Father, all praise and honor and glory belongs to You. You are our God Who loves more deeply than we can begin to imagine. Thank You that through the precious blessings of children we can somehow begin to understand the great love You have for us, Your children. And thank You that You use all things we encounter to teach us of Yourself and to make us more like Your Son. Father as our hearts break when any difficulty arises in the lives of our children, we know that Yours breaks, too. Yet You know best where all of us are concerned. Lord, I pray for these parents and children who are facing autism. May they trust You completely as You work Your mighty power in their midst. Bless them with Yourself, give wisdom, strength and insight as they face each new day. In the NAME above all names, Jesus.

  23. 23
    Ann says:

    What an amazing story of God’s blessings. I pray God will continue blessing you and your lovely son! Thanks for sharing your trials and triumphs with us.

  24. 24
    Brandy says:


    I pray for every mother and father of a child with special needs, especially those with an autistic child. I pray that they would take comfort in your words in Romans 8:28, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”, and I pray that you would bless these families. Help them to know your peace and give them the strength to make it through all of the difficult days.

    In the name of Jesus, Amen!

  25. 25
    Grumpy Momma says:

    How funny that the first time I ever found this blog, its about autism. My 3 year old son has an autistic spectrum disorder, and its something we’ve been praying about a great deal lately.

    many more prayers for those who aren’t seeing the progress their autistic children are making, and those who wish for faster progress.

    What a wonderful letter.

  26. 26
    The Q family says:

    This story is such a blessing to me. I have a son who is 3 and has “Autistic symptoms” as he does not have an official diagnosis at this point. It has been a long road, but I see progress being made through wonderful therapists God has placed in our lives. My Joshua fights everyday for what is so taken for granted by most. Thank you for remembering all of the people, young and old, who struggle through Autism today. Thank you for your desire to pray our families through it!

  27. 27
    Tamara says:

    Father, you have amazing plans for all you create. I lift up those parents who have special needs children today – especially those who have childrenw ith autism. Be their source of strength in challenges and their source of joy in all they do with their children. Thank You fo rthe way You work in all situations to bring glory to You.

  28. 28
    Carla says:

    lord of wonders I kneel before you as one who has been so richly blessed with healthy children and 2 grandschildren. Father I don’t know why things happen the way they do other than to recognize that you are in control and have all knowledge of what we are to take into our lives. I pray that your sweet love, peace, comfort, and patience upon all thise who have children with any kind of disability but especially autism. Remind them that all are wonderfully made and touched with your love. Help us O Lord who are not under this kind of pressure and extra strain to not forget those who are. Your special blessings and hugs I pray upon thses sweet families. In the name above all names,Jesus! Carla

  29. 29
    Marilyn says:

    Sweet Jeaus we bring to you today chilren and their families who are affected with this illness. We ask you show and reveal yourself to them in away they receive the help and assistance needed. We ask they are filled and surrounded by your sweet warm Spirit with love and peace. We call upon Jehovah Rapha to bring healing not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. We ask for your wisdom in research and information to aid in sharing knowledge to those affected. We thank you that you are God and you have a plan and purpose for every life, we pray your plan be fulfilled bringing glory and honor to your name thank you Jesus in your name we pray

  30. 30
    Brittanie says:

    I do lift up these families with special needs children. I pray that God bless their lives with love and joy. Thank you Lord for everyone you put in our lives and thank you for keeping us close when we want to wander. Thank you Lord for all!!

  31. 31
    Lee says:

    There are women who need so desperately to have a word of HOPE. May today be the day that your Spirit falls fresh on them. Only you can wrap up a Mama’s heart and minister peace that lasts more than a moment. You created us to be nurturers and yet that is the very thing that drives pain straight into our hearts….oh’ that you would minister your grace to those who are up to their elbows in the world of a special needs child. Lord,bless them as they serve in a thankless situation. Lord, meet THEIR needs for affirmation, security and hope for their child. Thank you for being the firm foundation for their times, for their children. Oh’ Father, breathe strength and life right into those who need it most today. AND oh’ that you would choose to heal today. You touched and healed from dawn to dusk, Lord Jesus. Please touch and heal those we love, today. You are our future and our hope and we offer you our praise and thanksgiving today, in your Son, Jesus’ name.

  32. 32
    Anonymous says:

    Oh my dear heavenly father. I thnak you so much for this family’s story , and I pray that this ver yday you will bless other families that are struggling with this issue. I know you are an ever present help in time of trouble

  33. 33
    jill says:

    Dear Lord, I humbly come before you and ask that you bless the children who have autism and their families. Let them feel Your presence in a tangible way today. Give them courage and strenth to perservere through difficult times,wisdom and knowledge to make decisions, and a shoulder to cry on. Wrap them in Your loving arms and let them hear Your voice above all the voices in the world. In Jesus precious name. Amen

  34. 34
    Taylor says:

    Oh Lord, there is none like You! You are our Redeemer, our Savior, our Deliverer, our Mighty Fortress, our Rock, our Refuge, our Stay, our Confidence, our Life, our Joy! I pray, on behalf of every weary parent in this particular area that You alone would send Your very Presence to be their Everything…and we know that You are always more than enough! We love You, we praise You, we bless Your name, Jesus, amen.

  35. 35
    Annette Monts Falls says:

    Thank you for posting on World Autism Awareness Day such an amazing witness. Beth, I thank you dearly, and for the asking of pray for families of special needs. I appreciate all the prayers I have been reading here as a special needs mom to an almost 24 year old man who has severe cerebral palsy. His name is Clay. Clay has definitely been molded by the hands of God; what we did not realize was that everyone he has any contact with, in any aspect, is also being molded by the hands of God for reasons we do not yet fully understand. Nor can we comprehend. We are all His vessels; some seem perfectly shaped and formed, others are more obviously flawed, some you have to pick up carefully, under great scrutiny to see that cracks really exist…..will we ever be perfect vessels on Earth? I have learned and continue to learn, that Our Heavenly Potter shapes us to be the vessel He has chosen us to be….it is a challenge to learn that for ourselves; that we accept the flaws, the cracks, the unknown imperfections that we happen upon in life. Those flaws in ourselves; those flaws in other individuals. It is all still a work in progress, sometimes the wheel spins slowly, other times so fast it seems out of control. I imagine those Divine Special Effects are being perfected in the skilled hands who makes all things possible. I am grateful for the supports, the prayers, and the love through this blog; especially, today for the mamas chosen to care for the various, individual vessels upon His potter's wheel, shaped by His Perfect and Mighty Hands! love & hugs…..Annette & Clay

  36. 36
    Anonymous says:

    Lord Jesus, thank You for being the God who never leaves us or forsakes us. You are our ever present help in time of need. I lift these families up to You and ask that You overwhelm them with Your divine presence and provision. I ask that you tend to their needs and strengthen them in your perfect love. I pray your healing power be on each and every one of them and these children grow in wisdom and stature and are able to live powerful lives that bring You glory. In the all-powerful name of Jesus Christ.

  37. 37
    Lovesgarlic says:

    Hi Siestas

    Thank you for the wonderful prayers, prompted by such a post on autism. It is so touching to have our needs lifted up in prayer.

    Autism entered our life 2.5 years ago and we are fighting our way up and out of it. This group, although not specific to autism, has been a source of encouragement to me. You see, we had some horrible things happen to us at a church because of autism. We left and our very spirits were crushed within us. So deep was the betrayal that we left the church and gave serious thought to never returning.

    It has been a BATTLE to find our way back to a loving relationship with God. And you, although you didn't know it, were along for the ride. This was the first "christian" group I joined after the endless weeping stopped. The summer bible study was the first re-entry into talking again with other christian women – and believe me I was scared! The scripture memory too, it has a role in changing my mind, helping me to forgive, helping me to find peace again.

    Thank you for remembering the many mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents and friends that are impacted by autism. Please be extra kind to them! I meet many moms who have our same story and have fled the church in tears. May the rest of us go the distance to pray & care enough to see them brought back.

  38. 38
    InHisGrip says:

    Father God, we thank you that each child is such a sweet and precious gift from You. You have each of their lives in Your hands and the plans that You have for them are perfect. Lord, we lift up these beautiful children struggling with autism and ask that You would comfort them this day. May you surround them with Your Presence and allow them to know Your nearness. When everything else seems so confusing for them, may You be their Rock, their stability, their strength. Also, for the families, may you pour out Your love over them today. Help them to not be angry or discouraged, but bless them with hope. Send people into their lives to help them and encourage them and allow them to love on their children when it seems most difficult. Father, we thank you, we love you, and we ask this in the blessed name of Jesus.

  39. 39
    Anonymous says:

    Lord God, I pray for Tara today. Lift her spirits, please, and bless her family. Show her daily how to love you deeper and lean on you harder, and please bless her children with deep relationships with You. Please encourage her husband in a special way today. Bless him, Father God. Develop their autistic child into the man you are calling him to be.
    Thank you for caring for each of us so very personally.

  40. 40
    sarahpearson says:

    Lord we will glorify the King of kings! Bless you Father for all of your precious created ones. Bless these families who have extra needs and help them Father, to realize their need for You. I remember teaching 2nd grade and the sweetheart Willy who was autistic, Lord, You used him to dig deep into my heart. What a blessing He was! How grateful I am that you continue to heal his mind and body. Thank you for the adults and children who befriend autistic people. Help us Lord to see them as You see them. Thank you for life. Oh how we love you.

  41. 41
    KR says:

    Lord, What the world calls defects and deficits, you call perfection. We know that you create each life and you do not make errors. I ask that you strengthen the Momma’s of special children, may they hear from you and receive their direction from you. May you console those who are told or feel that their child is “less than.” Give them the courage to receive their accolade from you…you notice all that they do. Anoint those that care for the children and those that have influence on the parents. May they only receive Godly encouragement. Please Jesus, settle down the children that act out violently…or give the parents the ability to see the outbursts as you do…just energy cutting loose. Give all that wrestle with this tough road the courage to walk with you. May it be to your glory, this holy week coming that those who pray for their precious ones would see your hand of healing. Resurrect sinking spirits and revive heavy hearts. In the mighty and all healing name of JESUS the CHRIST!

  42. 42
    Mitzi says:

    Thank you for that wonderful testimony.

    I have a 5 year old with autism. I read this just after getting a message about his IEP for next year, (Kindergartern) and the cuts that will be taking place in special education and the parapro cuts in our finacially struggling school district. I have wanted to write something on my own blog today about Autism awareness day and Autism Speaks, but just don’t have the words today. It is so good to read a story of someone who has walked through this particular fire and come out on the other side. I am praying for all the other families in similar situations today.

    God Bless.

  43. 43
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Father God, We come to you first to praise You for your awesome mercy and grace that is present for us in our time of need. We lift up all today whose lives are touched by autism. May Your mercy and grace wash over them today. Help all to feel and see Your loving arms around them. Please work mightly and tenderly in all these situations. We ask this through our dear Jesus Who is Himself interceding before Your throne. In Jesus’ Love Kathy Knoblock

  44. 44
    Marilyn in Mississippi says:

    What a sweet, sweet story! Thank you Beth for sharing your friend with us!

    I pray that each family touched by autism will also be touched by God’s tender loving hand!


  45. 45
    trinna says:

    Father, thank you for miracles of the body and the heart! Thank you for precious children. Please make your presence so evident in the lives of autistic children and their families. Be their strength and guide them just as you guided the woman who posted today. Bring healing, comfort, and friends to support them on their difficult journey.

  46. 46
    screamofcontinuousness says:

    Lord, I don’t even know what to say. Parents who have this burden to deal with leave me in awe. I can’t even imagine the anger and hurt they must struggle with, but You alone Lord are able to help them through it.
    Lord bless them. give them peace that goes beyond anything the rest of us can understand.

    And help the rest of us to not shy away, but to hug, befriend and lift up these families as we encounter them in our daily lives.


  47. 47
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Dear Father, I thank you so much that You are the Alpha and the Omega and that our stories, the simple, beautiful narratives of our lives are couched between Your “Alpha-ness” and Your “Omega-ness.”

    Please, today, dear Father, let our Siestas who are caring for Special Needs Blessings – especially those who live with autism – Lord, remind them that they’re surrounded by You – You’re the beginning and the end and You are the Author of everything inbetween. Remind them that their children and their children’s stories are in Your hands and Your heart – the safest place they could ever be. Please gently remind them that their children aren’t “different” or frustrating or exhausting to You. They’re perfect.

    In Jesus Name.

    Warm in Alaska

  48. 48
    Anonymous says:

    Praise the Lord for His unending faithfullenss, my daughter the original ADD kid, now a school teacher with a heart for each “wild child” she encounters. May the Lord bring you family full circle with complete redemption and healing.

  49. 49
    Lori says:

    Father God, You are Awesome! I praise you for this testimony and your guidance and blessing on this family. I pray for those I know, as well as those I don’t know, who are struggling to raise children with autism. Your blessings and plans are played out differently in different situations and families. I pray that you will sustain, protect, guide, and pour you love over these special children and their parents. May they each truly know that You understand their journeys in this life deeper and far better than any other could ever; and have your way. Be glorified. May we honor, praise, and trust you. We love you.
    In the Name of Jesus, the Christ,

  50. 50
    Lynn says:

    To all the mothers who are reading these comments…. especially those with children with special needs

    I am a Catholic nun. I LOVE children… but God’s plan for me doesn’t include children of my own. So… I feel like all children are mine. I am praying for all of you who desperately want children and have none, for those with children who are sick or dying or with special needs. I pray in thanksgiving for those who are blessed with healthy, happy young ones, and I pray for those children who are abused and neglected.

    This is my humble offering for the Body of Christ. Today I pray especially for those who have the blessing and burden of a child with autism. Our God is mighty to save…He is with you.

    Sister Lynn

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